3 minute read

July 17th, 2022 was the best day of my life. My day began with a crisp 8:30 wakeup I knew there was no school because it was summer and I could do whatever I wanted. For breakfast I had cereal. Not such an interesting breakfast but it set me up for my amazing day. Sadly a few months before this day a family member had passed away on my mother's side In his will he said that all of his cars would go to my mother. I never met my grandfather so I didn't know how to feel about his death. All I knew was that he loved cars. So did I. I bet if I ever had a one on one conversation with him I would be able to speak endlessly about different types of cars Cars with engines so big that the hood needs to be cut out. Cars so luxurious that the carpets have fur on them. Cars so loud that you have to cover your ears when they drive by. My grandfather had a 2016 blue Corvette. This car is now ours On July 17th, 2022 when the car was finally done being serviced my dad and I went to pick it up. We arrived at the dealership. The car was stunning. The lights on the ceiling reflect off the blue paint making me squint when looking at it. Both my dad and I get in the car. I noticed the manual 8 speed transmission and I immediately knew that my grandfather had amazing taste in cars. My dad starts the engine. One second, two seconds then BOOM the engine fires up. It shakes the car, and from experience it feels like it shakes the whole building My dad's expression on his face is pure enjoyment and so is mine. He pressed a button unveiling the whole world that I forgot existed after I entered this car. We go into reverse and enter the road. First into second, second into third
The world flies by me as the wind goes through my hair. We get on the highway and all I can do the whole ride is smile because this is one of the best moments of my life. Sitting in this car, hearing the engine roar, and maybe driving a bit faster than the speed limit with the top down. I truly was in bliss.
We find ourselves getting off the highway and entering a parking lot that I have seen before in the past. And then it hits me. In the corner of my eye I see it. Jersey Mike's Subs. I walk in and am immediately hit with the smell of different meats. I know what I'm going to order because I order it every time I come here A Philly cheese steak without the peppers I don't like peppers that much. I wait five minutes and then “ding...order 15 please come to the counter.” There it is. My sandwich, in a brown paper bag. I can already taste it. My dad and I sit outside. He says he's on a diet so he cant have any Oh well, more for me As soon as the sandwich hits my mouth I'm taken into another galaxy. The cheese meat and onions each slicing at my taste buds like nothing before. I take my time eating it and enjoy every bite until the last bite.
Listen, some may think I'm over exaggerating, but they don't call Jersey Mikes the best sandwich place around for nothing Once I'm finished with this amazing sandwich we drive back home, in the corvette, with the top down, reliving the same enjoyment I had 45 minutes ago. We drive into the garage with the engine echoing off the walls. One second, two seconds then silent The engine turns off and we each go into the house Waiting for me in the house was my grandma. I'm smothered by kisses as soon as she sees me. We catch up. I talked to her for a long time. There had been a pair of shoes that I had had my eyes on for a while. The ones that I have now were just too small My feet felt like they were going to burst out of the shoe like an atomic bomb at any second. The shoes were as dark as the night sky. Pitch black in fact. Three lines streamed from each end of the shoes. And like any grandma, she offered to get them for me.
I say no at first but in my mind I most definitely say yes Eventually the repeated asking to buy these shoes for me gets to my mind and I'm too tired to argue with her any longer. She buys me the shoes. I'm happy and she's happy for me. This is how the day ends. Not just any day though, the Best Day Ever