3 minute read

It seems mine eyes have given up on weeping.
I am afflicted by a grief invading mine heart like a weed with many tendrils;
One, the end of mine father
Another, the end of mine courtship with a love
My virtue soiled by the very same man who cast me to a nunnery.
And yet, my sorrows no longer conjure tears
Instead, I’ve found that my misfortune hath freed my tongue
Perhaps my mind doth teeter on madness
And my tone lacks appropriate restraint
But just as rain doth give way to sprouting buds
My grief hath watered my honestly, and oh!
How now it doth grow
Perhaps only the deranged sing so recklessly and unapologetically as I did
But only the fools fail to notice my implications beneath my denotations
Only the fools miss the truth woven in the madness.
But not mine beautiful blossoms
My pretty perennials perfectly perceive mine peers
O how my lovely rosemary remembers my loss
And my columbines do not forgive.
I seem to hath lost my violets,
And now all I am left with is rue.
I long to hath had more time with my dear father
We indeed did hath quite opposing opinions on many things
But I know he loved me so, And did not deserve his early departure
ABut alas, now he doth lie with the roots, Beneath the blossoms.
Perhaps my next song shall be dedicated to him. But, while I mourn mine father, I do not pity him. Indeed, such pity is reserved for Hamlet
And his wilted spirit
I should be angry at my lover for his harsh words His utter dismissal of me
I doth have every right.
Yet I can only pray God. And pray he ha’ mercy on Hamlet
Because while I may be defiled in virtue
The prince is defiled in soul
Now, I am left to ponder mine place in the world, And know not what to do.
I am much like a wispy dandelion, scattered about, Turbulent winds alter my course
My sanity struggles to stay grounded as gusts threaten to blow it away
But while I wish to let the breeze take me, I fear I must stay.
I fear it ‘tis imperative I provide my brother the comfort mine sweet flowers showed me, Water his rosemary and regrow more violets
Patient, patient,
As I pray my lover, my brother, my king, and my queen learn to plant new seeds of morality and conscience in soil so drained and barren.
Alas! There are too many birds chirping in mine head, I ought to go walk by the water to find some peace
Perhaps I’ll even hang garlands
To bring color back to this dreary place. Oh, when I do depart, I so hope someone leaves flowers upon my grave
I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees, I love movies, especially with family and friends, short movies, long movies, comedy, action movies, and even those hidden gems A movie is a passageway into the life and shoes of something new. The movies are perfect. They have the power to transport the whole room to anything and anywhere. First I'm flying through the clouds in your F-14 and next I’m deep underwater exploring the deep unknown. The only movies I can't stand are the spooky scary movies that send chills down my spine The ones that make me keep the light on because I believe that the monster in the closet is really there Recently, I’m going to be re-exploring the land of the darkest movies around. This new one, which shall not be named for its name will haunt my WEB forever. While watching I was shaking just sitting in the theater, waiting for the next thunderstorm to jump out to get me. I am the pig in the straw house never knowing when the big bad wolf will blow my house down This movie is as unpredictable as the fly on my bedroom wall I never know what it’ll do next, what was that eerie noise? My brother William sits brave and silent waiting to take on the movie's next great trial. Will the creature jump out from the left, right, behind me? No, my dad tried to scare me before the movie could. After the movie I am petrified and scared to move, I make sure to check my corners extra carefully, but I realize the movie wasn’t too bad It was fun jumping and shouting with my family and friends, after every jump scare. Sitting through the roller coaster of emotions, waiting for the subsequent great plummet. I'll try it again.