Leeds College of Art Fresher's 2016

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Welcome to Leeds College of Art! My name is Adam Allsuch Boardman and I’m your Students’ Union President. We’ve put together this guide to give you a taste of what to expect when starting College. The guide will also give you an introduction to the Students’ Union, the city of Leeds and what we have planned for you at Freshers. Throughout the year your Students’ Union will organise activities, campaigns, events and fundraising, run the student magazine ‘NEST’ and support societies, sports teams and the Student Representatives. From all of us at the Students’ Union, enjoy the rest of your summer and we hope that you’re excited about the year ahead! We know we are! We look forward to meeting you all. - Adam Allsuch Boardman

Find us @leedsartsu lcasu.org.uk #lcasu


Meet your


Students’ Union -7-

Events Officer: Anna Watkins events@students.leeds-art.ac.uk

Events Officer: Nur Habibah Ishak events@students.leeds-art.ac.uk

Campaigns Officer: Amy Callaghan campaigns@students. leeds-art.ac.uk

Societies Officer: Milly Guy societies@students. leeds-art.ac.uk

Student Governor: Kimberley Burrows governor@students.leeds-art.ac.uk

Raise and Give Officer: Memory Potifa rag@students.leeds-art.ac.uk

Welfare Officer: Emily Webster welfare@students. leeds-art.ac.uk

Honorary Member: Tami

Editorial Officer: Erin Blamire editorial@students.leeds-art.ac.uk

Full Time Student President: Adam Allsuch Boardman president@students.leeds-art.ac.uk


Communication Officer: Hattie Windley communications@students. leeds-art.ac.uk

Representing you As your Students’ Union, it is our mission to help make sure every single student is represented throughout the College. The Student Representative system allows each student to provide valuable feedback to help improve their experience and the College as a whole. Students in each course and programme elect their own Student Reps who provide a link to College staff and management; enabling suggestions, opinions and the voice of students to be heard. Elected Student Reps are provided with training, guidance and continued support from the SU. We’ve popped in our mini Rep guide for more information about being a Student Rep, please take a look and get in touch if you would like to know more! Each spring, we hold the Students’ Union Elections. Elected students from across the College make up the Students’ Union team, working together to improve the experience of student life here at College. As your SU, the team will listen to your ideas and opinions, organising campaigns, events, activities & societies that you want to get involved in. Your Students’ Union Elections give every student the opportunity to decide who will lead the SU for the next 12 months. Ensure your voice is heard and make your vote count!


Societies, Activities & Events The SU supports a number of societies that you can join, they are a great way to meet new people! These groups are set up and run by our students and are open to all. If you’ve got an interest and want to get other students involved, we can help you get a society up and running with support provided throughout. Contact Societies Officer Milly Guy to set up a society! We also run MOVE, our weekly fitness classes. It’s just £15 to become a member for the year, which gives you unlimited access to all of the classes! For those of you on a Foundation or BA course, the MOVE membership also gives you a chance to join our Women’s Netball Team or Men’s Football Team. Visit our online shop at lcasu.org.uk to purchase your 2016 - 2017 membership and join one of our teams!

LCASU Societies

• Anime Society • Cheese Society • Christian Union Society • Comic Arts Society • Conscious Creatives (Sustainability) • Film Society • Gaming Society • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer plus (LGBTQ+) • Life Drawing Society • Hulla Hooping Society • Raise and Give Society (Fundraising) • Snow Society Want to know more about societies? Head to www.lcasu.org.uk

Through out the year, the SU will put on loads of other events and activities! Keep up to date at lcasu.org.uk and don’t forget to follow us on social media @leedsartsu!

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Leeds is one of the largest and most diverse cities in the country and there is plenty to see and do. Leeds has some of the best music venues, galleries, parks and attractions. Whilst you’re studying here you should take full advantage of what the city has to offer. Throughout the year, your SU is here to promote the best opportunities and events for you to get involved in!

Studying at Blenheim Walk

Studying at Vernon Street

The Blenheim Walk site is home to our Degree level and Masters programmes. Here you’ll find a large library resource, gallery, paper and textiles print room, sound booths and a number of photographic studios.

Our Vernon Street site, established way back in 1846, is based in the city centre and is home to our Foundation, Extended Diploma and Access to HE courses. Vernon Street houses one of the College’s printing studios, for paper based printing such as letter press and paper screen printing. As well as a digital print resource, the College’s photography darkroom facility is situated here, alongside a great library.

Your SU can be found in the Mosaic Café so come say hello!

Your SU office can be found at the Rossington Street side of the building next to Student Welfare.

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Stude Supp During your life at College there may be times when you feel you need guidance or support; the Student Support teams are here to help.

arranging support such as specialist study skills tuition, mentoring, practical support and note-taking, we arrange screenings and assessments for students who have, or think they may have, dyslexia or another Specific Learning Difficulty. - English as an additional language tuition

Student Support at LCA includes the Student Welfare and Academic Support teams, together we provide a professional, confidential, and free services to all students at College. The different teams provide an integrated service, which makes sure that the support and advice given to students is appropriate and relevant, equipping and enabling you to succeed.

You can email Academic Support in confidentiality on their dedicated email – DSA@leeds-art.ac.uk

Student Welfare provides:

- Counselling - Health and Wellbeing support - Financial Support - Disability support - Support is also available for students who are care leavers who have been in local authority care for three months or more - We work in conjunction with our accommodation providers to support you whilst you are away from home. You can email Student Welfare in confidentiality on their dedicated email – studentwelfare@leeds-art.ac.uk

The College has a great support network, we aim to remove the barriers that students may face, and support you to work as independently as possible. The services are free to all students and they work to standards of strict confidentiality.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + (LGBTQ+)

We aim to provide our students with an opportunity to reach out and explore the LGBTQ+ community of Leeds and within other Universities in the area.

Your SU will work with other institutions to create a comprehensive network of contacts and information in order to provide support and act as a welfare body to LGBTQ+ students in the College.

Academic Support provides: - Disability Support including help to access disability related funding,

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ent port Accommodation

House hunting needn’t be a nightmare! We’ll help you find your dream house or flat. The Students’ Union works with local housing charity Unipol to offer useful information and support.

To make sure you find the best accommodation for you, we provide a contract checking service and offer great advice at our house hunting talks and info stalls.

Welfare Officer

Whether you have questions about accommodation, LGBTQ+ matters, mental health, sexual health or anything else, our Welfare Officer can talk with you and point you in the right direction.

You can email our Welfare Officer, Emily, in confidentiality on our dedicated email – welfare@students.leeds-art.ac.uk

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£ £ £

Budgeting Amy, our Campaigns Officer, has put together her top five tips for saving money as a student in Leeds. 1. Get an NUS Extra card Not only should you buy an NUS Extra card from the SU, you should ask shops if they provide student discount as it is not always advertised. Beat the queues and buy your card online now to get your card in time for Freshers; Visit cards.nusextra.co.uk

and other health services including optical and dental care. You must fill out this form to qualify. http://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/ HealthCosts/1128.aspx

2. Pre-booking and Student Travel Cards Pre-purchasing your travel can save you money on both train and bus travel. Student travel cards also provide up to around a third off adult prices. https://www.firstgroup.com/students/ http://www.16-25railcard.co.uk 3. Split the price of your rail journeys Instead of buying tickets for the whole of your journey, buying separate tickets for separate parts can slash the price – even for the same train. It's perfectly allowed within the National Rail Conditions of Carriage but the train must call at the stations you buy tickets for. Visit www.moneysavingexpert.com/splitcheap-train-tickets/ 4. Get yourself an HC1 medical form Students may be able to claim exemptions or discounts on prescriptions

5. Shop in Kirkgate Market and Share! Leeds is privileged to have a vibrant market, with fantastic deals on fruit, vegetables, meat and household items. Cooking meals between friends or bulk cooking will also save you a fortune in food costs. www.leedsmarkets.co.uk/m/kirkgatemarket For more tips, visit www. moneysavingexpert.com/students/ student-guide If you have any further questions feel free to get in touch with Amy at; campaigns@students.leeds-art.ac.uk

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Checklist Here’s a handy checklist to make sure you have everything you need to settle in well.

Important Document

• College Documents • Driving Licence (paper and photocard) • I.D. • National Insurance Number • NHS Number • Passport • Room/house insurance • Student Finance Documents


• Air fresheners • Bedding • Cleaning products • Clothes horse • Hangers • Hot water bottle • Laundry bag • Sleeping bag • Washing powder


• Blue-tac • Cutting mat • Lined paper • Paperclips • Pens & pencils • Portfolio • Post-it notes • Sketchbook


• Bottle opener • Cutlery • Frying/sauce pan • Kettle • Mugs & glasses • Plates & bowls • Sponges & tea towels • Tin opener • Washing up liquid • Wooden spoons

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• Books • Camera • Earplugs • Extension lead • Headphones • Pack of cards • Potted plants • Washing up liquid


• Allergy medication • Bath mat • Cold & Flu remedy • Multivitamins & painkillers • Plasters • Toilet roll & box of tissues • Toothbrush/toothpaste • Towels

It’s really important that you bring all the required documents with you to enrolment. These are; • I.D. (Passport or Driving Licence) • Qualification – Original certificate or Official Notification • Fee payment – Documented proof of payment made or proof that SLC or other sponsor is paying. Without any of these, you will not be able to enrol!

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