Services and Trades Division Manager Chance Padier has been fighting for wage increases since the city started parities years ago. Padier believes the employee wage increase is well-deserved.“Ithinkalot of the guys deserve it, especially with the talent we have and the amount that we’re actually able to train [them],” Padier said.The budget includes increased police wages and general wages, as well as money to upgrade city parks, roads and wastewater plants.
© Barton Publications, Inc. 75¢ Vol. 128 • No. 25 Serving Hays County, TX
BY BRITTANY ANDERSON KYLE — Fentanyl is not just a “big city” problem — and with the drug causing the death of three local students in the span of a month, it is evident that there is a crisis right here in our students.Countymadefentanyl24mediafirstlawofficials,Variouscommunity.HaysCISDalongwithlocalenforcementandresponders,heldabriefingonAug.toaddresstheongoingcrisisthathasitswaytoHaysandHaysCISD
Naloxone, commonly known as Narcan, is a medicine that is an antidote to opioid drugs, including fentanyl. Narcan helps those experiencing an overdose let their body “wake up” and keep breathing. Narcan can be administered in the form of a nasal spray or injection. Realizing the level of crisis Hays County is facing, Kyle ER & Hospital stepped up over the weekend to help by offering 100 doses of Narcan spray free to the community. Shelly Joyner, director of marketing, is passionate about getting these life-saving measures into as many hands as possible. Joyner said she plans to continue getting shipments in when possible and will give them away “no questions asked.” There is no need to provide a name or any identifying information, they only ask that recipients be age 18 or older. Supplies are limited to one box (containing two doses) per adult. Joyner explained that, generally, those who are not active drug users are the most at risk of overdose. She stressed the importance of parents of middle and high school students having Narcan on hand. “The boxes are small, they can be kept in the car, in a purse, a backpack,” Joyner said. The best place to get information on current availability is the Kyle ER he crossed the finish line, Becerra exclaimed “Thank the Lord it’s over!” For the Love of Go board member Jennifer Crosby said, “The Fire Department put on a phenomenal event! Runners came up to tell me how much fun the course was, the volunteers, getting to run through the bays of the fire station! Kyle PD brought runners and had volunteers on the course. Having the event at Mary Kyle Hartson Park was a treat! A beautiful venue, lots of space to spread out, enjoy the shade, and see the finishing stretch of the race.”The Beat the Heat 5K is a part of a bigger Red and Blue Challenge. The follow up event will be the Blue Santa’s Dam 5 Miler, to be held Saturday, Sept. 24 at Five Mile Dam. Participants who complete both Beat the Heat and Blue Santa’s 5 Miler will be entered into a drawing for $200 to donate to the police or fire department of their choosing. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Kyle Law Program.Association’sEnforcementBlueSantaInadditiontodivision awards, two volunteers of the day were recognized. Lilah Cardec and Alyssa Gil stood out to runners and fellow volunteers alike. The ultimate challenge of the day came down to the fastest fire department personnel, Cameron Saucedo, vs. the fastest police department personnel, Matthew Leathers. In the end, Saucedo claimed the victory for the fire personnel.“AttheKyle Fire Department, we are extremely happy with the outcome. Thanks to the Kyle FirefightersProfessionalAssociation and all our sponsors to make this happen,” Freddy Rolon, division chief of training for Kyle FD said. “In the fire service, there is something we call Brotherhood; not only for the good times, also for the challenging times. When the idea of the 5K came to us, immediately we knew who [we} will be helping, a fellow brother from Buda Fire Department in the battle with cancer. “ While final numbers are still being tallied, initial estimates suggest that the race raised over $4,000 that will benefit local firefighters and their families in need of Forassistance.fullBeat the Heat results, visit www. For more information on the upcoming race, visit www. or
BUDA HOSTS FIRST-EVER MARGARITA SALSA FEST PAGE 12 KICKOFF TO FALL SPORTS PAGE 11 PAWS LOCATIONREMODELCELEBRATESSHELTEROFKYLE – PAGE 6 Kyle council approves $212.6 million budget BY ASHLEY KONTNIER People of backgrounds,allsizes and abilities flooded downtown Kyle Saturday for the inaugural Beat the Heat 5K. The Kyle awardClaes,draggingatsecondofandstate,firefightersBecerraHaysdogshisDepartment,Kyledivision.victoryParkKyleincluded)runnersoflocalweekend,theirFire(LocalFirefightersProfessionalAssociation4567)andtheKyleDepartmenthostedfirstever5KthispastwiththehelpofnonprofitFortheLoveGo.At7:30a.m.,336(humansanddogslinedupatMaryHartsonCitySquareinhopesofclaimingintheirparticularEntrantsincludedChiefTayloroftheKyleFirealongwithwifeLaurieandtheirBonnieandMax,CountyJudgeRubenandwifeMonica,fromacrosstheIDEAKylestudentsmore.“SherunsthefirsthalftheraceandIrunthehalf.Ifyousawusthebeginning,shewasme,”saidSeanownerofTopDogwinnerTowdah.Witharmsraisedhighas
AUGUST 31, 2022
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. ISSN#1087-9323
Kyle Police Chief Jeff Barnett said that the department started noticing a fentanyl trend in January 2022. Since then, at least seven people have died due to overdoses.Barnettsaid that recently, pills found with fentanyl have been light blue in color and stamped with ‘M30’, similar to Oxycodone or Percocet. Pills can also be made to look like candy, and some of the ‘street names’ or nicknames that Kyle PD have been made aware of are “Coloring” or “Rainbow,” among other terms.“Drug dealers are going to adapt and try to market their illegal product to children in any way they can,” Barnett said. “The more enticing they can make it look, the more commonplace they can make it look. … then that's absolutely what they're going to do,” adding that dealers will use various cell phone apps and code words to sell the drugs and remain as anonymous as possible.SanMarcos Hays County EMS Deputy Chief Jim Swisher noted that at the beginning of this year, the amount of medication carried on EMS vehicles had to be increased because fentanyl is so potent that normal treatments were not working.Additionally, Swisher said that the problem is that many times, by the time EMS arrives on scene, it’s “way late in the game.” “There is no piece of these pills that is safe,” Barnett said. “We are hearing in subsequent interviews from survivors that they believe that if they break the pill into smaller pieces they can take an amount of that pill that is safe. Then, when they don’t get the reaction they want, [like] a high, they decide to take a second piece, or third piece, or the other half of a piece. And that doesn’t contain the same amount of fentanyl as the first piece or first half.”
Hays Free Press
Pharmaceutical fentanyl is a synthetic opioid, commonly used for treating severe pain, such as advanced cancer pain. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, it is similar to morphine but 50 to 100 times more potent. Illegally-used fentanyl is sold as a powder, dropped onto blotter paper, put in eye droppers and nasal sprays or made into pills that look like other prescription opioids. Dealers will mix it with other drugs because it takes very little to produce a high, making it a cheaper option.
Human esources generalist Taylor Bennett said it’s a big opportunity. “It’s gonna put us on another leg up to be very competitive here along the I-35 corridor and just reaffirm that this is an employer of choice and Team Kyle’s where you wanna be,” Bennett said.
PHOTO BY ASHLEY KONTNIER Representatives of the Austin Bats Dance Team, Gloria (left) and Andrea cheer on runners coming around the final curve of the race. hits to
Fentanyl crisis
Battle for bragging rights
The Hays Free Press Barton Publications, Inc. The Hays Free Press (USPS 361-430) published weekly by Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. Periodicals postage paid at Buda, TX 78610 and additional mailing offices.
home See FENTANYL, page 12
PHOTO BY ASHLEY KONTNIER Brianna Yanez and grandpa Joe Deleon celebrate as they cross the finish line together.
BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN KYLE —Kyle City Hall was buzzing with excitement on Thursday, Aug. 25, in anticipation of city council unanimously approving the city’s new $212.6 million budget for Fiscal Year 20222023.Colorful balloons were spread across the upstairs floor of City Hall. City employees filled the room wearing shirts that said ‘Stronger Together,’ holding signs that said ‘Council Rocks,’ ‘We are Family,’ and ‘Approved!’ with three hearts scrawled with colorful markers.Atthecouncil’s special meeting, Mayor Travis Mitchell motioned to approve the budget as amended, and council member Ashlee Bradshaw seconded it. “These are exciting times,” Mitchell said. “I think the city is starting to grow up and trying, as best as we can, to emerge as leaders in Hays County."Theproposed budget for FY 2022-2023, as presented by Acting City Manager Jerry Hendrix and amended by the city council, also includes 55 new full-time positions, for a total of 360.0 full-time equivalent positions.According to budget documents, of the total $212.6 million proposed budget, the city's General Fund budget for the FY 20222023 totals approximately $45.6 million for operations and maintenance and roughly $14.5 million in transfers from the fund balance, primarily to pay for major capital improvement projects instead of issuing bondEnvironmentaldebt.

• Do not share utensils or touch bedding, clothing or towels used by a person with monkeypox.
To prevent Monkeypox infection and keep it from spreading to others, the university community is encouraged to take the following steps:
“While we were very fortunate to receive the rain, not all of the county received an abundance amount of rain,” said Mark Wobus, Hays County Fire Marshall, at the Aug. 23 commissioners court meeting.Wobus shared the following rainfall amounts (as received by Aug. 23): • City of Hays: 2.48 inches•Driftwood: 1.65 inches•Wimberley: 1.26 inches•Kyle: 1.18 inches • Right outside of San Marcos at the airport: Under 0.25 inches
• Wash your hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
• Watch for monkeypox symptoms such as muscle aches, fatigue, headache, fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, congestion, or cough.•Watch for a new pimple or blister-like rash in the genital area, chest, arms, hands, or face.
HCLHD investigates Monkeypox case at Texas State
“While, yes, we saw massive amounts of rainfall from the metroplex receiving over 15 inches of rain to the Austin area receiving close to 10 inches of rain,” Wobus explained, “we have not received an amount that I [am] comfortable lifting the burnWobusban.”spoke with local fire chiefs and they agreed that the burn ban should remain in effect at least through this week to allow for at least some “green up” to take effect – the Hays County Commissioners Court can revisit the burn ban on Aug. 30 or at a later date. still under burn ban, despite rainfall
• Avoid skin-to-skin contact with a person who has developed a pimple or blister-like rash.
SAN MARCOS — An individual in the Texas State University community has tested positive for Monkeypox.Dr.Emilio Carranco, chief medical officer and director of the student health center, sent an emergency notification email to the Texas State faculty, staff and students in the morning hours of Tuesday, Aug. 23, to inform them of the situation. The individual lives off campus and will remain in isolation until the rash heals and is no longer contagious as recommended by CDC guidelines, according to the email. The Hays County Local Health Department (HCLHD) will conduct a case investigation and assist in identifying and contacting close contacts of the positive case. “While the risk of exposure to Texas State campuses remains low, this notice is being sent to comply with requirements of the Clery Act,” Carranco said in the email. “The university will carefully analyze any subsequent or additional Monkeypox reports on a case-bycase basis and will issue additional notices only if other significant factors warrant such notification.”
• If you monkeypox,suspectwear a face mask, isolate from others, and call your primary care provider or the Student Health Center at 512245-2161 to schedule an evaluation.•Information on Monkeypox is available on the Texas State Student Health Center website.
WEATHER Hays County
Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) map The Texas A&M Forest Service Burn Ban Web Map or To subscribe call 512-268-7862 or email For all the latest news in Hays County, visit STAFF REPORT
Page 2 Hays Free Press • August 31, 2022 512-268-4200 SeFridayMon-Thurs809CapstoneDentalKyle.comW.CenterSt.,Kyle8a.m.to5p.m.8a.m.to2p.m.hablaespañol Dr. Steve Howard and Associates Family Dental Care C apstone D ental Ask about our Kleer dental membership for uninsured patients HAVING VISION PROBLEMS? IT COULD BE CATARACTS Schedule your visit today www.HowertonEye.com512.443.9715 SPECIALIZING IN: • Cataract Surgery • Premium IOL Implants • Lasik • Macular• GlaucomaSurgeryMedicalandSurgicalDegeneration Kyle Office 5401 FM 1626, Ste 365 Kyle, TX 78640 Southwest Austin Office 5625 Eiger Rd, Ste 100 Austin, TX 78735 Austin Office 2610 S IH-35 Austin, TX 78704 Three locations to serve you HOLIDAY DEADLINES Due to the Labor Day holiday, the Hays Free Press and News-Dispatch advertising deadlines have been adjusted. Our office will be closed SeptemberMonday,5thinobservanceofLaborDay. All Ads (retail and classified) to be Wednesday,published:September 7 Due: Friday, September 2 at noon. For questions or to place your ad, call 512-268-7862 BY MEGAN WEHRING HAYS COUNTY – While residents have seen some recent rainfall, Hays County is still under a burnMoreban.than half of the state of Texas is under a burn ban, according to the Texas A&M Forest Service Burn Ban Web Map. Out of a total of 254 counties in Texas, 153 are under a burn ban and 101 areAsnot.ofAug. 29, Hays County has a KeetchByram Drought Index (KBDI) of oncompared669.42to752.90Aug.12.KBDIis an index used to determine forest fire potential, according to Texas Weather Connection. The drought index is based on a daily water balance, where a drought factor is balanced with precipitation and soil moisture (assumed to have a maximum storage capacity of 8-inches) and is expressed in hundredths of an inch of soil moisture depletion. The drought index ranges from 0 to 800, where a drought index of 0 represents no moisture depletion, and an index of 800 represents absolutely dry conditions.

• If there’s a default on the other side of the agreement that cannot be remedied in 30 days, Hays County can exit the agreement.
Mufasa, 3-year-old, Mixed breed, Male: Mufasa is a goofy young dog. He has a lot of energy and would do best in a home with a huge yard for him to run around. Mufasa is housebroken, does well with other dogs, and has met and done well with cats.
Flower, 2-year-old, Domestic Medium Hair, Female: Flower is a sweet and shy kitty. Her extra toes make her quite unique. Flower has been known to lick her favorite staff after some gentle petting. She would prefer to live in a home with low traffic. Committed to your pet’s health since 1978 Amid staffing issues, Hays County entered an agreement to house overflow inmates. With a 4-1 vote on Aug. 16, the Hays County commissioners court approved Intergovernmentalan Inmate Housing Agreement between Hays County, Haskell County, and LaSalle Corrections West LLC. to help care for inmates. Judge Ruben Becerra was the dissenting vote. Hays County will be guaranteed 100 beds for inmates on Oct. 1, when FY23 begins, and 200 beds for FY24/FY25. Housing, food, transportation and medical care for the 100 inmates will cost $95 per inmate per day (or $9,500 total daily). Inmates will also receive two roundtrip means of transport from the facility to Hays County each week, according to countyContractsofficials.with other counties and communities range from $60 to $100 per inmate per day, but do not include transport services. Several weeks ago, commissioner Walt Smith looked into solutions other than housing inmates directly with neighboring counties. What prompted the agreement was Hays County had to start looking at possible inmate locations out of “Westate.arenot the only one in this situation in the state, to say the least,” Smith said. While outsourcing may not seem like the most ideal option for the inmates or their families, commissioner Mark Jones said it is the most cost-effective option for the county right now. Judge Becerra was reluctant on the agreement because he said that he wanted to avoid spending nearly $10,000 per day housing inmates elsewhere when the county’s new jail facility is nearing completion.MikeDavenport, Hays County Chief Deputy, said that staffing issues are keeping the facility from being ready to use. To house the 100 additional inmates, it would take hiring 10 to 12 corrections officers to reach the staffing contactcurrentlyCountythatintotoonsupportconversationthatsaying.todoingbonus.somewithdozenopportunityImoneyridiculouswereandbetterseeDavenport,positions?”boost“Couldn’tcapacity.weturboforthosecorrectionsBecerraaskedinanefforttohowthecountycansupportthesystemstaff.“Becauseweliterallypouringoutamountsofonoutsourcing.mean,there’santogiveyouacorrectionalofficerssomesign-onbonus,highdollarsign-onIbelievewe’renoteverythingwecansupportyouiswhatI’mIstheresomethingwecandotobringthisbacktobetteryouguys,toputyouamorecompetitiveedgebringcorrectionalofficersyourspace?”DavenportrespondedbecausetheHaysSheriff’sOfficeisgoingthroughnegotiations,there
• Budget-out clause: If any year that the county does not have sufficient revenues to fund certain contracts, and the commissioners court cannot fund the agreement, there is some ability to get out of the contract for that reason.
After the first three fiscal years, renewal periods are optional for Hays County. If LaSalle and Haskell County opt to end the agreement with Hays County, they have a mandatory 30-day notice along with an additional 30-day period, where LaSalle would help transition inmates back to Hays County. LaSalle and Haskell County would both have to agree to contract termination and could terminate over issues like limited facility space or staffing issues.
would be contractual issues.
Hays Free Press • August 31, 2022 Page 3 Kayley Goldsmith, DVM H Elizabeth Garriott, DVM H Michelle Kurkowski, DVM 6300 FM 1327 (East of I35 and Creedmoor) Austin, TX 78747 Give us a call at 512-385-0486 PAWS Shelter of Central Texas is a non-profit, no-kill shelter operated primarily on donations and adoptions. 500 FM 150 E, Kyle, TX • 512 268-1611 • All animals are fully vaccinated, spay/neutered, microchipped and dewormed.
Hays County enters inmate housing agreement
1 2 3 4 8765 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 CROSSWORDTEXAS by Charley & Guy Orbison ACROSS DOWN 1 Quitman is the seat of this county 5 Jackson County seat 6 this Bud starred in TX-based 1970 film “Brewster McCloud” 7 “Hill Country State Natural ____” 8 votin’ mo. 9 TX-based restaurant “_ _ _ Fridays” 12 “Patton” star, George C. 17 cost of education at a Texas university 19 this Olajuwon was a Houston Rockets star center 21 TXism: “looks good enough to give _ ______” (suit & tie) 22 household task 23 smug smile (2 wds.) 28 triangles of railroad track 29 Mineral Wells High School mascot 30 “painful __ _ ___ with gout” 31 first name of “Yellow Rose of Texas” 35 TXism: “silent as _ ____” 36 to pay his taxes, TX Willie released “___ ___ _____: Who’ll Buy My Memories?” 42 TX westernmost city residents (2 wds.) 44 “tall Texas _____” 46 Spanish explorer: Diego __ _______ 48 transported to school 1 TX Perot book: “United We Stand: How __ ___ ____ ____ Our Country” 2 locker room, e.g.? 3 “hands-__ bytool(assessment______”ofaasitisusedtheevaluator) 4 the “D” of TX Perot’s old EDS 9 TXism: “it’s high ____ we did it” 10 TXism: “what’s good for the _____ __ ____ ___ the gander” 11 “Fanthorp ___ State Historical Site” 12 TX Nat Stuckey’s “___ Wakes Me Every Morning” 49 cult leader, Koresh, who died near Waco (init.) 50 “in a minute” 51 “do ____ others . . .” 52 TXism: “he’s ___ playing with a full deck” (slow) 53 “El camino ____ de los Tejas” (now Texas 21) 54 faucet problem 56 Mavericks, Spurs, or Rockets supporter 57 state fair mo. 58 TX singer Orbison (init.) 13 TXism: “he can’t _____ _ ____ in a bucket” (bad singer) 14 fried veggie 15 Cowboys, e.g. 16 “Hamiltons” 18 country song: “___ a Little Kindness” 20 medical deg. for a “pill wrangler” 23 battery size 24 it administers the gov’t retirement 25 TXism: “running ____” (spouse) 26 song by Texas rancher Randy Travis: “_ ____ You So” (1987) 27 played energetically 32 TX Rayburn, longtime U.S. House Speaker: “__ Sam” 33 TXism: “the fat __ in the fire” (trouble) 34 Dan Patrick is __ Gov. of Texas 36 ___ Green County 37 Lukas of “Leap of Faith” with TX-born Steve Martin 38 Texas company that did accounting fraud 39 noodles 40 “the sun” in Mexico 41 “___ ya later” 43 “Alamo City” initials 45 TX actress Sandy (init.) 47 “back __ (progressing_____”again) 48 belch 55 UT grad Marcia Gay Harden film: “____ the Wild” (2007) P-1600 18 2219 29 31 32 33 34 39 40 4136 37 38 44 45 514853 55 43 47 20 23 24 25 26 27 42 46 50 52 54565758 16 17 Copyright 2022 by Orbison Bros. 49 28 30 35 The Texas Crossword and Sudoku Puzzle D & D Insurance agency Serving Hays County since 1983 “Call us for all of your insurance needs” Angie Dahl Wimberley: 512-847-5549 or 512-847-9325 Dripping Springs: 512-894-2286 sponsored by Hays Free Press Call us with news or feature ideas! 512-268-7862 BY MEGAN WEHRING HAYS COUNTY –
“I’m not opposed to it by any means,” Davenport said. “I’m all about getting them hired because I hate outsourcing as much as anybody. It’s very problematic for us, and we are not designed to function as we are. The sooner we can quit it, the better.”Jordan Powell, assistant general counsel, outlined the termination clauses in Hays County.

These days, it’s hard to believe what you hear. Whether they’re fanciful words rolling off the forked tongue of a politician or new Santamanythen,wassingingandBigfoot.hesitantandseeingincredulous.startseemedia.theybelieveextremelyeverythingit’sfromrecommendationsthefolksattheCDC,justhardtobelieveyouhear.LotsofgulliblefolkswillpertneareverythingseepostedinsocialPersonally,IwanttosolidevidencebeforeIbelievingsomethingAndevenafterdozensofphotosvideos,I’mstillalittleinbelievinginBackin1966,DavyJonestheMonkeeswere“I’maBeliever”.Ionly8yearsoldbackandIbelievedinthings.IbelievedinClaus,andImight’ve
By David Nuckels
The deadline for display advertising and any contributed news copy is 5 p.m. Friday the week prior to publication. The deadline for Letters to the Editor and classi fied word advertising is noon Monday the week of publication, though we encourage readers and advertisers to observe the Friday deadline.
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The Hill Country Steward – not a person, but a partnership of local experts dedicated to sharing the best information, tips, and lessons learned. Got questions? Send them DearStew@moreat www.
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 31, 2022 Page 4 Opinion Publisher Ashley Kontnier Editor Megan Navarro (Wehring) Reporters Brittany Anderson Amira Van Leeuwen Photographers Wayland Clark Albert Sanchez Proofreaders Jane Kirkham Marketing Rep Kimberly Fannin Production Assistant Elizabeth Garcia Office Manager Arlene Monroe Circulation/Classifieds Arlene Monroe Distribution Kimberlee Griffon Abbie Dougherty Joe Urbach 113 W. Center St., Kyle, TX Bartonhaysfreepress.com78640512-268-7862Publications,Inc. NEWS TIPS If you think it’s news, we probably do too! • Newsroom Kyle,news@haysfreepress.com512-268-7862phone:E-mail:Mail:113W.CenterSt.,TX78640
CORRECTIONS Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may appear in the pages of the Hays Free Press will be cor rected upon being brought to the attention of the publisher.
Buda bonds: where we stand I’m still a believer Finding the Balance – Ranching, Grazing, and Drought
As our small, bustling city continues to grow, so does our need for additional resources and improvements.infrastructureIn 2020, our City Council formed the Buda Bonds Advisory Committee (BBAC) to analyze potential projects for consideration in the 2021 bond election, which resulted in two bond passedmillioncommunityaccessible,strongvoterpassedEachtoofspaces.localB,mobility,infrastructureaddressPropositionrecommendations:A,totransportationandandPropositiontoimproveandexpandparksandrecreationInNovember2021,manyusgatheredatthepollsapprovebothbonds.bondpropositionwithover60%ofapproval,indicatingsupportforasafe,andactiveforall.Afterthenearly$90bondpackagewithoverwhelming support from voters, Buda’s City Council established the Buda Bond Oversight Committee (BBOC) to advise and provide local guidance to council members and staff. This committee, made up of over 20 goals,long-anunderway.thethatpleasedChairtransparentfiscallyinbondsensureandcommunityappointedmembersalternates,aimstothatthe2021areimplementedanefficient,equitable,responsible,andmanner.AsoftheBBOC,Iamtosharewithyouprojectsfundedunder2021BudaBondsareTheCityofBudahasextensivelistofbothandshort-termandalthoughwe’d love to see all projects and improvements completed at once, we are following evaluation criteria to prioritize projects based on safety, mobility, access, economic development, and good stewardship of public funds. Bond projects also are being assessed based on their eligibility for potential local, state, or federal grant funding.TheBBOC has sat through timelines,toprocurementneighbors.youfeedbackconcerns,discussregulartheourprocess,understandingtonightpresentationsseveralandlate-meetingsgettingknowourCitystaff,thebondandfiguringoutroleasmembersofcommittee.Wereceiveprojectupdates,questionsandandsharethewehearfrom–ourfriendsandFromlearningaboutproceduresunderstandingprojectandmaking recommendations to the Buda City Council, our work is not taken lightly. We represent you – the community of Buda. We are proud to be part of this process to see these projects come to fruition. Many of the projects being funded through the bonds are complex developmentsinfrastructureandwill take time to complete, but we will have the opportunity to see some completed in a shorter timeframe – a feat that typically takes several years to accomplish when implementing bond projects.Forexample, the parking lot of our beloved City Park will be improved and our neighbors in Green Meadows will see park improvements like an expanded basketball court and new pavilion. As projects progress, we will share updates on parkland expansion projects, including developing a new regional park east of I-35 and constructing a new trail to connect Old Black Colony and Garrison Park. There also are several infrastructure projects planned for our streets and roadways in the near future, which include pedestrian and bike path connections, begins.projects,selecteddesignconstructionclosepastsomecompleteareidentifyingwhichareimportant?theintersections.improvementsrealignments,reconstructionroadwayandandsafetyatmajorSo,whereareweinprocessandwhyisitManyoftheprojectsinthescopingphase,meansstaffiswhatservicesneededtoefficientlyeachproject.Incases,projectsarethisphaseandaretoselectingdesignorfirms.OnceprofessionalsareforindividualthedesignworkTheseprojects will provide yearssubstantialmoveyourplay.placecommunitythesupportbonds,toavailable.informationtoBudaBBOCquestions.toaBudaBonds.comtodevelopment.forprovidepacethatenhancedcommunityinfrastructure,reliablesafeparksandgreenspaceswillhelpBudakeepwithgrowthandopportunitiesmoredesiredGetinvolved–wewanthearfromyou.VisitorattendmonthlyBBOCmeetingshareyourfeedbackandMembersofthealongsidetheCityofstaffarecommittedsharingupdatesasbecomesFromasmallcommitteetwovoter-approvedalongwithanentireteam,weareonroadtoenhancingourtobeabettertolive,work,andWegreatlyappreciatesupportasweforwardwiththisprocessintheahead! still believed in the Easter Bunny, although I couldn’t ascertain how one bunny rabbit could carry so many eggs without some sort of transportation. I believed in God, and I believed in Heaven. I believed Roy Rogers was the greatest cowboy and could whup any bad guy that came along. And I believed wrestling was real. Today, I still continue to believe many of these things, but there are many other things I just can’t believe. I don’t believe every politician is dishonest, but there sure is a mess of them. I have a hard time believing so many people on Facebook are as ignorant as they seem. Even though I believe in climate change, it’s hard to believe in global warming when I’m breaking ice in the water trough while standing in a foot of snow. When I was a but,muchBackyellowbeinganstarsMexico.JesseRoyofoldtoodaydreamwhippersnapper,youngIwouldalot,probablymuchbythelooksofmyreportcards.IdreamedridingahorsealongsideandTrigger,chasingJamesallthewaytoI’dlookupattheanddreamofbeingastronaut.I’ddreamofrichenoughtobyaCorvetteStingray.then,$10,000wastootopayforanycar,hey,aboycandream.
I suppose, even fifty years later, I’m still a dreamer, and some of my dreams have come true. I married the girl of my dreams. I had jobs that I dreamed of doing. Although I never was shot up in space, I still gaze at the stars on clear nights. I’ve spent over thirty years being a cowboy, but the only desperados I’ve shot were feral hogs and wily coyotes. I still live on my family ranch, a dream that continues night and day, but the urban sprawl around us has become a nightmare.Istillhave dreams. I often sit outside on the Crow’s Nest and daydream, although at my ripe age, family members who see me gazing at nothing think I’ve had a stroke. But I do have dreams that I hope come true, like: I dream I never see Tom Brady in another Super Bowl. This has been a dream for several years. I dream of turning on the evening news and not hearing anyone talk about the pandemic, Covid 19 or monkey pox. I’m still trying to figure out how and where monkey pox originated. Tarzan and Cheetah are my prime suspects.Idream of walking through the woods in the winter and not getting a head full of cedar pollen. I dream of filling my truck (no, no Corvette for this cowpoke) with gas and not paying the equivalent of the GNP of Bora Bora. I dream of hearing that 99% of Americans are fully vaccinated against the corona virus and 1% won’t have to worry about ever getting roundworms. I dream that the Dallas Cowboys will find a head coach who knows a quarterback draw with 14 seconds left and no timeouts is not the right call.Idream of never seeing signs requiring me to wear a mask, but I don’t mind seeing a sign advising it on the door of a truck stop restroom.Idream of Americans putting aside their political views and becoming civilized and united as we onceAndwere.mywildest dream is seeing the Dallas Cowboys back in the Super Bowl and the halftime show is George Strait . Hey, a man can dream, can’t he? 100% of the Hill Country is currently in a drought – ranging from severe to exceptional. Since 2000, drought has cost the State of Texas between $20-50 billion – making it one of the most expensive and farreaching natural disasters facing the US. So, what does this cost translate to for your local land steward or Goodrancher? land stewardship and ranch management is more about managing risk than (when),controllingisGrazingforandthepracticessinceperformanceplant,Itwaterenergyinfluencingmanagementshouldplanttheproduction.maximizingMaintainingbestbalancebetweenandanimalneedsbeyourmaingoal.Grazingisatoolforplants,soil,flow,aswellasandnutrientcycles.iskeytoplanwithsoil,andanimalinmindcertaingrazingcanchangeplantcompositionhealthofapasture,betterorforworse.managementaccomplishedbythetimingintensity(how much), and frequency (how often) of Timing:grazing.Grazing during the dormant season is less likely to affect production the following spring than grazing during the growing season. A plant that is heavily grazed early in the growing season may not have a chance to recover if it is repeatedly grazed. Intensity: The more leaf area removed, the slower a plant recovers. Intensity depends on pressure—thegrazingnumber of animals, kind of animals, and length of the grazing period.Frequency: Livestock are picky and consume the tastiest plants first, so if the grazing period is too long, the same plants may be grazed repeatedly. Plants grazed too often lose root mass, produce fewer leaves and stems, and are more susceptible to drought and other drought?especiallytimeland,topayingwithyourcycleallowandModeratebalancesuccess?leadtotheimprovingdesired,onbeandtodensityamostinnumberDeterminingeachsingleseveralRemember,disturbances.aplantgrazedtimesduringaseasonmustrecovertime.ANoteAboutNumbers:thecorrectofanimalstoputapastureisoneoftheimportantdecisionsmanagermakes.Animalmustbebalancedavoiddamagetoplantssoils.Theamountofforagetoleftungrazeddependsthetypeofplantsyourgoalsfortherange,andamountofriskyouwanttake.Sohowdoesthistolong-termfinancialIt’sallaboutandattention!stockingratesrotatingsystemsthatbothagrazeandrestarekeytokeepingstockingratebalancedavailableforage.Bycloseattentionplantgrowthontheyoucanreactintoavoidovergrazing,inadrought.So,whataboutthis
Severe drought can weaken or wipe out grazing grasses. With conservative or moderate grazing, more forage is produced than with heavy grazing, and the recovery period is shorter. However, it takes FIVE TO SEVEN YEARS for rangeland to recover fully after a drought – which means ranchers will be feeling the effects of this hot, dry summer until at least 2027. To learn more and connect with folks who care about your piece of Texas just as much as you do, www.youhavequestionstostewardship or conservation, you can email them andto DearStew@mightjustseetheminafutureAndbesuretobacknextmonthasdiveintostewardshipitrelatestoourregion’sLookingforwardtomorewithyou.–HillCountrySteward

CHURCH OF CHRIST Buda-Kyle Church of Christ 3.5 miles south of Buda on FM 2770 Southern Hills Church of Christ 3740 FM 967, Buda EPISCOPAL St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church 725 RR 967, Buda St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church RR 3237 (Wimberley Rd.), Kyle St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 11819 IH-35 South JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses FM 2770, Kyle Jehovah’s Witnesses South 10802 Manchaca Rd., Manchaca LUTHERAN Living Word Lutheran ELCA 2315 FM 967, Buda Redeeming Grace Lutheran LCMS FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca Resurrection Church, CLBA 401 FM 967, Buda St. John Lutheran Church 9865 Camino Real, Uhland The Well Buda METHODIST Buda United Methodist Church San Marcos & Elm St., Buda Kyle United Methodist Church Sledge & Lockhart St., Kyle Journey United Methodist 216 Kirkham Circle, Kyle St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 7206 Creedmoor Rd., Creedmoor Manchaca United Methodist Church FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca Driftwood United Methodist Church RR 150 at County Road 170
Rizo agreed, explaining “… I just wonder, where does council draw the line? I think there’s perceptions that are out in the public that maybe we are too involved. And I guess that’s what worries me right now.” Tobias said he feared that employees would go to their favorite council member and let them plead their case for“Wethem.don’t need to be the judge and the jury on the final [say],” Tobias said. Tobias also thought that a longer process would discourage individuals from applying for city jobs. “’Oh, by the way, here’s the employee listing. This is your job duty.’ ‘Oh, by the way, when you start getting in trouble, here’s this policy.’ ‘And after the fourth one, you’re gone’ You know what, if I see that, never mind, I’m not going to work here,” Tobias“That’ssaid.every job,” FloresCale said. “I think we’re too involved with economic development, but I’m not sure we’re too involved with making sure policies and procedures are not only followed, but they’re also created to protect the people that run our city."
the personnel handbook and
Vertical Chapel 400 Old Post Road, Kyle A Fountain of Life Church 302 Millenium Dr. Kyle Fellowship Church at Plum Creek 160 Grace Street at 2770, Kyle Word of Life Christian Faith Center 118 Trademark Drive, Buda Por Tu Gracia Fellowship 701 Roland Lane, Kyle Trinity United Chuch of Niederwald 13700 Camino Real, Hwy. 21, Niederwald PENTECOSTAL Mision de Casa de Oracion S. Hwy. 81, Kyle New Life Sanctuary Kyle Science Hall Elementary 1510 Bebee Rd. PRESBYTERIAN St. John’s Presbyterian Church 12420 Hewitt Ln., Manchaca First Presbyterian Church 410 W. Hutchison, San Marcos, TX 78666 AMIRA In a 3-2 vote, the Kyle City Council failed to pass a motion to add a Personal Improvement Plan (PIP) procedure to update the grievance process at its 22 member Yvonne Flores-Cale brought forward the motion. In agreement, Daniela Parsley also voted in favor of the PIP proposal and to update the grievance process; however, council member Michael Tobias, Mayor Pro Tem Robert Rizo and Mayor Travis Mitchell voted in dissent. Council member Ashlee Bradshaw was absent and did not vote. Flores-Cale voiced her concerns regarding employee retention. “The city’s practice of asking employees to quit or resign in lieu of termination has created a great cause of concern in retaining the employees,” Flores-Cale said. Additionally, she questioned if Section 7.03 of the city's personnel policy may have legality issues. Section 7.03 states: • Upon separation of employment with the City, each employee shall be eligible to receive a termination interview if deemed appropriate by the HR Director and/or appropriate Department Head. Said interview will be conducted to provide for the effective final exchange of information prior to termination of employment. The employee's termination interview and final paycheck will be received from the HR Director or appropriate Department Head. The final paycheck will be calculated and provided as part of the next ensuing payroll period. According to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), Section 61.014 “If an employee is laid off, discharged, fired, or otherwise involuntarily separated employment,fromthe final pay is due within six (6) calendar days of agreementoffollowingregularly-scheduledfinalemploymentorquits,However,discharge.”ifan“employeeretires,resignsotherwiseleavesvoluntarily,thepayisdueonthenextpaydaytheeffectivedateresignation.Mutualseparations are generally regarded as involuntary, although that result is not inevitable and ultimately depends upon a close look at all the events and circumstances leading to the work separation.” “Is there some reason that the city is exempt from the Texas Workforce Commission rules?” FloresCaleSandraasked.Duran, director of human resources, said that anyone who is terminated gets paid within three to six days for their final paycheck. Flores-Cale asked if the city could update its policy to reflect that. “We don’t need to cause it’s the law, but we could,” Duran“Well,said.ifit’s the law, then even more reason it should be in our policy,” Flores-Cale responded.Therewas also confusion between Flores-Cale and Duran in the current policy on what termination means. Duran said termination means “separation of the city, not necessarily a termination in bad terms,” and said it was “HR vocabulary,” while FloresCale said that separation is different than termination and thought that the policy should also offer definitions. “This is for the whole city and the employees, so I want to make sure that they understand that as well. I don’t want a policy with everyone in the city where it’s that department that understands it; I want it to be simple for everyone to understand,” Flores-Cale said.According to Duran, the PIP policy is not a part of the personnel plan, but instead is a developmental plan or a plan that’s put in place to improve a person’s performance but FloresCale said she would like to see that included in the city’s personnel CaleAdditionally,policy.Flores-foundSection9.01 of the city’s grievance policy “especially upsetting.” She noted that directors don’t have the same number of steps in the grievance process as city employees. In the current policy, city employees first report to an immediate supervisor. If the grievance is not resolved between the city employee and supervisor, the employee may request a separate hearing with the department head. If the employee is not satisfied with the department head’s decision, the employee may appeal the decision to the human resources director or the HR Director’s representative. After that, employees can further appeal the HR director’s decision to the city manager. Flores-Cale said she would also like to see Section 9.05 include an additional option for department heads to grieve to city council. The policy currently says that grievances against the city manager will be made to the mayor or city attorney and all other grievances will be submitted to the city manager first. The policy states, “As, and when appropriate, such grievances will be reported to the city council.”“Ithink this might be another way for the council to lay eyes on the termination or separation of a director,” Flores-Cale said. “Well, I can get behind the idea of adding a PIP policy of some sort in the termination process. What I can’t get behind is the idea of having council play a role in the termination or not; that needs to stay with the city manager,” Mitchell said.
Hays Free Press • August 31, 2022 Page 5 *New Llano Aquisition* Now Serving: Austin Dripping Springs Kyle Kingsland Llano We are expanding! 512-443-1366 ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Faith Assembly of God 1030 Main St., Buda BAPTIST First Baptist Church-Buda 104 San Marcos St., Buda First Baptist Church-Kyle 300 W. Center St., Kyle Hays Hills Baptist Church 1401 FM 1626, Buda Sledge Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 709 Sewell, Kyle Southeast Baptist Church 5020 Turnersville Rd., Creedmoor Manchaca Baptist Church Lowden Lane & FM 1626 Immanuel Baptist Church 4000 E. FM 150, 4 miles east of Kyle Center Union Baptist Church Goforth Rd., Buda Primera Mision Bautista Mexicana Kyle Baptist Church of Driftwood 13540 FM 150 W. CATHOLIC Santa Cruz Catholic Church 1100 Main Street, Buda St. Anthony Marie Claret Church 801 N. Burleson, Kyle St. Michael’s Catholic Church S. Old Spanish Trail, Uhland CHRISTIAN New Life Christian Church 2315 FM 967, Buda Iglesia Israelita Casa de Dios 816 Green Pastures Dr., Kyle
City council deliberates city’s personnel policy
NON-DENOMINATIONAL Monte del Olivar Christian Center 2400 FM 150 E., Kyle The Connection Church 1235 S. Loop 4, Buda Antioch Community Church Old Black Colony Rd., Buda Completed & Perfected Faith Church Tobias Elementary Cafeteria, FM 150, Kyle Kingdom United Christian Church 100 Madison Way, Buda Mission Fellowship Church 200 San Marcos Street, Buda New Covenant Community Church 1019 Main Street, Buda (in Dance Unlimited)
Buda, Texas • 15300 S. IH-35 • 312-1615 Debbie Thames, agenT 251 N. FM 1626, Bldg. 2, Ste. C, Buda, Texas 78610 312-1917 TEXAS CEMENTLEHIGHCO.LP Pure Texas Spring 1STFREEPrivatelyWater!ownedFromlocalspringsDELIVERY20GAL.FREE Friendly, Courteous Service Call 1-866-691-2369 Your Hometown McDonald’s McDonald’s of Buda 15359 IH-35, Ste. B • P.O. Box 1364, Buda, TX 78610 512-312-2383 Locally owned and operated by Jimmy and Cindi Ferguson BUDA STORDRUGE 203 Railroad Street Downtown Buda Pharmacy 312-2111 Fountain 312-2172 LastSolutionPuzzle S-1600 W O O D E D N A C O R T A R E A N O V T G I S C O T T T U I T I O N H A K E E M A S E R M O N E R R A N D A S M R K W Y E S R A M S A S A T O E E M I L Y A T O M B T H E I R S T A P E S E L P A S O A N S T A L E S D E C A M A R G O B U S S E D D K S O O N U N T O N O T R E A L D R I P F A N O C T R K O Texas Crossword Solution Texas Crossword, from page 3 Sudoku Solution Sudoku Puzzle, from page 3 First Baptist Church A loving & caring Southern Baptist Church 104 S. San Marcos Street, Buda Buddy Johnson, Pastor • 295-2161 Sunday School...........................................9:30 a.m. Morning Worship....................................10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study/Youth Activities...6:00 p.m. AWANA’s (Wednesday)..........................6:00 p.m. Nursery Provided • Hays Hills Baptist Church www.hayshills.org1401N.FM1626 9:30 a.m. Classic Service 10:45 a.m. Contemporary service Adult (including an 8:30 a.m. early bird class), teen, children’s classes * Children’s worship Professionally-staffed nursery & pre-school Like us on Facebook Hays Free Press Providing you with your most important local news for Kyle, Buda and surrounding communities Come worship with us Your church ad could be here! Call 512-268-7862 Women IN BUSINESS 107 E. Summit Dr, Wimberley • 512-847-5549 102 Old Fitzhugh Rd, Dripping Springs • 512-894-2286 Angie Dahl DeMasters Daniel Insurance has been serving the Hill Country since 1983 as an independent insurance agency providing personal and commercial insurance products. Let our office help you shop your insurance coverage. Our staff is committed to deliver personalized service to each and every client. Look for upcoming agent introductions. D & D Insurance agency make the move. Melanie Fenelon REALTOR ® , GRI, CLHMS (512) 658-0773 Specializing in residential, acreage and farm/ranch properties Dripping Springs • Wimberley Driftwood • Lakeway • Spicewood South, Southwest and Central Austin REAL ESTATE BY

If the District adopts a combined debt service, operation and maintenance, and contract tax rate that would result in the taxes on the average residence homestead increasing by more than 3.5 percent, an election must be held to determine whether to approve the operation and maintenance tax rate under Section 49.23602, Water Code.
Total Tax Rate (per $100 value) $0.8900Adopted/$100 $0.7500Proposed/$100 Difference in rates per $100 of value -0.14 Percentage increase/decrease in rates (+/-) -15.7%
The South Buda Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2022 on September 14, 2022 at 12:00 PM at 8834 North Capital of Texas Highway, Suite 140, Austin, Texas 78759. Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the tax rate that is adopted and on the change in taxable value of your property in relation to the change in the taxable value of all other property. The change in taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property determines the distribution of the tax burden among all property owners.
Average appraised Value $258,923 $317,682 General exemptions available (excluding senior citizen’s or disabled person’s exemptions) 0.00 0.00 Average taxable value $258,923 $317,682
The Reunion Ranch Water Control and Improvement District will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2022 on September 13, 2022 at 3:00 PM at the office of Willatt & Flickinger PLLC, 12912 Hill Country Blvd., Ste. F-232, Austin, TX 78738. Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even de crease, depending on the tax rate that is adopted and on the change in taxable value of your property in relation to the change in the tax able value of all other property. The change in taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property determines the distribution of the tax burden among all property owners.
FOR the proposal: Dennis Daniel, Terri Purdy, Ron Meyer, Gary Grass and John Genter
Page 6 Hays Free Press • August 31, 2022 BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN KYLE — PAWS Shelter of Central Texas, a nonprofit bathing.volunteersaKylefromkeephousefacilityvolunteersaadoptableforoflocationkennelandwithreceivedtheotherMeadowsthefounderdonors.theplaquealsonewprivateprojectassistedtostarted,Aug.Eastcampus,reopeningtowelcomedorganization,over250guestscelebratethegrandofitsKylelocatedat500FM150,onSaturday,27.RightbeforetheeventPAWSpresentedtheirlargedonorswhointheremodelingandgavethematouraroundthefacility.ThesheltermadealargewallthatwillhanginsheltertohonortheWithdonationsfromMiriamMcCoy,KelleyFamily,theFoundationandgeneroussupporters,shelter’sinterioramakeover,newkennelgatesnewpaintinbothbuildings.TheKylealsoaddedawallglassdoorcatroomsbetterviewingoftheirkittensandbreakroomforPAWSandemployees.Thenewlyremodeledwillbeabletomoreanimalsandsickanimalsseparatehealthyanimals.ThefacilityalsoaddedgroomingroomfortoassistindogThirty-sixanimalswere
Average appraised Value $597,455 $744,289 General exemptions available (excluding senior citizen’s or disabled person’s exemptions) $ - $Average taxable value $597,455 $744,289
The following table compares taxes on an average residence homestead in this taxing unit last year to taxes proposed on the average residence homestead this year.
If the District adopts a combined debt service, operation and maintenance, and contract tax rate that would result in the taxes on the average residence homestead increasing by more than 3.5 percent, an election must be held to determine whether to approve the operation and maintenance tax rate under Section 49.23602, Water Code.
adopted on Saturday for the Clear the Shelters National Event. “We project an increase of 20% of animals serviced from this location, saving an additional 400 animals each year through expansion of our foster and volunteer programs,” Melody Hilburn, executive director, said in a news release.Three vendors attended the reopening: Petco Kyle, Willow Gardens Yoga and Rescue Me Dog Treats.
The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.
In addition to the interior renovations, PAWS now has 2 “catios” where rescue kittens/cats can get some fresh air and sunshine.
As a part of PAWS update, kennels are now outfitted with air conditioning and heat. The walls were also painted in a soft purple, a color that is believed to be calming for dogs.
Total Tax Rate (per $100 value) Adopted$0.8250 $0.6850 Proposed Difference in rates per $100 of value -$0.1400
Percentage increase/decrease in rates (+/-) -16.97%
FOR the proposal: Sean Denton, Dante Angelini, Jeff Barton and Brian Dessin AGAINST the proposal: None PRESENT and not voting: None ABSENT Marvin Morgan
Annual increase/decrease in taxes proposedif tax rate is adopted (+/-) and percentage of increase $78.213.39%
Petco Kyle gave out treats from its in-store treat bar and Willow Gardens Yoga offered different types and levels of yoga. Willow Gardens Yoga also offers Kitten Yoga twice a month with PAWS kittens. Rescue Me Dog Treats offered a variety of natural dog treats, and 10% of its sales go back to the shelter. Those interested in donating or looking to adopt a pet can find more information at Shelter celebrates remodel of Kyle location HEARING ON TAX RATE
Tax on average residence homestead $2,304.41 $2,382.62
The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.
Tax on average residence homestead $4,929.00 $5,098.38
Last Year This Year
Annual increase/decrease in taxes proposedif tax rate is adopted (+/-) and percentage of increase $169.383.44%
Last Year This Year
The following table compares taxes on an average residence home stead in this taxing unit last year to taxes proposed on the average residence homestead this year.
AGAINST the proposal: None PRESENT and not voting: None ABSENT None

The Buda City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the following items at its regular meeting to be held Tuesday, September 20, 2022:DA 22-01: Hold a public hearing and first reading of an Ordinance for a Development Agreement for Persimmon Development between the City of Buda and the subject landowners to allow a primar ily single-family development for an area of +/- 775.12 acres in the City of Buda, City of Buda ETJ, City of Austin ETJ, and Travis and Hays Counties.DA21-01: Hold a public hearing and first reading of an Ordinance for a Development Agreement for the Colony and Colony Reserve between the City of Buda and the subject landowners to allow a primar ily single-family development for an area of +/- 279.37 acres in the City of Buda and the City of Buda ETJ.
SERVICES LLC 271 Millennium Dr. Kyle, TX
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Hays CISD is Requesting Proposals for RFQ #21052201AS FURNITURE FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT DISTRICT WIDE. Proposals will be accepted until 09-282022 at 2:00pm local time. Specifications are available in the HCISD Purchasing Office (512)268.2141 ext. 46035 between the hours of 8:00a.m. and 4L00p.m., Monday through Thursday. Proposal responses must be returned to the HCISD Pur chasing Office 21003 IH 35, Kyle, TX 78640, by the date and time indicated above. Late Bids will be returned unopened. The HCISD Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive all formalities in the bid process.
Hays Free Press • August 31, 2022 Page 7
NOTICE is hereby given that original Letters Testa mentary for the Estate of Karyn Daniels, Deceased, were issued on August 24, 2022, in Cause No. 22-0280P, pending in the County Court at Law No. 1 of Hays County, Texas, to: Erin Ber tolini.The notice to the Indepen dent Executor may be deliv ered at the following address: c/o RUFFNER SCHOEN BAUM MURPHY BANASZAK PLLCAttorneys at Law 901 S. Mopac Expressway Barton Oaks Plaza IV, SuiteAustin,290 Texas | 78746 Telephone (512) 275-6277 Facsimile (512) 681-0800 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. Dated the 24th day of August, 2022. /s/ Carlotta Garza-Kilcullen Carlotta Garza-Kilcullen Attorney for Independent Executor
/ 0468/0658494VSF512-995-www.tdlr.texas.gov2000JeepCherokee/Last of VIN TotalL211817charges as
The City of Niederwald will hold a meeting at 7:00 PM on 09/12/2022 at 8807 Nieder wald Strasse, Niederwald, TX to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2022. The proposed tax rate is 0.0834 per $100 of value. Visit Taxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including in formation about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.
An application has been filed with HAYS COUNTY to subdivide 40.146 acres of property located at 450 Indian Hills Trail, Kyle, TX 78640. Information regard ing the application may be obtained from Hays County Development Services (512) 393-2150. Tracking number: PLN-2055-PC.
PRO POSAL DEADLINE: 5:00 PM, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2022Proposals should be sealed. All proposals received will be reviewed by City Staff after the due date has passed. The staff’s recom mendation will go to the Kyle City Council for final approval. The complete RFP is avail able at: com/rfpshttps://www.cityofkyle.
LEGAL NOTICE Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Distiller’s and Rectifier’s Permit by Ian James Spirits, L.L.C. to be located at 1036 Windmill Dr., Dripping Springs, Hays County, TX 78620. Officer of said corporation is John McPherson.
LEGAL NOTICE Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit by Hays County Pizza I, LLC dba Pizza Patron, 18840 S I-35 Suite 500 Kyle, Hays County, Texas 78640. CNL Legacy Trust Pizza Texas Holdings, LLC Managing Member; Charles. M. Loflin, its Managing Member, Norma Loflin its secretary.
Notice is given that original Letters of Administration for the Estate of Cresencia C. Pequeño were issued on Au gust 22, 2022, in docket num ber 22-0247-P, pending in the County Court at Law Number 3 of Hays County, Texas, to Macario Pequeño. All persons having claims against the es tate, which is presently being administered, are required to submit them, within the time and manner prescribed by law, and before the estate is closed, addressed as follows: Macario RepresentativePequeñoof the Es tate of Cresencia C. Pequeño 226 Rock Bluff Lane San Marcos, TX 78666 Dated August 23, 2022. THE BOLING LAW FIRM, PLLC1301 S. Old Stagecoach Rd.Kyle, TX 78640 Tel: (512) 504-3051 Fax: (512) 402-3122 By /s/ Anna Martinez BolingAnna Martinez Boling Ð SBN: 00791188 annaboling@bolinglawfirm. comAttorney for Administrator of the Estate of Cresencia C. Pequeño
LEGAL NOTICE Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Late Hours Certificate by Zoi Market dba Meridian, to be located at 200 N. Main St. , Buda, Hays, Texas. Officers of said corporation are owners Brittany Sutherland and Travis Sutherland.
Z 22-07: Hold a public hearing and first reading of an Ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment to allow a zoning of a Colony Reserve Planned Development (PD) for 72.133 acres and 23.974 out of the Phillip J. Allen Survey No. 5, Abstract No. 1, Hays County, Texas, and a zoning change from Agriculture District (AG) to a Planned Development (PD) of 11.521 acres out of the Phillip J. Allen Survey No. 5, Abstract No. 1, Hays County, Texas, being all of the 11.55 acres described in Lot 2, Block 1 of Stanfield Business Park. Unified Development Code (UDC) Amendments: An ordi nance to amend subsections 2.06.06, 2.08.07, 2.09.03, 2.10.10, 2.10.13, 4.04.01.I, and 5.02 of the City of Buda Unified Development Code (UDC) to support downtown development in the Historic Overlay. Unified Development Code (UDC) Amendments: An ordinance to amend subsec tion 4.02 of the City of Buda Unified Development Code (UDC) to update Parkland Dedication and Improvement TO NOTIFY COMMERCIAL TOWING 78640 of 8/29/2022 TO NOTIFY COMMERCIAL TOWING 271 Millennium Dr. Kyle, TX 78640 8/29/2022Last0468/0658494VSF512-995-www.tdlr.texas.gov2019FordTransitCargo/ofVINB35568Totalchargesasofare$1394.58
Thursday, September 8, 2022 Ð 7:00 p.m Thursday, September 15, 2022 Ð 7:00 p.m The Village of San Leanna will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 11906 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Manchaca, TX 78652, to consider adopt ing the proposed budget for fiscal year 2022-2023. The Village of San Leanna will also hold a second public hearing 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 11906 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Mancha ca, TX 78652, to consider adopting the proposed budget and tax rate for fiscal year 2022-2023. The proposed tax rate is $0.2498 per $100 of property valuation, the same tax rate for the past 20-plus years. Total taxes in the Village of San Lean na will increase by 18.11%, or $36,543, due to new construction added to the tax roll this year and to higher appraisal values. Your indi vidual taxes may increase or decrease, depending on any change in the taxable value of yourYouproperty.areinvited to attend the public hearing and ex press your views. For assistance or detailed information about tax calcula tions, please contact: Travis Central Appraisal District8314 Cross Park Dr., Aus tin, TX orgtral.orgEmail:Phone:78714512-834-9317CSinfo@tcadcenWebsite:www.traviscad.
PRO POSAL DEADLINE: 5:00 PM, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2022All proposals received will be reviewed by City Staff. The staff’s recommendation will go to the Kyle City Council for final approval. The complete RFP is avail able at: com/rfpshttps://www.cityofkyle.
By order of the Hays County Commissioners Court, notice is hereby given that on September 13th, 2022 at 9 a.m. in the Hays County Courthouse, 111 E. San Antonio Street, the Hays County Commissioners Court will hold a public hearing to consider:Rainbow Ranch, Lots 18, Replat
ATTEMPT TO NOTIFY COMMERCIAL TOWING SERVICES LLC 271 Millennium Dr. Kyle, TX 78640 / 8/29/2022Last0658494VSF512-995-0468/www.tdlr.texas.gov2020FordAER0MASTER/ofVINL0A14954Totalchargesasofare$2407.68
Z 22-05: Hold a public hearing and first reading of an Ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment to allow a zoning of Form District 1 (F1) upon annexation for 6.657 acres for the Colony Reserve parkland of land out of the Hiram Cum mings Survey, Abstract No. 108, and the Stephen V.R. Eggleston Survey, Abstract No. 5, ZCounty,HaysTX.22-06:Hold a public hearing and first reading of an Ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment to allow a zoning of Form District 1 (F1) upon annexation for 1.106 acres for the Colony Reserve parkland of land out of the Stephen V.R. Eggleston Survey, Abstract No. 5, Hays County, Texas, being all of Lot 2 of Scales Subdivision.
In accordance with Texas Local Government Code Section 505.160 the City of Buda 4B Corporation a Texas non profit 4B economic development corporation (“ Buda EDC”), provides this public notice of a project being considered by the EDC as follows:
are $709.77 ATTEMPT
1. Project Downtown Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 505.158 and 505.160, the Buda EDC proposes to fund a project that promote new or expanded business development in Buda Downtown Business District. The project may include expenditures for land, buildings, equipment, facilities, improvements targeted infrastructure parking, architectural design utility relocations, infrastructure design and construction, building design and construction, professional studies related to any of the above, and any other expenditures that the board finds are appropriate to a mplish the objectives of the project The Buda EDC has budgeted expenditures for the project at Two Hundred Thousand Dollars and No/100ths ($200.000.00) but this amount is subject to change as the project progresses Information on any public hearing concerning the above project(s), if required will be noticed by agenda and available on the website of the Buda EDC in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
NOTICE TO RESPOND ERS:The City of Kyle is accept ing proposals for the selection of a company to provide car nival rides, concessions, and amusements during the City of Kyle’s Tex-Stravaganza event located at Gregg Clarke Park as stated in this RFP and posted on our of Kyle invites qualified com panies to submit proposals. The 2023 Tex-Stravaganza Event will be held Friday, May 5, 2023-Sunday, May 7, 2023. The city is seeking a company with carnival ride and amusement experi ence as well as experience working with public municipal agencies. Proposals marked OPERATION OF CARNIVAL RIDES, CONCESSIONS AND AMUSEMENTS FOR THE CITY OF KYLE TEX-STRAV AGANZA EVENT: RFP 2022 07 PARD are to be submitted to: Mariana Espinoza City of Kyle, Director of Parks and Recreation 700 Lehman Rd Kyle, TX 78640(512)REQUEST262-3939FOR
AND GENERAL PROPOSAL RE QUIREMENTS FOR AN ATH LETIC COURT SURFACE FOR THE ASH PAVILION FOR THE CITY OF KYLE GREGG-CLARKE PARK. NOTICE TO RESPOND ERS:The City of Kyle is accept ing proposals for an athletic court surface as stated in this RFP and posted on our web site: The City of Kyle invites qualified companies to submit propos als to provide the material only for an athletic, interlock ing, court style surface fir basketball and hockey at the Ash Pavilion at Gregg-Clarke Park. AG CM has provided basic specifications for the style of athletic, interlocking, surface court that the City is desiring. The city is seeking a company with athletic court surfacing experience as well as experience working with public municipal agencies. Proposals marked ATHLET IC COURT SURFACE FOR ASH PAVILION AT GREGGCLARKE PARK: RFP-202206-PARD are to be submitted to: Mariana Espinoza City of Kyle, Director of Parks and Recreation 700 Lehman Rd Kyle, TX 78640(512)REQUEST262-3939FOR
The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.
Vicky Rudy Interim Executive Director Buda Economic Development Corporation
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Mark Allen Rodriguez, Deceased, were issued on August 15, 2022_, in Cause No. 210472-P, pending in the County Court at Law No. TWO, Hays County, Texas, to: Beaujolais Rodriguez. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the under signed within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Beaujolais Rodriguez 10275 Shiro Dr. Kyle, Texas 78640 DATED the 24TH day of August , 2022. /s/ Lynn E. Markham Lynn E. gmail.comRodriguezAttorneyMarkhamforBeaujolaisStateBarNo.:12988400608E.HoustonAve.Crockett,Texas75835Telephone:(936)545-0344Facsimile:(737)200-4204E-mail:lawyermarkham@,sections6.02.0516.02.552oftheCityBudaCodeofOrdinances,wellassections4.04.0144.04.015.ThehearingwillbeheldatpmintheCouncilChamatBudaCityHall,405E.St.Building100,Buda,78610.PleasevisittheofBudawebsite(ci.buda.formeetingdetailsandparticipationoptions.agendawillbepublishedhourspriortothemeeting. ATTEMPT
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Dependent Administration for the Estate of PAUL MILLER TROTT MAN, Deceased, were issued on August 25, 2022, in Docket No. 22-0204-P, pending in the Probate Court of Hays County Texas, to: MARY MINNETTA TROTTMAN SHIPLEY, c/o Forsythe Law, PLLC, 950 W. Bethany Drive, Suite 320, Al len, Texas 75013. All persons having claims against this estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. All persons having claims should address them in care of the representative at the address stated above. DATED August 25, 2022. Respectfully submitted, FORSYTHE LAW, PLLC /s/ Morgan C. Gill ROBIN FORSYTHE, CFE, ESQ.State Bar No.: 24113565 TRACI DIAMOND State Bar No.: 24084479 MORGAN C. GILL State Bar No.: 24113575 950 West Bethany Drive, SuiteAllen,320TX Telephone:75013(972) 430-6763 Facsimile: (972) 430-6765 E-mail: Administratorcomtions@ForsytheLawPLLC.CustomerConnecAttorneyforDependent
Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Administra tion for the Estate of VALORIE MARIE ANTHO NY, Deceased, were issued on August 22, 2021, in Docket No.22-0213-P, pending in the Probate Court of Hays County Texas,LYNNDIto: KRISTINE MAY NARDc/o Forsythe Law, PLLC 950 W. Bethany Dr., Suite 320Allen, Texas 75013 All persons having claims against this estate which is currently being administered arerequired to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. All personshaving claims should address them in care of the representative at the address statedDATEDabove.August 23, 2022. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Morgan C. Gill ROBIN FORSYTHE, CFE, ESQ.State Bar No.: 24113565 MORGAN C. GILL State Bar No.: 24113575 950 W. Bethany Drive, SuiteAllen,320TX Telephone:75013(972) 430-6763 Facsimile: (973) 430-6765. Email CANTForsytheLawPLLC.comCustomerconnections@ATTORNEYFORAPPLI

MEDICAL Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit!
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN that the Board of Directors of Reunion Ranch Water Control and Improvement District (the “District”) has adopted an Amended Drought Contingency Plan (“Plan”) to conserve the available water supply and to protect the integrity of water supply facilities with particular regard for domestic water use, sani tary and fire protection and to protect and preserve public health, welfare and safety and minimize the adverse impacts of water supply shortage or other water supply emergency conditions. The Plan provides for public involvement, public education, coordination with regional water planning groups and the application of drought response stages. Restrictions on water use ranging from voluntary water use to mandatory conser vation and prohibited water uses are set forth in the Plan based on the water shortage conditions and drought stage. Any person who violates this Plan shall be subject to the following surcharges and con ditions of service: Following the first documented violation in a calendar year, the violator shall be given a notice speci fying the type of violation and the date and time it was ob served except for significant violations, including filling a swimming pool, which will be treated as a second docu mented violation. Surcharges and restrictions on service that may result from addition al violations; following the second documented violation in a calendar year, the violator shall be sent by certified mail a notice of violation and shall be assessed a surcharge of $500.00. This amount increases to an amount up to $2,000.00 if operating under Stages 3, 4 or 5 of the Plan; following the third document ed violation in a calendar year, the violator shall be sent by certified mail a notice of vi olation and shall be assessed a surcharge of $750.00. This amount increases to an amount up to $10,000.00 if operating under Stages 3, 4 or 5 of the Plan. Following the fourth documented violation in a calendar year, the District shall, upon due notice to the customer, discontinue water service to the prem ises where such violations occur. Services discontinued under such circumstances shall be restored only upon payment of a reconnection charge, as established in the District’s Rate Order, as amended from time to time, payment of all surcharges and any other costs incurred by the District in discontinuing service. In addition, suitable assurance must be given to the District so that the same action will not be repeated while the Plan is in effect. Each day that one or more of the provisions in this Plan is violated constitutes a sepa rate offense. Compliance with this Plan may also be sought through injunctive relief in the District Court. The full text of the fore going Plan is on file in the principal office of the District, c/o Willatt & Flickinger, PLLC, 12912 Hill Country Boulevard, Suite F-232, Austin, Texas 78738 where it may be read by any interested person. place a clas sified ad, call us at 512-268-7862 or email!com 800-876-9720. ADOPTION California family has sunlit nursery awaiting newborn. Secure future, devoted grandparents, best education, gentle pet. Generous living expenses. Jennifer/Justin 661-233-3062 or attorney 310-663-3467. REAL ESTATE 6 acres w/9 rentals; 2 acres potential for RV park/ storage, etc.; southeast of San Antonio (87/1604), 15 minutes from downtown San Antonio, $1,400,000. Bennie, 210-381-1234. GENERATORS
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IAQ: Indoor Air Quality purification systems reduce: • Allergens • Viruses • Bacteria • Pet dand Shafe installs stat of-the-art air purification systems that are: • CDC recommended • Chemical free • Eco-friendly We are here for you 24/7. Give us a call. We promise to answer anytime, day or night. BOOK ONLINE 800-903-5164 Call Shafer Services Plus for a free Indoor Air Quality Assessment in your home. • Mold • Odors • Air pollutants Now serving the communities of Kyle and Lockhart. License #TACLA013656E/M215 Residential & CommeRCial Automotive 395 Country Rd. 202, Ste 9B, Kyle, Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. • Family Owned & Operated • Full Service • dieSel DIRECT CARE COUNSELORS Provide positive role modeling, structure, and supervision to adolescent boys. No exp. required, We train comprehensively. Pay starting at $12 per hour for flexible 8 & 16 hr shift schedules. Health/life/dental insurance after 60 days. 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Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options. Request a FREE Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-855-704-8579. Call
Page 8 Hays Free Press • August 31, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICES, CONT.
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Hays Free Press • August 31, 2022 Page 9 BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN HAYS COUNTY — Stephen F. Austin State University (SFA) announced that Hays CISD will be the university’s partner for inclusion in its Distinguished High School Program.SFA’sDistinguished High School Program partners with independent school districts to offer unique opportunities that include guaranteed admission and enhanced services to eligibleAccordingstudents.toa press release, schoolsgraduatestop-rankingfromhighinthedistrict will be automatically eligible for scholarships worth up to $20,000 including a $50 application fee waiver. Seniors ranked in the top 30% of their class are also guaranteed admission to SFA.Students from partner schools automatically receive scholarship money for up to four years based on their class rank. Students who apply to SFA from distinguished program schools and students ranked in the top 10% of their class will also receive $5,000 per year. Students ranked in the 1125% of their class with a 3.0 GPA or higher will receive $3,000 per year.
Dr. Eric Wright, Hays CISD superintendent and three-time SFA graduate said he is proud that HCISD is partnering with SFA. “The opportunity this will create for our students is extraordinary,” Dr. Wright said. Submission of a scholarship application is not required, and those interested in applying to SFA can visit apply or call (936) 468-2504. PHOTO
Stephen F. Austin State University’s interim president Dr. Steve Westbrook and Hays Consolidated Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Eric Wright, both seated, sign an agreement naming Hays CISD as a partner in the university’s Distinguished High School Program. announces HCISD as distinguished partner
Water District Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate
Average residence home stead taxable value $0.00 $0.00 Tax on average residence homestead $0.00 $0.00
Difference in rates per $100 of value $0.00000 /$100 Percentage increase/de crease in rates (+/-) 0.00% Average appraised resi dence homestead value
The following table compares taxes on an average residence homestead in this taxing unit last year to taxes proposed on the average residence homestead this year. Last Year This year
Water District
If the district adopts a combined debt service, operation and maintenance, and contract tax rate that would result in the taxes on the average residence homestead increasing by more than eight percent, the qualified voters of the district by petition may require that an election be held to determine whether to reduce the operation and maintenance tax rate to the voter-approval tax rate under Section 49.23603, Water Code. There were no residential homesteads on January 1, 2021 or January 1, 2022, therefore the tax that would have been imposed on a residential homestead is $0.00. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.
Judge Becerra creates film advisory board
HAYS COUNTY – Hays County is working to become more film-friendly. After returning from the Texas Film County,”anymovingJudgeacquiredadvisoryincludingseveralcountyexecutiveyear,ConferenceCommissionearlierthisAnitaCollins,assistanttothejudge,broughtrecommendationscreatingafilmboard–whichhasfullsupportfromRubenBecerra.“IwillsupportthepictureindustryinwaypossibleinHaysBecerrasaidin
Anita Collins Victoria Vargas
If the district adopts a combined debt service, operation and maintenance, and contract tax rate that would result in the taxes on the average residence home stead increasing by more than eight percent, the qualified voters of the district by petition may require that an election be held to determine whether to reduce the operation and maintenance tax rate to the voter-approval tax rate under Section 49.23603, Water Code. There were no residential homesteads on January 1, 2021 or January 1, 2022, therefore the tax that would have been imposed on a residential homestead is $0.00. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.
Average residence home stead taxable value
residence homestead
Annual increase/decrease in taxes if proposed
Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate
Last Year This year Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $1.00/$100Adopted
rate is adopted (+/-) and percentage of increase (+/-) 0.00%$0.00
Driftwood Conservation District will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2022 on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. at 1101 Capital of Texas Hwy. South, Building D, Suite 110, Austin, Texas 78746. Your indi vidual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the tax rate that is adopted and on the change in the taxable value of your prop erty in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property. The change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in the taxable value of all other property determines the distribution of the tax burden among all property owners. Visit to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.
FOR the proposal: Stephen C. Dickman, Sam Siddons, Danette R. Koebele and Royce Wachsmann AGAINST the proposal: None PRESENT and not voting: None ABSENT: Jett Garner
Anthem Municipal Utility District will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2022 on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 11:45 a.m. at 805 Las Cimas Parkway, Building 3, Suite 310, Austin, Texas 78746. Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the tax rate that is adopted and on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property. The change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in the taxable value of all other property determines the distribution of the tax burden among all property owners. Visit to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.
Percentage increase/de crease in rates (+/-) 0.00%
Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $1.00/$100Adopted $1.00/$100Proposed
Annual increase/decrease in taxes if proposed tax rate is adopted (+/-) and percentage of increase (+/-) 0.00%$0.00
FOR the proposal: Brandon Brydson, Matt Jacobs, Andrew Schreck, Tammy Weber and Eric B. Storm AGAINST the proposal: None PRESENT and not voting: None ABSENT: None following table compares taxes on an average residence homestead in this taxing unit last year to taxes proposed on the average residence home stead this year. $1.00/$100Proposed $0.00 $477,972.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $477,972.00 on average $0.00 $4,779.72 tax
General (excludingexemptionshomesteadavailable65yearsof age or older or disabled person’s exemptions)
Average appraised resi dence homestead value $0.00 $0.00 General (excludingexemptionshomesteadavailable65yearsof age or older or disabled person’s exemptions) $0.00 $0.00
a news release. “When Anita, who has been in the film industry for decades before she was on my staff, makes a recommendation, I listen.”Collins thought a film advisory board would bring together film professionals throughout the county to network and support one another, while making Hays County more attractive to film productions. Collins and Victoria Vargas, the Kyle Film Friendly liaison and interim director of economic development, both attended the Texas Film Conference.Commission Vargas has seen the influx of production companies in Kyle and Hays County. “Hays County has long been a filming destination, but most recently we are catching the eye of larger name companies such as HBO Max, AMC and the CW to name a few,” Vargas said. “With the creation of a Film Advisory Board for the county, we are preparing ourselves for future film opportunities and welcoming the positive economic impact it will have on the county."
Collins quickly identified about 25 Hays County film professionals with whom she had worked. “I sent out invitations asking that if anyone knew of any other film professionals who lived or worked in Hays County, to send me their contact information,” Collins said. “Before I knew it, I had more than doubled my list.” Collins will serve as the chair of the Hays County Film Advisory Board and Vargas will serve as vicechair. Anyone in the film industry interested in becoming involved may send their name, email, phone, and profession to
“I’m proud of how many barriers our Distinguished High School Program is able to break down for students wishing to continue their education journey,” said Dr. Steve Westbrook, interim SFA president. “It’s one more layer in SFA’s expansive approach to making higher education affordable and accessible, and we’re thrilled to welcome Hays CISD as a partner excited to join us in thatTimpursuit.”Savoy, StatecreditCommunityRampsUniversityvariousnumberworkforcommunicationschiefofficerHCISD,saidtheycloselywithaofcollegesforprogramsliketheofTexasOn-program,AustinCollegefordualcoursesandTexasforteacherfellows’ programs.“[Theprogram] is to help remove barriers to enrolling in college for those who do graduate,” Savoy said. The program also includes additional financial aid assistance to students with high financial needs; a special, tailored campus visit; and an assigned admissions counselor to serve students throughout the collegeenrollment process.
Difference in rates per $100 of value $0.00000 /$100

County to use ARPA funds
How to stay safe healthy Hydrated Hydrate when you wake up and before meals Wrap up your day with another bottle of water Use a produce heavy diet Flavor your water (add fruit, vegetables herbs etc) Keep track of hydration using an app or journal Stay inside when it gets too hot from Scripps and Everyday Health) COURTESY OF PATRICK STEGER PHOTOGRAPHY
during Labor Day weekend TIPS & ADVICE Staying
BY MEGAN WEHRING HAYS COUNTY – A local ER doctor provides families with tips on staying safe and healthy throughout the upcoming Labor Day weekend.Thefirst thing to be mindful of is the weather – even though the holiday weekend is at the beginning of high body to an usually
output “Heat exhaustion [can occur when] you are sweating a lot,” Nijjar said. “You can faint, you feel nauseous and you feel your muscles cramping. That’s the first part of the spectrum, and you can go into heat stroke when you have more stroke-like symptoms. That’s when you stop sweating and your body temperature starts to get really high.” Nijjar added that previously, people were told to drink a specific number of gallons of water per day to gain sufficient hydration. However, the goal is to ensure a person’s urine is a pale yellow color. “You want to make sure you are urinating throughout the day, and you are still able to sweat,” Nijjar said. “If you do feel nauseous or achy, go inside. If you are unable to go inside, you need to stop your activity, make sure you are not doing anything strenuous and go to a shady area away from the sun as much as you are able to. … I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to stay hydrated.”
We proudly support our hometown talent Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm 251 N. FM 1626 #2C, Buda, TX 78610 Office: (512) 312-1917 • Fax: dvthames@austin.rr.com312-0688 Debbie Thames Insurance Agency AUTO • HOME • LIFE • BOAT • HEALTH Your Business & Referrals Are Appreciated Commissioners hear broadband presentation COUNTY
Debbie Ingalsbe said that uninsured patients are six times more likely to be diagnosed with cancers, which are identified in late stages. The five-year life expectancy for Stage Four breast cancer is just 27%, compared to 99% life expectancy for Stage One. While the organization is interested in working with all types of cancers, they are starting off focusing on breast cancer — and stress that screenings are important for both men and women.Affordable and preventative measures are key, which is what this funding will be able to provide. People who otherwise would not have had the opportunity will be able to be screened and get other services they need, Ingalsbe explained. The initiative works in Hays, Bastrop, and Williamson counties. The intent is to use available local resources first, then use these ARPA dollars to fill the gap for screening and treatment.Commissioner Walt Smith, who helped prepare this item for over a year alongside Ingalsbe, noted that the COVID-19 pandemic had detrimental effects to this kind of healthcare — nationwide, screenings dropped to 40%. But a service like this, he said, allows tax dollars to be spent in a “really judicious and well-meaning way.” “A lot of people don't remember that while our emergency rooms were still open [during COVID], there was a long period where the general work of those hospitals, the preventative work that they did, was unavailable,” Smith said. “This is an opportunity for us to go out into their communities and bring those services to the population that needs them. It really struck me that those preventive things, those ‘maintenance’ healthcare needs of our community, really weren’t met during the pandemic, simply because our professionals didn’t have the opportunity to meet with those folks, and those facilities were closed.”Ellen Richards, vice president of United Way for Greater Austin, explained that the service works like a “funnel:” people are able to get screened through preventative mammograms, and those who are found to have something unusual in their analysis can then, if applicable, be diagnosed and get treatment.
The Kyle Area Chamber of Commerce presented their Excellence in Commerce awards at the monthly luncheon, held Tuesday, August 23. Awards were given for small, medium and large business of the year, as well as nonprofit, business person and volunteer of the year. Pictured is Volunteer of the Year Kimberly Shoemaker. Nonprofit and volunteer of the year recognized
consideredcurrentdofoundfromsurveyMarchbetweenadigitalissuestheholistictheNationinfrastructure.broadbandConnectedTexasapproachedbroadbandstudyinawayandfocusedonqualityoflifetoidentifynecessarytoclosethedivide.ThecountyconductedcomprehensivesurveythemonthsofandJune2022.Thecollectedresponses1,469householdsandthat465householdsnothave25/3Mpbs(thestandardofwhatisfastinternet.)Thestudyalsofound three reasons for broadband dissatisfaction: slow speeds, high prices, and unstable connections.
512-858-5159 Texasfriendlyhometownbank 401 E. Hwy 290W.
sweating(coma)speechmentalinclude:treatment.notorcauseminutes.or106temperaturestroketofailsthetemperaturetemperature.canoccursseriousControltorelatedthenyouafrequentwould]theoutside.temperatures“Butatemergencylot,”Texas.intemperaturesSeptember,remainhighHaysCountyandacross“IthasbeenrainingasaidJaismeenNijjar,ancarephysicianBaylorScott&White.beforethat,theareveryhighIt’shardtoescapeheatinTexasbut[Irecommendtakingbreaks,stayinginshadedareaandbeforegoout,hydrateandrehydrate.”Therearedifferentheat-illnesses,accordingtheCentersforDiseaseandPrevention.Heatstroke,themostheat-relatedillness,whenthebodynolongercontrolitsThebody’srisesrapidly,sweatingmechanismandthebodyisunablecooldown.Whenheatoccurs,thebodycanrisetodegreesFahrenheithigherwithin10to15HeatstrokecanpermanentdisabilitydeathifthepersondoesreceiveemergencySymptomsofheatstroke•Confusion,alteredstatus,slurred•Lossofconsciousness•Hot,dryskinorprofuse•Seizures • Very
BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN HAYS COUNTY — The Hays County Commissioners Court met Aug. 16 to listen to presentations about the county’s broadband and the importance of elevating the Council of Indigenous and Tejano communities of Broadband Solutions Manager Pam Waggoner, Connected Nation Texas partnered with the Hays County Broadband Committee to conduct a study designed to determine the availability of
delayedtemperature•FataliftreatmentHeatexhaustionis the body’s response
1 2 3 4 5 6 (Information
Alba-Rogers also gave a presentation to request funding from the court to benefit the Tejano and Indigenous communities and help them make a difference in reaching historically excluded residents and taxpayers. According to the 2021 Hays County Census, where there are more than 255,400 residents, 40.6% are Hispanic/Latino. CITC’s mission is to preserve the county’s rich culture and history of the indigenous community within the county.“Inearly 2021, some of us in this courtroom stood before you to ask that you allow us to keep telling the stories, and despite their historical value and educating the community, the stories of our ancestors were not being told nor prioritized among traditional channels,” RogersRogerssaid.shared several support letters from the community, including Texas historians and a family from Kyle. CITC sought to receive $14,654 for various items in their budget proposal, including video equipment, software, a printer, scanner andThecopier.court appreciativewasand supportive of CITC’s “Thankmission.youforyour work, and I really appreciate the work on the previous, untold marker in the Dripping Springs Area,” Smith said. P.O. Box 1243 Springs, TX 78620 NEWS BY BRITTANY ANDERSON HAYS COUNTY — Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in Central Texas — and Hays County is diverting funds to provide free or low-cost breast cancer screenings to help combatDuringthis.its Aug. 2 regular meeting, the Hays County Commissioners Court unanimously approved a Hays County Social Service Funding Agreement with United Way for Greater Austin to use ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds for cancer screening and treatment for those at or below 250% of the federal poverty level, or those who are uninsured or not eligible for other Ardurraresources.Groupserves as the program manager for the Hays County ARPA program, assisting commissioners and county staff in the saidprojectEricofdevelopmentplanning,andexecutionprojectswithitsfunds.Boehning,seniormanagerofArdurra,thatcomingupwith the justification to use funds for this initiative “practically wroteCommissioneritself.”
Members of Kyle Area Senior Zone pose with the award they received for Nonprofit of the Year.
Page 10 Hays Free Press • August 31, 2022
“People want better service. They need the internet for their quality of life. They need their internet to work; their kids need internet to go to school — people just want more,” Wagner
through excessive temperatureexhaustionSymptomssweating.ofheatinclude:•Headache•Nausea•Dizziness•Weakness•Irritability•Thirst•Heavysweating•Elevatedbody•Decreasedurine
“Our goal is to change that trend by getting people into screening and treatment so that they can get the help that they need and go on to live productive lives,” Richards said. “We really need people to get out there and get screened. We’ll be working with the folks here in this county on the ground who can help do that outreach and get people in the pipeline.”
With the Big Pink Bus in full service and providing screenings, two women in Hays County have already been diagnosed with breast cancer and are in treatment — bolstering the need for this service even more.
excessive loss of water and salt,

Senior QB #16 Austin Novosad hands off to senior RB #23 Cade Curry during the second quarter of the game.
PHOTOS BY KATELYN PESINA Hays Hawks and Akins Eagles participate in the coin toss. Chris Bruce (#23) and Kaiden Richardson (#43) take down the Akins QB. Zach Obara (#20) and Isaac Smith (#15) celebrate a touchdown.
Saturday, May 22, 2021 a.m. p.m.
BY ALBERT SANCHEZ DRIPPING SPRINGS — The stands were near capacity at the Friday, Aug. 26 Dripping Springs High School vs. Vandegrift High School away game. The game went back and forth and the Tigers battled the Vipers to the very end. The score was tied at 20-20 with three seconds left on theSeniorclock.Tiger #7 Walker Wright came in the game to attempt a 42-yard field goal. As Wright approached the ball, the Vipers' coach called a time out. Walker re-grouped and made the winning 42-yard field goal.
Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200
Tigers travel to play powerhouse Vandergrift HS Hays defeats Akins, 64-14
Johnson Jaguars run on to the field at Shelton Stadium for their game against Clark High School on Friday, Aug. 26.
DS volleyball wins 3-0 Johnson football SET UP FOR SUCCESS BY WAYLAND D. CLARK WIMBERLEY — The Wimberley Texans opened their football season with a 21-14 road win at Canyon Lake, winning the “Backbone Trophy.”Quarterback Cody Stoever rushed 16 times for 122 yards and a touchdown and completed 10 of 14 passes for 169 yards with two touchdown passes. Johnny Ball rushed nine times for 45 yards.Cayden Heatly had two receptions for 25 yards and a touchdown. Noah Birdsong led receiving with five catches for 122 yards. Jack Boyle had a 6-yard pass reception for a touchdown in the third quarter. Gage Tumlinson was good on all three PATs. Head Coach Doug Warren applauded his team, “That’s a super job,” he said after the win, “there is one thing I will never, never doubt – the heart, character and fight of this team – you proved it to me in practice and proved it tonight.”TheTexans scored twice in the first quarter on a Stoever run and a pass to Heatly. The Hawks scored in the second and third quarter. With a chance to tie the game, Wimberley’s Owen O’Neal recovered a Canyon Lake fumble late in the fourth quarter to seal the Texans’ win.The Texans will host San Antonio Pieper on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available online at or at the box office one hour prior to game time.
Saturday, May 22, 2021 a.m.
Hays Free Press • August 31, 2022 Page 11 JOB FAIR
Texans clip Canyon Lake Hawks
PHOTO BY WAYLAND D. CLARK; WFOTOS.COM Wimberley quarterback Cody Stoever (2), a sophomore, looks for a receiver as senior Johnny Ball is ready to take out any Canyon Lake defender with ill intent.
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2021 10:00
Crossing, Kyle TX 78640 Join
Senior Boston Papp receives a pass from QB Austin Novosad and scores a touchdown. Chris Bruce (#23) and Kaiden Richardson (#43) take down Akins #8.
Senior punter #7 kicks the winning field goal with three seconds remaining in game.
– 2:00 p.m. Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle TX 78640 Apply at or call 512.329.1778 for more information. Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, including: • Drivers • EquipmentMechanics Operators • Excavation Laborers • Concrete Workers Route CustomerAuditorsCare Reps, and more! Offeringupto forselectpositions*On-SiteInterviews$8k * Certain exclusions apply.
Evo Entertainment 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, including: • Drivers • Mechanics • Equipment Operators for JOB FAIR Saturday,
2021 Positions Available include: • Drivers • Mechanics • Equipment Operators • Excavation Laborers • Concrete Workers • Route Auditors • Customer Care Reps and More! TDS IS NOW HIRING! Find your career with us. Join the TDS family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid leave and paid holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, including: $8KOfferingupto forselectpositions*On-SiteInterviews
The final score was Tigers 23 and Vipers 20. The Tigers will play their first home game on Friday at 7:30 p.m. against San Antonio Wagner HighGameSchool.stathighlights are as •follows:Sr.QB- #16 Austin Novosad was 18 out of 30 attempts for 247 yards • Sr. #8 Garon Duncan had 9 rec. for 129 yards and 1 touchdown•Sr.#25Boston Papp had 4 rec. for 49 yards and 1 touchdown•Sr.#23Cade Curry had 11 carries for 57 yards
DRIPPING SPRINGS – Dripping Springs High School swept Del Valle High School with a 3-0 victory before a large home crowd. This was the first home game for DSHS in the newly realigned UIL district play, since DSHS is now playing in 6A Region IV District 26. DSHS’s current record is 16-6 and its next home game is set for Sept. 9 against Akins High School. To read more on the school’s stats, please volleyball/.dripping-springs-tigers/com/tx/dripping-springs/https://www.maxpreps.visit
Family. We offer competitive pay, JOB FAIR Saturday,
– 2:00
Saturday, May 22, 10:00 a.m. 2:00 May 22, a.m. 2:00 p.m. Kyle the TDS May 22,

Boy Scouts resume flag retirements
Schedule daytime, evenings & weekends! Book now
Jeri Skrocki, Hays CISD Chief Safety and Security Officer, also said that all student clinics and the SROs (school resource officers) on secondary campuses are equipped withHowever,Narcan.these lifesaving drugs are also in short supply, as the fentanyl crisis is reaching every corner of the nation, heightening the importance of parents having candid conversations with their children as soon as possible.“Evenif you don’t think they’re not exposed to illegal drugs, you need to ask them. Ask them what they see and hear from their friends,” Barnett said. “Give them coping mechanisms to say Skrockino.” said that the district’s focus is getting into the classrooms and educating children firsthand, because “quite frankly, they’re not people watching the news; they’re not reading the headlines.”
PHOTO COURTESY OF JUDY LACKEY Boy Scout Troop 967 in Buda retired over 170 flags on Aug. 26 at Bradfield Village Park. The troop received around 16 large bags from the city that were taken from the American Flag Decommissioning Drop Box, created by Eagle Scout Kameron Welma for his Eagle Scout project. The troop has not been able to retire flags since COVID and the drought, but plans on doing it more often as possible. Pictured is VFW Post 12161 Commander Steve Cagle, third from right, with Troop 967.
PHOTO BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN Pat Green opened his show with a cover of AC/ DC’s Thunder Struck.
Page 12 Hays Free Press • August 31, 2022
Buda hosts its first-ever Margarita Salsa Fest
BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN BUDA — Hundreds of people gathered at the Buda Amphitheater on Saturday to eat, drink and listen to live music. Despite a light summer shower, nothing was going to stop people from having a good time at Margarita Salsa Fest. The festival, which originated in Waco, was sponsored by several different companies: Willie’s Joint, Flying Embers, Reliant Plumbing, Shiner Beer and Baird Pools. Several food truck vendors were also in attendance including Lil Red Lunchbox, Bahama Bucks, Eastside BBQ and Bandit Tacos. Lil Red Lunchbox sold cheeseburgers,old-fashionedpatty melts and corn dogs but sold out of almost all items by the end of the night. Bahama Bucks sold shaved ice in various flavors, including pina colada, tiger’s blood and cherry lime mango. They were also selling some signature flavors like Mangonada and tropical blueAsidecoconut.fromthe food, vendors like Flying Embers gave out free samples of margarita seltzers. WaterTight Cocktail Co. also sold margaritas in a can in three flavors: Beach Margarita, Guava Paloma and Mango Sipper. Los Olivos Market also attended the festival to give samples of homemade salsa like habanero, hatch tomatillo salsa and queso extreme.“Ithink it’s an awesome event to get the Buda community together. We’ve been in the Buda community for about two and half years and just love it here,” said John Herdman, vice president of Los Olivos Market.NoGrainer Gluten Free Cookies sold various glutenfree cookies, including s’mores, fruity cereal sugar, snickerdoodle, margarita butter and chocolate chip. Evie & Me Cookies were selling a variety of cookies as well, including birthday cake and cookies and cream cookies.Evie& Me cookies are made from original recipes by wife and husband duo Cailan and Bailor Ellison. Their 8-month-old daughter inspired the business name. “[We’re] so excited we got to be a part of the marg salsa fest! [We] can’t wait to make more homemade cookies for all of South Austin and beyond,” Calian Ellison said. After getting drinks and food, people were invited to lay a blanket on the amphitheater grass in front of the stage to enjoy live music from the Shaker Hymns, a Texas Southern Rock band, and American neotraditional Americana band Mike and the Moonpies.“[The]Shaker Hymns completely rocked it, giving us a taste of what’s to come on their new album,” festival attendee Lindsay Lucero said.The festival also welcomed American country artist Pat Green, who was performing his first album release concert for his latest album, “Miles & Miles of You” – Green’s first album in seven years. Festival-goer Courtney Lester was excited to see Pat Green.“Ijust love the atmosphere of having all the food trucks and vendors. What a great way to bring the community together for a good time,” Lester said.
Skrocki said that the district is working to create a video PSA with local community members who are experts that will be shown in the district’s middle and high school levels to get students to understand the risks, dangers and warning signs, what they can do if they experience this and what options are available for them.Skrocki acknowledgedalso the role of campus SROs, saying that they are not there to arrest people — they are there as a resource.“You’re not tattling. You’re potentially saving a life,” Skrocki said. “What we know is there’s a lot of reservation among students, because they don’t want to get their friends in trouble or they don’t want to get in trouble. So our goal is to try to get them to understand the importance and recognize that we can get there before it happens.”Officialsalso stressed the importance that change is not just going to have to come from parents talking with their children — it’s going to have to come from the children themselves.“Ifthey’re involved in these kinds of activities, they need to pay attention to their friends and discourage their friends,” Swisher said. “The fix to the problem is not all the stuff that we can do on the ‘cop’ side. It’s going to come from the kids making a conscious decision, a moral decision, to get involved with their friends and deter their friends. I can stand up here all day long and say, “Don’t do this.” They’re not listening to me. They’re listening to their peer support groups. That’s the key for us. They need to be aware and willing to stand up for their friends.”
Facebook page, or by calling the office at 512-504-9950. In addition to Narcan availability, Kyle ER offers free, confidential access to a recovery specialist via its recovery line. Those looking for support or resources can reach out to 512-745-9943 via phone or text.
As HCISD, EMS and fire agencies and law enforcement on a local, state and federal level collaborate to address this epidemic by educating students and working to eliminate these drugs in the community, one fact remains the same: that this heart-wrenching crisis is avoidable.“Itisacriminal offense to do something that causes the death of another, whether unknowingly or knowingly,” Barnett said. “We’re coming after you.”
FENTANYL, from page 1