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EDITOR’S NOTE: The following companies submitted these editorial profiles and images to complement their advertisements placed elsewhere in this issue. Please refer to those advertisements for web site and contact information. All statements and claims are attributable to the companies.
Bid Group
Backed by several decades of experience, BID Group has all it takes to offer high-performance and innovative technologies. BID understands that quick and efficient equipment is an integral part of the optimal solution. BID’s new Variable Tool Opening (VTO) debarker has enabled sawmills to increase productivity and profitability.
The VTO debarker is the only integrated debarking system currently available on the market. This system allows the debarking tools to be positioned in real time, which is a unique feature. Moreover, the VTO debarker operates at the highest speed, with a capacity of up to 40% higher, reaching 600 FPM+. This high performance is achieved because the VTO debarker has no air seal friction, which would otherwise limit the ring RPM or tool positioning. In addition, the VTO debarker is designed with ultra-robust parts and a strong structure, which ensures its durability. Furthermore, it is designed for easy maintenance.
Using BID’s VTO debarker leads to remarkable results such as unsurpassed debarking speed and exceptional debarking performance. But how are these results achieved?
The debarking process begins on the infeed conveyor, where a scanner determines the diameter of each log. Based on this data, the debarker pressrolls and arms are prepositioned for optimal debarking.
To ensure stability and alignment, there are side, top and bottom rolls that center and hold the log before it enters the ring. These rolls are fluted and shaped like an hourglass. A laser beam provides feedback on the position of each set of rolls, which is used in closed loop with proportional valves for more precise control. Each feed module has one motorization using heavy-duty gear to transmit the power to each roll.
The position and pressure of the debarking tool arms are controlled by a single servo motor for fast and precise responses. The VTO debarking tools are prepositioned and closed according to the log’s diameter as soon as it enters the ring. The force used for debarking is determined based on the log’s diameter and other debarking conditions. Each arm has a pre-charged airbag to ensure it follows the surface of the fiber. The six airbags are plumbed together to ensure constant pressure.
BID debarker rings are available in 17 in., 22 in. 27 in., 31 in. and 35 in..
Learn more on how BID’s VTO debarking tools can improve your sawmill by contacting your sales representative today.
BM&M Screening Solutions offers a wide selection of custom high speed gyratory screening machines for wood processing and wood bioenergy industries. A variety of screening machine sizes are available to meet specific capacity requirements. Element areas available range from 12 sq. ft. up to 600 sq. ft.

The CS Model is BM&M’s highest energy high speed gyratory screener. It provides maximum productivity and recovery of clean and acceptable product for the most demanding high-volume applications. It delivers increased capacity and decreased annual energy and maintenance costs.
BM&M engineers provide extensive before and after sales service that includes complementary lifetime factory testing, building load calculations, sub-base engineering, courtesy startup supervision, and stocked aftermarket parts facilities throughout the United States and Canada.