1 minute read
They stare at us weirdly, like we have a volcano on our heads. When they stare at us weirdly, it makes me want to turn into liquid and slip between the floorboards and just disappear They find me being myself humorous, and unnatural. It’s because my normal isn’t theirs.
All I want to do is be myself, but it’s complicated to do that, because they judge. They are the ones who make it weird, right? I want to dance freely without the weight of their opinions on my shoulders But it’s hard Nobody wants to stick out from the norm And if you do, you are ninety-nine percent going to be ridiculed for it. But if you’re one of the lucky few, like the children from Willy Wonka, you’ll get your golden ticket and succeed.
However, when I’m around people who either are the same as me or don’t judge me, I feel like it’s the haven where I can escape
Where there’s people I can relate to and or be comfortable with being myself. When will this end, when will they start growing up, and expanding their mind. I’ve already bloomed like the Cherry Trees. I’ve already emerged from my chrysalis. When will they?