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Burial Act 1857. 25
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Interview with Mohammed Omar at 09/10/2020 3:30PM
HJ: Hasan Jamshed (Myself) MO: Mohammed Omar
Land scarcity is an is a huge issue facing burial sites and the cemeteries throughout major cities, what is your cemetery doing to tackle this?
There is not enough land, there are lots of studies by Dr Julia Rugg and there was a report by the BBC on burial shortages. So, we know burial spaces is always going to be an issue. We ourselves as a charity (funded by public donations), we will try and adhere as much as possible on how we will be able to provide space, but we are a charity and have fainant resources.
We cannot guarantee we can continue to provide Muslim burial space for the Muslim community because land is difficult to obtain. At the moment the only place which is normally easier is a greenbelt site. According to the unitary development plan, the permitted use of the land can be used as a cemetery, but you would need to demonstrate certain conditions before passing a planning application.
To answer your question, yes. We are always on the lookout for more land but it is difficult, the demand for land is much greater in this convocation of the fact you need schools, you need housing and hospitals; they (Councils) have different priorities and therefore cemeteries for all local authorities are always a lower priority, therefore land becomes very difficult to obtain. But that does not mean there is not enough land, there is land available but it’s at a premium and depends on what price you are willing to pay for that.
Should Councils and local authority have a greater responsibility to insure there is sufficient space for burials?
People do not know this, but the council are not legally obliged to provide a burial space. It is only a moral responsibility, not a legal responsibility. Therefore, a lot of people tend to say it is within their responsibility, but most councils have done it as a consequence to say we will provide a burial space. But they are not legally bound to do so, there is nothing instituted saying that they have to provide a burial space. The council does have the responsibility for those who have no family or friends to provide a burial space and not anything further.
What is the future for garden of peace when land is all used up?
We have three sites at the moments.; one is the first one, Elmbridge Road cemetery, the other, Five Oaks Cemetery, and Maylands Cemetery. In total, for all the three sites, the capacity we are looking at would be approximately 30,000.
Our tactic is two folds, firstly we are trying to buy more land to reach our goal of 50,000 graves, so we can reach our goal of recycling our graves in perpetuity. The second approach is, we are telling each and every borough that they should provide for their residents just as they have provided for those in the past. They are taxpayers and we are encouraging the community to go to their councils and demand for a burial space because they are providing options for other communities but why aren’t we doing that. Under the equalities act, they are supposed to provide what are the requirements are in each faith and they are obligated to provide you with the provisions to be buried according to the faith.