Chao Yang, Lu_ M.Arch Portfolio

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Relativism 20-


C h a o -Ya n g, Lu

Por tfolio

Selected works for application



Chao Yang, Lu Taiwanese

1994/ 12/ 29

By extracting, strengthening and abstracting the vital essence in architecture, the construction of space experience can be a resonant process by desiners and users. This process enables one to discover one’s true value between concept and practice , which has always fascinated me.


Chap t er 0 | Cont ent


Ch a p ter 1

I n t r o : Te n g a i t a n Th e a t e r

C o l l e c t i o n 01


Ch a p ter 2

R e- : D o cu m en tat ion

C o l l e c t i o n 01


Ch a p ter 3

Et e r n a l


Ch a p ter 4

Mind -me a nder ing : A n



Be gi n n i ng


Ch a p ter 5

Su pe r im p o si t ion

Collection 02


Ch a p ter 6

K e -L o o Y i o

Collection 03


Ch a p ter 7


Collection 04


Suppl emen t



: Circu l at ion

of t he end

yo u i n t h e m i s t

wor k s

a n d c o n s e rva t i o n

i n t e ng a i t e n bl o c k

a dva n c e d wa y o f s e e i n g

C o l l e c t i o n 01 C o l l e c t i o n 01 C o l l e c t i o n 01

Collection 05


Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion |

C ollec t ion 01

Dream Of Peony Pavilion Reviewing the dramatic spatial property ?

< Project type > < Keywords >

: Architecture

: Stream of consciousness / Way of seeing /

Subject and object / Artistic conception

< Time >

: September.2017-May.2018

< Location >


: Old Quarter Taichung, Taiwan

C h a p t e r 1 | I n t r o : Te n g a i t a n T h e a t e r

Chapter 1

I n t ro :

Te n g a i t e n Th e at e r

We never look at just one thing; we are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves.—<Way Of Seeing>John Berger

Seeing comes before words, what is your usual way of seeing? Being the "subject" of our own self-consciousness and the "object" of others, we realize our existence through knowing that we're being observed by others. However, when our existence blends and disappears amidst society, what kind of perspective should we use to view and examine the upcoming future?


Dr eam o f Peony Pavilion |

Site Analysis


C ollec t ion 01

C h a p t e r 1 ď˝œ I n t r o : Te n g a i t a n T h e a t e r

A naly sis of traffic flow

New Taichung Railway Station The new Taichung railway station, which was completed in October 2018, reversed the flow of people back into the old quarter of the city, flourishing the area.

TAROKO Mall TAROKO Mall has been around for over ten years. It is a popular location for the locals to spend their weekends.

Old Quarter Of Taichung

A n a l y si s o f p e o pl e fl o w



Traffic flow


C o m m e rc i a l D i st ric t s / Mainly tourist and students in this region Tourists


R e si d e n t i a l A re a / Mainly local residents in this district Local residence

Population distribution

Old Quarter Of Taichung


People flow

Three factors for Tengaiten as an ideal site 1. The new Taichung railway station rever sed the flow of people back into the old quar ter of the city, flourishing the area.


2. Application for cultural heritage has failed repeatedly in the past two year s.


3. Tengaiten is situated right across the new Taichung railway station, which is visited by approximately 20 thousand people per day.






A B C D E F G H Residence.


Derelict buildings.







Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion | C ollec t ion 01

てんがいてん げ き じ ょ う の 歴 史





2012-2016 1975-1993



Chap t er 2 ď˝œ Re- : Document a t ion and c onser v a t ion

R e- :

Chapter 2 D o c u m e n tat io n

a n d c o n s e rvat io n

From once being the culture hearth of Taichung old

quarter, to the current state of being in-between ruin and culture heritage, Tengaten had been through multiple changes in program and status in its 80

years of history. At the same time, the coexistence of Tengaiten and it's surrounding block makes the area more complexed and diverse,resulting in the gradual increase of many issues.

The coexistence of Tengaiten and it's surrounding block influences the area more complexed and diverse.


Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion ď˝œ C ollec t ion 01

Issues in Tengaiten block / Lose the order of architecture The lack of architectural order in the surrounding block of Tengaiten is the direct result of it's histor y. During the past 80 year s, land rights of the site had changed multiple times and it's program divided hastily without much thought. This condition also reflected on the lifestyle the local residents.

Road blocking steel fencings

Overgrowth of Weeds

Narrow alley

Accumulation of personal clutters

Illegal structures

Unclear land rights

/ The forgotten inner part of history Throughout its histor y, Tengaiten demonstrates the different possibilities of what Taichung's old quar ter could be. Yet, as histor y became forgotten, it seems that its destiny of being demolished is inevitable.

ď˝œ1 0

Chap t er 2 ď˝œ Re- : Document a t ion and c onser v a t ion

/ Contrast on both sides of the road Outer road

Inner block

15000 individuals/day

100 individuals /day

Tengaiten is situated right across the new Taichung railway station, with the amount of visitor s around 15 thousand per day, whereas within Tengaiten's surrounding blocks, about one hundred per day.

Diagram / Eternal Loop 1 1ď˝œ

Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion ď˝œ C ollec t ion 01

Chapter 3

E t e r n a l l o op : ci rc u l at io n i n Te n g a i t e n bl o c k Process of construction Step 1 / Analysis Traf fic and people flow Building orientation Derelicted buildings Corrugated iron fence

Step 2 / Dismantle & Assemble New assembly spaces New Buiding orientation

Step 3 / Construct & Coexist Circulation of Eternal Loop ( Assembly spaces connection ) Entrance: Connection between inner and outer Coexisting buildings

ď˝œ1 2

C h a p t e r 3 ď˝œ E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k

Process perspective drawing

Connection / Coexisting buildings

Dismantling / Corrugated iron fence

A nalysis / Tengaiten Block


Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion ď˝œ C ollec t ion 01

Eternal Loop Unity of Spatial Fragments

ď˝œ1 4

Fr a g m e n t i n g t h e s y m b o l i c c o n c e n t r i c c i r c l e g e n e r a t e d f r o m t h e c e n t e r o f Te n g a i t e n , a n d f u r t h e r d e - c o n s t r u c t i t i n t o e l e m e n t s w i t h i n t h e E t e r n a l l o o p . Elements such as the window's orientation or the direction of the circulation. Therefore, the directionality of space is now embedded in the Eternal loop.

C h a p t e r 3 ď˝œ E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k

Extracting the facade elements and the spacial experiences of Tengaiten, and used it as a strategy to incorporate in the Eternal loop.Therefore, the loop now conveys different spacial properties through the familiar experience of the local residents and the unfamiliar spacial perception of the tourists.

Eternal Loop Conceptual diagram The experience of travelling through the Eternal loop is similar to one climbing a mountain. One could peek out at the destination from various sites along the path.


Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion ď˝œ C ollec t ion 01

Eternal Loop / Way of seeing

individual v.s individuals

individual v.s Objects


Local Residents

Fast walking

Theatre Staff



See a play

individual v.s self-conscious

Art Gallery

Drawing tea


& chat




TGT experience




Visit gallery

Visit TGT




Mind-Meandering / Space Of Introspection

ď˝œ1 6

Drama teaching


Living room



Permanent exhibition

Spend leisure time

C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k

Eternal Loop Perception & Facilities & Programme


Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion | C ollec t ion 01

Eternal Loop 1F Floor plan

A. Theatre B. Street vendor C. Cafe' D. Open air cinema E. Audiovisual Room F. Stage G. Ar t galler y H. Gardening park I. Shops J. Living room K. Accommodation L. Bar M. Librar y N. Dancing room O. Village temple P. Script-reading stage

|1 8

C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k
















Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion | C ollec t ion 01

Eternal Loop 2F Floor plan

A. Theatre B. Street vendor C. Cafe' D. Open air cinema E. Audiovisual Room F. Stage G. Ar t galler y H. Gardening park I. Shops J. Living room K. Accommodation L. Bar M. Librar y N. Dancing room O. Village temple P. Script-reading stage

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C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k










2 1|

Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion | C ollec t ion 01

Eternal Loop 3F Floor plan

A. Theatre B. Street vendor C. Cafe' D. Open air cinema E. Audiovisual Room F. Stage G. Ar t galler y H. Gardening park I. Shops J. Living room K. Accommodation L. Bar M. Librar y N. Dancing room O. Village temple P. Script-reading stage

|2 2

C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k








2 3|

Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion | C ollec t ion 01




Fr a m e d s c e n e r y / To u r i s t s

Fr a m e d s c e n e r y / TGT

Te n g a i t e n w e s t e l e v a t i o n

Pe e k i n g / L o c a l r i c e s h o p

Te n g a i t e n n o r t h e l e v a t i o n

Eternal Loop Opening & Experience of space

Fr a m e d s c e n e r y / O b j e c t s

|2 4

Pe e k i n g / TGT

Fr a m e d s c e n e r y / TGT

C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k

Look up

L o o k u p/ TGT r o o f t o p

Background scene

B a c k g r o u n d s c e n e / TGT w i t h t o u r i s t s

TGT Facade Te n g a i t e n e a s t e l e v a t i o n

L o o k u p/ TGT r o o f t o p

Te n g a i t e n s o u t h e l e v a t i o n

G r a d a t i o n / TGT

2 5|

Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion ď˝œ C ollec t ion 01

Eternal Loop Axonometric diagram

Theatre / Individual v.s Individuals Fuz z y obje c t and subje c t Fo cus on t he relat ionship bet we en audienc e and drama ac tor

Mind-Meandering / Space of introspection

A rt Gallery / Individual v.s Objects A higher prop or t ion of tour ist s . Fo cus on t he ex p er ienc e of ex plorat ion and jour ney.

Library / Individual v.s Self-conscious A higher prop or t ion of loc al re sident . Fo cus on t he pro c e s s of as sembly and re st .


C h a p t e r 3 | E t e r n a l l o o p : C i r c u l a t i o n i n Te n g a i t e n b l o c k

Dream Of Peony Pavilion Rendering S t a g e Pe r f o r m a n c e / 2F T h e a t e r

Space of self-ref lection

Space of self-ref lection

Wa i t i n g a r e a / 2F T h e a t e r

Ve r t i c a l c i r c u l a t i o n / 1F T h e a t e r

Tr a n s i t i o n s p a c e / 2F T h e a t e r

2 7|

Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion | C ollec t ion 01

|2 8

G a r d e n i n g p a r k / 1F A r t G a l l e r y

Pa s s w a y / 3 F L i b r a r y

A s s e m b l y S p a c e / 1F A r t G a l l e r y

C a f e ' / 1F L i b r a r y

Tr a n s i t i o n s p a c e / A r t G a l l e r y – L i b r a r y

Tr a n s i t i o n s p a c e / L i b r a r y – A c c o m m o d a t i o n

L o c a l r e s i d e n t s E n t r a n c e / 2F A r t G a l l e r y

R e s t i n g / 2F L i b r a r y

Chap t er 4 | Mind-Meander ing :An A dv anc ed w a y o f seeing

Chapter 4 Mind-Meandering : An Advanced way of seeing

Space of self-ref lection

In Wang Changling’s Notion of “Mind-Meandering”, the

"Mind-Meandering" creates a space for visitors

space experiencing by extending an individuals' feeling

its surrounding block, so that a new way of seeing

concept of Mind-Meandering is to break the limits of to every detail of a space, such as texture and scale Meantime, as the last stage of the Eternal Loop,

to consolidate the state between Tengaiten and

architecture is created through the personal feelings.

2 9|

Dr eam o f Peony Pa vilion ď˝œ C ollec t ion 01

Only the circular corridor of Tengaiten is open to the public, named " Mind-Meander". It represents the end of the Eternal loop and is a place for introspection. This internal spacial experience of Tengaiten changes the overall

impression of the block, and in the end, the subjective state of Tengaiten will be liberated within the block, creating opportunities for visitors to think about the future of the site.

ď˝œ3 0

Epilogues ď˝œ Be ginning o f t he End

Epilogues Beginning of the End Dream Of Peony Pavilion is interpreted as an annotation to the current and future state of the site, With the aim of getting more attention from tourists and local residents so that through the individual's ref lection of the site, it will generate new opportunities for Tengaiten to face its next challenge .

In the end, the thick mass of Tengaiten can be torn down , since it's spirit and fundamental existence will forever be embedded within the block .

3 1ď˝œ

Super imposi t ion | C ollec t ion 02


Chapter 5

Seeking opportunities in the wasteland of prosperity.

< Project type > < Keywords >

: Temporary theatre

: Urban decay / Assembly space /

Coexistence / Artistic conception

< Time >

: April.2017-May.2017

< Location >

|3 2

: Old Quarter, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

Chap t er 5 ď˝œ In t r o

Intro. A place can embody historical memories and

image of modern buildings on old ones

Various building textures from different periods

Hsin Chu Assembly Hall is a vital

inheritance from different regions of the country. of time can be seen around Hsinchu Public Activity Center. This kind of superimposed

Hsinchu Public Activit y Center

can be widely seen in the district.

instance of such superimposed state.

Z h o n g -Z h e n g N i g h t M a r k e t / 2F

Hsinchu Public Activit y Center

3 3ď˝œ

Super imposi t ion | C ollec t ion 02

Hsinchu Public Activit y Center

Z h o n g -Z h e n g N i g h t M a r k e t

Hsinchu Assembly Hall


A We








Wu c h a n g S t r e e t


The story behind Hsinchu Public Activity Center can be traced back to the Hsinchu City Government ’s establishment of a public square north of its

location. The public square eventually lost its function and the government constructed a new indoor sports center nearby, on Wuchang Street.

|3 4

Chap t er 5 ď˝œ His t or y

In its early days, this indoor sports center

attracted many to play basketball and volleyball and was also a popular venue for recreational activities in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, over time, people found the sports center

no longer served their needs due to its poor facilities and equipment. As a result, the

government removed the original roof and turned the sports center into a parking lot, which

became The Hsinchu Public Activity Center.

Cultural facilities around the location

3 5ď˝œ

Super imposi t ion | C ollec t ion 02

Pr e s e n t
















t c e



Pa s t

Definition Every change in Hsinchu Public Activity Center is documented on its texture or façade, which can be a model for the future. Since the Center used to be a public square of interaction and

communication, inviting people to visit the temporary theater was a starting point for the rebirth of the space.


C h a p t e r 5 ď˝œ D e f ini t i o n & Fr a g m e n t a t i o n


As a proposal, three symbolic elements around the street were to be blended into the

reconstruction of Hsinchu Public Activity Center. A new speech podium was built to replace the old one in Zhong-Zeng Night Market which used to be a military training ground. The

stand represented as a symbol of authority in Taiwan. Also, the arcade and latticed windows are an extension of the street experience.

3 7ď˝œ

Super imposi t ion | C ollec t ion 02









|3 8


Chap t er 5 ď˝œ Plan & Ele v ation

Superimposition Floor plan

A. Main entrance B. Rehearsal room C. Grand Stage D. Arcades E. Open stage A F. Zhong-Zheng Night Market G. Public square H. Stage ( Review stand )

Additional Entrance

I. Open stage B J. Open stage C K. Hsinchu Assembly Hall



S u p e r i m p o s i t i o n A-A' E l e v a t i o n

3 9ď˝œ

Super imposi t ion ď˝œ C ollec t ion 02

Superimposition Rendering

There is no eternal building but some historical memories can be hidden in the details of the structure. Temporary theatre can function as a model of demarcation and definition from past to future in this abandoned location.

ď˝œ4 0

Chap t er 5 | Rendering

4 1|

K e-L oo Yio | C ollec t ion 03

Ke-Loo Yio

Chapter 6

Dif ferent perspectives of Chinese cultural trait in mordern society.

< Project type >

: Interior Design ( Exhibition )

< Keywords >

Exhibition / Social conscience / Cultural trait


/ Exploration and Reflection

< Time >

: March.2017-April.2017

< Location >

|4 2

: Taoyuan International Airport , Taoyuan, Taiwan

Chap t er 6 ď˝œ In t r o

Intro. Electric flower cars function as a form of performance to praise local gods in the

Chinese culture. However, there are lots

of debates against electric flower cars in Taiwan due to the dancers on the cars

wearing revealing clothes. I try to create

two versions of circulations to capture the original intention of parading flower cars, which is to humbly praise the local gods.

4 3ď˝œ

K e-L oo Yio | C ollec t ion 03

Site Analysis The site is located in the departure hall of

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport and is in open view for foreigners and nationals to see any cultural messages. Passengers who are

already on the plane can see through from the outside; on the inside are people waiting to board the plane.


Putting palms together is a gesture used in Chinese worship to show humbleness to all beings in the world.

Parading electric flower cars has a similar purpose of worship. I divide the exhibition space into two – one for

introspection and the other for exploration – to represent two different solutions facing bias to electric flower cars in todays society in Taiwan.

|4 4

Chap t er 6 ď˝œ C onc ep t & Pr ogr amme

Assembly and Decision

Wo r s h i p a n d C o n t e m p l a t i o n

Meditation and Reflection

E x p l o r a t i o n a n d Pe r f o r m a n c e

(R a i s e t h e i n n e r s t r e n g t h)

(S e a r c h f o r i d e n t i t y)

4 5ď˝œ

K e-L oo Yio ď˝œ C ollec t ion 03

A. Entrance B. Meeting point C. Worship altar D. Video space E. Exhibition space F. Bar G. Meditation space








A t t r a c t i on ( For p a s s eng e r s i n s i de t he bu i l d i ng ) S t a b i l i z a t i on ( For p a s s eng e r s on t he pl a ne )



Chap t er 6 | Pr ogr amme & Rendering

4 7|

K e-L oo Yio | C ollec t ion 03

|4 8

Chap t er 6 ď˝œ Pr ogr amme & Rendering

Ke-Loo Yio Rendering

In conclusion, while some people may not like electric f lower cars , I believe most people are able to accept and be open-minded to new ideas once they start to think comprehensively outside the box

4 9ď˝œ

See y ou in t he mis t ď˝œ C ollec t ion 0 4

See you in the mist

Chapter 7

Permeability to divide compartments in a residential space.

< Project type > < Keywords >

: Interior Design

: Superflat / Accomondation

/ Permeability / Compartments

< Time >

: April.2016- June.2016

< Location >

ď˝œ5 0

: Apartment under 25 square meters

Chap t er 7 ď˝œ In t r o.

E r r or

Intro. "Superflat" is used by Murakami to refer to various flattened

forms in Japanese graphic art, animation, pop culture and fine arts, as well as the "shallow emptiness of Japanese consumer culture." In my opinion, Superflat can also describe the state

of accommodation in modern society. The essence of housing is based on the concept of space instead of increacing the interaction for users.

E mp t i n e s s

It was the best of time, it was the worst of time. People are living in an era called "Superflat". -Murakami Takashi

5 1ď˝œ

See y ou in t he mis t ď˝œ C ollec t ion 0 4

De pression

Del ight

Combine Sof ten the boundar y

C o n c r e t e c r e a t e s b o u n d a r y.

Programme. I believe that concrete walls reduce the emotional connection with family, expecially in the era of information explosion. For instance, children would prefer chatting with friends whom they met just a day before before on the internet instead of having dinner with their parents.

See you in the mist / Conceptual image

ď˝œ5 2

Chap t er 7 ď˝œ Pr ogr amme & Analy sis

Privacy grade


Fu r n i t u r e s . Mobile Cloth tex ture wall




See you in the mist / Plan & Elevation





5 3ď˝œ

See y ou in t he mis t ď˝œ C ollec t ion 0 4

In this proposaI, I try to soften the boundary of space by using clothes-like texture instead of concrete. Thus, the effect of walls is minimized and more family interactions can be created.

See you in the mist Model & Rendering

ď˝œ5 4

Supplement s ď˝œ O t her Work s

Supplements / Other works Acadamic / Professional Projects 2013-2018

Main Visual & Entrance design 30th Graduation Exhibition 2018.06

5 5ď˝œ

Supplement s | C ollec t ion 05

Concept Rendering Proposal At tic Design Project

Dream Of Peony Pavilion



Public Space Proposal Taichung Pavilion Design Project 2018.09

|5 6

Video Filming & Editing

Photography : The North Gate Konica 28 WB eco l Kodak Ektar 100 2017.12

Supplement s ď˝œ O t her Work s

Graphic design Por t folio cover & Poster & Magazine cover design 2016-2018

Product design Columbarium urn design named " The Noble Eight fold Path " 2018.05-2018.10

Sketch & Layout Presentation layout & Guangzhou Street Sketch 2015.06 & 2017.03

5 7ď˝œ

ï¼› Chao-Yang, L u

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