Student Study Day magazine HAS University 2018

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Intro 3 Programme 4 Meeting plaza 5 Information about minors 8 Meet the company 14 Professional fun 16 Win a GoPro 16




STUDENT STUDY DAY 2018: YOUR STUDIES, YOUR CAREER! The 2nd Student Study Day will take place on 11 January 2018. We are organising this day for over 3,000 students, to inform them about the possibilities and options available during their studies. For example, internships and minors in the Netherlands and abroad. The day consists of various elements, such as a Business Market, Meeting Plaza with 4th year students, information sessions about minors and a professional ‘fun’ part. Business Market We believe it’s important to bring employers and students into contact with each another in the agrifood and living environment sectors, so that students can then get an impression of the possibilities for their internship, thesis or their future job perspectives. The Business Market is the perfect setting for this to take place. Meeting Plaza with 4th year students Students are invited to the Meeting Plaza in the ‘Atrium’ to enjoy a quick bite and to speak to 4th year students who are happy to share their experiences about their internships and minors in the Netherlands and abroad. Information sessions on minors There are 3 minor options in the 3rd year that give additional content to your study programme in a unique way. The Study Day is the perfect opportunity to get extensive information about these possibilities, and to help you make your choice. Professional fun This part of the day gives students the chance to shape your professional offline and online image in a fun way. This time you’ll have the opportunity to get your CV checked by HRM professionals, have your hair and makeup done by stylists and to then have your new image captured for use on your LinkedIn profile.

The Study Day for Students is a collaboration between HAS University of Applied Sciences and Student Association Gremio Unio.



OPENING Location: Paviljoen Time: 10.30 - 10.45h The opening of the day will take place at the Paviljoen. MEETINGPLAZA Location: Atrium Time: 11.30 - 13.30h INFORMATION ABOUT MINORS Location: several classrooms Time: 11.00 - 15.30h Meet the company / Carry on studying Location: Paviljoen, Atrium and the Deel Time: 10.00 - 15.30h Visit the business market and meet companies from the agri-food and living environment sectors! Expand your network! There will also be some Universities to tell you more if you like to carry on studying. NETWORKING RECEPTION Location: Atrium Time: 15.30 - 17.00h


MEETING PLAZA LOCATION: ATRIUM 11.30 - 13.30H TIME: At the Meeting Plaza set up in ‘De Deel’ you’re invited to have a quick bite and a chat with 4th year students who are eager to share their experiences during their own internships and tell you about minors they’ve taken in the Netherlands and abroad. We created study/business profil cards with more informations about their internships studies. e



We’re proud to be Modern University of the Year Harper Adams University is the UK’s leading university for the agri-food chain and rural sector. Our main taught postgraduate areas of study are: • • • • • • • •

Agri-business Agriculture Agroecology Animal science and nutrition Applied ecology Aquaculture Crops, soil and water Engineering

• • • • • • • •

Entomology Food Forestry Pest management Rural estate and land management Veterinary nursing Veterinary physiotherapy Veterinary pharmacy

Our postgraduate courses are highly applied and careers-focused and aim to significantly enhance your theoretical knowledge and practical skills through inspiring, topical and applied teaching. Levels of study available are PgC, PgD, MSc and MRes. Visit our website for further information:


MINOR INFO SESSIONS LOCATION: SEVERAL CLASSROOMS TIME: 11.00 - 15.30H In the third year of your study programme you can take a minor at the HAS, or elsewhere. There will be information sessions on the various HAS minors, as well as studying at another academic institution in the Netherlands, or even abroad. The Study Day is the only chance (!!) to get extensive information about these possibilities, to help you make your choice. Curious already? Check the intranet page Third year minor for more information.


In 2016 and onwards, the world is facing a tremendous challenge to feed and house over 7 billion people and at the same time to reduce human impact on the environment. Such a challenge demands a multidisciplinary approach. In our third year minors programme, we offer you the possibility to deepen your knowledge of current issues themes within agriculture, food and environment in an multidisciplinary setting. Apart from deepening your knowledge on a specific theme, you´ll use your expertise in an real life project witch you perform with other students. By working with students and staff with different expertise you´ll further broaden your horizon.



A minor outside the HAS offers you the opportunity to explore a subject of your choice that’s outside of your study programme and even outside your UAS. You will be taught in a different setting and get to meet students of different backgrounds and different disciplines/fields of expertise. This experience will enhance your vision of your own subject (or even your study programme), increase your understanding and possibly provide you with fresh new ideas.


As you probably already know studying abroad is awesome! Are you eager to study abroad again, but don’t know what the possibilities are, please join the session ‘minor abroad’. You will be informed about the study options, the preparation steps, how to get approval by your study programme and recognition of your credits upon return and other practical tips.

MINOR INROMATION SESSIONS Minors in English are marked in green. To attend the information session, you must register through the application form

Name minor Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Minor in Nederland buiten de HAS (KOM)




Option 4

Minor in buitenland 12.30 14.00 Proeven aan ondernemerschap




Eating animals 11.30 13.00 15.00 Design zonder grenzen 12.00 13.30 14.30 Werk aan wereldwijde voedseldialoog





Plant(w)aardige toekomst 12.00 13.30 15.00 Smart farming 11.30 12.00 13.00 14.00 Biobased economy in the agri-food sector 11.00



What’s in it for me: een marketingexpeditie 11.30



Ruimtegebruik 2030 11.00 12.00 13.30 14.30 Towards a healthy society 11.30 12.30 13.30 15.00 International business and development




Ecosystem services and their value to society 11.00



Value by design (Venlo) 12.00 13.30 14.30 International agribusiness (Venlo)





Werk aan wereldwijde voedseldialoog

Voedsel! We zijn er op elk moment van de dag druk mee. Vaak zonder bij na te denken. Maar, ben jij geïnteresseerd in waar je voedsel vandaan komt, welke partijen zich er allemaal mee bemoeien, hoe (on)eerlijk het voedsel wordt verdeeld, wat er allemaal mee gebeurt voordat het op je bord ligt en wat de problemen en kansen wereldwijd zijn van duurzame voedselproductie en –consumptie? Dan is deze module bij uitstek voor jou bedoeld!

Eating animals?!

Ook jij hebt te maken met dierlijke producten, bijvoorbeeld als professional, als consument en als burger. In Nederland alleen al worden 100 miljoen dieren gehouden voor consumptiedoeleinden. Dat levert, behalve efficiënt geproduceerde vlees-, zuivel-, en ei-producten, ook de nodige uitdagingen op het gebied van dierenwelzijn, ruimtegebruik, humane gezondheid, uitstoot broeikasgassen, watergebruik, ontbossing, etc. Alle partijen in de keten (veehouder, handelaar, verwerker, retail, consument) worden daar steeds meer mee geconfronteerd. Wat is het effect van het produceren én consumeren van dierlijke producten op people, planet, profit en op jou?

Plant(w)aardige toekomst!

We kunnen er niet omheen: planten hebben de toekomst. De groeiende wereldbevolking zal gevoed moeten worden, en de deskundigen zijn het erover eens dat plantaardige producten daarin een vooraanstaande rol moeten gaan spelen. Het is tijd voor verdergaande plant(w)aardige innovaties en nieuwe verdienmodellen die onze footprint op de aarde verkleinen. Ben jij klaar voor deze ‘groene revolutie 2.0’? Dan zit je goed bij deze minor.

Design zonder grenzen

Ben je nieuwsgierig en benieuwd hoe creatieve processen werken? Denk jij dat creatieve processen nodig zijn voor innovatie en een betere wereld? Dan is de minor Design zonder Grenzen wat voor je. Design is overal te vinden. Je gebruikt design vaak zonder dat je het door hebt. Denk aan je smartphone, aan de apps die je gebruikt, aan je OV-kaart of het behang op je kamer, de kleding die je draagt of het gebouw waarin je studeert. Alles is ontworpen. Welke opleiding je ook doet, design is van belang voor iedereen die aan oplossingen wil werken.

Smart Farming

Do you want to learn how to increase sustainability in the broad discipline of crop science, livestock production and leisure using precision technology and data? Expand your field of expertise in projects where, for example, you will: • combine location and activity data for the early detection of claw diseases of cows; • measure soil humidity and temperature using precision sensors to improve the quality of golf fields; • analyse data from soil and crop sensors to predict and improve yields of different crops.


Smart Farming provides a learning environment for students with various backgrounds in which they acquire and apply knowledge and gain skills for developing innovative solutions.

Towards a healthy society

Would you like to think about the future of health in society? Do you want to play a role in improving health for everyone in the field of agriculture, food and the living environment? Then this minor may be for you!

What’s in it for me: een Marketingexpeditie

‘De brutalen hebben de halve wereld’, zo luidt het spreekwoord. Dus nodigen wij jou uit om brutaal te zijn en dan meteen ook maar de hele marketingwereld te veroveren. Let wel, niet brutaal via een grote mond, maar door jouw eigen visie op marketing te claimen. En ‘eigen’ in de zin van jouw eigen mening, jouw eigen woorden en jouw eigen toekomstbeeld over marketing. Om dit voor elkaar te krijgen, onderneem je een expeditie. Je levert daarbij behoorlijke inspanningen en vermijdt zoveel mogelijk de platgetreden paden. Hierbij leveren wij jou een basisoverlevingspakket, dat je uiteindelijk zelf gaat aanvullen. Ga jij mee op expeditie?

How healthy ecosystems lead to healthy economic growth

The world’s population increases rapidly, climate changes, our natural resources are running out and biodiversity decreases. These issues result in an increased pressure on our ecosystems (both natural and man-made). However, we rely on these ecosystems to provide important services to man, such as the production of food, purification of air and water, pollination of crops, regulation of diseases and climate, and opportunities for recreation. Degradation of ecosystems results in a reduced capacity for ecosystem services and hence in a reduction in benefits to our society. It is time to change this process!

Ruimtegebruik in Nederland in 2030

Ruimte is schaars in Nederland en wordt voor vele doeleinden gebruikt. Denk aan wonen, werken, infrastructuur en natuurlijk de agrarische sector. Economische ontwikkeling en bevolkingsgroei vragen om een nieuwe aanpak. Aan jou de uitdaging! Hoe ga je slim met die ruimte om? Kun je doelen combineren? Wat zijn trends die het (ondernemers)landschap gaan bepalen en hoe speel je daar op in?


Biobased economy in the agri-food sector

Would you like to find out how to contribute to a sustainable, circular economy and at the same time raise the value of crop or animal production? Which of the following products will actually represent the highest added value or income: food, animal feed, (bio) fuel, materials, or a combination thereof? And what may determine this value? The edibility, taste, nutritional value, or the fact that you can construct your house with it, run your car on it, or that you can wrap your food in it? Within the agri-food sector, developing a BBE means: making choices on how to successfully use plant based and animal based biomass to sustainably meet all our daily needs, for us and for future generations.

International Business & Development

International Business & Development provides a multi stakeholder learning arena on establishing new business in upcoming economies. In a multidisciplinary team with students from other programs you work on a company assignment, supported by lectures and literature. The real-life project focusses on the development of new activities based on an innovative agrifood concept in a developing country. You look at business aspects, the work of NGO’s and government, their mission, vision and policies, the building of smallholder cooperatives and the influence of physical aspects such as infrastructure, IT and technology.

International Agribusiness

Are you interested in learning more about International Agribusiness, and European food supply chains in particular? This new minor in International Agribusiness will give you new insights into how agribusiness works in the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. This minor will be given jointly by the University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrück, Germany, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland, and HAS University of Applied Sciences, Venlo, the Netherlands. You will join an international group of students with whom you will spend 3 weeks in each country.

Proeven aan ondernemerschap

De minor Proeven aan Ondernemerschap is een ontdekkingsreis naar jouw persoonlijk ondernemerschap. Of je nu al onderneemt, met een concreet idee rondloopt of je afvraagt of ondernemen iets voor jou zou zijn, je bent bij deze minor meer dan welkom.

Value by Design

In deze minor verkennen we met een gevarieerd samengestelde groep studenten (met interesse in bijvoorbeeld food, marketing, communicatie, vormgeving of psychologie) hoe dit werkt en hoe we door middel van slim design méérwaarde kunnen creëren. Iedere student brengt hierbij zijn/haar eigen kennis, vaardigheden en ervaring in én leert op die manier ook van andere studenten. Samen onderzoeken we verschillende food categorieën en doelgroepen, experimenteren we met verschillende manieren om meerwaarde te creëren en te communiceren, en stellen we aan de hand van prototypes en consumentenonderzoek vast, wat er wél werkt en wat niet.



ERDI: ‘Empowering Regional Development and Innovations’

Are you in your second school year and have you always wanted to take a minor abroad? Or do you doubt whether you want to go abroad? This is your chance! The HAS University of Applied Sciences has developed a minor about bio economy with other universities in Europe (ERDI minor). Topics that will be discussed are for example agriculture, food processing, nature, ecotourism, environmental technology and protection and circular economy. The minor is offered every year at a different university. Involved universities are Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), University of West Hungary (Hungary), Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia), University of Pardubice (Czech Republic) and HAS University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands). Within the main framework each university gives its own interpretation to the minor but bio economy is the central topic. Empowering the Regional Development and Innovations

What is the ERDI minor? During the minor you will learn about bio economy and regional development in the country where you are at an European level. Through innovative digital courses and projects you will be working on the various topics. In Finland you can choose the length of your minor, varying from 4 to 12 weeks. ECTS vary depending on the weeks from 5 – 15 ECTS. So you can follow ‘Innovation ecosystems’ where you learn about strategic regional planning, social and environmental infrastructure and sustainable and innovative business. You can also choose or combine this minor with another minor called ‘Environmental management’ where you learn about social and environmental responsibility, climate and energy planning and an environmental management project. When it doesn’t fit entirely in your curriculum you can follow the ‘Connecting the dots’ training about local business, so you get enough ECTS. What is the ERDI project? The ERDI minor is developed within a a prestigious European project aimed at boosting local bio economy suffering from an increasing lack of skilled employees and creative business models. This is done by reseraching what innovations and competences are needed within the sector. Joining the module will therefor enhance your chances of a challenging (international) job within the sector. Want to know more? Please visit Planning The minor is offered once per school year, for the coming years the minor will be offered at: - School year 2018-2019: Finland and/ or Slovakia - School year 2019 – 2020: Finland and The Netherlands - School year 2020 – 2021: Finland and / or Czech Republic In Finland the first module will be offered from February – April and the second one will be offered from April – June. In The Netherlands the first module will be offered in term 3 and the second one in term 4. More information If you want more information about the ERDI minor you can go to: | Intranet > minor information > minor abroad > info partner institutions | or email Krista van Noppen: If you are interested in the minor in Finland you can also go to:




10.00 - 15.30H

You’ll have the opportunity to meet over 50 companies in the agrifood and environmental sectors. Accessible and a great opportunity to expand your network. Perhaps you’ll be able to take an initial step in your career, and manage to get an internship, graduation project, or even a job.




PROFESSIONAL FUN LOCATION: CLASSROOM 1A-16/17 10.00 - 15.30H TIME: Let someone take a look at your CV, do a social media check and have your photo taken for your LinkedIn-profile. In other words, a day full of useful, but also fun activities.




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