Has food boek has food experience 2017 en

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Rethinking Tomorrow

Index Foreword


Healthy, sustainable and delicious food


Interview with Annet Roodenburg, Professor of Food & Health Interview with Herman Peppelenbos, Professor of Green Health Interview with Frederike Praasterink, Professor Sustainable Future Food Systems Interview with Harry van Delft, Professor of Agrifood Marketing

Rethinking tomorrow

5 7 9 12


Interview with Mary van Hoek-Hendriks, Project leader HAS Food Experience and Food Innovation lecturer.


Rewind - Rethink your current process


Play - Play in current markets


Forward - Move forward in food


Next - Rethink the next, future of food


Record - Rethink your choice, record your voice


FoodManShip Award - Category Rewind FoodManShip Award - Category Play FoodManShip Award - Category Forward FoodManShip Award - Category Next Talent Award - Category Machinery Talent Award - Category Ingredients Talent Award - Category Factory Talent Award - Category Retail Public FoodManShip Award - Category Record

77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

Stop - Stop rethinking tomorrow, meet our alumni food start ups


Pause - Take a pause and meet our sponsors



Foreword On 31 January 2017, the 9th edition of the Food Experience organised by HAS University of Applied Sciences took place. Over 1,200 professionals, alumni, lecturers, students and parents visited this event, during which fourth-year students from Food Innovation, Food Technology, International Food & Agribusiness, Business Administration & Agribusiness, Animal Husbandry and Environmental Studies presented 106 of their own projects.

The theme of the 9th edition of the Food Experience was ‘Rethinking Tomorrow’. The emerging talents from our study programmes gave passionate presentations of their innovative solutions for the challenges that the food sector will have to meet in the coming years; challenges for which the refreshing views of these students will be crucial. Once again, this year the FoodManShip Awards were presented. Student Eveline van Dam was the biggest winner at the Food Experience. She won not once, but three times: twice with her individual project Provito and once with a group assignment, with the Purée project. Provito enables people with problems in chewing and swallowing to enjoy their meals again by making the meat which they so miss, easy for them to eat. There is a great deal to read and inspire you in this book. We hope you enjoy it and look forward to meeting you again at the next HAS Food Experience! Theo Clermonts Director of Food Innovation

Corné Verhees Director of Food Technology


Healthy, sustainable and delicious food! Healthy, sustainable and delicious food is what we are working towards at HAS University of Applied Sciences. By focusing on a number of core themes, we create an impact on sustainable economic and social developments, global food provision and a healthy living environment. How do we create impact? Together with our students, lecturers, professors and food sector businesses, we carry out research, provide education and work on issues for business, leading to innovations in five different themes: Food for Specific Target Groups, sustainable production, food safety, food technology and consumer orientation and value creation. On the following pages, our experts will give you a glimpse into the trends and developments within the food sector. They will tell you what they believe is necessary to change the world and to achieve the goal of healthy, sustainable and delicious food!


“Food is the solution to reducing the costs of healthcare”

specific target groups with their own food requirements and wishes. But food alone is not the answer. Exercise is also important, as is sleep. But what is the effect on health, for instance, if you introduce a tax on soft drinks? What if we were to place more restrictions on marketing to children? And what role can politics play by giving more time in schools to diet and therefore health? In other words, diet should also have a prominent place on the political and educational agenda. But all of this is based on food and diet itself.”

Food for Specific Target Groups is one of the subjects addressed by the Food & Health lectureship. Annet Roodenburg, Professor of Food & Health, tells us more. What does Food for Specific Target Groups mean? “First of all, let me describe the wider background. By setting up the Food & Health chair, we have defined a goal: we want everyone who is going to work in the food supply chain to ask themselves the question, ‘How can I contribute to a healthier diet for my customers?’”

Why did you choose senior citizens as a target group? “As well as excess weight, malnutrition is also a serious problem in the Netherlands, particularly for senior citizens. Did you know that 20 to 40 % of older people living in care homes have to deal with malnutrition? For older people still living at home, that percentage is estimated at 5 to 10 %. There are various causes at the root of this. People have to deal with loss, grief and physical problems and fall into a vicious circle. They have a lack of energy, exercise less, have less appetite and start to eat less or differently so that they sometimes no longer eat the correct nutrients.”

That is an ambitious goal. “Yes. And it’s one that can really make a difference because the costs of healthcare are going through the roof. And do you know what is so strange? We keep on focusing too much on sick people and not enough on healthy people. We still pay a disproportionate amount of attention to healing complaints and diseases instead of preventing them. Did you know that half the population of the Netherlands is overweight? Half! If more attention was paid to a healthy lifestyle, you would prevent people from becoming overweight. Healthy food as part of that lifestyle is the solution to bringing down healthcare costs.

What place does diet for specific target audiences have in your curriculum? “Food for Specific Target Groups is one of the learning pathways running through our teaching and we are actively involved in various projects. Together with our neighbours from the Jeroen Bosch Hospital, for instance, we have done research into the food environment and have participated in national and international research into the effectiveness of diet on the health of older people living in their own homes. This focus on Food for Specific Target Groups ensures that every student who graduates from here should be aware of their responsibility towards the health of consumers.”

Is Food for Specific Target Groups contributing to your goal of making people healthier? “The concept of specific target groups is important within Food Innovation: who are you actually developing your product for? Senior citizens, for example, have different nutritional needs to youngsters, sick people, pregnant women, etc. These are all


Eveline van Dam

Lisanne Rijs

Linda Denissen Ingrid Koelewijn Jamie de Koning Alicia Peters


Happy Belly

Jelly Tea

Provito enables people with chewing and swallowing difficulties to enjoy their diner again, by making it easier to eat pieces of meat.

Happy Belly crackers for mumsto-be are a healthy snack that contains nutrients that are important for the pregnancy.

Jelly Tea is a new tea concept that makes drinking tea more attractive for children, decreasing their consumption of sugarcontaining drinks and so reducing childhood obesity.

Food for Specific Target Groups

Food for Specific Target Groups

Food for Specific Target Groups


“Heading towards 250 grams of vegetables a day”

sector needs to find ways of adding value at every eating opportunity, everywhere. In amusement parks, for example, there is a lot of fried food and not a trace of vegetables. But what would happen if you provided common snack foods with vegetables as an ingredient? Of if you developed a tasty and healthy alternative for sausage rolls in hospital cafeterias?”

For the first time for a while, sales of fruit and vegetables have increased again during the last year. But we still have a long way to go, according to Herman Peppelenbos, Professor of Green Health at HAS University of Applied Sciences.

Vegetables as an ingredient. That’s an interesting idea. Will it work? “Yes, of course. It’s utterly logical, too, because sugar, milk, corn, cocoa; they’re all agricultural products that are used everywhere as ingredients. Not vegetables, though. Yet. Or at least, far too little. That’s why we have literally made it one of the guiding principles of the Food Innovation study programme: vegetables as an ingredient.”

Sales of fruit and vegetables have started to grow again, you say. Does this mean the tide has turned? “I wish I could believe that, but progress is incredibly slow. The Netherlands Nutrition Centre tells us that we need to eat 2 servings of fruit and 250 grams of vegetables per day. We eat nowhere near that much, particularly not with respect to vegetables, where on average we only just manage to eat half that amount. The challenge for the sector is to discover new eating opportunities because if we expect people to eat 250 grams of French beans in the evening, then no, that’s not going to work.”

What does that guiding principle mean in practice? “Students are incredibly creative, but it’s a waste if we don’t use that creativity to its full potential. We ask them to think up a concept, let them graduate and then off they go and their concept ends up being pushed into the bottom drawer. That’s why we want to put more emphasis during the study programme on making the connection with the market. How? By getting students, lecturers and the sector to work more closely together to develop realistic concepts that are assessed for technological and commercial viability. With ‘vegetables as an ingredient’ as our guiding principle, product innovation is not a one-off assignment, but a long-term project.”

When are we going to eat those vegetables, then? “By eating vegetables as a snack, for example. The snack tomato has been a success story and has been widely accepted. But if I ask you to name another successful product, then it becomes more difficult. The problem is that we make it too difficult for people. Biscuits, sweets, crisps, snacks: they are all around us. That’s not the case with fruit and vegetables.”

So there is still hope that we will hit that target of 2 pieces of fruit and 250 grams of vegetables? “Ha, ha, ha . . . Yes, absolutely! I’m a real optimist. It might be extremely slow-going, but I’m convinced that vegetables are going to become ‘hip’ again. Not just in main meals, but more particularly as a snack and as an ingredient. With the help of our fantastic students who are putting their effort into making it happen!”

How can you ensure that fruit and vegetables are viewed as a snack? “Why not put a bowl of snack vegetables on the table during a meeting, for example? Research by Wageningen UR showed that by doing this, people ate an average of 75 grams of vegetables per person per meeting. That means the horticulture and food



And what is the solution? “The solution is not about producing even more kilos per square metre, even though the Netherlands, among others, is extremely successful at this. We mustn’t simply aim for quantity, but we need to focus more on quality and use impact as a starting point. We need to start at the other end, so to speak. The solution relies on developing new food systems based on other principles, including health and environmental impact. We have to succeed in developing our powers of imagination to create an inspiring vision for the future of our food.” How do you go about designing a new food system? “In recent decades, we have become accustomed to thinking and working in terms of specialisation. We still need those specialisations; they are the motors of the system. But the challenge is to create an overarching integrated agenda for transition using a system wide approach. We are not short of knowledge or technology. What is still all too often missing is interdisciplinary cooperation and an ability to reinvent the system as a whole, not just the disciplines. We have to view food as a global and interdisciplinary playing field.” Can you give us some examples of initiatives working on this? “There are already many examples I could give, including initiatives that HAS is involved in. For example, some of our students are collaborating on research into protein transition, where animal proteins can be replaced by plant-based systems. Another good example is True Price, a non-governmental organisation that calculates the real cost of products, by taking into account the amount of social and environmental damage caused in producing a product, how much waste was produced, etc. This year, several people from True Price have given guest lectures at HAS. We are now looking into how we can integrate their methodology into our teaching so that their way of thinking becomes mainstream.”

Since this year, HAS has a new lectureship: Sustainable Future Food Systems. “Because we need to stop talking about the number of kilos per square metre and start discussing the impact of food on our health and the environment,” according to Professor Frederike Praasterink.

“Every HAS student is going to have sustainability in their DNA”

Why did you decide to start the Sustainable Food Systems lectureship? “Global developments were the direct motivation for us. Food has become an important cause of a great many problems. For example, the production of our food is responsible for a quarter of the greenhouse gases and food is increasingly related to diseases, due to lack of food and more particularly due to overeating. Almost half of the world’s population suffers from some form of malnutrition. What’s more, worldwide 30 - 40 % of food goes to waste because it is discarded, for example. In the meantime, the global population is growing . . .”

How do students react to this? “They find these initiatives fascinating. You know, problems are not inspiring, but solutions are. That’s why HAS has joined international platforms that already operate using a systems approach, so we can learn, share expertise and insights and contribute to the transition. Our students need to realise that they will be able to make a difference to the future.”

… and so you think the need for change is growing too? “Yes. There is no doubt. We are faced with the challenge of producing more at the same time as there are increasingly fewer resources available to us; less and less farmland and also fewer young people who still want to be farmers. It is time for a more fundamental change in the way we produce and consume our food; a system wide change, an integral approach. How can we provide sufficient, safe and healthy food for 9 billion people and still have a net positive impact on the environment? That is a question that is more topical than ever before.”

To work together to create a sustainable world? “Sustainability shouldn’t just be a set of criteria you tick off when you are developing a new concept or product. It has to become part of our DNA. That is our ambition at HAS; whether our students become horticulturalists or food technologists, they should be aware of the impact of their work and take this impact as their starting point. In this way, we can work together to build sustainable Future Food Systems. That is a wonderful and urgent challenge to meet!”


Chiara Marino

Gerrit van Veen

Niek Monden Martin Oostveen Florine Stroo Marloes Willemsen

Fishless & Chips

Nobel: meat fit for a king

Yeast the new palmoil

Plant-based meal with fishless filet, inspired by the British Fish & Chips. For the sustainabilityconscious diner, who wants to eat a convenient meal and contribute something to the environment at the same time.

Berkshire pigs are still kept by the British Royal Family because of their special meat quality and taste. Come and see and taste for yourself!

MariaMonkeys are the biscuits without palm oil. They provide the perfect solution for the growing problem of palm oil and are a healthy and sustainable snack for children.

Sustainable Production

Sustainable Production

Sustainable Production


Christel van Grunsven Emmelie de Jong Liset Nusselder Vera Weller

Scaling up the production process for Qarc

Nikki Crooijmans Joost Hoeijmakers Djoeke van Ruitenbeek

Industrial raising processes

Nikki van Dijk Dave Lensink Manon Manteleers

Implementing knowledge management

We have reviewed the production process of the Qarc quark and yoghurt desserts and have selected the equipment for processing 10,000 litres of milk per week.

A substantiated advice on the optimal processing parameters and equipment for pistolet, croissants and pizza dough proofing.

Implementation of a Quality Management System for a new branch in the ‘Group of Butchers’.

Food Safety & Technology

Food Safety & Technology

Food Safety & Technology


“The agrifood sector is changing direction”

with the producer of their food. That means that supply chains are getting shorter. As part of the supply chain, it’s no longer possible to survive if you hold on to the traditional way of thinking and acting. You have to put the consumers at the centre and know about their concerns.” You are a Professor of Agrifood Marketing. How do you go about marketing your innovations that are in response to the consumer’s needs? “What we are still doing too often, especially the government, is to try to convince the consumer with good arguments. But consumers don’t want to know what they should or shouldn’t do or should or shouldn’t eat; they want to make their own choices. Instead of trying to convince them, we have to find out how to tempt them.”

The agrifood sector is in the process of changing direction, points out Harry van Delft, Professor of Agrifood Marketing at HAS. Here he gives us his answers to our questions about what is happening.

How do you achieve that, to tempt the consumer? “Marketers should try sitting in the psychologist’s chair more often. Consumers are creatures of habit; how can we change those habits? That is the question we should be asking ourselves, and that is psychology; zooming in on unconscious processes. All of us need to try harder to understand what the consumer responds to and to develop new products based on that.”

What do you mean when you say that the agrifood sector is changing direction? “Entrepreneurs in the agrifood sector used to operate mainly on the basis of a one-sided focus on cost and efficiency. That often led to increases in the scale of production without causing equal increases in returns. Now there is an increasing number of entrepreneurs coming forward with a different way of thinking, who take a more customer-oriented attitude. They are focusing on the customer’s requirements and on creating products with added value.”

How is this development reflected in the way education is delivered at HAS? “We pay far more attention to the whole psychological side than we did a few years ago. We also have the HAS Consumer Lab where students do research into consumers and their behaviour. That provides input for developing new products. You can see that this knowledge is becoming more and more valued; the business world is finding its way to us more frequently when they have an idea for a new product. They too understand that as well as rational value, ‘soft’ values are becoming increasingly important.”

Could you give an example of this type of product? “The best example is still the Tasty Tom cherry tomato and the snack tomato. In the 1990s, the tomato was having a tough time. The focus on efficiency had taken a toll on flavour and Dutch tomatoes were even boycotted by Germany for a time. The development of the Tasty Tom brought back to the market a tomato that was all about the flavour. Snack tomatoes went into competition with biscuits.”

So, studying at HAS is becoming more attractive all the time? “Ha, ha, ha. . . You’re right. And more relevant. Our society is faced with major challenges such as the battle against obesity and the need to be more sustainable. It is fantastic that students and graduates can make a contribution towards meeting those challenges.”

Is it important that a change in thinking is on its way? “Yes. Consumers are getting ever more involved in the discussion about the supply chain. They want to know where their food comes from and want to feel in contact with the supplier or even directly


Anne van der Wijst

Eva Botter Eveline van Dam Nienke Grisel Ilona Thijssen



PuurĂŠ: discover a world of pure flavours

Stay provides the solution to leaking and fiddling with a single serving teabag after use. Just relax and enjoy your brew.

New non-alcoholic drink package for fine dining. White, rosĂŠ & red vienos with a complex taste, similar to wine. Because of the aromas, they combine well with different dishes.

Freshly, mashed potatoes combined with flavours from all over the world to serve a surprising new version of this Dutch traditional meal.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Alicia Peters


Rethinking Tomorrow 14

everyone. The students get the opportunity to develop a project, implement it and promote it to a wide audience; instead of presenting it to your class, you can present it to the marketplace. How amazing is that! It energises the market, too. They are presented with 106 innovative projects on a single day, all of which have been tested not just on the level of their content, but have often also been assessed on technological and commercial viability. It gives energy to our education, too. The event connects study programmes, students and the business world. You can see crossfertilisation being created between study programmes. So, how relevant has the event become? I would venture to say: essential.” ‘Rethinking tomorrow’ was the theme this year. Tell me more. “The current generation of students is being challenged to devise new food systems. That’s only possible if you know how the existing systems work. The content is good; in other words, the products and concepts. The only question is, in what context should you place that content? To illustrate that, we used the cassette recorder as our logo. Nobody in the current generation owns one of those recorders any more, but everyone would still be able to operate it. The context has changed to tablets and smart phones, but the content has remained the same: the symbols for play, record, forward, next, etc. Hence ‘rethinking tomorrow’; within the food sector, how can we use the exiting ‘buttons’ to invent and imagine a new system?”

The 9th edition of the HAS Food Experience was bigger than ever. 106 projects were presented, for example, by the 6 participating study programmes. Project leader Mary van Hoek-Hendriks, also Food Innovation lecturer at HAS University of Applied Sciences, looks back on the event with feelings of pride.

What are your ambitions for the event? “I would like to see the HAS Food Experience becoming even more of a driving force for transferring projects into concrete form. Many of the projects that are presented have already progressed a long way. They aren’t just assignments, they are marketoriented, pragmatic projects that have been evaluated from various perspectives (i.e. by different study programmes). That makes them extremely valuable. Fortunately, they are also being recognised as such more often now. The press is paying increasing attention and clear spinoffs to the market and other events are occurring more frequently. We still have great potential for growth here.”

“HAS Food Experience is a great energy boost for everyone”

You say that you are proud of the HAS Food Experience “Yes, of course. Nine years ago the very first Food Design students graduated. We wanted to provide them with a podium to show the market what they were capable of. That podium was the HAS Food Experience. Look at where we are now; in eight years’ time it has evolved into an inspiring food event that this year drew in over 1,200 visitors, spread over seven areas!”

Back then it was a podium. How would you describe it now? “It has developed into a platform. It’s not just about a single day any more, it’s about the process leading up to it and the follow-up it generates. Just look at how many people are involved in it now; people from HAS, but also from the business world. Its impact is bigger than ever. This year, 165 students from 6 different study programmes took part. Today the initiative can be completely financed through sponsorship so that we don’t have to invest any of our educational budget. That only goes to prove that the event has become increasingly relevant, not only for HAS, but for the market, too.”

What are your plans for HAS Food Experience 2018? “This was the first year that we had six study programmes on board. As well as Food Innovation and Food Technology, we had Business Administration & Agribusiness, Environmental Studies, Animal Husbandry and International Food & Agribusiness. Next year I hope there will be even more. Another good thing in any case is that next year the first Food Innovators from Venlo will graduate and be involved in the event. But of course, the bigger the event, the more budget we need . . . Our ambitions are partly dependent on that. But food is booming, as Food Experience 2017 already showed. I am convinced that the 10th edition of the HAS Food Experience in 2018 will strongly confirm that impression.

How relevant is the Food Experience? “The event generates such an incredible amount of energy. For


Rewind Rethink your current processes. Reflect on processes and ingredients in the areas of quality, sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness.


Luuk Coopmans Martijn de Jong Tonke van de Pol Rens Wilting

Christine Dijkman Inge Pistorius Paco Rutten Michiel van Vroonhoven

Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies

Water management at a dairy factory

A Greener Den Bosch

Optimisation of the water management process of a producer of UHT-milk. The opportunities and possibilities for water saving and water purification, or a combination of both

The hospitality branch is wasting lots of valuable food. ‘A Greener Den Bosch’ is improving the situation by upgrading this waste locally into biogas.

Sustainable Production

Sustainable Production 17

Anouk van Bakel Bente Boegheim Marloes Cordemeijer Ralph Pessers Jeffrey Souisa

Charlie Akkerman Naomi Paas Lucy van Rijswijk Maik Voets Max Willems

International Food & Agribusiness

International Food & Agribusiness

Animal Husbandry

Toolkit cooperation SME’s and SHF’s

Blueberries and cherries in Romania

This toolkit has been designed to improve the agricultural procurement relationship between small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and Small Holder Farmers (SHFs).

Innovative business structures for the sustainable production of blueberries and cherries in Romania for the European wholesale, in collaboration with the Greenery and Elmi fruits.

Sustainable Production

Sustainable Production 18

Eric Agyeyomah Katharina Barsy Max Capel Luc Coenegracht Martijn van Hovell tot Westerflier

Siemen de Jong Dewien Kalpoe Emiel van de Langenberg Yorick Verheijen

International Food & Agribusiness

Food Technology

Bio-Refinery LCF from West-Africa

HT330 UHT unit modelling and optimisation

Creating a multi-criteria model for assessing new biomass for a future biorefinery in the Port of Rotterdam with Lignocellulosic feedstocks from Western Africa by creating a multi-criteria analysis model.

Predictive model for OMVEs HT320 HSTS/UHT heat exchanger. Predict the temperature of your heated product beforehand!

Sustainable Production

Food Safety & Technology 19

Christel van Grunsven Emmelie de Jong Liset Nusselder Vera Weller Food Technology

Romy van Aalst Maurice van Empel Lars Wijnen

Food Innovation

Food Technology

Business Administration & Agribusiness

Scaling up the production process for Qarc

Dutch Crayfish

We have reviewed the production process of the Qarc quark and yoghurt desserts and have selected the equipment for processing 10,000 litres of milk per week.

The Dutch crayfish is providing the inland fisheries industry with a new revenue stream. This product replaces the Chinese crayfish and contributes to biodiversity, sustainability and health.

Food Safety & Technology

Sustainable Production 20

Niek Monden Martin Oostveen Florine Stroo Marloes Willemsen Food Technology

Joris Bรถinck Rose-Marije van Elst Rens Faes Hilde Hanemaaijer

Business Administration & Agribusiness

Food Technology

Business Administration & Agribusiness

Yeast the new palmoil

GOOD DUTCH WINE without Sulphite

MariaMonkeys are the biscuits without palm oil. They provide the perfect solution for the growing problem of palm oil and are a healthy and sustainable snack for children.

We aim to create GOOD sulphite-free wines from Dutch terroir. This trendy product is presented in a unique package concept #wecan.

Sustainable Production

Sustainable Production 21

Eva Flantua

Nikki Crooijmans Joost Hoeijmakers Djoeke van Ruitenbeek

Food Innovation

Food Technology

Food that nourishes

Industrial raising processes

The reintroduction of a cooking method that, together with the agriculture and horticulture of a city farm, ensures that food can once again nourish the human population, instead of just filling them.

A substantiated advice on the optimal processing parameters and equipment for pistolet, croissants and pizza dough proofing.

Sustainable Production

Food Safety & Technology 22

Anne Mensink Ton Swinkels

Tessa Gijsbers Sanne Kouwenhoven

Food Technology

Food Technology

Risk assessment of the sugar sprinkle line

Dryer cleaning

Making a risk assessment about the production of sugar sprinkles by setting up QRAs for the standards ‘start up, variety change and shut down checks’ and ‘hygienic design’.

Dryer cleaning for a production line without increasing cleaning time longer or reducing the quality of the cleaning process.

Food Safety & Technology

Food Safety & Technology 23

Liesbeth Fransen Sanne Hermsen Daniek Kuijpers Douglas Looijen

Nikki van Dijk Dave Lensink Manon Manteleers

Food Technology

Food Technology

Implementing knowledge management

The plant-based sausage factory

Implementation of a Quality Management System for a new branch in the ‘Group of Butchers’.

Factory and process design for the production of sustainable plant-based sausages by applying conventional machinery from the meat industry.

Sustainable Production

Food Safety & Technology 24

Jasper Verblakt

Nicole Brenders Evie van Maarseveen Sabien Schmitz CornĂŠ Werker

Food Technology

Food Technology

Carbonated iced coffee

Champi Coffee Swirl

A new type of soft drink developed with the OMVE CF-210 carbofill: carbonated ice-coffee.

Are you fed up of all those standard lunchtime snacks? Visit our stand and take a look at the product, process and positioning of the Champi-coffee Swirl!

Food Safety & Technology

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 25

Play Play in current markets. Projects in the Play category involve an existing product, packaging and market development


Mathijs van Geel

Micky Taylor

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Packed full of goodness

MENGEL MOES: ready-to-eat vegetable meal

A fresh vegetable sauce, based on grilled and fresh vegetables. With a smoky taste effect. Delicious and also healthy!

MENGEL MOES are ready-meals with vegetables, beans and seeds for flexitarians, vegetarians and vegetable lovers.

Consumentgerichtheid & Waardecreatie

Consumentgerichtheid & Waardecreatie 27

Sander Bijlsma

Romy Abbink Erik Berenschot Tim Boumans Marco Dirkse

Food Innovation

Food Technology

Chilled curry

Crocchetta di Caprese

More and more and attention is being given to fresh produce! How can a producer launch a cool fresh curry?

“Crocchetta di Caprese� is a high-end snack based on the authentic Italian dish Chicken Caprese.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 28

Eva Botter Eveline van Dam Nienke Grisel Ilona Thijssen

Christiaan Segeren Kaeley Timmermans

Food Technology

Food Technology

Food Innovation

Komfortabeler Food: comfort snacks

PuurĂŠ: discover a world of pure flavours

Enjoy life. Choose something else than a boring frikandel or croquette. The best of snacks, combined with great food. That is Komfortabeler Food!

Freshly, mashed potatoes combined with flavours from all over the world to serve a surprising new version of this Dutch traditional meal.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 29

Maron van de Plas

Gerrit van Veen

Food Innovation

Business Administration & Agribusiness

‘In de Boert’: local and farm fresh

Nobel: meat fit for a king

A delicious surprise from local farmers! “In de Boert” sells products from local farmers online and offline, with inspiring stories from their own area. www.indeboert.nl

Berkshire pigs are still kept by the British Royal Family because of their special meat quality and taste. Come and see and taste for yourself!

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Sustainable Production 30

Jamie Penders

Pepijn Pest

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

AmbrosiA: dessert vending machine

Karamelli: discover sweets all over again

AmbrosiA is the place to be to enjoy a wide range of artisanal desserts on-the-go. Because only at AmbrosiA it’s always time for dessert, without compromising on quality.

Karamelli is a retail concept in which parents and children enjoy a unique candy experience together.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 31

Anniek Biermans

Lisanne Alkemade Evelien Siebers Jet van der Weijden Anne van der Wijst

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

UNIEK: flavourful gluten-free bread


UNIEK is the ultimate gluten-free bread onthe-go. A tasty focaccia bread with olives and Mediterranean herbs, specially designed for people with gluten intolerance.

Fitcake is a savoury cupcake with rye, created for fit & active girls. Fitcake contains less sugar and has additional protein, making it a great snack for after a work-out.

Food for Specific Target Groups

Food for Specific Target Groups 32

Kim Bijlmakers Sander Meeuws Lilian Struiksma

Eva Kusters

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

PUIK flatbread

Gloed: iron-enriched sweets

A delicious snack with hidden healthy ingredients created with students in mind. Available at To Go snack-wall outlets.

Gloed is an iron-packed sweet for promoting and rewarding blood donation.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Food for Specific Target Groups 33

Joey Swinkels

Evelien Siebers

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

JUDGE, Cocktail Liqueur


JUDGE cocktail liqueur is the trendy liqueur for young people who are looking for a characteristic flavour in cocktails.

AdVOLcaatje a dessert rich in protein and with extra calcium for undernourished elderly people.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Food for Specific Target Groups 34

Annelijn Mäkel

Lotte Heijkant Anne Rutten Jolien van de Vendel

Food Innovation

Food Technology

Cool Cabbage

Cheese spread without emulsifying salts

Around the world with the Dutch sauerkraut and red cabbage. Worldly spices and unique dishes enable you to easily transform the old Dutch recipe into surprising dishes for the table.

Removing melting salt in processed cheese creates a more transparent product and so attracts a wider audience.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 35

Jesse Alewijns Mark Hendrikx Sophie Kroes Veerle Lange

Sanne van Woerden

Food Technology

Food Innovation



Fermenade introduces 4 fermented, nonalcoholic drinks. Four refreshing drinks aimed at young people who want to travel the world in in flash.

Smeer’t is a functional takeout packaging concept for sweet spreadable bread toppings that doesn’t need a knife. Smeer’t is the ideal solution to avoid sticky sandwiches.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 36

Eline Stals

Nena van de Louw

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Wrap it up, ‘play that wrap’


Wrap it up: experience a trip around the world and enjoy a delicious cultural meal, served in a warm jacket: the WRAP!

Smooth’n is the fresh smoothie package for a delicious smoothie without any additives and exactly the right number of ingredients. So, no waste! Simply enjoy.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Sustainable Production 37

Alicia Peters

Marije Clemens

Food Innovation

Food Innovation


Tasty stock

Stay provides the solution to leaking and fiddling with a single serving teabag after use. Just relax and enjoy your brew.

Smaakbouillon is the easy dispense packaging solution for adding stock to sauces, vegetables or rice. Click! And you add just the right quantity of stock granules for 200ml of liquid. No more messing with stock cubes or powder!

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 38

Linda Denissen

Joske Puts

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Resize Rice

SPOON’S - dairy free goodness

‘Resize Rice’ ensures perfect portion control for rice. No more waste from now on, because you’ll never cook too much rice again!

SPOON’S is the innovative food packaging concept that takes spoonable on-the-go products to a higher level by eliminating ‘wasted space’, without making concessions to compactness. Thanks to its characteristic oval shape, integration of a ‘real’ spoon, gives an extra bit of convenience on-the-go.

Sustainable Production

Sustainable Production 39

Linda van Eijck Jamie Penders Emma Reiling Jessica Verbakel Food Technology

Sien Rouwhorst

Food Innovation

Food Innovation



Knoertjes is a nostalgic savoury snack for the elderly, inspired by pork rind. Knoertjes contains 80% protein and are easy to prepare in the microwave.

Rondo, the better burger created for amateur football players. This spicy burger tastes great with beer and gives the ultimate weekend feeling. Rondo is for the real connoisseur.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 40

Eric Pennings

Rick Koot

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Time to Meat

The Meat Master

Time to Meat brings the warm and cosy feeling of homemade stew back into the home. The pre-cooked beef enables you to enjoy the traditional slow-cooked flavour in a fraction of the time.

The Meat Master ‘Master of Beef’ is a steak concept created from the lesser well-known parts of the cow. Adding value, quality and craftsmanship!

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 41

Nolly Goossens

Eveline Brockhus

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Simple Sprinkles

Simply Smart

Gewoon Hagelslag is a fun and instructive packaging concept that helps children learn how to create the perfect portion of chocolate sprinkles on their bread.

A new and innovating drink system for toddlers whereby they don’t have to search for the straw anymore.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 42

Marjolein Dikmans

Lisanne Rijs

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Marjolein Dikmans Food Design

Happy Belly

As a party manager and food innovator, I develop creative food workshops and festive events. My goal is to amaze people! Guests literally taste the atmosphere and total experience!

Happy Belly crackers for mums-to-be are a healthy snack that contains nutrients that are important for the pregnancy.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Food for Specific Target Groups 43

Mayke Lemmers

Marc Stout

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

A Sweet Gesture

How senior citizenfriendly are retailers?

Did you know that giving compliments contributes to a pleasant work environment? A Sweet Gesture is a biscuit that includes your compliment. A great way to express appreciation at work!

The Dutch population is ageing. Differentiate your supermarket by responding to the needs of the new generation of senior citizens. Visit our stand to discover how.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 44

Juliet Vermeer

Jules Reijnders

Food Innovation

Food Innovation


Cacao House

Reload introduces natural products with a positive effect on your stress levels. These gift boxes are the first step to a healthy body and mind.

5 workbenches | 5 different flavours. Cacao House delivers the semi-finished component for the consumer to create the final product. An easy, accessible and robust chocolate retail concept, bundled in simplicity.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 45

Charlotte de Baaij

Sarah Westhoff

Food Innovation

Food Innovation


Let’s Eat

VerseHap.nl is a new delivery platform in Den Bosch, for ordering a Fresh Meal. ‘Verse Hap’ = a freshly prepared meal without any additives!

No idea where to eat? Don’t worry, we’ve got a few ideas for you. Based on your conscious and unconscious preferences, the Let’s Eat app will calculate a perfect match!

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 46


Forward Move forward in food. Projects in the Forward category involve a new product, packaging and market development, from the consumer’s point of view.


Jessica Verbakel

Lilian Struiksma

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

The Iron Hen

The Steamet

The 4-in-1 barbecue tool to ensure all the parts of a chicken are cooked to perfection.

A steam plate mountable onto an existing gourmet set. Steam dishes together at the table. Eliminating the main disadvantage of the grill gourmet: the smell.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 49

Julia Schreiber

Sophie Rossen

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Whey of Rolling

Splice: bringing start-ups and students together

It’s time to take matters in your own hands. Define, refine and resize your slice. Choose to make a difference, choose the new Whey of Rolling!

Splice is the online platform that brings food startups and students together. Startups use Splice to cover for illness, busy periods, or when they need specialists for a task.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 50

Martijn Bax Nina de Groot Rachel Joosse Eva Kostelijk Food Innovation

Eveline van Dam

Food Technology

Food Innovation



karROT: an extraordinary ice cream made from fermented carrot juice with yogurt.

Provito enables people with chewing and swallowing difficulties to enjoy their diner again, by making it easier to eat pieces of meat

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Food for Specific Target Groups 51

Aniek van Erp

Lorenzo van Nistelrooij

Food Innovation

Food Technology

Pak ‘n Prak: easy-to-eat mash

Food Science & the Consumer

Pak ‘n Prak is a lunchroom within a care home for sufferers of dementia. Here, traditional Dutch mashed dishes are served in a way that they can be eaten easily with the hands.

’E-numbers are bad!’ True or false? Solution: translating scientific nutritional information in an understandable, nuanced and interesting way for the consumer.

Food for Specific Target Groups

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 52

Amy van der Heide Eric Pennings Lisanne Rijs Rian Willems Food Technology

Chiara Marino

Food Innovation

Food Innovation


Fishless & Chips

A luxurious gluten-free cookie with a touch of seaweed. ‘Rolls’ has a crunchy bite, a sweet and salty flavour and a sustainable character.

Plant-based meal with fishless filet, inspired by the British Fish & Chips. For the sustainabilityconscious diner, who wants to eat a convenient meal and contribute something to the environment at the same time.

Sustainable Production

Sustainable Production 53

Lisanne Alkemade

Marloes Beekmans

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Breens Breakfast Greens

One2Twist, Lemonades with a Twist

Increasing your daily intake of fruit and vegetables was never so easy, thanks to the breakfast mix from BREENS. 100% freeze-dried fruit and vegetables.

The unique bottle cap, exciting flavours and low sugar content make One2Twist a healthier alternative for soft drinks and alcohol. Just twist it, shake it, and then drink it!

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Food for Specific Target Groups 54

Ellen Wolters

Kim Bijlmakers

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Eigenwijsjes: distinctive ice cream

Woekie: the carrot cookie

The healthy snack made with a combination of fruit and vegetables. It’s not just delicious, it’s also educational!

Woekie combines eating vegetables and playing outside. The combination of biscuits packed full of carrot, and a fun game encourages children to eat more vegetables and play outdoors more.

Food for Specific Target Groups

Food for Specific Target Groups 55

Linda Denissen Ingrid Koelewijn Jamie de Koning Alicia Peters Food Technology

Matthijs van Alfen Lisa Rotteveel Rolf van der Vlugt

Food Innovation

Food Technology

Food Innovation

Jelly Tea

Hero-up: fruit drink in a tablet

Jelly Tea is a new tea concept that makes drinking tea more attractive for children, decreasing their consumption of sugar-containing drinks and so reducing childhood obesity.

Hero-up is the tasty, exciting and healthy way to create your own flavoured water, wherever and whenever you want!

Food for Specific Target Groups

Food for Specific Target Groups 56

Sylvie van den Eng

Aafke Kloos

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

GAME ON: the sports drink for champions

Down to earth

GAME ON is the most sporting player among sports drinks. With pure rooibos tea as its basic ingredient. Developed especially for the young football player, who wants to score in both taste and health.

High-protein, plant-based, natural granola with buckwheat, lentils and chickpeas. Made for the health-conscious sportsman and woman.

Food for Specific Target Groups

Sustainable Production 57

Ann van den Elzen Tessa van der Geld Veerle Lennaerts Joris Zoetendaal

Eva Kusters Chiara Marino Inge van Mensvoort Lex Pijnappels

Food Technology

Food Technology

Food Innovation

Bugs bakery

Chufa yogurt: tiger nut yogurt

Bugs Bakery introduces 2 innovative products based on buffalo worms. A food initiative set up to combat the ever-growing problem of global food security.

Nutty plant-based alternative to yogurt made from chufa. With just a few ingredients and no unnatural additives.

Sustainable Production

Sustainable Production 58

Silke Beerthuis

Marjolein de Graag

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Jailbird Joy

North sea greens

Meals for detainees with more, healthier and fresher ingredients, With an eye for different cultures.

North Sea greens presents seaweed veggie dips. Healthy veggie dips made with locally grown seaweed. Perfect for the late-night savoury snack craving. Take a dip into a sea full of flavours.

Food for Specific Target Groups

Sustainable Production 59

Julia Roest

Simone van Limpt

Food Technology

Food Innovation

Restaurant Roest

Incredible Flowers

A restaurant for young families, where everyone can enjoy a quality menu and where the experience is the priority.

Incredible Flowers is a product packaging combination for young women who want to shine in the kitchen like a real Masterchef. Edible flowers enable you to quickly add extra smell, colour and taste to your dish. After use, the packaging can be transformed into a flowerpot to geminate your own edible flowers!

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 60

Sander Meeuws

Bart van den Acker

Food Innovation

Food Innovation



SAN’S SPICES is an innovative packaging that gives supermarkets visitors the possibility to smell the real flavour of the packed spices.

The natural candy without added sugars that, with the slogan, ‘’Inkakken is gezondbijpakken’’ is giving festival goers energy throughout the whole event.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Food for Specific Target Groups 61

Jeske Dolmans

Martijn Bax

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Love potions

BAX Gin Flavourings

Three different rose drinks to help you express your feelings to the ones you love.

BAX Gin Flavours is the convenience solution to create a gin and tonic with garnish in a snap. No more food waste and always the best gin and tonics!

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 62

Anne van der Wijst

Food Innovation


New non-alcoholic drink package for fine dining. White, rosĂŠ & red vienos with a complex taste, similar to wine. Because of the aromas, they combine well with different dishes.

Consumer Orientation & Value Creation 63

Next Rethink the next – future of food. Students have developed their own vision on the future of food in 2030 and the future of food systems in 2050.


Nolly Goossens Simone van Limpt

Gloria Boomsma Marije Clemens

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

High-tech Breakfast

Lactose intolerance in 2030

The future of breakfast will be influenced by the growth in the technology.

What if, in 2030, everybody is lactoseintolerant after the age of 2?


Sophie Rossen Sien Rouwhorst

Bart van den Acker Mathijs van Geel

Food Inovation

Food Inovation

CULTURED MEAT a natural proces

Meat consumption in 2030

In 2030, cultured meat will be socially acceptable and ready for market introduction. Consumers will view cultured meat as a natural process.

If the consumption of meat grows like it is at the moment, the expectation is that meat will be no longer available in large quantities in 2030.


Gisèle Heltzel Tom Willemssen

Jules Reijnders Joris Scholten

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Starring: vegetables

Marketing to kids in 2030

The future of our vegetable.

Kids marketing is ready for adulthood. Bringing joy to products that need it!


Annelijn Mäkel Marc Stout

Joran Holtes Joey Swinkels

Food Inovation

Food Inovation

Cooking in 2030

Urban farming

In 2030, you will be connected with your entire kitchen. Your personal information will be linked to the kitchen equipment, enabling you to put an easy and personal meal on the table.

A future perspective of the farm and the potential changes in 2030


Anne van Grinsven Nina de Groot

Rick Koot Pepijn Pest

Food Innovation

Food Inovation

Airline catering in 2030

Fresh food retail in 2030

Airline catering in 2030 will be better, luxurious and more delicious. Do you want to fly with us on this world journey?

Fresh will become ready-to-eat food with robots preparing our food. Our privacy will disappear as the government strives to perfect health and healthcare costs decrease.


Eline Stals Maartje Valk

Jackie van der Heijden Rik Nuijten

Food Inovation

Food Innovation

Alcohol and governmental influence

The future of dining out

Do you too enjoy a drink? This might be rewarded in 2030! The chip in your liver will measure your consumption. The price of your health insurance will be determined by yourself.

People and their needs are changing, so the future of dining out is all about finding a new balance.


Kresimir Milanovski Sanne van Woerden

Silke Beerthuis Femke Bouman

Food Innovation

Food Innovation

Composting in 2030

Grocery shopping in 2030

A world in which huge piles of plastic packaging are replaced by huge piles of compost. After all, packaging doesn’t have to end up in landfill!

The growth of online grocery shopping is driven by 3 players: retailers, transport companies and packaging producers.


Anniek Biermans Sylvie van den Eng

Aniek Hรถlscher Julia Schreiber

Food Inovation

Food Inovation

The supermarket in 2030

A glimpse into the future

In 2030, the physical supermarket will be replaced by a virtual supermarket. Using virtual reality glasses the consumer will be able to shop in the virtual food landscape.

Online grocery shopping will be the norm in 2050 , thanks to improvements in technology and distribution. Online shops will surpass supermarkets with stores that inspire.


Katharina Barsy Max Capel Luc Coenegracht Martijn van Hovell tot Westerflier

Anouk van Bakel Bente Boegheim Marloes Cordemeijer Ralph Pessers Jeffrey Souisa

International Food & Agribusiness

International Food & Agribusiness

Future agribusiness scenarios Ghana

‘Myanmar: let the journey begin’

This project analysed the dairy and poultry sectors in Ghana. Based on the findings, 4 scenarios were created for both sectors.

The transformation of Myanmar has begun. This study uses scenarios to investigates future developments in the horticultural sector in this ‘renewed’ country.


Charlie Akkerman Naomi Paas Lucy van Rijswijk Maik Voets Max Willems International Food & Agribusiness

Animal Husbandry

Grain inputs supply chain Romania 2050 Applying transition theory to the grain production sector in Romania and the related input supply chains. Four scenarios have been developed that each show how the local grain production will develop towards 2050 , and what this means for the local agrichemical, machinery and seed industries.



Record Rethink your choice, record your voice. During the HAS Food Experience, 9 prizes were awarded: 5 FoodManShip prizes awarded by the professional jury in the categories Rewind, Play, Forward, Next and Record, an Audience Award and 5 talent prizes awarded by the business world in the categories of Machinery presented by Marel, Ingredients by Givaudan, Factory by Royal Smilde and Retail by Plus Retail.


Yeast, the new palmoil By Florine Stroo, Niek Monden, Martin Oostveen and Marloes Willemsen. About the concept: MariaMonkeys are the biscuits without palm oil. They provide the perfect solution for the growing problem of palm oil and are a healthy and sustainable snack for children. Judges’ reaction (Green Health Chair):

“The students have taken a social problem as the starting point for their concept. They carried out solid research and gave a perfect presentation.”


Puuré - discover the world of pure flavours By Nienke Grisel, Ilona Thijssen, Eveline van Dam and Eva Botter. About the concept: Freshly, mashed potatoes combined with flavours from all over the world to serve a surprising new version of this Dutch traditional meal. Judges’ reaction (Food & Health Chair):

“The students came up with a completely new concept applicable to a wide audience, where they thought through everything thoroughly.”


Provito By Eveline van Dam. About the concept: Provito enables people with chewing and swallowing difficulties to enjoy their diner again, by making it easier to eat pieces of meat. Judges’ reaction (AgroFood Marketing Chair):

“Eveline solved a relevant problem perfectly, by applying a new technique and so making meat easier to eat. This technique has huge potential for many more applications.”


Future of Farming By Joran Holtes and Joey Swinkels. About the concept: A future perspective of the farm and the potential changes in 2030. Judges’ reaction (Co-creative and Co-operative Entrepreneurship Chair):

“Joran and Joey have an excellent vision when it comes to bridging the gaps in the sector. They not only see what’s needed, but are also doing something about it.”


Nobel, a regal piece of meat By Gerrit van Veen. About the concept: Berkshire pigs are still kept by the British Royal Family because of their special meat quality and taste. Come and see and taste for yourself! Judges’ reaction (Marel):

“This concept shows a combination of entrepreneurship, expertise and passion. Perfectly executed.”


Happy Belly By Lisanne Rijs. About the concept: Happy Belly crackers for mums-to-be are a healthy snack that contains nutrients that are important for the pregnancy. Judges reaction (Givaudan):

“This concept shows huge passion and enthusiasm. We will gladly help Lisanne further with this concept.�


Provito By Eveline van Dam. About the concept: Provito enables people with chewing and swallowing difficulties to enjoy their diner again, by making it easier to eat pieces of meat. Judges’ reaction (Royal Smilde):

“Eveline has tackled a huge and largely underestimated social problem. We will gladly help her further with this concept.”


Fishless & Chips By Chiara Marino. About the concept: Plant-based meal with fishless filet, inspired by the British Fish & Chips. For the sustainability-conscious diner, who wants to eat a convenient meal and contribute something to the environment at the same time. Judges’ reaction (Plus Retail):

“A very tasty product. After the vegetarian butcher, the Netherlands is now ready for the vegetarian fishmonger.”


Stay By Alicia Peters. About the concept: Stay provides the solution to leaking and fiddling with a single serving teabag after use. Just relax and enjoy your brew.

Winner of the public award 2017!


Stop Stop rethinking tomorrow, start wondering today, meet our food start ups. HAS Food alumni present their businesses; look at what they have to offer and start working together.


Janneke Pieters

Bas Jacob

The good people of Den Bosch often have a big mouth but a soft heart. And there’s always room for a touch of self-mockery. They enjoy life to the full. We process this personality into our beers: outstanding names, great flavours and lots of humour. That’s what Den Bosch is all about, and that’s what Brouwerij Boegbeeld stands for.

‘WE BELIEVE IN INNOVATION IN THE WORLD OF BEER’ Our passion is brewing delicious, traditional and artisanal beers. A combination of expressive beer and food that can and should enrich taste and perception. Our expertise in both brewing and cooking enables us to connect the craftsmanship of our brews with the gastronomy of the south.

WE’RE LOOKING FOR: How are our beers going to help put Den Bosch on the map? WE’RE OFFERING: We brew beer that the people of Den Bosch can be proud of! Kutbier, Sjekladebol & Siberië.


www.brouwerijzuidt.nl 87

Pancks! Om op te vreten

Hannah van Berge

Peter Derks

Merel Maas

Pancks! develops vegetable concepts that contribute to increasing vegetable consumption in the Netherlands. The first product is a traditional Dutch batter treat (known as a ‘poffertje’), 50% of which consists of vegetables. By focusing on a tasty and popular product while camouflaging its vegetable flavour, kids can unwittingly enjoy a healthy snack.

Roland van Balen

Spijsbereiders is a brand-new food start-up led by Peter Derks and Roland van Balen. Creative ‘troublemakers’ in the rapidly-changing food sector! Refreshing products and concepts with individuality and personality, made in-house or assigned to us by companies with guts. WE’RE LOOKING FOR: We’re looking for room for at least 20 people in a building with character.

WE’RE LOOKING FOR: We’re looking for a production partner who believes as we do that healthy snacking and having fun go hand in hand. Together we can put Pancks! on the map.

WE’RE OFFERING: Plenty of attention for empty entrepreneurial premises in the vicinity of ’s-Hertogenbosch.

WE’RE OFFERING: Creativity – innovation – trendwatcher – independentminded – dare to disrupt – consumer insights – committed to the community


www.despijsbereiders.nl 88

BOON Michael Luesink

Skip Roeland

We get on with the job and keep our beans clean and natural. That starts with our growers, who preferably farm in the vicinity. And since we only cook our beans as short as possible and keep them in cool storage, they retain their nutritional value and their tasty bite. That results in the most delicious beans just as nature intended them to be: full of flavour and healthy nutrients. BOON is free of artificial additives. You will find BOON in the chilled section of the supermarket. We don’t mess around.

Don’t Skip Coffee (DSC), my coffee roasting plant aims to improve the quality of coffee in the world. We do this by roasting coffee, hosting workshops and through our mobile espresso bar.

WE’RE LOOKING FOR: BOON is looking for new sales outlets to familiarise as many taste buds as possible with the country’s coolest beans. WE’RE OFFERING: We innovate from farm to fork. By researching consumer behaviour, we compile a BOON innovation timeline to chart the future of bean-eating. Have you ‘bean there, done it’ or can we share our information with you? Check us out at info@boonfoodconcepts.com for more information. www.boonbonen.nl

www.dontskipcoffee.com 89

Marie-Sophie Wigbers

Kim de Smit

Taste your way around the world

Recipes, Food styling & Cookery video productions

#follow the foodies

The lady behind Zoetstylist: Marie-Sophie Wigbers is a food stylist and culinary video producer. Her company is all about food on film. Both photography and video.

We love food & trends! That’s why we organise inspirational tours for food retailers. We talk trends and can also manage concept development projects. How cool is that? Let’s go go go!

YOU’RE LOOKING FOR: How can I inspire the consumer to try my product? How will consumers discover what they can do with my product? Where do I find suitable content for my website/platform/ social media?

WE’RE LOOKING FOR: In addition to our quest for new, cool customers, we’re on the lookout for an innovative and inspiring workplace in the vicinity of Den Bosch. Any suggestions? Please let us know!

I’M OFFERING: Appetising fool-proof recipes. Mouth-watering food photography. Convenient, clear cookery videos. Suitable for every imaginable platform.

WE’RE OFFERING: We would love to tell you more about food & trends! And if you don’t give a shizzle; we also make wicked brownies! How about that? www.foodsafari.nl

www.zoetstylist.nl 90

firma vier

Smakerij Vindingrijk in Food Larisse Blok

Berber Galema

Dennis Favier

Smakerij adds creativity to food retail to inspire and surprise the sector. Our food isn’t just food, but the result of a trend, a story, a need or a development.

Firma Vier develops new food concepts and helps entrepreneurs with the practical challenges that arise when developing new products. WE’RE LOOKING FOR: A chance to sit round the table with entrepreneurs who dare to give their idea a go and want to make an impact.

WE’RE LOOKING FOR: Do you need new input? Do you want to recharge your business? Are you ready for innovation? Are you finally going to set the trend instead of chase it?

WE’RE OFFERING: - Free flow of ideas - Concept development and strategic brainstorming - Support with concept development

WE’RE OFFERING: Smakerij is resourceful in food. We are happy to help you with your next innovative project.


www.firmavier.nl 91

Ondernemerslift+ and Patentwerk help students get ahead During the annual Food Experience Fair, students present great innovative concepts and products to the public. Every year, there are promising new products for which students can set up their own start-up or which they can sell to food retailers. OndernemersLift+ cooperates with Patentwerk to screen concepts in advance, to determine market value and patent worthiness. Participants are advised about intellectual property rights and how they can best address interested parties when presenting their concept or product. After the Food Experience Fair, OndernemersLift+ and Patentwerk coach students who wish to pursue product entrepreneurship. Together, we can achieve more! OndernemersLift+ Support Succes

www.ondernemersliftplus.nl 92


Pause Take a pause to meet our sponsors. Our sponsors make it possible for us to organise the HAS Food Experience, offering students a platform for their projects.


Koekjesbakkerij Veldt A taste of happiness

Wouter de Graaf Social baking

The Veldt biscuit factory started out small. Craftsmanship was the name of the game. That’s still the case, by the way, except that the ovens have got bigger. Veldt is still the confectioner where everything depends on passion for the job. That’s why we took time to think about what we consider to be most important. Anyone can bake biscuits, but no one bakes them like our colleagues. Our employees are pure professionals. Without them, nothing happens. That’s why we have invested in their job satisfaction. Biscuits that are baked by happy people always taste better in the end. That’s the taste of happiness.

Confectioner Wouter de Graaf is an innovative in-store bakery specialist: our products can be baked to completion in store, defrosted from the freezer, or delivered fresh. In each of these categories, we offer a wide variety of products: cookies, cakes, puff-pastry rolls and sweet and savoury snacks. Craftsmanship, quality & innovation Craftsmanship and experience combined with quality and innovation are the cornerstone of our success. The Wouter de Graaf products are produced in an ultra-modern production facility, equipped to satisfy stringent quality and hygiene norms. We transform customer requirements into our products: we aim to please from ‘raw material to the product in your shopping trolley.


www.wouterdegraaf.nl 95

’t Arendje Verhuur & Dranken B.V. The place to be!

Bunzl Retail & Industry Enjoy the difference

’t Arendje is the place to be for renting equipment to make your party, event or any other occasion a success. Our quick service and attention to detail enable us to add that extra spark to any event, such as the networking party at the Food Experience Fair.

Bunzl Retail & Industry is a full-service supplier of packaging, disposables and hygiene products. Bunzl stands for innovative packaging solutions for food and non-food products. Out of the box Based on knowledge, experience and creativity, we advise our clients in providing perfect packaging solutions in terms of appearance, brand perception, sustainability and better protection, keeping in mind the commercial product proposition. Our unconventional packaging vision leads to packaging solutions that probably never crossed your mind. Why not challenge us?

In addition to renting party supplies, we are known as a one-stop-shop, so you can contact us for equipment, drinks, catering, arrangements, staff, locations and entertainment! We can also offer advice and arrange gatherings at a set price per person. And we even sell new and second-hand hospitality and catering equipment at attractive prices.


www.bunzl.nl/retail-industry 96

Givaudan Building memorable taste sensations

Together we are taking on the battle against foodwaste!

When you work at Givaudan, you contribute to the creation of exciting flavour sensations that touch millions of people’s lives around the world every day. Whether it’s pioneering new tastes to surprise consumers, or optimising production processes, you’ll be part of a passionate team committed to exceeding expectations.

In the Netherlands, we throw away 5 billion euros worth of food every year. Most of the time, there’s nothing even wrong with it. To tackle this problem, we need innovative entrepreneurs with guts. De Verspillingsfabriek (The Waste Factory) takes waste streams and raw materials on a large scale large and processes them into delicious food for human consumption, such as soups, sauces and other meal components. Every one of these nutritional products is made from produce that the growers, cutting and food processors plants were unable to use because it was too small, deformed or incorrectly labelled. Production at the Verspillings Fabriek is carried out by people who would otherwise struggle to find employment.

Inspiring, Challenging, with Heart & Soul Our culture: At Givaudan, you’ll have the opportunity to make a real impact and work with colleagues who are driven by passion and creativity. Are you ready to influence your world? Join us at Givaudan.


www.deverspillingsfabriek.nl 97

Marel Advancing Food Processing

Markies Catering Food You Love

Marel is the leading global provider of advanced food processing systems and services to the poultry, meat and fish industries. In partnership with our customers, we are transforming the way food is processed. Our vision is of a world where quality food is produced sustainably and affordably.

Creative ideas big or small Together we can make a difference WE’RE OFFERING: At Markies Catering, we are constantly monitoring the latest trends and developments in food and drink. Whether it’s a new idea or a creative way of presenting existing products. We develop new and surprising catering concepts from the ideas we acquire. In the process, we always have an open mind for young entrepreneurs with a passion for their product. WE’RE LOOKING FOR: Do you have a brilliant idea that deserves a platform? Do you have the same passion about food and drink as we do? Don’t hesitate to visit us. We’d love to check out the possibilities to implement your idea at our locations. Because together we can make a difference!


www.markiescatering.nl 98

A stake in each other

Royal Smilde A compelling food concept for more than 150 years

Rabobank and HAS University of Applied Sciences: stronger together in Agri & food

Royal Smilde, located in Heerenveen, is an international food retailer operating 5 factories of its own and employing 650 people in three units: ‘Smilde Foods’, ‘Smilde Bakery’ and ‘Smilde Natura’. Smilde Foods produces margarines, oils, fats, salads, quiches and sauces. Smilde Bakery produces bakery and patisserie products. Smilde Natura makes frying oils and offers a unique pick-up and delivery service.

The HAS Food Experience Fair enables Rabobank and the HAS University of Applied Sciences create significant added value to the economy and to society. Students work on innovative, forward-looking concepts and inspire more than 1,000 visitors, including enterprising Rabobank clients who put useful innovative concepts to work. In addition, the Rabobank coaches the winners of the HAS Food Experience to help in the further development of their concept. This leads to new business models and strengthens the regional economy.

Royal Smilde was established over 150 years ago. Arend Egberts Smilde was the founding father of what is now an international food company. In 1863, he began an abattoir on the Herenwal in Heerenveen. The Smilde family has built the company into what it is today by not only driving growth and modernisation, but also by quick and considered decision-making to avail themselves of new opportunities.

A stake in each other The HAS University of Applied Sciences and Rabobank are each other’s key partners in the region of North-East Brabant and share their knowledge and networks with one another. www.rabobank.nl

www.royalsmilde.nl 99

Heyde Hoeve - Duroc pork with the taste of the past!

Desemenzo, Heyde Hoeve and Smokey Goodness worked together on the food truck lane at the Food Experience Fair. According to many of the visitors, this was the perfect combination; delicious bread topped with tasty Duroc pork made on an authentic BBQ.

Heyde Hoeve is determined to supply the most delicious pork with the best possible care for human, animal and environment.

Desemenzo - sourdough bread with a wayward Dutch signature

Smokey Goodness - Authentic BBQ. Our World is Fire Smokey Goodness is rough cooking to the max. Fire, smoke, steel and meat are our defining characteristics, although we also serve refined dishes with a tough look and exceptionally fresh quality.

The bakery team of Desemenzo consists of motivated bakers who bake sourdough bread in their own way at three bakeries every day. The bread is made from our own sourdough culture with pride and enthusiasm and carefully-selected raw materials.


www.heydehoeve.nl 100



Prosecco Sponsors Our sponsors make it possible for us to organise the HAS Food Experience, offering students a platform for their projects.

BK Kwaliteitspartner in food

Bunzl Retail & Industry

IFS Intelligent Food Solutions

IFS Crisp Sensation


Interfood Holding B.V.

Hessing Supervers

Pepsico Nederland


Scelta Mushrooms

van Rijsingen groep


Index Name


Romy van Aalst Romy Abbink Bart van den Acker

Business Administration & Agribusiness Dutch Crayfish Food Technology Crocchetta di Caprese Food Innovation Energyze Meat consumption in 2030 International Food & Agribusiness Bio-Refinery LCF from West-Africa International Food & Agribusiness Blueberries and cherries in Romania Grain inputs supply chain Romania 2050 Food Technology Fermenade Food Technology Hero-up: fruit drink in a tablet Food Innovation Breens Breakfast Greens Fitcake Food Innovation VerseHap.nl International Food & Agribusiness ‘Myanmar: let the journey begin’ Toolkit cooperation SME’s and SFH’s Alumni Start Ups De Spijsbereiders International Food & Agribusiness Bio-Refinery LCF from West-Africa Future Agribusiness Scenarios Ghana Food Innovation BAX Gin Flavourings karROT Food Innovation One2Twist, Lemonades with a Twist Food Innovation Grocery shopping in 2030 Jailbird Joy Food Technology Crocchetta di Caprese Alumni Start Ups Pancks! Food Innovation The supermarket in 2030 UNIEK: flavourful gluten-free bread Food Innovation PUIK flatbread Woekie: the carrot cookie Food Innovation Chilled curru Alumni Start Ups Smakerij International Food & Agribusiness ‘Myanmar: let the journey begin’ Toolkit cooperation SME’s and SFH’s Business Administration & Agribusiness GOOD DUTCH WINE Food Innovation Lactose intollerance in 2030 Food Innovation Puuré: discover a world of pure flavours Food Innovation Grocery shopping in 2030 Food Technology Crocchetta di Caprese Food Technology Champi Coffee Swirl Food Innovation Simply Smart International Food & Agribusiness Bio-Refinery LCF from West-Africa Future Agribusiness Scenarios Ghana Food Innovation Lactose intollerance in 2030 Tasty stock International Food & Agribusiness Bio-Refinery LCF from West-Africa Future Agribusiness Scenarios Ghana Environmental Studies Water management at a dairy factory International Food & Agribusiness ‘Myanmar: let the journey begin’ Toolkit cooperation SME’s and SFH’s Food Technology Industrial raising processes Food Innovation Provito Puuré: discover a world of pure flavours Food Innovation Jelly Tea Resize Rice Alumni Start Ups De Spijsbereiders Food Technology Implementing knowledge management Environmental Studies A Greener Den Bosch Food Innovation Marjolein Dikmans Food Design Food Technology Crocchetta di Caprese Food Innovation Love potions Food Technology Knoertjes Food Technology GOOD DUTCH WINE Food Technology Bugs Bakery Dutch Crayfish Food Technology Food Innovation GAME ON: the sports drink for champions The supermarket in 2030 Food Innovation Pak ‘n Prak: easy to eat mash Business Administration & Agribusiness GOOD DUTCH WINE Alumni Start Ups Firma Vier Food Innovation Food that nourishes Food Technology The plant-based sausage factory Alumni Start Ups Smakerij Food Innovation Meat consumption in 2030 Packed full of goodness

Eric Agyeyomah Charlie Akkerman Jesse Alewijns Matthijs van Alfen Lisanne Alkemade Charlotte de Baaij Anouk van Bakel Roland van Balen Katharina Barsy Martijn Bax Marloes Beekmans Silke Beerthuis Erik Berenschot Hannah van Berge Anniek Biermans Kim Bijlmakers Sander Bijlsma Larisse Blok Bente Boegheim Joris Böinck Gloria Boomsma Eva Botter Femke Bouman Tim Boumans Nicole Brenders Eveline Brockhus Max Capel Marije Clemens Luc Coenegracht Luuk Coopmans Marloes Cordemeijer Nikki Crooijmans Eveline van Dam Linda Denissen Peter Derks Nikki van Dijk Christine Dijkman Marjolein Dikmans Marco Dirkse Jeske Dolmans Linda van Eijck Rose-Marije van Elst Ann van den Elzen Maurice van Empel Sylvie van den Eng Aniek van Erp Rens Faes Dennis Favier Eva Flantua Liesbeth Fransen Berber Galema Mathijs van Geel




20 28 61 66 19 18 74 36 56 54 32 46 73 18 88 19 73 62 51 54 71 59 28 88 72 32 33 55 28 91 73 18 21 65 29 71 28 25 42 19 73 65 38 19 73 17 73 18 22 51 29 56 39 88 24 17 43 28 62 40 21 58 20 57 72 52 21 91 22 24 91 66 27

Tessa van der Geld Tessa Gijsbers Nolly Goossens

Food Technology Food Technology Food Innovation

Marjolein de Graag Anne van Grinsven Nienke Grisel Nina de Groot

Food Innovation Food Innovation Food Technology Food Innovation

Christel van Grunsven Hilde Hanemaaijer Amy van der Heide Jackie van der Heijden Lotte Heijkant Gisèle Heltzel Mark Hendrikx Sanne Hermsen Joost Hoeijmakers Aniek Hölscher Joran Holtes Martijn van Hovell tot Westerflier Bas Jacob Siemen de Jong Emmelie de Jong Martijn de Jong Rachel Joosse Dewien Kalpoe Aafke Kloos Ingrid Koelewijn Jamie de Koning Rick Koot

Food Technology Food Technology Food Technology Food Innovation Food Technology Food Innovation Food Technology Food Technology Food Technology Food Innovation Food Innovation International Food & Agribusiness Alumni Start Ups Food Technology Food Innovation Environmental Studies Food Technology Food Technology Food Innovation Food Technology Food Technology Food Innovation

Eva Kostelijk Sanne Kouwenhoven Sophie Kroes Daniek Kuijpers Eva Kusters

Food Technology Food Technology Food Technology Food Technology Food Innovation

Veerle Lange Emiel van de Langenberg Mayke Lemmers Veerle Lennaerts Dave Lensink Simone van Limpt

Food Technology Food Technology Food Innovation Food Technology Food Technology Food Innovation

Douglas Looijen Nena van de Louw Michael Luesink Evie van Maarseveen Merel Maas Annelijn Mäkel

Food Technology Food Innovation Alumni Start Ups Food Technology Alumni Start Ups Food Innovation

Manon Manteleers Chiara Marino

Food Technology Food Innovation

Sander Meeuws

Food Innovation

Anne Mensink Inge van Mensvoort Kresimir Milanovski Niek Monden

Naomi Paas

Food Technology Food Technology Food Innovation Business Administration & Agribusiness Food Technology Food Innovation Food Technology Business Administration & Agribusiness Animal Husbandry

Jamie Penders

Food Innovation

Eric Pennings

Food Innovation

Ralph Pessers

International Food & Agribusiness Food Innovation

Lorenzo van Nistelrooij Rik Nuijten Liset Nusselder Martin Oostveen

Pepijn Pest

Bugs bakery Dryer cleaning High-Tech Breakfast Simple Sprinkles North sea greens Airline catering in 2030 Puuré: discover a world of pure flavours Airline catering in 2030 karROT Scaling up the production process for Qarc GOOD DUTCH WINE Rolls The Future of dining out Cheese spread without emulsifying salts Starring: Vegetables Fermenade The plant-based sausage factory Industrial raising processes A glimpse into the future Urban farming Bio-Refinery LCF from West-Africa Future Agribusiness Scenarios Ghana The Zuidt Brewery HT330 UHT unit modelling and optimisation Scaling up the production process for Qarc Water management at a dairy factory karROT HT330 UHT unit modelling and optimisation Down to earth Jelly Tea Jelly Tea Fresh food retail in 2030 The Meat Master karROT Dryer cleaning Fermenade The plant-based sausage factory Chufa yoghurt: tiger nut yoghurt Gloed: iron-enriched sweets Fermenade HT330 UHT unit modelling and optimisation A Sweet Gesture Bugs bakery Implementing knowledge management High-Tech Breakfast Incredible Flowers The plant-based sausage factory Smooth’n BOON Champi Coffee Swirl Pancks! Cooking in 2030 Cool Cabbage Implementing knowledge management Chufa yoghurt: tiger nut yoghurt Fishless & Chips PUIK flatbread SAN’S SPICES Risk assessment of the sugar sprinkle line Chufa yoghurt: tiger nut yoghurt Composting in 2030 Yeast the new palmoil

58 23 65 42 59 69 29 69 51 20 21 53 70 35 67 36 24 22 72 68 19 73 87 19 20 17 51 19 57 56 56 69 41 51 23 36 24 58 33 36 19 44 58 24 65 60 24 37 89 25 88 68 35 24 58 53 33 61 23 58 71 21

Food Science & the Consumer The Future of dining out Scaling up the production process for Qarc Yeast the new palmoil

52 70 20 21

Blueberries and cherries in Romania Grain inputs supply chain Romania 2050 AmbrosiA: dessert vending machine Knoertjes Rolls Time to Meat ‘Myanmar: let the journey begin’ Toolkit cooperation SME’s and SFH’s Karamelli: discover sweets all over again Fresh food retail in 2030

18 74 31 40 53 41 73 18 31 69

Alicia Peters Janneke Pieters Lex Pijnappels Inge Pistorius Maron van de Plas Tonke van de Pol Joske Puts Jules Reijnders Emma Reiling Lisanne Rijs Lucy van Rijswijk Skip Roeland Julia Roest Sophie Rossen Lisa Rotteveel Sien Rouwhorst Djoeke van Ruitenbeek Paco Rutten Anne Rutten Sabien Schmitz Joris Scholten Julia Schreiber Christiaan Segeren Evelien Siebers Kim de Smit Jeffrey Souisa Eline Stals Marc Stout Florine Stroo Lilian Struiksma Joey Swinkels Ton Swinkels Micky Taylor Ilona Thijssen Kaeley Timmermans Maartje Valk Gerrit van Veen Jolien van de Vendel Jessica Verbakel Jasper Verblakt Yorick Verheijen Juliet Vermeer Rolf van der Vlugt Maik Voets Michiel van Vroonhoven Jet van der Weijden Vera Weller Corné Werker Sarah Westhoff Marie-Sophie Wigbers Lars Wijnen Anne van der Wijst Max Willems Rian Willems Marloes Willemsen Tom Willemssen Rens Wilting Sanne van Woerden Ellen Wolters Joris Zoetendaal

Food Innovation

Jelly Tea Stay Alumni Start Ups The Boegbeeld Brewery Food Technology Chufa yoghurt: tiger nut yoghurt Environmental Studies A Greener Den Bosch Food Innovation In de Boert’: local and farm fresh Environmental Studies Water management at a dairy factory Food Innovation SPOON’S - dairy free goodness Food Innovation Cacao House Marketing to kids in 2030 Food Technology Knoertjes Food Innovation Happy Belly Rolls International Food & Agribusiness Blueberries and cherries in Romania Grain inputs supply chain Romania 2050 Alumni Start Ups Don’t Skip Coffee Food Technology Restaurant Roest Food Innovation CULTURED MEAT a natural proces Splice Food Innovation Hero-up: fruit drink in a tablet Food Innovation CULTURED MEAT a natural proces Rondo Food Technology Industrial raising processes Environmental Studies A Greener Den Bosch Food Technology Cheese spread without emulsifying salts Food Technology Champi Coffee Swirl Food Innovation Marketing to kids in 2030 Food Innovation Whey of Rolling A glimpse into the future Food Technology Komfortabeler Food: comfort snacks Food Innovation AdVOLcaatje Fitcake Alumni Start Ups Foodsafari International Food & Agribusiness ‘Myanmar: let the journey begin’ Toolkit cooperation SME’s and SFH’s Food Innovation Alcohol and governmental influence Wrap it up, ‘play that wrap’ Food Innovation How senior citizen-friendly are retailers? Cooking in 2030 Food Technology Yeast the new palmoil Food Innovation PUIK flatbread The Steamet Food Innovation JUDGE, Cocktail Liqueur Urban farming Food Technology Risk assessment of the sugar sprinkle line Food Innovation MENGEL MOES: ready-to-eat vegetable meal Food Technology Puuré: discover a world of pure flavours Food Technology Komfortabeler Food: comfort snacks Food Innovation Alcohol and governmental influence Business Administration & Agribusiness Nobel: meat fit for a king Food Technology Cheese spread without emulsifying salts Food Innovation Knoertjes The Iron Hen Food Technology Carbonated iced coffee Food Technology HT330 UHT unit modelling and optimisation Food Innovation ReLoad Food Technology Hero-up: fruit drink in a tablet International Food & Agribusiness Blueberries and cherries in Romania Grain inputs supply chain Romania 2050 Environmental Studies A Greener Den Bosch Food Innovation Fitcake Food Technology Scaling up the production process for Qarc Food Technology Champi Coffee Swirl Food Innovation Let’s Eat Alumni Start Ups Zoetstylist Business Administration & Agribusiness Dutch Crayfish Food Innovation Fitcake Vieno International Food & Agribusiness Blueberries and cherries in Romania Grain inputs supply chain Romania 2050 Food Technology Rolls Business Administration & Agribusiness Yeast the new palmoil Food Innovation Starring: Vegetables Environmental Studies Water management at a dairy factory Food Innovation Composting in 2030 Smeer’t Food Innovation Eigenwijsjes: distinctive ice cream Food Technology Bugs bakery


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Colophon Photography: Cindy Langenhuijsen / Cindy Langenhuijsen Fotografie Karin Jonkers / Yell & Yonkers David Provoost / Provision Photography Text: Jeroen Vissers / jeroen. Students / HAS University of Applied Sciences Editing: Mary van Hoek-Hendriks / HAS University of Applied Sciences Lindsay Kemps-Saitch / HAS University of Applied Sciences CumLingua Language Consultancy Advertorials: Josephine de Vries / HAS University of Applied Sciences Production supervision: Marie-Sophie Wigbers / Zoet Stylist Graphic design: Emiel Kunnen / Wauw Factory Printing: PreVision Graphic Solutions With many thanks to all the students, graduates and staff of the following study programmes: Food Innovation, Food Technology, International Food & Agribusiness, Business Administration & Agribusiness, Environmental Studies and Animal Husbandry


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