Level 6 Briefs

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Brief 1: Roots Timescale: 4 weeks

Studio Brief Roots was the creation of me and my fellow classmates last year for PPP Taking Care of Business. We have decided to continue this collaboration through to this year to create analogue work to help solve a current issue in Leeds.


Background/Considerations Leeds is a diverse city full of lots of different cultures however it does have its problems. Your challenge is to find a problem or issue that would resonate with most cultures in Leeds. Think about: - The target audience of the problem ( Age range, gender etc) - What design solutions could be used as an aid - Will your design be a solution or raise awareness - Working within a team means that you should split the workload between the group. Roots are all about tactile, physical designs that your client can hold. We believe that the new digital age is not the death of print. It is the rebirth of print. Therefore the design solutions must adhere to Roots’ values. Mandatory Requirements - Design Boards - Supporting Blog posts - An evaluation - The final solution Deliverables: - A solution or reaction to a specific problem that effects everyone in Leeds


Brief 2: Lifting Tower Projection Timescale: 4-5 weeks

Deadline 7th October 2016 (Proposals) 25th November 2016 (Final animation)

Project Outline Propose 3 visual concepts for a set series or sequence of 1 minute animated projections based on the theme of Independent Creativity at Christmas. Your visual concepts will need to communicate a contemporary, creative and ‘cool’ representation of a Christmas or winter theme. Think Harvey Nichols meets the independent music scene in Leeds or John Lewis meets the Brudenell Social Club. Your response will need to appeal to a wide audience of 18 to 50 year olds who look beyond the traditional but still want to feel festive. The client is not looking for traditional representations of Santa in a sleigh or cheesy looking elves dancing around. They are not asking for a critical or moral discourse on the validity of Xmas. They want cool, festive and creative.

Xmas period, a number of projects, events and initiatives are being planned to enhance the retail experience of visitors to Leeds City centre and the surrounding work-based/residential developments. The projects will be funded by some of the leading retail organisation in Leeds and will aim to showcase the breadth of creative talent that Leeds has to offer.

Background/Considerations The moving image based projections will be mapped onto the Lifting tower building on Wellington Street and should aim to interact with the features on the surface. The scale of the projection will be approximately 10m x 10m and so you will need to work to a square format. You will also need to consider the use of simple high contrast imagery on a dark background in order to maximize the effectiveness of the projection media and surface. Stage 1: Proposal and Selection 07/10/16 Stage 2: Project Development 11/11/16 Stage 3: Project Submission / Final Artwork 25/11/16 Stage 4: Production & Delivery TBC Project Aims Leeds Bid is a private sector driven initiative to enhance the perception of Leeds as a vibrant, culturally significant and economically viable centre in the north. During the build up to the

Mandatory Requirements You will need to work in a square format that will match the final projection. Your colour pallet is limited to black, white, red, green and blue. Deliverables: A set of 3 x A3 presentation boards containing visual concepts and storyboards for 3 x one minute animated sequences or pieces of moving image.


Brief 3: Sustainability Exploration Timescale: 6 weeks

Studio Brief Sustainability has become a very important topic that almost no one seems to do anything about. In our society we use energy and materials like they are unlimited. However one day we are bound to run out. Your task is to either raise awareness about sustainability or create/ design something that tackles a common sustainability problem. Background/Considerations You will need to consider who is most effected by climate change. Perhaps the younger generation will be more involved in this sort of thing? Do people need to be made aware of what changes need to be made? Think about the format of the final solution. Techniques that are sustainable should be used and exploration into this will be very beneficial. Mandatory Requirements - Thorough research into the chosen topic - Design Boards - Blog posts outlining the process and design decisions - An evaluation Deliverables: - A realised design solution or campaign.


Brief 4: Star Pack Awards Timescale: 5 weeks

Deadline 10th April 2017

Studio Brief A new online health brand is launching that promises to prepare, pack and deliver fresh meals, snacks and drinks to healthconscious consumers’ homes and workplaces in 90 minutes or less. Create a solution using cartonboard as the primary packaging material to deliver products through this innovative, on-demand supply chain. Orders may range from a single meal to multiple items. The design must also provide a positive and engaging experience to delight the end-user and encourage brand-loyalty.


Background/Considerations Shopping and lifestyle habits are changing. In our fast-paced, tech-enabled lives we demand convenience but without sacrificing on health. It’s no longer just about cutting calories, but also about what is good for ourselves and the planet. • The needs of each user in the supply chain. • How to protect and preserve the products. • A clear style or graphic system that is appropriate to the brand’s healthy credentials. • Use of colour, board materials and finish. • Identify and research the target market. Materials to be used Cartonboard. Any other materials and technologies Mandatory Requirements - Design Boards - Blog posts outlining the process and design decisions - An evaluation Deliverables: - Final packaging made from cartonboard

Brief 5: YCN Awards Timescale: 6 weeks

Deadline Not yet announced

Studio Brief YCN releases various briefs from different companies such as Desperados and Natwest to create designs for them.


I aim to choose a brief that will help people or the environment in some way. For example if there is a charitable cause. Background/Considerations - Designing for a external company will have to be more commercial. - The rest to be confirmed with the brief Mandatory Requirements - Design Boards - Supporting Blog posts - An evaluation - The final solution Deliverables: - Design Boards - Blog posts outlining the process and design decisions - The final solution - An Evaluation

Brief 6: YCN/D&AD Awards (Collab) Timescale: 4 weeks

Deadline Not yet announced

Studio Brief Inspiration This year I would like to do two YCN briefs however one of them I would like to do as a collaboration either with other courses or people on my course. Challenge yourself with something that you wouldn’t ordinarily do within a team. For example try art direction or something out of your comfort zone. Again I would like to choose a brief that is designed to help people or the environment would be better for me because I would be more passionate about it. Background/Considerations - Designing for a external company will have to be more commercial. - The rest to be confirmed with the brief Mandatory Requirements - Design Boards - Supporting Blog posts - An evaluation - The final solution Deliverables: - The final solution

Brief 7: Tackling Homelessness Timescale: 4 weeks

Studio Brief One issue that is definitely noticeable every time you go into the city centre is homelessness and people begging. And that pang of guilt you get when not being able to spare change for them. This cause is definitely one that needs to be tackled in Leeds and the surrounding areas. My initial idea was to talk to the common faces that you see on the side of the streets and hear their story. I think that this will make them seem more human to people who just see them as an annoyance. Background/Considerations Think about who would have money spare to donate to people (older target audience perhaps?) Could collaboration between other courses be a good idea for this brief? Perhaps photography for portraiture. Are you raising awareness or solving a problem? Mandatory Requirements: - Design Boards - Blog posts with progress of design - An Evaluation - Thorough research into the topic Deliverables: - The Final realised design - A body of research


Brief 8: RSA Awards: Re-Work

Pt 1

Timescale: 5 weeks

Deadline Early entry: 8th February 2017 Normal entry: 8th March 2017

Studio Brief This brief asks you to think about how we can address the surplus of redundant furniture products and materials from offices around the world due to the changing nature of how, when and where we work. Technological developments, societal changes and environmental imperatives have changed – and are continuing to change – work patterns and environments more rapidly than ever before; as a result, many workplaces have mass quantities of redundant office furniture in desperate needof a ‘new lease of life’.

financially damaging.

As businesses address changing work patterns and attempt to reduce their own environmental footprints, they discard old office equipment and furniture and then send millions of tonnes straight to landfill or to sit in warehouses while they figure out what to do with it.

As part of your response, you must also develop a business case to accompany your project proposal. The business case will be judged separately, but the best solutions will be those where the business case has informed the solution and vice-versa.

You are asked to pick a redundant office product and design a way of repurposing it for a new use to fulfil a need and create new prospects and opportunities, as well as change perceptions of waste and how we address it. You may choose any product you like, but strong suggestions include: large single desks originally designed to accommodate much larger pieces of office equipment such as deep LCD monitors and keyboards under-desk drawer pedestals, generally designed to keep small office and personal supplies – may be mobile or fixed in one location metal filing cabinets designed to store papers in file folders For detailed information and dimensions of the three standard products above, see the ‘Re-work’ Toolkit on our website. You are asked to consider how we can use and reuse existing materials and products in their entirety or their component parts in new ways. It is important to remember that existing manufactured products in the buildings and environments around us represent limited resources that we have already extracted from the earth as well as sunk costs for the businesses that invested in them. Thinking of these products as ‘waste’ when they reach the end of their current life is both environmentally and

Successful submissions will articulate the full journey of the product from its current form (as a desk, under-desk pedestal, filing cabinet, or whatever it may be) through to its new use/s and any support services, as well as its eventual end of life. You are encouraged to think beyond just finding a ‘home’ for old furniture that will see the same problem repeatitself and more about how we can truly repurpose physical material through a combination of manufacturing and service models.

Your solution should be a new piece of furniture, product or piece of equipment and may also be accompanied by a proposal for a new system, service or business model. For the purposes of illustration only, the following would all be viable responses: a new product (or product suite) made from the component parts of old office furniture a new material made by disassembling redundant materials and reassembling or recycling them in new ways a product and service model that creates new business opportunities for companies that have already invested in now redundant office equipment a new product combined with a communication solution that promotes the idea of waste as a valuable resource a new design for a future-proofed product or furniture design solution that anticipates and responds to people’s needs made from a product that hasn’t … and many others are possible.

Brief 8: RSA Awards: Re-Work

Pt 2

Background/Considerations and may include diagrams and/or charts as Social and environmental benefit – how does your appropriate. For more information on how to design benefit society and/ or the environment? write a business case, visit the ‘Re-work Toolkit’ Research and insights – how did you investigate this page of the RSA Student Design Awards website issue? What were your key insights? • Optional YouTube / Vimeo + website links Please Design thinking – how did your research and insights note that we cannot guarantee supporting films inform your solution? How did you develop, test, and websites will be viewed at the shortlisting iterate and refine your concept? Demonstrate the stage. If you have created digital materials, we journey you’ve been through to the end result recommend referencing them (for example by Commercial awareness – does your journey make including labelled film stills or website screen sense from a financial point of view? What is the grabs) in your 4 main PDF boards competitive environment your solution would sit within? Inspiration Execution – we are looking for a design that is pleasing and looks and feels well-resolved Magic – we are looking for a bit of ‘magic’ – a surprising or lateral design solution that delights Submission requirements

Mandatory Requirements - Design Boards - Supporting Blog posts - An evaluation - The final solution Deliverables • 1 x A3 PDF Hero image with 1 sentence description A singular ‘poster image’ that conveys the essence of your project, plus a 1 sentence strapline or description • 1 x A3 PDF Big Idea Summary A single A3 PDF page describing your ‘Big Idea’ in less than 250 words. This should clearly explain what your solution is, the specific area of need it addresses, and how you arrived at the solution • 4 x A3 PDF Boards Outlining Your Proposal 4 pages describing your proposal and demonstrating that you have met the six judging criteria. Each board should include a heading. Number each board in the top right hand corner, in the order they should be viewed by the judges • 10 x A3 PDF Pages of Supporting Material Up to 10 A3 PDFs of additional material illustrating your development process – this could include scanned pages of your sketchbook or computer modelling/sketches (if applicable) • 2-page A3 PDF Business Case You must also submit a business case in addition to the above. The business case should not exceed two pages

Brief 9: Client Led Brief Timescale: Dependent on Project

Studio Brief Inspiration I would like to complete a live brief for a client in order to learn the communication skills needed for the industry. Preferably I would like to design packaging or a brand identity. Also I would prefer to design for someone independent rather than a big corporate business. Background/Considerations - What sort of design would you like to focus in on? Try finding a brief that fits this. - Consider that what a client wants isn’t always what you would like to do as a designer. - The rest is to be announced with the brief Mandatory Requirements: - Design Boards - Blog posts with progress of design - An Evaluation Deliverables: - The final solution

Brief 10: Penguin Design Awards Timescale: 1-2 weeks

Deadline Not yet announced

Studio Brief RELEASED IN OCTOBER 2016 Redesign the book cover of the specified books (Adult Fiction, Adult Non-Fiction and Childrens) according to the brief.


Background/Considerations Reading the book that you are designing a cover for isn’t always necessary but it helps to put the novel into context. Consider this when designing the covers. • Who is the book aimed at? • What’s the author’s personality, could this be included into the design? • What era is the book set? Mandatory Requirements: - An Evaluation - Blog posts outlining the process and design decisions - Design boards Deliverables: - Presentation Board(s) - The final book cover

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