Hydroponic Gardening
Transportation Hub
Cinema & Theatre
Urban Farming
Sugarcane Field
B-Ball Court
Bar & Nightlife
Food Court
Conference Hall
Swimming Pool
Open Green Field
Hardscape Plaza
Single Family Houses
Football Court
IT Campus
Fair Grounds
Educational Facility
Street Food
Social Housing
Office Building
The project reaches its goal by offering a strategic plan for development that will, in turn, give rise to a flexible model of ownership that will always lead to a positive outcome (see C.IT campus). Flexible ownership is observed in every aspect of the project from the lot allocation scheme, to the vehicles on site and most importantly to
This proposal will focus on the process of transforming the market place into a lively mixed use site. The process of allocating land and property for development is of major interest. A series of small interventions that come together in order to create a functioning whole. The site should work as an adaptor linking the formal to the informal to create something new in which this polarity of rich and poor, formal and informal will not be the main topic of debate. The economic incentive is the adhesive that keeps the system working; a lubricant for social interaction. The potential for investing by the rich and the possibility of financing for the poor will take the form in the informal stock exchange (see B.start up center & D.informal stock exchange) that will be part of the central spaces on site.
The mobility concept for the site revolves around creating a transportation hub on the old site of CEAGESP. The site location has the potential of acting as the northwestern gate to metropolitan Sao Paulo. The Northwestern districts of Pinheiros and Pirituba-Jaragua can make use of the P+R provided on the site to make the first contact with the transportation infrastructure of Sao Paulo. The gateway can also encompass nearby Osasco and Barueri via Rodovia Presidente Castelo Branco. The already existing infrastructure of the CPTM linked to the site through the CEASA needs to be enforced with a connection that links the site to downtown Sao Paulo. The current state where the connection is only through buses needs to change with a much faster and reliable mode of transport that helps bring down the congestion of vehicular travel. (see A.transportation hub)
the public space existing in-between plots.
dealing with causes not symptoms
flexible dominions m
Regional Mobility Scheme
e riv
ive dr
Ring Road
Business Park
New Shuttle Service New Rail Service Existing Rail Service
Driving Time Economic Centrality Urban Centrality
Existing Points of Interest in Immediate Neighborhood
Site Boundary
Area of Intervention Boundary
Triggers/Access Points
Linear Connections
The IT campus’s main aim is to develop the blockchain model. The blockchain model makes flexible contracts accessible to many entities at once. Most importantly the blockchain model makes the object know who its owner is at a specific moment in time. This coupled with “smart switches” can take the sharing economy to a whole new level. Smart switches would control the object making it accessible to a specific user as instructed by the database. The blockchain eliminates the bureaucracy of ownership contracts of the government. The mapping of ownership on the site will be another task for the IT campus which will use the data to further enhance the models of ownership employed.
C.IT campus
The transportation hub will extend from the train station and through the site reaching to the Av. Dr. Gastao Vidigal. Vehicles left by commuters in parking spaces can be put to use while the commuters or off in the city, the system can be implemented for commuters who have a fixed schedule and who want to make extra money using their cars, as well as, people who are out of the country for extended periods of time and leave their cars on site and catch shuttles to the three city airports. The digital infrastructure is already developed and in place to moderate such schemes of shared ownership. Within the site itself there will be a focus on non motorized vehicles to move around the site.
A.transportation hub
Transportation Nodes
Immediate Neighborhood P.O.I.
The informal stock exchange offers a platform of interaction between small informal businesses and investors interested in supporting them. Currently, this interest materializes in the form of investing in the real estate market. This has negative effects as it leads to land speculation. The informal stock exchange will help investment reach those who are involved in production and commerce. Stocks and bonds will be issued for these businesses. The stock prices are updated every week based on the business expansion and profit. The business owners hold bi/weekly meetings for his investors, where aspects of the business development are to be discussed.
D.informal stock exchange
The start up center will work with small businesses from the site but also from nearby Jaguare offering them technical support in order to improve their trade. The center will evaluate businesses and deem them adequate to join the informal stock exchange. It will also help link similar businesses, as well as, offer them digital platforms on which to engage with a larger number of customers. Aligning economic incentives and creating bonds between middle and high income crowd with low income entrepreneurs is the main function of the startup center.
B.start up center
The water management and cleansing plant tends to the need of improving the water quality in Sao Paulo. Our site is situated right next to the pinheiros, the site can rely on cleansing its own water and distributing it to the immediate neighborhood. The Airbnb community center would be designed by samsara a subsidiary of Airbnb focused on developing communal “hotels”. A pilot community center by samsara is in the Japanese village of Yoshino. The Wetland area in between will be used most of the year as a public park as the public walkway of the in-between spaces passes through it. Yet, when weather permits the territory of the community center can extend to encompass the wetland within its area of programmatic influence. In specific months of the year the water cleansing plant can lease its wetlands to be camping ground for visitors of the city. The scheme is to add programs to an infrastructural building making it more accessible to the public. Thus, making them more aware of the underlying workings of the city, The users get an interesting experience of camping in a green area in the middle of the city while the water treatment plant can capitalize economically on a resource that, before, did not generate any income.
“adding programs to infrastructure making it more accessible to the public.”
moment I
Water Treatment
Recording Studio
House of Worship
Recreational Lake
Water Cleansing
Artist Residence
different user groups
pedestrian movement
entrance situation
area for public use
area of function overlap
ownership boundary
program boundary
building boundary
moment IV, use of inbetween space for bale funk
The area in between will be overtaken by the sports program. The youth from the neighborhood will use lime powder to outline a football field in the in-between space. Their area of influence will extend to the water tower itself. Upon discussing with the water company, they will install climbing wall handles to the sides of the water tower and will exercise their mountain climbing there under the supervision of the sports facility. This is one instance in which the program of one ownership model extends even beyond the in between space to encroach on the territory of another program.
Water towers are of great importance in the context of Sao Paulo. They do not only operate as water tanks. Their elevation fulfills a symbolic role as the structure stands out as a landmark with its thin slender proportions. The towers are strategically located all over the city for efficient distribution. They are so well placed that augmented reality applications use the locations of the towers to ensure the whole city is covered. The second program is for a sport facility, a gym + sports hall, which is maintained by memberships of residents.
Program C: Sports Facility Program C ownership model: owned publicly, maintain and upkeep by residents
Program B: Airbnb Community Centre Program B ownership model: owned by the community, rented out by travelers
Program A: Water Cleansing Plant Program A ownership model: SABESP, Sao Paulo water company 51% publicly owned
b.start up center, transformation of market hall into gathering place for enterpreneurs
Program D: Recreational Lake Program D ownership model: publicly owned, administered and operated by the city of Sao Paulo
Program C: Skate Park Program C ownership model: homesteading and appropriation
Program B: Office Building Program B ownership model: Private Ownership
Program A: Transportation Hub Program A ownership model: State owned, Ministry of Transportation, Rental of commercial spaces within the hub
The transportation hub is the biggest intervention on site that deals specifically with mobility. Its dominion extends beyond our site to affect the whole of Sao Paulo specifically the northwestern territory of the city. It is the real gateway to the site. The moment where you get out of your car, your private dominion and into the public sphere. The fact that it is the gateway will help draw interesting programs to its immediate vicinity. The programs will range from work to recreational and will be the most expensive to acquire. Mainly privately owned or rented out by the developers. There is still a chance for the youth and disadvantaged to make a presence through the concept of homesteading or laying of hand on a territory and appropriating it. The in-between space will be reserved for public use with clear boundaries set unlike on other areas on our site where programs are allowed to encroach on the in-between space.
“mobility as an attractor to an array of programs within the site”
moment II
moment V, view from social housing second floor balconey towards urban agriculture & communal gardens
The newly formed Villa Leopoldina football team chose to have their home ground on the site. The Stadium is small and they hope to move to a bigger one once they move higher in the league ranks. The vocational school is part of the Ministry of Education plan to encourage vocational training among disadvantaged youth. The Inbetween space in this case makes use of the high number of visitors during football games. The vocational school uses its edge as a shop front to showcase its production to the supporters and visiting fans using the profit to support the school. The students of the vocational school appropriate the inbetween space to be small football fields by simply painting on the street. This action closes the street for vehicular travel which is needed during football games. The football courts act as a much softer edge than putting up concrete blocks for closing up the street.
“the inbetween program shuts off the street for vehicles acting as a soft boundary”
moment III
Program B: Football Stadium Program B ownership model: Sports Collective, 3rd Tier football team
Program A: Vocational School Program A ownership model: State owned, Ministry of Education
Program C: Church Program C ownership model: Owned by community, administered by the Evangelical church of Brazil, upkeep through donations
Program B: Film Studio Program B ownership model: Student Collective
Program A: Recording Studio Program A ownership model: Private ownership
The three programs chose to acquire already existing buildings on the site. The plots were being sold for cheaper prices as it involved the demolishing of the existing structure; developers were more interested in empty plots of land to start with their projects right away. The three programs capitalized on the hall typologies existing on the site which fit with their programs and did minimum changes to the structure, focusing their efforts on readapting the space. The space between the three buildings will host the larger events by any of them, The in-between space will be a shared ownership, with each of the programs extending at specific points of time; spilling over the boundary of the building and into the in-between space. The Furniture will be shared by all three and a schedule for the use of the in-between space will be agreed upon. The schedule will be weekly, the alternating events would be Sunday mass, Thursday movie night and Saturday Baile Funk.
“the programs extend at specific points of time; spilling over the ownership boundary into the in-between space”
moment IV
An urban farming community acquires a large plot; the plot was showcased by the ministry of agriculture that currently owns. It is a large plot yet it is undesirable location next to the social housing made it cheaper to acquire. The social housing has been developed by the Minha Casa Mina Vida governmental program and sold to families with low income through a loan with low interest rates that is to be paid within 20 years. The buffer space between the two programs is to be developed in conjunction between the two sides. It lies in a functional and territorial ambiguity. Territorial boundaries contract and expand based on season and the crop cycles; like gravitational forces affecting the tide. The boundary itself takes the form of a line of trees instead of a wall. An element positioned at different intervals in the in-between space acts as a trigger for interaction. A wall with the basics needed for agriculture, tools, a water source and seeds will encourage the residents to cultivate their own gardens. The ownership can be collectively owned by the residents, it can be shared with the farming collective as they share expertise and the produce can help fund the payment of loan or can be consumed by the residents.
moment I, wetlands appropriated as camping ground and water tanks appropriated as climbing wall
different user groups
pedestrian movement
entrance situation
area for public use
area of function overlap
ownership boundary
program boundary
building boundary
“Territorial boundaries contract and expand based on season and the crop cycles”
moment V
Program B: Social Housing Program B ownership model: state financed on loan base_shared ownership with residents
Program A:Urban Farming Program A ownership model: Collective