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Chat forum on, dated 03.07.-07.07.2003 Sender: Horsi, on 04.07.2003 Subject: Answer from the Community Council - Project Fallada I just received the following email from the Community of Rapperswil: “We received many outraged emails and responses concerning the project “Fallada”. We fully understand these reactions. We would like to clarify our position with regard to this issue by stating once and for all that the Community never gave the green light for the project. The Community Council had no influence over the nature of the individual projects presented at the RAPP exhibition. The Community Council denied the request by the artist couple Steiner/Meyer for permission to drop a horse from the sky, with the following explanation: “… your letter of 15th May requested permission for an art project involving the drop of a horse carcass into an old tractor. In its meeting of 2nd June 2003 the Community Council took note of your request and unanimously reached the decision not to issue a permit for the project. According to article 86, paragraph 2, clause c of the ordinance on air traffic regulation, the communal authorities are responsible for the permission of aviation activity if no more than two helicopters are involved. From our point of view, permission cannot be granted. We would like to defend our decision as follows: The Council demonstrated its interest in the arts by granting its financial support to the project RAPP. Unfortunately we are concerned that the public, who are not aware of the details of your project, is likely to react with incomprehension and will therefore not favor our financial commitment to the arts. From an ethical point of view, there is no justification for the project. We are of the opinion that the misuse of a carcass for an art project breaches the dignity of the animal. Further aspects of our decision are concerns for security and public health. We dread to imagine the consequences if anything happened, such as the spread of disease or an accident involving the public as a result of the drop. The Community Council cannot and may not take on this responsibility. In a rural community like Rapperswil, where agriculture is central and animals are an important part of daily life, people simply wouldn’t understand this project. We therefore believe the image of the entire RAPP project would be damaged if we granted permission for your undertaking.” We hope that you understand the position of our Community. We are convinced that the project may never be realised. For further questions, please contact the artists directly (” There you go! Horsi Answer to this question

Sender: Migge on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada Ha, you were faster ;-) Really, I’m beginning to ask myself whether all this is some kind of farce. But so what, it’s macabre and perverted anyway … I think if these guys show up tonight, they’ll be lynched. Answer to this question Sender: Horsi on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada *g*... sorry.... thought others might have the same idea … totally idiotic what these artists are doing … Answer to this question Sender: claudia r. on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada but it doesn’t mean they’ll actually do it. And even if it’s just a provocation, it’s totally out of order. They’ve gone too far. Answer to this question Sender: Horsi on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada There’s no way they’ll do it without permission, forget it … the pilot won’t be dumb enough to fly without permission either … Answer to this question Sender: Sanja on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada Great they’re not allowing it, giving a permit to these guys would have been out of order. But these so called “artists” got what they wanted: publicity (of the bad kind!). I don’t believe they really expected to get permission for something like that … but on the other hand, who knows what people think who come up with such primitive ideas in the first place … Answer to this question Sender: Chrigi on 04.07.2003

Subject: RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada I got it, brilliant attitude by the Community, well done!! Did you see by the way, our answers are up on the Fallada website!!! Right at the top, under “Answers from the Mailbox”! Answer to this question Sender: Cöru on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada Sorry where are the answers? … I can’t find them anywhere??? Answer to this question Sender: Cöru on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada ok found it … Answer to this question Sender: Steffi AG on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada what’s their homepage? *totally missed topic coz of so much school and only just read* Answer to this question Sender: Sanja on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada Without permission this project is dead anyway... Answer to this question Sender: anu on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada Animalpeace has also been informed and will campaign against this … ;-) Answer to this question Sender: Steffi AG on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada helllooo… still don’t know the homepage address, can someone be nice and give it me, don’t fell like

Ad in free newspaper “Fundgrube”

reading three pages of chat from the last two days *g* Answer to this question Sender: Chrigi on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada Answer to this question Absender Steffi AG der 04.07.2003 Betreff: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada thanx Answer to this question Sender: anu on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council Project Fallada Can’t find the tab “Answers from the Mailbox” anywhere. Can you help?? Answer to this question Sender: Horsi on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council Project Fallada Anu, here’s the link: Answer to this question Sender: FALLADA on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada TODAY FRIDAY 4th July 19.30h, SPECIAL PUBLIC GUIDED TOUR in Rapperswil BE Contrary to the rumours, no horse-drop will take place. Everyone in Rapperswil is talking about the issue of the dead horse that two artists want to drop onto an old tractor as part of the project “rapp – art in public space”. The community council receives endless

FALLADA, or The Creation of an Urban Legend in a Rural Setting 2003 Intervention Mixed media; tractor, poster, various print-media and internet reports rapp – Kunst im ruralen Raum, Rapperswil (BE), curated by Verein Kultur-Chrääje and artist group UNO, 22 June – 17 August 2003 In the context of an open air exhibition dedicated to “art in rural space” Haus am Gern announced the drop of a dead horse from a helicopter onto a tractor parked in a field. The intention, explained Haus am Gern, was to translate an infamous urban legend, which had appeared in various media over the years, into the context of the Swiss rural heartland. According to the legend, Russian soldiers stole a cow on the island of Sakhalin, in the Sea of Okhotsk north of Japan, and took it away by aircraft. During the flight the animal panicked and to avoid a crash the soldiers pushed the cow out of the plane. The cow, so the legend continues, fell

onto a Japanese fishing boat and sank it. The crew were able to save themselves onto dry land, but were subsequently accused of insurance fraud because no one could believe their story. Haus am Gern’s reinterpretation of the story turned the sea into a field, the boat into a tractor and the cow into a horse. Searching for an old tractor in preparation for the exhibition, Haus am Gern contacted all the suppliers of agricultural machinery in the region and told them about their plan, immediately turning the story into a rumor that spread like wildfire. After some initial hesitation, the farmers Hans and Vreni Ruchti from Rapperswil made a field available for the event. An old tractor was also found for rent, albeit at an excessive price. A billboard poster in the style of tractor-pulling or monster car events also drew attention to the upcoming helicopterdrop. Since the local reclamation centre for animal cadavers refused to make a horse carcass available, Haus am Gern placed advertisements in various animal and art magazines under the heading “Wan­ ted: Dead Horse for Art Project”. As a result, the Swiss Equestrian Federation appealed to its mem-

phone calls from concerned and outraged citizens, there is a lot of general confusion out there … -What are the aims of the artists with this project? -How far can art go? These and other questions may be discussed with the artist couple Barbara Meyer Cesta and Rudolf Steiner as well as the organisers of the event at a special guided tour on Friday 4th July at 19.30h. The inhabitants of Rapperswil (and all other interested parties) are very welcome to this event! Meet at the post office. Answer to this question Sender: dani on 04.07.2003 Betreff: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada @ fallada: I don’t care what your aims are, it’s just f****d up Answer to this question Sender: Nadia N. on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada Found the following comment from Radio Argovia, Alex Moser, on the homepage of Hausamgern: Dear Mrs. Meyer Cesta, As promised I am enclosing the reports (interview of 3-7-03). For the second report I also interviewed Mrs. Zwez. In the meantime, the German TV channel RTL contacted us; they want to know when the horse will drop and would like to film it. I presume it will take place to the exclusion of the public. If this is not so, please contact me. Kind Regards These TV channels have no shame!!! Answer to this question Sender: dani on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada THAT’S SO TYPICAL, FUCKING RTL!!!! They’re just hot for a sensation and if they don’t get it they make one up!!!!!! Answer to this question Sender: Steffi AG on 04.07.2003

bers as well as all veterinarians and abattoirs in Switzerland not to sell a dead horse to Haus am Gern. The pilots of HELISWISS, sometimes known as the Swiss “air cavalry”, also refused to “desecrate” their helicopters. Haus am Gern emphasised throughout that the drop would only be carried out with all the necessary permits in place. For this reason, from the first day of the exhibition all applications and responses from public authorities were published and regularly updated online and at the local information centre. The many angry letters and emails as well as the extensive media coverage from Switzerland and much of Europe were made available in the same way.

animation on their website proves that what they do is art”. One morning, the tractor had disappeared. Days later it emerged that the Friends of Antique Agricultural Machinery (FAAM) had kidnapped the old-timer in order to save it from destruction by the falling horse. Since the permits could not be obtained, the event never took place. The dead horse, however, lingered on in people’s minds.

When the outrage of the local community and the horse lovers reached its climax, the community council of Rapperswil organised an impromptu public podium in the field next to the tractor. The emotional discussion partly took place on horseback and concluded with the ultimate demand to stop the plans, which Haus am Gern refused on the basis of artistic freedom. In a TV talk show the director of the Kunstmusem in Bern, Matthias Frehner, argued that “the quality of the

Subject: RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada that’s not typical for RTL, it’s typical for German TV … they’re all soft in the head anyway Answer to this question Sender: NADJA der 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada yeah it was just a matter of time!! thought this might happen when I read you had informed the “Blick” – these tabloids are just as hot for a sensation!!! Answer to this question Sender: Steffi AG on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Answer by the Community Council - Project Fallada all newspapers, in fact all media, are like that, it’s just reality … Answer to this question Sender: Staegi on 03.07.2003 Subject: Fallada Hi everyone, I’ve heard there will be a protest tomorrow night, is that true? Answer to this question Sender: lilo Wyss on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Fallada yes best thing is to come with your living horses, they probably don’t even know that horses can be used for anything but dropping them from the sky as art objects. Greetings from Answer to this question Sender Guru on 03.07.2003 Subject: Fallada I’m pretty sure now, about Fallada. The preparation for this event is the project, not the event itself. I’m pretty sure it’s never going to happen. Answer to this question Sender: tina on 03.07.2003

Project sketch

Subject: RE : Fallada Now I’m totally loosing it with all this Fallada stuff!!! I don’t believe these weirdos aka artists (have you seen the rest of their homepage??) will get the permission to drop a carcass from the sky, you’re not even allowed to bury pets in your garden in Switzerland!!!! So the publicity these people want the definitely got it! I doubt that the inhabitants of Rapperswil want to look at a smashed-up horse on a tractor …!! xx Tina, who could puke just thinking about this (sorry, but it’s true!) Answer to this question Sender: Patricia on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Fallada so after my emails that I sent to the community, also to the department for culture at the parliament, all bounced back, I now re-sent them to the general info email of the national parliament and the community council. And I threatened them with there would be public consequences if the event takes place! So far I didn’t get any response from the community or from mr couchepin of the department of home affairs! Answer to this question Sender: Cöru on 03.07.2003 Betreff: RE : RE : RE : Fallada Hello Patricia i work at an office at Home Affairs, but not in the correct department … your email will first be forwarded to the responsible department and then to the right office … it will take at least until tomorrow … best, Cöru Answer to this question Sender: Patricia der 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada ok, well as long as I get a reaction from them! I mean, I don’t care if they are serious about it or whether our reactions are meant to be the project, in my opinion the lengths modern art goes to are just totally decadent and despicable, and someone should put a stop to it. I mean oh my God, when a woman in a bikini appears on a poster for H&M, the whole country is in uproar because it’s pornography, but when artists do this kind of publicity stunt, NOTHING happens??????? wtf????? On a political level nothing happens and THAT makes me sick. I’d rather have thousands of so called porno-posters from

H&M than one of those stories that haus zum gern spreads, urban legends – not sure whether I should laugh or puke. Answer to this question Sender: Samira on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Fallada Well … if they describe these preparations as ‚art‘, they can’t be right in the head. Loads of people do this kind of stuff every day (organising all sorts of events I mean ...). If it’s meant to be a joke, it really is a fucking joke. Answer to this question Sender: NADJA on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Fallada Gurrrrrrrrru and how do you explain the involvement of the authorities in all of this??? You don’t honestly think they would play along with this, do you??? Answer to this question Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Fallada The idea is to plan the event professionally, to do go through all the proper legal channels in order to create a controversy. Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Fallada What would we do without an art-critic like you amongst us?! Answer to this question Sender: Chrigi der 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada Read the comments on their homepage and you’ll start to see through their perverted game … Answer to this question Sender: Guru der 03.07.2003

Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada Do I know you? I used to have a girlfriend called Elsbeth! Answer to this question Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada And btw she was much nicer than you!! Answer to this question Sender: NADJA on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Fallada Aha and that’s the reason they publicise it??? To provoke the whole world??? Then why not put a password on their homepage at least!!!!!!!!!! And the authorities wouldn’t play along in a pseudo-event like this, forget it!!! Anyway: why is no one reacting to the emails? If it really is a joke, people would tell the truth eventually, at least now that everyone is worked up about it!!!!!!! Answer to this question Sender: Chrigi on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Fallada Perhaps they are just LEADING THEM ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! Answer to this question Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Fallada One more thing: if you do anything illegal, you’ll be out in the cold, because the Falladas have been careful to stay on the right side of the law. And one last thing: Tomorrow, I will slaughter a calf on Station Road and distribute the meat to those in need!! I have engaged the legal counsel of Dr. jur. Brinkman! Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Fallada Do you have a problem?? Why don’t YOU throw yourself out of a helicopter … then no dead horse would suffer for it and we’d be rid of the smart asses on this forum!

Answer to this question Sender: Guru der 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Fallada Do I know you? Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada Why would I know someone who calls himself „Guru“?! Answer to this question Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada Lucky me!! Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada Whatever, it’s enough to have one smart ass in the family I don’t need to know any more personally, thanx! Answer to this question Sender: Guru der 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada At least his ass is nice and smart. I’m interested, does it still smell of shit? Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada Tell me are you by any chance male and work at the local newspaper … then we do know each other! I keep running into idiots like you all over the place. Answer to this question

Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada Yes, I’m male! Probably as usual the only one on here today. Standards are rapidly falling around here!!!!! Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada ooooh, now you’re using big words … falling standards! I’m so impressed. Answer to this question Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada Elsbeth, how old are you? Answer to this question Absender elsbeth der 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada Why? Do you only hit on witty, young, attractive women? But fine, I’m 23 years young. Answer to this question Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada Witty? Why do you think you’re witty? Just because you like to swear your opponents into submission? Answer to this question Sender: Patricia der 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Fallada just make fun of us and get yourself worked up about other stuff – i don’t give a shit! I think this whole topic, whether it’s finally realised, or whether it’s already realised without needing the real event, it’s just disgusting. Nice if you can laugh about it, I find the whole idea the contempt of humanity. Answer to this question Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003

Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada No, I’m picking a fight with Betty at the moment! Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada It’s still the divine Elsbeth to you!!! Answer to this question Sender: Patricia on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada hey, that’s your problem, not mine … fight with whoever you want – I think your statement above is sick and now you’re just writing wishy washy willy shit … you just prefer to fight and chit chat than making a real point! oh well, each to his own, and for me this thread about your person is now concluded! Answer to this question Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada Ups sorry, what did I get myself into?! Which of my statements do you mean exactly, this whole thing is getting a bit chaotic! Answer to this question Sewnder: Patricia on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada know wot: forget it! as i said, you just wanna pick a fight and I really don’t need to waste my time typing to feed your ego – *smile* … we can “discuss” stuff another time, I’m not saying you’re a complete idiot or anything, because I don’t have prejudices – but this thread is totally pointless. Answer to this question Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada I don’t think so at all!!!!!!!! And I’m not in here to pick a fight. I just wanted to state my opinion about Fallada. Is that allowed?

Answer to this question Sender: Patricia on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada of course you’re allowed, although your cynical comments about the slaughter of a calf are not freedom of opinion but cynicism, and that always leads to a fight, at least when it’s a comment on such an emotional topic with so much involved in it! you should know that and what happened then with Elsbeth does count as picking a (small) fight. Answer to this question Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada You’re right. I probably need to rethink my performance. I don’t think that we can in any shape or form view this shite (Fallada) as art. But I did take the trouble to read all the verbal nonsense published on their website. I hope that these people do not live off public money, in which I case I would be forced to support this project by paying my taxes. However it does look to me like these freaks have a lot of time on their hands. It takes a lot of time to think up and go through with such a twisted form of provocation. Answer to this question Sender: Patricia on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada In the newspaper report and on radio argovia the „artist” said that there was a similar project in Berlin where a dead cow was chucked out of a helicopter while thousands of people stood and watched! That’s why I don’t believe that this whole project is about pure provocation, but that they really aim to do this. They think it’s about artistic freedom and they want to make sure Rapperswil never forgets the scenes of horror they produce (of course, just think of how receptive our consciousness is for such images!! GREAT IDEA!!). Yeah I also read the whole crap about urban legends – I’m amazed what our decadent society comes up with purely because of wealth and boredom – in that sense I think you’re completely right! They have too much time for freakish ideas! And just to make you really happy: of course we pay for this crap with our taxes, which are indirectly used for this sort of shit as well. Answer to this question Sender: Guru on 03.07.2003 Betreff: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada

Are you sure that the story about the cow is true? I would like to see a picture of this installation in Berlin. I think I’m more inclined to believe the story about the Russians. Well whatever, perhaps the summer heat has burnt the last bit of sense from these weirdos’ brains. Unfortunately or rather luckily, I am now going home and I’ve decided to forget about this story. I won’t go watch, but I also won’t demonstrate. I also won’t slaughter the calf of course, but maybe I’ll bring a pre-packed steak home, put it on the barbecue, and eat it. Answer to this question Sender: Patricia on 03.07.2003 Betreff: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Fallada no, of course I’m not sure, I wasn’t there! But I heard the interview with the „artist” and she mentioned the thing in Berlin and that they want to repeat it here. good idea – I’m doing the same. I’m going home to my lovely four-legged friend and riding will help me get my good mood back! On that note: have a nice evening. Answer to this question Sender: Leila G. on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Fallada You think you’re funny!!! I’d rather be „out in the cold” than shut up about this!!! Answer to this question Sender: Cöru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Fallada The address of this artist is: Steiner Rudolf Paul Robertweg 11 2502 Biel 032 341 37 37 Answer to this question Sender: NADJA on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Fallada His mobile number and annual income would be interesting too …

Answer to this question Sender: Mïa on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Fallada According to a colleague permission was NOT granted … „2 mins ago I spoke to the community clerk, Mrs. Guggisberg, and expressed my displeasure again verbally. The current situation is as follows: the community has NOT granted permission for this macabre game – it’s therefore unlikely to happen”. Answer to this question Sender: NADJA on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Fallada Did you see the homepage?? In the guest book a lawyer wrote that they don’t require a permit from the authorities … no idea whether that’s true??? But they are definitely trying to be clever getting as many legal opinions as possible so that no one will dare protest!!! Answer to this question Sender: Mïa on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Fallada They definitely need permission, or I could just shoot someone in Zurich and declare it’s art … artistic freedom is not as untouchable as they claim. These days you need a permit for everything. Answer to this question Sender: Staegi on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Fallada I wouldn’t be so sure about that, the way things are going. Answer to this question Sender: inge on 03.07.2003 Subject: This is sick!!! On a weekend in August a pair of artists wants to drop a dead horse from a helicopter onto a tractor in Rapperswil in the Bernese Lakes region. For the background information see this link: http:// I ask you to protest against this by email! The following email addresses may be used: President of the Community of Rapperswil, BE Fritz Ruchti, fritz.ruchti@; Vice president of the Community of Rapperswil BE Beat Weber,;

TV talk show BZ on 10th July 2003, with Dr. Matthias Frehner, director of Kunstmuseum Bern and Haus am Gern; moderation: Bernhard Giger

Community Council representative Rapperswil BE Ruth Erne,; the responsible artists: Answer to this question Sender: sandy on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : This is sick!!! Inge??? Good morning!! The forum is already buzzing with this!! Look at the discussions on this page. Answer to this question Sender: Anna on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : This is sick!!! *ggg* that’s like the millionth contribution to this topic! Understandably, it’s completely sick to call this „art” on top of everything. Answer to this question Sender: Chrigi on 03.07.2003 Subject: Dead Horse on Tractor I thought this was a bad joke, but read this: this is spine chilling!!! Please all protest!!!! Answer to this question Absender Chrigi der 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor yes, I read that obviously!!! But so far no one posted the direct link to the website, so I wanted to share that with you. There is a section there for comments, where you can send an email. But they’ve done it in a way that no one can write straight on the website, I wonder why … Answer to this question Sender: NADJA on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Chrigiiiii ... COPY CAT!!!! And don’t forget: copy to Protest!!!

Answer to this question Sender: Chrigi on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Why copy cat??? All I did was post the link to the Fallada website, no one mentioned it before!!! Answer to this question Sender: NADJA on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Yes, I did! But keep it easy … and don’t forget to write to the community!! That’s IMPORTANT! Answer to this question Sender: Horsi on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor I was just on that page. They have a sort of guest book or something … you can write comments on there!!! I’m just thinking about what to write … Answer to this question Sender: Nadia N. on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor I noted the the email addresses of the Community president and vice-president below. Perhaps it’s a good idea to write to them directly, because the general email is probably vetted before it reaches them. love Nadia Answer to this question Sender: Conny L. on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Hello Chrigi, Unfortunately I live in this shit village!!!! Tomorrow evening there is an orientation meeting at the post office at 19.30, so anyone who lives anywhere near this godforsaken nest, please come! I’ve seen the posters many times while driving past, but when I saw the information leaflet in the letter box two days ago I almost threw up with shock. That evening my sister told me she had seen it on TeleBern, which we don’t even get in this crap village. On the poster it says 22.6 -17.8, but I never heard about it

LE TEMPS of 26th July 2003

before. I’ll know more after tomorrow evening, but this is meant to be art?? I wonder who would offer their horse for this, or maybe the former owner would never know? I’m beyond shock, and I pay taxes and dog taxes and everything to this community. love Conny Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Birgit you’re brilliant!! The letter throws a punch … and if that doesn’t open those idiot politicians’ eyes, we’ll make sure they and their kids watch from the front row! Answer to this question Sender: Bea on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Isn’t the “Blick” newspaper into this sort of thing? Answer to this question Sender: Horsi on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Another thing: They did some research on the ethical and animal rights perspectives on dropping a horse on a tractor. All the answers of the places they wrote to are also up on the website!! Answer to this question Sender: pierre matile on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor All these activists should act, not REact, this is so fucked up, no comment!!! It’s unbelievably sad; we need to contact the press (I informed the Weekly Horse News). Horses, even dead horses, deserve out protection!! Answer to this question Sender: sandy on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Shall I contact the “Blick”???


GRAUHOLZ POST of 17th July 2003

What a load of shit!

art in action

Can I drop this horse already?

Have you never heard of art?

Answer to this question Sender: pierre matile on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor YES, definitely Answer to this question Sender: Brigit on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor great … in my opinion, it doesn’t matter what animal they plan to throw, we should get on the barricades! Whether it’s a dog, a cat, a cow, a camel … FOR ALL ANIMALS! Answer to this question Sender: Leila G. on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor I sent an email straight to these two idiot artists and one to the Community. I am so angry I could kill!!!!! I hope we get somewhere with this. Answer to this question Sender: Kirsten on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Are there local newspapers we might inform? Answer to this question Sender: Bea on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor They aim to hit the tractor from 70-100 meters above ground?? Firstly I think it’s outrageous, secondly I don’t think it can be done. PS: On the Fallada poster is the logo for (Touring Club Switzerland), top centre! How can they support such a thing! Answer to this question Sender: Kirsten on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor And if they do hit the tractor, can you imagine the mess? It’s just disgusting, no comment necessary re-

BIELER TAGBLATT of 3rd Juy 2003

nr. 28, 10th July 2003


A Politics of the People Degenerate Art

ally. And they call themselves “artists” … Answer to this question Sender: Cöru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Hey any of u guys up for making some noise in Rapperswil 2morrow???? Answer to this question Sender: sandy on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Rapperswil is too far for me, but I emailed the „Blick“. Perhaps they will show up. Answer to this question Sender: Cöru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Hi, what did u write them? Could write 2 TeleBern. Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Cöru, I’m in!!! Where and when? Answer to this question Sender: Cöru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Hi, wrote you an email Answer to this question Sender: sandy on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Hello Cöru Here’s what I wrote to „Blick“: Hello

Email from Amir Borenstein Subject: curiosity is the myth in the air? is the tractor in the field? is the farmer in his house? is the horse in the sky? is the helicopter in Irak?

As I have heard, a macabre event is planned in Rapperswil/BE. An “artist couple” wants to dump the body of a dead horse onto a tractor from a height of 70-100 meters. In my opinion, this violates both reason and common decency. Is our society really so sick that such an event can be viewed as art?? It appears that tomorrow evening there is an information session about this event at the village. You will find details of this on the homepage of these “artists”. I would be delighted if you could put a reporter to work on this and ensure that public pressure puts a stop to this project once and for all. Answer to this question Sender: Leila G. on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Has anyone informed Mr. Hunziker of Pericles Horse Protection? If not I’ll do that … Answer to this question Sender: Ines on 03.07.2003 Subject:RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor If possible, a few people should show up with horses at this info-thing, it would make the protest more effective. I can’t do it, I live in Canton Aargau. Answer to this question Sender: marion on 03.07.2003 Subject:RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor I can’t come either, I’m at a camp in the mountains … but horses would be very effective yes … Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject:RE : RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Horses, dogs, cats and especially kids … just bring anything that brings a tear to the eye! Answer to this question Sender: Kirsten on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Ines, the horses would go crazy, do you know the noise a helicopter makes when flying at that height?

Swiss Horse Droppings

should chuck themselves out of the helicopter instead.”

By now, the inhabitants of Rapperswil near Bern may find it difficult to make up their minds about what irritates them the most: on the one hand there is the disgusting thought of two artists dropping a dead horse onto a tractor from a height of several hundred meters; on the other, the growing realisation that the art project everyone has been talking about for weeks was not all it seemed. For the tractor is still standing unblemished in the middle of a field and the helicopter that was due to fly in and drop the meat is nowhere to be seen.

Meanwhile, the artists carefully collected all such manifestations of offence, as well as the benefit of publicity. For local news media, from the Bieler Tagblatt to the Seeländer Boten and from Radio Suisse Romande to Le Matin, fuelled the tense expectations regarding the tractor parked in the field. Something emerges here which has haunted contemporary art since Joseph Beuys under the name of “social sculpture”: a complex play of cause and effect between artistic idea, real circumstances and human behavior – presumably including this report. For the mass media enable so called “urban legends” – a variant of the common rumor – to develop and spread. And it is one such urban legend that Steiner and Meyer Cesta refer to: the often repeated story about the cow that was pushed from the hold of a freight plane above the Sea of Japan and sunk a fishing boat.

Partly this is due to administrative reasons. These are documented on the website of Rudolf Steiner and Barbara Meyer Cesta. For example, the decree – court fees: 450 Swiss francs – by the cantonal veterinary services prohibiting the transport by helicopter as well as the drop of the horse carcass in the canton of Bern. Or the ruling by the community council, which refused to grant permission for the undertaking due to concern about sanitary issues and damage to animal welfare. Or the directive by the Federal Office of Civil Aviation, based on article 81 of the relevant legislation, pointing out that only the objects and materials conclusively listed in paragraph 2 of the ordinance on air traffic regulation may be dropped without requiring special permission, and this does not include horse carcasses.

Further, it gradually emerged that Steiner and Meyer Cesta were aiming at something quite different from dropping a horse from a flying vehicle: they merely wanted to plant the idea that a horse might drop from the sky into the heads of people in Rapperswil and elsewhere. For this purpose they composed grotesque project proposals, distributed sketches and flyers, and pestered the authorities with nerve wrecking questions. They explained that the supposed danger of infectious disease would not increase with a drop from the air compared to a road traffic accident involving animals, and that Swiss law does not provide for special respect for the peace-in-death of animals. While legally correct, these arguments only served to increase the anger of the people. For out in the country particularly, people do not like horses falling from the sky. The village vet, for example, even went as far as threatening the artists with his loaded gun. The whole community debated the morality of art. Animal lovers, who found out about the project on the internet via an Austrian online horse-market or a German forum for racing news, recommended “these so-called, crazy artists

The balance between common sense and the fascination with myth is a precarious achievement of civilisation. An art that tips this balance causes distress. The community council of Rapperswil quickly regretted subsidising the equestr-aerial stunt as part of a program for the support of “art in rural space.” The final rejection letter from the council president ended with the apt phrase: “we hope you will be reasonable and thank you for your understanding.” BURKHARD MÜLLER-ULRICH Deutschlandfunk, 10.8.2003, Program: “Kultur heute” (“Culture Today”) at 5pm

Credits FALLADA Hosts Artistic support Field Tractor Helicopter pilot Legal Counsel

Kultur-Chrääje Rapperswil, Hans Liechti UNO (Trachsel/Gehbauer/Weisenstein) Ruth Erne, community councilor, Rapperswil Annelise Zwez Hans and Vreni Ruchti Fritz Spahr AG, Lengnau Claudine Stewart Dr. jur. Urspeter Meyer lic. jur. Urs-Peter Müller

You would risk your horses getting hurt. And then the remains of that poor horse’s body will not be a pretty sight. Clearly it is only humans who have a right to dignity in death … Answer to this question Sender: dani on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Answer to this question Sender: NADJA on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor I’ve copied out the dialogue between the organiser and the responsible vet. I think this vet should be contacted, from what he says he seems to be willing to take action too! Unfortunately I don’t live in the area either! Rudolf Steiner (rs) in conversation with vet Reusser and farmer Hans Ruchti, Rapperswil. by the stables on the Ruchti farm, 16th June 03 (noted down from memory by rs) Reusser: If you do this, my shotgun is loaded. rs: Who do you want to shoot? Ruchti: The flying horse maybe? Reusser: No, I will aim at those who came up with this idea in the first place. rs: It’s good to know where we’re at. Reusser: I have to say it as it is: anyone who comes up with an idea like that has a screw loose, is mad. If you try this thing, I will move heaven and earth to ensure that the Community does not give you any money, I will go to the top level of the Federal Government. After all, according to the new animal rights laws, animals are no longer mere things … rs: But there is no right to peace in death for animals in Swiss Law … Reusser: But still it’s completely perverted and has nothing to do with art. rs: I think you might have to leave the decision whether it’s art or not up to us. Reusser: I know very well that it has nothing to do with art. rs: Would you repeat that opinion on camera? Reusser: I don’t see the point of discussing it. The whole thing is so perverted and abnormal that I don’t want to talk about it.

The kidnapped Bührer 475 Tractorspeed, vintage 1978, 75 PS, on Alfred Ruchti’s farm in Bittwil.

rs: Could you be more precise about what you mean by ‚perverted‘? Reusser: I mean abnormal, deviant. The whole world is against what Bush did in Iraq and you want to go and do the same thing here, it’s perverted and has nothing to do with art. If you are really planning to go through with this, I will stand against you with all the force I can muster. Answer to this question Sender: Cöru on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Hey, that’s our vet … I’m sure he be with us tomorrow. Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Hey Cöru, can’t open my mailbox … stupid server … but will write back asap!!! Answer to this question Sender: Kirsten on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor An outrage towards animals and every animal lover. I protested sharply. Such an event is perverted and lacks dignity. Answer to this question Sender: Sara on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor I did an email to Tele-M1, for all those from Aargau!! x Sara Answer to this question Sender: pierre matile on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor „Blick“ has been informed in writing, too much is too much! Answer to this question Sender: dani on 03.07.2003

Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor just wrote to our local radio station and nationally to DRS 3 Answer to this question Sender: SteffiM on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor I just emails Radio Argovia too … hope no one else got there first! Oh well, it does not harm. Answer to this question Sender: sandy on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Fantastic, better safe than sorry! I told them too, but if more people contact them they will see we are serious about it. Answer to this question Sender: pink on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor has anyone written to the radio stations? I believe there are a few locally … Answer to this question Sender: pierre matile on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor From a newspaper in Biel … Tagblatt, 20th June 2003 A DEAD HORSE DOES NOT FALL FROM THE SKY Rapp – Art in Rural Space: „Fallada“ by rsbmc is making waves in advance (Annelise Zwez) When art engages with public space, it often causes strong responses that are more often than not based on misunderstandings. Such is the case with “Fallada” by Rudolf Steiner/Barbara Meyer Cesta (rsbmc). The artist duo from Biel works with stories, with possible stories. Their art is a tight rope walk between vision and reality. “Fallada”, their project for the exhibition “Rapp – Art in Rural Space” in Rapperswil

(see box inset) is already causing a stir before the exhibition is due to open next Sunday. Some dirty language and even threats have been making the rounds, because the “urban legend” of the dead horse that drops onto a tractor scares people as a vision of reality. Barbara Meyer, Rudolf Steiner – will a dead horse fall from the sky in Rapperswil? rsmbc: Not from the sky, but out of a helicopter. Whether it really will fall is uncertain. The parameters of our project include the possibility. But we work with artistic means. We transpose an urban legend into an art project. The place in which this becomes reality is rural space. What is real and what is or will remain a vision, stays open. We work with conceptual means, with images, and we create an imaginable land art sculpture with the aim of triggering reactions and stimulating thoughts. All our correspondence and all the responses we get are part of the project. They will be accessible to the public during the exhibition. What exactly is an urban legend? The stories that used to become myths through oral transmission today become urban legends. What turns up as an odd story in the media is multiplied, spreads through online networks, changes and returns in a different constellation. Legends correspond with the human need for stories. At the moment we are confronted with a whole range of “legends”, such as the story – now revealed to be at least partly fictional - of the young female soldier who was liberated by US troupes from an Iraqi hospital. Is that comparable? No, an urban legend has nothing to do with manipulation. It is not an instrument of power. It is a story with human substance. But the fact that we are working with legends at this time does of course have to do with the presence of a fictive reality and its consequences. What is the current status of your project in Rapperswil? Today the tractor that defines the location of the story will be driven to Rapperswil. The posters in the style of circus performances that announce the coming spectacle, but without giving any details, have been printed. Much earlier we contacted the responsible authorities about the process of getting a permit to drop a dead horse from a helicopter onto a tractor. We are not planning an illegal action; on the contrary, working within the structures of the law is important. What happens when a legend works towards its own realisation? What if, to name another urban legend, someone did in fact sell a hamburger with a finger in it?

“The field looked nicer with the tractor in it”, says Vreni Ruchti, wife of Hans Ruchti, not related by the way to Alfred Ruchti.

Who would actually be responsible for a permit? We inquired at the Civil Aviation Authority, the Cantonal Veterinary Services, the Community of Rapperswil, the Authority for the Disposal of Animal Waste, the Foundation for the Animal in Law. On the one hand the answers reflect the many levels of legal provision; on the other hand they are very direct about questioning the moral aspect of the project. The project is often envisaged in these responses as a kind of air show performed before a large crowd, which we never planned on. At this point, then, the story already begins to take on a life of its own and becomes, itself, a legend. What about the horse? We are currently searching for it using newspaper announcements. It’s not possible to buy a dead horse; it always remains in the possession of the owner, who is responsible for disposing of the body. It is possible however for someone to make a cadaver available for our project within the boundaries of the law. What is the primary trigger for the reactions you received? The main issue of course is the dead horse. There is a lot of talk about the so called “peace in death” for animals. However, this does not exist within Swiss law and that will not change with the new bill on animal rights. Otherwise we would all have to become vegetarians. Hence the law does not prohibit dropping a dead horse onto a tractor. Of course we are interested in this discussion and it is this that renders our project ambiguous, perhaps turning it into the opposite of what it seems at first glance. So the reactions, which go as far as threatening those involved and targeting sponsors to withdraw their support for the exhibition, are completely off the mark? No, one cannot say that, because the whole thing is a process. As long as one does not speak in person, there is a lack of trust; both sides don’t really know who they are dealing with. And artists are a priori suspicious in the eyes of many, because they pose uncomfortable questions. The web is woven on an emotional level that works against any reasonable, objective way of thinking. This is where we must and want to keep working. The story shall remain open to develop on the level of fiction as well as reality. Answer to this question Sender: dani on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor just wrote to our local radio and DRS 3

Answer to this question Sender: dani on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor What a load of SHIT!!!!!! Answer to this question Sender: claudia r. on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Hola! my juicy email has already been sent, hope lots of ppl join in this just makes me feel sick!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Answer to this question Sender: elsbeth on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor So when are we going to demonstrate tomorrow? I’m totally energised … these cretins will get what they deserve! Answer to this question Sender: Samira on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : Dead Horse on Tractor BRAVO! Guys, I’m really proud of you! For once we all agree (although it’s questionable how anyone could even have a different opinion on this!) Please all send a protest email, inform your local radio, tv and newspapers – this has to be banned from happening! Boo to the artist! Answer to this question Sender: sandy on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor My desk is full of work I need to get done, but this story has made me want to puke and I can’t even concentrate on work after that!! Answer to this question Sender: pierre matile on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor After all these hours at the office, I FINALLY had an idea: art is (also) provocation, the artists may have

staged all this to get a reaction, ART IS COMMUNICATION = we gave them loads of material, it’s possible that the whole exercise will never take place (everything just PRETEND), THEY EXPLOITED OUR EMOTIONS! One shouldn’t treat people that way ASS = Art is Sick and Stupid!!! Answer to this question Sender: Janine on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor very possible Mr Matile, but even the thought is sickening. ASS = Art is Sick and Stupid and PP = People are Pigs Answer to this question Sender: marion on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Does anyone know the email address of Radio B1? I got this email back from Radioaktuell: Thank you for the information. Unfortunately, the event takes place in the Canton of Bern, which is outside our broadcasting area. You should therefore contact a broadcaster in Bern. I recommend Radio B1 to you. Kind Regards, Radioaktuell @ pierre matile: I thought about that too, but it’s possible that it’s more than just provocation and therefore worth the effort … Answer to this question Sender: sandy on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Dear Mr. Matile, I thought something similar after I read the interview you copy-pasted. Answer to this question Sender: NADJA on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor Don’t think so, they’re totally serious about it! Why would they put out announcements looking for a horse for an art project? And why was everything prepared meticulously? (especially the homepage

including the animation!!) ??? No way, I don’t believe it’s all a fake!!! Answer to this question Sender: dani on 03.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor well if it is how he suggests above, then all of the preparation would be part of the deception. That would just be taking the piss, and retarded, sorry. Answer to this question Sender: FALLADA on 04.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor We are not ‚retarded‘, and we consider this use of the term inappropriate with regard to our fellow human beings with physical or mental disabilities. To get back on topic: have you ever considered why there is no such thing as PEACE IN DEATH for ANIMALS within Swiss law, including the new animal rights law? Answer to this question Sender: IS on 05.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : RE : Dead Horse on Tractor so we can EAT them but definitely not for perversions, even though I continue to believe that this is a successful fake. Tell me, if I come up with some mad idea, does that make me an artist? Answer to this question Sender: NADJA on 07.07.2003 Subject: Fallada ?? Who was at the information event? Is this thing happening now or what? Answer to this question Sender: Babs on 07.07.2003 Subject: RE : Fallada ?? No! No one gave their permission! Thank God! Answer to this question Sender: Steffi AG on 07.07.2003

Subject: RE : RE : Fallada ?? these people just wanted publicity – well they got it, but in the negative sense … now everyone recognises their names, but personally, if I even hear the names of those two dear „artists“, I feel like puking. Answer to this question Sender: Kirsten on 07.07.2003 Subject: RE : Fallada ?? Btw I got a longish email from the Community of Rapperswil. They REFUSED their permission for the project! YAY! At least those people are “normal”.

Answer to this question Sender: Steffi AG on 07.07.2003 Subject: RE : RE : Fallada ?? Article in the Sonntagszeitung: Answer to this question Sender: sandy on 07.07.2003 Subject: RE : Fallada ?? Did any of the local TV stations end up reporting it? Answer to this question

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