1 minute read
In English my name is Henry. I don't know what it means in other languages ( except for German ). Google says my name means “Ruler Of The house”(my parents don't know that though ) . My name isn't special to my family, or so I think, but my middle name is. My middle name is Evan and my dad's grandpa was named Edward, so it comes from that. My name has some famous people that come with it, like King Henry the 3rd! I've heard he wasn't a great guy so forget about him, but there is also a famous soccer player named Henry, but I'm pretty sure his name is spelt differently and he’s French. A couple of minutes ago I asked why I was named Henry, and it's kind of a funny story. The second my mom and dad saw me they both said I looked like an old man, so they gave me an old man name Henry! I like old people though they have lots of character and have seen the world through all of its times, so I think my name has lots of character. I don't believe my name defines who I am though, you would know I'm Henry without the “Henry”. Now that being said I would not want to change my name, I like being an old man at heart.