May 12, 2021 Hays Free Press

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Hays high jumper breaks 38-year school record.

Displaced Hays County kids get a sanctuary during transition period.

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© Barton Publications, Inc.


Hays Free Press

Vol. 127 • No. 7

Serving Hays County, TX

Kyle council clashes over board, commission policy BY MEGAN WEHRING

KYLE — Questions of what qualifies candidates for boards and commissions were raised Tuesday night as city leaders disputed the city’s unclear policy. The Kyle City Council denied a proposed task force that would review and update the boards and commissions policy by a 2-5 vote. Council members Dex Ellison and

County inches closer to indigent defense fund

Yvonne Flores-Cale voted in favor of the new task force. Ellison, who suggested a task force of two to three council members, said the 2017 policy needs to be updated to fit the number of interested candidates. “We have a good problem,” Ellison said. “We have a lot of people that are looking to be involved. I think some clarity in the policy would be helpful so residents know the

“I’m not in favor of creating a task force. I always look forward to any changes that a council member would want to bring forward. But, I don’t think the policy is broken. I’m not confused by it. –Mayor Pro Tem Rick Koch

path and what they must do in order to be a part of our boards and commissions.”

Ellison added that a few months ago there were some disagreements about whether the policy

was followed when an appointment was made. While he did not go into specifics on the disagreements, Ellison said the policy needs to be more robust and clear to address a large applicant pool. Flores-Cale agreed that the current policy needs to be changed because she has noticed some inconsistencies in what is required for each applicant.

Rock on, Buda



Masks in Schools? Dripping parents polarized BY MEGAN WEHRING

1 and found a plastic bag with condoms, vaseline, watches, a phone charger cord and key chains. In the suspect’s backseat, there was evidence of the victim and suspect living together in the car. The detective found clothing, bedding, personal hygiene items, used and unused tampons, food, several pairs of women’s underwear soiled with biological fluids and several sexual

HAYS COUNTY — Several parents are advocating for masks to be optional for students while others want the policy to remain the same. Come Friday, some Dripping Springs ISD (DSISD) parents will keep their kids out of school in protest. A “sit-out” flyer is circulating on social media, hoping more parents will join the alliance and forcing the school board to lift the mask requirement. DSISD parents who choose to participate in the sit-out plan to keep their kids home from school and not allow them to log on as virtual. These kids will be counted absent. Parents are also encouraged to email the registrar and state that their child is staying home because they do not agree with the school’s safety protocols. While her child does not attend a DSISD school, Alicia Hill, a Hays CISD parent, said the sitout could make a difference. “I understand the reason for the stand out,” Hill said, “the schools get funds based on attendance. A massive attendance drop [during] the last few weeks of school may or may not make a difference in the school’s bottom line.” A DSISD teacher, who wishes to remain anonymous, said the sit-out was planned at the wrong time of year. “I don’t think anybody is going to feel it,” the teacher said. “I think it will have no political impact or personal impact either. There are nine days of school after that. What’s the point?” DSISD parent Thomas Lengel said there are other ways to get the message across. “There are bigger and



BY SAHAR CHMAIS Activists and Hays County Commissioners celebrated the passage of a resolution to submit a grant application to fund indigent defense in Hays County. “Approving this application will blaze a positive path forward,” Shannon FitzPatrick, former assistant district attorney and practicing attorney, said. “In the decades to come, people may not remember your names, but many will feel the impact of your actions. It’s not always easy to see justice when standing in the forest of privilege. But deliberate steps like this help us to clear a path.” Hays County had until May 7 to send an application for a grant from the Texas Indigent Defense Commission to improve indigent defense services. Funds will pay for the first year of the proposed Hays County Holistic Public Defender Office and Managed Assigned Counsel Program. The im-

“There were several instances where a resume was viewed twice,” Flores-Cale explained. “There was an instance where [staff]chose somebody where there was no resume submitted as opposed to somebody submitting the application, cover letter and resume. Is it a perfect system? No, but I think it is broken.” Flores-Cale added that


Artist Steven Harris poses with his rock creation, the 3D spider.

Painted rocks create art culture in Buda A total of 24 artists are participating in the project; 13 are professional local artists in the BAAC and 11 are youth.

BY MEGAN WEHRING BUDA — Sometimes a rock is just a rock. But for Buda, rocks are art. They can be transformed into a three-dimensional red spider, abstract swirl of colors or even a taco that could be mistaken for the real thing. Decorative rocks are scattered in the outdoor garden at Inspired Minds Art Center downtown, welcoming local artists and community mem-

bers to enjoy the colorful mosaic. “This conversation around what is public art,” said Linda Chido, co-chair of Buda Area Artists Collective (BAAC), “and how we can bring it to Buda is starting to happen. It just doesn’t

have to be this grand sculpture in the middle of the park.” The BAAC, which was started in 2020, works to serve visual artists in the Buda area while also encouraging the public to embrace their creative roots. Chido and co-chair

Amanda Rainey have more than 50 years of combined experience in the art industry. From turning an ordinary rock to a mini masterpiece, the BAAC wanted to develop a public art project for all ages. A total of 24 artists are participating in the project; 13 are professional local artists in the BAAC and 11 are youth. “We thought of the


Released child trafficker back in jail BY SAHAR CHMAIS Daniel Mateos Smith was arrested twice in February and May – once for harboring a runaway child and, after his release, he was arrested for trafficking and sexually engaging with that minor. Justice of the Peace Judge Beth Smith put out an arrest warrant after the police found Daniel Smith, a 48-year-old man, with the 15-yearold who exhibited

“strange” behavior and was dancing in front of Smith’s vehicle. Daniel Smith was found with the 15-year old girl in Buda on Feb. 22 and was arrested for harboring a runaway child. An Austin Police Department report from an earlier incident, which was received by a Hays County Sheriff’s Office detective on Feb. 23, showed the two were seen together leaving a dark secluded lot. When the APD officer pulled


See what’s going on in Hays County.

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them over, he found the victim wearing only a shirt and pink underwear and Daniel Smith with his pants around his ankles. Also found was 3.7 grams of methamphetamines and a .22 caliber handgun. Daniel Smith was arrested for possession of a firearm by a felon. Daniel Smith also has a long criminal record in Travis County. The Hays County detective went into Smith’s vehicle after receiving a search warrant on March

The Hays Free Press Barton Publications, Inc. The Hays Free Press (USPS 361-430) published weekly by Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. Periodicals postage paid at Buda, TX 78610 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. ISSN#1087-9323

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