Art Process Inspector
Dr. Peter Vittali examines.
Art Process Inspector 2001; work in progress; Performance, intervention, live-sculpture
Art Process Inspector is an art work by Haus am
tive as API Art Process Inspector for Haus am Gern.
Gern that was developed as an adequate means to
He fulfills this role on a voluntary basis and without
access new scopes of activity in the complex field
supervision. His duties include the critical surveil-
of art production. Haus am Gern placed job adver-
lance of artistic processes and events within Swit-
tisements in art magazines searching for an Art Pro-
zerland and abroad, as well as occasional written
cess Inspector and received 16 applications. The
analyses and explanatory lectures on projects by
certified IT specialist, artist, performer and musician
Haus am Gern. The results are regularly published
Dr. Peter Vittali got the job and has since been ac-
as Haus am Gern special editions.
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Powered by art? Do you enjoy process and project orien ted work? Do you see yourself involved in the develop ment, facilitation and optimal delivery of processes, ta king on a key role in a dynamic working environment? For the support of our team, we require an Art Process Inspector If you enjoy facing exciting challenges on a daily basis and are committed to vision and excellence in the arts, you could be the person we are looking for. Proven experience of life preferred. Please send your complete application care of: Haus am Gern / External HR Services Paul-Robert Weg 11/ 2502 Biel-Bienne
Dr. Peter Vittali reads.
Dr. Peter Vittali represents.
“Art makes him feel at home anywhere�