a greaT educaTion has always led To greaTer possibiliTies, buT iT doesn’T have To be a physically, emoTionally, and inTellecTually exhausTive race.
Isn’t it “the grind” that makes an independent school great? An academic pressure cooker that leads to top college acceptance? Isn’t that what it takes for students to be ready?
Excellence, simply, is inspiring students to chase what fulfills them, and instilling a desire for greater knowledge, broader perspectives, and cultural awareness.

ThaT’s awesome, isn’T iT?
An outstanding education isn’t about dishing out mounds of homework every night. It isn’t equating academic excellence to scoring a few tenths of a point higher. And at Harvey, it is not a one-size-fits-all path to what’s next.
senIor brIdge semInar
Harvey’s programs break from the mold to match students’ interests and passions.

With Harvey’s innovative, handson STEAM program, students design, build, and code robots. With two dedicated robotics labs for Middle and Upper School students, Harvey’s robotics teams have won more than 95 state, regional, national, and world championships and awards. Now they are exploring artificial intelligence robotics.
9Th grade crossIng
The first day of ninth grade marks the crossing of a threshold into high school and how students will navigate their way through the next four years. At Harvey, students begin this journey through a curriculum that exposes them to a broader exploration of English genres through the Writer’s Odyssey, and Science Trajectories, where students study six distinctive units of science.
This language study helps students stand out to colleges and future employers. In partnership with the Keio Academy of New York, a local Japanese school, and the opportunity to travel to sister schools in Tokyo and Hiroshima, students broaden their understanding of Japanese culture and language.

T T i T. cu TT er
The Harvey School personalizes an educational journey to be as unique as each individual student. Students don’t conform to a singular “portrait of a graduate.” They have unlimited opportunity to unlock potential and uncover talents.

The final year of high school is an opportunity for students to become more independent and adventurous thinkers and learners, while reinforcing skills that will prepare them for the rigors and autonomy of college and beyond. Through engagement in inquiry and problem-based coursework, readings, journaling, and independent learning projects, students hone their abilities in critical thinking, self-reflection, independence, communication, collaboration, research, and time management.
l oving school e ngaging in learning Feeling respec T ed Trus T ing T eachers b eing heard and valued Trying new T hings l eaving T he com F or T zone b eing accep T ed m aking mis Takes l earning and growing c onnec T ing wi T h peers h aT ing school b eing overwhelmed p er F orming T o be per F ec T Fi TT ing in To a mold g e TT ing los T p re T ending To be happy Feeling anxious all T he T ime Facing unaccep Tance d oing T he same T hing every day c ompe T ing agains T everyone achieving aT any cos TinopTou T

“I had an amazing relationship with my advisor. We had advisory every Tuesday and it was always a place where you could just sit back, relax, eat some snacks with your friends, while also talking about what you wanted to achieve that week, or what problem you were trying to work through for that week or that trimester. I cried with my advisor; I laughed with her.”
Every week, 8 to 10 students and their advisor can discuss specific topics or anything that’s on their minds.
Trust everythingmakespossible.
Harvey places students with advisors they’ll connect with best. As student experiences and interests develop, so do their connections and relationships with Harvey teachers, mentors, and coaches. Our goal is for every student to have an adult on campus that they can turn to … for anything.

The Advisory Program is built upon the Harvey experience. Beginning in the Middle School, advisors partner with individual students—meeting once a week throughout the academic year—to address questions, discuss social and emotional topics, consider personal concerns or challenges, and review students’ academic progress. Advisors also regularly communicate directly with families.

Sir William Harvey, our namesake, discovered the mechanics of blood circulation. So you might not be surprised that a Harvey education provides academic rigor with heart. We value service and encourage students to engage with local and global communities—identifying needs, developing responses, and rolling up their sleeves to get things done—so they lead lives of integrity and kindness.

Options include: biology, American history, calculus (AB & BC), chemistry, English, European history, microeconomics, physics, and statistics.

If it changeitchallengedoesn’tyou,won’tyou.
model un courseshonors coursesap 22 11
The Harvey Model United Nations team prepares for and competes in two national conferences annually. Students develop excellent public speaking skills and persuasive rhetoric while also researching and solving complex issues.
m ichael m ar T irano ’20 LAFAYETTE MECHANICALCOLLEGEENGINEERING ex T raordinary personal and in T ellec T ual grow T h

resulT :
“My teachers treat me like an adult, they’re very respectful, and don’t treat me like a kid who doesn’t know anything. I was given a lot of freedom to figure things out. Because the classes are small, you get a lot of input into the classroom discussions that you don’t get in bigger schools. I like that.”
At Harvey, giving students space to find their “thing” has everything to do with accepting students for who they are. Because when students connect with their newbond—theyteachers—trulydreambig,trythings,andtakerisks.
“I believe energy, humor, and spontaneity are essential to keep the class and students engaged. As an educator, it is my job to help the students find their passion. It is much more than just teaching history. It is teaching them to be lifelong learners.”
p lan T
g row adven T urously
college planning and personalized attention occurs in junior and senior years. junior chaTs help students research colleges, learn to use SCOIR and the Common App, and assist with personal statements, essays, and brag sheets. on campus evenTs include college admissions panels, financial aid night, understanding standardized test scores, junior and senior parent nights, and junior class monthly chats. Harvey goes there. American University Bard LafayetteJohnsIthacaatIndianaUniversityGeorgeFordhamEmersonElonCornellUniversityClemsonIrvineUniversityBrandeisBostonBostonofBerkleeBatesBarnardCollegeCollegeCollegeCollegeMusicCollegeUniversityUniversityofCalifornia,UniversityofConnecticutUniversityUniversityCollegeUniversityWashingtonUniversityBloomingtonCollegeHopkinsUniversityCollege Lehigh WesleyaninWashingtonVirginiaVillanovaTulaneTuftsSyracuseSkidmoreofRochesterofRhodeUniversityPennsylvaniaofParsonsNortheasternCarolinaUniversityNewUniversityUniversityUniversityofMiamiofMichiganYorkUniversityofNorthatChapelHillUniversitySchoolDesignStateIslandSchoolDesignInstituteTechnologyCollegeUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityTechUniversitySt.LouisUniversity over 60 colleges and universiTies visiT campus in boTh Fall and spring. sTudenTs Find The schools with attributes that best align with their interests, personalities, and aspirations. senIor workshops held in August help students fine tune their applications and essays before school begins. The majoriTy oF harvey sTudenTs are accepTed To Their FirsTchoice school.
any FsTcareercampus,collegeonanypaTh.arTingreshmanyear:underclassmencollegenighT introduces students and families to

b e ready T o lead aT the college college process.
office and
a nnelise c epero ’13
s ophia s carsella ’19 CORNELL
a llan d ilone r odriguez ’20
Graduated from Boston University in 2018.
s ean s asso ’00
Graduated from Montclair College with her BFA. Annelise appeared in Steven Spielberg’s Oscar-nominated remake of “West Side Story,” as well as guest-starring roles on NBC’s “Law & Order SVU” and “Chicago P.D.” In addition to acting and modeling, Annelise sees writing and directing in her future.

Michael is now working as marketing coordinator/ digital host for the Houston Rockets NBA basketball team and living in Houston. He previously worked in publicity for the Los Angeles Dodgers major league baseball team and hosted his own late night talk show “Goodnight Goodkind,” interviewing professional athletes and coaches while playing basketball with them.

e rika c heyne ’14
Graduated from Providence College with a BS in marketing and finance. Right after school, she accepted a position as an area sales manager for the Coca-Cola Company, partnering with area chain restaurants to increase their beverage incidence and solve their operational challenges, leading to stronger customer relationships and increased profitability for both the chain and the Coca-Cola Company.

m ichael g oodkind ’14
A former dormer at Harvey, after college Sean found success in the fashion industry working with Dolce and Gabbana, Ferragamo, Barneys, Bergdorf Goodman, and John Varvatos before transitioning to real estate. Sean and his partners started Coast Real Estate Group in 2020, now operating in New York, Connecticut, Miami, and Los Angeles. His company was even featured on Bravo’s “Million Dollar Listing New York.”

a cvodaTe
“My son shadowed some classes at Harvey, including English, and on the way home he said he wished he could have stayed longer to see what happened at the end of the book the class was discussing. That was the type of vibe we were looking for!”
“Harvey has a really chill and relaxed vibe, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t doing the work. My son comes home and does theoretical math proofs and he’s just starting calculus. The academics are here, but it’s a friendly and kind environment in which to learn.”
“Harvey has an upbeat and open vibe that makes everyone feel comfortable to be their best self. With all the classes, electives, and activities, students are like, ‘Hey, let’s try this, let’s do that.’ There’s a real passion to try new things.”
posiTiviTy surrounds everyone in a TighTkniT communiTy oF Teachers, menTors, coaches, and peers who Truly connecT wiTh and care For … each oTher.

Middle School: Joy Division
laTin students take the National Latin Exam each year as an opportunity to experience a personal sense languagetheiraccomplishmentofinstudyoftheLatinandculture.
Students got involved in the growing up jazz program, exploring self-awareness, identity, and Black history with jazz singer Andromeda Turre, who also performed.
middle school FaculTy are credenTialed middle school Teachers wiTh holdFdegreesadvancedinTheirield,andsomedocToraTes.
sTudenTs move Through hIsTory, englIsh, maTh, world language, are In all
Positive Psychology social and emoTional learning workshops help students find their voice, improve mental health, build confidence, and ease social anxieties and pressures.

Contribute poetry, prose, and art to Harvey’s Middle School liTerary magazine, Equinox, recognized for excellence by the National Council for Teachers of English.
“A student first needs to feel comfortable in the classroom and know they can trust their teacher before they can really learn. I treat each student as an individual and help them discover who they are as learners, encourage them to believe in themselves, and challenge them to work hard. I am not perfect and I don’t expect my students to be perfect, but we should always strive to be better and realize that setbacks are part of the journey.”
Led by dynamic teachers who are scientists, coders, musicians, mathematicians, writers, adventurers, painters, and athletes who love to teach, the Middle School fills students’ hearts with the joy of learning. Because joy matters. These are important years, focused on acquiring the skills and gaining confidence to tackle the challenges of Upper School.

arT, musIc, TheaTer, and elecTIves. crITIcal ThInkIng, wrITIng Fluency, eFFecTIve communIcaTIon, publIc speakIng, collaboraTIon, organIzaTIon, and TIme managemenT
You can feel the excitement in Harvey’s Middle School.
science students identify invasive species on campus with a local forager from the Katonah Library.
There’s noThing more powerFul Than a sTudenT who believes They can make a diFFerence.
Our world demands new thought, creativity, innovation, and solutions. Harvey empowers students to find their voice, to be self-advocates, to make positive change. Because our children will become the leaders and difference-makers of tomorrow.

diversiTy dialogues where sTudenTs discuss diversiTy, equiTy, and inclusion; social jusTice; and currenT issues.
chorus performed at Radio City Music Hall before the Christmas Spectacular.
poeTry reciTaTion and speech conTesTs are opportunities for public speaking in front of entire community.
Take advantage of close proximity to New York City to visit museums
That class opened me up to a whole new understanding of history and it became my favorite class. I never thought
Japanese language students are paired with Japanese students at sister schools in Tokyo and hiroshima and correspond throughout the year.

I’d be able to appreciate the subject, but because of the teaching I really fell in love with that class.”

Harvey’s Upper School faculty give students the upper hand.

“I decided to take AP History even though history is not my best subject.
Harvey roboTics team designs a dental device for local oral surgeons to use. Currently in the patent process.
Our Upper School faculty are role models and mentors for students, in and out of the classroom, and ensure mastery of subject content. Teachers combine expert instructional methods with the latest technology, and continue to grow their knowledge through professional development. With such a strong and dedicated faculty, there’s literally nothing holding students back at Harvey. They feel confident to explore their talents, abilities, and personal interests.
MoviesMuseumsand shopping
Wiffle ball
Ropes course
Our boarding program is safe, supportive, and encourages personal responsibility and self-advocacy. Five-day boarding is perfect for families who want their students to skip the daily commute and develop independence while spending weekends with family.

Ultimate Frisbee
w eekday
The boarding community is an extended family who learns, plays, and grows together. By living with peers from across the tri-state area and worldwide, boarders develop a global perspective and an appreciation for diverse backgrounds. As campus residents, they benefit from greater access to school resources, including evening proctored study hours with faculty/staff and more time in the Fenstermacher Athletic Center or The Walker Center for the Arts. With mentoring and support, they gain independence in a structured and safe community, which helps prepare them for a smooth transition to college.
Open gym
Bowling and laser tag
Escape Rooms
Home Away From Home
Movies and shopping
Open Culturalskatedistrict shows
p ossible weekend ac T ivi T ies:
Open art studio
Skiing, sledding, rock climbing
Local sports team games
e ven T s:
Sightseeing around New York City
Cultural district shows
n 22 d F
d F a m i l y e x T e n 2 e d F a m i l y e x
d e d F a m i l y e x
Our international program is an integral part of our school. The 5 plus 2 boarding approach provides students a complete and immersive experience—boarding school life and American family life. Boarders live on campus for five days and live with a host family on the weekends.

close To new york ciTy, there are terrific resources for all Harvey students. Boarders have the opportunity to spend their weekends experiencing all the city has to offer: a thriving arts community, incredible restaurants, museums, great professional sports teams, neighborhoods with distinct personalities, and more!
on weekends, students will live with a local host family, which offers an lifelongandTogetherwithexperienceimmersivecompleteweekendactivities.theyshareculturesdeveloppowerfulconnections.
during The week, faculty and staff who live on campus get to know our boarders well and develop strong relationships. Each night, the residential life team and their families join boarders for dinner, allowing students to know them as people outside the classroom.
F m i l y e T e n d e l y e T en d e d a m i l y e n e T e n e T n T e a m i l y e x T e n d e dboarders2
% boy s
x 55
residence halls s T uden T s per room r ooms % g irls
d F 46 i
“The original idea oF bringing an inTernaTional sTudenT inTo our home and Family was To expand our culTural horizons. IT ended up being so much more! we ended up gaining anoTher daughTer.” + 2 found the right balance.
d F a 45 l y e x
resTauranTs and shopping in Town oF kaTonah meTro norTh harlem line Train sTaTion in kaTonah maIn campus Global
danbury Fair mall perspectives.
More than 20 international students attend Harvey each year from many diverse countries, including Spain, Sweden, Japan, China, Taiwan, Brazil, Poland, Lithuania, and Tajikistan. ledes naTure Trail ThroughouT campus caramoor cenTer For music and arTs m iles nycTo Campus125-Acre NewKatonah,inYork harvey sTudenTs come From over 100 zip codes in new york, connecTicuT, and new jersey. jswesTmorelandancTuaryohnjayhomesTead
evarTs Ice rink on campus
kaTonah museum oF arT

Boys Thirds Basketball
Boys JV Tennis Girls JV Tennis
Boys Varsity Lacrosse
Boys Varsity Rugby
Girls JV Basketball
Varsity Ice Hockey
Varsity Skiing
Strength and Conditioning m iddle s chool Coed Cross Country Flag GirlsCoedFootballSoccerVolleyball
m iddle s chool
Boys JV Rugby
Boys JV Baseball
Coed Varsity Golf
Boys Varsity Tennis Girls Varsity Tennis
Girls Varsity Lacrosse
u pper s chool
Boys Varsity Basketball
Strength and Conditioning
m iddle s chool
Coed Varsity Track and Field
Boys Navy Basketball
Boys Baseball Girls Tennis Tennis Varsity Soccer JV Soccer Varsity Soccer Varsity Volleyball JV Volleyball Country
Boys JV Basketball
Girls Varsity Basketball
Girls Varsity Rugby
Boys Varsity Baseball

Boys Maroon Basketball
Coed Varsity Cross
Girls Varsity Softball
Coed Varsity Indoor Track
u pper s chool Varsity Football Boys
Girls CoedBasketballIceHockey Fall spr I ng w I n T er
u pper s chool
b aTT le as a c avalier Evarts Ice Rink 6 athletic fields 6 tennis BaseballFitnessWeightCenterState-of-artcourtsAthleticwith3gymsroomcenterand softball fields Cross competitionfor4coursecountryoncampuslocalskiresortspracticeand since 2000 40 c hampionships 288 hval a ll- l eague players 31 nepsac a ll- l eague, a ll- sTar players 26 Faa a ll- l eague Ice h ockey players

Studies show that there is a strong correlation between academic success and pursuit of the arts. An arts education is the most comprehensive form of learning. In addition to intellectual development, the arts build skills, emotional depth, and the ability to imagine.
more Than you could do aT schoolsmosT.blackboxTheaTer, which allows for flexibility in performance and presentation, seats 250.

The harvey arTs FaculTy are all proFessIonal arTIsTs In FIne arTs, dance, musIc, and TheaTer, sharIng TheIr experIence and experTIse as arTIsTs wITh TheIr sTudenTs.

for recording.andphotography,graphicceramics,production,televisiondance,design,sound
We believe the arts are an essential element of education, just like reading, writing, and math, allowing students to develop a cultural literacy that fosters imagination, creativity, and the ability to solve complex problems.

visiTing arTisTs series

Professional artists, painters, potters, andprofessionalclassescomejustillustrators,photographers,andpoetsaresomeofthosewhotoHarveytovisitartandsharetheirexperiencestalentswithstudents.onolessonsinsprivaTeTrumenTalFFeredcampus. s ngi acT

exhibiT Their work aT The kaTonah museum oF arT (kma) and wiTh local arTs collecTives and venues. gndesI

sTar T by s Tar T ing. seek someThIng new. sIgn shareup.a passIon. middle and upper school elec T 40+ives Clubs Community Service Club Japanese Culture Club Musicology Club Big Questions Club Knitting Club GSA (Genders & Sexualities Alliance) TheClubWriters’ Group People Against Animal Cruelty (PAAC) CARE (Culture & Racial Equality) Club Debate HumansClubofHarvey Club Environmental Club Sports Club SRCC (Stress Reduction Through Coloring Club) Comedy Club Start Your Own Club Organizations Model United Nations (UN) Spanish Honor Society Math Honor Society Robotics Honor Society National Latin Exam Japanese Honor Society Electives Art MusicLabin Movement,StagecraftMedia9Meditation & Dance Acting ContemporaryNewspaper9 Drama Film and U.S.EconomicsStarPoetryShakespearience!PlaywritingFictionWarsStudiesGovernment & Politics Introduction to Sport and Exercise PagePsychologytoStage: Global Current Affairs DanceAnimalEvolutionBioethicsBehaviorConcertCompany Class Dance VoiceChamberMusicBandChorusStagecraftYoga/TaiLabChiProductionSingersMasterClass Virtual Electives VeterinaryFirstMarineGameCriminologyAnimationDesignScienceYearASLScience

“supporTiveeveryonewanTs you To succeed. IT’s noT cuTThroaT aT harvey so you Feel much more relaxed To be yourselF and open To Try new Things.”
m I n d
“FromhearTwarmingTheTopdown, harvey is a place ThaT is super welcoming, From The FaculTy To The sTudenTs To The adminisTraTion. everyone jusT wanTs To connecT.”
“Our community is like having a big friend group. You don’t have to worry about being alone at Harvey.”
Dare To Be Your Best! ITI ve I F e
“ThepassionaTeTeachers love Teaching, The sTudenTs are engaged, and everyone is puTTing Their all inTo academics, sporTs, and elecTives. everyone loves being poshere.” ve

1916Founded The Harvey School is fully accredited by, and is a member of, the New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS). Harvey is also a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). sT uden T /FaculT y r a T io 81 v I cl&ualsperFormIngasses25 110 FaculTy and sTaFF g rades6 T hrough12 + reside on campus m nssIIo day and sTboardingudenTs jlslanguagesworldpanishaTinapanese 10 212courses 9 d I sc I pl I nes InTechnologyTegraTedinTocurriculumwiThmulTiplelabs,includingbroadcasT/ediTing,roboTics,and3-dprinTinglabs nI CLASSAVERAGESIZE The Harvey School provides a collegepreparatory program that fosters lifelong learning and inspires students to develop the confidence and leadership qualities necessary to succeed in a diverse, competitive, and changing world. With our commitment to small class size, our community cultivates the strengths of each student through academic excellence, artistic exploration, athletic achievement, community service, and global understanding.

The harvey school admissions oFFice 260 jay sTreeT kaTonah, ny 10536 914-232-3161 HarveySchool.org The Harvey School is a college-preparatory independent school for students in grades 6-12 with an optional five-day residential program for students in grades 9-12.