Hays County implements adult Sexual Assault Response Team.
Big Bend didn’t become a national park over night.
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Vol. 42 • No. 23
Serving Hays County, TX
Son arrested in connection with mother’s homicide in Wimberley
Where does it hurt? DSISD seeks community feedback on use of federal emergency relief fund
STAFF REPORT DRIPPING SPRINGS — Community members are encouraged to provide feedback to Dripping Springs (DSISD) on how the district should use Federal Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ESSER) Grant programs. These funds provide additional resources to school districts for unreimbursed costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic and for intensive educational support for learning loss, according to DSISD. The district has met the criteria to receive the funds and was allocated $2.4 million in ESSER III funds and $2.5 million in ESSER Supplemental funds to be used by 2024. As required in the grant, school districts must expend a minimum of 20% of the grant fund on evidence-based interventions; and ensure interventions respond to students’ academic, social and emotional
needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on certain student populations. DSISD is required to review and revise its plan every six months, including receiving stakeholder input. In an effort to obtain parent and community feedback, the district has developed a community survey. The survey will be open to
the public until Monday, March 14: https://www. Community feedback will be reviewed and considered as the district creates and updates its plans. More information about the ESSER program can be found on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website: finance-and-grants
ESSER Survey
Grant Information
DSISD to pay staff for district closure period BY MEGAN WEHRING DRIPPING SPRINGS — Dripping Springs ISD (DSISD) employees will be compensated for the emergency district closure that occurred in early February. Upon administration’s
recommendation, the DSISD Board of Trustees adopted a resolution to pay staff during the Feb. 3-4 district-wide emergency closure that was enacted by superintendent Holly Morris-Kuentz because of severe weather
conditions. “This is a resolution that we are bringing much like we did in February of last year,” said Tiffany Duncan, executive director of human resource services, “when we had similar closures that requested
to continue to pay the staff who otherwise would have not worked those hours due to that inclement weather.” This does not negatively impact the operating 2021-2022 operating budget, Duncan explained,
as the payment of all contract work days for each employee is already an expense accounted for in the current year’s budget. “It’s a blessing that we are able to do this,” said Shannon O’Connor, Board secretary.
WIMBERLEY — A 29-year-old man was arrested and charged with murder after Hays County Sheriff ’s Office deputies found his 60-yearold mother dead inside of a Wimberley residence early KUENZLI Saturday morning. On Feb. 26, deputies responded to an abandoned 911 call and subsequent welfare concern at a residence on Brookmeadow Drive in Woodcreek. During their investigation, deputies located a deceased female subject inside the residence, identified as Sara Kuenzli; her son, Jeremiah Kuenzli, was also found at the scene. Detectives responded to the scene and began conducting an investigation into Sara’s death. The investigation resulted in the arrest of Jeremiah, who was transported to the Hays County Jail and charged with murder, a first degree felony. Jeremiah is currently being held awaiting magistration. Official cause of death is pending an autopsy. This case is being actively investigated and there are no other details available at this time. If you have information regarding this investigation, contact Detective David Marshall with the Hays County Sheriff ’s Office at 512-3937896 or david.marshall@ and refer to case number HCSO 2022-11505. You can also contact Crime Stoppers anonymously by calling 1-800-324-8466 or you can submit your information on-line to Tip Line P3tips. com as well as submit a tip on the new Hays County Sheriff ’s Office App.
Dripping Springs designated as a Bird City STAFF REPORT Dripping Springs has been designated as a Bird City by the Texas Audubon Texas and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), partners in the Bird City Texas initiative. The city received the certification recognizing its efforts to ensure birds, wildlife and people thrive in its community. Bird City Texas is a community-focused
Collectively, the Bird City collaborative body is beyond ecstatic at achieving this incredible honor and we are all looking forward to growing the field and moving the conservation meter while celebrating the birding world and community efforts for perpetuity!” –Kelly Schmidt, Dripping Springs Parks & Community Services Director.
certification program that was created to help people protect birds and their habitats where they live, work, and recreate. The
Bishop, Blake, Burdette
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criteria required to attain certification are designed to be impactful and efficient against habitat loss and other harmful factors
impacting birds. Dripping Springs’ designation was due to all the hard work from its partnering organizations
The News-Dispatch Barton Publications, Inc. The News-Dispatch (USPS 011-401) published weekly by Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. Periodicals postage paid at Buda, TX 78610 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. ISSN#1087-9323
in the community such as the Dripping Springs Birding Club, Texas Master Naturalists, Wild Birds Unlimited and Destination Dripping Springs. The city and its partners work hand in hand throughout the year to offer and showcase all there is to do and support for the bird conservation movement in Dripping Springs. “Achieving our Bird