Hays Free Press

There will be two new faces on Kyle City Council after Miguel A. Zuniga topped incumbent Robert Rizo for the District 3 spot. Rizo, the current mayor pro tem, has served on council since May of 2019. There will be a run-off election held Dec. 13 to determine the District 1 councilperson. This seat was previously held by Dex Ellison, prior to his resignation in August 2022.
County Judge Ruben Becerra maintained his position in a close race with challenger Mark Jones.
The three bond propositions on the ballot for Dripping Springs ISD
failed to gain voter approval. Voters gave approval for the city of Kyle road bond proposition with a strong margin.
Nearly 83,000, or 48.65%, of registered Hays County voters headed to the polls during the Nov. 8 general election. Candidates from across the county were vying for numerous positions, including county judge, clerk and treasurer, criminal district attorney and justice of the peace, as well as two council seats in city of Kyle and a seat on the Wimberley ISD board of trustees.
These are the unofficial election results as of 11:44 p.m. Results will remain unofficial until canvassed and certified.
Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra (incumbent) (D): 44,214 (50.44%)
Mark Jones (R): 43,439 (49.56%)
Hays County Commissioners
Precinct 2 Michelle Gutierrez Cohen (D): 10,847 (60.81%)
Mike Gonzalez (R): 6,991 (39.19%)
Precinct 4 Walt Smith (incumbent) (R): 15,189 (54.14%)
Susan Cook (I): 12,865 (45.86%)
County Clerk Elaine Cárdenas (incumbent) (D): 46,188 (53.29%)
Linda Duran (R): 40,493 (46.71%)
County Treasurer Daphne Sanchez Tenorio (D): 45,206 (52.23%)
Britney Bolton Richey (R): 41,342 (47.77%)
District Clerk Avrey Anderson (D): 44,155 (51.03%)
Beverly Crumley (R): 42,369 (48.97%)
District Attorney Kelly Higgins (D): 46,299 (53.06%)
David Puryear (R): 40,956 (46.94%)
Justice of the Peace Precinct 5
Sandra Bryant (incumbent) (D): 9,159 (56.76%)
Karen Marshall (R): 6,976 (43.24%)
KYLE — Something as simple as having a pillow to sleep on can bring a sense of comfort, security and peace, especially for domestic violence victims.
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in four women and one in nine men experience domestic violence. Local efforts are being made to not just bring awareness to this, but provide victims with some relief in the form of a good night’s sleep — in hopes that they “find inspiration, empowerment and peace as they rest each day and night to strengthen their mind, body and soul, and help end their battle against domestic violence.”
Unforgettable Families and Friends, a Kyle-based organization that does a myriad of service projects around the community, held its Pillows of Peace
event on Nov. 5 at Kohl’s in Kyle.
Since the event’s inception, thousands of pillows have been collected and donated to shelters across Texas and even other states.
For 2022’s Pillows of Peace, Unforgettable Families and Friends partnered with local organizations like the Kyle, Buda Kiwanis Club, Ladies & Gents Professional Hair Services and Kyle Police Department to collect new pillows for the HaysCaldwell Women’s Center and other local shelters, including the Southside Community Center in San Marcos and Salvation Army.
Cynthia Bentley, founder and president of Unforgettable Families and Friends, said that this effort would not be possible without the support the community gives.
While there were
opportunities for residents to donate pillows at various collection points before the Nov. 5 event, many Saturday shoppers at Kohl’s left the store with a pillow or two — or more — to donate at the booth. Additionally, B&B Quilting of Buda handmade dozens of pillow cases to
be donated alongside the pillows.
In total, over 300 pillows were collected and donated to the shelters. For more information on Unforgettable Families and Friends mission and upcoming events, visit www.unforgettablelives. org.
KYLE — After some uncertainty, Kyle City Council unanimously approved an ordinance that rezones several acres of undeveloped land located at 360 Old Stagecoach Rd.
The lot is currently zoned for agricultural use and is proposed to be rezoned to a community commercial district.
Atwell, LLC’s proposed development consists of three retail/office spaces and two restaurant buildings ranging from 3,500 to19,950 square feet.
The site development is proposed with 254 parking spaces, one detention pond and 400 linear feet of hike and bike trail to meet
the city’s Overall Parks Plan.
There will also be a 15-foot wide landscape buffer that will be provided along the north and west property boundary, adjacent to the Kyle 57 subdivision.
After further review, city staff found the rezoning aligned with the current Comprehensive Plan and found it to be an appropriate zoning district for the site. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval of the zoning to the council after a 5-1 vote on Oct. 11.
Council member Yvonne Flores-Cale said she was hesitant because there would be no development agreement.
“That’s a slippery slope, especially knowing that you could put things in there that I don’t think would fit that area,” Flores-Cale said. “It worries me that if I say yes that something may come along that I don’t think is a good fit.”
The uses permitted are as follows:
• Multi-family on the second floor and above shall be permitted by right regardless of base zoning
• Bed and breakfast up to five rooms
• Retail
• Restaurant
• Religious assembly
• Art gallery
• Child care center (outdoor playground allowed)
BUDA — Roger and Roberta Haas' walls are decorated with paintings, the fireplace mantle is filled with candles and glass pumpkins and family photos are displayed on bedside tables and in the dining room. But their beautiful home is falling apart.
Roger, 82, and Roberta, 80, first moved into their home, located in the Garlic Creek neighborhood back in 2015, and have had infrastructure issues since 2017. The joints and wood flooring in their home are separating, and the kitchen tile is not only cracking but lifting as well. The couple has had to place tape on a few of the cracks because the tile and grout are flaking.
“You cut your foot, or my husband would be tripping on it. He has to wear a special boot,” Roberta said.
She also recalled waking up one night around 5 a.m. to a loud sound.
“I thought we had an intruder. It was a very loud sound,” she said. After looking around and not seeing anything, she decided to get back in bed. But about a half hour later, she heard another loud sound. The next morning, she discovered it was nail pops, which are small circles that protrude from the drywall of walls or ceilings.
Another issue the couple experiences is excessive runoff. Roger described the runoff as a “river.”
“Anything like that is going to impact the soil and shift it, and we think it wasn't graded properly. Something happened during the grading and the laying of the slab and foundation that created a problem,” Roberta said.
Roger, a retired engineer, said he isn’t buying Pulte Homes' rationale for what is happening.
“There’s something odd about the soil,” Roger said. “We know it’s about the soil underneath the slab.”
The Hays Free Press Barton Publications, Inc.
The Hays Free Press (USPS 361-430) published weekly by Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. Periodicals postage paid at Buda, TX 78610 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610.
And Roger is correct. According to MLAW’s latest engineering report from July 2022, the foundation has experienced soil-induced movement. However, the report states that the foundation is still within acceptable limits established by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
The house’s elevation has dropped three inches since July 13, 2022. But according to Pulte’s criteria, the house would have to drop another three inches to meet its threshold of failure.
“They don’t find us in the threshold of failure, according to their standard; however, this is some sort of failure,” Roberta said. She was at a loss for words.
Pulte and MLAW have visited the Haas residence two other times prior, once in November 2020 and a second time in 2021.
Although the information from the engineers has been helpful, Roger said it’s left him more puzzled about what’s actually happening.
“And we're doing everything that they've told us to do in terms of soaker hoses. And I've got the water bills to prove it,” Roberta said.
“The slab can’t settle three inches without the soil underneath it failing as well,” Roger said.
Roger said he is considering hiring someone to come do soil borings, also known as geotechnical boring, to investigate and determine soil composition and conditions around the main corner of the home.
Although the home is still under warranty, it will expire in a few weeks.
“We’re starting to feel truly desperate,” Roberta said.
On Nov. 4, representatives and engineers from Pulte went out to the Haas’ home.
“They are going to send the engineers out again to take measurements,” Roberta said.
However, they do not expect anything will change.
“It’s more than frustrating,” Roberta said.
“We’re starting to feel desperate”PHOTO BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN A crack runs in a corner wall in the living room of the home of Roger and Roberta Haas. PHOTO BY BRITTANY ANDERSON From left: Nicolas Lopez of HCWC, Officer Dan Pruett of Kyle PD, Susan Reyna of the Kyle, Buda Kiwanis Club, Cynthia Bentley of Unforgettable Families and Friends, Wayne Kamura of the Kyle Citizens Police Academy, Sheila Carey of Ladies & Gents Professional Hair Services and Ruben Reyna.
• Prohibited at all times.
BUDA — The city of Buda implemented “Stage 2” drought conservation
measures as of Monday, Nov 7.
The move to Stage 2 restrictions is partially precipitated by the Barton
Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District’s (BSEACD) move to Stage 3 restrictions for the Barton Springs aquifer. Buda receives approximately 25% of its water supply from the Edwards Aquifer.
The Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer continues to decline and has reached critical level. At the same time, recent rainfall has not produced sufficient runoff to recharge groundwater levels.
“It is imperative that we do our part to help mitigate the impact on declining groundwater levels and the health of Barton Springs,” said Blake Neffendorf, Buda’s assistant director of public works. “Outdoor landscaping watering needs tend to be minimal during late fall and winter months.”
Water conservation information can be found at www.budatx.gov/232/ Water-Conservation Code Ordinance Section 24.06.
The Stage II restrictions are as follows:
Waste of water:
Irrigation with hose-end and automatic sprinkler systems:
• Twice per week on designated day; prohibited between the hours of midnight and 7 p.m.
• Odd-numbered residential: Wednesday and Saturday.
• Even-numbered residential: Thursday and Sunday.
• Commercial, mixed use and multi-family: Tuesday and Friday.
• It is recommended that outdoor watering be limited to one of the permitted watering days each week to promote conservation.
Irrigation with handheld bucket, handheld hose, soaker hose, or drip irrigation system:
• Restricted to the outdoor watering twiceper-week schedule.
• Prohibited between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Irrigation of vegetable gardens:
• Allowed using a handheld bucket, handheld hose, soaker hose or drip irrigation system on any day but prohibited between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Irrigation to protect trees:
• Allowed using a soaker hose, automatic bubbler, tree watering bag, or similar device placed within the tree’s dripline on any day but prohibited between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Commercial nurseries:
• Subject to the time restrictions when using automated irrigation systems but may operate any day. Use of handheld
See STAGE 2, page 8
When the Kyle Fire Department started designing a mural at Station 1 in Kyle, they realized they bit off more than they could chew and needed the pros to come in — so they invited Johnson High School art teachers to help them make the mural a reality. The JHS art team were quick to help the department beautify the station, highlighting the continued partnership between Hays CISD and KFD. From left to right: art teachers Adrienne Simes, Sara Grizzle and Marcie Dodd.
Kyle/Buda Buda VFW will hold a Veterans Day ceremony on Nov. 11 at 8 a.m. in the Bradfield Village Park parking lot. Additionally, the community is invited to enjoy a Veterans Day display at the Buda Public Library beginning Nov. 7.
Lehman High School is holding a Veterans Day assembly on Nov. 11 at 3 p.m. There will be an armed forces flag presentation, presentation of flag colors, recognition of veterans and their families and guest speakers. Veterans are invited to sign up to be honored during the assembly; by contacting Lehman High School principal Karen Zuniga at karen.zuniga@hayscisd.net or 512-268-8454.
Memorial Miniature Golf and Museum in Buda, which operates as the first-
ever World War II themed mini golf course, is offering 50% off mini golf for veterans plus happy hour pricing on Nov. 11 from 4 to 9 p.m.
Kyle’s annual Veterans Day Parade will start at noon on Saturday, Nov. 12. The route will begin at Gregg-Clarke Park and travel along Center Street, ending at Front Street on the City Square. The parade will also be live streamed on Kyle10, the city’s YouTube channel, and Facebook page.
Attendees are invited to enjoy the festivities at Mary Kyle Hartson City Square Park for live music, market vendors and family friendly activities, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event is weather permitting. More information on road closures and parking can be found at www.cityofkyle. com/veteransday.
Dripping Springs 12 Fox Beer Co. is holding back-to-back fundraisers this weekend in honor of Veterans Day. On Nov. 11 from noon to 9 p.m., the brewery is raising money for local veteran
PTSD ketamine therapy sessions, with 20% of all merchandise sales going towards these sessions. Veterans will also get their first beer free. Live music will be provided by Josh Field Music and Gummies BBQ will be serving up barbecue. On Nov. 12 from noon to 9 p.m., the brewery is teaming up with several veteran-owned small businesses to help US13 honor fallen veterans, with
a portion of proceeds going to benefit the organization. Along with food trucks, raffles and giveaways, Maui Brewing Company will take over some taps, and there will be live music from Richard Watson, Above the Law Band and Zach Willard Band.
The Dripping Springs Rotary Club will host its annual Veterans Day Dinner and Dance on Nov. 11 from 5 to 9 p.m. at
Dripping Springs Distillery. Music will be provided by the Cornell Hurd Band. The event is free to all local veterans and their families.
San Marcos Roughhouse Brewing is partnering with the Austin Veterans Arts Festival to bring an allveterans comedy showcase, performed on the outdoor
Lantana stage, on Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis and RSVPing is encouraged. All proceeds will be sent to various veterans programs through AVA disbursements. The brewery is encouraging a $10 donation, although it is optional. Event staff say that this content is not suitable for children.
• Fire/police station
• Professional office
• Funeral home
• Barber/beauty shop
• Convenience/grocery store
• Fuel station
• Nursing/retirement homes
• Veterinarian - without outdoor boarding
• Health and fitness center
• Restaurant with drivethru
• Financial institution with drive-thru banking
Mayor Pro Tem Robert Rizo, who met with the developer, said he had no problem voting to rezone.
Council member Daniela Parsley, however, was concerned because she has had no communication with the developer.
“I really have fears of seeing a drive-thru just like what happened with Taco
Bell,” Parsley said. “So, I would like to have more knowledge.”
“The developer gave y’all the opportunity to reach out to him, meet with him. I met with him, so I think I’m good with moving forward with this,” Rizo said. “We’re just working on the zoning. He still has to come back with a plan; we have to approve the plan as well.”
Mayor Travis Mitchell stepped in and reminded the council that they were supposed to be making a decision based on the use.
“As it relates to the comprehensive plan, the community commercial zoning, the reason that Will is saying that it’s the go-to is because it is the absolute bullseye from a land-use standpoint for what is appropriate next to a regional node, like that intersection,” Mitchell said.
“At some point, you have to rely on your code to dictate how development can happen as opposed to spot zoning, which is essentially saying that you have to show me what you’re going to build before we say yes which is against the law unless it’s
being developed through a development agreement which often times bypasses the zoning,” he continued. “If you’re not going to vote for community commercial, I can’t imagine that this council would want to vote yes to any other zoning category.”
Flores-Cale thought a couple uses from the list would be sufficient for the area, but would be more satisfied with retail than community commercial.
“At the end of the day, rezoning is up to council,” Flores-Cale said. “If they want to come and they want
to offer whatever it is they want to offer, and we don’t agree with it, we have a right to say no. I’m not going to try to strong-arm them and tell them this is what it has to be. I can say ‘Hey, I don’t think that’s best use, and I don’t have to give you an explanation.’”
The methods used by the Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc. (PEC) to distribute capital credits to members do not result in honest distributions both among and within rate classes. The method used by the PEC for the years 2007-2018 for distributions among rate classes cheats mostly the Residential rate class out of its rightful, earned share. That method was corrected for the years 2019-2021. However, the method used to distribute capital credits within rate classes for the years 2007-2021 cheats small users out of their rightful, earned shares mostly in the Residential and Small Power rate classes. Small amounts of earned capital credits are taken from the many small users and given to the few large users. One wonders why the PEC continues these dishonest distributions.
Yours truly, Mr. Merle L. Moden Wimberley, TX
Name of a proposed subdivision west of Buda
Some of us just don’t like the name very much. The Persimmon is a secondary fruit tree that grows naturally from Virginia, sown to Florida and over to Texas (Diospyros virginiana).
Native Americans and early explorers of the New World valued this tree for its fruit which hangs on the tree into winter, providing food during the colder months.
Persimmon trees have deep tap roots and the wood is hard and resistant. The wood is sometimes used to make golf club heads.
Yes, we know most of the names of our favored trees
have already been taken for subdivision names, especially the oak. We already have Oak Forest, Hays County Oaks, Spanish Oaks, and Oak Hill. We better not mention Live Oak Estates (already taken for an assisted living community.) The names that end in wood have pretty well been taken. Some well-known expamples are Goldenwood, Cherrywood, Maplewood, Brykerwoods, and Balcones Woods. Unless I missed them, the Hickory, Red Oak, White Oak, Elm, Cottonwood, Sweet Gum and Pecan are still available to use. Houston, Waco and points east seem to have a monopoly on the use of Magnolia, Cypress and
Willow in their subdivision names.
Persimmon does get some points for being mentioned in folk tales and in country blues music. One of my favorites had the lines: “Raccoon up the ‘simmon tree
Possum on the groundPossum says to raccoon, Hey Bub Won’t you throw some ‘simmons down?”
In the folk and old Indian tales, the persimmon is sometimes fought over by the animals.
One of my favorites is “How the Turtle’s Back Was Cracked” retold in a newer book by Gayle Ross. It is probably in your local library.
Our Ozark forebears would break open the Persimmon seed to get a weather forecast. If the broken persimmon seed looked like a spoon inside then there will be a lot of heavy wet snow to scoop. If a fork shape appeared that meant light powdery snow and a milder winter.
If we are just in the arena of secondary trees and bushes, I would probably prefer Mulberry, Dewberry, or Paw Paw. The Paw Paw is famous in the old children’s song, “Way Down yonder in the Paw Paw Patch.” Paw Paw Place has a nice ring to it. We have some different options here.
John B. Sanford Buda, TX
I hope all y’all had a fun and sweet Halloween. It was great seeing all the spooky decorations in neighborhoods ‘round here, and folks were real generous handing out candy. I wish my grandchildren were that generous. All I got from them was the candy they don’t like such as Almond Joy, and a toothbrush that must’ve come from a local dentist. I wonder what a proctologist hands out to trick-or-treaters at his doorstep.
I always decorate the yard with some of the spookiest decorations you can buy on Amazon for under $25. Many were created in my laboratory, which doubles as my tractor shed. Although I have
FROM THE CROW’S NEST BY CLINT YOUNTSbeen told for years that I have enough Halloween decorations, there’s always room for more. So, usually on November 1, I head to local retail stores to snatch up decorations on sale, and sometimes a bag of candy other than Almond Joy.
I was well aware of the Christmas decorations for sale in all the stores. They’ve been in the aisles since Labor Day, but where was the Halloween stuff? Was it all sold or was it tossed to the curb like Herschel
Sympathetic Georgians rallied at Macon on Nov. 12, 1835 to show their support for the struggle for Texas independence. At the end of the emotional evening, 32 volunteers
Texas History by Bartee Hailestepped forward to form the nucleus of the famed and ill-fated Georgia Battalion.
Despite the crude communications of the times, southerners managed to keep abreast of exciting events in Mexico’s northernmost province. Since several Georgians played major parts in the distant drama, residents of the Peach Tree State had more than a casual interest in the outcome.
Early Georgian immigrants to Texas included wealthy planter Jared Groce, firebrand “Three-Legged” Willie Williamson and the Jack brothers, William and Patrick. Among the well-known latecomers were publisher Mirabeau Lamar, future president of the Lone Star Republic, and Col. James B. Fannin, whose mistakes would cost so many lives.
At the mass meeting in Macon, a recent West Point graduate brought the cheering crowd to
Walker’s girlfriends? The entire store was filled with Christmas trees and holiday décor, but not a single skeleton or goblin. If you looked long enough, you might find some Thanksgiving decorations, but in the retail business, that holiday is the redheaded stepchild.
I saw a post on Facebook the other day where someone was asking if it’s too early to start decorating for Christmas. I couldn’t tell you how many people replied that they put their tree up on the first of November. Don’t they know there are several holidays between Halloween and Christmas? Decorating for Christmas in early November is like hiding
Easter eggs on Valentine’s Day. Let’s celebrate holidays one at a time.
Veteran’s Day is November 11, but just try to find an American flag for sale in Target. I’ll have Old Glory flapping in the cool breeze on Friday. How about y’all? And let’s not forget about Election Day, or as it’s called in some states, November Fool’s Day. I get tired of seeing political signs clustered on street corners like ticks on a hound’s belly, but I will always go vote. That’s what Americans should do on this special day, not set up an inflatable snowman in your yard.
In case you’re wondering, November 23 is Fibonacci Day. I don’t recall who
Fibonacci was. I think he was the middle linebacker for the 49ers back in the ‘70s, but I could be wrong. Whoever he was, don’t you think we should not dishonor him by ignoring his special day? Wait another week to pull out the garland.
I never decorate the exterior of our house for Christmas until December. I used to install my exterior illumination, or as you amateurs refer to as hanging Christmas lights, on the day after Thanksgiving, but not anymore. The rooftop is no place to be when those sweet taters you ate on Thanksgiving decide it’s time for a swift exit.
Now, some of y’all might be wondering why in
tarnation a fella my age is climbing up on a roof to hang Christmas lights. Well, it’s nice and peaceful up there and a whole lot safer than battling the horde of shoppers on Black Friday. As long as my vertigo isn’t acting up and it’s not raining, it’s not as dangerous as the clearance aisle at Wal-Mart.
Well, I’ve got to leave y’all now. I need to go to my laboratory and transform my home-made zombie into Santa Claus. I’ve gotta put more glue on his beard this year. Last Christmas, a norther blew in and his beard ended up somewhere between here and South Padre. You should’ve seen the scared faces on those carolers, though. Hilarious!
its feet by announcing he would resign his commission in order to settle accounts with Santa Anna. Col. William Ward took the floor to second the motion that the freedom fighters needed much more than moral support.
Trembling with impassioned conviction, Ward called for the creation of an infantry company to fight alongside the heroic Texans. Nearly three dozen men instantly enlisted, and the audience contributed $3,000 toward their expenses.
Within days Ward wound up with a whole battalion. After dividing the 120 raw recruits, most in their teens, into three companies, he accepted a generous gift of guns and ammunition from the state arsenal. With the blessing and best wishes of family and friends, the Georgians set off for the faraway front.
Stops at Mobile and New Orleans practically doubled the size of the expedition. Ward had to dig deep into his own pocket to rent four schooners for the last leg of the journey. Their own Jim Fannin
was waiting at Velasco to welcome the volunteers, when they landed Christmas week 1835. On behalf of the embattled rebels, he praised the fellow Georgians’ selfsacrificing solidarity, urged them not to be distracted by political squabbles and stressed the need for military discipline.
Although Fannin lacked combat experience, the trusting Georgians did not question his qualifications. Content to serve under the popular leader, Ward willingly relinquished command.
By February 1836, Fannin controlled the largest single Texan army in the field. In addition to the Georgia Battalion, the Alabama Red Rovers, San Antonio Greys and two Kentucky contingents were all under his command.
No complaints were heard when Fannin picked the old presidio at Goliad for a fortress and spent days repairing the ancient walls. Everyone presumed the colonel knew what he was doing.
But doubt and confusion swept the camp after Fannin flatly refused to reinforce the Alamo
garrison. Pressure from the troops finally forced a belated march to San Antonio, but trouble with the carts and oxen gave Fannin a convenient excuse for canceling the mission of mercy.
Years later a bitter survivor challenged the notion that the majority backed the tragic decision. “From where Fannin derived his conclusion that the volunteers were not inclined to rescue the lives of their brothers in the Alamo was not told to us, and without taking the vote of the army, everything went back to Goliad.”
Nevertheless, no move was made to replace Fannin. Ward, his logical successor, had been sent on a wild-goose chase to Refugio, where he fell into enemy hands. Though most had begun to doubt the colonel’s competency, they still stuck by him.
But the worst was yet to come. After the fall of the Alamo, Fannin ignored a direct order from Gen. Sam Houston to retreat east. He procrastinated six precious days before pulling out of Goliad and then stubbornly insisted on carrying nine heavy cannon and 500 extra
muskets which slowed the caravan to a crawl.
As a result, the column was soon surrounded by the pursuing Mexicans.
Although the Americans suffered comparatively light casualties in the ensuing battle, Fannin prematurely threw in the towel. Making his last mistake, he naively accepted the bogus terms of surrender.
How Jim Fannin could possibly believe after the butchery at the Alamo that his soldiers would be released unharmed remains a mystery.
As per Santa Anna’s personal instructions, 390 helpless prisoners were slaughtered on the morning of Mar. 27, 1836.
Of the 29 captives that miraculously escaped the mass execution, only a lucky handful hailed from Georgia. But with the amazing reprieve went the heartbreaking duty of telling loved ones their menfolk were never coming home.
“Texas Entertainers: Lone Stars in Profile” is full of talented Texans who deserve a curtain call. Order your copy by mailing a check for $24.00 to Bartee Haile, P.O. Box 130011, Spring, TX 77393.
Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may appear in the pages of the Hays Free Press will be cor rected upon being brought to the attention of the publisher.
• The deadline for Letters to the Editor
fied word advertising is noon Monday the week of publication, though we encourage readers and advertisers to observe the Friday deadline.
Council unanimously approved the installation of two pet waste stations, a “slippery rocks” sign by the waterfall and an additional trash can by the Peace Garden at Heroes Memorial Park on Tuesday.
According to Parks and Recreation Director Mariana Espinoza, the cost of these items will be $2,704.07.
Council member Daniela Parsley introduced the item
because she noticed that people go to the park with their pets, and there are no pet stations.
“The last thing I want to see is the park filled with dog waste,” Parsley said. “I saw online discussion about kids getting in the water, which they can do, but I would like to make sure that they know that the rocks are slippery.”
Interim City Manager Jerry Hendrix chimed in to say that the city already has a plan for each of those things. “Just like to state for the record though, it is not
ok to swim in the pond,” Hendrix said.
Mayor Travis Mitchell motioned to direct staff to install the signs, trash can and pet waste stations as discussed, which Parsley seconded.
Council member Michael Tobias said he had several conversations with residents about these issues, including with a veteran.
“They were pretty disheartened that animals and pets were actually at this park because of the fact that it is considered
a memorial park,” Tobias said.
“The idea of having children that might be running around, or, which is fine, I mean it’s a park, but playing or getting into the rocks and the water, which is already an accident waiting to happen, a lawsuit waiting to happen, but just the whole respect of it all,” Tobias continued.
Council member Yvonne Flores-Cale thought Tobias brought up a valid point.
Parsley said the last thing she wanted was for residents to not be able to
pick up after their pets.
“I believe we shouldn’t be controlling who shows up in there with a dog,” Parsley said. “I have seen people skateboarding at the park, and I enjoy it because it’s their taxes that are paying for this park. It is a memorial, and we have beautiful things that we are displaying, showing the respect we have for law enforcement and all veterans and first responders. I don’t believe that that shows any sign of disrespect, but that’s just my personal opinion.”
Mayor Pro Tem Robert Rizo, who was a part of the original design team, said they wanted to make the park interactive and emphasize the educational aspect of it.
“This is a very unique park,” Rizo said. “Not only is it a memorial, but it’s also a park, so the programming was designed to bring families and residents out to learn about our first responders, our veterans, people that have paid the ultimate sacrifice, people who serve as well.”
– The Hays County Commissioners Court considered several presentations by Ardurra on Tuesday for using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds in the area.
The Kyle Area Senior Zone (KASZ) is requesting $106,000 to obtain construction-ready documents for a new community center, support operations and provide a one-year salary for a new director position. It has outgrown the existing facility, located at 101 S Burleson Street in Kyle.
KASZ will be responsible for collecting and managing all eligibility documents, said Molly Quirk, representative of Ardurra. Audits will be performed to determine compliance with the program requirements and oversight of spending. Program progress will be monitored.
“We know that COVID forced isolation on many of our residents,” said commissioner Debbie Ingalsbe. “It had a
tremendous negative impact on our seniors, and we believe that we can enhance the health and well-being of our seniors with this new facility.”
Betty Conley, president of KASZ, said she is grateful that the commissioners court is considering allocating the ARPA funds for the organization.
“COVID really did hurt us,” Conley said. “We have a lot of seniors that are isolated in depression. This building only holds 125, and I can only feed 80. I am turning people away, so we are very happy that you are even considering us for this.”
Ingalsbe added that due to maximum occupancy restrictions, 22% to 53% of KASZ members are unable to participate.
The Wimberley Education Foundation’s (WEF) funding of teacher grants for 2020 was reduced as a result of COVID-19, Quirk explained. Group and crowd restrictions curtailed the size of fundraising events.
WEF provided profit and loss statements for 2019 and 2020 to support its eligibility as a beneficiary of ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. WEF can demonstrate pandemic-related harm up to $21,600 for the first year of the pandemic. Additional analysis would be needed to confirm continued harm in subsequent years.
Burke Center for Youth Burke Center for Youth (BCFY) is a nonprofit that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or the public to provide therapeutic experiences and treatment services at Pathfinders Ranch in
Driftwood to young men and boys. BCFY can demonstrate pandemic-related harm up to $2,229,989 in the first year of the pandemic. Additional analysis would be needed to confirm continued harm in subsequent years. BCFY’s initial suggested award is $50,000.
“It really does a great job of providing guidance to young men and opportunities once they get out of a really bad situation,” said commissioner Walt Smith. “Every one of those situations is unique. They truly offer career and technical training and other things on-site. … They offer classes, everything from traditional
coursework that you would expect at a high school all the way to ag, mechanics and automotive. They are really an asset to Driftwood and our community.”
Gunner Thames Memorial Foundation
Gunner Thames Memorial Foundation (GTM) is a nonprofit that
raises funds to distribute to deserving kids in the form of scholarships, 4-H/ Future Farmers of America projects and families in crisis in Hays County.
GTM can demonstrate pandemic-related harm up to $50,000 in the first year of the pandemic.
Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
N. FM 1626 #2C, Buda, TX 78610
Faith Assembly of God 1030 Main St., Buda
First Baptist Church-Buda 104 San Marcos St., Buda
First Baptist Church-Kyle 300 W. Center St., Kyle
Hays Hills Baptist Church 1401 FM 1626, Buda
Sledge Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 709 Sewell, Kyle
Southeast Baptist Church 5020 Turnersville Rd., Creedmoor
Manchaca Baptist Church Lowden Lane & FM 1626
Immanuel Baptist Church 4000 E. FM 150, 4 miles east of Kyle
Center Union Baptist Church Goforth Rd., Buda
Primera Mision Bautista Mexicana Kyle
Baptist Church of Driftwood 13540 FM 150 W.
Santa Cruz Catholic Church 1100 Main Street, Buda
St. Anthony Marie Claret Church 801 N. Burleson, Kyle
St. Michael’s Catholic Church S. Old Spanish Trail, Uhland
New Life Christian Church 2315 FM 967, Buda
Iglesia Israelita Casa de Dios 816 Green Pastures Dr., Kyle
Buda-Kyle Church of Christ 3.5 miles south of Buda on FM 2770
Southern Hills Church of Christ 3740 FM 967, Buda
St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church 725 RR 967, Buda
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church RR 3237 (Wimberley Rd.), Kyle St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 11819 IH-35 South
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses FM 2770, Kyle
Jehovah’s Witnesses South 10802 Manchaca Rd., Manchaca
Living Word Lutheran ELCA 2315 FM 967, Buda
Redeeming Grace Lutheran LCMS FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca
Resurrection Church, CLBA 401 FM 967, Buda
St. John Lutheran Church 9865 Camino Real, Uhland
The Well Buda
Buda United Methodist Church San Marcos & Elm St., Buda
BUDA — Planning a music festival takes a lot of time and work, but Buda leaders and staff are working to successfully bring one to the city.
During the regular Buda City Council meeting on Nov. 1, council members approved an agreement with the Texas Music Network for the Blue Sage Music Festival to be held next year at Buda City Amphitheater and Park. The city was first approached by KOKE-
FM in 2021 with interest in hosting a large-scale festival in Buda in fall 2023, similar to their existing festival KOKEFEST held in Hutto. KOKE-FM representatives met with the city council last year to present their vision and held multiple meetings with the Buda Economic Development Corporation (EDC) board and city staff members.
A final review of the contract terms was conducted by the Buda City Park Ad Hoc members on Oct. 3. The agreement
outlines that the fee payable due in fiscal year 2023 is $95,000, in which the city pays $47,500 and the EDC funds an additional $47,500 through the city.
In exchange for the financial contribution from the city and the EDC, the city will receive:
• 12 weeks of onair promotion and commercials
• Live broadcasts and interviews on-air
• Pre-event site videos and Facebook live sessions
• 12 weeks of digital
advertising across all social media platforms
• Additional promotion in print
• Signage and activation space at the festival
• City promotional video at the festival on the video boards
• 25 pairs of tickets to be used at the city’s discretion
• $75,000 value for radio and digital media promotion
During the Nov. 1 meeting, Lise Hudson with Texas Music Network said that their logistics team has been out to the park and is working on a map, as well as stage staff reviewing some of the staging options. Additionally, all of their
offers have been sent out to potential talent for the festival.
“We’re kind of moving down the road,” Hudson said. “I think things are really going in the right direction. My staff is very excited. We are very excited just to be able to partner with Buda. We want to bring something to Buda that everyone can enjoy and be very proud of.”
Through the over one year of planning, city leaders and staff have all discussed how an event like this can bring something of a “higher caliber” to not just Buda, but the region and state as a whole.
“This has been in the
works for a while,” Mayor Pro Tem Evan Ture said.
“We’ve already seen that different caliber of a festival both in what y’all have put on in Hutto and with your existing work. Just seeing the quality of the festival you put on, the planning, the safety planning, the preparation and also tied into the community. … [there are] a lot of exciting aspects.”
“This is something bigger than we’ve done so far, and I think it sets the stage for future events that are bigger and have higher expectations,” council member Paul Daugereau added.
Keep your calendars marked for Blue Sage Music festival for Nov. 4, 2023.
Gunner Thames Memorial Foundation
Gunner Thames Memorial Foundation (GTM) is a nonprofit that raises funds to distribute to deserving kids in the form of scholarships, 4-H/ Future Farmers of America projects and families in crisis in Hays County.
in a rodeo accident and that was when [GTM] was established for the youth of Hays County.”
Dripping Springs Education Foundation
GTM can demonstrate pandemic-related harm up to $50,000 in the first year of the pandemic. Additional analysis would be needed to confirm continued harm in subsequent years. GTM’s initial suggested award is $50,000.
“[Gunner Thames] was a young man in Hays County and he was really loved and liked by all who knew him,” Smith said. “He was very active in the Texas High School Rodeo Association, FFA and 4-H. Here, in 2011, he was tragically killed
Similar to the one in Wimberley, the Dripping Springs Education Foundation (DSEF) had to deal with the suspension of the Innovative Teaching Grants and Student Leadership Grants programs for the 2020-2021 school year due to the uncertainty of COVID-19.
DSEF can demonstrate pandemic-related harm up to $22,808 for the first year of the pandemic. Additional analysis would be needed to confirm continued harm in subsequent years. DSEF’s initial suggested award is $22,808.
Hill Country Rally for Kids
Lastly, Hill Country
Rally for Kids, Inc. (HCR) is a nonprofit that raises awareness and contributes donations to other local charities and other nonprofit organizations that support youth programs in the Hill Country area of Texas.
HCR can demonstrate pandemic related harm up to $262,287 in the first year of the pandemic.
Additional analysis would be needed to confirm continued harm in subsequent years. HCR’s initial suggested award is $50,000.
The Hays County Commissioners Court did not vote on providing funding for these organizations and programs, as the items were for presentation only, but they will vote on the adoption of the funding during the next meeting.
On November 7, 2022, Doak Rainey was issued Let ters Testamentary for the Es tate of Annis Melinda Rainey, Deceased, in Cause No. 220414-P pending in the County Court at Law No. 3, Hays County, Texas. The address of Doak Rainey, Independent Executor, is c/o Claire D. East, Thompson East, PLLC, 1301 S. Capital of Texas Hwy, Suite C-120, Austin, Texas 78746, and all persons having claims against this estate are required to present them to such ad dress in the manner and time required by law.
Doak Rainey, Independent Executor of the Estate of Annis Melinda Rainey, Deceased
By: Claire D. East, Attorney for the Independent Executor, Doak RaineyTo all persons interested in the Estate of Doris Elliott, De ceased, Cause No. 22-0425-P, in the County Court at Law, Hays County, Texas.
The alleged heir(s) at law in the above-numbered and entitled estate filed an APPLICATION TO DETER MINE HEIRSHIP AND FOR APPOINTMENT OF AN INDE PENDENT ADMINISTRATOR in this estate on the 3rd day of October, 2022, requesting that the Court determine who are the heirs and only heirs of Do ris Elliott, Deceased, and their respective shares and interests in such estate.
The Court may act on this Application at any call of the docket on or after 10:00 A.M., on the first Monday next after the expiration of ten (10) days, exclusive of the day of Publica tion, from the date this citation is published, at the Hays Coun ty Government Center in San Marcos, Texas.
All persons interested in this case are cited to appear before this Honorable Court by filing a written contest or answer to this Application should they desire to do so. To ensure its consideration, you or your at torney must file any objection, intervention, or response in writing with the County Clerk of Hays County, Texas on or
before the above noted date and time.
Applicant's Attorney: David H. Morris 1921 Corporate Drive Ste. 102 San Marcos, Texas 78666 (512) 396-7525
Given under my hand and the seal of said Court at the office of the Hays County Clerk in San Marcos, Texas on this the 2nd day of November, 2022.
Elaine H. Cardenas County Clerk, Hays County, Texas 712 S. Stagecoach Trail, Suite 2008 San Marcos, Texas 78666
By: /s/ Ruby Becerra Ruby Becerra, Deputy
By order of the Hays County Commissioners Court, notice is hereby given that on Novem ber 22, 2022 at 9 a.m. in the Hays County Courthouse, 111 E. San Antonio Street, the Hays County Commissioners Court will consider the follow ing agenda item:
Discussion and possible action to authorize the County Judge to execute a Develop ment Agreement for Mission Oaks Condominiums between Hays County and Mission Oaks Group Robles Ranch Dripping Springs, LLC
The Buda City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the following item at its regular meeting to be held Tuesday, December 6th, 2022:
Unified Development Code Amendments: An ordinance to amend subsections 02.06.05, 02.10.12, 04.04.01, and 05.02 of the City of Buda Unified Development Code (UDC) to amend some standards and to add definitions.
The hearing will be held at 6:00 pm in the Council Cham bers at Buda City Hall, 405 E. Loop St. Building 100, Buda, TX 78610. Please visit the City of Buda website (ci.buda.tx.us) for meeting details and public participation options. The
agenda will be published 72 hours prior to the meeting.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Independent Administration for the Estate of David Mark Schaefer, De ceased, were issued on Sep tember 13, 2022, under Docket No. 22-0295-P, pending in the County Court of Hays County, Texas, to Michael Schaefer, Administrator. Claims may be presented in care of the attor ney for the estate, addressed as follows: Estate of David Mark Schaefer, Deceased, c/o Gina Motz, 267 W. Mills Street, New Braunfels, TX 78130, Ph: 830-625-5454. All persons having claims against this estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. s/ Gina Motz, attorney for applicant.
Dated this 2ND day of November, 2022.
NOTICE OF APPOINT MENT OF ANN MOLETTE POEHL as Independent Exec utor of the Estate of Kenneth Dean Poehl, Deceased.
Pending in the Probate Court of Hays County, Texas, as Cause No. 22-0387-P
WHEREAS, on the 31st day of October, 2022, in the Probate Court of Hays County, Texas, the undersigned duly qualified as the Independent Executor of the Estate of Ken neth Dean Poehl, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary on this estate were granted and this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. Any person indebted to said estate is hereby notified to pay same to the undersigned.
ANN MOLETTE POEHL, Independent Executor of the Estate of Kenneth Dean Poehl,
Address: Attn: Wesley Ritchie Jr., Rash Chapman LLP, 9433 Bee Cave Road, Building I, Suite 255, Austin, Texas 78733.
To all persons interested in the Estate of Ciara Collett, De ceased, Cause No. 22-0429-P, in the County Court at Law, Hays County, Texas.
The alleged heir(s) at law in the above-numbered and entitled estate filed an APPLI CATION FOR DETERMINA TION OF HEIRSHIP AND FOR LETTERS OF INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION in this es tate on the 7th day of October, 2022, requesting that the Court determine who are the heirs and only heirs of CIARA COL LETT, Deceased, and their respective shares and interests in such estate.
1 The Court may act on this Application at any call of the docket on or after l 0:00 A.M., on the first Monday next after the expiration of ten (10) days, exclusive of the day of Publica tion, from the date this citation is published, at the Hays Coun ty Government Center in San Marcos, Texas.
All persons interested in this case are cited to appear before this Honorable Court by filing a written contest or answer to this Application should they desire to do so. To ensure its consideration, you or your at torney must file any objection, intervention, or response in writing with the County Clerk of Hays County, Texas on or before the above¬ noted date and time.
Applicant's Attorney: KIPP MARSHALL 108 WILD BASIN RD., S., STE #250 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78746 (512) 827-3486
Given under my hand and the seal of said Court at the
BY /s/Barbara Villanueva, Deputy
RFP #06-102202VL
Hays CISD is requesting proposals for RFP #06102202VL District-Wide Fiber Services. Please note the Hays CISD District Offices will be closed the from November 21 through November 25, 2022.
Proposals will be accepted until 12-08-2022 at 2:00 p.m. local time. Specifications are available in the HCISD Pur chasing Office (512-268-2141 ext. 45092) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Bid responses must be returned to the HCISD Purchasing Office, Valerie Littrell, 21003 IH 35, Kyle, TX 78640, by the date and time indicated above. Late Bids will be returned unopened. The HCISD Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive all formalities in the bid process.
NOTICE is hereby given that original Letters Testamen tary for the Estate of Joan Ja comini Crosswell., Deceased, were issued on October 24, 2022 in Cause No. 22-0403-P, pending in the County Court at Law No. 2 of Hays County,
Crosswell. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being admin istered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. The notice to the Independent Executor may be delivered at the following address: c/o Kristin F. Baird, Attorney at Law, 9600 Escarpment Blvd., Suite 745-159, Austin, Texas 78749, Dated the 1st day of November, 2022. /s/ Kristin F. Baird, Kristin F. Baird, Attorney for Independent Executor
In accordance with the provisions of State of Texas law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned is entitled to safe ty an owner and/or manager's lien of the goods hereinafter described and stored at the Storage King USA location(s) listed below, and, due notice having been given to the owner of said property and all parties known to claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such having expired goods will be sold to the highest bidder or otherwise disposed of at a public Auction to be held online atwww.StorageTreasures.com, which will end on November 22nd, 2022 at 9:00AM. At store 072, 19580 S IH 35, Kyle TX 78640, ph# 737.404.5020.
Marisa Martinez, furn,box es,tires. Latoya Taylor, ladder, furn,rugs,boxes. Adriana Estra da, kids furn, toys, mattresses. Manuel Medina boxes, totes, ottoman,. Kristi Chavez tires, boxes, tool chest. Adrian Duran stroller, tots, tool bags. Santia go Esparza ladders, tire, tools. Veronica Martinez-Bautista AC window units, tires, furn, tv, totes. Sarah Acosta plastic drawers,boxes,bench.
Provide positive role modeling, structure, and supervision to adolescent boys. No exp. required, We train comprehensively. Pay starting at $12 per hour for flexible 8 & 16 hr shift schedules.
Health/life/dental insurance after 60 days. Min. requirements: Must be 21 yrs old, HS/GED, clean TDL, clean criminal histor y, pre-employment TB skin test, and drug screen. Growing (20+ year old) non-profit organization. www.pegasusschool.net. Call (512)432-1678 for further information.
The City of Kyle shall hold a public hearing relating to the Plum Creek Planned Unit Development, Employment District (Ch. 53, Exhibit A Plum Creek Planned Unit Development, Art. II., Part C. PUD Districts: Regulations & Performance Standards, Sec. 9. “EMP” Employment PUD District in Hays County, Texas.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the City Council may consider, assigning any zoning district which is equivalent or more restrictive.
A public hearing will be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 6:30 P.M
A public hearing will be held by the Kyle City Council on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 7:00 P.M
This is a meeting taking place at Kyle City Hall, 100 W. Center Street, Kyle, Texas 78640; Spectrum 10; https://www.cityofkyle.com/kyletv/kyle 10 live
Agent: Will Atkinson, Director of Planning 100 W. Center Street, Kyle, TX 78640 512 233 1144
KYLE — Builders FirstSource, the nation’s largest manufacturer and supplier of building materials, is relocating its lumber yard and building supply distribution facility to Kyle.
Currently based in Buda, the company will move into a larger, 47,000-square-foot building in Kyle, creating 40 new jobs in the city and investing more than $16 million into the region.
“We are excited for the opportunity to expand our footprint in Texas,” said Builders FirstSource Division President Mike Hiller. “Builders FirstSource is invested in building communities, and our growth in Texas not only benefits the people of Kyle, but our business as well. We look forward to a continued successful partnership with Hays County.”
The announcement became official during the Nov. 1 Kyle City Council meeting when the council approved a performancebased grant agreement with the company. Hays County also entered into a performance-based agreement with the company during the commissioners C\court meeting that morning.
and business success, which is diversifying our local economy, strengthening our local tax base, and improving the quality of life for our residents.”
Located along I-35, the new location will primarily be used to supply building materials to residential builders who are constructing new homes along the I-35 corridor between Austin and San Antonio. Construction of the building in Kyle is estimated to begin in Q1 2023, with an anticipated completion date of July 2023. Rail spur work and site work has commenced.
This location is the first economic development announcement in the Texas Innovation Corridor for fiscal year 2023 (which began Oct. 1, 2022). The region is growing on unmatched success from fiscal year 2022, which finished with nine announcements totaling more than $2 billion in capital investment, 2,500 jobs and more than $284 million in projected new tax revenues.
bucket, handheld hose with positive shutoff device, soaker hose, and/or drip irrigation systems are permitted at any time on any day.
Foundation watering:
• Any day and at any time. However, saturation to the point it causes pooling in the yard or runoff is prohibited.
Swimming pools:
• Filling of new swimming pools using municipal water is prohibited.
• Makeup water for existing swimming pools is allowed.
• Pool surfaces shall be covered at least 50% when not in use.
Aesthetic water features:
• Non-recirculating prohibited at all times.
Washing of impervious surfaces:
• Prohibited, unless required for health and safety.
Vehicle washing:
• Noncommercial vehicle washing is allowed at any time but must comply with the twice-per-week outdoor watering schedule using a handheld bucket or a handheld hose equipped with a positive shut-off device.
• Commercial vehicle washing is allowed on any day and at any time.
• Charity car washes are prohibited unless held at and
using a commercial car wash facility to wash vehicles.
Other nonessential water uses:
"With this new location, Builders FirstSource will become the city of Kyle’s largest payer of sales taxes and a fundamentally critical business in our city,” said Victoria Vargas, Kyle's economic development director.
• Allowed, but all reasonable measures shall be taken to limit the use.
Construction water:
• Construction water used for non-potable needs, such as dust suppression, shall utilize alternative sources of water such as rainwater, graywater, and reclaimed water to the maximum extent available.
“Companies like Builders FirstSource realize that Kyle has the critical infrastructure to support exponential growth
“The Texas Innovation Corridor’s construction and real estate market continues to exponentially outshine other markets across the country, which makes the timing of this business expansion so pivotal,” said Jason Giulietti, president and CEO of the Greater San Marcos Partnership. “Hays County was the perfect launchpad for Builders FirstSource, and the company’s strategic decision to remain in Hays County during this growth underscores the region’s attributes that continue to set companies up for success.”
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"We've been welcomed by the amazing Kyle community since the day we've opened, so we wanted to do something special for our inspiring first responders who serve our community day in and day out," said Brian Kasper, Pizza Patrón manager. "We are so excited to be here, and love creating our classic and Latin inspired pies for our Kyle family."CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS
BUDA — Hays Hawks (6-4 overall, 3-4 district) ended the season on a high note after winning 64-29 against the Lehman Lobos (2-8 overall, 0-7 district).
“We feel very fortunate to be able to finish the season on a positive win,” Hays head coach Les Goad said.
During the first quarter, the Hawks snap went over the punter’s head which led to a safety for the Lobos to put them on the board (2-0).
Shortly after, Hawks senior fullback Kyree Payton ran for a touchdown, putting the Hawks ahead (62). The Hawks 2-point conversion was successful after Hays senior running back Chris Bruce rushed into the endzone (8-2). After the 2-point conversion, Lehman was back in possession of the ball, but not for long, as Bruce intercepted a Lehman pass to end the quarter.
At the beginning of the second quarter, senior quarterback Tyler Mcinvale rushed for a 2-yard touchdown and a failed 2-point conversion that left the Hawks in the lead (14-2).
Lehman turned over the ball again and gave the ball right back to Hays and with nine minutes left in the
second quarter, senior running back Zach Obara ran for 2-yards for another Hawks touchdown. The PAT by junior kicker Cameron Noto was good, leaving the Hawks up (21-2).
Lehman responded with a touchdown of its own as junior quarterback Collin Richardson completed a 30-yard pass to senior wide receiver Eddie Martinez for a Lobos touchdown as the first half wound down. The extra point was good (21-9).
However, the Hawks weren’t quite finished as an opening in the Lehman defense allowed Payton to sprint for 35-yards into the endzone for another Hawks touchdown. The PAT was successful, and the Hawks widened the lead (28-9). With under a minute left, Payton rushed for another Hays touchdown and was successful in scoring the extra two points (36-9).
After the Hawks scored, Lehman was in possession of the ball, but a fumble led to another Hawks touchdown after being recovered and returned to the Hawks endzone by junior offensive linebacker Dillan Lofton. Noto’s PAT was good making the score (43-9), putting the game out of reach for the Lobos at the half.
With about 6 minutes left in the third quarter, the Hawks scored again, and the PAT was good, extending their lead (509).
On the next possession, the Lobos put together a decent drive to put the score at 50-15. Lobos junior quarterback Noah Long completed a pass to Martinez.
After the pass, junior running back (Zeke) Eric Holland rushed to score a touchdown with four minutes remaining in the third quarter. The PAT was good.
Later in the half, Long managed to cut the score after he rushed up the field for a Lehman first down and brought the team within scoring distance. Lehman scored and the extra point was good (50-22) but the damage was already done.
The Hawks rushed to extend their lead (64-22) to put the game away with two more scores.
Long completed a pass to senior wide receiver Lukas Champion for the Lobos to add an inconsequential score to close out the game (6429).
“It is always difficult to say goodbye to such a great group of seniors. We thank them for the special memories and look forward to the future,” Goad said.
Kyle City Council
District 1
Marina Tupikov: 1,648 (15.37%)
Neal Breen: 607 (5.66%)
Marc McKinney: 2,046 (19.09%)
Amanda Stark: 3,120 (29.10%)
Nick Madsen: 1,082 (10.09%)
Bear Heiser 2,217 (20.68%)
District 3 Robert Rizo (incumbent): 5,044 (46.87%)
Miguel A. Zuniga: 5,717 (53.13%)
City of Kyle Prop A The issuance of bonds in the amount of $294,000,000 for streets, bridges and sidewalks and the levying of a tax in payment thereof.
For: 8,543 (64.64%)
Against: 4,674 (35.36%)
Dripping Springs ISD Bond Election
Prop A The issuance of $199,280,000 of bonds by DSISD for school facilities including a new elementary school and middle school expansion, the purchase of the necessary sites for school facilities and the purchase of new school buses and the levying of a tax in payment thereof. This is a property tax increase.
For: 9,483 (48.30%)
Against: 10,1049 (51.70%)
Prop B The issuance of $275,350,000 of bonds by DSISD for school facilities including a new high school and the purchase of the necessary sites for school facilities and the levying of a tax in payment thereof. This is a property tax increase.
For: 9,063 (46.20%)
Against: 10,553 (53.80%)
Prop C The issuance of $6,505,000 of bonds by DSISD for instructional technology and the imposition of a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds. This is a property tax increase.
For: 9,092 (46.45%)
Against: 10,483 (53.55%)
Wimberley ISD Board of Trustees
Place 5 Chad Canine: 3,960 (50.72%)
Lindsey Deringer: 3,847 (49.28%)