Flexible Dominions Urban Design for Coexistence, SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil. Schindler Global Award 2017
Master Thesis
Hassan Elghayesh University of Liechtenstein WS 16/17
University of Liechtenstein Institute of Architecture and Planning Design Studio Peter Staub WS 16/17 Author: Hassan Elghayesh Supervising Professor: Prof. Peter A. Staub, Dipl. AA MSc LSE Studio Assistant: Dipl.-Arch. Georgia Papathanasiou Š 2017 all rights reserved Layout: Hassan Elghayesh Drawings: Hassan Elghayesh Picture Editing: Hassan Elghayesh
Font: Garamond
Flexible Dominions Hassan Elghayesh
Table of content
1. Methodology
7.4. Top Down Interventions
2. Definitions
8. Inbetween Spaces
3. Analysis
17 18 22 30 32 42 44
3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7.
110 116 120 124 130
8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.5.
138 140
9.1. Mind Map 9.2. Presentation Layout
4. Ownership, Food for Thought
48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62
4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8.
10. Conclusion
11. Bibliography
12. List of Figures
13. Affidavit
5. Brazilian Pop Culture
70 72 74
5.1. Minhocão 5.2. Cinema da Boca do Lixo 5.3. Artists Squats, Casa Do Povo
6. The Seed
7. Design Proposal
88 92 94
7.1. Immediate Neighbourhood 7.2. Mobility Concept 7.3. Plot Allocation
Research Security Walls Real Estate History of Site Demographics Facts and Figures Economy
Hans Island Fake Estates Italian Limes Liveuamap, Map of Conflicts Nolli’s Roma Maps CEAGESP Ownership History SABESP Ownership Comparison Ownership Lessons
Moment I Moment II Moment III Moment IV Moment V
This books aims to create a comprehensive statement about the role of the architect in the transformation of residual space within the city into lively, productive and socially mixed use hubs that act to benefit the immediate neighbourhood and the city as a whole. The project aims to communicate on two levels; firstly, it operates within the specific academic context of Studio Professor Peter Staub at the University of Liechtenstein. Secondly, it aims to address the issues as described in the Schindler Award 2016/2017 for SĂŁo Paulo. The task at hand was to come up with ideas for the CEAGESP market place that is to be moved to another location to the city periphery leaving its current central location in Villa Leopoldina empty. According to the competition brief, centrality, mobility, urban livelihood and architectural Heritage are the topics to be addressed. The focus of this project will be mainly addressing urban livelihood and centrality and through them touch on the two other topics though not dealing with them directly. The formulation of the research question came from an interest developed through my two years of study at the university and that I wish to take further into my professional life,
How can new models of ownership ensure a socially mixed lively urban polycentric quarter in the CEAGESP market area once it is relocated?
The question delves deeper into forces beyond architecture; it follows these forces into an area rarely explored by architects. It aims to address economics and market logic questions and use it for the favour of the user rather than in the favour of the large developers.
1. Methodology
1. Methodology
To adequately research the question, it was crucial to indulge in Brazilian and Paulista culture to understand the contemporary problems of the city and make sure the research question is addressing the heart of the problem and not just the symptoms. A profound knowledge of the history of the city, nature, culture, security, economics and mobility was of outmost importance. This research was compiled into a compendium in which all 17 students of the studio took part in. I will be taking the liberty to use topics relating to my research from the compendium while citing it. The thesis preparation resources were very valuable in formulating the question and the discourse I am on through this project. Most valuable where the two books produced by ETH Mas Zurich, Building Brazil and Minha Casa Nossa Cidade. The books were recently conceived and contain valuable information about the contemporary Brazilian city. My views and speculations about the city of São Paulo were mainly shaped by my reading of these two books. A thorough reading of Kellers Easterling’s Enduring Innocence helped develop a keen interest in the politics of architecture. This evolved into a mature understanding of economic and political effects of a project. I was able to frame which political agenda the project would benefit and what it communicates to the government as well as the public. As we were not able to visit the site in Brazil, the studio has relied on connections in São Paulo, Skype meetings were organized with Professor Daniela Getlinger from the
1. Methodology
University of SĂŁo Paulo in order to get a first-hand experience of the site. As well, a photographer was commissioned to take pictures of the site by night and day and the pictures were shared with the students. Our inability to visit the site did not stop us from having a seminar week where we organized a competition at The University of Liechtenstein. One interesting aspect that is forced upon us, is that like most competitions we will not get the chance to interact with the jury or present our project. The seminar week was dealing with this topic specifically, how do you show your project when you cannot present it? What to include in the panel? More importantly what to exclude? It was an exercise in concentration. This aspect can be categorized under methodology, a methodology of concentrating a thesis project into two panels.
2. Definitions
2. Definitions
Due to the general nature of some of these words, it is important at this point to define some of the terms I will be using throughout the book, Easier mobility/accessibility Within our site this means, Offsetting the congestion effect of trucks and the market on the north western highway exit to the city, Bringing down commuting times by offering activity options in proximity to the neighbourhoods, Making commuting time more effective and useful, Creating links between different transportation modes, whether public, private or share based, Making the site more accessible to not only car owners, Making the site more accessible to all social groups, New models of ownership With the inability of the disadvantaged to own in areas of new development in the city, the need for a new model of ownership arises. The model is perhaps not new but is not applied in the context of central areas within the city. It is happening all the time on the periphery and is recognized. The principle of homesteading or Original appropriation where the currency being traded is the work an individual puts into altering a space. Ownership Ownership is practiced on objects movable and immovable as well as on ideas as in the case of intellectual property. Ownership takes the form of certain rights and duties called “bundle of rights.� These rights can be separated and held by different parties Cooperative Ownership A form of ownership in which the right of bundles is shared among those working and
2. Definitions
involved with the management as well as everyday dealings of a certain enterprise. No outside or consumer holders are allowed. Homestead Principle The principle by which one gains ownership of an unowned natural resource by performing an act of original appropriation. Appropriation could be enacted by putting an unowned resource to active use (as with using it to produce a product), joining it with previously acquired property or by marking it as owned. Lockean proviso A term coined by John Locke as part of his Labor theory that states, while individuals have a right to declare private property from nature by working on it, they can do so only “...at least where there is enough and as good, left in common for others”. (Locke, 1960) Tragedy of the Commons “an economic theory of a situation within a shared-resource system where individual users acting independently according to their self-interest behave contrary to the common good of all users by depleting that resource through their collective action.” (Hardin, 1968)
3. Analysis
3.1. Research My interest in the models of ownership dictated my work in the research part. Our first month was spent researching SĂŁo Paulo as a group, I chose to research the topic of security and walls. Walls are the physical manifestation of ownership. When one buys a piece of land the first thing to be done is to wall it, at this point the walls are only a mean of marking territory or property. A physical statement that this plot is owned. In the context of SĂŁo Paulo, Walls acquire the quality of offering protection from the outside, from the other. In a place where security is getting more and more privatized as the people lose faith in the governmental security apparatus the walls are the first line of defense against crime.
3.2. Security
The police in São Paulo is divided mainly into 4 main departments each answering to a different governmental body. The Civil Police and Military Police both answer to the ‘Secretario de seguranlla Publica.’ Civil police are concerned with the investigation as well as the administrative running of the city, issuing I.Ds, etc. The Military Police’s main concern is to patrol the streets and are authorized to carry heavier weaponry due to the nature of their job. The federal police answer straight to the military of justice and are concerned with cross-border control between states, national security, drug trafficking and terrorism all fall under the jurisdiction of the federal police. The Metropolitan guard are uniformed security guards who are concerned with keeping peace in public open spaces, and inside public buildings, they are uniformed but carry no weapons. The Police system is corrupt to its core. People do not trust the police or the judiciary system. As one Paulista elaborates “Look if someone approaches me and says “I am a bandit, I am going to take you home”, I would accept it more than if a guy in a uniform approaches me saying “I am a policeman I am going to take you home” No, I do not trust the police I am afraid of
3.2. Security Secretario de Seguranlla Publica
Brazilian Military
The Federal Ministiry of Justice
Governorate of Sao Paulo
“Look, if someone approaches me and says, 'I'm a bandit, I'm going to take you home," I would accept it more than if a guy in an uniform approaches me saying "I'm a policeman, and I'm going to take you home." No, Idon't trust the police. I"m afraid of the police.” City of Walls pp. 182.
55.7% of physical assault victims did not report to the police City of Walls pp. 107
police killings Sao Paulo police killings Los Angeles police killings New York
policeman killed on duty policeman killed off duty
“ justiceiros may. be the only type of private security available to the poor.” City of Walls pp. 206.
“ The rise of the private security sector has profound implications for public life, ... the Vitality of civil rights, and the character of democratic government” City of Walls pp. 202.
Fig.1, Security in São Paulo Infograph. 19
3.2. Security the police.� (Caldeira, 2000). This situation of mistrust leads to a rise in violence. In this case, violence that is not moderated by the state. Private security companies are a form of parallel practices that are rising due to the failure of the state police. Walls is another form. Even the state police realize this failure as they form their vendetta groups. Violence becomes the only mean of mediation in such circumstances. The way a judiciary system works is by making matters of private conflict a matter of public viewing and thus end it. If conflict stays in the private sphere it would be never ending. The state recognizes the efforts of the private security companies and sees it as a chance to carry a bit the burden of securing the city. All banks are required to hire a private security company but even in the private security business there exists illegal enterprises that operate under the table. On the other hand, small businesses that Level of crime
Crime increasing in the past 3 years
cannot afford to hire a security company ask their employees to take on responsibilities of securing the workplace, in the form of insourcing the security business. “The rise of 66.14
Worries home broken and things stole
83.84security sector has profound implications for public life, the vitality of civil rights and the the private
Worries being mugged or robbed
character76.99 of democratic government� (Caldeira, 2000)
Worries car stolen Worries attacked
Worries being insulted
Crimes because of ethnic origin or religion
Problem people using or dealing drugs
Problem property crimes such as vandalism
Problem violent crimes
Problem corruption and bribery
90 Level of crime
Crime increasing in the past 3 years
Worries home broken and things stole
Worries being mugged or robbed
Worries car stolen
Worries attacked
Worries being insulted
Crimes because of ethnic origin or religion
Problem people using or dealing drugs
Problem property crimes such as vandalism
Problem violent crimes
Problem corruption and bribery
Fig.2, Crime Rates & Types. 20 1980
3.2. Security
HOMICIDE RATE PER 100.000 Safety areas
1 - 10
Relatively safety areas
1 - 15
Relatively unsafety areas
15 -20
Unsafety areas
> 20
Fig.3, Homicide Rate Map for City of São Paulo. 21
3.3. Walls Community safety is fundamental to the development of countries, cities, and communities. Citizens have a right to live in a safe environment. In this respect, awareness has grown in recent years that countries will never be socially advanced and economically prosperous unless governments can protect and ensure the safety of their citizens. “São Paulo has turned into a city where large sections of the population live in a state of paranoid fear” (Gordon, 2009), fixated on issues of personal safety and protection from crime by constructing of walls and security measures. These walls and gates act not only as physical barriers but also as psychological signposts, indicating that different groups within society must protect themselves from one another. The reality of security is mathematical, based on the probability of different risks and the effectiveness of various countermeasures. However, security is also a feeling based on one psychological reaction to both risks and countermeasures. “Social integration depends on breaking this circle of fear, division, and loss of community which in turn depends on mitigating the trap of spatial segregation and on striking a new urban and architectural balance between exclusion and inclusion.” (Gordon, 2009). I think it is important at this stage to clarify my intention, I do not see walls as the main topic to be addressed, walls are but a symptom of a more rooted disease. Distrust is the topic to be discussed, Equity and giving every citizen the chance to contribute and fair access to the city, funds, and opportunity will help solve the problem. Fair access to ownership opportunities can be the key. A thorough study of walls was done on my part. It was mainly to relate to how these walls manifest themselves, what they are now and what potential they have to be more. Through a series of Isometrics of different walls, the materials, the structure and functions of walls from all around the immediate area of the site were analyzed. It was interesting to see the appropriation of the walls. Buffer zones between the walls and the building facades have been used as terraces, garages and rooms for security guards. The analysis of the walls led me to find potential in them. Almost all of the text I have gone through about walls in São Paulo saw them in a negative light. I see it as the backdrop of social happenings; people leave their imprints on the wall. I find an interest in them. As Gordon Matta-Clark put it, “Why hang things on the wall when the wall itself is so much more a challenging medium? A simple cut or a series of cuts acts as a powerful drawing device able to redefine spatial situations and structural components”. For São Paulo, Walls cannot be
3.3. Walls separated from social life. An online blog ‘The Clan of the Rotten Walls’ conveys this idea by collecting photos of residents of São Paulo with the walls acting as the backdrop of the photo. (McGuirk,2013)
Walls and fences Walls and fences
0 0.05 0 0.05
0.2 0.2
0.5 0.5
1km 1km
Fig.4, Wall & Fences Map Around CEAGESP Market. 23
3.3. Walls W_01 Enclosing_CEAGESP South Western side. Material_Concrete, bricks and barbed wire. Features_The Concrete of the walls carries traces of the wooden form it was poured in. A building is situated on the inside permieter of the wall using it as one of the edges of the space. The building extends above the wall in order to give a chance to have windows. Barbed wire is a mean of extra protection against intruders who might step onthe roof of the building. W_02 Enclosing_Train station. Material_Steel mesh and concrete foundation. Features_Transparent, protecting station from free loaders. W_03 Enclosing_CEAGESP South Western side close to gates. Material_Concrete skeleton, brick filling and mortar. Features_improvised wall structure, a filling between the usual walls of the south western side with decaying and rotting mortar. W_04 Enclosing_CEAGESP North Eastern side. Material_Metal. Features_Colorful green and orange, semi transparent, overlooking the busy Avenue Dr. Gostao Vidigal. W_05 Enclosing_Green street medians. Material_Metal. Features_transparent, less than one meter high, very permeable to protect grass and green areas in the city, generic and repeated all over the city. W_06 Enclosing_Gated community, 7 mid rise buildings. Material_Concrete skeleton and metal. Features_Well plastered, corniche and new classical language contrasting with a modern steel grid, semi transparent
3.3. Walls
Fig.5, Wall Catalog. 25
3.3. Walls W_07 Enclosing_Industrial storage area South East of CEAGESP. Material_Bricks and barbed wire. Features_Decaying, rotting, low cost materials W_08 Enclosing_Industrial area North West of CEAGESP. Material_Concrete, bricks and barbed wire. Features_compared to W_07 this wall is made from much durable well surveyed by CCTV. W_09 Enclosing_Social housing complex. Material_Chicken wire, brick, corrugated sheets, wood panels, steel rods, concrete. Features_The whole plot of the complex is elevated, the whole perimeter acts as a wall, the wall contains auxiliary functions small shops, mechanics and even some areas are left open and turned to terraces overlooking the street. W_10 Enclosing_Water towers and electrical transformers. Material_concrete foundation and metal grid. Features_Basic, transparent to note limits rather than to protect. W_11 Enclosing_Avenue das Nacos Unidas. Material_Concrete. Features_Mostly covered in graffiti, impermeable, wooden form leaves grid traces on the wall. W_12 Enclosing_Rail road tracks. Material_Chicken wire and steel rods. Features_One of few situations when the wall is not protecting what is inside but what is outside.
3.3. Walls
Fig.6, Wall Catalog. 27
3.3. Walls
W_13 Enclosing_Day care center. Material_Bricks and concrete. Features_colorful red and blue, semi transparent. W_14 Enclosing_Private low rise houses. Material_Metal gate, concrete and corrugated sheets. Features_The wall in this case is the garage, this buffer zone created by the wall is turned into a parking space as parking in the street is deemed unsafe. W_15 Enclosing_Park. Material_Coarse stone and mortar. Features_The wall makes use of a difference in levels and acts as retaining wall seperating the park from the street. W_16 Enclosing_Gated community of 5 residential towers. Material_Concrete, metal, vegetation, plaster. Features_The whole plot is elevated, Cactii incorprated as vegetation but also as protection, little connection between street and towers, high grade finishing. W_17 Enclosing_Gated community. Material_Concrete, bricks, plaster. Features_highly decorated with corniche, lighting fixtures and flower pots, well surveyed by CCTV. W_18 Enclosing_seperating favela from low income housing. Material_Concrete and barbed wire. Features_Walls act as a visual barrier hiding the favela from view from the street, extremely high, almost aggressive wall.
3.3. Walls
Fig.7, Wall Catalog. 29
3.4. Real Estate
The real estate map helps demonstrate the market powers in play. It shows the most thought after parts of the city. The old city center maintains the quality of proximity that raises the prices of real estate. On the far northern and north eastern periphery, enclaves of high-end real estate exist. As infrastructure extends from the center to the periphery, it gives a chance for the informal housing sector to extend with it. The informal real estate market is very strong in S達o Paulo and contributes a significant amount to the whole. Areas of low real estate prices exist mainly in the east, In Sao Miguel Paulista a historic working-class neighborhood known for its inhabitants who mostly come from the northeastern states of Brazil to S達o Paulo in search of better living conditions. A migration wave that started in the 1930s established the neighborhood as the oldest working class neighborhood in S達o Paulo. Our site, located in the district of Lapa, has above average prices for its real estate. Its proximity to the city center, its position as the north western gate to the city, easy access to the river and industrial character are the reasons for these high real estate prices This map should be seen in conjunction with the crime rate map. To find a correlation between real estate prices and crime rates. While one might assume that safer places would have fewer crime rates. In S達o Paulo, this is not always the case. For example, looking at the inner city center, we realize that also real estate prices are one of the highest it also has one of the highest crime rates in the city. On the other hand, Sao Miguel Paulista where the real estate prices are the lowest the crime rates are relatively lower. (Angelil & Hehl, 2012)
3.4. Real Estate
瀀爀椀挀攀 瀀攀爀 猀焀⸀ 洀 ㈀Ⰰ
Fig.8, Real Estate Prices Map. 31
3.5. History of Site
January the 25th- the Feast of the Conversion of the Apostle Paul of Tarsus was celebrated for the first time in newly located college established by twelve Jesuits priests in 1554. In that way, a tiny settlement located on a hill 60 miles from the Santos harbor received the name of São Paulo dos Campos de Piratininga. The placement between two Indian tribes was situated near Anhangabaú and Tamanduateí rivers that gave access to clear water and the extended water mobility system, including Tiete River. In 1581 the Jesuits received territory at the confluence of Tiete and Jurubatuba (name: a place with a lot of palm trees), after Pinheiros Rivers. It is the first mention about Lapa region. The Emboaçava fortification was built there to protect the city from Indians attacks. Jesuits left the “fazendinha Da Lapa” in 1743 and in 1765 just five houses and 31 inhabitants populated the site. (Studio Staub&Papathanasiou,2016)
3.5. History of Site
Tiete Fazendina da Lapa Emboacava
Tamanduateí Anhangabaú
São Paulo
Fig.9, Historical Map 16th Century.
Tiete 5 houses 31 inhabitant (1756) Pottery
Fig.10, Historical Map 18th Century. 33
3.5. History of Site
At the beginning of the 19th century, during the transportation growth of sugarcane from westward lands, the Anastacio Bridge became the primary staging post on the Tiete River, because of dangerous conditions of the southern bridge on Pines River. The quality of the clay in the region encouraged the development of pottery and gave the area an industrial evolution. In 1867 the São Paulo Railway, the only railroad to the Atlantic coast, was inaugurated. This was the key point of the modern era in Brazil. The railway which ran through Lapa district and São Paulo became a cross point of several railroads (Central do Brasil, São Paulo Railway Co. Ltd., and Sorocabana). The latter was inaugurated in 1870 and connected the city to Ipanema Transport System. It crosses the Pinheiros River and followed the direction of Sorocaba city. The line was used at the beginning for cotton transportation and was later used for the transportation of coffee, the crop most associated with the development of Brazil. The economic facilities and the Golden Law (slavery-abolishing in Brazil adopted in 1888) caused a massive immigration development, most of them were immigrants from Italy, and also there were many Portuguese, Spaniards, Germans, Jews and Arabs. In 1908 the first Japanese workers arrived in Santos harbor after an agreement between Brazil and Japan governments to supply field workers for agriculture. In the old city of São Paulo, the two rivers that originally gave birth to the city became a strong barrier to the expansion. At the beginning of the 20th century, the elite wanted to have the city follow a European model of development. On the other hand, the floods caused many problems and the authorities made two key actions to give the city center the growth opportunity. The first step was the construction of the oldest city viaduct, Viaduto do Chá, over the Anhangabaú valley in 1892. The second step was the canalization of Anhangabaú and Tamanduateí Rivers in 1920. (Studio Staub&Papathanasiou,2016)
3.5. History of Site Sugar cane
Anastacio Bridge
Pinheiros Southern bridge Sugar cane
Fig.11, Historical Map 19th Century.
Tiete Sorocabana
São Paulo Railway Co. Ltd.
Coton Coffee
Fig.12, Historical Map Late 19th Century. 35
3.5. History of Site
Whereupon the same question appears for the Tiete and Pinheiros Rivers. The engineer Saturnino de Brito chaired the commission for the improvement of the Tiete River in 1922. He also proposed to rescue urban riverbanks with a project of the creation of a lake at the confluence of the rivers - the future megapolis biggest public space (similar to Ibirapuera Park Lake). However, investors who consider the radial city development as an excellent opportunity for car market investments, accepted the Prestes Maia’s proposal of avenue city, like Paris, Vienna or Moscow. The main business idea was also to exclude the production of boats, as car concurrent. In this way, the city developed as to be a city easily maneuvered and accessible by cars in 1920’s. In 1938 Maia became the mayor of the city and realized his urban plans. The new avenues were built in low in expropriation coast places: creek valley, rivers and streams areas. It also gave an economic value for new territories. Brazil has the biggest world coffee production in the 1940’s, with 60-70% of the market in São Paulo region. Brazil was at 4th world position of cotton production, and also São Paulo had the primary market. The industry of the city was very diversified, and the canalization of the rivers allowed the creation of new hydroelectric stations. The low regions of the Pinheiros Valley had all conditions for the creation of large enterprises (mainly iron and steel industry in Vila Leopoldina). So the Lapa region became a secondary area in São Paulo’s industry. (Studio Staub&Papathanasiou,2016)
3.5. History of Site
river shape before 1954
rural housing
Fig.13, Historical Map 1930.
rural housing
urbanized regions
Fig.14, Historical Map 1954. 37
3.5. History of Site
The rail gave the lead to the car with new roads build in 1950-1970 (Rodovia Anhangüera, Marginal Tietê and Marginal Pinheiros). The CEASA (now CEAGESP) came in Vila Leopoldina in 1966. In 1970, the first silos were constructed on the site. The Urban area of São Paulo was the fastest growing in the world between 1950 and 1975, and since 1960 the suburbs take a big part in this development.(Studio Staub&Papathanasiou,2016)
3.5. History of Site
rural housing
urbanized regions
new housing regions
areas prepared for building
Fig.15, Historical Map 1958.
water industry rural housing urbanized regions new housing regions areas prepared for building CEAGESP market
Fig.16, Historical Map 1966. 39
3.5. History of Site
German I French I Greek I Chinese Bolivian I Korean I jews I Other Japanese Arab
1962 1949
African 1929
1882 Italians
Fig.17, Immigrant Break Down and Increase.
Thus, it can be said that Urban growth in São Paulo has followed three patterns since the beginning of the 20th century,: since the late 19th Century and until the 1940s, São Paulo was a condensed city in which different social groups lived in a small urban zone separated by type of housing; from the 1940s to the 1980s, São Paulo followed a model of center-periphery social segregation, in which the upper and middle-classes occupied central and modern areas while the poor moved towards precarious, self-built housing in the periphery; and from the 1980s onward, new transformations have brought the social classes closer together in spatial terms, but separated by walls and security technologies that seek to isolate the richer classes in the name of security. (Caldeira, 2000)
3.5. History of Site
18721872 18821882 - 1914-
1914 1929 19301930 - 1949- 1949 - 1962- 1962 187219501950 19151915 - 1929-
1882 - 1914 1915 - 1929
1930 - 1949 1950 - 1962
Fig.18, City Expansion through Time. 41
3.6. Demographics Facts and Figures
São Paulo refers to both a state and city in Brazil, but this research will only cover the scope of the city itself. As of 2016, it had an urban population of 11,967,825. The city is Known colloquially as Sampa or Cidade da Garoa (city of drizzle) São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and the largest city proper in the Americas and the southern hemisphere. It’s also one of the top 10 largest metropolitan areas in the world. São Paulo is a global city with a strong influence in the arts, entertainment, finance and commerce, and it hosts the largest gay pride parade in the world. The density in the city proper is 7,216.3 people per square kilometer (18,690 per square mile), but the metropolitan region is home to over 21 million inhabitants, with a much lower density of 2,469 people per square kilometer. Greater São Paulo has many definitions, but the legal definition of Região Metropolitana de São Paulo has 39 municipalities with a 2016 estimated population of 21 million people. This definition includes 38 smaller cities around São Paulo. Because the city has such a vast urban sprawl, there is another definition for its metropolitan area: Complexo Metropolitano Expandido, which is the same as a Combined Statistical Area in the United States. By this definition, greater São Paulo is the third largest city in the world with more than 27 million residents. (World Population Review, 2016).
3.6. Demographics Facts and Figures
Populational density (Inhab/Km2) Above 11.900 9.000 - 11.000 7.000 - 9.000 Up to 7.000
Comparing of the average densities in different cities of Brazil (Inhab/Km2)
SĂŁo Paulo 9000
Recife 8050
Rio de Janeiro Porto Alegre 6850 4800
Brazilia 2800
Fig.19, Population Density. 43
3.7. Economics
The GDP of Brazil is worth 1774.2 Billion Dollar as of 2015. The GDP of Brazil contributes to about 2.86 percent of world GDP. It’s the ninth largest economy regarding GDP. In the 21st century, Brazil is one of the fastest growing economies in the world by having an annual growth of 5%. The average income per month of individuals of the city in 2010 is 2121.92 Reals. During the 18th century, agricultural products were the main economic driving force. The economy at that time was in a lot of trouble because of slavery and Portuguese rule. After the rebellion in the 19th century, Brazil became independent. The start of Brazil independence was extremely difficult. Export declined and the local economy was in depression.By the mid of the 19th century, the Brazil economy was dependent on coffee as their primary product supported by sugar and gold. After the abolition of slavery, there was a massive migration influx from Europe and Japan. This brought industrial minds and small scale middle scale industries started to develop. This resulted in demand for skill and unskilled labor. From 1890 to 1930 there was a massive migration to the cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. After the end of World War II, Politics in Brazil took a turn and democratic rule was established. There was a rise in the service sector and manufacturing industries gradually the whole time till the end of 20th century. During this period Agriculture, manufacturing were still the primary economy making about 50 percent of the export goods. Service industry support in the economy is consistent also providing jobs to locally educated students. Industries like textile and construction are now the secondary economy.Since 2013, Brazil is under the economic depression with the GDP is gradually decreasing. The unemployment rate as of August 2016 is at 11.8 percent compared to 8.9 percent in September 2015. The economic depression is coupled with the political crisis in Brazil. This recession resulted in Brazilian real to climb to 4 reals against the US dollar compared to 1.5 in 2011. (Studio Staub&Papathanasiou,2016)
3.7. Economics
Brazil Export/Import 240
Billion USD
Import Export
Brazil GDP 3000
Billion USD
Employment Distribution
Employment distribution (%)
Trading Industry
Service Industry
Manufacturing Industry
Fig.20, Econmy Statistics. 45
4. Ownership, Food for Thought
4.1. Hans Island
Hans Island lies in the Kennedy Channel separating Canada from Greenland. The island is barren with a size of 1.3 Km2. Its position within the strait has led to a dispute on ownership between Canada and Denmark. In 1984, Denmark’s minister of Greenland affairs visited the island and planted a Danish flag. At the base of the flag, he left a note saying, “Welcome to the Danish island,” along with a bottle of brandy. “Ever since the two countries had been engaged in a whiskey war” (Bender, 2016). The island is frequently visited by troops from both countries; each will put up the country’s flag and at the bottom a bottle of whiskey from their country. The dispute is real, but somehow the two governments have managed to keep a good sense of humor about it. The story of Hans Island evokes questions of ownership, what it means and how to mark territory. First, comes the flexible nature of ownership in the story, the ownership is not shared but keeps moving back and force based not a paper agreement or a contract that is held in the UN unsubject to change but simply by a bottle of whiskey, A symbolic artifact. The lack of a governing body over the two countries leads to the situation of having to mediate through it together as equals. The Island is of no great importance and the level of education in both country is very high, and they are known for being relatively neutral and peaceful countries. I am in no way seeing this as a possible mediation in the world we live in, yet, it is interesting to take the situation of the island as an extreme case on which we can test the importance of ownership and what it means.
4.1. Hans Island
Fig.21, Hans Island.
4.2. Fake Estates
“In the early 1970s, Matta-Clark discovered that the City of New York periodically auctioned off “gutter space”—unusably small slivers of land sliced from the city grid through anomalies in surveying, zoning, and public-works expansion. He purchased fifteen of these lots, fourteen in Queens and one in Staten Island. Over the next years, he collected the maps, deeds, and other bureaucratic documentation attached to the slivers; photographed, spoke, and wrote about them; and considered using them as sites for his unique brand of “anarchitectural” intervention into urban space. Matta-Clark died in 1978 at the age of 35 without realizing his plans for Fake Estates, and ownership of the properties reverted to the city. The archival material that he had assembled went into storage and was not rediscovered until the early 1990s when it was assembled into exhibitable collages. Thus, Fake Estates has emerged not only as a mordant commentary on issues surrounding property, materiality, and disappearance that marked the whole of Matta-Clark’s career but as artifacts of his estate, reminders of the powers of absence and presence that govern our relationship to the past.” (Hogue, 2009) Within architectural thought and process, the site is traditionally thought of as a physical location, a piece of ground that is bound to the earth and subject to its physical laws. The site is also commonly conceived as a location for an intervention; a neutral or unfinished “lot” to be completed by an architectural project. Site and project are often thought to be distinct, one making way for the other (Hogue, 2009). The work questions the notion of the site, what we consider as a site with potential. The act of buying the lots and establishing ownership over them gives these gutter spaces a new value. Does ownership add value? Will a plot gain importance just by being owned? Is public space without ownership important will it be more important if an act of ownership is established over it.
4.2. Fake Estates
Fig.22, Areas, Sizes and Shapes of Plots Acquired by Gordon Matta Clark in New York
4.3. Italian Limes
Borders of countries are another example of an ownership model that is shaded with uncertainties. First, comes war and the ever-changing borders of nations according to power structures. In the case of the Italian/Austrian border, it gets more interesting. Italy has had a very fixed boundary since WWII and the defeat of fascist Italy with both France, Switzerland and Slovenia. The same cannot be said about Austria. The borderline between Austria and Italy is directly linked to the glaciers on the high altitudes between the two countries. The Alpine watersheds are the border. With global warming and the receding glacier -almost by 50%- the border is constantly changing. Linking borders to an ever-changing natural element can be interesting? Unfortunately, as the glacier recedes and leaves a layer of rock uncovered there can be a change for establishing a stronger unmovable border. Italian Limes exhibition captures this relation between nature and cartography. On a 1 Kilometer grid, solar powered sensors are installed to collect data on how much the border changes from year to year and season to season. “Data is recorded internally and transmitted every two hours through a GPRS/GSM network provided by TIM. The data received from the sensors are translated into a live, automated representation of the shifts in the border by the drawing machine in the installation.” (Italian Limes, 2016). As the installation describes itself, “It is nature drawing itself” and in doing so it shatters our preconceived ideas of borders.
4.3. Italian Limes
Fig.23, Moving Boundary betwen Italy & Austria.
4.4. Liveuamap, Map of Conflicts
This live map was developed by Rhodion Rozhovsky and Alexander Bilchenko two Ukrainian web developers to highlight the conflict in Ukraine. Since then it has grown to cover 30 different areas of conflict. They can be accessed from desktops, and recently they developed an application that can be downloadable for Android and Apple. I came across this platform when I was following the war in Syria. On the ground there are many factions fighting for control, it was difficult to follow up and understand where the conflicts are happening and where each faction has established its territory. The maps manage to show a clear boundary between all of the factions on the ground based on analyzing newsreels. The news is fact checked by the team running the platform and once approved it appears on the map. (LiveuMap, 2016) The primary interest lies in the complexity and inaccess to information that the situation on the ground currently has and the way the map overcomes such obstacles to a clear and understandable visual of the ground situation. The speed of boundary movement is also a huge problem that the live map had to overcome. Unlike previous examples, the flexible boundary, in this case, is based on oscillating power rhythms that happen between, Syrian government army, rebel militias, terrorist groups and UN peacekeeping forces. The example also highlights that the infrastructure for mapping even in the most extreme of situations is very possible.
4.4. Liveuamap, Map of Conflicts
Fig.24, Moving Boubdary betwen Italy & Austria.
4.5. Nolli’s Roma Maps
Nolli’s map of Rome is of interest to this proposal because of the techniques used in the representation of the city that relate to my project. First of all, the map was one of the first to be oriented to the north reflecting Nolli’s reliance on the compass to get bearing for the city’s topography. The technology used for mapping makes its visual representation on the map through the orientation to north rather than the usual spiritual east that relates the city to Jerusalem. Can the technology now keep up with the changing faces of the city offering real-time changes as they happen on the ground? While working on informal neighborhoods, I can notice the importance of mapping in the process of design. Mapping rises to be the most important aspect of conception. The second dimension of the map that is of interest is its figure-ground scheme. While figure ground is about built / nonbuilt. The Nolli map aims to represent collective space as opposed to privately owned space. The maps go beyond property lines and the boundaries of indoor and outdoor. The map thus becomes one of accessibility and permeability at an urban scale. The interiors of churches and other civic spaces are shown in white as opposed to the private buildings in black. The only shortcoming of the map as mentioned by Kris Scheerlinck in the territories notebook; is that it fails to capture the factor of time. If some of the civic spaces are closed at night, they will seize to be considered open for public use. Collective space transcends public and private, indoor and outdoor; this is the idea that needed to be planted. The whole development is read in those terms. (Scheerlinck, 2013)
4.5. Nolli’s Roma Maps
Fig.25, Close-Up Nolli’s Roma Map.
4.6. CEAGESP Ownership History
The Company and warehouses General Warehouses of São Paulo (CEAGESP), a public company under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, is a vital link in the supply chain of vegetables. It enables field production, from several Brazilian states and other countries, to reach the table of people with regularity and quality. Thus, the Company ensures in a sustainable manner, the necessary infrastructure for wholesalers, retailers, farmers, cooperatives, importers, exporters and agribusinesses to develop their activities with safety, efficiency and skilled services.To get a sense of firm size, the CEAGESP maintains the largest public network of warehouses, silos (large deposits in the form of a cylinder, for storing agricultural products) and bulk carriers (local receiving or harboring bulk goods) of the State of São Paulo.It also has the largest central supply of fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish and many (garlic, potatoes, onion, dried coconut and eggs) in Latin America - the warehouse Terminal São Paulo (ETSP) . Situated in the west of the state capital, the local circulate daily around 50 thousand people and 12 thousand vehicles. 1977 marked its inclusion in the National Privatization Program (PND), with the future goal of privatizing it. The federalization process was the result of an agreement made at the time for the reduction of debts between the state government and the Union. In March 2015, through Presidential Decree 8.417 / 2015, CEAGESP left the PND. The decision was due to the understanding of the Company’s viability as a public company and hence the importance of the government in the development and implementation of specific policies for the supply sector of fruits, vegetables, fish and flowers. (CEAGESP, 2016)
4.6. CEAGESP Ownership History
Fig.26, CEAGESP Market Hall.
4.7. SABESP Ownership Comparison
Water in São Paulo is distributed by SABESP. The company was established in 1973 by the government with the sole purpose of supplying the state of São Paulo with water. It owns a monopoly on water distribution. Since 1996 the stocks of the company have been traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Now 49.8% of the enterprise is owned by private investors. SABESP now is a multinational company operating in Spain and Israel. In the last water crisis in Sao Paul, SABESP was criticized for its mismanagement. The Public accused the company of putting immediate profit as a priority as opposed to long-term investment in securing the water sources. (SABESP, n.d.) In comparison to the public ownership model in CEAGESP, SABESP with its privatized ownership model seems to be failing. It goes to show why in some cases when it comes to essential commodities as in food or water it is best to keep private models at bay. CEAGESP has fought all trials to privatize it from the inside, and till today it manages to offer food at very low prices. On the other hand, the privatizing of such a necessary commodity as water can bring immediate profit but can have long lasting implications. Water has been a topic that I wanted to work on from the beginning yet my findings and my intention to work with ownership and the right to have access to water was shattered by the facts of privatization efforts in the water storing and distribution sectors. As part of the research, a compiled catalog of the forms and shapes of the water towers from all over São Paulo was collected. With their verticality and distinctive shapes, they do not only have an infrastructural quality of holding and distributing water; They become landmarks. Their strategic distribution in the city which has logistical reasons make them strategically situated around the city.
4.7. SABESP Ownership Comparison
Fig.27, São Paulo Water Towers. 61
4.8. Ownership Lessons
This quick study of different modes of ownership were of high interest for me, within a shared economy we can start to think of other modes of ownership. The most important thing in my search was to prove that ownership can be very flexible. Through our bureaucracies we have managed to change ownership into a very strict and immovable concept, the process of registration, the need of governments to establish control and understand the city as a series of different territories belonging to one person or a group, keep us from reaching the full potential of an ownership model in which territories would be traded with ease in order to ensure their continuous use. The layers of different uses established on a territory will give it more stories, give it more meaning. The next logical step would be to relate programs to the ownership models. In the following diagram, a study was made to assign each program to a probable ownership mode that would best suit it. Brazil already has a long history of cooperatives. As a matter of fact, one of the most successful housing projects in Brazil Minha Casa, Minha Vida – Entidadas works on funding cooperatives to build its member social housing estates (ETH MAS ZURICH, 2014). Other examples of informally shared ownership of businesses and houses can be seen in China “China has a highly active informal market in shares. The shares of over one thousand companies are traded and some three million investors take part in a market in corporate equities organized in various locales outside the two stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen” and While the central government has at various times attempted to close down these informal markets, they continue to flourish “as shareholding firms seek to raise capital and owners of firms seek to transfer their ownership rights outside the bounds of the formal financial sector” (Ti & Green, 2003).
4.8. Ownership Lessons
As part of our preparation for the Studio. We attended a Skype lecture by Ludwig Engel, a futurist and urbanist on questions dealing with long-term strategy, the future city and urban utopias. In the lecture titled ‘Urban Luxury, we were introduced to an alternative future for the city in which ownership would be more flexible. The lecturer mainly cited Uber and other car-sharing platforms as a mean of making more use of one’s assets. A car once bought will be utilized only 2% of the time by the owner, Web-based sharing platforms can capitalize on this fact by offering owners the chance to make money on renting out their possessions. The concept is taken further with a platform like Airbnb which allows owners to rent out their personal space within the city. (Engel, 2016) The prophecies of Engel about ownership struck a note with my own readings on the topic. The development of digital platforms of sharing has revolutionized ownership. First, the transactions are happening outside the governmental scope of control. The business transactions occurring are not monitored by the government and are based on one on one interaction and to a large extent on trust. Feedback systems designed for the platforms can protect potential users from being scammed. There is now an interest by governments to collaborate with developers from Uber and Airbnb to develop a blockchain model. The blockchain model will give the government the ability to monitor these transactions. The blockchain model can also be further enlarged. It can make objects understand who their owner is at a particular point of time and to give access to him accordingly. The blockchain coupled with smart locks is foreseen as the future of the shared economy. (Tarnoff,2016)
4.8. Ownership Lessons
public ownership parks plazas bicycle lanes
state ownership ministry of agriculture, livestock and supply Sao Paulo transport authority p+r transportation hub market
private investment private investment in informal sector informal stock exchange recording studios movie studios start up incubator car sharing housing restaurant and bars
4.8. Ownership Lessons
mcmv mcmv - Entidadas social housing
shared ownership cooperatives sport facilities housing restaurant and bars elderly housing artist residence market
homesteading space appropriated by users baile funk restaurants and bars social housing artist residence
Fig.28, Linking Programs to Ownership Models. 65
4.8. Ownership Lessons
愀瀀愀爀琀洀攀渀琀猀 瀀爀椀瘀愀琀攀 漀甀琀搀漀漀爀 挀椀渀攀洀愀 挀漀漀瀀攀爀愀琀椀瘀攀
洀攀琀愀氀 眀漀爀欀猀栀漀瀀 挀漀漀瀀攀爀愀琀椀瘀攀
戀愀猀欀攀琀戀愀氀氀 挀漀甀爀琀 栀漀洀攀猀琀攀愀搀椀渀最 愀瀀愀爀琀洀攀渀琀 瀀爀椀瘀愀琀攀 漀眀渀攀爀猀栀椀瀀
昀漀漀琀戀愀氀氀 昀椀攀氀搀 瀀甀戀氀椀挀
猀琀爀攀攀琀 猀栀漀瀀猀 栀漀洀攀猀琀攀愀搀椀渀最
甀爀戀愀渀 昀愀爀洀椀渀最 挀漀漀瀀攀爀愀琀椀瘀攀
爀攀猀琀愀甀爀愀渀琀 猀栀愀爀攀搀 漀眀渀攀爀猀栀椀瀀
愀爀琀椀猀琀 爀攀猀椀搀攀渀挀攀 爀攀渀琀
猀漀挀椀愀氀 栀漀甀猀椀渀最 洀挀洀瘀
攀砀栀椀戀椀琀椀漀渀 猀瀀愀挀攀 挀漀漀瀀攀爀愀琀椀瘀攀
4.8. Ownership Lessons
栀礀搀爀漀瀀漀渀椀挀 昀愀爀洀椀渀最 挀漀漀瀀攀爀愀琀椀瘀攀 愀瀀愀爀琀洀攀渀琀猀 瀀爀椀瘀愀琀攀 漀甀琀搀漀漀爀 挀椀渀攀洀愀 挀漀漀瀀攀爀愀琀椀瘀攀 戀愀猀欀攀琀戀愀氀氀 挀漀甀爀琀 栀漀洀攀猀琀攀愀搀椀渀最 愀瀀愀爀琀洀攀渀琀 瀀爀椀瘀愀琀攀 漀眀渀攀爀猀栀椀瀀
愀爀琀椀猀琀 爀攀猀椀搀攀渀挀攀 爀攀渀琀
爀攀猀琀愀甀爀愀渀琀 挀漀漀瀀攀爀愀琀椀瘀攀
猀漀挀椀愀氀 栀漀甀猀椀渀最 洀挀洀瘀
漀昀昀椀挀攀猀 搀攀瘀攀氀漀瀀攀爀猀
攀砀栀椀戀椀琀椀漀渀 猀瀀愀挀攀 挀漀漀瀀攀爀愀琀椀瘀攀
猀漀挀椀愀氀 栀漀甀猀椀渀最 洀挀洀瘀 猀栀漀瀀猀 栀漀洀攀猀琀攀愀搀椀渀最 戀愀椀氀攀 昀甀渀欀 栀漀洀攀猀琀攀愀搀椀渀最
猀琀爀攀攀琀 猀栀漀瀀猀 栀漀洀攀猀琀攀愀搀椀渀最
爀攀猀琀愀甀爀愀渀琀 猀栀愀爀攀搀 漀眀渀攀爀猀栀椀瀀
䔀一䌀䰀䄀嘀䔀 ㈀
Fig.29, Study of Ownership on Building Scale. 67
5. Brazilian Pop Culture
The task at hand required a certain indulgence in Brazilian and SĂŁo Paulista culture. On the one hand, Brazil has a long-standing high culture, but my aim was to indulge in the everyday low culture of the city. In our case, we were not able to visit the site or the city to get a firsthand feel of the culture. Through communicating with artists, architects, urban planners and residents of SĂŁo Paulo, I was able to establish an understanding of SĂŁo Paulo. These stories of the city streets and alleyways make their appearance later in the work and were acting as guiding principles for the narratives I came up with for the project.
5.1. Minhocão
The Minhocão, officially “Via Elevada Presidente João Goulart”, is a 3.5-kilometre elevated highway in São Paulo, Brazil. The highway was inaugurated in 1969 as Elevado Presidente Costa e Silva; its name was changed in 2016 after a law was passed to change all names of streets that honor figures related to the Brazilian military dictatorship. Between 09:30 pm and 06:30 am on weekdays and all day on Sundays, the highway is closed to vehicular traffic, allowing exclusive use by pedestrians and cyclists. The road is named after the minhocão, a fictitious earthworm-like creature. Urban planners have long fought for tearing down the road in order to promote urban renewal but also due to its symbolism as a political intervention by the military dictatorship. Also interesting to note, that during the construction Lina Bo Bardi collected the rubble left behind from the buildings demolished to make way for the highway and used it for the set design of the Bertolt Brecht production of ‘in the jungle of cities.’ “Lina Bo Bardi had arrived before then, to work on the production of Brecht’s In the Jungle of Cities. It was to be shown at the Teatro Officina, a powerhouse of the São Paulo avant-garde movement. It was about the same time when they were tearing the neighborhood apart to build the Costa e Silva elevated expressway named after the dictator. Bo Bardi would bring in all the garbage she found around the construction site, put it on stage and rearrange it to create the set. As José Celso Martinez Corrêa, a collaborator with Lina Bo Bardi at the time, noted “We even used the trees that had been chopped down during construction. Each act was like a round in a boxing match.” (Zancan, 2012)
5.1. MinhocĂŁo
Fig.30, MinhocĂŁo on a Sunday.
5.2. Cinema da Boca do Lixo
Boca Do Lixo is the popular name given to Santa Efigênia area between the streets Rua do Triunfo and Rua Vitória, in Luz neighborhood located in downtown of São Paulo. Boca was known for its night clubs and sexual services establishments. It is of interest for the project as it was home to a flourishing cinema industry known as Mouth of Garbage Cinema in the 1970s. Boca Do Lixo literally translates to Mouth of Garbage in English. Cinema da Boca do Lixo is the collective name for a film genre associated with the Boca do Lixo downtown area of São Paulo. The movement is often compared with French Nouvelle Vague and American slasher films. Films of the Boca Do Lixo genre are considered exploitational and are rated as B movies and often feature strong erotic content, almost pornographic. The underworld of Boca de Lixo was an attraction for Cinema Marginal protagonists, most remarkably represented by Rogério Sganzerla’s manifesto film The Red Light Bandit (1968), that depicted the story of criminal João Acácio Pereira da Costa. The movies were focusing on the unlikely hero or the hero of the people. The 1970s saw an influx of production companies to the area and famous producers usually associated with the mainstream made investments in Boca de Lixo. The result was cinema da Boca, low-budget films with superficial content; the Cinema do Boca Lixo promised producers a faster return on their investment. Although identified foremost with erotic movies, Boca was the center of a set of various subgenres of exploitation films including comedies, crime films, action films, and kung fu films.
5.2. Cinema da Boca do Lixo
Fig.31, excerpt from A PrisĂŁo (1980).
5.3. Artists Squats, Casa Do Povo
Central São Paulo has been witnessing vast social, economic, and political changes during the last decade -following the city’s decadence at the end of the twentieth century- which put a considerable amount of its built environment in a temporary state of question. This process of transformation has been attracting cultural, artistic and social active movements to the uncertain and partly empty urban setting of the city center. Many vacant buildings in downtown were then taken over by occupations and squatters or by artists and independent self-starting movements. It became evident in the last two years, coupling with the protests of June 2013, that artistic and social initiatives saw a potential and hope in the city center. They all have the drive to revitalize Centro and are located in neglected parts od downtown buildings. Casa Do Povo (House of the People) is on of the most famous squat buildings in São Paulo. It was founded in 1953 by a liberal Jewish community to act as a living monument for promoting humanist ideals. It deteriorated gradually with the decline of the city. In 2012, a team of artists took over the task of reactivating the space. The building now is used for different events through the year with internet presence that matches the best art galleries in the world.
5.3. Artists Squats, Casa Do Povo
Fig.32, Casa Do Povo, Artist Meeting.
6. The Seed
As discussed before, the seminar week came to test our graphical communication skill. Our work was to be judged in the same manner as the competition. The exercise was essential for me to realize how much can be lost, misinterpreted or misread in the way I present my work. The task at hand was designing a seed; A seed is a small intervention that would trigger change in its immediate surrounding sending waves of reverberation that would echo through out SĂŁo Paulo. The design was to relate to our earlier findings and would be the start point of the final project we want to implement.
6. The Seed
There is a need for spaces that promote trust among the residents of SĂŁo Paulo. First ideas of economic exchange that first came to mind could not be implemented in the situation as it is. my seed is part of a bigger strategy to give average citizens access to better financing options. There is already a huge interest in investing in the favelas but with the lack of guarantees, it is currently impossible. Trust comes first and to promote trust is the function of the seed. The idea is simple to do a setback in the walls at specific intervals. the locations of the setbacks are dictated by two key elements, their proximity to the gates and their location with regard to nodes of transportation; train stations and bus stops. The urban pockets created will add a new quality, it is not a proposition to bring down the wall but to make it more interesting and to enhance the static relationship it currently has with the street. The functions and narratives that will promote interaction and thus trust are clear in my head. The primary function will be a restaurant. The act of eating/cooking together can boost the relationship of trust. In any culture, the act of breaking bread together can be taken as a sign of trust, a sign that a relationship is evolving into something more. Other temporary functions will also take place, movie nights, art exhibitions, restaurants and baile funk can act as events that cement the relationship and were chosen based on their appeal to all levels of SĂŁo Paulista society.
6. The Seed
Fig.33, Extract from Seminar Week Panel. 79
6. The Seed
Activities taking place in the seed space will include; Baile Funk; Baile funk refers to the parties where favela funk is played. The parties are known for their energetic character. For years this music has been associated only with the favelados, but recently there has been a lot of local as well as international interest in this genre of music (ETH MAS ZURICH,2009). Restaurant; Food, local street specifically, is an active element of Sao Paulista culture. It is hard to find a street without a stall serving local food (Mcguirk, 2012). The main function of the newly conceived space is to act as a connector of those who want to go through the experience of cooking and sharing food together. The main cooks would be women from the favelas who will use the fresh market produce. Clientele would include university students, neighbors and those interested in alternative lifestyle. Open Day; The open day will operate on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. It collects small businesses, craftsmen, artists and musicians from the surrounding area. As a first step towards building trust, a business can showcase its services and potential growth plans. Connecting on the basis of mutual economic interest is the aim at this stage. Pop Up Cinema; The space can capitalize on the booming movie industry happening within the vicinity of the market. The space can be reorganized and used for movie screenings on certain
6. The Seed
nights. The users can capitalize on the online presence of the initiative to check the movie schedule each month. Film workshops and exchange will definitely be part of the process. The seed is the container in which all these activities can occur; it acts in a bottom-up manner. The civil society would be responsible for the running and upkeep of these spaces and will operate whilst the market is still existing. The seed will act to smooth the transition of the marketplace from one that is owned and maintained by the state to one where an agglomeration of smaller interventions help upkeep the larger whole.
6. The Seed
6. The Seed
Fig.34, Extract from Seminar Week Panel. 83
7. Design Proposal
The design proposal thus starts from all previous research points. The theoretical base established helped me develop three guidelines that my design operates within. They are directly linked to ownership models and enclave typologies in SĂŁo Paulo.
7. Design Proposal
When four walls come together to create an enclosure, There is an exclusion
of one group from the enclave. This excluded group will create an activity hub at the entrance of the enclave.
After a certain amount of time and within the enclave, more enclaves for
outcast groups will develop. These enclaves within enclaves will be exactly similar to the outside. For example, cities are considered to be enclaves within nature. After a certain amount of time, People in cities will strive to create green enclaves within the city. These green enclaves can be considered to be the same as the outside. The same as what the original enclave thought to protect itself from.
The third thesis relates to the boundary lines. The proposal recognizes two
boundary lines; one is the ownership, the other is the function line. These two boundary lines are forever tied together and are always overlaid. The project aims to disentangle and liberate them from each other to make them operate independently.
7. Design Proposal
high income
crafts movie industry
social housing recording studio
informal stock exchange
restuarants and bars
baile funk
start ups
train station
low income
Fig.35, Diagram, Theses Applied to Site.
7.1. Immedaite Neighbourhood
The starting points established in the seminar week exercise The Seed were based on existing areas of interest within the fabric of the immediate neighborhood. Through these starting points, a connection can be established between all existing hubs already existing. From the southern border, Villa Lobos Park will be the point of attraction. Villa Lobos Park is already one of the few places in São Paulo where interaction between different classes can happen. On weekends the Park is full of users who take the chance to enjoy the open space within the urban jungle that is São Paulo. (Getlinger, 2016). From the west there are two main points of interest, First is a transportation node; CEASA station. CEASA station is on the CTPM train line that connects the city’s North (Osasco) to South. The station is the most important rail station within Villa Leopoldina. It is currently not connected to the downtown area of São Paulo as it is to the east of the railway line and thus not in the immediate vicinity of it. There are also no further transportation options, bus or tram that connect it to the city center. If we go even more south across the Pinheiros, The second point of interest is Jaguare; a favela in the Lapa district in which the site is situated. Jaguare is located on a hill overlooking our site. Its inhabitants are low to middle income, and they will be the first
7.1. Immedaite Neighbourhood
user group the project is directed at. The only way to cross the river at the moment is using the Pte. Do Jaguare; a bridge crossing the Pinheiros. The bridge is also the only crossing point for the nearby University of SĂŁo Paulo which is to the south-west. The students of the university will be a major target group for the project. Villa Leopoldina is to the east of the site. Villa Leopoldina is home to middle to high-income inhabitants who prefer to stay tucked away behind their gated towers. The area is also home to a number of social housing estates but to a lesser extent that exists to the south of the site. The site aspires to be the gathering place for the two user groups, from Jaguare and Villa Leopoldina. Linking East to West through the activities and programs conducted on site. The North is home to a number of industrial sites. Within them, Artists are talking residence and transforming the large halls into spaces of exhibition. The strongest artistic endeavors in the area revolve around filmmaking. A new indie movie scene is emerging in the area. One that can be related to Cinema Do Boca Lixo, not in the subject matter of the movies but the production means.
7.1. Immedaite Neighbourhood
Linear Connections Triggers/Access Points
7.1. Immedaite Neighbourhood
UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO Existing Points of Interest in Immediate Neighborhood
Immediate Neighborhood P.O.I.
Area of Intervention Boundary
Transportation Nodes
Site Boundary
Fig.36, Immediate Neighbourhood Forces. 91
7.2. Mobility Concept
Driving Time Economic Centrality Urban Centrality Business Park
New Shuttle Service New Rail Service Existing Rail Service Ring Road
The mobility concept for the site revolves around creating a transportation hub on the old site of CEAGESP. The site location has the potential of acting as the northwestern gate to metropolitan São Paulo. The Northwestern districts of Pinheiros and Pirituba-Jaragua can make use of the P+R provided on the site to make the first contact with the transportation infrastructure of São Paulo. The gateway can also encompass nearby Osasco and Barueri via Rodovia Presidente Castelo Branco. The already existing infrastructure of the CPTM linked to the site through the CEASA needs to be enforced with a connection that links the site to downtown São Paulo. The current state where the connection is only through buses needs to change with a much faster and reliable mode of transport that helps bring down the congestion of vehicular travel. Apart from schemes that link the site to the city with the site acting as a northwestern gate. The proposals for economy and mobility overlap in the following sense. Vehicles left by commuters in parking spaces can be rented out while the commuters or off in the city, the system can be implemented for commuters who have a fixed schedule and who want to make extra money using their cars, as well as, people who are out of the country for extended periods of time and leave their cars on site and catch shuttles to the three city airports. The scheme will save the commuter the price of parking as well as make him income. The digital infrastructure is already developed and in place to moderate such schemes of shared ownership.
7.2. Mobility Concept
Fig.37, Mobility Concept Map. 93
7.3. Plot Allocation
The second intervention on site after The Seed would be the scheme for dividing the plots. The main aim is to offer the widest range of the users the ability to own their own plot on site. This is the main way to ensure, first, a lively mixed use of the site with different opportunities for different interactions between owners. Secondly, it ensures that the relationship among various users will be based on equality rather than a polarity in which one is entitled to be on site since he is the user and another is not. There are three aspects to a plot that will determine its value. Its size, its ratio and its location within the site. The design of the plot division was based on always playing with these three factors. Another aspect that will widen the range of owners on site has to do with the method of which those plots are sold. What benefits are given to the buyers? Installments, Loans and facilitations for certain programs needed on site can work to ensure the required mix on site is maintained.
7.3. Plot Allocation
50 m
200 m
500 m
Fig.38, Plot Allocation Diagram.
7.3. Plot Allocation
7.3. Plot Allocation
Fig.39, Main Visualization. 97
Football Court
Single Family Houses Hardscape Plaza
7.3. Plot Allocation
Open Green Field Swimming Pool Conference Hall
that keeps the system working; a lubricant for social interaction. The potential for investing by the rich and the possibility of financing for the poor will take the form in the informal stock exchange (see B.start up center & D.informal stock exchange) that will be part of the central spaces on site. The project reaches its goal by offering a strategic plan for development that will, in turn, give rise to a flexible model of ownership that will always lead to a positive outcome (see C.IT campus). Flexible ownership is observed in every aspect of the project from the lot allocation scheme, to the vehicles on site and most importantly to
Food Court Bar & Nightlife B-Ball Court
Office Building
Social Housing Street Food
Sugarcane Field Apartments
Urban Farming
Educational Facility
Fair Grounds
Cinema & Theatre IT Campus
Transportation Hub
Football Court
Hydroponic Gardening
Single Family Houses Hardscape Plaza
Open Green Field Swimming Pool
Artist Residence 98
Conference Hall Food Court
Bar & Nightlife B-Ball Court
Social Housing Street Food
Cinema & Theatre Apartments
Educational Facility
Transportation Hub
7.3. Plot Allocation
Fair Grounds
Hydroponic Gardening
IT Campus
Football Court
Artist Residence Single Family Houses
Hardscape Plaza Open Green Field
Water Cleansing
Swimming Pool Conference Hall Food Court
Recreational Lake Bar & Nightlife
House of Worship
B-Ball Court
Recording Studio
Sugarcane Field
Water Treatment
moment I “adding programs to infrastructure making it more accessible to the public.� The water management and cleansing plant tends to the need of improving the water quality in Sao Paulo. Our site is situated right next to the pinheiros, the site can rely
Urban Farming
Cinema & Theatre Fig.40, Main Visualization Decryption. 99 Water towers are of great importance in Transportation Hub the context of Sao Paulo. They do not only operate as water tanks. Their elevation fulfills a symbolic role as the structure stands out as
7.3. Plot Allocation
7.3. Plot Allocation
7.3. Plot Allocation
7.3. Plot Allocation
7.3. Plot Allocation
The Master Plan stands on a new frontier of visualizing plans. There was a need to have a unyielding visual language that would capture the idea and communicate it to the silent jury of the competition. A choice was made to overlay the program on the plot allocation plan. On the one hand, an observer can extract data about plot sizes and relevant distances that correspond to a reality through reading the plan and on another he can get a feel for the mixed and intuitive manner in which the project develops. The plan was visualized in an iconographic manner as to show the richness of the program. A catalogue of the icons was produced and is used to read the plan. In that sense, it is not to be read as a regular master plan it is closer to a collage. One that captures a certain instance in time of the development of the project.
7.3. Plot Allocation
Apart from the starting points of the seed, there are plots reserved for certain programs and they will be established from the beginning of the intervention as the main focal points of the project. These focal points are the largest intervention on site and are to be developed in a top-down manner. The nature of the program and their scope necessitates the involvement of the state or large investors to overtake their development. The largest plots on site are reserved for these developments. These four interventions are;
7.4. Top Down Interventions
A. Mobility Hub As mentioned before for the mobility concept, the mobility hub will act as the northwestern gate to the city. It will connect transportation nodes already existing on site. Also, it will incorporate car sharing models into its structure and organize the vehicle sharing and rental schemes. It will be the main parking space within the site and thus the entrance. The first instance of coming out of the car is leaving your private space and stepping into the public space. The location of the already existing transportation nodes dictates the plot position of the transportation hub within the site. (Studio Staub&Papathanasiou, 2016)
7.4. Top Down Interventions
B. Start-Up Center The start-up center will work with small businesses from the site but also from nearby Jaguare offering them technical support to improve their trade. The center will evaluate businesses and deem them adequate to join the informal stock exchange. It will also help link similar businesses, as well as, offer them digital platforms on which to engage with a larger number of customers. Aligning economic incentives and creating bonds between middle and high-income crowd with low-income entrepreneurs is the main function of the start-up center. The start-up center will take over the space currently used as the main market hall on site. The building holds strong architectural qualities with its concrete structure and Hall typology. The structure holds strong value for the users and has just been renovated. It is one of the buildings that are worth keeping and reusing in the site. (Studio Staub&Papathanasiou, 2016)
7.4. Top Down Interventions
C. IT Campus The IT campus’s main aim is to develop the blockchain model. Ownership needs a reliable enforceable record of who owns what. This is currently done by paperwork. If you own a house it is recorded by the city; a car would be registered by the department of motor vehicles. A flexible mode of ownership would need a flexible contract. The precedent to flexible contact is already being employed in models such as Airbnb and Uber where one rents out an object or a space for a specific amount of time. The records are currently held by the databases of these companies. The blockchain model makes the flexible contract accessible to many entities at once. Most importantly the blockchain model makes the object know who its owner is at a specific moment in time. This coupled with “smart switches” can take the sharing economy to a whole new level. Smart switches would control the object making it accessible to a particular user as instructed by the database. The blockchain model would eliminate the bureaucracy of the current ownership contracts of the state while at the same time giving it clear information about who owns what at a specific moment of time. The mapping of ownership on the site and the keeping of logs on its development will be another task for the IT campus which will use the data to further enhance the models of ownership employed making them smarter. A statement can be made at this point about informal development, the nature of informal development and the speed and unpredictability of it makes it hard to map or speculate these changes on the ground. In this project where boundaries of ownership and functional boundaries would be changing on a daily, weekly and seasonal basis the need for an institution with the sole purpose of mapping is more pressing than ever. It is not only important to map who owns but equally important to map how an area or a dominion expands and contracts and at which times. Which programs can survive and flourish is the most valuable data to be collected by the IT campus.
7.4. Top Down Interventions
D. Informal Stock Exchange The idea developed for the seminar week is taken further. Once trust is established and growing among users. The informal exchange can start to operate in a fertile soil that allows for high-income individuals to start investing in low-income users’ projects. The idea of the informal stock exchange is to offer a platform of interaction between small informal businesses and investors interested in supporting local businesses. Currently, this interest materializes in the form of investing in the real estate market. This has adverse effects as it leads to land speculation. The informal stock exchange will help investment reach those who are involved in production or commerce in the favelas. The Informal Stock Exchange will work in collaboration with the startup center to identify potential successful businesses. Stocks and bonds will be issued for these businesses and investors will have the chance to choose where to invest. The Informal Stock Exchange works in a similar way to the São Paulo stock exchange but in a much slower and intimate way. The stock prices are updated every week based on the business expansion and profit. The business owners hold bi/weekly meetings for his investors were aspects of the business development are to be discussed. The idea is to align economic gain for both parties to develop trust and transparency between all social strata.
8. Inbetween Spaces
Upon the development of the plan, a choice was made to work on the in-between spaces. The in-between spaces which would be considered residual and disposable will, in this proposal, act as the testing ground in which the thesis developed earlier will be put to practice. In retrospect, the approach holds within it deconstructivist philosophy. The privileging of the planned space against the residual is put to question. This privileging of the planned space keeps us from seeing the merits and the values of the supposedly lesser residual space.
8. Inbetween Spaces
The proposal chooses to explore the residual space Instead of leaving it for an unclear future development. The thesis developed about boundaries, ownership and functional, will come into play. As the Programs extend their area of influence to the residual space in between, they will elevate its meaning. At the same time, the planned spaces will benefit from the programs that will exist on the former residual space. These spaces between the buildings are also the main walkways of the project, a way to experience the project away from streets. It is mainly aimed at nonvehicular traffic. They are always connected to one another and they create a continuous loop of cooperative and public spaces that break away with the history of the city as a city of walls and fear. The plan that was developed earlier contains many exciting moments where the residual space can be designed. A choice was made to choose five of these spaces and moments and to delve deeper into their design. Apart from their design, a focus had to be put on the functions, to speculate, the hybrid function that would exist between the two programs. The hybrid function of the residual space should be beneficial to both sides, should communicate between them and between their users. From Thesis three developed earlier. An Interesting situation can be found in intersecting ownership and functional lines,
8. Inbetween Spaces
Program Ownership Boundary
Program Boundary
Normal situation_ in-between space is shared equally between both plots.
Interesting situation_ Program of one plot is adopted by the territory of a plot next to it.
Perfect situation_ Program and ownership boundaries overlap, interlocking the two plots together
Fig.41, Diagram, Intersecting Lines = Interesting Situations. 113
8.1. Inbetween: Moment I
There is a general interest in making infrastructural projects of the city more accessible to the public. It adds to the transparency of how the city functions and makes the citizens aware of how their city works. The Amager Bakke Waste-to-Energy Plant in Copenhagen by Bjarke Ingels Group is one of the well-known examples that aim to make this link between infrastructural projects and the public. The Power plant’s roof couples as a ski slope accessible to the public. The Architect’s intention is to change the perception about power plants. Another element that would work to achieve that aim is to install a chimney producing smoke rings. Each smoke ring symbolizes one ton of Carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. “by sweeping nothing under the carpet, but rather projecting our carbon footprint onto the Copenhagen sky. We will provide every single citizen intuitive information that will hopefully help inform their decisions and future action” (Winston, 2015). The same can be said about the water situation in São Paulo, as there is a need to create awareness about the water scarcity in the city to help citizens make wiser decisions when it comes to water consumption.
8.1. Inbetween: Moment I
Fig.42, Moment 1.
8.1. Inbetween: Moment I
Moment was possible because of, Program A: Water Cleansing Plant Program A: ownership model: SABESP, SĂŁo Paulo water company 51% publicly owned. Program B: Airbnb Community Centre Program B ownership model: belonging to the community, rented out by travelers. Program C: Sports Facility Program C ownership model: owned publicly, maintain and upkeep by residents
building boundary program boundary ownership boundary area of function overlap area for public use entrance situation pedestrian movement different user groups
Fig.43, Diagram, Moment I. 116
8.1. Inbetween: Moment I The water management and cleansing plant tend to the need of improving the water quality in São Paulo. Our site situated right next to the Pinheiros, the site can rely on cleansing its water and distributing it to the immediate neighborhood. The Airbnb community center would be designed by samsara a subsidiary of Airbnb focused on developing communal “hotels.” An already existing pilot community center by samsara exists in the Japanese village of Yoshino. The Wetland area in between will be used most of the year as a public park as the public walkway of the in-between spaces passes through it. Yet, when weather permits the territory of the community center can extend to encompass the wetland within its area of programmatic influence. In particular months of the year, the water cleansing plant can lease its wetlands to be camping ground for visitors of the city. The scheme is to add programs to an infrastructural building making it more accessible to the public. Thus, making them more aware of the underlying workings of the city, the users get an exciting experience of camping in a green area in the middle of the city while the water treatment plant can capitalize economically on a resource that, before, did not generate any income. Water towers are of great importance in the context of São Paulo. They do not only operate as water tanks. Their elevation fulfills a symbolic role as the structure stands out as a landmark with its thin, slender proportions. The towers are strategically located all over the city for efficient distribution. They are so well placed that augmented reality applications use the locations of the towers to ensure the whole city is covered. The second program is for a sports facility, a gym + sports hall, which is maintained by memberships of residents. The area in between will be overtaken by the sports program. The youth from the neighborhood will use lime powder to outline a football field in the in-between space. Their area of influence will extend to the water tower itself. Upon discussing with the water company, they will install climbing wall handles to the sides of the water tower and will exercise their mountain climbing there under the supervision of the sports facility. This is one instance in which the program of one ownership model extends even beyond the in between space to encroach on the territory of another program.
8.1. Inbetween: Moment I
Fig.44, Isometric, Moment I. 118
8.1. Inbetween: Moment I
8.2. Inbetween: Moment II
Moment two takes a snapshot of one of the bigger interventions of the site; The mobility hub. The top-down interventions on site will act as the attractors for the smaller programs. In and around the plot, temporary acts of homesteading and appropriation will be the main way of showing control, usually on tiny plots. In the project, these acts of enforcing ownership will be acknowledged and accepted. The IT campus will keep them under surveillance and control.
8.2. Inbetween: Moment II
Fig.45, Isometric, Moment II.
8.2. Inbetween: Moment II
Moment was possible because of, Program A: Transportation Hub Program A ownership model: State-owned, Ministry of Transportation, Rental of commercial spaces within the hub Program B: Office Building Program B ownership model: Private Ownership Program C: Skate Park Program C ownership model: homesteading and appropriation Program D: Recreational Lake Program D ownership model: publicly owned, administered and operated by the city of SĂŁo Paulo
building boundary program boundary ownership boundary area of function overlap area for public use entrance situation pedestrian movement different user groups
Fig.46, Diagram, Moment II. 122
8.2. Inbetween: Moment II
The transportation hub is the biggest intervention on site that deals specifically with mobility. Its dominion extends beyond our site to affect the whole of SĂŁo Paulo specifically the northwestern territory of the city. It is the real gateway to the site. The moment where you get out of your car, your private dominion and into the public sphere. The fact that it is the gateway will help draw interesting programs to its immediate vicinity. The programs will range from work to recreational and will be the most expensive to acquire. Mainly privately owned or rented out by the developers. There is still a chance for the youth and disadvantaged to make a presence through the concept of homesteading or laying of hand on a territory and appropriating it. The in-between space will be reserved for public use with clear boundaries set unlike on other areas on our site where programs are allowed to encroach on the in-between space.
8.3. Inbetween: Moment III
“No neighborhood, favela or district in Brazil is complete without a soccer field – it is a constant reminder of the country’s passion for the sport” (Hehl&Angelil, 2014, p.113). The football fields in Brazil are in many ways used as a social gathering place. They are spaces that give people dreams and for a moment they are the superstars of their small community. The use of the in-between space as a sports facility will guarantee it will not slip into decay.
8.3. Inbetween: Moment III
Fig.47, Isometric, Moment II.
8.3. Inbetween: Moment III
Moment was possible because of, Program A: Vocational School Program A ownership model: State-owned, Ministry of Education Program B: Football Stadium Program B ownership model: Sports Collective, 3rd Tier football team
building boundary program boundary ownership boundary area of function overlap area for public use entrance situation pedestrian movement different user groups
Fig.48, Diagram, Moment II. 126
8.3. Inbetween: Moment III
The newly formed Villa Leopoldina football team chose to have their home ground on the site. The Stadium is small and they hope to move to a bigger one once they move higher in the league ranks. The vocational school is part of the Ministry of Education plan to encourage professional training among disadvantaged youth. The in-between space, in this case, makes use of the high number of visitors during football games. The vocational school uses its edge as a shop front to showcase its production to the supporters and visiting fans using the profit to support the school. The students of the vocational school appropriate the in-between space to be small football fields by simply painting on the street. This action closes the street for vehicular travel which is needed during football games. The football courts act as a much softer edge than putting up concrete blocks for closing up the street.
8.4. Inbetween: Moment IV
Apart from the market hall, the clock tower and the silos, most of the buildings on site hold no strong architectural or identifiable qualities. On the other hand, the Hall typologies can be argued to have adamant spatial qualities that can host a wide range of communal activities. These communal activities usually need large spaces to take place. Appropriation of these spaces have gained wide world acclaim of architects and users the same. From Tate Modern to Gasometer City Vienna, Old industrial buildings have been appropriated to be residence, museums, restaurants and nightlife venues. In the case of our site, the most fitting programs were placed in these halls.
8.4. Inbetween: Moment IV
Fig.49, Moment VI.
8.4. Inbetween: Moment IV
Moment was possible because of, Program A: Recording Studio Program A ownership model: Private ownership. Program B: Film Studio Program B ownership model: Student Collective Program C: Church Program C ownership model: Owned by community, administered by the Evangelical Church of Brazil, upkeep through donations
building boundary program boundary ownership boundary area of function overlap area for public use entrance situation pedestrian movement different user groups
Fig.50, Diagram, Moment IV. 130
8.4. Inbetween: Moment IV
The three programs chose to acquire already existing buildings on the site. The plots were being sold for lower prices as it involved the demolishing of the existing structure; developers were more interested in empty plots of land to start with their projects right away. The three programs capitalized on the hall typologies existing on the site which fit with their programs and did minimum changes to the structure, focusing their efforts on readapting the space. The space between the three buildings will host the larger events by any of them, the in-between space will be a shared ownership, with each of the programs extending at specific points of time; spilling over the boundary of the building and spilling into the in-between space. The Furniture will be shared by all three and a schedule for the use of the in-between space will be agreed upon. The schedule will be weekly; the alternating events would be Sunday Mass, Thursday movie night and Saturday Baile Funk.
8.4. Inbetween: Moment IV
8.4. Inbetween: Moment IV
Fig.51, Isometric, Moment IV.
8.5. Inbetween: Moment V
The fifth moment deals with Urban Farming. Urban farming has been a defining feature in most urban design proposals and is a promising new program to include in this project. Our site as CEAGESP has a long standing history linking it to agriculture; it has been acting as a site of consumption not only to Brazilian produce but to produce from all over Latin America. There is a need to turn parts of the site to spaces of production. Agriculture production within the city can be seen as a promising solution for the shift from consumption to production. Numerous benefits can be gained from it, bringing down pollution, offering jobs and cutting down on transportation costs both economic and environmental are the most direct and observable benefits. Creating a communal spirit and connections between users and residents of the site is another foreseeable benefit. Moment five is of one of the urban agriculture lots on the site. The lot used to be a parking space in the old market. On the plan, it sits next to a social housing development, a park, single family houses and a food court. Moment one foresees the connections created between the social housing complex and the urban farming plot.
8.5. Inbetween: Moment V
Fig.52, Moment V.
8.5. Inbetween: Moment V
Moment was possible because of, Program A: Urban Farming Program A ownership model: Collective Program B: Social Housing Program B ownership model: state-financed on loan base_ shared ownership with residents
building boundary program boundary ownership boundary area of function overlap area for public use entrance situation pedestrian movement different user groups
Fig.53, Diagram, Moment V. 136
8.5. Inbetween: Moment V
An urban farming community acquires a large plot; the plot was showcased by the ministry of agriculture that currently owns. It is a large plot yet it is undesirable location next to the social housing made it cheaper to acquire. The social housing has been developed by the Minha Casa Mina Vida governmental program and sold to families with low income through a loan with low-interest rates that is to be paid within 20 years. The buffer space between the two programs is to be developed in conjunction between the two sides. It lies in a functional and territorial ambiguity. Territorial boundaries contract and expand based on season and the crop cycles; like gravitational forces affecting the tide. The boundary itself takes the form of a line of trees instead of a wall. An element positioned at different intervals in the in-between space acts as a trigger for interaction. A wall with the basics needed for agriculture, tools, a water source and seeds will encourage the residents to cultivate their own gardens. The ownership can be collectively practiced by the residents, it can be shared with the farming collective as they share expertise and the produce can help fund the payment of the loan or can be consumed by the residents.
8.5. Inbetween: Moment V
8.5. Inbetween: Moment V
Fig.54, Isometric, Moment V.
9. Presentation
Throughout the semester, we were exercising how to be efficient, clear with our ideas and thoughts. We were exercising how to condense our thoughts. My process was deep and full of information and stories. After submitting the competition panels, I went through a process of retracing my thoughts. I examined my workbook, my notebook, elements I discarded and Ideas I did not pursue. A mind map was the product of this process. A visual and literary reflection of my thoughts that ties together a semester.
9.1. Mind Map
Informal Stock Exchange Real Estate Pokemon Go Compendium
Chomsky Chinese Informal Exchange Zizek
Gates Lessons
Clan of Rotten Walls
Isometrics Diagrams Definitions
Baile Funk
cutting up the plot
Hans Island MinhocĂŁo
Fake Estates
Cinema da Boca do Lixo Ludwig Engel Lecture
Subtle Technology: Her
Mobility Hub
Syrian War Map
Italian Limes
IT Campus
Think Belt Formulation of thesis question
Enclave thesis 1
Nolli Roma Maps
Airbnb Uber Shared Econom
Artist Squats
Youtube Lectures
Water Towers
Security Diagram Real Estate Prices
Enclave thesis 2
Start Up Center
9.1. Mind Map
Failed Trials
Ownership Stories
inbetween spaces
Enclave Thesis 3
Brazilian sharing typologies
Uber TED X Trust Economy
Used for Finals
Spatial Design
La Grande Belleza Key Keeper
Yoshino Cedar House
Projections on Models
Fig.55, Mind Map.
9.1. Presentation Layout
Real Estate
Rotten Walls
Real Estate
Informal Stock
Rotten Walls Gates
Baile Funk Pixacao
Rotten Walls
Ownership Diagram
Fake Estates
Mid Term Panel
Ownership House
Cutting Up
Yoshino Yoshino
Hans What to Keep
Syria Seijo
Think Belt Minhacao Minhacao
Subtle Technology
Mobility Hub
Start Up Center
Diagram Enclave
The mind map transformed into the mode of presentation. The richness of the process was transfered to the audience by pinning up every thought. Series of collected images along with my own drawings were laid out in a chronological order of how the project progressed from the abstract to our site in SĂŁo Paulo.
Airbnb Trust
Artist Squats
Minhacao Boca Do Lixo
IT Campus
9.1. Presentation Layout
Brazilian Typologies
Failed Attempts
Diagram Function Vs Ownership
Projections PERSPECTIVE 2
Fig.56, Presentation Layout.
10. Conclusion
This is a proposal that is very grounded in its approach. In some sense, it is visionary in the way it incorporates technology into its design. A version of technology that is subtle, it is subtle because it becomes so embedded into our everyday life that we seize to notice it. It does not go to create new objects of futuristic nature. It rather redefines our relationship with objects we have now, whether they be vehicles of transport or spatial products. It imagines a future where space will be shared between users and designs to tend to that change in the meaning of ownership. Its political leanings are ambiguous and are left to the viewer to decide. On the one hand, it advocates for less state control on the development, which might appeal to some, yet, it substitutes it with cooperatives and calls for the good in people. In a time of polarization, where you have to choose between black or white, this project chooses to be grey. It sees the site as a potential microcosm of the city with all its chaos, crowdedness and overflowing human emotion The project accepts the situation as it is, it even admires it because of its potential. The methodology of developing theses and frameworks to guide the work has been applied in this project. Three theses have been developed and applied to all scenarios of the project. These theses developed, I will carry to my post grad work. They are features that can define one’s work and can be one’s mark. Creating stories and narratives was another technique used. Exercising my imagination to engage with different users made me reinvent myself as a new architect every day. This project has helped me grow, as an architect, as a researcher and as a person who takes great care in what his actions mean. It has made clear for me what are my interests, my character, my visual style, my strong points ... most importantly, it is now clear for me what are my shortcomings.
11. Bibliography
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12. List of Figures
Fig.1, Security in SĂŁo Paulo Infograph, By Author. Fig.2, Crime Rates & Types, Reprinted from Compendium, By Goncharenko, I., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.3,Homicide Rate Map for City of SĂŁo Paulo. Reprinted from Compendium, By Goncharenko, I., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.4, Wall & Fences Map Around CEAGESP Market. Reprinted from Compendium, By Goncharenko, I., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.5-7, Wall Catalog, By Author. Fig.8, Real Estate Prices Map, By Author. Fig.9, Historical Map 16th Century, Reprinted from Compendium, By Tkachenka, A., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.10,Historical Map 18th Century, Reprinted from Compendium, By Tkachenka, A., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.11, Historical Map 19th Century, Reprinted from Compendium, By Tkachenka, A., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.12, Historical Map Late 19th Century, Reprinted from Compendium, By Tkachenka, A., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.13, Historical Map 1930, Reprinted from Compendium, By Tkachenka, A., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.14, Historical Map 1954, Reprinted from Compendium, By Tkachenka, A., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig. 15, Historical Map 1958, Reprinted from Compendium, By Tkachenka, A., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig. 16, Historical Map 1966, Reprinted from Compendium, By Tkachenka, A., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.17, Immigrant Break Down and Increase, Reprinted from Compendium, By Sokolov, A., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.18, City Expansion through Time, Reprinted from Compendium, By Sokolov, A., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein.
12. List of Figures
Fig.19, Population Density, Reprinted from Compendium, By Ivakina, O., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.20, Economy Statistics, Reprinted from Compendium, By Panjwani, A., 2016 Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein. Fig.21, Hans Island, Reprinted from http://airheadsfly.com/tag/hans-island/ Fig.22, Areas, Sizes and Shapes of Plots Acquired by Gordon Matta Clark in New York, Reprinted from http://martinhogue.net/Fake-Fake-Estates-Reconsidering-Gordon-Mat ta-Clark-s-Fake-Estates Fig.23, Moving Boundary betwen Italy & Austria, http://www.italianlimes.net/project.html Fig.24, Moving Boubdary betwen Italy & Austria, http://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2016/26-de cember-isis-has-recaptured-jaabar-gharbi-from-sdf-Fig.25, Close-Up Nolli’s Roma Map, http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/EART/maps/nolli.html Fig.26, CEAGESP Market Hall. On Site Photographer commissioned by University of Liechtenstein. Fig.27, São Paulo Water Towers, By Author. Fig.28, Linking Programs to Ownership Models, By Author. Fig.29, Study of Ownership on Building Scale, By Author. Fig.30, Minhocão on a Sunday, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX-Pv21YkCs. Fig. 31, Cinema Do Boca Lixo, http://ocafe.com.br/cinema/prisao-o-filme-brasileiro-da-bo ca-lixo-que-virou-um-cult-internacional-submundo-cinema/ Fig.32, Casa Do Povo, Artist Meeting, http://www.sitesofconscience.org/2016/01/casa-do-po vo/ Fig.33-34, Extract from Seminar Week Panel, By Author. Fig.35, Diagram, Theses Applied to Site, By Author. Fig.36, Immediate Neighbourhood Forces, By Author. Fig. 37, Mobility Concept Map. By Author. Fig.38, Plot Allocation Diagram.
12. List of Figures
Fig.39, Main Visualization, By Author Extract from Final Panel Fig.40, Main Visualization Decryption, By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.41, Diagram, Intersecting Lines = Interesting Situations, By Author Extract from Booklet. Fig.42, Moment I, By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.43, Diagram, Moment V, By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.44, Isometric, Moment V. By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.45, Isometric, Moment II. By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.46, Diagram, Moment II, By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.47, Isometric, Moment III. By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.48, Diagram, Moment III, By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.49, Moment IV, By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.50, Diagram, Moment IV, By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.51, Isometric, Moment IV. By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.52, Moment V, By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.53, Diagram, Moment V, By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.54, Isometric, Moment V. By Author Extract from Final Panel. Fig.55, Mind Map, By Author. Fig.56, Presentation Layout, By Author
13. Affidavit
I hereby declare under penalty of prejury that the present paper submitted is my own unaided work. All direct or indirect sources used are acknowledged as references. This paper was not previously presented to another examination board and has not been published.
Place, Date
To My Mother, To My Father, To Lilah,
I would like to show my sincere gratitude to Peter and Georgia for their support throughout the semester. I will forever remember our stimulating discussions and conversations.
Thank you to my former professors, tutors and staff of the University of Liechtenstein. Special Thank you to my friends for their continous support, without you none of this would have been posible.