The Lutheran Pioneer 1926

Page 29



Items of Missionary Interest. (By the E ditor.)

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The Latest Statistics of Our Colored Missions. An interesting feature of the February number of the PIONEER for years has been Director Drewes' statistical report. He has again compiled this report for the past year and we are pleased to bring it in this number. A comparison with the report that appeared last year, will show a fine growth in every part of the field and marked improvements in practically all the congregations. The number of baptized members in our colored congregations increased by 333 persons in 1925, · and has reached 4,709. 'fhe communicant membership has increased from 2,475 to 2,684, an increase of 209 persons. We have 11 more mission-schools now than we had- last year at this time, the present number being 48, in which 3,256 pupils are being instructed in the common branches of secular knowledge, but aboYe all things in the Word of God. The combined enrolment of Immanuel Lutheran College and Alabama Luther College is 143. The Sunday-schools have a total enrolment of 3,510. The past year witnessed the baptism of more persons in our missions than did any p1·evious year, and the number confirmed also exceeded that of all other years. The number baptized last ye;r was 419, while 377 were confirmed. · 'l'he attendance at the Lord's Table exceeded that of the year before by 1,861 and reached a total of 7,446. Our colored members contributed a total of $31,648.47 in 1925, which was $3,073.44 more than in 1924. The average contribution per comm~cant member was $11.77. Besides the more than 7,000 persons who are under the direct teaching of our mission-workers in church and school, there is a host of Negroes which is indirectly influenced by the ,vork which we are doing. We believe it no exaggeration to say that at least 20,000 to 25,000 persons are blessed by our Negro Missions. Evansville, Ind'. - We know that our Colored Missions have a number of loyal friends and sup:. porters in Evansville, Ind. One of these left a fine Christmas gift for our Alabama missions tied to th~ door-knob of his pasto~'s study a few weeks before Christmas in the shape of a $50 bill safely tucked away in an envelope with directions to forward same to Superintendent Geo. A. Schmidt, at Selma, Ala. Pastor Schmidt asks us to express his hearty thanks to the kind unknown donor

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