The Pulse - June 2024

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I never thought the day would come when I have to say goodbye to seven years of Harvey all so soon, and I never quite knew what it would feel like until now. A day doesn’t go by where I am not overwhelmed with appreciation

I come from a family of storytellers Writing has left an indelible mark on me, not just in strengthening my convictions, but also in opposing the status quo. Objective truth in journalism is hard to seek, hard to find, and, above all, hard to understand During a morning meeting, Mr Knauer quoted André Gide, saying, “Trust those who seek the truth but doubt those who say they have found it ”

Truth-seeking deeply matters to me, and I am lucky that for the last seven years I’ve been gifted with avenues to share my truth.

The Pulse would not have been the same without the generosity of Ms Holmes whose unflagging editorial efforts to publish issue after issue does not go unnoticed. Mr. DelCampo, the unsung hero of The Pulse, does not let a comma fall out of place. I’m lucky to have the expertise of Sports Editor Dylan Gueli, especially when I think the abbreviation “MJ” means Michael Jackson Ms Mahony gifted me with the challenge of AP English Literature, graciously granting me skills that I could not be the editor without.


I could not imagine a better leader to this school than Mr. Knauer, and I am particularly indebted to him for guarding me from the security cones I’ve tripped over when I arrive at school Ms Morris knows how to make me smile quicker than most; I will miss her very much when I’m gone.

Westchester County, New York 31 May 2024

Mr. Wahlers saved The Pulse when I cut half of a student’s article in the November issue, and, speaking of, Logan Kreisberg is not just an exceptional writer, but a true friend I’m proud to pass the torch to him for the last issue of the year

I owe gratitude to Olivia Barsky for never failing to be a bright light on the newspaper staff every single day, and patiently explaining to me that a majority of my vocabulary is made up Not one issue would leave the staff without the help of Ms Forte, and I will always look back on her unwavering warmth with gratitude I am so thankful to Ms Visintainer, who has enriched my life in ways beyond what I ever imagined and for being the epitome of kindness to me for many years.

I owe the most to Manu and Daisy Khanna, for making me not just the writer I am, but the person I am today; I am blessed every day to be the daughter of an extraordinarily intelligent and deeply loving family.

I will be sharing the headlines of the legal world in the next part of my life at New York University. I will always regard The Pulse with great affection and eagerly anticipate its future articles and, as always, brilliant writers

Thank you for entrusting me with your attention and your stories. May The Pulse continue to brighten and unify the Harvey I grew to know and love.

With admiration,

Annissa Khanna Maryknoll Sisters
PAGE 1 SPECIAL THANKS to Logan Kreisberg for Editing the June 2024 Issue


In the Newspaper Production elective this school year, I have reported on art exhibitions, written an op-ed, interviewed a new Harvey teacher, and reviewed my travels. Yet, when picking my final topic of the year, it only seemed natural to choose something close to home: the making of The Pulse! While you are now reading these words in a finished issue decorated with Harvey’s signature colors, I am simply sitting in front of a fresh Google Doc So, where does this process start? Where do I go from here? Well, I am here to take you behind the scenes and reveal what really goes on in the Library Classroom during Slot 8 and how this beloved publication is produced

It all begins with a Harvey student’s most visited website: Canvas Twice in each marking period, Pulse writers log on to Canvas and submit “three possible topics” for the new issue They could be anything simply any three ideas floating around in the writers’ brains that they wish to write about On the day that our three topics are due and submitted, the whole staff reviews each and every topic idea in a bustling session of brainstorming As a staff, we select which topics we are interested in also to make sure that we don’t have redundant articles or more than one op-ed per issue

Once we have all finalized our topic selections, the real work begins Pulse writers will settle down to research and interviews to gather all of their information For around two weeks, we craft these articles and make sure they are more than 600 words but less than 1,000. We also choose and sometimes take the photos included in our articles, and we are careful in typing the captions to avoid plagiarism



A crucial part of Newspaper Production is learning how to write using The Associated Press, or AP, Style. This is a big shift for many writers from MLA format and standards, allowing us to write with contractions, shorter paragraphs (or “graphs”), and different formatting for dates and quotations Additionally, instead of drafting a works cited page cited or inserting in text citations, Pulse writers build their sources into the body of their article.

An invaluable asset to The Pulse is the editor-in-chief, Annissa Khanna, who has been a vital member of Newspaper Production since she was a sophomore. Annissa provided crucial insight into what happens after the articles are written She said,“Ms Holmes and I work closely together to first figure out what articles we’ll run in the issue and we make sure every student has at least one article published.”

In terms of how the layout of The Pulse is designed, Annissa shares the ins and outs of this art Annissa explained,“We switched away from InDesign this year, which the past editors used, and layout has been something I’ve really enjoyed doing. It’s a lot more efficient than it was in the past on the new software we are using, and we are able to really increase the speed of how fast we release issues because of how much more efficient Canva (the new software) is. We are able to add and delete pages really quickly and are able to have multiple people looking at it at the same time ”

When asked about her favorite parts of working on The Pulse, Annissa earnestly answered that she is “able to investigate and report on topics” she really cares about that she “might not be able to do in an otherwise academic setting ” As for being editor, she shares that “it’s the people on the staff of the Pulse Working with Ms Holmes for three years has been nothing but a privilege, and she is truly very easy to work with. The effort and dedication she puts into The Pulse does not go unnoticed ”

Besides the student staff members, there are many unsung heroes of The Pulse. Mr. DelCampo aids The Pulse by reading and editing each issue before it comes out Mr Wahlers and Ms Forte are important helpers, as well, enabling us to distribute The Pulse with The Harvey School Community as well as Ms Grazia, who makes sure to feature our publication in the weekly newsletter. And, of course, none of this would be possible without Ms Holmes, the faculty advisor of The Pulse

Pulse students hard at work on their articles Photographed by Olivia Barsky


Do you ever look at someone and wonder, “What goes on inside their head?” On May 3 and 4, two studentwritten and directed one-act productions explored the unique ideas of two Harvey writers and thespians: Alexa Williams and Addie Silva Both shows were crafted in Ms Mahony’s Playwriting elective and were eventually selected to come to life in the Lasdon Theater The one-act plays could not have been performed without faculty advisors Ms. Mahony, Ms. Mathews, and Ms. Franco.

According to writer and director Addie, “The Mind Misgives” tells the story of “Connecticut girl Maggie on her Cambridge endeavors as she meets supposed dream man Theodore ” However, it is revealed that Theodore is a psychopath who recruits Maggie to commit arson and watch as the university crumbles

After a brief intermission, the stage rapidly transitions from Cambridge to the streets of 1950s Los Angeles in “King of Hollywood.” The Shakespearean-inspired production focuses on Mack Bethany as he navigates the trials and tribulations of being an actor in Hollywood.

While rehearsals officially begin during the spring term, these productions were in development long before auditions Addie and Alexa first wrote drafts of their plays in Ms. Mahony’s winter Playwriting elective

For Addie, the foundation of “The Mind Misgives” was taken from an early Playwriting assignment in which she was tasked with writing a scene between two people that featured a supernatural component Although the paranormal element was missing in the final draft, the scene eventually became the essence of Maggie and Theodore’s relationship




The premise behind Alexa’s play, however, has been in Williams’s vault for much longer. Alexa stated, “I initially came up with the concept of a version of ‘Macbeth’ set in 1950s Hollywood in my freshman year thanks to a project assigned by Ms. V.” Later in the year, Alexa proposed the idea of writing a 60-page script as their final project

Despite being a 30-minute production, “The Mind Misgives” was able to highlight the performances of multiple actors including seniors Iva Hadži Mihailović and Łukasz Daszczyński, as well as sophomore Lena Boyce In the role of the instructor, Lena gives a fantastic performance, all while putting on a Welsh accent the entire performance Iva and Łukasz’s portrayal of Maggie and Theodore’s complex relationship was filled with palpable tension, forcing the audience to keep their eyes on the stage for every scene they exhibited their chemistry

With a larger cast, “King of Hollywood” was able to highlight the talent of even more Harvey actors Most notably, 10th graders Jacob Harkins and Olivia Barsky gave unbelievable performances in the principal roles of Mack Bethany and Ladie Bethany, respectively Olivia portrayed an archetype that could have been played as cold, but Olivia found a way to humanize Ladie Every soliloquy she delivered was filled with poise and ambition

Even though the one acts were clearly a success, there were certainly challenges the cast needed to overcome before opening night For example, with overlaps of actors in each cast, as well as access to only one stage, it was difficult to rehearse each play simultaneously However, this seemed to only be a small issue for directors Addie and Alexa.

In an exclusive interview with The Pulse, Addie shared, “I could not have had a better person to be working with than Alexa They were extremely helpful, and were such a supportive guide the whole process.” Alexa had similar compliments to share about their fellow director, saying, “Addie has been such a special person to work with because I loved being able to nurture someone I am so interested in and passionate about. I’ve been so proud of how far she’s come and hope she continues working in the theater ”

As student directors, it was important for Addie and Alexa to create a friendly, yet productive environment While playing Ladie in “King of Hollywood,” Olivia said, “Getting to be a part of the Harvey one acts this year was a memorable experience that I will forever be grateful for There is nothing quite like getting to see an idea fully come to life onstage. This was my second year working with Alexa as a director, and both years they have created a very supportive, warm environment that allowed everyone to really grow as actors ”

Overall, both productions were incredibly written, directed, and performed The Pulse looks forward to watching the future one-act performances and seeing more ideas of Harvey students come to life on the Lasdon Theater stage.

Image of 10th graders Olivia Barsky and Jacob Harkins in the midst of a murder Taken by Mx Hassett

When I was younger, I went to a school called Westlake, which is Thornwood, the town where I grew up The town was very small, making it very easy to know everyone. But my mom decided to start looking at some private schools that could have smaller classes to help me receive more attention from teachers and thrive After researching for a while, we found a school called The Harvey School which was about 20 minutes away from my house

Even though it was a difficult decision, my family decided to send me to Harvey, which caused me to start all over again at a new school trying to make friends and fit in

By the end of my first year, spring sports were offered I made a big decision to play a sport I never played before: Rugby

The first time playing this confusing sport was hard, but after picking up the sport, it became my favorite part of the day.




As I walked down the hill to go practice rugby with my teammates, one thing that has stuck with me was how the seniors of that team treated me, bringing me in making me feel a big part in the team even though I barely knew anything about rugby

I decided to play three sports the following year, which were basketball, rugby, and soccer, each with different sets of players When each season ended, it felt so awful losing all the senior players.

But besides sports, the connection I made with the teachers were amazing Being a small school with small classes, I have always valued strong connections with my teachers.

My senior year is the end of my high school journey So many memories have been made over the years, and it was finally time to be the role model of the school and embody what the previous graduates did for me.

Sports this year were incredibly memorable, and when it was the last game for each season, it became emotional saying goodbye. Soccer and basketball season went well, and we played the whole year strong, making it the best season possible But,

Unfortunately, my final sport at Harvey came to an end quickly. I sadly dislocated my shoulder in the first rugby game, putting me out for the season

Even with this setback, I would still try and show up to practice as much as possible to take in my last high school season of rugby

Sports aren’t the only things to remember, though Classes were special this year, too, of course, as they were so important to me as college was right around the corner.

All in all, I really treasure Harvey and the community I was brought into. Even if you feel done, keep working hard until the end, because it will pay off I am very glad I decided to switch schools and go here, which enabled me to start a whole new life.



Ms. Holmes has been with The Pulse for her entire decade long Harvey career. When asked what her favorite part of teaching this course is, she answered “I often will get students who will say something to me like ‘I don’t love English class or I don’t love writing’ and sometimes writing for the newspaper is a chance to fall in love with that again. Even students I have who are great writers and appreciate English literature, for them it is almost like a breath of fresh air to have a bit of fun with writing. And I think what I love about it is that it really does start with the students, and it gets them excited about what they are doing ”

One Newspaper Production tradition that especially excites students is the April Fools’ Issue. This special edition of The Pulse features unconventional topics This issue is full of silly reports and mostly made-up news This year’s April Fools’ issue contained articles about a Harvey fight club, teacher skip day, a word search with no words, a cat running for president, and my ranking of Harvey restrooms Needless to say, the classroom was full of laughter while drafting the edition.

Throughout this year, Newspaper Production has been a treasured part of my day, and it is always such a wonderful feeling to see what all of our hard work has turned into In the words of Annissa, “it is something really special to write for a high school newspaper.”




After nearly 19 years without a professional fight, “Iron” Mike Tyson will be returning to the ring to fight the controversial 9-1 boxer and YouTuber Jake Paul. The event is scheduled for July 20 in Arlington, Texas, at AT&T Stadium. The event will not be pay- per- view, but it will be streamed on Netflix for anyone with a subscription to watch The fight’s rules will be eight rounds of two minutes each. Both boxers will fight with 14-ounce gloves.

Mike Tyson is a name synonymous with the sport of boxing, and he is often referred to as one of the greatest boxers due to his immense power and speed in his prime According to ESPN, Tyson ended his professional career in 2005 after a loss to Kevin McBride. By the end of his career, Tyson’s final record was 50 wins, 44 of which came by knockout, and six losses – one of the best records in boxing history Presently, Tyson will be 58 by the time of the fight So, who is the fighter that coaxed the former heavyweight champion to come out of retirement?

Jake Paul, a former Disney star, YouTuber, and now boxer has been making a name for himself in the world of boxing, for better or for worse He and his older brother, Logan Paul, have had their fair share of controversy throughout their YouTube careers for their obnoxious behavior and questionable activities. They would begin boxing careers during a YouTuber boxing exhibition match They both continued their “professional” boxing careers taking on various “fighters ” Logan has had a few fights, but he has not generated the publicity his brother has.

Jake Paul began his pro career fighting people like Ali Eson Gib, another YouTuber, and Nate Robinson, a retired NBA point guard As his career progressed, he began fighting higher profile opponents. Due to Jake Paul’s antics, respect for him has largely divided in the boxing community. As Paul's publicity began to circulate around his fights, he began to call out higher profile opponents, largely retired UFC fighters


Paul followed up his first three fights by fighting Ben Askren and Tyron Woodley Both fighters aren’t particularly known for their boxing ability. Stephen A. Smith would even go after Jake Paul before his first Tyron Woodley fight, stating, “That’s fine you have to ease into this, I get all that, but at some point, you have to fight a real boxer ”

As Paul’s career has progressed, he has fought fighters known for their striking, but one key criticism to who Paul chooses to fight is that he fights people considerably older than he is and fighters who have passed their prime a long time ago Another criticism of Paul is that choosing to fight mostly retired UFC fighters limits the fighters to boxing. By forcing them to stick to punching, they are limited in combinations that they can use It also disables their ability to grapple and wrestle, which are key parts of MMA that they have grown accustomed to.

After starting his career fighting YouTubers and retired MMA fighters, Paul shifted to fighting boxers His first match against a boxer was with Tommy Fury, a 25year-old. Paul lost the fight by split decision giving him his first loss on his record. Yet, Paul has stated he wants to change courses and begin to develop a true boxing career after beating Nate Diaz, a nearly 40-year-old MMA fighter Paul has begun to fight boxers, Andre August and Ryan Bourland being the most recent ones. Paul won against both, one in a KO and the other in a TKO victory. However, both these fighters have fewer than 20 fights in their pro career at 35 years old; August has only 13 pro fights and Bourland has 20

Since Paul has been choosing not to fight prime boxers, he’s made a name for himself in boxing He’s a clown, and a majority of fans agree While his fans see it as discrediting his success in boxing, others see it as an embarrassment that Jake Paul has made a big name for himself in the sport.

So, why is Mike Tyson fighting Paul? Does he have anything to gain?

Mike Tyson has nothing to achieve He is already a boxing legend and is wellrespected as a fighter. By taking this fight and potentially losing, he could only further stoke the flames of Jake Paul’s delusion as a boxer However, Tyson feels confident In a Bleacher Report Article about the upcoming fight, Tyson is quoted saying, "This guy is gonna come, he's gonna try to hurt me, which I'm accustomed to, and he's gonna be greatly mistaken "

So, why is Mike Tyson fighting Paul? Does he have anything to gain?

Movie Poster; Courtesy of Netflix TYSON

Harvey offers golf as a possible spring sport, and its team has been through a lot of ups and downs As someone who has played since ninth grade, after switching from baseball, I’ve improved as a player and seen the team evolve tremendously

My freshman year, we had an eighth-grade player on the team Christina Greene. She was very consistent and helped the team get many wins and a trip to the HVAL final She then moved to a different school, IMG Academy, to focus on golf.

My sophomore year was definitely a better season, as we expanded our skill level as a team and gained more who helped us in many ways. We were able to make it to the Houstatonic Valley Athletic League (HVAL) final and placed second, losing by only 11 strokes It definitely wasn’t the team’s best performance, but Cade Gilligan, Rohan Singh, Theo Yanni, and I all contributed to help the team have the best chance they could at winning that championship banner.





This season, our golf team was looking very sharp, with our roster expanding The team has welcomed many ninth graders, including Theo Leyva, Leo Marano, Ryan Cuddy, Dylan Cuddy, and Andrew Wilks With a sophomore addition in Jesse Barron, a returning eighth grader, Theo Yanni, a new junior, Lucien Fried, and three returning juniors, including Owen McElfresh, and Rohan Singh and I as cocaptains

With such a big team this year, we really weren’t sure if there were going to be cuts. Since we can only take six players to each tournament, and we had 11, we weren’t sure how we were going to make it fair to the players who we could not take to tournaments. Ultimately, some players practiced while only six went to the tournaments

Last year, Mr. Plaskett was our only coach on the golf team, but this season we had a new addition in assistant coach, Mr Morse, who helped the team in many ways by offering various tips, taking us to our off-campus practices, and much more.

Sadly, it ended up pouring rain all day, but that did not stop us from playing, as we were eager to gain that title We all teed off, and were ready to play our best golf. After we finished, we were definitely nervous about how close it was going to be

After all of the groups came in from the round, the head of HVAL tallied up all our scores, and Harvey ended up on top, winning the HVAL championship I was fortunate to win the independent HVAL title, as well Coach Plaskett said, “Wow! – It’s been 22 years since this!” The members of the Harvey golf team are all extremely happy to have won this title, and we look forward to seeing our banner in the gym soon.


Mike Tyson has nothing to achieve He is already a boxing legend and is wellrespected as a fighter By taking this fight and potentially losing, he could only further stoke the flames of Jake Paul’s delusion as a boxer However, Tyson feels confident In a Bleacher Report Article about the upcoming fight, Tyson is quoted saying, "This guy is gonna come, he's gonna try to hurt me, which I'm accustomed to, and he's gonna be greatly mistaken."

Both fighters have their strengths going into this fight Paul has youth on his side, but Tyson has experience, power, and speed Paul’s youth and stamina could pose a threat to Tyson However, Tyson’s combination of speed and experience poses a threat to Paul

Some Harvey students have given their thoughts on the upcoming fight Sophomore James Gittleman believes Tyson will win, stating, “He’s one of the greatest boxers of all time Jake Paul is basically an amateur boxer ” However, Cade Gillian believes Paul will win Cade said, “Jake Paul is going to win because he is fighting a 58-year-old Mike Tyson, who used to be pretty good, but now Jake Paul is in his prime as the best cruiserweight boxer right now ” Freshman Ben Shaw believes, “Jake Paul is only fighting older people because he's weak. When he fights someone his own age, he loses ”

It’s difficult to argue with any of these claims surrounding the fight All we can do is wait for July 20 and see who comes out with the win.

Update: According to ESPN, the TysonPaul fight has been postponed due to a medical condition (Tyson experienced an ulcer flare up); the new date for the fight is Nov 15

Harvey HVAL finalists after the championship win Photo taken by Doug Plaskett


Even if you don’t know hockey well, you have probably heard of Jack Hughes. Hughes, a New Jersey Devil (NJD) was the best player in the 20222023 National Hockey League (NHL) season and started as one of the youngest players in the league He helped bring the NJD’s from worst to among the best, even advancing them to the second round of the 2023 playoffs. However, people are hesitant to award him the title of “greatest hockey player.” Some think he is overrated, while others think he has no talent at all While he has most certainly shown spirit and skill toward the game, in the 2023-2024 season, Hughes played much worse than last year, ending the season with some of his lowest stats So, are we witnessing the downfall of Jack Hughes?

According to Wikipedia, Jack Hughes was born in Orlando, Florida, in 2001 His father worked in the NHL and Hughes grew up playing hockey with his father and his two brothers, Quinn Hughes and Luke Hughes (who are also NHL players). Hughes' father took a job with the Maple Leafs, so the Hughes family relocated to Canada. After completing his minor league career with the Marlboros, Hughes was drafted eighth overall by the Mississauga Steelheads in the Ontario Hockey League, despite his commitment to the U.S. National Team Development Program (USNTDP) At the conclusion of the 2017–18 season, Hughes was awarded the Dave Tyler Junior Player of the Year Award as the best American-born player in junior ice hockey



Hughes did not go to college and instead immediately started his NHL career. Drafted in 2019 as a first overall pick, Hughes joined the New Jersey Devils. He was just 18 years old during his rookie season, when he joined one of the worst teams in the league, and he had a very rough time. Too many people expected too much from him. Hughes was under immense pressure, and he didn’t do well. On top of this, three of the team's best players were traded right before the season started, meaning that all Devils fans were looking to a kid to lead them through the season.

Hughes has spoken out about his first season and is open about his disappointment toward that time of his life and how he played “I hated it,” he told ESPN’s Emily Kaplan “People would call me some pretty boy hockey player that couldn’t play.” The season was a series of losses, over and over, and Devils fans, along with the NJD team itself, were very disappointed However, as the seasons went on, Hughes slowly got to show off his skills states, at 21 years old, he became the eighth-youngest player in Scouts history to get a hat trick. He became the first Devils player with 40 goals in a season since Zach Parise scored 45 in 2008-09, and he is also the second youngest to earn this title.

There is no doubt that Jack Hughes is what the NJD needed, and he even helped push the team to the playoffs last season However, this past season has been a lot more disappointing, much like his first. Hughes had around 10 injuries this season, and he missed a total of 16 games. He was even taken out of the last few games of the season due to a shoulder injury and was scheduled to get surgery. Along with this, he also had one of his lowest goal counts this year with only 27 goals in 62 games

To place it all into perspective, Jack Hughes has been in the NHL for five years and only one of those years he has played well The Hockey Writers say, in the month of March, Hughes only found the back of the net four times Four goals in 16 games are beneath what we’ve come to expect from the Devils superstar. Hughes had to sit out of practices and not attend games because of injuries, which only caused him to play poorly in the games in which he played.

My take: I think that every player has a slump season, but I don’t think that Jack Hughes is as good as everyone says I’ve seen him play on television and in person at the rink, and I see spirit and a desire to win, but I also see so much work that he needs to do to get to a place where people can call him one of the best players in the league. Hughes is a very young player, and he has a lot more to give This could be the start of an outstanding comeback, or this could be the start of Jack Hughes’ downfall

Image of New Jersey Devil Jack Hughes by Elsa/Getty Images


Matt Rempe, a New York Ranger in the National Hockey League (NHL), is making his name very popular in hockey conversations.

Rempe is originally from Calgary, Canada, growing up there and having extreme interest in hockey He soon moved to Covington, Washington. He participated on the Kentwood High School varsity hockey team According to the Hockey Writers, after high school, Rempe went to play on the Spruce Grove Saints in the Amateur Junior Hockey League (AJHL) during the 2018-2019 season

According to Hockey News, after that season, he moved to the Western Hockey League (WHL) and played with the Seattle Thunderbirds, where he played much better than the year before. He scored 12 goals and had 19 assists After a successful season, he moved back down a league to AJHL and played another season with the Spruce Grove Saints He did not play much at all, only playing in two games during that season, but then he moved teams back to the Seattle Thunderbirds and had one goal and four assists

Rempe has had a bumpy road getting to the NHL He did not average the best stats while playing in several minor league teams According to Elite Prospects, Rempe was drafted in the sixth round of the 2020 NHL entry draft by the New York Rangers When you are drafted in the NHL, you have to first play in the minor leagues until you get called up


As reported by, Rempe went back to playing with the Seattle Thunderbirds. He then went to the Hartford Wolf Pack in the WHL, as reported by the New York Post Matt Rempe was called up during the middle of the season to the New York Rangers

As stated by Elite Prospects, Rempe did have a pretty good half a season with the Hartford Wolf Packs. As reported by Sports Illustrated, Rempe was sad to leave all of his teammates in the minors, but he was excited for a new chapter in the NHL When Rempe got to New York, all of his teammates were super pumped to meet him and congratulate him on making it to the big leagues.

According to AP News, Rangers head coach Peter Laviolette said he was very excited to have Rempe on the ice with the rest of the boys. Peter Laviolette said, “He’s been a really effective player for us He’s done it on the ice with his game. H’s done it through his physicality He’s done it fighting through what he’s had to ”

According to the Morning Puck, Rempe joined the fourth line on the Rangers with Jimmy Vesey, Barclay Goodrow, Braden Schneider, and K’andre Miller. In hockey, you get what’s called a powerplay for penalties such as fighting, cross-checking, tripping, etc. Rempe has only played half this season and has 61 penalty minutes, which is a lot.

Matt Rempe is known for his fighting He is a 6’8 240-pound beast He’s been in 10 fights already this season, one coming with a four-game suspension where there was a full out brawl, with all five players on each team When the puck dropped, they went right at it Even the goalies were thinking about going at it, which is very rare

According to Frozen Tools, Rempe had one goal during the regular season, and one during this year’s postseason. Matt Rempe is vital for the Rangers because of intensity, his huge hits, and, last but not least, his entertaining fights.

That’s why Matt Rempe is a great addition to the No. 1 seed Rangers, helping them advance to as far as the Eastern Conference finals. (Note: the Rangers’ season ended with a 2-1 loss to the Florida Panthers in Game 6 of the Eastern Conference finals)

Image of Matt Rempe (left) and Ryan Reaves (right) fighting on the ice. Photo credits from Getty Images


Scottie Scheffler did it again! On April 22, 2024 he won his second Masters Tournament in just three years at the famous Augusta National Golf Club This is a private club in the southern state of Augusta, Georgia, where the best golfers come together to compete for the honor of wearing the famous green jacket.

During the tournament, Scheffler played a consistent and strong game He appeared focused and made some excellent strategic decisions. These tactics helped him stay near the top of the leaderboard for the entire tournament In an interview after his win with NBC GOLF, Sheffler said, "I did my best to stay calm out there I did my best to stay patient on the course. And I was able to make some key shots and key putts today to keep my round going "

On the back nine holes, Scheffler was facing some tough competition from Ludvig Åberg, the 24-year-old Swedish star who was on Scheffler's back the entire match. The young golfer and Scheffler were going head-to-head in a nail-biting face-off, as they traded spots for first place in the final rounds Specifically, the last three rounds are what helped Sheffler secure a win as he was able to make a birdie (1 -under par) on the last three holes.

It is noteworthy that although Ludvig came in second place, this was his very first time competing in the Masters Tournament. He held up to the pressure incredibly well and is undoubtedly a phenomenal young player



Let's talk numbers According to ESPN+, Scheffler led all 88 golfers in every aspect in statistics. His driving accuracy was impressive, with an average of 75% of fairways hit throughout the tournament This precision off the tee allowed him to set up favorable approach shots to the greens Scheffler's iron play was also stellar, with an exceptional 80% of greens in regulation, showcasing his ability to find the putting surface consistently.

However, where Scheffler truly shined was on the greens. His putting was nothing short of sensational, with an average of only 1 5 putts per green These statistics highlight his proficiency in reading the subtle breaks and contours of Augusta National's greens, which are often considered some of the most challenging in golf. My favorite putt of the tournament was on round four on the second to the last hole - number 17, where according to Sports Illustrated com, Scheffler sunk a 14-foot putt This is an incredibly difficult putt and was amazing to see in real time

Scheffler finished the 2024 Masters Tournament 11-under par. When he played the same tournament in 2022, he shot 10-under par This highlights how consistent his performance has been over the years

Schefffler secured a sizable amount of money for his win. The total purse for the 2024 Masters is $20 million, a record high, and up $2 million from last year Champion Scottie Scheffler took home a record $3 6 million $360,000 more than last year's winner.

Scheffler now has a possibility to win the Grand Slam in golf, which means winning all four major tournaments in one year: the Masters, the U S Open, The Open Championship, and the PGA Championship. This challenge has only ever been achieved by five golfers, an achievement which is often referred to as a Career Grand Slam, according to Pgatour com Those five players are Gene Sarazen, Ben Hogan, Gary Player, Jack Nicklaus, and Tiger Woods. Woods and Nicklaus have won each of the four majors at least three times.

For Scheffler, winning the Grand Slam isn't just about trophies it's about showing what's possible when you work hard and stay focused. It would be a huge achievement, not just for him, but for the sport of golf as a whole People around the world are hoping for Scheffler to win the grand slam this year and end the Greatest of All Time (GOAT) debate between himself and Tiger Woods.

Scheffler's electrifying win at the Masters has once again catapulted him into the spotlight of golfing greatness With his sights set on the elusive Grand Slam, he's going to make even more waves in the golfing world. As we eagerly anticipate his future competitions, one thing is clear: Scheffler's aura carries him through golf

Scheffler sinks a 14 foot putt to win the Masters Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal

Great white sharks and killer orcas are creatures in the ocean that are at the top of the food chain. They both hunt similarly, but one difference is that orcas are water mammals, needing to have to come up for oxygen, while sharks, as fish, have gills, so they stay underwater at all times.

Great white sharks usually hunt solo, but killer orcas will hunt in massive packs, making sure they will be able to kill anything in their way According to a new National Geographic video, recently, there has been news about two of the most dangerous creatures in the ocean: the orca and great white shark, who are actually fighting for survival

According to National Geographic, the killer orcas used to hunt small sharks, but when they realized that great whites had more meat on them, they decided to hunt them, so they can get energy in their food Interestingly, killer orcas will only eat the liver of their prey.

Like surgeons, orcas only take a small incision out of their prey, so they can eat the liver, which will kill the prey Afterward, the body just falls away, as they only want the liver, so the rest of the body is intact.

Great whites also have dominant traits that make them also one of the top predators in the ocean They have senses that help them track their prey easily. But one thing they do not have is echolocation, which is what killer orcas and most sea mammals have.





That recent video on National Geographic, published April 5, 2024, shows what's been happening in the ocean with killer orcas and great whites There was a particularly eyecatching section of the video. To swim with great white sharks, you usually need a cage underwater for safety, as they could attack at any moment So, what two Marine scientists did was get an underwater speaker and then put it inside the cage with orca noises to see how the great whites would react

The first thing the scientists did was just play normal noises, as if the killer orcas were swimming These noises made the sharks very aggressive, and they started banging their heads into the cage Then, after, they would make noises as if the orcas were hunting, which caused the sharks to swim away as fast as possible.

But interestingly, the two scientists on the course found two great whites together, which is something scientists haven't seen before. They started thinking that the sharks are staying together to defend themselves from these big packs of killer orcas that started attacking them

On May 5, a YouTube video on ABC News was published about a killer orca taking down a great white shark. The broadcaster states, “A great white shark goes from predator to prey That’s Sofia, a 60-year-old killer orca in incredibly rare footage, showing exactly why they are called killer orcas ”

More and more news has been showing up on the battle of the two great predators of the ocean. Even though killer orcas seem to be dominating, great whites do indeed defend the best they can, but when going against so many, they do not stand a chance.

BBC News displays the way killer orcas attack when they are trying to kill great whites Starboard, the name of the killer orca mentioned by the BBC, gets caught on camera hunting down a great white shark. A writer for the BBC stated, “In this newly reported attack, Starboard hunted on his own.” Scientists described how the orca gripped the left pectoral fin of a 2 5m long juvenile shark and "thrust forward several times before eventually eviscerating it "

In the end of the video by National Geographic, they showed their research team actually finding great whites wash up on the surface with their whole body intact, except the spot where they took out the liver.

All in all, there's no debate who is the king of the ocean, but the battle between them is very interesting, and you should start learning more about it, as these are two of the most distinct creatures

Killer Whale hunting Great White Courtesy of BBC News

Everything Taylor Swift does is newsworthy. Whether she’s touring stadiums across the world or going to watch a football game, she will trend on social media On Feb 4, Swift rocked the world once again While accepting her fourth Album of the Year award at the 2024 Grammys, she announced she would be releasing a new album.

When Swift got onstage to accept her first award at this year’s Grammys, she took the opportunity to announce her new album, saying, “I want to say thank you to the fans by telling you a secret that I’ve been keeping from you for the past two years, which is that my brand-new album comes out April 19 It’s called ‘The Tortured Poets Department ’”

Swift is known for putting her most heart-wrenching and personal songs on each of her albums at track five, and this album is no different “So Long, London” is a direct response to her 2019 love song to Joe Alwyn, “London Boy,” an ode to his home city. Both songs are the fifth tracks on their respective albums.




In “So Long, London,” Swift says goodbye to the life she thought she would have in London with Joe. The song describes a relationship in the final stages, with one partner trying to hold on to the other, who is slowly pulling away By the end of the song, Swift eventually gives up on trying to keep the dead relationship alive, singing, “I stopped CPR, after all it’s no use / The spirit was gone, we would never come to.”

On Track 14, “The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived,” Swift’s lyricism shines brightly A more acoustic sound echoes Swift’s disappointment in her former partner, shooting daggers at his masculinity and integrity. “Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? / Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed?” The relationship leaves Swift with more questions than answers and wonders throughout the song if he wanted to sabotage her on purpose

Swift details a woman at the peak of her career on the closing track of the standard album, “Clara Bow ” Clara Bow was a silent film star who struggled with her mental health as a result of her rising fame and her turbulent love life

Throughout the song, Swift sings about being compared to both Clara Bow and other popular female artists, such as Stevie Nicks. “You look like Stevie Nicks / in ‘75, the hair and lips / Crowd goes wild at her fingertips ”

Swift said the song is “a commentary of what I’ve seen in the industry … they’d say, ‘you know, you remind us of’ and then they’d name an artist, and then they’d say something disparaging about her ” Swift closes the first half of the album with the idea that someone else might one day be compared to her and replace her as the cycle continues. “You look like Taylor Swift / In this light, we’re loving it.”

“It’s a 2 AM surprise!” After the original midnight release of “The Tortured Poets Department (TTPD),” Swift dropped the second half of the album at 2 a m , titled, “The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology ” Featuring 15 new songs, the extended version of “TTPD” caps in at over two hours and 31 songs.

The first half of “TTPD” follows a synth-pop style as seen in Swift’s previous works such as “Midnights” and “Reputation ” For fans of “folklore” and “evermore,” “The Anthology” mimics a similar, slow and acoustic feel. All in all, whatever you’re in the mood for, Swift’s new album has a track for everyone A few highlights of “The Anthology” are “The Albatross,” “So High School,” “thanK you aIMee,” and “The Manuscript.”

Swift refers to herself as an albatross as a representation of the spotlight attached to her name The lyrics, “She’s the death you chose,” alludes to the troubles of their relationship, as it is rumored that Swift and Alwyn’s relationship ended due to the height of Swift’s fame

The scandal between Swift, Kim Kardashian, and Kanye West made headlines in every pop-culture magazine in 2016. When Kardashian released an edited phone call between Swift and West regarding an offensive lyric in his new song “Famous,” Swift’s career took a turn for the worse She was painted as a liar and a snake


Taylor Swift for “The Tortured Poets Department” photoshoot (Beth Garrabrant)

According to, New Haven pizza, also known as "apizza" (pronounced "ah-beets” a), is a renowned style of pizza originating from New Haven, Connecticut. What sets it apart is its thin, coalfired crust that achieves a delicate balance between chewy and crispy textures The hallmark of New Haven pizza is its distinct charred edges, resulting from the intense heat of the coal-fired ovens. Toppings are typically minimal but flavorful, with staples like tomato sauce, pecorino Romano cheese, oregano, and a drizzle of olive oil. This pizza style has garnered a cult following for its unique taste and texture, attracting pizza enthusiasts from far and wide to experience its savory delights

Many people debate which restaurant has the best New Haven style pizza. The restaurants most commonly brought up are Frank Pepe’s, Sally’s, and Modern Apizza Many believe Modern Apizza and Frank Pepe's have perfected the New Haven slice and serve it the best

In my opinion, this is not up for debate, as Sally’s is the strongest New Haven pie. My experience with Sally’s Apizzahas been incredible all-around





What sets Sally's apart is its unwavering commitment to tradition and quality According to The Bostonglobe com, “for over eight decades, this iconic establishment has crafted pies with artisanal mastery, using timehonored recipes and techniques passed down through generations.” Each bite of a Sally's pizza delivers a symphony of flavors, from the perfectly charred crust to the tangy tomato sauce and the generous sprinkling of pecorino Romano cheese

If you ever find yourself at a Sally’s Apizza, the best type of pie would have to be the pepperoni pie Once you take a bite of the slice, a burst of flavors will hit your taste buds. I call this “the perfect bite.” As a starter, I absolutely love the fried mozzarella with the vodka sauce, a great way to dive into these fantastic items. Say you have a dairy allergy or aren't a fan of cheese, Sally’s Apizza specializes in the tomato pie In my experiences with Sally’s Apizza, you can also put whatever topping you would like while still getting the magnificent char with your choice of toppings

According to Infatuation, Sally’s Apizza is rated as one of the best pizza spots in the nation Although Sally’s Apizza features one of the best slices in the world and is always consistent, there is one downside – the pizza does not travel well and doesn't taste very good when it is not fresh. When you try Sally’s Apizza, make sure you eat it while it's hot and straight out of the oven, although this can be hard for many, including families, due to the fact that they aren't able to go out to eat every night If you can go out and have Sally’s Apizza it will never disappoint

Dave Portnoy, the owner of Barstool who goes around the entire country trying every pizza place, reviewed Modern Apizza, Frank Pepe’s, and Sally’s Apizza According to Barstool Sports, Portnoy rated Frank Pepe’s an 8 5/10, Modern Apizza an 8 8/10, and Sally’s Apizza a 9 2/10 These are all great ratings, but Sally’s is the heavy favorite. He runs a YouTube channel called “One Bite Pizza Reviews” that has 1.3 million subscribers. I would say this is a very reliable review, and I think it is spot on.

If you don't agree with Portnoy’s takes, then maybe you will agree with my dad My father, Ian Levine, stated, “There is nothing like a hot and fresh Sally’s Apizza. It just warms the heart!”

The Pulse readers should all definitely go and try a hot and fresh Sally’s Apizza pie!

Delicious takeout from Sally’s Apizza Taken by Brandon Levine

Among all of the recent releases in hip-hop this year, no album has stirred up controversy like Future and Metro Boomin’s newest release “We Don’t Trust You ” The stacked list of established features and rivalries surrounding it has led to the album garnering a lot of attention. Big names like Travis Scott, The Weeknd, Playboi Carti, and, most notably, Kendrick Lamar, all contributed to this new release

A lot of hype that has been generated has come from the back and forth between Drake and multiple other artists on this album. Kendrick Lamar’s verse on “Like That” was a standout from the album and essentially broke the internet This verse took multiple hits at established rappers Drake and J Cole

Often regarded as the big three in hiphop, Drake, Lamar, and Cole have always had competition. The problems specifically between Kendrick Lamar and Drake seem to have been a long time coming though In the past, despite Drake showing admiration for Lamar and even giving him his own interlude on his award-winning album “Take Care,” Lamar admitted he was “irritated by Drake’s success,” according to GQ

They still continued to work together on songs such as “Poetic Justice” off Lamar’s well-renowned album “good kid, M.a.a.d. City.” The bad blood would only begin to grow, though, after Lamar name dropped Drake specifically in his verse on Big Sean’s “Control ” Ironically, Drake would seemingly throw shots back at Lamar on a remix to a Future song.





With bad blood brewing between the two, it was only inevitable they would trade disses back and forth This would lead to “Like That” being the biggest streaming song on the album and bringing a lot of attention to it.

Future also seems to have his fair share of problems with Drake, which caused a lot of talk on social media and prompted seemingly slight jabs aimed at Drake throughout the album Future was apparently not happy with Drake putting out a collab album with fellow Atlanta rapper 21 Savage, as Future and Drake were meant to make a follow-up to their collaboration mixtape “What a Time to Be Alive ”

There also seems to be an issue between the two over a woman they were both involved with Drake’s track on his album “For All the Dogs” titled “What Would Pluto Do” was originally seen by fans as a nod to Future, as he also goes by Pluto, but new information seems to point to this being a diss.

Future and Metro Boomin are frequent collaborators and good friends, and Metro also has his issues with Drake Metro would take shots at Drake because his album “Her Loss” outshinies Metro’s project “Heroes & Villains.” According to the Rolling Stone, Metro said, “Yet her loss still keeps winning rap album of the year over H&V Proof that award shows are just politics and not for me ”

Metro and Future would recruit some hip-hop “avengers” for this album Many of those who were featured on this tracklist also have problems with Drake, and if they didn’t, it definitely would cause bad blood, as they are essentially picking sides. Those such as Rick Ross and The Weeknd seem to have pretty well-documented issues with Drake throughout the years Others such as Travis Scott and Playboi Carti were seen as frequent collaborators and friends of Drake, and to many, it was a shock to see them picking sides

Travis Scott and Playboi Carti would team up with Metro and Future on another standout from this album on the track “Type Sh*t.” This track is probably my favorite off this entire album Both artists, Travis and Carti, are sort of elusive and exclusive to whom they give features That’s why I think this song is so special. Features from both artists are pretty rare, but to have both of them on the same song with Future and production from Metro just makes it that much better

The production from Metro on this album was quite spectacular, like always. Metro revolutionized the sound of Atlanta trap, working with artists like Young Thug, Future, Travis Scott, and Quavo Without Metro, a lot of these artists wouldn't have such extensive catalogs as they do or the evolved sound they developed. His beats on this album bring great life to the project and allow for the artists to really do their thing

Metro Boomin and Future. Photo by Matt Adam

Art is a crucial aspect of the human experience, as it is used as a vessel to express ourselves and our cultures, and it often mirrors religion, pop culture, and political tensions Usually, when we wish to explore these pivotal pieces, we turn to labyrinthine art museums that we can look at, but not touch This setup can make some feel almost removed from the art, and it fails to engage every visitor But there is more than one way to absorb and interact with visual art. This summer, seek art outside of the gallery.

Situated in Manhattan’s Morningside Heights neighborhood, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine is more than a house of worship. The construction of this Cathedral began in 1892, according to the location’s website, and it is the largest cathedral in the world – right here in New York Besides holding daily services, St John’s Cathedral is a beacon of art. In fact, its website reads that it was “founded as ‘a center for intellectual light and leadership’ and houses numerous spaces dedicated to the preservation of textiles, poetry, and literature.”

One of St. John the Divine’s unique offerings is its “vertical tour ” The tour boasts a 124-foot spiral staircase climb through the cathedral to observe the architecture and stained glass up close. The vertical tour is a beautiful opportunity to learn about Gothic Revival architecture and the history of a New York institution, as well as the craftsmanship that went into constructing this site




Another popular attraction of the Cathedral is “The Peace Fountain,” a 1985 sculpture situated beside the building According to Atlas Obscura, this piece is meant to represent the triumph of good over evil and depicts the expulsion of Satan from heaven to hell. Around the base of the fountain are bronzes created by children displaying mythical beasts and historical figures Featuring giraffes, Satan, and crab claws, the sculpture designed by George Wyatt is certainly one to see Additionally, the interior of the cathedral often houses interfaith art installations and exhibits, which are always tasteful and make for an interesting visit.

Another art experience worth taking a chance on is Mercer Labs, self-described as a “Museum of Art and Technology ” It is like nothing I have seen before Fans of the immersive Van Gogh exhibit (and other similar experiences) will relish in the interactiveness of Mercer Labs. Designed by renowned experimental artist Roy Nachum, each room within Mercer Labs is a unique sensory and sometimes tactile experience –essentially art you can jump right into One room might have plush walls and be covered with a thick fog, and the next is completely lined with pink flowers floor to ceiling. According to The New York Times, Nachum envisions the museum changing over time by incorporating musicians, actors, and other artists into the exhibitions – or even renting out space for events Mercer Labs entirely reframes what “art” is and how we can engage with it.

On a more local note, the international PepsiCo headquarters in Purchase, New York, houses The Donald M Kendall Sculpture Gardens – an exquisite menagerie of contemporary three-dimensional art The gardens were designed by English landscape artist Russell Page. According to the New York Botanical Gardens, Page had completed private projects for British royalty and A-list celebrities. In the later years of his career, he spread his work to America and began PepsiCo

With free admission, one can simply wander the property’s 11 gardens and nearly 50 iconic sculptures Among this collection are famed works by internationally significant artists such as Alexander Calder, Auguste Rodin, Claes Oldenburg, Joan Mirό, and more. In fact, sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro has several large-scale works housed at the gardens, and similar pieces of his are held at The Vatican Museum With an exceptionally beautiful landscape to complement the equally breathtaking artwork, PepsiCo is the perfect place to spend a bright spring day

Whether it is St. John the Divine, Mercer Labs, PepsiCo, or another venue, there are a plethora of ways we can open ourselves up to art and become truly immersed So, on a summer day when you have nothing to do, go seek art – you never know where you may find it.

Photograph of “The Peace Fountain” taken by Olivia Barsky

Fun and educational, word games have numerous benefits for all age groups The World Game website states that “Participation in crossword puzzles delayed the onset of accelerated memory decline in subjects who developed dementia by 2 54 years compared to non-puzzlers ”

Other advantages include stress relief, expanded vocabulary, better memory, and improved problem-solving skills. Perhaps due to their enjoyable nature, puzzles have skyrocketed in popularity in terms of The New York Times games.

Newspaper peer Tinsley Valenti reflected, “Doing Wordle in the morning strengthens my neurons in preparation for the school day ” Available to play for free, The New York Times’s games have surged in use. Stated by Axios, “The New York Times’ puzzles and games were played more than 8 billion times last year led by breakout hit Wordle, with 4 8 billion plays ”

Josh Wardle, a software engineer from Wales, was an avid player of The New York Times games during the pandemic with his girlfriend, Palak Shah With all of their free time, they were able to compile thousands of five-letter words and put them into a system. For months, Shah and Wardle played the game together, and then they shared it with their family In October 2021, Wardle went public with his game and had 90 players in November, which sky-rocketed to 2 million by mid-December





When Harvey sophomore Logan Kreisberg was asked what his favorite New York Times game is, he responded, “Connections, and I played it in beta. I started in August.” This game is the newer craze, as it was released in June 2023 and has now risen to the most played game after Wordle In this game, 16 words are presented in a grid and have to be sorted into four categories Once solved, a category is colored yellow, green, blue, or purple, yellow being the easiest to figure out and purple being the hardest Some past categories have included “numbers with first letters replaced by S,” “lab equipment,” and “taco toppings ”

Editor since 2020, Wyna Liu has been credited with helping create Connections. She had previously worked with crosswords and was excited but nervous about this new challenge Liu wrote in a New York Times article, “The work of Robert Leighton, a cartoonist and puzzle maker, stood out to me With the help of an answer key, I learned from his puzzles that a drawing of a tick, a thumbtack and a tow truck could be used to express the term ‘tic-tac-toe’ Thinking about these puzzles reminded me of how meaning can be communicated succinctly, and I was inspired by their playfulness and use of free association ”

A third favorite that has been around for a decade is the Mini Crossword A five-by-five grid, the Mini is much easier to solve than the main crossword of 15-by-15 squares, and it can be completed in under a minute with focus If you're struggling, there are autocheck and reveal buttons to make the game a bit easier.

A New York Times piece about their puzzle makers states, “The Mini was the brainchild of Matt Hural He wanted something free and easy for visitors of the app to play and, in constitution with Will Shortz, they came up with the 5x5 daily crossword ”

Other New York Times games include Letter Boxed, Strands, Spelling Bee, Tiles, Vertex, and Sudoku The New York Times app is available to download on iPhones, and the games section will keep track of your daily win streak

Although these free games have been around for some time, playing time spiked during the pandemic when people were stuck at home. Like baking and biking, this hobby has stuck around in the post-lockdown period and is still a daily activity for many.

Within Harvey itself, there is a puzzles club run by Mr. Zazzarino and Ms Maddy Visintainer in which The New York Times games are regularly played, along with jigsaw puzzles. The club focuses on the midday relaxation of students which can be sought in these games

Co-puzzle club creator Ms Visintainer reflects, “Puzzles are about piecing together different parts of yourself to create a whole We needed a puzzle club at Harvey because I found that the students needed a safe space to piece together the mosaics of themselves ”

The overall popularity of New York Times games can be directly viewed by statistics from “80s Level” which show that, by the end of 2023, users spent more time in the Games section of the app than the actual news section for the first time ever

With its benefits and enjoyability, puzzling is sure to be a timeless hobby furthered through technology.

Statistic showing that by the end of 2023, users spent more time on NYT games than any other section of the app Graph by ValueAct Data




In Katonah, New York, a town known for its historic charm, one culinary debate reigns supreme: Who makes the best bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich? The competition is fierce, and it comes down to three delis. Locals are passionately divided between Paulie's Deli, Katonah Village Market, and Cameron’s Deli in nearby Cross River The search to uncover the ultimate breakfast sandwich in the Katonah area has become the town's most delicious investigation

Located at 24 Woodsbridge Road in Katonah, Paulie's Deli is a great spot for a quick bite to go when you are in a rush. Featuring crispy bacon, perfectly cooked eggs, and gooey melted cheese, their bacon, egg and cheese (BEC) melts in your mouth The secret, according to Paulie's, is in its attention to detail and use of quality ingredients sourced from local vendors. "It's the classic BEC done right," says Cade Gilligan, a Harvey student and customer. "The food is great, the selection is awesome, and the service is quick " However, this quality and charm comes with a hefty price tag At $6 per sandwich, Paulie's BEC is more expensive than its competitors. However, despite the premium cost, loyal patrons, mostly of the older generation, go to Paulie''s day after day, willing to pay a little extra for a taste of perfection


A short drive away in Cross River, Cameron's Deli has been giving Paulie's a run for its money with its own take on the iconic breakfast sandwich. This deli isn't just about your typical BEC; it's known for its diverse menu and crazy sandwich options, like the legendary Cluckin Russian Sandwich But don't let the wild menu distract you from the classic bacon, egg and cheese, which is a standout meal in its own right Cameron's BEC is always steaming hot off the grill, which I love, because it makes it taste fresher and adds to its mouthwatering appeal. What also sets Cameron's apart from its competitors is its spacious layout, which includes a FroYo machine and ample outdoor seating This creates the perfect ambiance to savor Cameron’s delicious BEC creation, making it a winning combination that's hard to resist

And then there's the Village Market Deli, a hidden gem in the heart of the village of Katonah The Village Market Deli isn't just a middle ground in the BEC debate; it's a spot known for its welcoming atmosphere and friendly staff. What sets it apart is the personal touch its employees bring to every interaction. They go beyond taking orders, engaging customers in genuine conversations about everything from school to fashion trends Whether it's chatting about your latest school project or complimenting your sweatshirt, the staff's genuine interest in their customers makes every visit feel like catching up with old friends. The deli also remains a popular choice for budget-conscious diners and students. The Village Market’s bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich, priced at just $3.35, is the most affordable among the three delis While its early closure at 3 p m can be inconvenient, the warmth and the affordability of the Village Market Deli keep customers coming back for more

In the end, after much deliberation, Cameron's Deli emerges as the champion, claiming first place in the quest for the best BEC in Katonah. Paulie's, with its unwavering commitment to quality and efficiency, secures a strong second place, while the Village Market Deli, renowned for its warm hospitality and affordability, takes a commendable third Whether you're in the mood for a classic breakfast sandwich or something more complex, one thing is clear: Katonah and Cross River have some of the tastiest breakfast options around. The only problem left now is deciding which one to try first

Image of crispy bacon, melted cheese, and soft eggs placed between a kaiser roll Courtesy of Laura Rege (The Kitchn)



Nowadays, every movie franchise is starting to become its cinematic universe owned by major entertainment companies, all having multiple directors with different ideas Each director clashes with another when trying to come up with a clear, concise vision for what the universe has to offer. Not many film directors can call a cinematic universe their own Zack Snyder is a film director who is an exception to this problem He’s a film director known for his sci-fi action films that have a darker tone to them, like his DC Extended Universe (DCEU) film, “Man of Steel,” and now his cinematic universe in the form of “Rebel Moon ”

“Rebel Moon” is a two-part story of a group of rebels coming together to start a war against the Motherworld, a collection of planets controlled by the Imperium, the universe’s central authority. The Imperium & the Motherworld threaten the extinction of Veldt, a small, peaceful, farming planet after its inhabitants cannot produce the number of resources the Imperium asked for. In “Rebel Moon Part One: A Child of Fire,” we are introduced to Kora, a former Imperium Warrior turned Veldt farmer, played by Sofia Boutella




Kora was taken to the Imperium at a very young age after her homeworld was killed during a Motherworld invasion She was spared by Regent Balisarius, a high-ranking officer of the Motherworld. He took her under his wing, teaching her what it meant to be a warrior, and she would become one of the Imperium’s stronger fighters, as she would eventually be given the nickname “Arthelais ” Eventually, she is betrayed by the one family that she ever knew and becomes an Imperium fugitive and is given the name “The Scargiver '' when she starts to rebel against the Imperium

When she arrived in Veldt, she was happily taken in by Veldt farmers and lived among them, until the Imperium arrived, when she was introduced to Admiral Atticus Noble, a military leader within the Imperium, and the main antagonist of the first two movies, played by Ed Skrein. He is a ruthless man with unwavering loyalty to the Imperium and the Motherworld and would do anything to get the mission done.

Noble gave the farmers 10 weeks to produce enough crops to feed 5,000 soldiers, after taking the life of the village leader to strike fear into the villagers. Unaware of her presence in the village, Kora warned the villagers about the true nature of the Imperium and convinced them to fight instead of giving into his demands She decides to head out and build her group of warriors while the rest of the villagers look after the village. She first picks up at the village, Gunnar, the man in charge of all the harvest done on Veldt, played by Michiel Huisman

After Kora and Gunnar set out, they later pick up Kai, played by Charlie Hunnam, who would be the group pilot because of his privately owned spaceship After Kai, the next warrior to be picked up is the prince of the sand planet - Samandri, Tarak, played by Staz Nair, former Imperium general, Titus, played by Djimon Hounsou, and sword-master, Nemesis, played by Doona Bae

The last group of people Kora would like to join her crew is a group known as the “Bloodax Insurgents,” a revolutionary army at the forefront of the battle against the Imperium Kai takes Kora and the rest of the Veldt resistance to the planet, where the two groups agree and form an alliance. Before heading to the Imperium realm headquarters, they make a pit stop on planet Gondival, where they are caught in an ambush by Atticus.

It turns into an all-out brawl between the Insurgents and the Resistance against Atticus and the Imperium, with the Resistance and Insurgents coming out victorious. They then head home to Veldt to prepare their defenses for the upcoming war against the rest of the Imperium and the Motherworld


Official poster for “Rebel Moon” Courtesy of Netflix


Although this offense took place years ago, it followed Swift up until 2020, when it was revealed that the phone call was edited, and she was telling the truth the entire time The song “thanK you aIMee” reflects on the emotional effects of Kardashian’s attack on Swift. Swift creatively makes this message clear through the capitalization of the letters “KIM ” Initially, one would think that “thanK you aIMee” is a diss track, but Swift repeats the lyrics, “Cause I can’t forget the way you made me heal thanK you aIMee ” This is Swift coming to terms with Kardashian’s actions and appreciating the thick skin it gave her. On Spotify, the visual background for the song is Swift holding up her signature heart gesture, signifying the peaceful conclusion of an eight-year dispute

Closing out “The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology” is “The Manuscript ” On Swift’s Instagram post for the release of “TTPD,” she writes, “Once we have spoken our saddest story, we can be free of it ” “The Manuscript” mirrors this quotation as she focuses on healing and accepting the end of her relationship with Alwyn. With a tone of liberation, she sings, “And at last / She knew what the agony has been for / Now and then I re-read the manuscript / But the story isn’t mine anymore.” Finally, Swift has said goodbye and is ready to leave the Tortured Poets Department.

“The Tortured Poets Department '' is Swift at her most vulnerable Though they are deeply personal songs, listeners are able to see into the life of the biggest star in the world. She details the greatness of heartbreak and healing, while also proving that even she, Ms Taylor Swift, is human, too Thank you, Taylor




“Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver” picks up exactly where part one left off Everyone arrives back home on Veldt and begins training the rest of the villagers for war. They start fortifying their defenses, planting ambushes, and making bombs and other weapons Out of nowhere, the Imperium fleet arrives on Veldt to collect their expected crops, and to everyone’s surprise, Atticus Noble steps off the ship, showing that he miraculously survived the fight against Kora on Gondival.

Atticus informs Kora that Balisarius knows she’s hiding out on Veldt He gives her the option to either return to the Imperium and Balisarius as a soldier and spare everyone’s life on Veldt or start this war and face Veldt’s destruction Kora stands by her decision to go against the Imperium and rings the town bell, emphasizing the start of the war. After a long battle, with multiple lives lost on both sides, Kora wins the war and successfully takes down Atticus permanently, but in return, also loses Kai as well

While they may seem like typical sci-fi films, both parts of the “Rebel Moon” films stand out in their own right for their impressive CGI and fight scenes These have a typically darker tone compared to other sci-fi movies, and that’s mostly because of Zack Snyder’s style of directing. Snyder’s films are carried by their big, action-packed fight sequences, which allow characters to show who they are on the battlefield aside from their dialogue

However, where Snyder shines in CGI and fights, he fails in a lot of other departments. Although the dialogue of each character may not be bad, their backstories don’t get seen enough This applies to every other character, except for Kora. While it makes sense that she is the main character so we want to understand her the most, Snyder puts too much focus and emphasis on Kora that he lets some of the other Rebels such as Titus, Nemesis, and Tarak run dry and only get a one-minute scene for their backstory

Overall, even though Parts One and Two of “Rebel Moon” are visually appealing and fun films, they lack the character development that is needed to give these films the potential to be better

THE HARVEY SCHOOL | 260 JAY STREET, KATONAH NY SPECIAL THANKS to Logan Kreisberg for Editing the June 2024 Issue PAGE 18

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