San Marcos police officer involved in car crash fatality indefinitely suspended.
Hays County feral hog management to include bounty program.
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News-Dispatch 75¢
Vol. 42 • No. 18
Serving Hays County, TX
Only one house per lot
Guest house denied by council BY MEGAN WEHRING PHOTO BY MICHAEL CARIAGA Back row, left to right are: Guy Massey, Senior Ambassador Emeritus; Colton Engler, Ambassador; Garrett Moore, Ambassador; Seth Herzog, *Senior Ambassador; Mikey Cariaga, Ambassador; Justin Hill, Ambassador; Robert Vasquez, Ambassador; Omar Rojas, Ambassador. Front row, left to right are: Alyssa Tate, Queen Emeritus; Dakota Dahlstrom, Duchess; Kamryn Medley, Duchess; Haley Ronshausen, Duchess; Madison Barbee, *Queen; Annaleah Lombardo, *Princess; Taryn Landes, Duchess; Lauren Craig, Duchess; Lizee McMillan, Duchess; Maddie Stevens, Duchess. *Queen, Princess and Senior Ambassador were awarded Buckles.
Stock Show 2022
Hays County youth compete at 76th annual livestock show
Clif Leinneweber, above one his horse Libby, won Reserve Champion Mare and was High Point Senior Speed. To the left is barrel racer Millie Powers on her horse Stormy. The Hays County Youth Livestock Show continues through this weekend at Dripping Springs Ranch Park.
Republican propositions announced for March 1 primary Last week, the sample ballots for the March 1 primary elections were released on the county election website. The Republican ballot has 10 propositions in addition to the seated positions.
There are no propositions on the Democratic ballot. The News-Dispatch reached out to the communications director of the Republican party for clarification on propositions 5 and 10 and those clarifications are included here. The ten propositions that will require a yes or no vote from voters in the Republican primary are:
PROPOSITION 1 In light of the federal government's refusal to defend the southern border, Texas should immediately deploy the National Guard, Texas Military Forces, and necessary state law enforcement to seal the border, enforce immigration laws, and deport illegal aliens.
PROPOSITION 2 Texas should eliminate all property taxes within ten (10) years without implementing a state
Political landscape changes with voter redistricting See story, page 4
income tax.
PROPOSITION 3 Texans should not lose their jobs, nor should students be penalized, for declining a COVID-19 vaccine.
PROPOSITION 4 Texas schools should teach students basic knowledge and American exceptionalism and reject Critical Race Theory and other curricula that promote Marxist doctrine and encourage division based on creed, race, or economic status.
PROPOSITION 5 Texas should enact a State Constitutional Amendment to defend
Free COVID tests available through the mail.
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the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, from fertilization until natural death. “This proposition addresses the pro-life issue,” said James Wesolek, communications director for the Republican Party of Texas.
PROPOSITION 6 The Republican-controlled Texas Legislature should end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats.
PROPOSITION 7 Texas should protect the integrity of our elections by verifying that registered voters are American citizens, restoring felony penalties and enacting civil
penalties for vote fraud, and fighting any federal takeover of state elections.
PROPOSITION 8 Texas should ban chemical castration, puberty blockers, crosssex hormones, and genital mutilation surgery on all minor children for sex transition purposes.
PROPOSITION 9 Texas parents and guardians should have the right to select schools, whether public or private, for their children, and the funding should follow the student.
PROPOSITION 10 Texans affirm that our freedoms come from God and that the government should have no control over the conscience of individuals. “This proposition affirms our God-given rights and limits of government power,” said Wesolek.
The News-Dispatch Barton Publications, Inc. The News-Dispatch (USPS 011-401) published weekly by Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. Periodicals postage paid at Buda, TX 78610 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. ISSN#1087-9323
DRIPPING SPRINGS — Is a 2,000 square-foot addition an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)? The Dripping Springs City Council decided ‘no’ at its meeting last Tuesday, and rejected such a request. On Jan. 18, the council considered a 1,600 square-foot, three bedroom ADU located at 106 Bonnie Drive with an existing 2,000 squarefoot, four bedroom main house on the same one-acre lot. But with a unanimous vote, the council agreed to deny the request. An ADU is defined as “a secondary living space that is on-site with a primary living space and that may be contained within the space structure as the primary, or may be contained in a separate structure,” according to the Development Code. Occupants of secondary living spaces include caretakers, servants or farm workers employed by the owner/ occupant, or guests of family members of the owner/occupant. The main issue that blocked the city council from approving the proposal was size. “Is this truly an accessory given the size of the structure?,” Mayor Pro Tem Taline Manassian questioned. “It’s hard for me to essentially build a second house in a district where the expectation is one house on a property. That is the mental struggle I’m having with this one.” Mayor Bill Foulds agreed and added that residents may be worried for their children’s safety after additional houses are built on lots, which is something that could cause increased traffic. “When you move into a subdivision and you are looking at it, there are 32 lots in this subdivision,” Foulds explained. “In your brain, you are thinking of 32 houses [and you] are going to have my kids ride up and down the streets because you know what’s there. Suddenly, we can easily increase traffic by 50% based on that and I don’t know if that's what people expect when they purchase their property.” Council agreed the guidelines associated with ADU’s need to be more specific, especially for cases like these, including having a limit on size.