Man gets 60 years for child abuse
Noah’s parents, Janel Rodriguez and Brandon Dunn, described him as being genuine, kind, and a jokester. A Johnson High School sophomore, he was athletic and loved football and basketball, had many friends and was a great brother to his two little sisters. His youngest sibling, a baby brother, was born just two weeks prior to his death.
The Hays Free Press 361-430) Barton Buda, Barton

Hays County Criminal District Attorney Wes Mau congratulated Assistant Criminal District Attorney Catherine Schneider who led the prosecution with assistance from Court Chief Ben Gillis, as well as the officers and detectives with the Hays County Sheriff’s Office for their work in seeking justice in the case.
Hours later, she would receive a phone call at midnight from his friend’s mom: “I think Noah overdosed.” Her daughter was heard screaming in the background.Itwasabout half an hour later before Janel and Brandon could leave their house, as they had to find
See NONPROFIT, page 12
Janel recalled Aug. 20, the last day they all spent together: swimming and barbecuing with family while planning for his 16th birthday on Oct. 9. Later in the evening, as Noah was being dropped off at a friend’s house, she made Brandon not drive off until Noah was in the house.
“I feel like Noah’s death has a purpose” FENTANYL,
The child testified that on multiple occasions while at Nicolas-Gonzalez’s house, the defendant placed his hand inside her clothes and used his fingers and hands to sexually assault her. Law enforcement became involved in Dec. 2019, when the child made an outcry of abuse to her mother. The child was forensically interviewed at Roxanne’s House, Hays County’s regional child advocacy center. The child related the abuse to the forensic interviewer, and, later, to a sexual assault nurse examiner.
Janel said they started noticing a change in Noah around the time COVID-19 first hit in March 2020. A former honor roll student who took AP classes, his grades began to “tank.” He started staying out later and sneaking out, and they would notice slurring in his speech at times. Most notably, he stopped hanging out with friends he grew up with and started introducing them to friends they had never heard of.
Noah with his mother Janel, middle, father Brandon, right, and two little sisters.
Hays Free Press
Paramedics worked on Noah for 45 minutes, using two injections of Narcan, a life-saving medicine that can rapidly reverse an opioid overdose. But by the time Janel and Brandon arrived, it was too late. Officers on scene found
bags with snacks every chemo session and one day, her sister-in-law was walking down the staircase and said, “It looks like the chemo fairy“Wecame.”kind of ran with that idea,” Parker said.
Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. ISSN#1087-9323
he assaulted a young female relative repeatedly beginning from when she was about nine years old. He had access to the child on occasions when her mother took another relative to chemotherapy appointments.
The Hays Free Press Barton Publications,
page 12
© Barton Publications, Inc. 75¢ Vol. 128 • No. 28 Serving Hays County, TX
overdoses in 2022. Seven resulted in deaths, four of which were Hays CISD students — two 15-year-olds and two 17-year-olds.
experimentation with marijuana escalated to using pills. In May, he overdosed and was in the hospital for a week, leading to what Janel and Brandon thought was a wakeup call for everybody. After being discharged, he was engaging with the family again.“Just the happy Noah we had lost,” Janel said, adding that they would do daily check-ins with him.
Geoff Pastrick with his family.
someone to stay with their four-year-old, 18-monthold and two-week old. They frantically called family members to go to the house where Noah was, who were able to arrive in minutes.
“Noah was not a bad kid at all,” Janel said. “He was not disrespectful. He got into some trouble here and there, but he wasn’t from a troubled home. We’re a good family. We’re stable.”
Chief Jeff Barnett said that the department has investigated 25 fentanyl-related
The local organization'snonprofitmission
is to bring joy giveParkerhisweekstheHeather.PastrickhusbandStephaniebetweenaTheChemofamiliespatientspediatricencouragementandtocancerandtheirthroughMyFairy®GiftSets.organizationiscollaborativeeffortPastrick’ssisterParker,herBryanParker,andhiswife,Parkerwouldgotohospitaleverythreetohelphimwithchemotherapy.saidsheusedtoherbrothergoodie
One family’s story of losing a child to fentanyl
Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. Periodicals postage paid at
Nonprofit encourages cancer patients

“Noah was always very clean, wanting to take a shower, brush his teeth,” Janel added. “He started doing less and less of that. At first, I was like, ‘he’s just getting older.’ But then I thought, ‘no, something’s notAtright.’”some point, Noah’s
Jose Nicolas-Gonzalez
— Geoff Pastrick was diagnosed with Stage 4 Burkitt’s Lymphoma, an aggressive blood cancer, in February 2019 and passed away in May 2020. But after his diagnosis, family discussions regarding treatments, clinic visits and hospital stays, Primed 2 Fight Foundation was born.

“It's a potent synthetic opioid, and when the dose is not calibrated carefully, or when it's not produced in a settingpharmaceuticalwhereeverything is controlled and predictable, then that's when you introduce a lot of risks,” Dr. HillAccordingsaid.
The district quickly worked to partner with local law enforcement and other agencies to address this problem. Following news of the first student fentanyl death in July, the community continued to be shaken by three more, all within a month.Noah Rodriguez, 15, was one of those students.
“I wanted to see him walk inside,” Janel said. “That was the last time I saw my son.”
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2021, there were over 107,000 deaths in the U.S. from drug poisoning overdoses, with approximately 70% of those related to opioids and fentanyl.KylePolice
Nicolas-Gonzalez’s attorneys argued the child fabricated the abuse, but the jury disagreed and returned verdicts of guilty on both counts of Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child. After a punishment hearing, the jury returned verdicts calling for 60 years in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice on each count. Senior Judge Dan Mills, sitting by assignment in the 453rd District Court, pronounced the sentence.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2022
TX 78610 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to

“It comes as no surprise that Hays County jurors have no tolerance for predators who target children,” Mau said. “Hopefully, this sentence will not only prevent Mr. Nicolas-Gonzalez from victimizing anyone else but also send a message to others who are inclined to believe they can take advantage of children without consequence.”

HAYS COUNTY — What feels like something that would only happen in a far-off community, or is just a “big city problem,” has quickly become reality for Hays County residents: fentanyl is here, and it’s killing children as young as 15.Fentanyl is an approved pharmaceutical drug that is used every day in hospitals and prescribed to patients who have severe or chronic pain. According to Dr. Lucas Hill, a clinical associate professor at the University of Texas in Austin and director of the Texas Opioid Training Initiative, it is safe and effective to use in a clinical setting as prescribed. However, fentanyl can be illicitly manufactured into counterfeit pills, meaning that it was not produced by a pharmaceutical company, but instead in a clandestine lab or someone’s basement or Somebathtub.drug dealers will use fentanyl to mix with other drugs as a cheaper option to sell their product while producing a powerful high. But doing so in such a haphazard way can be incredibly lethal — only two milligrams can kill the average adult.
My Chemo Fairy® Gift Sets include a boy or girl fairy, a storybook and a ‘You Got This!’ bag filled with different treats. The book, authored by Parker, is a story of her and her brother.
published weekly by
different phones on his trip: an iPhone he uses for work and his Android phone. He had four battery packs for his Android phone, including one that used solar technology to recharge. He said he used all the Android battery packs, and his iPhone was always on his PFD and life jacket.During the first two days of his trip, Mumma went through two battery packs listening to music. He listened to Texas Country like Cody Jinks and Pink Floyd.“Ihate paddling in silence, so after that, it was nothing but silence for the rest of the trip,” Mumma said.Mumma took a tarp, canned corn, peanut butter, mixed vegetables, Starkist tuna/chicken packets and his pistol. The 28-year-old was running out of food and water. He also said that people would toss him beers.
Page 2 Hays Free Press / News-Dispatch • September 21, 2022
Colton met him at a park south of Bay City to restock him with Gatorade, ice and snacks. He vividly remembers eating a muffin and said it was “so damn good” that he didn’t even taste it.
“If the council would like us to bring back a presentation on what we are doing in regards to this we’ll be happy to do that at the next council meeting,” Hendrix
Mumma also took
“It was a big ask of him because he lives in Seguin, but he drove down there for the day,” Mumma said.
Kyle City Council recognizes Dylan Mumma at its Sept. 6 meeting for completing his 292-mile kayak journey along the Colorado River.

and his friends that he could do it.
Mumma used to skateboard before he underwent extensive back surgery for three herniated disks in 2019 when doctors cut into his back and performed a microdiscectomy. As a result, Mumma was out of construction work for a month or two, and after going back to work, Mumma realized he didn’t have an outlet to stay active.Butwhat prompted him to take this trip was his friend.“It’sgonna sound lame, but a friend of mine was really mad at me, and I figured I’d go and reflect on what I did to piss her off and how I could rekindle that friendship,” Mumma said.On the trip, Mumma learned what he did to upset his friend. He also learned that despite having the best intentions, he had bad execution, but when he’s “up against the grindstone,” he tends to do pretty well. Mumma’s trip was to prove to himself
Kyle Council circles back to improvementpersonnelplan

See COUNCIL, page 3
KYLE — During its regular city council meeting on Sept. 6, the Kyle City Council circled back to
Local takes on five-day
an indefinite period of time, and either the employee or the city is free to terminate the employment relationship at will, and at any time, with or without cause.”Duran also read Section 2.16 of the policy which states, “No employee shall have a right to disciplinary actions that are progressive. Consideration may be given to the individual circumstances when determining the disciplinary actions to be taken.”Section 8.01 covers adverse action, which Duran also read off during the“Themeeting.citymay deny or reject any theyconsiderationthatrehabilitation.orpresenceandenvironmentalcontributingofappointeeagerecencysurroundingconduct,andconsidersDurandisturbance,conduct,factorscetera.suchoftheconsideration,prioryouservice.”efficiencyactiondeterminesCitytheemployee,demotepromotion,appointmentapplication,ororsuspend,orremoveanyatanytimethatCityManagerortheManager’sdesigneethatsuchwillpromotetheoftheCity’s“Forgeneralittellswhetherthere’shistoryunderwhetherconductandevidencetheindividualwarrantsdisciplinaryaction,etIt’salsoforspecificlikeimproperdishonesty,etcetera,”said.Thepolicyalsothenatureseriousnessofthecircumstancestheconduct,oftheconduct,oftheapplicantoratthetimetheconduct,andsocialorconditionstheabsenceorofrehabilitationeffortstowardAlloftheseareitemsthecitytakesunderwhetheraregoingtoapply

KYLE – Dylan Mumma has dissolved his comfort zone.Mumma, a resident of Kyle, traveled from East Austin FM 973 to Matagorda Bay in five days. Mumma left his home at 8 a.m. on a Wednesday and was picked up on a Sunday, after paddling for 59 hours.

“I like to call it kayak trip
time knowing that there will be some employees that may not be having some performance issues. We can do our best as a city to help with those improvements and move forward on that end to be able to retain them as much as possible,” Tobias said.Interim City Manager Jerry Hendrix stepped up to the podium to say that he thought they were already doing a lot of what Flores-Cale presented.
“I think the only thing that got sunburned was my nose,” Mumma said.
“I think the last day I was there — paddling from Bay City to Matagorda — I was pretty drunk because all I think people were giving me were the beer,” MummaMumma’ssaid.friend Colton had Mumma’s location and picked him up on the

Dylan Mumma takes a selfie during his kayaking trip.
“You know you’ve kind of had this on the back burner; you mapped it out; let’s just go do it,” Mumma had said to himself.
Three nights into Mumma’s voyage, he ran out of water in Matagorda and began rummaging around the brush when an alligator spooked him. So, he walked to town and met the lockmaster’sMatagordanephewat a bar.“That’s crazy because a week before, I had just met the lockmaster in Matagorda,” Mumma said. “And then the following week, here I am 100 miles north of Matagorda meeting his nephew at a bar.”Although Mumma was without sunscreen, he was outfitted in a long-sleeved UV shirt, UV pants, smock and a cowboy hat.
Matagorda beach.
“I probably could have kept paddling til they found me in the ocean somewhere. It was kind of somber, but then when I pulled up to shore — Colton was there; he was super hyped, some fisherman was there that Colton was talking to, and he was super hyped, and then I just remember the story blew up on KXAN, and it’s kind of been a whirlwind since,” Mumma said.Mumma said the trip taught him not to overthink or over plan but get out there.
“That was like the best muffin of my life,” Mumma said.At the end of his trip, Mumma was sad because he didn’t want it to end. As the sun set in Matagorda, Mumma said he slowed down and was taking everything in.

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“It’s very spelled out on what the options are,” DuranFlores-Calesaid. questioned what the city’s idea of retention looked like.
A story in the Sept. 14 edition of the Hays Free Press about the Kyle Area Senior Zone donation stated the amount received was $20, 000. In fact, the amount of the donation was $200,000.
Vaccinations Castilleja also spoke about when he went to get his COVID-19 vaccine, noting that only about six Hispanics showed up within two hours.
KYLE — The city hosted its sixth Dialogue for Peace & Progress on Friday evening at City Hall where community members and leaders gathered to have open and honest conversations about Hispanic Heritage Month.
What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you?
been happening over the past two years.
“I really don’t understand why with something that’s available to them and why they don’t show up,” Castilleja said.
We proudly support our hometown talent
COUNCIL, from page 2
“We do a lot for retention,” Duran said. “We do a lot of recognition for retention.”“I’dliketo see consistency throughout the city for all employees that you decide to put on this [PIP]. So that would require a policy that everyone understands. The
Immigration Cobos noted that a lack of dialogue and empathy can make it challenging to recognize the hardships immigrants go through to make it to the United States.
“It wasn’t a lack of wanting to take advantage of the resources provided regardless of your insurance or not; it’s the historic events in the past with particular minorities,” Cobos said.
were not allowed to go to the AngloAngelitaschool.Tobias also recounted her days in school – she was the first member of her family to go to an integrated school.
Kyle hosts Hispanic Heritage Month Dialogue

Rodríguez said she feels proud of Hispanic Heritage Month.
The city recruited a group of panelists with a variety of perspectives and backgrounds to speak during the discussion, including the mother of council member Michael Tobias, Angelita Tobias, Hays Latinos United Founder and Executive Director Dr. Michelle Cohen, Ariana Cobos, Domingo Castilleja and Vannesa Rodríguez. The panel was moderated by Kyle City Council members Daniela Parsley and Yvonne FloresCale.
“A lot of times they are afraid of the vaccine more than they are the virus and that is because of the misinformation that’s being spread in this area. There are over 94,000 Latinos in Hays County and only maybe 44% are fully vaccinated,” Dr. CohenCohensaid.also noted the disparities that impacted the Hispanic community like not having a community center and no library east of I-35. For more information about the Dialogues for Peace & Progress including previous/future events and how to watch them, please visit com/dialogue.https://www.cityofkyle.
“When I asked the city for this policy, I was not given this until right now,” Flores-Cale said. “So placing this into a handbook where people can sign and say ‘Yes, I have it’ is a great start.”
been public on the city website.“I'mnot really interested in putting anything into a policy because I do agree it is binding, and as Mr. Tobias said and as you have said repeatedly is that it is a case by case basis and you simply cannot create a black and white policy for something that has so much gray area,” Bradshaw
Angelita Tobias agreed with Castilleja about closed borders, but she does not embrace the fear tactics. “We cannot classify immigrants as — I don’t even want to say, but the president that
Barton Publications wants to promptly correct any errors. If you feel a correction or clarification is in order, contact Ashley Kontnier
we used to have that we were all Mexicans and we were all rapists. I will not embrace that because we have beautiful people,” Angelita Tobias said.
Cobos said she spoke to some Venezuelans who were skeptical about the vaccine.
Hays Free Press / News-Dispatch • September 21, 2022 Page 3 1 2 3 4 65 7 8 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 20 22 23 24 25 Copyright 2022by Orbison Bros. CROSSWORDTEXAS by Charley & Guy Orbison 18 26 33 41 54525153 ACROSS DOWN 1 TX Carolyn Jones film: “The Seven Year ____” 5 natl. college sports org. (abbr.) 6 hair coil 7 former Houston mayor Lanier (init.) 8 this Heisman winner Brown played high school ball in Dallas 9 rubs it in 15 Odessa AM 16 book: “Little ____ _____ of the Texas Revolution” 19 in Grand Prairie: “Ripley’s Believe __ __ ___” 21 very small town in Taylor County 22 TX O. Henry short story: “A Houston _______” 27 San Antonio AM 28 TXism: “gave ‘em _ _____ and a hug” 29 this Doug pitched for Astros (1993-97) 30 TX Ginger 1947 film: “It ___ __ __ You” 32 a TX Mandrell (init.) 33 TXism: “hot __ ____ ___ in July” 36 TXism: “feel like _ ___ chewed up and spit out” 37 TX pilot Chennault was adviser to Chiang ___-shek 38 what Jack took up the hill? (2 wds.) 39 produce electricity 1 former Texas airline “Braniff, ___” 2 Fort Worth university (abbr.) 3 Dimmit _______County’sSprings 4 TV movie __“________series:____Fame” 8 TXism for “carry” 9 TX Buck Owens’ “I’ve ___ _ _____ __ ___ Tail” 10 TX Sissy played this Loretta in “Coal Daughter”Miner’s(init.) 11 TX Janis died of this (abbr.) 41 areas along the Gulf 44 military assistant 45 “plumb crazy” 46 TXism: “when hell freezes ____” (never) 47 cow “howdy” 48 most weak 51 TX-filmed “Daddy’s ____’: Who’s Got the Will?” (1990) 52 oil additive 53 cry of triumph 54 this Robb began MLB pitching career with the Rangers 12 TXism: “coming apart __ ___ _____” 13 Hawaiian poi can be made from this tuber 14 TXism: “a whole ____” ( a lot) 15 a Texas Indian tribe 16 Texas clothing designer, Oldham 17 Astro extra innings game on the West Coast? (2 wds.) 18 hinder progress 20 TXism: “____ ‘bout” 22 this Duvall starred in “Breakout” with TX Quaid (init.) 23 TXism: “don’t give a hoot __ _ holler” 24 homemade liquor “sour ____” 25 “_ _____ walk” 26 Sam Wigwamterritory:homeHouston’sinIndian“The______” 28 U.S. still has _ ___ on Cuban cigars 31 has a debt 34 TXism: “____ as the bottom of a well” 35 cowboy bolo 37 Shreveport LPTV 40 “One ____, one Ranger” 42 TX George Strait hit: “___ Come to Expect It From You” 43 TXism: “his recall _____ __ overhaul” 49 type of Apache 50 Ranger announcer, Nadel (init.)P-1603 21 2730 36 28 40 19 37 32 39 34 44 35 29 47 38 46 31 42 43 49 5048 45 The Texas Crossword and Sudoku Puzzle D & D Insurance agency Serving Hays County since 1983 “Call us for all of your insurance needs” Angie Dahl Wimberley: 512-847-5549 or 512-847-9325 Dripping Springs: 512-894-2286 sponsored by Hays Free Press Call us with news or feature ideas! 512-268-7862 512-858-5159 Texasfriendlyhometownbank 401 E. Hwy 290W. P.O. Box 1243 Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Dr. Cohen said that they’ve been battling the misinformation that has
“To me, it's a really good way to learn — become diverse in terms of learning of all the cultures that come into this melting pot,” Cobos said. “Also, as a person that [was not] necessarily born here, like I just came here nine years ago, I don’t know much about other cultures that are present within the community, and this month I think it makes me feel like even though I wasn’t born here I still can be loved here.”
“Sometimes when I speak to a person that doesn’t understand the hardships of even getting a residency, even being a legal alien of the U.S. — they speak very like ‘two plus two is four,’ like ‘just do this,’ and that just shows me if it was that easy, trust me, we wouldn’t have so many out there not receiving and doing thing by the law,” Cobos said.
language, but you’re learning a new way to drive, a new way to go and eat in a restaurant, a new way to even not honk when you’re driving or that you can cross with a red light,” Cobos continued. “It’s things that may seem insignificant, but it’s very much like a cultural shock.”Although Castilleja is not an advocate for open borders, he believes in effective immigration policies.“Wehave all the technology we can employ to keep track of everybody that comes across but to open the borders and let everybody come in that’s not the way to do it. We don’t know who’s crossing, we have a lot of people that are coming across with ill intentions to harm our country, and that’s the way I feel,” Castilleja said.
Debbie Thames Insurance Agency

employee, the staff and council,” Flores-Cale said.
Cobos, who was born and raised in Venezuela, said she thinks about the integration of different cultures in the United States.
Castilleja thought Hispanic Heritage Month represents all the roadblocks and barriers that Hispanic individuals overcame to get to where they are today. He referred to his father and other members of the community who, back in the 1950s, was instrumental in the fight to desegregate schools in Kyle. He recalled attending a “Mexican school” for about two months because Mexicans
“You are reborn; you’re not just learning a new
“What I’m hearing you say is that you’d like to see the
A story in the Sept. 14 edition of the Hays Free Press about the Heroes Memorial Park ribbon cutting appeared to suggest that the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year award given to Michael Tobias came from the city of Kyle. In fact, the award is given by the State of Texas.
“It was a very lonely experience for me,” Tobias said. “We were not allowed to speak Spanish in the playground or anywhere else.”
Barton Publications wants to promptly correct any errors. If you feel a correction or clarification is in order, contact Ashley Kontnier
adverse action or a PIP and work with an employee.
said.Mayor Travis Mitchell said he would be open to the policy only if it’s clear that discretion will be maintained.“Ifit’snotin the handbook at all it could be beneficial, potentially, for you as well to lay that out in front of employees as they are being hired,” Mitchell said.
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In what was becoming an all too amannedeveryseekingthethetoMexia.andofAugustonThatpeacefulcommunitytheMexiadeathconstableTexasoccurrencecommonintheCentralboomtown,awasshottointhestreetsofonSep.23,1921.Justonemonthearlier,LimestoneCountywasthehomeof3,500.serenitywasshatteredaquietSundayin1921,whenapairgushersbroughtoilaworldoftroubletoThepopulationsoaredanestimated55,000asblackgoldattractedusualcastoffortune-characters.Forroustaboutwhotherigs,therewasbootlegger,gambler,thief
Free Press will
Three days later, the governor told a standingroom-only crowd at the Mexia opera house, “I make no apology for sending Rangers to this region or for declaring martial law.”
the chaotic conditions demanded military rule.
by PattersonDavid
Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing of any which may the of the Hays be cor rected being brought the of
issued a “sundown” decree. Any individual classified by the court as a vagrant had three choices: pay his fine, work off the cash penalty as a convict laborer or vacate the county by sundown.

Three weeks into the occupation, bootleg booze continued to flow into Mexia from stills in Freestone County. Wolters persuaded the governor to extend martial law to Limestone’s neighbor but postponed Mainwithmostembarrassedindiscriminatewhiskeystillsconfiscationtenwithoutfarmers,including3.theeverybodymoonshinetotheannouncementthetoaddelementofsurpriseasunrisesweepofthestronghold.GuardsmenarrestedinsightduringdawnraidofFeb.Fifty-nineprisoners,severalinnocentweredetainedchargesfordays.Tomanytheofnineand300gallonsofdidnotjustifytheroundup.WoltersshockedandevenhissteadfastsupportersaFeb.15raidonaStreetdominoparlor.
Defending the bizarre action that resulted in the arrest of 72 players, the general stated, “Loitering in domino parlors within the military district of Mexia will be deemed prima facie evidence that the persons are vagrants.”
Neff did, however, promise to withdraw the National Guard as soon as concerned citizens took steps to preserve law and order.Delegates from every corner of Limestone County met the next week at the State.“sindeserveddownlastinhabitantsweekprevailedinMar.ofagain,readyofSatisfiedcontroversialmoonshinersjurythegovernment.returnrequestandvigorousresolutionspassedcourthouse.GroesbeckTheassemblytherequiredinfavoroflawenforcementsubmittedaformalfortheprompttocivilianGov.NeffwaiteduntilFreestonegrandindictedtheallegedjailedinthedragnet.theresidentsthetwocountiesweretorulethemselveshedeclaredtheendmartiallaweffective1,1922.LifegotbacktonormalMexia,lawandorderafterthesix-occupation.Thehavespentthe101yearstryingtolivetheirtown’soncereputationasthecity”oftheLoneStar
To the editor: "To the un-named writer of the letter-to-the-editor in last week's newspaper who wrote about last week's Margarita and Salsa Fest in Buda, I must say that you are not alone. But you are maybe the only person who had the resolve to bring the situation to light with a letter. There were many other people in attendance who experienced exactly what you did, indeed many who just gave up in line and left early. After 14 years in Buda at such events this is now "a movie I have seen before.” Tourism in Buda, now elevated to "Destination Marketing", has no one at city hall who has proven consistently capable of event planning on this level. New city manager Micah Grau would do well to reduce the bloat left by his predecessor and start over for less money and better results, instead of a tourism department dreaming of a convention center in Buda to feather their nest with more traffic. To borrow your plea, city hall has "gotta do better."
If Hays keeps growing the way it is, by 2030 Hays County will have a population close to 450,000. Let that soak in for a minute. Hays County doesn’t have the Highland Lakes chain like Austin and Travis County. So where are we going to get the water for these folks during a multi-year drought?
over a decade the majority of Commissioners Court has governed only reactively. This is negligent, especially for a county like Hays experiencing explosive growth. I believe in being proactive, and for that reason on Aug. 9, 2022, I brought an agenda item to commissioners court to discuss and approve a resolution requesting the LCRA work with local leaders and stakeholders to accelerate and update its water management plan in an effort to implement a more protective approach in managing the Highland Lakes (a critical water source for Central Texas). Per stats provided to us from the Central TX Water Coalition, during past years the Highland Lakes maintained over 80k acre feet of water, during the last historic drought the lakes maintained 40k acre feet of water, and in July 2022, 586 acre feet of water. Due to this drastic drop, I asked the commissioners to consider the resolution. Unfortunately it was not approved.
We must be proactive when it comes to water resources in our area, waiting to act until there is a problem is the reason we have current residents struggling to get water in their homes.
I think some of our cities and water districts are more prepared than others. It’s hard to compare Hays County now to Hays County in the 50s. There are so many more residents and so many more straws pulling water out of our aquifer. There is not enough water available in Hays County to meet our needs, so the efforts being made to pipe in more water are one solution. Another one would be more people using rainwater collection and, where possible, using purple water where appropriate.Withcurrent regulations and laws on what Counties can control, the most effective tool the County has is land preservation for water quality and parks.
The down side of an oil boom Ruben Becerra and Mark Jones answer question one
A letter to the editor in the Sept. 14 edition of the Hays Free Press and’sofletters.Sept.14letterwasbyJoelMosier.Publicationstopromptlyanyerrors.Iffeelacorrectionorisinorder,AshleyKontnier
Thirteen Texas Rangers shut down the Winter Garden and the Chicken Ranch on the first Saturday night of the New Year. The governor wrestled with his options for days, hoping to come up with a less drastic solution than martial law, but ultimately decided
This week, Ruben Becerra, and Mark Jones who are running for Hays County Judge, answer this question: “With this explosive growth, is Hays County ready for the next seven year drought like we had in the 1950s?” During that drought the average annual rainfall was seven inches. Our normal annual rainfall is 32 inches.
or reputation
and prostitute eager to take his hard-earned pay. Bars, brothels and gambling dens TheforsentcourseBeforedirectlyinhabitantstoresourcesandwave,workers.theliquorthecountrysideconcealedandbrazenaround-the-clockoperatedindefianceofstatefederalstatutes.StillsinthewoodedsuppliedriverofhomemadeneededtoquenchthirstoftheoilfieldAppalledbythecrimewhichthepolicesherifflackedtheandresolvecombat,theoriginalappealedtothegovernor.decidingonaofaction,PatNeffanundercoveragentafirst-handlook.investigatorreported
Brigadier General Jacob F. Wolters, the hardnosed National Guard commander who broke the Galveston dock strike in 1919, took charge of the Mexia operation. Receiving his marching orders on Jan. 11, 1922, he snorted, “Tell the police chiefs at Dallas, Fort Worth and Orange to expect a large number of visitors tomorrow. Most will come in Althoughboxcars.” the editor of the Mexia Evening News criticized the intervention, the majority of residents viewed the coming of the Guard as a necessary evil. “The proper thing for us to do is to cooperate with the commanding officer,” the mayor advised, “regardless of our own personal opinions and to help the military accomplish their work.”Tospeed up the mass exodus, Gen. Wolters
The population of Hays County during 1957, the last year of that seven year drought, was about 16,800. During that drought the farmers abandoned their fields and slaughtered their livestock. The current Hays County population is over 350,000. Hays County grew by 84,000 from the 2010 to 2020 census.
Mark Jones, Commissioner:County

Louis Lee Jurika

within the week that the situation in Mexia was “hard to believe.” Most mind-boggling of all were two wide-open casinos –the Winter Garden and the Chicken Ranch.
appear in
person, firm or corporation
The former was located east of town on the highway to Teague. Security was tight with patrons searched twice before entering the premises, where they found a well-stocked bar and every game of chance under the sun. The latter, just inside the adjacent county of Freestone, boasted even more elaborate precautions with a guard tower in the center of the main casino.
“Unforgettable Texans” brings to life the once famous people no one remembers today. Order your copy for $24.00 (tax and shipping included) by mailing a check to Bartee Haile, P.O. Box 130011, Spring, TX 77393.
Texas History by Bartee Haile
I’m not sure all the folks flocking to Hays County know where their water comes from. I hope articles like this will raise awareness about our limited underground water resources. I think it is imperative that our County Commissioners work for their existing constituents to protect their wells as hard as they work for the developers and large landholders.Thatiswhy I am asking these questions of our elected officials and candidates running for Hays County Judge, and County Commissioner. Herearetheanswers from Ruben and Mark.
the publisher.
Ruben Becerra, Hays County Judge: No. Unfortunately, for
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • September 21, 2022 Page 4 Opinion Publisher Ashley Kontnier Editor Megan Navarro (Wehring) Reporters Brittany Anderson Amira Van Leeuwen Photographers Wayland Clark Albert Sanchez Proofreaders Jane Kirkham Production Assistant Elizabeth Garcia Office Manager Arlene Monroe Circulation/Classifieds Arlene Monroe Distribution Kimberlee Griffon Abbie Dougherty Joe Urbach 113 W. Center St., Kyle, TX Bartonhaysfreepress.com78640512-268-7862Publications,Inc. NEWS TIPS If you think it’s news, we probably do too! • Newsroom Kyle,news@haysfreepress.com512-268-7862phone:E-mail:Mail:113W.CenterSt.,TX78640 LETTERS GUIDELINES We welcome locally written letters to the editor on timely topics of community interest. We ask that you keep them to about 350 words in length and that you not indulge in personal attacks on private individ uals. Letters may be edited for brevity and clarity. All letters should be signed by the author and include a daytime phone number where the author can be contacted for verification. Letter writers are limited to one letter per month. Letters can be emailed to DEADLINES • The deadline for display advertising and any contributed news copy is 5 p.m. Friday the week prior to publication. • The deadline for Letters to the Editor and classi fied word advertising is noon Monday the week of publication, though we encourage readers and advertisers to observe the Friday deadline.
Tom was predeceased by his eldest sister Mary Bryne (Robert Callahan), his brother Michael the Obscure, and just recently by his sister Ann, a cosmopolitan former “spook” aka CIA analyst.

Don is survived by his bride, Aline Host, of Manchaca, TX. As well, his sister, Ginger Parson of Richmond, VA, son, Tim Host and his wife, Kimberly of League City, his son Tony Host of ideas-group-resources.operation-christmas-child/,Baptistbeparents.precededofRyanCollinCameron,ofgrandchildrenGeorgetown,AliHostColoradoSprings,Camille,andHostofLeagueCity,andBrookeHostCameron,TX.HewasindeathbyhisMemorialservicewillheldatManchacaChurchonSeptember22nd2:00PMwithPastorGoldsmithofMBCTherewillbeareceptionfollowingserviceatthechurch.Inlieuofflowers,canbemadeSamaritan'sPurse/Christmasathttps://www.
his doctors and wife to remediate the numerous ill effects thereof. Tom almost certainly would have felt his epicurean life choices were vindicated by the manner of his death – an ordinary fall in the home.
He also participated in Operation Christmas Child with his wife, Aline.
After Maggie’s arduous decade of exile and child bearing in the Midwestern hinterlands, exacerbated by the privations of Prohibition, the Carolan family moved back to Washington, D.C. in 1942, where Mr. Carolan prospered in private practice and became active in the national Democratic Party. Maggie, a devout Catholic, was proud to be one of the first in the D.C. area to host an event for
presidential candidate John F. Kennedy. Tom started his education at Blessed Sacrament School in Chevy Chase, after which he attended Georgetown Prep and

Tom was a lifelong member of the The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, a prestigious fraternal you'rebeforeheavenstrong,overeverBuda.Creek3:00OctoberandwillmanysuchPunitHayesthanksorelythisinterestingsay).allwhateverMilwaukee’s(orremembranceofmayslowyoungobservedSchoolnunperceptivebeenMcConnellraces.ofhisnewswithwaswas17th“pratties”ham,consumptiontuxedosdedicatedsocietytowearingfortheritualofboiledcabbageandonMarcheachyear.Tomraisedtobelievehe100%Irish,yetboregreatstoicismthethatDNArevealedmotherwaspartlytheperfidiousBritishTheScottishnameshouldhaveaclue,butasoneyetindelicateatBlessedSacramentverypointedlytohisparents,Tomcouldbeabitontheuptake.FriendsandfamilywishtoraiseaglassHarporGuinnessinofTompouroutacanofBestorisonsale—it’sjusturinehewouldHehadafulland85yearsonearthandwillbemissed.ThefamilywantstocardiologistDavidandoncologistChadhafortakinggoodcareofTomforyears.Amemorial/IrishwakebeheldforfriendsfamilyonSunday,9,beginningatp.m.attheOnionSeniorCenterin“Mayyourglassbefull,MaytheroofyourheadbealwaysAndmayyoubeinhalfanhourthedevilknowsdead."
in 1969 from Chofu High School in Tokyo Japan while his father served in the Air Force. After years in the construction industry he went to work for the Texas Department of Transportation and retired in 2008. Lee enjoyed sports and fantasy football. He is survived by his brothers David and Steve (Cindy), Nephews Andrew and Travis (Celeste), nieces Nicole and Ashley (Brian), and great-nieces Emma and Ava, great-nephew Rowan. Memorial service will be held at Rio Vista Park Pavilion A, 555 Cheatham Street, San Marcos, TX 78666 at 3:00 pm on October 22, 2022. Memorial donations may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
James Lee Jarrett Jr, 70, died in his home in Kyle, TX on September 12, 2022. Lee was born in Greenville, Mississippi on October 22, 1951 and was the eldest son of the late Jim and Vessie Jarrett of Seguin, TX. Lee graduated

trying eminent domain cases in numerous federal district courts in 46 states and the territory of Guam. During his travels he met Pamala Nelson at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Boise, Idaho. In February 1987, they were married in a ceremony on the beach in Honaunau, Hawaii. Later that year, during a get-together with out-of-town DOJ friends at the Irish Times Bar, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas offered Tom a position taking over the land condemnation docket in his District, which at the time was one of the busiest in the country. Having passed the Texas bar exam while in the Army and eager for a change in circumstances, Tom accepted the offer and they relocated to Sherman, Texas. Once settled in Texas, the ever frugal and cash strapped father prevailed on his college age children to consider Texas public colleges due to their very low in-state tuition, prompting a migration of Carolans to Texas.
Pat, as he was called in his youth, began high school at Evart High School, but graduated from Delhigh (LA) High School in 1959. He went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Education from Southwest Texas State University. He taught in the Austin Independent School District for over 30 years, winning numerous awards and recognitions for his work as a middle school science and math

Donald (Don) Patrick Host, 81, of Manchaca, TX passed away on September 14 at his home. Don was born in Pontiac, MI to Ralph (Bink) and Maysel Host on April 7, 1941.
Hays Free Press / News-Dispatch • September 21, 2022 Page 5
ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Faith Assembly of God 1030 Main St., Buda BAPTIST First Baptist Church-Buda 104 San Marcos St., Buda First Baptist Church-Kyle 300 W. Center St., Kyle Hays Hills Baptist Church 1401 FM 1626, Buda Sledge Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 709 Sewell, Kyle Southeast Baptist Church 5020 Turnersville Rd., Creedmoor Manchaca Baptist Church Lowden Lane & FM 1626 Immanuel Baptist Church 4000 E. FM 150, 4 miles east of Kyle Center Union Baptist Church Goforth Rd., Buda Primera Mision Bautista Mexicana Kyle Baptist Church of Driftwood 13540 FM 150 W. CATHOLIC Santa Cruz Catholic Church 1100 Main Street, Buda St. Anthony Marie Claret Church 801 N. Burleson, Kyle St. Michael’s Catholic Church S. Old Spanish Trail, Uhland CHRISTIAN New Life Christian Church 2315 FM 967, Buda Iglesia Israelita Casa de Dios 816 Green Pastures Dr., Kyle CHURCH OF CHRIST Buda-Kyle Church of Christ 3.5 miles south of Buda on FM 2770 Southern Hills Church of Christ 3740 FM 967, Buda EPISCOPAL St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church 725 RR 967, Buda St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church RR 3237 (Wimberley Rd.), Kyle St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 11819 IH-35 South JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses FM 2770, Kyle Jehovah’s Witnesses South 10802 Manchaca Rd., Manchaca LUTHERAN Living Word Lutheran ELCA 2315 FM 967, Buda Redeeming Grace Lutheran LCMS FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca Resurrection Church, CLBA 401 FM 967, Buda St. John Lutheran Church 9865 Camino Real, Uhland The Well Buda METHODIST Buda United Methodist Church San Marcos & Elm St., Buda Kyle United Methodist Church Sledge & Lockhart St., Kyle Journey United Methodist 216 Kirkham Circle, Kyle St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 7206 Creedmoor Rd., Creedmoor Manchaca United Methodist Church FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca Driftwood United Methodist Church RR 150 at County Road 170 NON-DENOMINATIONAL Monte del Olivar Christian Center 2400 FM 150 E., Kyle The Connection Church 1235 S. Loop 4, Buda Antioch Community Church Old Black Colony Rd., Buda Completed & Perfected Faith Church Tobias Elementary Cafeteria, FM 150, Kyle Kingdom United Christian Church 100 Madison Way, Buda Mission Fellowship Church 200 San Marcos Street, Buda New Covenant Community Church 1019 Main Street, Buda (in Dance Unlimited) Vertical Chapel 400 Old Post Road, Kyle A Fountain of Life Church 302 Millenium Dr. Kyle Fellowship Church at Plum Creek 160 Grace Street at 2770, Kyle Word of Life Christian Faith Center 118 Trademark Drive, Buda Por Tu Gracia Fellowship 701 Roland Lane, Kyle Trinity United Chuch of Niederwald 13700 Camino Real, Hwy. 21, Niederwald PENTECOSTAL Mision de Casa de Oracion S. Hwy. 81, Kyle New Life Sanctuary Kyle Science Hall Elementary 1510 Bebee Rd. PRESBYTERIAN St. John’s Presbyterian Church 12420 Hewitt Ln., Manchaca First Presbyterian Church 410 W. Hutchison, San Marcos, TX 78666 Buda, Texas • 15300 S. IH-35 • 312-1615 Debbie Thames, agenT 251 N. FM 1626, Bldg. 2, Ste. C, Buda, Texas 78610 312-1917 TEXAS CEMENTLEHIGHCO.LP Pure Texas Spring 1STFREEPrivatelyWater!ownedFromlocalspringsDELIVERY20GAL.FREE Friendly, Courteous Service Call 1-866-691-2369 Your Hometown McDonald’s McDonald’s of Buda 15359 IH-35, Ste. B • P.O. Box 1364, Buda, TX 78610 512-312-2383 Locally owned and operated by Jimmy and Cindi Ferguson BUDA STORDRUGE 203 Railroad Street Downtown Buda Pharmacy 312-2111 Fountain 312-2172 LastSolutionPuzzle S-1603 I T C H N C A A C U R L R L T M G L O A T S K O Z A T O L D T A L E S I T O R N O T T R E N T R O M A N C E K E D A A H O W D Y D R A B E K H A D T O B E L M A S R O A D T A R W A S K A I H I S P A L G E N E R A T E S H O R E L I N E S A I D E K O O K O V E R M O O F E E B L E S T D Y N S T P A H A N E N Texas Crossword Solution Texas Crossword, from page 3 Sudoku Solution Sudoku Puzzle, from page 3 First Baptist Church A loving & caring Southern Baptist Church 104 S. San Marcos Street, Buda Buddy Johnson, Pastor • 295-2161 Sunday School...........................................9:30 a.m. Morning Worship....................................10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study/Youth Activities...6:00 p.m. AWANA’s (Wednesday)..........................6:00 p.m. Nursery Provided • Hays Hills Baptist Church www.hayshills.org1401N.FM1626 9:30 a.m. Classic Service 10:45 a.m. Contemporary service Adult (including an 8:30 a.m. early bird class), teen, children’s classes * Children’s worship Professionally-staffed nursery & pre-school Like us on Facebook Hays Free Press Providing you with your most important local news for Kyle, Buda and surrounding communities Come worship with us Your church ad could be here! Call 512-268-7862 THOMAS CAROLANPHILIP

Thomas Philip Carolan “Tom” was born on November 15, 1936, in Decorah, Iowa, and passed away on September 14, 2022. Tom was the son of Margaret “Maggie” Hall McConnell and Thomas Harold Carolan. His father was a vocal New Deal Democrat and newly married graduate of Georgetown Law School when he returned to his native Iowa to practice law. He was soon elected County Attorney of Winneshiek County, a hilly corner of Iowa near the Mississippi River that is an anomaly of natural beauty and progressive politics in a state better known for dreary flat landscapes and notoriously peevish Republican politicians.
teacher. An avid bowler and fisherman, he was also a supporter of the sports programs at UT and his alma mater.
After throughworkingthebacklog of condemnation cases involving Lake Ray Roberts, Tom went on to prosecute federal criminal cases, many including fraud and embezzlement. After retiring in 1994, he enjoyed teaching classes at Grayson County College, taking “Academy of Lifelong Learning” classes at Austin College, and “farming” on his five acres in the woods until moving to Buda, Texas, in 2004 to be closer to grandchildren.Tomhadazeal for gourmet cooking, both at the stove and especially at the table. He was a lifelong gourmand and inveterate beer drinker in addition to decades of intermittently repented smoking, necessitating the heroic efforts of

Center.Hays County Pct. 2 Commissioner Mark Jones
otherHannahservices.Durrance is the founder and director of H.O.M.E Center. Her mission to end housing insecurity after her own experiences has helped expand the center into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit coalition that partners with county Emergency Rental programsAssistanceandworks oneon-one with people to provide resources that fit their individual needs.
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION Any personal contact information you provide to the TCEQ will become part of the agency s records; this includes your name, phone number, email address, and physical address For more information about this application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, toll free, at 1 800 687 4040 or visit their website at Si desea información en español, puede llamar al 1 800 687 4040.
The MS4 is located in the area within the City of Buda limits that is located within the Austin Urbanized Area in Hays County Texas The discharge from the MS4 will eventually reach Onion Creek and Plum Creek in Segment Nos 1427 and 1810 of the Colorado and Guadalupe River
All written public comments and public meeting requests must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711 3087 or electronically at within 30 days of the date of newspaper publication of this notice
INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. For details about the status of the application, visit the Commissioners’ Integrated Database at Search the database using the permit number for this application, which is provided at the top of this notice.
One of the main components of the center is providing individuals and families temporary housing placement in
You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit written or oral comments or to ask questions about the application. The TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the Executive Director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing If significant interest exists, the Executive Director will direct the applicant to publish a notice of the public meeting and hold the public meeting. The applicant must publish notice of a public meeting at least 30 days prior to the meeting in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the MS4 is located. If the MS4 is located in more than one county, the applicant must publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county containing the largest residential population
H.O.M.E Center gives and receives
This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and is not part of the applica tion or notice. For the exact location, refer to the iewer/index.html?id=db5bac44afbc468bbddd360f 8168250f&marker= 97.835277%2C29.967777&level=12
HAYS COUNTY — An issue as complex as housing insecurity can’t be solved alone, but a local nonprofit and
General Permit Authorization No TXR040384

City of Buda 405 East Loop Street Building 100 Buda Texas 78610 has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) under Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Small MS4 General Permit No. TXR040000 for a renewal of authorization number TXR040384 to discharge stormwater to surface water in the state from the City of Buda MS4 The notice of intent (NOI) and stormwater management program (SWMP) were received by the TCEQ on June 4, 2019.
TO REQUEST A CONTESTED CASE HEARING, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN YOUR REQUEST: your name, address, phone number; applicant's name and proposed permit number; the location and distance of your property/activities relative to the proposed facility; a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the facility in a way not common to the general public; a list of all disputed issues of fact that you submit during th e comment period; and the statement "[I/we] request a contested case hearing." If the request for contested case hearing is filed on behalf of a group or association, the request must designate the group’s representative for receiving future correspondence ; identify by name and physical address an individual member of the group who would be adversely affected by the proposed facility or activity; provide the information discussed above regarding the affected member’s location and distance from the facility or activity; explain how and why the member would be affected; and explain how the interests the group seeks to protect are relevant to the group’s purpose.
Further information may also be obtained from City of Buda at the address stated above or by calling Mr. Mike Beggs at 512 312 2867
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711 3087. Any personal information you submit to the TCEQ will become part of the agency’s record; this includes email addresses. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, Toll Free, at 1 800 687 4040 or visit their website at Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1 800 687 4040.
ABasinscopy of the NOI stormwater management program (SWMP) general permit, and general permit fact sheet are available for viewing and copying at Buda City Hall, 405 East Loop Street Building 100, Buda, Texas 78610. The SWMP can also be viewed online at the City of Buda s website at Substantial changes to the MS4 s SWMP during the permit term will be posted on the same website
APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. City of Kyle, 100 West Center Street, Kyle, Texas 78640, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a major amendment to Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0011041002 to authorize an increase in the discharge of treated domest ic wastewater from an annual average flow limit not to exceed 4,500,000 gallons per day to an annual average flow limit not to exceed 12,000,000 gallons per day and the addition of an Interim II phase at an annual average flow not to exceed 9,000,000 gallons per day TCEQ received this application on March 11, 2022
MAILING LIST. If you submit public comments, a request for a co ntested case hearing or a reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision, you will be added to the mailing list for this specific application to receive future public notices mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk. In addition, you may request to be placed on: (1) the permanent mailing list for a specific applicant name and permit number; and/or (2) the mailing list for a specific county. If you wish to be placed on the permanent and/or the county mailing list, clearly specify which list(s) and send your request to TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.
Issuance Date __August 30, 2022
PERMIT NO. WQ0011041002
Texas Commission on

Further information may also be obtained from City of Kyle at the address stated above or by calling Mr. Timothy Samford, Division Manager of Treatment Operations, at 512 262 3024.
Environmental Quality
INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. For details about the status of the application, visit the Commissioners’ Integrated Database at Search the database using the permit number for this application, which is provided at the top of this notice.
motel rooms. Durrance said that the need for this has assistancecommunitytoprovidesH.O.M.Emotelmonths.housing39sheltered60Currently,inoneweretwoincreaseddramaticallyoverthelastyears.Before,theyonlyhousingaroundtotwofamiliesmotelsamonth.thereareoverhouseholdsbeinginmotels,andthathavemovedintointhepasteightAlongwithofferingplacement,Centertransportationappointmentsandservices,withjob
The TCEQ Executive Director has completed the technical review of the application and SWMP The SWMP, if approved, would establish additional terms and conditions, not included in the general permit, under which the MS4 must operate. The Executive Director has made the preliminary decision that the SWMP meets all statutory and regulatory requirements and made a preliminary decision to approve the small MS4 s authorization under the TPDES Small (Phase II) MS4 General Permit No. TXR040000
Following the close of all applicable comment and request periods, the Executive Director will forward the application and any requests for reconsideration or for a contested case hearing to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting.
The facility is located at 941 New Bridge Drive, in Hays County, Texas 78640. The treated effluent is discharged directly to Plum Creek in Segment No. 1810 of the Guadalupe River Basin The designated uses for Segment No. 1810 are primary contact recreation, aquifer protection, and high aquatic life use In accordance with 30 Texas Administrative Code § 307.5 and the TCEQ implementation procedures (June 2010) for the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards, an antidegradation review of the receiving waters was performed. A Tier 1 antidegradation review has preliminarily determined that existing water quality uses will not be impaired by this permit action. Numerical and narrative criteria to protect existing uses will be maintained. A Tier 2 review has preliminarily determined that no significant degradation of water quality is expected in Plum Creek, which has been identified as having high aquatic life use. Existing uses will be maintained and protected. The preliminary determination can be reexamined and may be modified if new information is received.
After the deadline for submitting public comments, the Executive Director will consider all timely comments and prepare a response to all relevant material, or significant public comments The response to comments will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments and to those persons who are on the mailing list for this application.
Sullivan donated backpacks with school supplies and COVID-19 rapid response tests to H.O.M.E Center.

many members of the community are working together to find solutions. H.O.M.E (Homeless Outreach ofEmergency)MitigationCenterCentralTexasisa
See H.O.M.E, page 7
PUBLIC COMMENT / PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comments or to ask questions about the application. TCEQ holds a public meeting if the Executive Director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing.
The Commission may only grant a request for a contested case hearing on issues the requestor submitted in their timely comments that were not subsequently withdrawn. If a hearing is granted, the subject of a hearing will be limited to disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of fact and law relating to relevant and material water qu ality concerns submitted during the comment period. TCEQ may act on an application to renew a permit for discharge of wastewater without providing an opportunity for a contested case hearing if certain criteria are met.
Issuance Date: August 24, 2022
MAILING LIST. If you submit public comments, a request for a public meeting, or a reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision, you will be added to the mailing list for this specific application to receive future public notices mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk. In addition, you may request to be placed on: (1) the permanent mailing list for a specific applicant name and permit number; or (2) the mailing list for a specific county. If you wish to be placed on the permanent or the county mailing list, clearly specify which list(s) and send your request to TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address above
nonprofit coalition based in San Marcos and services all of Hays County, helping unhoused individuals find reliable housing, as well as offering a myriad of
The TCEQ Executive Director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit. The draft permit, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The Executive Director has made a preliminary decision that this permit, if issued, meets all statutory and regulatory requirements. The permit application, Executive Director’s preliminary decision, and dr aft permit are available for viewing and copying at Kyle Public Library, 550 Scott Street, Kyle, Texas
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. The Executive Director may issue final approval of the application unless a timely contested case hearing request or request for reconsideration is filed. If a timely hearing request or request for reconsideration is filed, the E xecutive Director will not issue final approval of the permit and will forward the application and request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
All written public comments and public meeting requests must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711 3087 or electronically at within 30 days from the date of newspaper publication of this notice.
searching and resume building, hygiene bags, clothes and other necessary items that are received through donations, and case managers who help clients through the process of applying for homes, apartments, social security, food stamps and more.Recently, some members of the community have given back to the H.O.M.E
Page 6 Hays Free Press / News-Dispatch • September 21, 2022
OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING. After the deadline for submitting public comments, the Executive Director will consider all timely comments and prepa re a response to all relevant and material, or significant public comments. Unless the application is directly referred for a contested case hearing, the response to comments will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments and to those persons who are on the mailing list for this application. If comments are received, the mailing will also provide instructions for requesting a contested case hearing or reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision. A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in a state district court.
Following the close of all applicable comment and request periods, the Executive Director will forward the application and any requests for reconsideration or for a contested case hearing to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. The Commission may only grant a request for a contested case hearing on issues the requestor submitted in their timely comments that were not subsequently withdrawn. If a hearing is granted, the subject of a hearing will be limited to disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of fact and law relating to relevant and material water quality concerns submitted during the comment period.
*New Llano Aquisition* Now Serving: Austin Dripping Springs Kyle Kingsland Llano We are expanding! 512-443-1366 ReadOnlineUs

gave the center a $10,000 check for discretionary funds, which Durrance said has gone towards funding some salaries, paying for shelters, gasoline for individuals trying to get to work and resources for applying to apartments.
Iggy, 6-month-old, Iggy is quite possibly the best-dressed dude around. While his looks abound, his true personality can take some time to shine. Iggy can be a little shy when first meeting, but he truly gets so much confidence from residing with another cat. Potential adopters should be fine with aloofness and understand that with patience, Iggy will blossom.
of whom are leaving domestic havesituationsviolenceanddonottimetobringall of their necessary items.
MAILING LIST. If you submit public comments, a request for a contested case hearing or a reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision, you will be added to the mailing list for this specific application to receive future public notices mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk. In addition, you may request to be placed on: (1) the permanent mailing list for a specific applicant name and permit number; and/or (2) the mailing list for a specific county. If you wish to be placed on the permanent and/or the county mailing list, clearly specify which list(s) and send your request to TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.
OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING. After the deadline for submitting public comments, the Executive Director will consider all timely comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material or significant public comments. Unless the application is directly referred for a contested case hearing, the response to comments will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments and to those persons who are on the mailing list for this application. If comments are received, the mailing will also provide instructions for requesting a contested case hearing or reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision. A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in a state district court.
Further information may also be obtained from Civitas at Buda, LLC at the address stated above or by calling Mr. Rahul Jain, Vice President, at 832-548-0960.
APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. Civitas at Buda, LLC, 5599 San Felipe Street, Suite 565, Houston, Texas 77056, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for new Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0016154001, to authorize the discharge of treated domestic wastewater at a daily average flow not to exceed 500,000 gallons per day. TCEQ received this application on April 22, 2022.
Domestic Short Hair Mix, Male:

community agencies such as H.O.M.E Center and the services they provide,” Sullivan said. “So, we work together to serve the community and city of San Marcos’ most vulnerable, population.”marginalizedForthoseinterested

TO REQUEST A CONTESTED CASE HEARING, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN YOUR REQUEST: your name, address, phone number; applicant's name and proposed permit number; the location and distance of your property/activities relative to the proposed facility; a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the facility in a way not common to the general public; a list of all disputed issues of fact that you submit during the comment period; and the statement "[I/we] request a contested case hearing." If the request for contested case hearing is filed on behalf of a group or association, the request must designate the group’s representative for receiving future correspondence; identify by name and physical address an individual member of the group who would be adversely affected by the proposed facility or activity; provide the information discussed above regarding the affected member’s location and distance from the facility or activity; explain how and why the member would be affected; and explain how the interests the group seeks to protect are relevant to the group’s purpose.
ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE NOTICE. Alternative language notice in Spanish is available at noticesñolestádisponibleen
The facility will be located approximately 1 mile northeast of the intersection of County Road 107 and County Road 120, in Hays County, Texas 78610. The treated effluent will be discharged to Elm Creek, thence to Soil Conservation Service Reservoir No. 16, thence to Elm Creek, thence to Plum Creek in Segment No. 1810 of the Guadalupe River Basin. The unclassified receiving water use is limited aquatic life use for Elm Creek. The designated uses for Segment No. 1810 are primary contact recreation, aquifer protection, and high aquatic life use. In accordance with 30 Texas Administrative Code §307.5 and the TCEQ’s Procedures to Implement the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards (June 2010), an antidegradation review of the receiving waters was performed. A Tier 1 antidegradation review has preliminarily determined that existing water quality uses will not be impaired by this permit action. Numerical and narrative criteria to protect existing uses will be maintained. This review has preliminarily determined that no water bodies with exceptional, high, or intermediate aquatic life uses are present within the stream reach assessed; therefore, no Tier 2 degradation determination is required. No significant degradation of water quality is expected in water bodies with exceptional, high, or intermediate aquatic life uses downstream, and existing uses will be maintained and protected. The preliminary determination can be reexamined and may be modified if new information is received. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and is not part of the application or notice. For the exact location, refer to the copyingExecutivethiswhichpreparedThe,ifapproved,wouldestablishtheconditionsunderthefacilitymustoperate.TheExecutiveDirectorhasmadeapreliminarydecisionthatpermit,ifissued,meetsallstatutoryandregulatoryrequirements.Thepermitapplication,Director’spreliminarydecision,anddraftpermitareavailableforviewingandatBudaPublicLibrary,405EastLoopStreet,Suite100,Buda,Texas.
H.O.M.E, from page 6

PERMIT NO. WQ0016154001
Issuance Date: September 15, 2022 Wednesdays thru Sundays 10 AM- 6 PM September 24 - October 30, 2022 *Online Tickets Required* For Additional information visit Creedmoor,MamaMarysFarm.comTX Kayley Goldsmith, DVM H Elizabeth Garriott, DVM H Michelle Kurkowski, DVM 6300 FM 1327 (East of I35 and Creedmoor) Austin, TX 78747 Give us a call at 512-385-0486 PAWS Shelter of Central Texas is a non-profit, no-kill shelter operated primarily on donations and adoptions. 500 FM 150 E, Kyle, TX • 512 268-1611 • All animals are fully vaccinated, spay/neutered, microchipped and dewormed. Domino, 5-year-old, Shepherd/Collie Mix, Male: Domino is a huge hugger and will make sure you feel all 65 lbs of his love. He can be selective with his doggy friends so patience and a slow introduction are a must for this big boy. Domino is a lovebug who especially adores car rides and walks. A perfect fit is a home with no kitties and a patient owner to love on this snuggle bug.

in helping out the center, Durrance said that they are open to individuals who are knowledgeable in data entry, have grant writing experience or could help organize and distribute donations, transport clients to appointments,
INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. For details about the status of the application, visit the Commissioners’ Integrated Database at Search the database using the permit number for this application, which is provided at the top of this notice.

Photo courtesy of Yasheda Sullivan Commissioner Mark Jones, center, gave a $10,000 check to H.O.M.E Center. Center staff and case managers accepted the check alongside founder and director Hannah Durrance, second from right, and First Baptist Church NBC outreach program director Yasheda Sullivan, far right.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. The Executive Director may issue final approval of the application unless a timely contested case hearing request or request for reconsideration is filed. If a timely hearing request or request for reconsideration is filed, the Executive Director will not issue final approval of the permit and will forward the application and request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting.
All written public comments and public meeting requests must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087 or electronically at within 30 days from the date of newspaper publication of this notice.
PUBLIC COMMENT / PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comments or to ask questions about the application. TCEQ holds a public meeting if the Executive Director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing.
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Any personal information you submit to the TCEQ will become part of the agency’s record; this includes email addresses. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, Toll Free, at 1-800-687-4040 or visit their website at Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.
Committed to your pet’s health since 1978

“As an outreach director at my church, I couldn’t effectively help my clients without the partnership of
help clients fill out applications and, of course, any,assistanceopportunities.fundraisingPeopleneedingfromH.O.M.Evisitwww.tomore.
Additionally, Yasheda Sullivan, outreach director at First Baptist Church NBC, donated backpacks with school supplies and COVID-19 testing kits, which Durrance said went to the children who come through the center, many
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Hays Free Press / News-Dispatch • September 21, 2022 Page 7
Estate of Logan Michael Ragusec/oTrevor G. Green
Page 8 Hays Free Press / News-Dispatch • September 21, 2022
Given568-7144undermy hand and the seal of said Court at the
A public hearing will be held by the Kyle City Council on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 7:00 P.M
A public hearing will be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 6:30 P.M
by Patrick Chasse, Deputy
County Clerk, Hays County, Texas 712 S. Stagecoach Trail, Suite 2008 San Marcos, Texas 7
/s/Trevor G. Green Attorney for the Estate
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the man ner prescribed by law.
Dated this 19th day of Sep tember,Trevor2022.G.Green, PLLC
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the clerk of the 453rd District Court of HAYS County, Texas, August 10,2022, in cause numbered 21-0217, styled Hometown Kyle Homeowners Association, INC. versus Jose Flores and Beatriz Mederos on a judg ment rendered against Jose Flores and Beatriz Mederos; I did on August 18, 2022, at 3:00 p.m., levy upon as the property of Jose Flores and Beatriz Mederos the following described real property:
The alleged heir(s) at law in the above-numbered and entitled estate filed an FIRST AMENDED APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIP AND FOR LETTERS OF DEPEN DENT INTESTATEADMINISTRATION-inthisestateon the 16th day of August, 2022, requesting that the Court deter mine who are the heirs and only heirs of HUNTER AARON PAUL COCO, Deceased, and their respective shares and interests in such estate.
Agent: Will InterimAtkinsonDirector of Planning 100 W. Center Street Kyle, TX 78640 512 262 1010
H. Cardenas
Publication Date: September 21, 2022 Z 22 0107
12:00 pm AAA Self Storage Dripping Springs @ 2300 W. US Hwy 290, Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Applicant's Attorney: Abigail C. Klamert 2804 Cardinal Drive Manchaca, Texas 78610 (512)
This is a meeting taking place at Kyle City Hall, 100 W. Center Street, Kyle, Texas 78640; Spectrum 10; 10 live
Owner(s): Sunrise Village Investment LLC 1095 Windy Hill Road, Kyle, TX 78640
Public Notice Notice of Public Hearing
A public hearing will be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 6:30 P.M
Trevor G. Green, PLLC 5920 West William Cannon DriveBuilding 6, Suite 100 Austin, Texas 78749
All persons having claims against this Estate, which is
On October 4, 2022, being the first Tuesday of the month, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., beginning at 10:00 a.m., at the Hays County, at the South Door, 712 Stagecoach Trail of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of San Marcos, Texas, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of Jose Flores and Beatriz Mederos in and to the real property described above.
Agent: Connor Overby, P.E. 512 584 8671 805 Las Cimas Parkway, Ste. 310 Austin, TX 78746
A public hearing will be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 6:30 P.M
To all persons interested in the Estate of HUNTER AARON PAUL COCO, Deceased, Cause No. 22- 0354-P, in the County Court at Law, Hays County, Texas.
Provide positive role modeling, structure, and supervision to adolescent boys. No exp. required, We train comprehensively. Pay starting at $12 per hour for flexible 8 & 16 hr shift schedules. Health/life/dental insurance after 60 days. Min. requirements: Must be 21 yrs old, HS/GED, clean TDL, clean criminal histor y, pre-employment TB skin test, and drug screen. Growing (20+ year old) non-profit organization. Call (512)432-1678 for further information.
The Court may act on this Application at any call of the docket on or after 10:00 A.M., on the first Monday next after the expiration often (10) days, exclusive of the day of Publica tion, from the date this citation is published, at the Hays Coun ty Government Center in San Marcos, Texas.
Notice of Public Hearing
com Justin Watson: misc. Items.
Cause: 21-0217
Notice to Bidders: You are buying whatever interest, if any, the Debtor has in the property. Purchase of the Debtor's interest in the prop erty may not extinguish any liens or security interests held by other persons. There are no warranties, express or im plied, regarding the property being sold, including but not limited to warranties of title, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
office of the Hays County Clerk in San Marcos, Texas on this the 13th day of September, 2022.Elaine
A public hearing will be held by the Kyle City Council on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 7:00 P.M
Claims may be sent to John Graham at 2002 Wilma Rudolph Road, Austin, Texas 78748.
Agent: Luis Granillo, P.E. 2211 IH 35 Frontage Rd, Ste. 107 Austin, TX 78741 (915) 262 9021
Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managing properties listed below will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien. The sale will begin on or about the time indicated at will be sold to highest bidder for cash. Deposit for removal and cleanup may be temporarily required. Seller reserves the right to reject any bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property may be sold by the space. Property being sold includes contents in spaces of following tenants, with brief description of contents in each space.
Public Notice Notice of Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Pamela L. Graham, Deceased, were issued on September 12, 2022, in Cause No. 22-0311-P, pending in Hays County Court, Hays County, Texas, to: John
The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the City Council may consider, assigning any zoning district which is equivalent or more restrictive.
Dated at Kyle, Hays Coun ty, Texas, August 18, 2022 Michael Torres Constable, Pct. 2 Hays County, Texas 5458 FM 2770 Kyle, Texas 78640
This is a meeting taking place at Kyle City Hall, 100 W. Center Street, Kyle, Texas 78640; Spectrum 10; 10 live
AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to construct a 27.5 ft monopole telecommuni cations tower facility located at 5695 Kyle Parkway, Kyle, Hays County, TX 78640. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regard ing the potential effects the proposed facility may have on any historic property may do so by sending comments to: Project 6122008491 - TC EBI Consulting, 6876 Susquehan na Trail South, York, PA 17403, or at (339) 234-2597.
This is a meeting taking place at Kyle City Hall, 100 W. Center Street, Kyle, Texas 78640; Spectrum 10; 10 live
The City of Kyle shall hold a public hearing on a request by Connor Overby, P.E. (Z 22 0106) to rezone approximately 7.17 acres of land from ‘A’ (Agriculture) to ‘CC’ (Community Commercial) for property located on Lot 2, Block A of the Findley Subdivision, in Hays County, Texas.

A public hearing will be held by the Kyle City Council on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 7:00 P.M
Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Independent Administration for the Estate of LOGAN MICHAEL RAGUSE were issued on September 12, 2022, under Docket No. 220185-P, pending in the County Court of Blanco County, Texas, to MICHAEL GORDON RAGUSE.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the City Council may consider, assigning any zoning district which is equivalent or more restrictive.
Claims may be presented in care of the attorney for the Estate addressed as follows:
having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the below address within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.
Public Notice
Owner(s): 360 Old Stagecoach Retail, LLC
The City of Kyle shall hold a public hearing on a request by Luis Granillo, P.E. (Z 22 0107) to rezone approximately 5.43 acres of land from ‘A’ (Agriculture) to ‘RS’ (Retail Services) for property located approximately 450 feet north of the intersection of IH 35 & Old Bridge Trail in Hays County, Texas.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the City Council may consider, assigning any zoning district which is equivalent or more restrictive.

The City of Kyle shall hold a public hearing at the request of the City of Kyle (Z 22 0108) to rezone approximately 153 acres of land from ‘A’ (Agriculture) to ‘R 1 A’ (Single Family Attached), approximately 16.5 acres of land from ‘A’ (Agriculture) to ‘R 3 2’ (Multifamily Residential 2) and approximately 1.5 acres of land from ‘A’(Agriculture) to ‘RS’ (Retail Services) for property located between Opal Ln and Roland Ln, adjacent to the UPRR tracks, which includes all legally recorded lots in the final plats of Paramount Section 1, Paramount Section 2 & Opal Point at Kyle MF, in Hays County, Texas. This includes all the property contemplated in the “Development Agreement Between City of Kyle, Texas, and Intermandeco GP, LLC or Assigns”, dated August 10th, 2017.
All persons interested in this case are cited to appear before this Honorable Court by filing a written contest or answer to this Application should they desire to do so. To ensure its consideration, you or your at torney must file any objection, intervention, or response in writing with the County Clerk of Hays County, Texas on or before the above noted date and time.
Notice to Judgment Debtor: If there is any property, real or personal, you want to point out for levy in lieu of the above described property, you must contact this office immediately
Questions may be directed to the City of Buda Purchasing Office via email at purchas
Sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Manager of the City of Buda for the above referenced solicitation. The City of Buda is seeking to receive proposals from qualified vendors for a cloud based, public sector bud geting software solution. The City seeks to have this bud geting software solution paired with implementation services as well as user training. It is aimed to assist City of Buda in enhancing automated tasks for budget planning, budget book production, preparation, and the consolidation of data. The City of Buda is aiming to enter a term contract for an initial term of two (2) years, with the option to renew for up to three (3) additional one (1) year terms upon mutual agreement.
Complete specifications are in the solicitation package which may be obtained online at Cityeredwww.publicpurchase.comorProposalsaretobedelivinasealedenvelopetoofBuda,CityHallPurchasingBidBox,405E.LoopSt.,Bldg.100,Buda,Texas78610.Write“SEALEDPROPOSALS”withtheRFPNumber,Name,andDueDateontheoutsideoftheshippingpackage.
Proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., September 29, 2022.
during the development of the FM 150 West Character Plan, which was completed in 2017. The county then conducted a traffic study using 2016 data that showed the current design was failing to control the high traffic count and number of turns – the project was approved by voters in the 2016 Hays County Road Bond Program.ErikHoward, landowner and developer of Howard Ranch in Driftwood, was developing a project that would create a town square and local retail for employment opportunities in the neighborhood – but if the roundabout were to be built, it would interfere with Howard’s designs.
Following executive session on Sept. 13, the Hays County Commissioners Court voted 4-0 to push back the hearing dates established by the Right of Way Council for parcels with the Ranch Road 12 and RM 150 intersection
An application has been submitted with HAYS COUNTY to subdivide 19.16 acres of property located along West US Highway 290, Dripping Springs, TX 78620. Information regarding the application may be obtained from Hays County Development Services (512) 393-2150. Tracking number: PLN-1953-NP.

By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the clerk of the 428th District Court of HAYS County, Texas, August 1,2022, in cause numbered 20-0394, styled Post One Homeowners Associ ation, INC. versus Brenda Hi dalgo on a judgment rendered against Brenda Hidalgo; I did on September 1, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., levy upon as the property of Brenda Hidalgo the following described real property:
Hays Free Press / News-Dispatch • September 21, 2022 Page 9 Service Directory Tree Service MARCUS LEES (512) Free Assessments & Estimates • Insured Lees Trees 38 years experience in the hill country Firewood • Pruning • Removal • Chipping Planting • Cedar Posts • Bulk Mulch Shoe Repair 10 locations in Central Texas including: 1911 Ben White and Manchaca Rd • 512-440-8788 12119 W Hwy 290 and Nutty Brown Rd • 512-827-3398 6781 W Hwy 290 in Oak Hill • 512-288-6386 316 Round Rock Ave. Round Rock - 512-244-9124 306 South Bell Cedar Park - 512-219-8387 8211 Burnet Rd. Austin - 512-453-1961 10AustinShoeHospital.comLocationsinCentralTexasincluding: • Boot Experts • Purse Repair • Belt Repair • Luggage Repair • Shoe ProductsCare 10 locations in Central Texas, including: 3932 RR 620 S. in Bee Caves • 512-263-4630 1911 W. Ben White Blvd. in Austin • 512-440-8788 3300 Bee Caves Rd. in Westlake • 512-329-8104 Remodeling & Repairs Wild West Remodeling O Painting O Tile O Siding O Decks O Trim O Door & Window Replacement O Drywall Repair O Custom Cabinets O Patio Covers O Electrical & Plumbing Curtis Dorsett 512-402-4704 “No Job Too Small or Too Big” Pool Service HIGH TIDE POOL SERVICE Over 10 years of experience Keith Miller, owner FREE HIGHTIDEPOOLSERVICE.COMHIGHTIDEPOOLSERVICE@YAHOO.COMESTIMATESOneTime & Weekly Cleanings Drain & Cleans Pressure Washing Full Service Repairs Pool 512-965-3465Replastering Air Conditioning NemecHeatiNg&aircHrisNemec “Proudly Serving Central Texas” Residential • Commercial • After Hours Available Email: O. 512-312-9081 • C. 512-789-5132 Buda, Texas 78610 • TACLA 34861C Computer Help Professional Office Home and RV Service in north Hays Co. Computer Systems Software MaintenanceTechnicalNetworkingDevelopmentSystems Component Selection Digital SystemPhotos&Process Docs Website Maintenance CD/DVD Duplication Want help selecting the best value? Office systems not maintained? Did your kids or employees leave your computer useless? UpgradesBackupsTrainingSetupConsulting PPlumbingrincePlumbingCompany #M14369 • Residential Repair Specialist • Remodeling & Water Heaters • Sewer Cleaning & Replacements • Slab & Gas Leak Repair • BBB Member 312-0710 Serving Hays County since 1990 MC • Visa • 40 yrs. Experience • Family Owned • Family Operated • Backflow Testing and Devices Financial Planning 107 S. Main St., Ste. A • Kyle, TX Zachary Barton 512-686-7589 Financial Planning• Insurance Planning Investment Planning Financial Planning 107 S. Main St., Ste. A • Kyle, TX Zachary Barton 512-686-7589 Financial Planning• Insurance Planning Investment Planning Pool Service G&S Pool and Spa Service The only call toneedyoumake 512-326-4695 Serving S. Driftwood,DrippingAustin,Springs,KyleandBudasince1994.TICL #629 Septic Services Aerobic Maintenance Provider Septic Inspections & Consulting Septic Installations & Repairs Tank Lid Replacements & Repair Specialists on Older Systems ALL AMERICAN WASTEWATER SOLUTIONS, LLC www.ALLSEPTICCHECK.com282-3889(512) Locally serving our community since 1982. Septic Problems... LET US HELP! COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Pumping Tanks & Lift Stations YOU COULD YOURBUSINESSHEREHIGHLIGHT WE CAN HELP! Call 512-268-7862 or email HVAC & Plumbing A healthy home starts with healthy air. IAQ: Indoor Air Quality purification systems reduce: • Allergens • Viruses • Bacteria • Pet dander Shafer installs state-of-the-art air purification systems that are: • CDC recommended • Chemical free • Eco-friendly We are here for you 24/7. Give us a call. We promise to answer anytime, day or night. BOOK ONLINE Call Shafer Services Plus for a free Indoor Air Quality Assessment in your home. • Mold • Odors • Air pollutants Now serving the communities of Kyle and Lockhart. 800-903-5164 Give us a call 24/7. We promise to ansWer anytime day or niGht Now serving the communities of Kyle and Lockhart. A healthy home starts with healthy air. IAQ: Indoor Air Quality purification systems reduce: • Allergens • Vi • Bacteria • Pet dander Shafer installs state-of-the-art air purification systems that are: • CDC recommended • Chemical free • Eco-friendly We are here for you 24/7. Give us a call. We promise to answer anytime, day or night. BOOK ONLINE 800-903-5164 Call Shafer Services Plus for a free Indoor Air Quality Assessment in your home. • Mold • Odors • Air pollutants Now serving the communities of Kyle and Lockhart. License #TACLA013656E/M215 Residential & CommeRCial Automotive 395 Country Rd. 202, Ste 9B, Kyle, Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. • Family Owned & Operated • Full Service • dieSel Mention this ad for $5 off The owner of The business ThaT used To have This spoT released iT afTer 10 years so ThaT he could reTire This is your chance! call 512-268-7862 PUBLIC NOTICES, CONT.

Notice to Judgment Debtor: If there is any property, real or personal, you want to point out for levy in lieu of the above described property, you must contact this office immediately.
Michael Torres Constable, Pct. 2 Hays County, Texas 5458 FM 2770 Kyle, Texas 78640
Notice to Bidders: You are buying whatever interest, if any,
County pushes back hearing dates for intersection project
Dated at Kyle, Hays County, Texas, September 1, 2022

by Patrick Chasse, Deputy


On October 4, 2022, being the first Tuesday of the month, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., beginning at 10:00 a.m., at the Hays County, at the South Door, 712 Stagecoach Trail of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of San Marcos, Texas, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of Brenda Hidalgo in and to the real property described above.
“We literally have residents in this room that have no representation in this,” Howard said at the Sept. 13 meeting.commissioners-“Thisisgoingto
The Hays Free Press will continue to update the public as more information becomes available and developments are made.

the Debtor has in the proper ty. Purchase of the Debtor's interest in the property may not extinguish any liens or security interests held by other persons. There are no warranties, ex press or implied, regarding the property being sold, including but not limited to warranties of title, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Cocke General contractors, Construction Manager-at-Risk, for: Live Oak subcontractorscompetitiveRenovations,Academyisrequestingproposalsfromandsuppliers.Subcontractorandsupplier

proposals will be receBartlet tived via Fax to (512) 326-4339 or (512) 326- Fax or via tobidaus@bartlettcocke.comemail no later than 2:00:00 PM on 9/29/2022. Any proposals received after this time will not be accepted. Electronic copies of the proposal documents may be obtained from Bartlett Cocke or viewed at local and online planrooms. Contact Angela Erickson via email Aerickson@bartlettcocke. com or phone (512) 326-4223 Phone to make arrangements. Small, Woman Owned, Dis advantaged, HUB, HUBZone, 8(a), Minority, and all similar firms are encouraged to submit proposals on this project. Bart lett Cocke General Contractors is an equal opportunity (EEO) employer.


Cause: 20-0394
A map of the proposed roundabout at Ranch Road 12 and RM 150.

affect their lives. It’s going to cost them thousands of dollars; it’s going to take away a trail system, it’s going to take away private utilities; [and] it’s going to impact them in a very harmful way, now and going forward. The city of Dripping Springs loses small businesses. There are thousands of homes being built right there within a couple of miles of us [and] every one of those folks is going to have to drive into Dripping Springs for services.”Thecondemnation of the three parcels, originally approved in May 2021, was currently pending on Sept. 13, 2022, General Counsel Mark Kennedy said during the agenda item (prior to executive session).
project.Perthe court’s request, additional analysis will be performed by the council to determine the necessity of the

The Hays Hawks football team dominated the McArthur Brahmas (64-14) at Bob Shelton Stadium on Friday night. Hawks’ junior quarterback Tyler Mcinvale carries the ball up the field.

#2 Cody Stoever 8 of 26 for 141 yards and 1 TD Rushing
The DSHS Student Body voted Homecoming King Carter Larson and Queen Jesse Bookbinder.

Hawks claim 64-14 homecoming victory
#2 Cody Stoever 20 carries for 82 yards and 1
#10 Dane Hennessee 1 reception for 8 yards
#8 Eli Dubuisson 1 reception for 2 yards
#12 Chase Carson 1 reception for 38 yards and 1 TD#25 Johnny Ball 1 reception for 11 yards
Cayden Heatly, #3 in the signals a touchdown as Chase Carson sprints the Fredericksburg sideline 38-yards to score after breaking tackles to give Wimberley a 1714 lead over Fredericksburg late in the fourth quarter.
Dripping Springs Tigers shutout the Maroons from Austin
QB #16 Austin Novosad handing the ball off to So. #18 Jack Tyndall and Sr. #57 Logan Husch clearing the path. Tyndall had six carries for 59 yards and one touchdown.
Special Teams
Facing a fourth and nine the Texans’ Hunter Williamson booted a 22yard field goal with 6:27 in the third quarter giving Wimberley its first lead in the game. The lead wouldn’t last long as the Billies’ Charlie Johnson ran 55 yards for a touchdown with 8:45 in the final quarter. “Offensively we didn’t play the way we can,” Warren told the team after the win, “you’ve just
got to continue playing hard, play after play after play, and finally good things will happen.”
#25 Johnny Ball 13 carries for 35 yards
#3 Cayden Heatly 2 receptions for 38 yards
Wimberley sophomore quarterback Cody Stoever makes a cut to change direction after getting a good block by Shay Shroyer (59). Stoever rushed 20 times for 82 yards with a touchdown and passed for 141 yards and 1 TD in the Texans 1714 win over Fredericksburg.

for 253 yards and four touchdowns. Sr. #23 Kade Curry at six carries for 76 yards.The Tiger defense held the Maroons to 105 passing yards, 25 rushing yards and seven first downs. Also, the Tiger defense recovered four fumbles and two interceptions.Thenextgame for the Tigers (3-0) will be against The Bowie Bulldogs (40) on Friday at Burger Stadium.
The volleyball compresses on the arms of freshman Henley Anderson as she makes one of nine digs in the Lady Tigers 3-0 win over home team Westlake on Tuesday, September 13. Anderson also had 13 kills in the 25-23, 25-17, 25-17 game. “It’s a big win for us,” Head Coach Michael Kane said after the game, “Lake Travis and Westlake have been winning district so to come in their house and get this win is making a big statement for us.” Next home games vs Buda Johnson on Friday, September 30 at 7 and vs Austin Anderson on Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 6:30 p.m.

4-0 travels to Lampasas 3-1 on Friday,
The Tiger offense had a total of 529 yards in the contest (287 passing and 242 rushings). Quarterback Austin Novosad had 16 completions at 20 attempts
Stoever did just that and fought hard to make a first down in the final minutes of the fourth quarter before tossing the screen pass to Carson who broke tackles on the 38-yard run. The Texan’s defense forced Fredericksburg to fail on fourth down and turn the ball over sealing the 17-14 Wimberley victory.
After the game, Stoever, the didn’twantmorning“Obviouslyquarterback,sophomoresaid,Saturdayisnotwhenwetobeplaying.Weexecuteaswellas we wanted to, but we ended up with the win. That’s all that matters now, and we just need to continue to get better. Thank you to Fredericksburg for making the trip Wimberleyback.”
The Billies scored first when the Texans turned the ball over on their third possession after failing to convert on fourth down in the first quarter. Stoever refused to be taken down before crossing the goal line and the Texans tied it 7-7 with 9:32 in the second quarter. Both team’s defense played well and the game remained tied at halftime.
#18 Hunter Williamson PAT's 2 for 2, FG's 1 for 1 (22 yards)
#32 Troy Heugly #80 Hanson Collie
– On Friday, Sept. 16, the Dripping Springs High School Tigers hosted the Maroons from Austin High School for their 2022 Homecoming game before a sold-out home crowd.

Senior tight end, defensive end Jonathan Calderon after a Hawks touchdown.
WIMBERLEY -- It’s official, there were no officials. It wasn’t Friday Night Lights, but it was Saturday morning sunshine. Friday night’s officials didn’t show by game time for the Wimberley and Fredericksburg contest at Texan Stadium. There were volunteers from both sides who offered their services, but it was decided best to reschedule the game for 10 a.m. on Saturday morning. Plenty of fans of both teams were in attendance after orwayittoldFredericksburg,challengingoffense.focusedthewasn’tHeadAfterrescheduling.Saturday’sgame,CoachDougWarrentalkingaboutofficials.Instead,heontheTexans’Followingtheteam’s17-14winoverWarrenhisteam,“Sometimesdoesn’talwaysworktheyouthinkit’sgoingtowantitto.”TheBilliesled14-
#9 Noah Birdsong 2 receptions for 44 yards
Wimberley Texans score 17-14 victory over Fredericksburg
Hays High School homecoming court

TD#24 Jack Boyle 5 carries for 12 yards
SPORTS Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • September 21, 2022 Page 11
10 until Chase Carson scored with a 38-yard touchdown run on a screen pass from quarterback Cody Stoever with 2:25 remaining in the fourth quarter.
“This is a great win under tough circumstances and you fought through the adversity,” said Warren.
3-0 win for Lady Tiger volleyball
Sept. 23 at 7:30. Game statistics are listed below:
population doctors worry about is people with an opioid-use disorder with severe opioid addiction.
Parker said that Chemo Fairies come to visit the children during their treatment,chemotherapyradiation or other treatments and then go back to the Chemo Fairy Garden until the next treatment.
The ‘You Got This!’ bags have a monthly theme sticker placed on the front of the bag with sweet and salty snacks. Primed 2 Fight donates the gift sets to clinics and hospitals throughout the United States.Primed 2 Fight donates 400-500 gift bags to different cancer clinics
“It’s a story about a little girl who realizes her brother has cancer and so she wants to do something special for him,” Parker said.
“Our goal is to donate 500 Chemo Fairy® Gift Sets this year.”

“I’ve actually talked to [Brandon] about starting something. Going around the schools and talking about what we’ve been through, being an outreach for children,” Janel said. “I’ve always had a heart to do something with children, and I’m kind of feeling like, maybe this was the purpose. There needs to be something for these kids, somewhere for them to Forgo.”now, she carries around only a piece of Noah with her — a small container of his ashes. The family still plans on celebrating his birthday next month with his favorite tres leches cake they ordered.
To make a donation visit
Awareness month and raise money for the nonprofit. The brewery will be selling a ‘Fight Like a Kid’ seltzer; for every seltzer that is purchased Primed 2 Fight will receive $1 back.The event will have vendor booths, carnival games, bouncy houses, mini horses (noon to 3 p.m.) and soft serve ice cream. There will also be live music and raffles.Allof the proceeds will be going to Primed 2 Fight foundation for their Chemo Fairy® Gift Sets.“We’re hoping to do ten or fifteen thousand dollars,” Parker said.
NONPROFIT, from page 1
FENTANYL, from page 1
Page 12 Hays Free Press • September 21, 2022 JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle TX 78640 Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. Offering JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle TX 78640 Apply at or call 512.329.1778 for more information. Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, including: • Drivers • EquipmentMechanics Operators • Excavation Laborers • Concrete Workers Route CustomerAuditorsCare Reps, and more! Offeringupto forselectpositions*On-SiteInterviews$8k * Certain exclusions apply. JOBSaturday,10:00a.m. Evo Entertainment 3200 Kyle Crossing, Join the TDS Family. We great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, Equipment Operators Excavation Laborers Concrete Workers • Route Auditors • Customer Care Reps, and JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 Evo Entertainment 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, including: • Drivers • Mechanics • Equipment Operators for JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle TX 78640 Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 Positions Available include: • Drivers • Mechanics • Equipment Operators • Excavation Laborers • Concrete Workers • Route Auditors • Customer Care Reps and More! TDS IS NOW HIRING! Find your career with us. Join the TDS family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid leave and paid holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, including: $8KOfferingupto forselectpositions*On-SiteInterviews

COURTESY OF JANEL RODRIGUEZ Noah played football for Johnson High School.

Still, Janel and Brandon are confident that Noah was trying to stay on the right path following his May overdose, noting that he had recently had his wisdom teeth removed and wasn’t even taking his pain medication for that.
“I think this was probably just a chance that he had and he didn’t want to say no, or really just didn’t think that [anything bad would happen],” Janel said. “I don’t blame anybody. I definitely don’t blame God. Noah had a choice; Noah made a decision. But Noah didn’t make that pill himself.”
With three young children at home, Janel and Brandon have not had
There are two key patient groups that doctors are worried about, one being people who are already on very high doses of “Itopioids.isimportant that those people not be suddenly cut off or forced to decrease their dose substantially. We now have a really strong base of evidence showing that when you force people off of opioids who’ve been prescribed them. … they’re more likely to die,” Dr. Hill said.The second patient
“Those people need to be able to have better access to harm reduction supplies, whether that’s Naloxone [Narcan] or even things like sterile syringes, overdose prevention centers or
According to Dr. Hill, when you take too much of an opioid or have too potent of an opioid, that drug finds its way to opioid receptors on the brain stem, slowing down your body's intrinsic drive to breathe. Eventually, your breathing can become too slow to bring in enough oxygen for your brain and even stop completely.

Naloxone;youthey’reup,”responsive,slappingispermanentsaidthethemyouryouHilldowouldwork,sayingshouldersup,isintoxicated.appearrelatedisthebecauseconsidereddefinitions,areaarestatewide.andCommissionandfromHillanalogs.aeffectivetheanHillnotamountandorwaterintoofstrip,HilltestcannotprescribedactuallymakeprescribedurinewereLifePoint.ReductionfoundIn“reasonable”themtestdrugs,personsaid.buprenorphine,”…medicationevidence-basedtreatment.likemethadoneorDr.HillHillsaidifyouareawhousesillegalpurchasingfentanylstripsandhavingonhandcanbeathingtodo.Austin,theycanbeattheTexasHarmAllianceand“They[theteststrips]designedtotesttheofpeoplewhoarefentanyltosurethatthey'reusingtheirmedicationandjustsellingit,buttheyalsobeuseddirectlytothedrugsample,”Dr.said.Touseafentanyltesttakeasmallamountthedruganddipitthecookerwiththeanddrugmixture,breakoffasmallpiecedissolveitinasmallofwater.However,teststripsareaperfectsolution.Dr.saiditiseasytogetincorrectresultusingstrips,astheyareonlyatidentifyingfewofthefentanylSeveralyearsago,Dr.wasabletogetfundstheTexasHealthHumanServicestobuystripsdistributethemButthesestripsinanambiguouslegalinTexas,andbysomemightbeparaphernaliathey'reusedfortestingofillegaldrugs.Hillsaidthatifsomeoneexperiencinganopioid-overdose,theymaytobeasleepor“Thefirstthingtodototrytowakethemandifshakingtheiralittlebitandtheirnamedoesn’tthenextthingIinstructpeopletoisthesternalrub,”Dr.said.Thesternalrubiswheremakeafistanduseknucklesandgrindintothemiddleofperson’schest.Dr.Hillitwon’tcauseanydamageandbetterthanhittingortheperson.“Ifthey’restillthey’llwakeDr.Hillsaid.“Andifresponsivethendon’tneedtogivetheymayjustbe (512),andfromisoverdose.maytocanandequippedusingstigmaafentanyl,benicotineworrytheresaid.powderedschooleraalsocanlikewise,trybutusecollegetheinexperiencedlessbethingsandcontainofratherspecificallythatmakeopioidtoexperienceopioidspersonwithdrawalreceptors,kickisadministeringassociatedsaid.afirstfacemaybewho’sgettingpassivelyunderneathyourfentanylwithfromintoxicationyouDr.intoxicated.”Hilladdedthatcannotexperienceoroverdosecasualcontactfentanyl,includingpatches.“Gettingalittlebitonskinorevenstuckyournailbed,inhalingitorclosetosomebodyoverdosedandhassomeontheir—thatisnotarisktoresponders,thatisnotrisktoanyone,”Dr.HillTheonlysideeffectwithNaloxonethatit'llrapidlyopioidsoffofthewhichcancausesymptoms.Awhodoesn'tuseveryoftenwon'tanything,butsomeonewithasevereaddiction,thiscanthemfeelverysick.Dr.Hilldoesn’tbelievechildrenarebeingtargeted,buttheprevalencepressedpillsthatfentanylisrising,pressedpills,orthatappeartopharmaceutical,areintimidatingforanuser.“That’sgoingtoincreaseriskformaybeakidwhowouldn’tpowderedheroinwouldbewillingtoaVicodinpill.AndIthinkthatweanticipateitwouldbemoreappealingtomiddleschoolerorhighthanwouldbeadrug,”Dr.HillDr.Hillalsosaidthatshouldn’tbeanythatcannabisorusersaregoingtoaccidentallyexposedtosayingthatthatis“myth.”Whilethereisalotofassociatedwithillegaldrugs,beingforanysituationeducatingoneanotherbethemostusefultoolsavingsomeonewhobeexperiencinganNarcannasalsprayavailableforfreetheTexasHealthHumanServicesoronwww.HaysCountySheriffCutleralsosaidthatarecollaboratingfireandEMStodevelopoverdosemappingtohelptracktheoffentanylandaskedHaysCountytoincreaserewardamountforleadingtoarrestofdealers.canalsohavedepartmentspeaktogroupororganizationfentanylbycalling393-7896.
much time to process their grief together, but their faith and church family have been huge support systems for healing.
something that she is interested in bringing to county and state leaders to change.“Oneof the friends [of Noah’s] told his mom, ‘I can't stop doing these pills.’ But he doesn’t want to go to rehab, and the mom is reaching out to me every day, like, ‘At night, I’m in his room watching him sleep because I want to make sure he’s breathing,’” Janel said. “I’ve been through that. I would wake up so many times at night just to go check on Noah and make sure he was breathing. We shouldn’t have to live like this.”“Overdosing is not always a wakeup call,” Brandon added.
“I feel like Noah’s death has a purpose. And we’re gonna fulfill that, even if it’s just saving one person,” Janel said.
“I know that whatever he took [that night], he didn’t take over to that house,” Brandon said. “Whether it was peer pressure, or it was just the opportunity, it was a bad choice. … It's not the ‘bad crowd’ from high school. It’s not that anymore. It's not only ‘the bad kids do this stuff.’”