STAFF REPORT DRIPPING SPRINGS – A little can go a long way.When lights are turned o and teachers pack up their things for the day, one team stays behind to get ready for the next: custodians. ey are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the classrooms and building day in and day out. Dripping Springs ISD treated its custodial sta to a luncheon on ursday, Aug. 11 in the district’s administration building as a token of appreciation.“Weappreciate all of your hard work getting our campuses ready for the rst day of school and all that you do throughout the year,” DSISD said in a Facebook post. “ ank you to Keith and Ginnie Wilcox for cooking for this amazing team.”
© Barton Publications, Inc. AUGUST 17, 2022 The BartonNews-DispatchPublications,Inc. e News-Dispatch (USPS 011-401) published weekly by Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. Periodicals postage paid at Buda, TX 78610 and additional mailing o ces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. ISSN#1087-9323
PHOTO COURTESY OF DSISD The silent heroes (custodians) of Dripping Springs ISD were treated with a luncheon last week. REPORT
DSISD recognizes custodial staff HEROES
HAYS COUNTY — The Hays County Local Health occurrence.”toprophylaxisfromcriteriathatcaseevaluatehealthrelease,monkeypoxconfirmedhigh-riskdepartmentsandhealthcareStateTexastogethervaccinesupplyreceivedcausesvariolafamilyismonkeypoxinfectiondiseasemonkeypoxControlCenterswithhaveindividualsandinvestigatingrelease,County.oftwo(HCLHD)DepartmenthasidentifiedconfirmedcasesmonkeypoxinHaysAccordingtoapresstheHCLHDisthecasesworkingtoidentifywhomayhaddirectcontactthepatients.AccordingtotheforDisease&Prevention,isararecausedbywiththevirus,whichapartofthesameofvirusesasvirus,avirusthatsmallpox.TheHCLHDhasalimitedoftheJYNNEOSandisworkingwiththeDepartmentofHealthServicesprovidersotherlocalhealthtoidentifycontactsoforprobablecases.Accordingtoapress“Thecounty’sdepartmentcanonacase-by-basisanyindividualmeetshigh-riskandmaybenefitpre-exposure(PrEP)preventdiseaseNofurther
information will be released at this time to protect confidentiality.patientMonkeypoxcan be transmitted through close physical contact with someone who has monkeypox. The virus is primarily spread through contact with infectious sores, scabs or bodily fluids but can also be spread by respiratory secretions during healthcareuntilintimategatherings,providercontactmonkeypoxrashexposure.fivemayhowever,sevensymptomsinfectionandhands,developmonkeypoxIndividualsandswollenconsisttothreetypicallymonkeypoxsexualofmonkeypox,anyoneAccordingface-to-faceextensivecontact.totheCDC,cancontractregardlessgenderidentityororientation.AccordingtotheCDC,symptomsbeginwithinweeksofexposurethevirusandcanoffever,chills,lymphnodesexhaustion.withcanalsoarashontheirfeet,chest,facemouth.Thetimefromtodevelopingisusuallyto14days;individualsdevelopsymptomsto21daysafterAnyonewithathatlookslikeshouldtheirhealthcareandavoidsexorbeingwithanyonetheyconsulttheirprovider.
While Monkeypox is similar to the dangerous Smallpox Virus, Monkeypox is rarely dangerous . As of now, there have been no known fatalities related to the virus in the US. Currently, there is a vaccine that can prevent Monkeypox. However, there is a limited supply, and there are no specific treatments dedicated to Monkeypox. What are the signs? Check for lesions, rashes, sores and pimple-like bumps on your skin. These sores are signs of a Monkeypox infection and can leave scaring. How does it Spread? How to avoid it? Is it dangerous? Can it be treated? County con rms cases of monkeypox
News-Dispatch CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Volunteers help out at the Dripping Springs Ranch Park when animals had to evacuate from their homes. Dripping Springs not disasterundergoingdeclaration CHAMPIONARCHERY – PAGE 12 HAYS COUNTY LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFERS FREE VACCINES PAGE 2 DSISD GETS READY FOR STUDENTS PAGE 10 LOCAL HEALTH NEWS CITY NEWS QuestionsMonkeypox&Answers What are the symptoms, signs and more Monkeypox has many different ways to spread. Primarily, it spreads through contact with infected individuals, but it can also spread through respiration and
BY MEGAN WEHRING DRIPPING SPRINGS – Despite the recent wild res and the county being under a burn ban, the city of Dripping Springs is not executing a disaster declaration at this time.On Aug. 9, the Dripping Springs City Council discussed the possibility of declaring a disaster for the city due to a public emergency, following the emergency management report regarding animal shelter operations at Dripping Springs Ranch Park. However, the council did not take any action. e purpose of declaring a local state of disaster is to activate emergency management plans and to authorize the use and request of aid/ assistance.“Itbasically states that a local jurisdiction has maxed out its resources and needs aid either from the county or the state,” said Roman Baligad, emergency necessary.futureauthorityMayordeclarationdecidedtheFiredueindocuments.toanimalasalreadycityhavedisasterwasthethewereoccurcoordinator.management“atdidnotinthissituation.Westillabletomaintainanimalshelterwithstathatwehad.at’swhythedecisionmadenottoissueadeclaration.”Whiletherecentresnotbeenwithinthelimits,thereshaveimpactedthecityithasbeenusedasanshelter,accordingbackupagendaAnimalscamefromBlancoCountytotheSmokeRiderandWimberleyduetoHermosaFire.oughthecitycounciltonotissueaatthistime,BillFouldshasthetodosoatadateifhedeemsit materials from the infected.
The best way to avoid getting infected is to limit contact. Avoid enclosed spaces or materials such as clothing or bed linens that have been around infected individuals.

HAYS COUNTY — The Office of Emergency Services (OES) is preparing for its 5th EmergencyannualPreparedness Fair on Sept. 10 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hays CISD Performing Arts Center in AccordingKyle.to a press release, the event theme “Ready. Prep. Go.” is a call for Hays County residents to be ready for any emergency that comes their way through being prepared.“We’rehelping to build a stronger, more resilient community through selfsufficiency, preparedness and willingness to take care of yourself and your family in the event of a disaster or emergency,” said Mike Jones, emergency services officeJonesdirector.usedthe February 2021 Central Texas winter storm that cut off power and water for days as one reason to attend the fair. “Knowing what to do in an emergency can mean the difference between life and death,” said Brandon Hig, OES assistant director and CERT administrator.programAttendeescanlearn how to make preparedness kits, listen to experts talk about ways to be ready for any natural disasters like freezes and droughts, and learn about the county’s emergency alert system
BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN HAYS COUNTY — The Hays County Local Health Department partnered with Christus Trinity Clinic to host its Back to School Fair at 1401 Broadway St., Ste. A in San Marcos from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday. While the event was held in San Marcos, all residents of Hays County were invited to Thattend.eevent offered an assortment of brochures for different support services, including youth recovery, Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program benefits.TheHays County Food Bank, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, Parents as Teachers, Capital Area Agency on Aging, Cenikor Foundation and the San Marcos Police and Fire departments were all in attendance.ParentsAs Teachers is an organization that promotes optimal early development, learning, and health of young children by supporting and engaging parents and caregivers. The organization’s biggest clients are Child Protective Services, parents looking for parenting classes and teenagers who don’t know how to be a parent because they, themselves, are children.Margie Rodriguez, clinic manager with the Hays County Local Health Department, said they are providing resource information that’s needed for a lot of the 18andvaccinationsoffthat“Thanschool,”toessential“Vaccinationscommunity.areanpartofpreparingsendyourkidsbacktoRodriguezsaidinonlinenewsrelease.roughouttherestofweek,wewillalsobeeringfreeback-to-schoolforuninsuredunderinsuredchildrenyearsandyoungeratthe health department.” As children waited to receive their vaccines they could enjoy the bouncy house, get their faces painted or get a balloon animal. Children could also pick up bookmarks, stress balls, colorful pencils and bracelets, along with small bags of popcorn, popsicles and toys. Vaccinations will continue to be administered until Aug. 19 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at 401 Broadway St., Ste. A in San Marcos.
or email paper@haysfreepress.com For all the latest news in Hays
Hays County Local Health Department offers free vaccines BACK TO SCHOOL FAIR WEATHER
visit www.HaysFreePress.com www.HaysNewsDispatch.com 512-268-4200 SeFridayMon-Thurs809CapstoneDentalKyle.comW.CenterSt.,Kyle8a.m.to5p.m.8a.m.to2p.m.hablaespañol Dr. Steve Howard and Associates Family Dental Care C apstone D ental Ask about our Kleer dental membership for uninsured patients HAVING VISION PROBLEMS? IT COULD BE CATARACTS Schedule your visit today www.HowertonEye.com512.443.9715 SPECIALIZING IN: • Cataract Surgery • Premium IOL Implants • Lasik • Macular• GlaucomaSurgeryMedicalandSurgicalDegeneration Kyle Office 5401 FM 1626, Ste 365 Kyle, TX 78640 Southwest Austin Office 5625 Eiger Rd, Ste 100 Austin, TX 78735 Austin Office 2610 S IH-35 Austin, TX 78704 Three locations to serve you See FAIR, page 3
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PHOTO BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN Parents As Teachers brochure
The Texas Water Development Board's latest Water Weekly report shows that months of belowaverage precipitation and above-average temperature have driven the area of the state impacted by drought to its largest value since July 2013.
Page 2 Hays Free Press • August 17, 2022
PHOTO BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN Face painter Lisa Eklund paints a child’s face. AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN HAYS COUNTY — The Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (BSEACD) could declare a Stage 3 Critical Drought if conditionsdroughtcontinue to worsen, but BSEACD remains andpermitteeshasthethestayBothinbelowandLoveladydroughtJuneStageofthe"[But]September,"September,atrainfall.expectsBrianprincipalAccordingoptimistic.tothedistrict’shydrogeologist,Smith,BSEACDmonthsoflow“WewerekindoflookingmaybesometimeinmaybelateSmithsaid.wemightcrossintonextstageofdrought."TheBSEACD’sboarddirectorsestablisheda2AlarmDroughton9afterthedistrict’striggersatMonitorWell,BartonSpringspassedtheirdroughttriggerslateMayandearlyJune.droughttriggersmustabovethethresholdforcountytocomeoutofdrought.Meanwhile,BSEACDaround120-150(companiesmunicipalities) before,” Smith runteethwaterwatering,usingharvesting,includeConservationsaid.effortsrainwatercollectingandrainwaterforoutdoorturningoffthewhilebrushingyourinsteadoflettingitandchoosingtoplant native or drought tolerant plants.BSEACD will meet again on Sept. 15 at 5 p.m. More conservation tips can be found online at conservation/conserve.org/education/water-https://bseacd. a Stage 3 Critical Drought on the horizon for Hays County?
following EdwardsAand20%reductionmeetrequiresandBSEACD’ssaidproactive,overfunding,reallypermittees]andaremeetingbeenSwanson,Compliancetocurtailments.successfullypermitteesThreportsreadingsreceiveswaterthanwaterfollowcontingencyawater.curtailmentscertaintoconserveEachpermitteehascustomizabledroughtplanitmustsinceitsuseofthatmightbedifferentotherusersanditssupply.Thedistrictmonthlymeterandpumpingfromitspermittees.edistrictalsomonitorstoensuretheymeettheirAccordingthedistrict’sRegulatoryManagerErinpermitteeshave“prettysuccessful”inthosecurtailments.“We,onourend,alwayswatchingalertingthem[theaswell.Wewanttopreventandbenotreactive,”DavidMarino,communicationoutreachmanager.AtStage2,thedistrictpermitteestomonthlypumpagerequirements:forEdwardsHistoricalConditionalClasspermittees;50%forConditionalClass B permittees; 100% for Edwards Conditional Class C and Class D permittees, and 20% for Trinity and Alluvial/Austin Chalk Historical hoperesidentsAlthoughpermittees.HaysCountycontinuetoforrain,Smithsaid the district’s conservation efforts have been working when looking at the closewehavebecausenumbers.“We’reoptimisticthepermitteesdonewellevenwhenthinkwe’vegottento[cuttingback]40%
Fair celebrates ve years of training community or 512-268-7862 County,
detailing program services.

Ultimately, Grau said that FY 2023 will be a “year of transition” as the city works with new leaders and continues its conservative financial management approach, despite high inflation and an uncertain economic future.Acourtesy public hearing on the proposed tax rate and budget will be held during the regular council meeting on Sept. 6. The statutory public hearing will be held on Sept. 20 during the regular council meeting, where council will take a vote on the tax rate and budget.FY2023 begins Oct. 1 and will end Sept. 30, 2023. The budget draft can be viewed on the City of Buda website at ci.buda.tx.us/131/Budget.www.
Hays Free Press • August 17, 2022 Page 3 BUDA PROPOSES 2023 BUDGET With inflation, labor shortages and a potential looming recession, leaders within the city of Buda have worked hard to create a budget that will address resident needs, such as maintaining a low tax rate while funding much-needed projects to improve the city and keep up with growth. The Buda City Council received a presentation on the proposed fiscal year 2023 city budget during a special meeting on Aug. 9. City Manager Micah Grau said that this budget is the largest in Buda history. “That’s probably true most years, but with the bond downtownandprocessBroadband,majorthelargeratoverbudgetfundedcurrentlySomemillionbudgetmillionFYmillionwhich$102,323,229liketalkingnumberswhichexceedsbonds,programimplementationfromthe2021thetotalbudget$102million,arebigcitywhenwestartaboutabudgetthat,”Grausaid.Thebudgettotalsinexpenses,isabout$32.4higherthanthe2022budget,and$50.1inrevenues.Thealsoincludes$53.4incapitalprojects.projectsthatareunderwayandinthecurrentwillbecarriedtotheFY2023budgetthecloseoutofFY2022.Inkeepingwiththe2036StrategicPlan,citydevelopedafewbudgetpriorities:developmentimprovementeconomicexpansion,parking, employee retention, mobility, sidewalks and infrastructure, parks enhancements and public safety enhancements. The budget includes $16.7 million for the General Fund, $14.1 million for the Water and Wastewater Funds, $50.1 million for Capital Improvement Funds, $6.7 million for the Debt Service Fund, $1.2 million for the Hotel/Motel Fund, $2.2 million for the Local Government Corporation, $4.1 million for the Economic whichincreasesalescollectionhighsapproximatelyprevioustaxgenerateoftotheOperationstheexistinginstatemunicipalremainsfromatbudgetedratebudgeteconomicbusinessesspecialandforCorporation,Development$2milliontheSanitationFund$4.2millionforotherrevenuefunds.Withresidentsandfeelingthepressure,theproposesthetaxper$100valuationistoremainflat$0.3423,unchangedFY2021-22,andoneofthelowesttaxratesintheforfull-servicecities.Becauseofincreasesappraisedvalueonproperties,Maintenanceandportionoftaxratewilldecrease$0.0926per$100valuation.Thiswilllesspropertyrevenuethanthefiscalyearby$28.5K.Thecityloggedrecordforsalestaxthisyear.Thetaxisbudgetedto5%inFY2023,isconsiderably
Tax rate to remain unchanged; utility rate increases See solutions on page 6 1 2 3 4 65 7 8 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 20 22 23 24 25 Copyright 2022by Orbison Bros. CROSSWORDTEXAS by Charley & Guy Orbison 18 26 33 41 46 4952 555453 ACROSS DOWN 1 “March Madness” org. 5 Twain’s Huckleberry 6 Alan of Texas-based “The Big Land” 7 __ Cola 8 in 2022, gas in Texas cost more than $4 ___ gallon 9 an emoji is modern-daya______ 15 state where TX Buddy Holly died 16 similarities between two things 19 TXism: “___ ____ of spit and vinegar” (energetic man) 21 TX Rodney Crowell wrote song “‘Til _ ____ Control Again” 22 TXism: “up ___ __ ‘__ juice” (coffee) 27 TXism: “____ dog won’t hunt” 28 Texas has __ ____abortion law 29 Texas Tech winning Lady Raiders coach, Sharp (1982-2006) 30 TXism: “gave me a ____ ___ (runaround)dance” 32 “Traveling Wilbury” Petty, with TX Roy Orbison (init.) 33 you can go salt____ ___ing from South Padre Island 36 underground part of a plant 37 Texas actor Tommy ___ Jones 1 Cowboys and Texans org. 2 U.S. spy org. 3 novelist Elmer Kelton was born in this Texas county 4 “Sizzlin’ Summer Arts ___ ______ ____” in Hurst 8 rhyming verse 9 “____ _____ _____ Ride” with the Houston Rodeo 10 365 days (abbr.) 11 governors: “__ and Pa” Ferguson 38 infantile, childish 39 TXism: “between a rock ___ _ ____ place” 41 “One ____, one Ranger” 42 TXism: “fat as boardinghouseacat” 45 Texans Houston and Donaldson 46 San Antonio priv. univer. 47 TX Buddy Holly’s “True Love ____” 48 quick light blow 49 small piers 52 TXism: “about as clear __ ___ River mud” 53 rowing blade 54 fish propeller 55 med. abbr. for Lou Gehrig’s disease 12 “Pepsi “_____Challenge”____test” 13 noted Texas pianist, Samaroff 14 Mc____, Texas 15 TXism: “_ ____ ___ cluckin’ but I can’t find your nest” 16 “sounds like a ____” 17 messes with Texas 18 shot from concealedalocation 20 something is wrong (2 wds.) 22 before noon time 23 how Texans might pronounce “no” 24 drearily dull 25 TX ____1976Kristoffersondrama:“_isBorn” 26 TXism: “chompin’ at ___ ___” (eager) 28 auction bid (2 wds.) 31 TXism: “busier than _ ___-armed cook in a truck stop” 34 TXism: “hissey ___” 35 TXism: “the tail __ wagging the dog” 37 bedside light 40 this Lukas was in “Leap of Faith” with TX-born Martin 43 TX Dan Jenkins 1982 novel: “____ Oklahoma” 44 TX B.J. Thomas’ “The ____ __ _ New York Woman” 50 birds found on the Texas coast 51 TX Charley Pride’s “__ Rather Love You” (1971)P-1598 21 3027 36 28 40 19 37 32 39 34 45 35 29 48 38 47 31 43 44 50 51 42 The Texas Crossword and Sudoku Puzzle D & D Insurance agency Serving Hays County since 1983 “Call us for all of your insurance needs” Angie Dahl Wimberley: 512-847-5549 or 512-847-9325 Dripping Springs: 512-894-2286 sponsored by Hays Free Press Call us with news or feature ideas! 512-268-7862 COURTESY OF CITY OF BUDA A breakdown of Buda’s FY 2023 General Fund, which makes up $16.7 million of the budget. Women IN BUSINESS 107 E. Summit Dr, Wimberley • 512-847-5549 102 Old Fitzhugh Rd, Dripping Springs • 512-894-2286 Angie Dahl DeMasters Daniel Insurance has been serving the Hill Country since 1983 as an independent insurance agency providing personal and commercial insurance products. Let our office help you shop your insurance coverage. Our staff is committed to deliver personalized service to each and every client. Look for upcoming agent introductions. D & D Insurance agency dd-ins.net make the move. Melanie Fenelon REALTOR ® , GRI, CLHMS melanie.fenelon@compass.com (512) 658-0773 Specializing in residential, acreage and farm/ranch properties Dripping Springs • Wimberley Driftwood • Lakeway • Spicewood South, Southwest and Central Austin REAL ESTATEsilentbyvendors,Tharoundaandfiflidentifyofdocumentsteachdemonstrators(WarnCentralTexas.org).Vendorsandwillalsoattendeeswhattotakeincaseevacuation,howtoedibleplantsandowers,howtohandlenancialissuesafteracrisisinsurancecoverage.ThefairwillalsofeaturevarietyoffirstrespondersHaysCounty.erewillbefoodtrucks,performanceslocalschoolbands,aauctionandaraffle. Proceeds from the raffle and silent auction will go toward the Blanco River Recovery Team and the Hays County Fire Chief’s Association.Thoseinterested in learning more about the fair can visit tx.us.Michelle.Villegas@co.hays.Michelleauctionboothinterestedhaysinformed.com.https://IndividualswhoareinhostingaordonatingasilentitemcancontactVillegasat FAIR, from page 2
less than the 19.8% experienced in actual collections in FY 2022. The Interest and Sinking portion of the rate will increase from $0.2336 to $0.2497 in support of the new debt the city issued in 2021 for the approved general obligation bonds approved that November. Within the General Fund, the city’s main governmental fund, the majority of its expenses are related to public safety. The departmentpolicebudget is increasing by 31%, largely due to the city’s portion of the Combined $16.20equalthegallonsper7,500thewastewatercustomers’increaseaverageproposesthisstudybeingandincludingTwocommunicationsthetherataatCommunicationsEmergencyCenter$598,000,payingaproshareofthecostforfacilityandtooperatenewemergencycenter.newswornofficersalieutenantpatrolofficerarealsoaddedperastaffingrecommendationyear.Thebudgetalsoacombinedutilityrateof15%onwaterandbills.Foraveragehomeusinggallonsofwatermonthand5,000ofwastewater,rateincreasewillapproximatelymorepermonth, depending on usage. The increase is necessary to pay for rising costs of operation including water supplies, debt payments associated with the new Alliance Regional Water Association supply, debt service costs associated with expanding system capacity and lower than anticipated growth. Rates are expected to stabilize in To2025.minimize the rate increase, instead of the usual 7% of $100,000theGeneralreimbursementexpensestotheFundfromWaterFund,onlyisproposedto be transferred this year.

We welcome locally written letters to the editor on timely topics of community interest. We ask that you keep them to about 350 words in length and that you not indulge in personal attacks on private individuals. Letters may be edited for brevity and clarity. All letters should be signed by the author and include a daytime phone number where the author can be contacted for verification. Letter writers are limited to one letter per month. Letters can be emailed to news@haysfreepress.com.
Publisher Ashley Kontnier Editor Megan Navarro (Wehring) Reporters Anderson Amira Van Leeuwen Clark Albert Sanchez Jane Kirkham Marketing Rep Kimberly Fannin Production Assistant Elizabeth Garcia O ce Manager Arlene Monroe eds Monroe Kimberlee Griffon Abbie Dougherty Joe Urbach
• The deadline for display advertising and any contributed news copy is 5 p.m. Friday the week prior to publication.
“Texas Entertainers: Lone Stars in Pro le” is full of talented Texans who deserve a curtain call. Order your copy by mailing a check for $24.00 to Bartee Haile, P.O. Box 130011, Spring, TX 77393. While gas prices nationwide dropped below $4 per gallon average last week, the state boasts the lowest
Voter deadlineregistrationis Oct.11
click of a mouse if they wish, and our staff can devote time for other tasks.” COVID-19 cases dip slightly The number of new COVID-19 cases in Texas in the past week dipped slightly to 72,715 with 194 new deaths reported, according to the Coronavirus Resource Center at Johns Hopkins University. The Texas Department of State Health Services reported 3,174 texaspress.com.Park.NacogdochesLongview,yearincommunitypublishedTexasveteranfromonCOVID-19lab-confirmedhospitalizationsSunday,aslightdropthepreviousweek.GaryBordersisaaward-winningjournalist.HeanumberofnewspapersTexasduringa30-span,includinginFortStockton,andCedarEmail: gborders@ “Spirt of Dallas” air race casualty Texas History by Bartee Haile Texas gas prices lowest in nation Capital Highlights by Gary Borders STATE CAPITAL HIGHLIGHTS
CORRECTIONS Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may appear in the pages of the Hays Free Press will be corrected upon being brought to the attention of the publisher.
After spending a week trying to convince the sponsor and contestants to call off a perilous Californiato-Hawaii air race, federal aviation officials threw up their hands on Aug. 21, 1927 and reluctantly gave permission for the daredevils to take off. On the heels of Charles Lindbergh’s sensational New York-to-Paris solo in May 1927, the whole world went crazy over flying. Air races became the hottest spectator sport as the superrich offered fabulous pots to barnstormers, who usually risked their necks for next to nothing.When pineapple tycoon James Dole put up a $25,000 prize for a dangerous dash to Hawaii, a Dallas millionaire promised the same tempting sum to the first flier to make it in one piece from Big D to Hong Kong. Capt. William P. Erwin, a World War I combat ace credited with nine kills, declared his intention to collect the entire $50,000. Ten thousand Texans gathered at Love Field on Aug. 6, 1927 for the unveiling of the Spirit of Dallas. Eager to duplicate the world renown enjoyed by the Missouri backers of the Spirit of St. Louis, local business leaders had picked up the tab for the expensive adventure.Asradio listeners across the Lone Star State tuned in for live coverage of the ceremony, Gov. Dan Moody proudly introduced Capt. Erwin as a native Texan overlooking the inconvenient fact that the hero was born in Oklahoma. Erwin had, however, long since erased this “blemish” from his otherwise perfect record by graduating high school in Amarillo. Three days later in front of another enormous crowd, the Spirit of Dallas took off for the West Coast only to turn around because of a fuel-system malfunction. Repairs were completed in record time, and Erwin was again aloft for the 19-hour red-eye to San Francisco. Exhausted by the ordeal, the pooped pilot muttered, “I would rather take a trip across the water anytime than make it across the mountains to California from Texas.” But The Spirit at least reached the starting line in tragic contrast to two other aircraft that went down en route. Even before it officially began, the doomed Dole Flight already had cost three lives. In a fruitless attempt to talk the sponsor and participants into calling the whole thing off, government watchdogs delayed the race for nine days. Dole and the pilots stood their ground though eventually bowing to the feds’ demand that a trained navigator accompany each contestant. This last-minute compromise bumped Bill Erwin’s pregnant wife from the passenger list of The Spirit.The Dole derby started at noon on Aug. 23. The first plane cleared the runway, but the second and third crashed on take-off. Half an hour later, the Spirit of Dallas was the sixth and last to wing its way toward Hawaii.MissDoran, the Michigan representative named for a popular schoolteacher along for the hazardous ride, soon returned for a fresh set of spark plugs. Moments later the pilot, navigator and petite passenger vanished over the Pacific never to be seenNoagain.sooner had Miss Doran reentered the race than the Spirit of Dallas suddenly reappeared with its shredded canvas skin flapping in the wind. Unable to jettison his 400 gallons of gasoline, the coolheaded Erwin slowly circled the field before gently touching down for a perfect landing.Asecond airplane also safely withdrew leaving just four crews still in the running. Of the remaining entries, only two ever reached Hawaii. Bill Erwin and his navigator Alvin Eichwaldt joined the desperate search for the missing planes. Over a newly installed shortwave, the talkative pair kept earthbound associates posted on their progress. At six o’clock that evening, Erwin casualties.neverwayAmericanstragediesMuchdisastroustheEichwaldtBillofbitterButplungingoutErwinanxiouslyaroundMainland“WeominousaouttheItitpostscript:precededinalarmingstorm.teethSpiritdramatically,latertheitfurnishedtellgood-humoredly,reported“Pleasethegentlemanwhoourlunchthatisfine,butwecan’tfindtoothpicks.”TwohoursthemoodchangedwhenTheflewstraightintotheofanunexpectedAfteranSOScamethemessage,“Weareatailspin.”Alongpauseanencouraging“Wecameoutofokaybutweresurescared.surewasaclosecall.”ButSpiritofDallaswasnotofthewoods.Thenavigatorinterruptedtransmissionwiththeannouncement,areinanothertailspin.”monitorshuddledtheshort-waveawaitingwordhadsomehowpulledofthedivebeforeintotheocean.theeeriesilencewastheobituaryfortheSpiritDallas.ThedeathsofCapt.ErwinandnavigatorbroughttotenfinaldeathtolloftheDoleFlight.likethespaceshuttlesixdecadeslater,learnedthehardthatnewfrontiersareconqueredwithout prices in the country at an average of $3.49 — 50 cents below the national average, according to AAA Texas. “Retail gasoline prices in Texas fell for the eighth consecutive week,” Texas spokespersonsaid AAA Daniel Armbruster. “While gas prices will likely keep dropping in the near term, it is unclear how long the trend will last. Demand for fuel jumped seven percent across the U.S. this week and regional fuel supplies fell by around three percent.”Drivers fueling up in College Station are paying the most on average at $3.72, while those in reportatareaBrownsville-Harlingenthehavethecheapestfuel$3.19,accordingtoabyKWTX-Waco.
Drought conditions now into sixth month By the end of July, drought conditions covered 97% of the state, up 11 percentage points from the end of June, according to Dr. Mark Wentzel, hydrologist with the Texas Water Development Board. July was drier and warmer than normal, a familiar refrain in Storage2022. in the state’s reservoirs is at 71% of capacity, which is 13 percentage points below normal for this time of year, Wentzel wrote. Still, the current drought is not as severe as the one Texans endured in 2011 for most of the state. However, South Texas is faring worse than it did in 2011 since it started the year with its water supply reservoirs already well below normal. More state resources mobilized for wildfire threats On alone, TexasFriday A&M Forest wildfirespondedService firefightersto15newresthatburned 540 acres. There are five active wildfires throughout the state, the largest being the Pine Pond Fire in Bastrop County, covering an estimated 700 acres and just 35% contained as of Sunday. The Texas Division of Emergency Management at the direction of Gov. Greg Abbott has deployed additional strike teams, consisting of 32 firefighters and 10 “Communitiesengines. across the state continue to be impacted by dangerously dry conditions that could lead to further spread of wildfires,” said Abbott said. Burn bans are now in place in 224 Texas counties, out of 254 total. Scammer posing as TDI employee If someone calls claiming to be a Texas Department of Insurance employee offering to meet at one’s home to discuss insurance needs, it’s almost certainly a scam. That’s according to a TDI news release, which notes the agency only calls people who ask for assistance. Theagency’s fraud unit received a report from a person who was contacted by someone claiming to be a TDI employee and offering to come over and review insurance needs. “The individual who received the call did the right thing by not providing any personal information and contacting us,” said Chris Davis, head of TDI’s Fraud Unit. “This may have been an attempt at identity theft or other Anyonecrime.”needing help with an insurance issue or suspecting insurance fraud can contact the TDI help line at 800-252-3439. All state oil and gas records now online Have you been wondering about that working pumpjack in the strip-mall parking lot in Longview? (Yes, there is one.) The Texas public“NotHerzonCommission,”historicundertakingweretheaboutof1937.tooilproductionhistoriccompletedCommission hasRailroadrecentlyplacingalloilandgasrecordsonline. TheRRCdatabasecoversproductiondatingback1931andgasbacktoMorethan1,300rollsmicrofilmcontaining2.2millionimagesinRRC’scentralrecordsdigitized.“ThisisasignificantandamomentfortheMatthewwithRRC,said.onlydoesitgivethequickandeasy access to the information, but it can also save staff time that’s spent researching for public information requests. Requesters can now get historical informationproductionwiththe
Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • August 17, 2022 Page 4 Opinion
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• Mail: 113 W. Center St., Kyle, TX 78640
Eligible Texas voters must be registered by Oct. 11 in order to cast ballots in the Nov. 8 general election, according to Texas Secretary of State John Scott. “Even though we’re still two months away from the voter registration deadline, it’s never too early to make sure you’re registered, update your registration information if you need to, and prepare yourself to vote in the upcoming election,” Scott said. Texas law requires eligible voters to be registered 30 days before Election Day. Since the 30th day before Nov. 8 falls on a Sunday, prospective voters have two extra days to register this year. Voters can visit the state’s official voting website — VoteTexas. gov — for information.more

NON-DENOMINATIONAL Monte del Olivar Christian Center 2400 FM 150 E., Kyle The Connection Church 1235 S. Loop 4, Buda Antioch Community Church Old Black Colony Rd., Buda Completed & Perfected Faith Church Tobias Elementary Cafeteria, FM 150, Kyle Kingdom United Christian Church 100 Madison Way, Buda Mission Fellowship Church 200 San Marcos Street, Buda New Covenant Community Church 1019 Main Street, Buda (in Dance Unlimited) Vertical Chapel 400 Old Post Road, Kyle A Fountain of Life Church 302 Millenium Dr. Kyle Fellowship Church at Plum Creek 160 Grace Street at 2770, Kyle Word of Life Christian Faith Center 118 Trademark Drive, Buda Por Tu Gracia Fellowship 701 Roland Lane, Kyle Trinity United Chuch of Niederwald 13700 Camino Real, Hwy. 21, Niederwald PENTECOSTAL Mision de Casa de Oracion S. Hwy. 81, Kyle New Life Sanctuary Kyle Science Hall Elementary 1510 Bebee Rd. PRESBYTERIAN St. John’s Presbyterian Church 12420 Hewitt Ln., Manchaca First Presbyterian Church 410 W. Hutchison, San Marcos, TX 78666 Texas 15300 251 FM Ste. Buda, Texas 78610 related injuries, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. How to avoid pain Dr. Brandon Solemsaas, senior staff chiropractor with Baylor Scott & White Health in Kyle, provided some tips to help families choose the right backpack for their student(s) as school starts. “You don’t want it to be too big,” Solemsaas explained. “The big thing is weight – you don’t want more than 10% of their body weight. For a smaller kid, that’s not a lot of weight.”“Backpacks are getting lighter than in previous years because classes are turning more paperless with booksSolemsaastechnology,”said.“Fewerarebeingcarried around, as students use iPads or Solemsaaslaptops.”added that padded straps will go a long way, as well as using two straps compared to just one. Keeping students active for at least 30 minutes a day would be ideal to offset back pain. “Back pain in kids can be attributed to a lot of things,” Solemsaas said. “I think the biggest thing is not even just the weight of the backpack, but physical activity as well. I think backpacks get over-blamed but you also want to listen to your child and if they start to have back pain, make sure they are wearing it right and not using just one strap or having it too low so it’s putting more stress on either their neck or low Backpacksback.” on wheels should be used cautiously, according to the ACA, and on a limited basis by those who are not physically able to carry a backpack. They have their own risks including cluttering hallways – which could result in dangerous trips and falls. If a child is experiencing any ongoing pain or discomfort from backpack use (more than two weeks), parents should call their chiropractor or pediatrician.“Iftheyhave pain for a day,” Solemsaas explained, “some of that is that they are not used to wearing [the backpack] for a while, I would not jump to that they need to see a doctor rightForaway.”more information, please visit backpack/.avoid-pain-with-the-right-handsdownbetter.org/https://
Choosing the right backpack
312-1917 TEXAS CEMENTLEHIGHCO.LP Pure Texas Spring 1STFREEPrivatelyWater!ownedFromlocalspringsDELIVERY20GAL.FREE Friendly, Courteous Service Call 1-866-691-2369 Your Hometown McDonald’s McDonald’s of Buda 15359 IH-35, Ste. B • P.O. Box 1364, Buda, TX 78610 512-312-2383 Locally owned and operated by Jimmy and Cindi Ferguson BUDA STORDRUGE 203 Railroad Street Downtown Buda Pharmacy 312-2111 Fountain 312-2172 LastSolutionPuzzle S-1598 N C A A F N N L A D D R C P E R S Y M B O L I O W A P A R A L L E L S H E S F U L L I G A I N A N D A T E M T H A T A N A N T I M A R S H A S O N G A N D T P W A T E R F S H R O O T L E E B A B Y S H A N D A H A R D R O T O B E S E S A M S T U W A Y S T A P J E T T E S A S R E D O A R F I N A L S Texas Crossword Solution Texas Crossword, from page 3 Sudoku Solution Sudoku Puzzle, from page 3 First Baptist Church A loving & caring Southern Baptist Church 104 S. San Marcos Street, Buda Buddy Johnson, Pastor • 295-2161 Sunday School...........................................9:30 a.m. Morning Worship....................................10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study/Youth Activities...6:00 p.m. AWANA’s (Wednesday)..........................6:00 p.m. Nursery Provided www.firstbaptistbuda.com • fbcbuda@austin.rr.com Hays Hills Baptist Church www.hayshills.org1401N.FM1626 9:30 a.m. Classic Service 10:45 a.m. Contemporary service Adult (including an 8:30 a.m. early bird class), teen, children’s classes * Children’s worship Professionally-staffed nursery & pre-school Like us on Facebook Hays Free Press Providing you with your most important local news for Kyle, Buda and surrounding communities Sunset Canyon Baptist Church 8:45 AM Sunday Morning 11:00 AM Sunday Worship 5:45 PM Wednesday Meal 6:30 PM Wed ChildrenSCBCTouchPointPreschoolMinistriesYouthMinistriesFamilyMinistries www.sunsetcanyonchurch.org (512) 894-0480 4000 E. HWY 290 A Family of Faith... Come worship with us *New Llano Aquisition* Now Serving: Austin Dripping Springs Kyle Kingsland Llano We are expanding! 512-443-1366 www.HarrellFuneralHomes.com BY MEGAN WEHRING HAYS COUNTY –School is in session. Students have all the supplies they need to succeed but, is their backpack the right one for them?According to the American treatmentemergency7,800ofchildren,bodyrecommendedthatsurveyedoverfactor.canoverweightpreviousbackchildrenAssociationChiropractic(ACA),youngaresufferingfrompainearlierthangenerations–andbackpacksbeacontributingAstudyshowedthat70%ofthechildrenusedabackpackexceededthe10%oftheirweightandofthese32%complainedbackpain.In2017,anestimatedkidsreceivedroomforbackpack-
Hays Free Press • August 17, 2022 Page 5
S. IH-35 • 312-1615 Debbie Thames, agenT
BY MEGAN WEHRING HAYS COUNTY Water has become even more precious amid the drought that the state of Texas has been experiencing for months. Jo Karr Tedder, president of the Central Texas Water Coalition, is starting discussions about updating the Lower Colorado River Authority’s (LCRA) Water Management Plan. While the LCRA is slated to revisit the plan in 2025, Tedder is worried that is too long of a wait due to current weather conditions.“Itwould be wonderful if we got rain and didn’t end up in a drought [or] a mega-drought like in California, which has been in a drought for 22 years,” Karr said. “We are Texas; we are not California. But we are also silly if we don’t look at what’s happening there.”Thecoalition is working to get counties to push the LCRA to update the plan. Neighboring Travis and Burnet counties have given it a green light but a recent vote by the Hays County Commissioners Court on Tuesday, Aug. 9 denied the request. The resolution would request that the LCRA work with local leaders and stakeholders “to accelerate the update of its Water Management Plan to implement a more protective approach to managing the Highland waterlocalBoardWaterCountyrepresentationwouldWaltLakes.”CommissionerSmithsaidheliketoseemorefromHaysontheTexasDevelopment–hewillcontinuediscussionsaboutsupply.
ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Faith Assembly of God 1030 Main St., Buda BAPTIST First Baptist Church-Buda 104 San Marcos St., Buda First Baptist Church-Kyle 300 W. Center St., Kyle Hays Hills Baptist Church 1401 FM 1626, Buda Sledge Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 709 Sewell, Kyle Southeast Baptist Church 5020 Turnersville Rd., Creedmoor Manchaca Baptist Church Lowden Lane & FM 1626 Immanuel Baptist Church 4000 E. FM 150, 4 miles east of Kyle Center Union Baptist Church Goforth Rd., Buda Primera Mision Bautista Mexicana Kyle Baptist Church of Driftwood 13540 FM 150 W. CATHOLIC Santa Cruz Catholic Church 1100 Main Street, Buda St. Anthony Marie Claret Church 801 N. Burleson, Kyle St. Michael’s Catholic Church S. Old Spanish Trail, Uhland CHRISTIAN New Life Christian Church 2315 FM 967, Buda Iglesia Israelita Casa de Dios 816 Green Pastures Dr., Kyle CHURCH OF CHRIST Buda-Kyle Church of Christ 3.5 miles south of Buda on FM 2770 Southern Hills Church of Christ 3740 FM 967, Buda EPISCOPAL St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church 725 RR 967, Buda St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church RR 3237 (Wimberley Rd.), Kyle St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 11819 IH-35 South JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses FM 2770, Kyle Jehovah’s Witnesses South 10802 Manchaca Rd., Manchaca LUTHERAN Living Word Lutheran ELCA 2315 FM 967, Buda Redeeming Grace Lutheran LCMS FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca Resurrection Church, CLBA 401 FM 967, Buda St. John Lutheran Church 9865 Camino Real, Uhland The Well Buda METHODIST Buda United Methodist Church San Marcos & Elm St., Buda Kyle United Methodist Church Sledge & Lockhart St., Kyle Journey United Methodist 216 Kirkham Circle, Kyle St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 7206 Creedmoor Rd., Creedmoor Manchaca United Methodist Church FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca Driftwood United Methodist Church RR 150 at County Road 170
1626, Bldg. 2,
Joan Shirley Sanders (Wright), 87, joined our heavenly Father in heaven July 14, 2022, at her home in Buda, Texas. Joan was born on June 3, 1935, the eldest child of Dorothy Mary Holdsworth and John M. Wright in Bradford, Yorkshire, England. She was educated at Bradford Girls’ Grammar School and Stansfield’s Business School.Joanemigrated to the United States in 1955, sponsored by her second cousin, Evelyn Holdsworth of Texas, and started her adventure with her distant cousins, Ethel and Jim Day, at the Day Ranch in Loma Vista, Texas. Joan endured the Texas heat and lack of air-conditioning, wore blue jeans, rode horses, and enjoyed the Texas hospitality and good manners of the cowboys who worked at the ranch. Joan toured Texas with her many cousins and settled in Crystal City as a receptionist/secretary for what became Del Monte. Joan returned to England after several years and traveled to Italy, France and Switzerland. In 1963, Joan emigrated again, this time to California, where she met and married the love of her life, Boteler Wood Sanders (Bodie). Bodie and Joan traveled all over America, but loved Austin and eventually settled in Buda, Texas, where they celebrated a marriage of 59 years this year. Joan and Bodie joined First Baptist Church of Buda in 1998 where they remained active members until her last illness.Joan was an avid dog lover and volunteered for many years with the local P.A.W.S. Animal Shelter, writing newspaper articles and the quarterly newsletter, organizing the booth at Budafest, and taking puppies to area nursing homes. Joan is survived by her loving husband, Boteler Wood Sanders (Bodie), sister Dorothy (Wright) Bracken of Pontefract, England, niece, Rachel Joanna Bracken-Singh, of Jaipur, India, nephew, Jonathan Andrew Bracken, of Leeds, England, great nieces and nephews, Eve Hannah Bracken, Alexander George Bracken, Daniel Robert Bracken, Morsumi Georgia Bracken-Singh, Ameya Saba Bracken-Singh, and Ianthe Dia Bracken-Singh. Bodie Sanders expresses his deep gratitude for the loving and enduring care Joan received from Rosamaria Arredondo and Ignacio Arredondo during Joan’s illness. Joan and Bodie request that in lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her memory to P.A.W.S. of Kyle, Texas and the National Audubon Society. A Memorial Service celebrating Joan’s life will be held at First Baptist Church of Buda, Texas, August 18, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., Rev. Buddy Johnson officiating. All are welcome.
County denies early update of managementwaterplan

The Aug.amongincludetofrombringCommitteeCompensationCouncilwillrecommendationstheAug.10meetingthecitycouncilthatclarification,otherfacts,on16at5p.m.
Heindl motioned not to recommend a cell phone allowance, which was seconded by Askevich, and the motion passed (6-0).Prior to Aug. 10, the compensation committee had a meeting on Aug. 3 which included frequent back-and-forth attempts to clarify what should be an allowable expense instead of what city council members should be paid Alisonfor.Castillo, a former city council member, said that compensation should only be what a council member has spent to be on the Burkecouncil.brought up the point about maintaining a professional image regarding professionalwanthairdone,Ithatthatthatdollars,werecouldonisanythingbusinessnormallycleaningwouldamaybetobettertheyappearance.outward“Somepeoplethinkwanttopresentaimage,theywantdressupalittlebitandtheywanttowearsuitorsomethingtheyhavesomedryandthat.Well,underregularexpenses,likethat,thatonyou,”BurkesaidAug.3.“However,Iseewhereifyougivenathousandyoumighttakeintoconsideration,includesmecoveringkindofthingwherewanttogetmynailsifIwanttogetmydone—youknowItoprovideamoreimage.”Askevichsaidthatthe idea of paying someone a stipend to do their nails does not seem right. “TV personalities have to get paid for their looks and appearance, but that’s because that’s their professional job,” Askevich committeeCompensationsaid.members also indicated they were illprepared to review city council compensation due to the lack of provided documents. “To be honest, I thought we were going to have some kind of packet when I got here. Not to look like I don’t know what I’m doing, but I looked at the packet, and the packet I received was just an agenda,” Burke said. Committee member Mario Perez agreed with Burke that it was his understanding that the compensation council would be supplied with a draft of the policies.
Committee looks at city council’s compensation or To subscribe call 512-268-7862 or email paper@haysfreepress.com For all the latest news in Hays County, visit www.HaysFreePress.com www.HaysNewsDispatch.com
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON TAX INCREASE A tax rate of $0.5082 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of City of Kyle. PROPOSED TAX RATE $0.5082 per $100 NO NEW REVENUE TAX RATE $0.4260 per $100 VOTER APPROVAL TAX RATE $0.5082 per $100
A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED TAX RATE WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 25, 2022 AT 5:30 PM AT KYLE CITY HALL 100 W. CENTER STREET, KYLE, TX 78640. The proposed tax rate is not greater than the voter approval tax rate. As a result, City of Kyle is not required to hold an election at which voters may accept or reject the proposed tax rate. However, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members of the City Council of City of Kyle at their offices or by attending the public hearing mentioned above.
Property tax rates in City of Kyle. This notice concerns the 2022 property tax rates for City of Kyle. This notice provides information about two tax rates used in adopting the current tax year's tax rate. The no-new-revenue tax rate would Impose the same amount of taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. In most cases, the voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate a taxing unit can adopt without holding an election. In each case, these rates are calculated by dividing the total amount of taxes by the current taxable value with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value. This year's no-new-revenue tax rate $0.4260/$100 This year's voter-approval tax rate $0.5082/$100 visit www.hayscountytx.com/taxoffice for a copy of the Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet.
YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE RATES MENTIONED ABOVE CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: Property tax amount= (tax rate) x (taxable value of your property)/100 FOR the proposal: Travis Mitchell, Mayor Robert Rizo, Mayor Pro Tem, District 3 Yvonne Flores Cales, Council Member, District 2 Ashlee Bradshaw, Council Member, District 4 Daniela Parsley, Council Member, District 5 Michael Tobias, Council Member, District 6 AGAINST the proposal: None PRESENT and not voting: None ABSENT: Dex Ellison, Council Member, District 1 Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.
“A lot of them prefer [city-issued laptops or iPads] because if something happens and there’s an open records request they don’t have to use their own personal equipment for city business,” said Jerry Hendrix, acting city manager.Committee member Brad Growt questioned why city staff wasn’t giving the city council a VoIP license with a cityprovided phone number. “From a perspective,costthat would be much better, plus y’all would retain control of the number,” Growt said. “It’s transparent, and it’s a negligible technology cost that actually makes everything more secure and brings it more under the auspices of the city.”
Page 6 Hays Free Press • August 17, 2022 512-858-5159 Texasfriendlyhometownbank 401 E. Hwy 290W. P.O. Box 1243 Dripping Springs, TX 78620 We proudly support our hometown talent
The no new revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2022 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for City of Kyle from the same properties in both the 2021 tax year and the 2022 tax year. The voter approval rate is the highest tax rate that City of Kyle may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate. The proposed tax rate is greater than the no new revenue tax rate. This means that City of Kyle is proposing to increase property taxes for the 2022 tax year.
Notice about 2022 Tax Rates
The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by City of Kyle last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence homestead by City of Kyle this year.
2021 2022 Change Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.5082 $0.5082 increase of 0.0000, or 0.00% Average homestead taxable value $233,901 $338,506 increase of 104,605, or 44.72% Tax on homesteadaverage $1,188.68 $1,720.29 increase of 531.61, or 44.72% Total tax levy on all properties $20,223,693 $25,906,918 increase of 5,683,225, or 28.10%
To see the full calculations, please
For assistance with tax calculations, please contact the tax assessor for City of Kyle at 512 393 5545 or jenifer.okane@co.hays.tx.us, or visit hays.countytaxrates.com for more information.
Unencumbered Fund Balances The following estimated balances will be left in the taxing unit's accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by corresponding debt obligation. Type of Fund Balance General Fund 17,364,016 Interest & Sinking Fund 1,855,172 Current Year Debt Service The following amounts are for long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. These amounts will be paid from upcoming property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable). Description of Debt Principal or Contract Payment to be Paid from Property Taxes Interest to be Paid PropertyfromTaxes Other Amounts to be Paid Total Payment General 2013RefundingObligationBonds,Series 66,700 32,337 0 99,037 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013 265,000 154,748 0 419,748 Tax Notes, Series 2014 0 0 0 General 2014RefundingObligationBonds,Series 0 227,557 0 227,557 General Obligation & Refunding Bonds, Series 2015 2,859,064 1,043,607 0 3,902,671 General 2016RefundingObligationBonds,Series 346,390 58,083 0 404,473 General 2020RefundingObligationBonds,Series 565,047 100,094 0 665,141 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2022 5,345,000 1,615,000 0 6,960,000 Total required for 2022 debt service $12,678,627 - Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in unencumbered funds $1,855,172 - Amount (if any) paid from other resources $0 - Excess collections last year $128,324 = Total to be paid from taxes in 2022 $10,695,131 + Amount added in anticipation that the unit will collect only 99.11% of its taxes in 2022 $96,041 = Total debt levy $10,791,172 This notice contains a summary of actual no-new-revenue and voter-approval calculations as certified by Jenifer O'Kane, Hays County Tax Assessor-Collector on 08/05/2022 . Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. BYSPENDINGAMIRAVAN LEEUWEN KYLE — Credit card and $224,928approved$134,006cityendsyearthecompensationtounanimouslywithpoliciesreimbursementsincludingcouncil’spolicies10CommitteeCommittee.CompensationvisitedCitypoliciesreimbursementoftheKyleCouncilwerebytheCouncilTheCompensationmetonAug.todiscussandreviewrelatedtothecitycompensationcreditcards,andanythatfallinlinethecitycharter.Thecommitteevoted(6-0)leavethecitycouncil’sasisforupcomingfiscalyear.Inthecurrentfiscal2021-2022,whichSept.30,thecouncilhasspentoutofitstotalbudgetofasofJuly30.
According to the city’s Director of Finance Perwez Moheet, there is no breakdown of which members have spent that money because they are all“Whencombined.youhave seven together, not all seven are going to spend exactly the same amount,” Moheet said.The council members’ compensation is $1,000 per month, and the mayor's compensation is $1,300 per month along with other benefits that include medical, dental and vision coverage. Premiums are paid 100% by city council members/ mayor individually, if they choose to do so.
The committee also had an extensive discussion about mileage reimbursement, where committee member Rose Burke motioned to recommend the change of the mileage amount in the budget from $24,570 to $23,000 with a $5,000 limit for the mayor and the remaining $18,000 divided among the six other council members to $3,000 per council member. The motion was seconded by Brandi Heindl and the laptopshardwareforcouncil’sphonesaidallowance.citythecommitteetheproposedwirelessAskevichpassedrecommendation(5-1)withPhoenixvotingagainst.Althoughtherearenophoneexpensesinthebudget,compensationalsoexploredideaofgivingthecouncilacellphoneCitystafftheypreferredacellstipend.Currently,thecitybudgetallows$17,500forcomputer(city-issuedoriPads).

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Sealed proposals addressed to Waterstone Land Partners, LTD, ("OWNER") on behalf of Lasalle Municipal Utility District No. 1 ("DISTRICT") for furnishing all labor materials equipment and performing all work required for the construction of Wastewater Line to FM 110 will be received at the office of Doucet & Associates, Inc. ("ENGINEER") at 7401B Highway 71 West, Suite 160, Austin, Texas 78735 until THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2022, at 2:00PM. Drainage, Roadway, and Water / Wastewater bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Any proposal received after the closing time will be return ed unopened. Proposals shall be plainly marked with name and address of the person or entity submitting the proposal ("BIDDER") and the following words:
Hays Free Press • August 17, 2022 Page 7
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamen tary for the Estate of Justin Perez-Gorda, Deceased, were issued on July 11, 2022, in Cause No. 22-0130-P, pending in the County Court at Law #1 of Hays County, Texas, to: Josephine Perez-Gorda. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by c/o:law.
2022 ACREAGE Own your piece of Texas TODAY! Prices start ing at $650/acre. Trans Pecos region. Also the Hill Country (Edwards, Menard, Coke, Val Verde Counties - free ranging exotics), South Texas (Duval County - whitetail,
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The City of Creedmoor will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m., August 18, 2022 at 12513 FM 1625, Creedmoor, Texas to consider adopting a budget for fiscal year 2022-2023
Chapter 59 Texas Property Code. River Road Self Storage will conduct a Public Sale to the highest bidder for cash on their premises. This sale is being listed below. The company reserves the right to reject any bid and withdraw any from the sale at anyDate:time.August 27, 2022 (Saturday)RiverRoad Self Storage wishes to avail themselves of the Texas Provision of Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code. This sale is listed below. Time: Location:9:00a.m.880River Road, San Marcos, Texas 78666 Unit #010 Ð G. Garcia Ð floor jack, wheel barrel, folding table & chairs, oxygen tank for welding, tv, weed eater, easy shadeUnit #133 Ð B. Crawford Ð cooler, chairs, boxes Unit #138 Ð M. Arredondo Ð bunk bed frame, dresser, end table, fan, tv Unit #264 Ð R. Blaha Ð roll top desk, antique floor lamp, 6 ft ladder, wooden table and chairsUnit #279 Ð R. Scandurra Ð clothes, furniture, household goods, boxes Unit #286 Ð S. Garcia Ð dresser, end tables, bbq pit, totesUnit #303 Ð H. Rivera Ð boxes, furniture, totes, house holdUnitgoods#309 Ð T. Jackson Ð cooler, toaster oven, table, household goods Unit #354 Ð D. Hawkins Ð dryer, baby stuff, household goods, computer monitor
www.ranchenterprisesltd.com, 800-876-9720. AUCTIONS Vehicles & Equipment Auction, Wed., Aug. 24. Kubota tractor items sell no reserve. 570+ items selling, including: pickups, flatbed trucks, forklift, RVs, utility/ service trucks, passenger vehicles, tractors, campers, bucket trucks, lawn mowers and more. All items are sold “AS IS.” 10% buyers premium applies. Aaron McKee TX Lic. #16401. Bid now at purplewave.com. 101-Acre Commercial/Industrial Property – Aug. 30 – 3050 Hwy 16N, De Leon, TX (5 Miles North of Intersection – Hwy 6 & Hwy 16). ExxonMobil directs immediate sale. Low minimum bid: $50,000. 1,367’ frontage on Hwy 16. FineAndCompany.com, 312-278-0600. Commercial/Industrial Land – Aug. 30 – Real Estate to be sold Absolute, Regardless of Price. ExxonMobil directs immediate sale: 3.7 Acres South of Marilyn St., Conroe, TX; 38,147 SF, 577 W. Santa Fe St., Conroe, TX; 5.37 Acres, Mc Farland Rd., League City, TX. FineAndCompany.com, 312-278-0600.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Sale of property to satisfy a landlord’s lien. Sale to be held online
The proposed wastewater line will be comprised of 1 2-inch PVC SDR 26 (D2241) pipe, which will be servicing tract R159874. This tract is loca ted northwest of the intersection of Yarrington Road & County Road 158, and south of the proposed r ight-of-way for the future FM 110 roadway. This proposal includes approximately: 5917-ft of 12-inch PVC SDR 26 pipe; 18 concrete manholes ranging from 10-ft to 27-ft deep; and three jack and bore locations with 24-inch steel casing. All prospective bidders will be provided all bid documents. Electronic copies of the Plans Specifications, and Bidding Documents are available without charge from the ENGINEER Copies may be obtained from the ENGINEER on or after Monday, August 22, 2022, by emailing waterstonebids@doucetengineers.com A Cashier's Check, Certified Check, or acceptable BIDDER's Bond, payable to Waterstone Land Partners, LTD, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the Bid must accompany each bid as a guarantee that, if awarded the Contract, the BIDDER will enter into a contract and execute bonds within fifteen (15) calendar days of award of the Contract. Performance and Payment Bonds shall also be executed on the forms furnished by the OWNER and shall specifically provide for "Performance" and for "Labor and Materials Payment". Each bond shall be issued in an amount of one hundred percent (100%) of contract price by a solvent Surety company, authorized to do business in the State of Texas and acceptable to the OWNER. The OWNER reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any and all minor defects or irregularitie s in bidding or bidding process except time of submitting bid. The OWNER reserves the right to determine which bids are most advantageous to the OWNER and the DISTRICT, and to award the Contract on this basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of seventy-five (75) calendar days after opening of the bids. If a submitted bid is withdrawn within said period, bid guaranty shall become the property of the OWNER not as penalty but as liquidated damages or OWNER may pursue any other action allowed by law. A non- mandatory pre bid conference will be held on Wednesday, August 31st, 2022 at 2:00pm via Teams virtual meeting. A link to the pre-bid conference will be sent to all prospective bidders who have received bid documents by contacting waterstonebids@doucetengineers.com Prospective bidders are encouraged to visit the site. Only those prospective bidders WHO HAVE RECEIVED BID DOCUMENTS DIRECTLY FROM THE ENGINEER may bid on this contract Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained from the ENGINEER by emailing waterstonebids@doucetengineers.com
NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is www.ftc.gov/bizop.
The Buda City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the following item at its regular meeting to be held Tuesday, September 6, 2022: DA 22-01: Hold a public hearing and first reading of an Ordinance for a Develop ment Agreement between the City of Buda and the subject landowners to allow a primarily single-family development for an area of +/- 775.12 acres in the City of Buda, City of Buda ETJ, City of Austin ETJ, and Travis and Hays Counties. The hearing will be held at 6:00 pm in the Council Cham bers at Buda City Hall, 405 E. Loop St. Building 100, Buda, TX 78610. Please visit the City of Buda website (ci.buda.tx.us) for meeting details and public participation options. The agenda will be published 72 hours prior to the meeting.
David Glickler Attorney at Law Glick Law and Associates 121 Hall Professional Cen ter, Suite A Kyle, Texas 78640 DATED the 11th day of August, 2022 /s/ David Glickler David Perez-GordaAttorneyGlicklerforJosephineStateBarNo.:
00787549GlickLaw and Associates 121 Hall Professional Cen ter, Suite A Kyle, TX 78640 Telephone: (512) 262-0232 Facsimile: (512) 559-1585 E-mail: david@glicklawtx. com
In accordance with the provisions of State of Texas law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned is entitled to safe ty an owner and/or manager's lien of the goods hereinafter described and stored at the Storage King USA location(s) listed below, and, due notice having been given to the owner of said property and all parties known to claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such having expired goods will be sold to the highest bidder or otherwise disposed of at a pub lic Auction to be held online washer/misc.luggage,JessicaCrayton:Gomez:ladder,furn/boxes,misc.,totes,boxs/smshopRivera:tools/toolclothes/miniboxesph#195802022whichwww.StorageTreasures.com,atwillendonAugust25,at9:00AM.Atstore072,SIH35,KyleTX78640,737.404.5020.LuisDavila:furn/shopvac/AliceDominguez,boxes/fridge,Biancachest/automisc.,MaryHudson:furn/boxes,ChristopherMercer:duffel/tv.ShelmaBanke:sofa/tires/GlendaCastro:furn/boxes/RubenContreras:toys/app/RubyRomo:totes/YovanyDanielAjuchanfurn/boxes,Dorothytoes/clothes/misc,Kelsey:furn/boxes/AlexisMolina:sofa/ TO 22-146 Road Re construction Project • Old Black Colony Road Reconstruction Project Sealed statements will be received by the Purchasing Manager of the City of Buda referenced presents this RSQ from prospec tive that qualified to planning, design, and phase the West Goforth Road Recon struction and Old Black Colony Road Reconstruction projects. The RSQ outlines the process to be used by the City to select competent entities from which the City may negotiate con tracts for professional services necessary to assist the City of Buda in the development of schematics, final design, and construction services for the reconstruction projects. The projects may be funded whole or in part with federal grant resources and thus may be subject to the requirements of 2 CFR 200 and other federal procurement requirements. The solicitation package may be obtained online at one of the following bid to2022.untiltheandwithMENT78610.St.,chasingCityeredStatementswww.bidnetdirect.comwww.publicpurchase.comservices:shallbedelivinasealedenvelopetoofBuda,CityHallPurBidBox,405E.LoopBldg.100,Buda,TexasWrite“SEALEDSTATEOFQUALIFICATIONS”theRSQNumber,Name,DueDateontheoutsideofshippingpackage.Statementswillbeaccepted2:00p.m.,September1,QuestionsmaybedirectedtheCityofBudaPurchasing Office via email at purchas ing@ci.buda.tx.usCharlesOberrender, CPPB Purchasing Manager City of Buda REQUEST FOR COMPETI TIVE SEALED PROPOSALS RCSP # 22-150 CON STRUCTION OF CITY PARK REWORK Competitive sealed pro posals will be received by the Purchasing Manager of the City of Buda for the above ref erenced solicitation. The City is seeking to enter a contract with a qualified contractor for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for the project. Project includes but is not limited to the replacement of deficient material in various electrical, plumbing, amphithe ater, restrooms, landscape and irrigation systems. A non-mandatory pre-pro posal conference will be held at Buda City Hall, 405 E. Loop Street, Buda, Texas 78610 at 2 PM, September 8, 2022 in Multipurpose Room 1034. Proposals shall be delivered to City of Buda City Hall, Attn: Purchasing Proposal Box, 405 E. Loop St., Bldg. 100, Buda, Texas 78610. Write “SEALED PROPOSAL” with the Solicitation Number, So licitation Name, and Due Date on the outside of the shipping package. Proposals will be accepted until 2 PM, Septem ber 26, 2022. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible offeror or offeror that provides the best value. All proposals shall be ac companied a proposal bond in the in the amount of 5% of the offeror’s maximum proposal price.
ATTEMPT TO NOTIFY COMMERCIAL TOWING SERVICES LLC 271 Millennium Dr. Kyle, TX 78640 / 8/15/2022of0468/0658494VSF512-995-www.tdlr.texas.gov2000JeepCherokee/LastVINL211817Totalchargesasofare$391.06
services for
Availability. 3 Bedroom / 2 Bath recently remodeled home for lease. New roof, new carpet, new HVAC. Located 1 mile from Hwy 281/Hwy 290 inter section. $2,750/month Call Spence (512)789-0909.
ATTEMPT TO NOTIFY COMMERCIAL TOWING SERVICES LLC 271 Millennium Dr. Kyle, TX 78640 / 8/15/2022Last0468/0658494VSF512-995-www.tdlr.texas.gov2019FordTransitCargo/ofVINB35568Totalchargesasofare$1075.87
Contract documents in cluding proposal forms, plans sheets, and specifications for the Project may be viewed and downloaded bondAnwww.publicpurchase.comwww.proposalnet.comwww.questCDN.comat:acceptableproposalinanamountofnotless than five percent (5%) of the total proposal shall accompany each proposal as a guaranty that, if awarded the contract, the offeror will promptly enter contract with the City of Buda and furnish bonds on the forms provided.Offerors are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform themselves of all local conditions. The success ful offeror or offerors will be required to furnish a perfor mance bond, payment bond, and maintenance bond as stipulated in the specifications. Questions may be directed to the City of Buda Purchasing Office via email at purchas ing@ci.buda.tx.usCharlesOberrender, CPPB Purchasing Manager City of Buda INVITATION FOR BIDS IFB # 22-149 RM 967 TheaboveofbySTREETCREEKIMPROVEMENTSSIDEWALKONIONBRIDGETOMAINSealedbidswillbereceivedthePurchasingManagertheCityofBudaforthereferencedsolicitation.Cityisseekingtoenter a contract with a qualified contractor for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for the project. Project includes the construction of approx imately 1,500 linear feet of concrete sidewalk, curb ramps, relocation of traffic signs, and pavement markings. A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at Buda City Hall, 405 E. Loop Street, Buda, Texas 78610 at 2 PM, August 24, 2022 in Multipur pose Room 1034. Bids shall be delivered to City of Buda City Hall, Attn: Purchasing Bid Box, 405 E. Loop St., Bldg. 100, Buda, Texas 78610. Write “SEALED BID” with the Bid Number, Bid Name, and Due Date on the outside of the shipping package. Bids will be accepted until 2 PM, September 7, 2022. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or bidder that provides the best value.Allbids shall be accompa nied a bid bond in the in the amount of 5% of the bidder’s maximum bid price. Contract documents includ ing bid proposal forms, plans sheets, and specifications for the Project may be viewed and downloaded free of charge (with the option to purchase hard copies) at www.civcastu sa.com on or after Wednesday August 10, 2022. Scanned plans and specifications (PDF format) are available on CD for a non-refundable price of $25.00 from KSA Engineers, Inc., 4833 Spicewood Springs Road, Suite 204, Austin, Texas 78759, telephone 512-3426868. Printed copies of the Contract Documents may also be viewed at the Engineer’s office. The solicitation package with plans and specifications are further available electron ically at www.bidnet.com anwww.publicpurchase.comandAnacceptablebidbondinamountofnotlessthan five percent (5%) of the total bid shall accompany each bid as a guaranty that, if awarded the contract, the bidder will promptly enter into contract with the City of Buda and furnish bonds on the forms provided.Bidders are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform themselves of all local conditions. time of completion shall be 90 calen dar days including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. The successful bidder or bid ders will be required to furnish a performance bond, payment bond, and maintenance bond as stipulated in the specifica tions. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for at least ninety (90) calendar days. The city reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, waive any and/or all formal ities, and award the bid as it appears most beneficial to the City of QuestionsBuda. may be directed to the City of Buda Purchasing Office via email at purchas ing@ci.buda.tx.usCharlesOberrender, CPPB Purchasing Manager City of Buda NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE
Classifieds FOR RENT HOME FOR LEASE Immediate
221 Participating
Page 8 Hays Free Press • August 17, 2022 BY BRITTANY ANDERSON BUDA —
Buda chamber hears demographic report HAYS CISD Service Directory Tree Service MARCUS LEES (512) leestree858-4018stexas@gmail.com Free Assessments & Estimates • Insured Lees Trees 38 years experience in the hill country Firewood • Pruning • Removal • Chipping Planting • Cedar Posts • Bulk Mulch Shoe Repair 10 locations in Central Texas including: 1911 Ben White and Manchaca Rd • 512-440-8788 12119 W Hwy 290 and Nutty Brown Rd • 512-827-3398 6781 W Hwy 290 in Oak Hill • 512-288-6386 316 Round Rock Ave. Round Rock - 512-244-9124 306 South Bell Cedar Park - 512-219-8387 8211 Burnet Rd. Austin - 512-453-1961 10AustinShoeHospital.comLocationsinCentralTexasincluding: • Boot Experts • Purse Repair • Belt Repair • Luggage Repair • Shoe ProductsCare 10 locations in Central Texas, including: 3932 RR 620 S. in Bee Caves • 512-263-4630 1911 W. Ben White Blvd. in Austin • 512-440-8788 3300 Bee Caves Rd. in Westlake • 512-329-8104 Remodeling & Repairs Wild West Remodeling O Painting O Tile O Siding O Decks O Trim O Door & Window Replacement O Drywall Repair O Custom Cabinets O Patio Covers O Electrical & Plumbing Curtis Dorsett 512-402-4704 “No Job Too Small or Too Big” Pool Service HIGH TIDE POOL SERVICE Over 10 years of experience Keith Miller, owner FREE HIGHTIDEPOOLSERVICE.COMHIGHTIDEPOOLSERVICE@YAHOO.COMESTIMATESOneTime & Weekly Cleanings Drain & Cleans Pressure Washing Full Service Repairs Pool 512-965-3465Replastering Air Conditioning NemecHeatiNg&aircHrisNemec “Proudly Serving Central Texas” Residential • Commercial • After Hours Available Email: Chris@nemecheatingandair.com O. 512-312-9081 • C. 512-789-5132 Buda, Texas 78610 • TACLA 34861C Computer Help Professional Office Home and RV Service in north Hays Co. Computer Systems Software MaintenanceTechnicalNetworkingDevelopmentSystems Component Selection Digital SystemPhotos&Process Docs Website Maintenance CD/DVD Duplication Want help selecting the best value? Office systems not maintained? Did your kids or employees leave your computer useless? mike@haystech.com UpgradesBackupsTrainingSetupConsulting Dirt Cheap Loam • Topsoil • Sand • Gravel • Roadbase Asphalt Millings • Granite • Compost Mix Tractor Work Available Specializing in Country Driveways Rick-Rob Trucking robinnds@aol.comRick-Rob.com512-858-7952 PPlumbingrincePlumbingCompany #M14369 • Residential Repair Specialist • Remodeling & Water Heaters • Sewer Cleaning & Replacements • Slab & Gas Leak Repair • BBB Member 312-0710 Serving Hays County since 1990 MC • Visa • 40 yrs. Experience • Family Owned • Family Operated • Backflow Testing and Devices Financial Planning 107 S. Main St., Ste. A • Kyle, TX Zachary Barton 512-686-7589 Financial Planning• Insurance Planning Investment Planning Financial Planning 107 S. Main St., Ste. A • Kyle, TX Zachary Barton 512-686-7589 Financial Planning• Insurance Planning Investment Planning Pool Service G&S Pool and Spa Service The only call toneedyoumake 512-326-4695 www.gspoolspa.com Serving S. Driftwood,DrippingAustin,Springs,KyleandBudasince1994.TICL #629 Foundation Repair SolutionsFoundationAllen’s Pier & Beam, Concrete Slab, Skirting, Mobile Homes Drainage Corrections, Financing Available* Free estimates • Senior Discounts Licensed & Insured • Visa/MC accepted *Some restrictions apply www.allensfoundation.com • 512-703-0020 Septic Services Aerobic Maintenance Provider Septic Inspections & Consulting Septic Installations & Repairs Tank Lid Replacements & Repair Specialists on Older Systems ALL AMERICAN WASTEWATER SOLUTIONS, LLC www.ALLSEPTICCHECK.com282-3889(512) Locally serving our community since 1982. Septic Problems... LET US HELP! COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Pumping Tanks & Lift Stations Roofing Accurate Roofing REROOFING Free Estimates 512-773-7843 DiscountSenior Voted Best Roofing Company in Hays County in 2016 Member BBB since 1989 HVAC & Plumbing A healthy home starts with healthy air. IAQ: Indoor Air Quality purification systems reduce: • Allergens • Viruses • Bacteria • Pet dander Shafer installs state-of-the-art air purification systems that are: • CDC recommended • Chemical free • Eco-friendly We are here for you 24/7. Give us a call. We promise to answer anytime, day or night. BOOK ONLINE 800-903-5164 ShaferServices.com Call Shafer Services Plus for a free Indoor Air Quality Assessment in your home. • Mold • Odors • Air pollutants Now serving the communities of Kyle and Lockhart. 800-903-5164 Give us a call 24/7. We promise to ansWer anytime, day or niGht Now serving the communities of Kyle and Lockhart. A healthy home starts with healthy air. IAQ: Indoor Air Quality purification systems reduce: • Allergens • Vi • Bacteria • Pet dander Shafer installs state-of-the-art air purification systems that are: • CDC recommended • Chemical free • Eco-friendly We are here for you 24/7. Give us a call. We promise to answer anytime, day or night. BOOK ONLINE 800-903-5164 ShaferServices.com Call Shafer Services Plus for a free Indoor Air Quality Assessment in your home. • Mold • Odors • Air pollutants Now serving the communities of Kyle and Lockhart. ShaferServices.com License #TACLA013656E/M215 Residential & CommeRCial Automotive 395 Country Rd. 202, Ste 9B, Kyle, TX512-722-7441KyleAutoRepair.com Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. • Family Owned & Operated • Full Service • dieSel Kayley Goldsmith, DVM H Elizabeth Garriott, DVM H Michelle Kurkowski, DVM 6300 FM 1327 (East of I35 and Creedmoor) Austin, TX 78747 Give us a call at 512-385-0486 PAWS Shelter of Central Texas is a non-profit, no-kill shelter operated primarily on donations and adoptions. 500 FM 150 E, Kyle, TX • 512 268-1611 • pawsshelter.org All animals are fully vaccinated, spay/neutered, microchipped and dewormed. sponsored by Min, 3-year-old, Husky/Great Pyrenees mix, Female Min is an expressive and gentle pup. Min recently completed her heartworm treatment with PAWS and is ready to relax, play, and snuggle with her new forever humans! Pear, Domestic Shorthair mix, Male: Pear immediately greets staff and volunteers once they enter his cattery and is very patient while he waits for pets. He is still very much a kitten and loves to play. Pear has done well with other cats while at the shelter. Committed to your pet’s health since 1978
The most recent Hays CISD demographic report has shown that the district’s growth will irrefutably continue to impact the county’s local businesses and their growth as a SuperintendentHayswhole.CISD
However, two new charter campuses opening in 2022/2023— schools that operate independently from the school district of the area they are located in — could have an impact on this enrollment, as well as HCISD’s ability to hire and retain teachers. There are currently 17 charter schools near or within the HCISD boundary, enrolling more than 5,000 students during the 2020-2021 school year. Still, the constant influx of new homes is what will really drive numbers to HCISD. The district has 42 active building subdivisions and 34 future subdivisions, and groundwork is underway on more than 6,150 lots within 14 subdivisions.
Dr. Eric Wright and Chief Operations Officer Max Cleaver presented a demographic report on the district during the Buda Area Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Aug. 10, highlighting major trends in the district that show its future growth in schools and homes, and as the local economy booms with companies like Sovereign Flavors and The Boring Company planting roots in the county. HCISD is one of the largest school districts, land-mass and populationwise, in Texas. Wright said that HCISD has officially surpassed Leander ISD as being the fastest-growing school district in Central Texas.School districts across Texas have started to see a steady increase in enrollment, following a sharp decline of 122,350 students during the 20202021 school year due to COVID. This past year, Texas grew by 55,780 students and is expected to grow to around 75,000 this upcoming year. In HCISD, enrollment is up 1,083 students from 2021-2022, an increase of 5.3%. The district increases by around 1,000 to 1,400 students a year, and there were 22,771 students “in the queue” to start school on Aug. 16.
The upcoming Anthem subdivision behind Hays High School has a projected 2,500 homes, and developers are donating around 15 to 16 acres for the district’s 16th elementary school which is already in the works and set to open for the 2024-2025 schoolWhileyear.there are various ways schools can “flex” and incrementally increase their capacity, this is more of a Band-Aid than a permanent solution, and the need for more schools is inevitable. Sunfield Elementary in Buda’s Sunfield subdivision, which is the district’s 15th elementary school and the 26th in the district overall, opened for the 2022-2023 school year, but the district is already looking ahead to elementary school #17 in east central Kyle to continue to provide relief and avoid over-capacitating schools. There is a similar forecast on the secondary level, with capacity at Dahlstrom and McCormick middle schools being increased and Wallace MS potentially increasing. “As we continue to grow, I want people in our community to understand that I hate bureaucracy; I hate red tape,” Wright said. “I want people to be valued and heard. Even though we’re growing, I still want to have a small town mentality of, “We’re going to take care of people.” … These are your schools, your children and your tax dollars.”
Hays CISD continues to grow by about 1,000 to 1,400 students each year. The projected forecast shows 34,151 enrolled students by the 2031-2032 school year.

2021 2022 Change Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.3423 $0.3423 no change Average homestead taxable value $296,912 $443,522 increase of $146,610 or 49.38% Tax on homesteadaverage $999 $1,500 increase of $501 or 50.15% Total tax levy on all properties $7,554,435 $8,764,880 increase of $1,210,445, or 16.02% For assistance with tax calculations, please contact the tax assessor for City of Buda at 512 393 5545 or jenifer.okane@co.hays.tx.us.
The proposed tax rate is greater than the voter approval tax rate but not greater than the de minimis rate. However, the proposed tax rate exceeds the rate that allows voters to petition for an election under Section 26.075, Tax Code. If Hays County ESD No. 9 adopts the proposed tax rate, the qualified voters of Hays County ESD No. 9 may petition the District to require an election to be held to determine whether to reduce the proposed tax rate. If a majority of the voters reject the proposed tax rate, the tax rate of Hays County ESD No. 9 will be the voter approval tax rate of Hays County ESD No. 9 YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE TAX RATES MENTIONED ABOVE CAN BE CALCULATED AS PropertyFOLLOWS:taxamount = ( tax rate ) x ( taxable value of your property ) / 100 FOR the proposal: Roger Boyd, Chris Baker, Diane Hervol, and Carla Sisk AGAINST the proposal: NONE PRESENT and not voting: NONE ABSENT: NONE Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by Hays County ESD No. 9 last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence homestead by Hays County ESD No. 9 this year. 2021 2022 Change Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.058190 $0.050500 Decrease of $0.007690 per $100, or 13.22% Average homestead taxable value $217,848 $312,899 Increase of 43.63% Tax on average homestead $126.77 $158.01 Increase of $31.25, or 24.65% Total tax levy on all properties $3,791,682.03 $4,567,991.50 Increase of $776,309.48, or 20.47% For assistance with tax calculations, please contact the tax assessor for Hays County ESD No. 9 at (512) 393 5545 or jenifer.okane@co.hays.tx.us or visit https://hayscountytax.com
The no new revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2022 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for Hays County ESD No. 9 from the same properties in both the 2021 tax year and the 2022 tax Theyear.voter approval tax rate is the highest tax rate that Hays County ESD No. 9 may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate, unless the de minimis rate for Hays County ESD No. 9 exceeds the voter approval tax rate for Hays County ESD No. 9 The de minimis rate is the rate equal to the sum of the no new revenue maintenance and operations rate for Hays County ESD No. 9, the rate that will raise $500,000, and the current debt rate for Hays County ESD No. 9 The proposed tax rate is greater than the no new revenue tax rate. This means that Hays County ESD No. 9 is proposing to increase property taxes for the 2022 tax year A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED TAX RATE WILL BE HELD ON Monday, August 22, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., at San Marcos Hays County EMS, 2061 Clovis Barker, #10B, San Marcos, Texas
The no new revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2022 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for City of Buda from the same properties in both the 2021 tax year and the 2022 tax year. The voter approval rate is the highest tax rate that City of Buda may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate. The proposed tax rate is greater than the no new revenue tax rate. This means that City of Buda is proposing to increase property taxes for the 2022 tax year.
PHOTO BY BRITTANY ANDERSON Sunfield Elementary principal David MacRoberts, on stage, and Sunfield teachers, right of stage, excitedly welcomed hundreds of families during the school’s ribbon cutting ceremony.
YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE RATES MENTIONED ABOVE CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: Property Tax Amount (Tax Rate) x (Taxable value of your property)/100 FOR the proposal: Urbanovsky, Ture, Smith, Davidson, Horne Williams, Daugereau, and Cummings AGAINST the proposal: n/a PRESENT and not voting: n/a ABSENT: n/a The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.
This notice only applies to a taxing unit other than a special taxing unit or municipality. A tax rate of $0.05050 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of Hays County Emergency Services District No. 9 PROPOSED TAX RATE: $0.050500 per $100 NO NEW REVENUE TAX RATE: $0.044920 per $100 VOTER APPROVAL TAX RATE: $0.046540 per $100 DE MINIMIS RATE: $0.050500 per $100
A tax rate of $0.3423 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of City of Buda.
Hays Free Press • August 17, 2022 Page 9 BY BRITTANY ANDERSON BUDA — Hundreds of families gathered inside Hays CISD’s brand new elementary school to celebrate its opening and finally get to take a look into the campus they now callSunfieldhome. Elementary, the district’s 15th elementary school, held a ribbon cutting ceremony on Aug. 11. The ceremony was followed by meet the teacher, allowing parents and students to walk through the halls, meet educators and peers and get a glimpse of all of the amenities the school has to offer.Sunfield Elementary was approved by voters following the May 2021 bond election, with construction on the school beginning the following month. Located within the Sunfield subdivision in Buda, the 117,611 squarefoot campus can house up to 900 students grades kindergarten through fifth grade. The campus also features the district’s next generation prototype of elementary campus design and uniquely offers a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and AreaonCommissionerceremonialofjoinedPetrea,BoardWrightSuperintendentMacRoberts,byremarksprogram.Mathematics)Duringtheceremony,weremadePrincipalDavidHCISDEricandHCISDSchoolPresidentVanessaandwerelaterbyothermembersthedistricttocuttheribbon.HaysCountyPct.2MarkJones,behalfoftheCapitalHousingFinance Corporation, also awarded a $5,000 check to Sunfield PTA.Petrea noted that the Sunfield theupcampus.culturesaid.dobuilding.”miracleisdespitelaborsupplypandemic,schoolpains”experiencecommunityElementarygetstothe“growingofopeningafollowingaglobalunprecedentedchainissuesandshortages,andthatthesechallenges,it“reallynothingshortofathatweareinthis“Yougettobethefirsttoallofthethings,”Petrea“YougettosettheandclimateofthisYougettodreamallthoseeventsthatcommunityisgoingto come to. You get to come up with all the slogans and hashtags that everyone’s going to use. You get to start traditions that will continue for decades… I want you to remember this feeling that you have right now; the feeling of excitement and anticipation, the smell of fresh paint. It will wear off, and when the newness wears off and the rhythm has set in, I want you to remember how you feel right now and be a positive voice. Continue to stay engaged.”WhileSunfield was still getting its finishing touches, it was ready for its first day of school on Aug. 16. Sunfield Elementary officially opens HAYS CISD’S 15TH SCHOOL CELEBRATES
PROPOSED TAX RATE $0.3423 per $100 NO NEW REVENUE TAX RATE $0.2844 per $100 VOTER APPROVAL TAX RATE $0.3432 per $100
A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED TAX RATE WILL BE HELD ON September 20, 2022 AT 6:00 PM AT Buda City Hall 405 E. Loop Street, Building 100, Buda, TX 78610.
The proposed tax rate is not greater than the voter approval tax rate. As a result, City of Buda is not required to hold an election at which voters may accept or reject the proposed tax rate. However, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members of the of City of Buda at their offices or by attending the public hearing mentioned above.
The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by City of Buda last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence homestead by City of Buda this year.
FY 2023 OPERATING BUDGET A Public Hearing will be held at 6.00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. This public hearing will take place in the Buda City Council Chambers located at 405 E. Loop Street Building 100. This public hearing is in compliance with the City Charter. The purpose is to hear oral and written comments and discuss proposed uses of operating and capital funds and to consider adopting a budget allocating operating and capital funds anticipated to be available to the City of Buda during the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2022 and ending on September 30, 2023.
PHOTO BY BRITTANY ANDERSON PHOTO BY BRITTANY ANDERSON Sunfield families were joined by the Hays CISD Board of Trustees (front row) and other local city and district officials during the ceremony.
The proposed budget and capital improvements plan can be provided by the City Clerk of the City of Buda upon request anytime between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, or they can be viewed on the City’s website at Publishedwww.ci.buda.tx.usthis17th day of August, 2022 by the City of Buda. Members of the public are encouraged to attend this hearing and express their views to the City Council.
Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm 251 N. FM 1626 #2C, Buda, TX 78610 Office: (512) 312-1917 • Fax: dvthames@austin.rr.com312-0688 Thames Insurance Agency AUTO • HOME • LIFE • BOAT • HEALTH Your Business & Referrals Are Appreciated

If the district adopts a combined debt service, operation and maintenance, and contract tax rate that would result in the taxes on the average residence homestead increasing by more than eight percent, the qualified voters of the district by petition may require that an election be held to determine whether to reduce the operation and maintenance tax rate to the voter-approval tax rate under Section 49.23603, Texas Water Code.
The following table compares taxes on an average residence homestead in this taxing unit last year to taxes proposed on the average residence homestead this year 2021 2022 Last Year This Year
Page 10 Hays Free Press • August 17, 2022
NOTICE OF TAXPAYERS’ RIGHT TO ROLLBACK ELECTION If the district adopts a combined debt service, operation and maintenance, and contract tax rate that would result in the taxes on the average residence home stead increasing by more than eight percent, the qualified voters of the district by petition may require that an election be held to determine whether to reduce the operation and maintenance tax rate to the voter-approval tax rate under Section 49.23603, Texas Water Code.
Just like most school districts, the Dripping Springs ISD staff gathered on Wednesday, Aug. 10, for the districtwide back-to-school Convocation event. Employees were treated to breakfast, games, door prizes and a welcome back message.
DSISD gets ready for students BACK TO SCHOOL
Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.90/$100 $0.90/$l00 Adopted DifferenceProposed in rates per $100 of value $0.00/$100 Percentage increase/decrease in rates (+/-) N/A Average appraised value $291,764 $318,099 General exemptions available (excluding senior citizen’s or disabled person’s exemptions) $0.00 $0.00 Average taxable value $291,764 $318,099 Tax on average residence homestead $2,626 $2,863 Annual increase/decrease in taxes if proposed tax rate is adopted (+/-) + $237 and percentage of increase (+/-) + 9.02%
PHOTO COURTESY OF DSISD Superintendent Holly Morris-Kuentz spoke at DSISD Convocation.
Sunfield Municipal Utility District No. 1 (the “District”) will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2022 on September 1, 2022 at 12:30 p.m. at the following location: 1101 S. Capital of Texas Highway, Suite D110, Austin, Texas 78746. Your individual taxes may increase or decrease, depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property and the tax rate that is adopted. The 86th Texas Legisla ture modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. For the proposal: Kindra Poage, Tara Hays, Cynthia Schultz, Leisha Ehlert, and Sarah AgainstVlcek.theproposal: None. Absent, not voting: None. The following table compares taxes on an average residence homestead in this tax ing unit last year to taxes proposed on the average residence homestead this year 2021 2022 Last Year This Year
Sunfield Municipal Utility District No. 3 (the “District”) will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2022 on September 1, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. the following location: 1101 S. Capital of Texas Highway, Suite D110, Austin, Texas 78746. Your individual taxes may increase or decrease, depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property and the tax rate that is adopted. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. For the proposal : Josh Speirs, Gerald Pompa and Ricky Boyd. Against the proposal : None. Absent, not voting: Kari Edgar and Ben Godard.
Annual increase/decrease in taxes if proposed tax rate is adopted (+/-) + $341 and percentage of increase (+/-) + 12.43%
Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.90/$100 $0.90/$l00 Adopted Proposed Difference in rates per $100 of value $0.00/$100 Percentage increase/decrease in rates (+/-) N/A Average appraised value $304,777 $342,706 General exemptions available (excluding senior citizen’s or disabled person’s exemptions) $0.00 $0.00 Average taxable value $304,777 $342,706 Tax on average residence homestead $2,743 $3,084
PHOTO COURTESY OF DSISD Student performers and volunteers helped host the event.

The following table compares taxes on an average residence homestead in this taxing unit last year to taxes proposed on the average residence homestead this year.2021 2022 Last Year This Year
NOTICE OF TAXPAYERS’ RIGHT TO ROLLBACK ELECTION If the district adopts a combined debt service, operation and maintenance, and contract tax rate that would result in the taxes on the average residence homestead increasing by more than eight percent, the qualified voters of the district by petition may require that an election be held to determine whether to reduce the operation and maintenance tax rate to the voter-approval tax rate under Section 49.23603, Texas Water Code.
PHOTO COURTESY OF HCWC Melissa ExecutiveRodriguez,Director.
PHOTO BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN Gennie Viana and her daughter smile at one another after picking up her backpack from the Kiwanis Club.
BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN KYLE — The Kyle Parks and DemocratslikebusinesseswereMexicanhomesandthatMiniearrings,trinkethandmadecraftsLLC,attendedCharsaidandbusinesses.andwhilestrolledattendingHartsonSaturdayofDepartmentRecreationhostedoneitsKyleMarketDaysatMaryKyleCitySquarePark.CommunitymembersthemarketthroughtheparklisteningtoDJ2DQsupportingsmall“Icomefortheplantsfortheartsandcrafts,”communitymemberFlippo.About40localvendorstheevent.ArrowmoundStudioasmallartsandbusinessthatmakesclaypins,dishesandstudandMaravillaBoutique,aboutiqueaimstobringculturecolortopeople’sthroughauthenticArtisanalitems,acoupleofthesmallinattendance.PoliticalorganizationstheKyle/BudaArea(KBAD),Hays
Hays Free Press • August 17, 2022 Page 11
County Republicans and Kyle Republicans were also in attendance to help register voters and talk to community members about candidates for upcoming elections. Aside from businesses, local organizationscommunityalso attended to raise money for their organization. The Wallace Middle School Royals Dance Team was selling bags of popcorn and other concession items to fundraise for a second dance competition this year.After walking around in the Texas heat, community members were also invited to stop and get fresh lemonade from Troop 1948, an all-girl BSA Troop chartered by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12058 in Kyle. People could also purchase food from KnightFire BBQ, a food truck that sells a variety of brisket and pulled pork food items. The Kiwanis Club of Kyle-Buda was also in attendance to distribute donations of backpacks filled with school supplies. Community member and parent Gennie Viana said the Kiwanis Club was helpful in supporting families situations.challengingthroughfinancial“It’sreallynicethat the community brought us together and gave us a helping hand,” Viana said. Susan Reyna, KyleBuda Kiwanis Bikes for Books chair, said about 400 kids pre-registered to receive donations. The organization expects to distribute over 500 backpacks filled with school supplies for each grade“We’relevel.just super grateful to all our sponsors,” Reyna said. The Kiwanis Club had 32 sponsors, including Target, the Kyle and Buda police departments, Johnny G. Barber Shop and the Kyle Area Senior Zone. The next Kyle Market Days will be on Sept. 24 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Mary Kyle Hartson City Square Park. Market Days continue to be successful LOCAL
PHOTO BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN DJ 2DQ is announcing the performance of the Wallace Middle School Dance Team.
Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.90/$100 $0.90/$100 Adopted Proposed Difference in rates per $100 of value $0/$100 Percentage increase/decrease in rates (+/-) 0% Average appraised value N/A N/A General exemptions available (excluding senior citizen’s or disabled person’s exemptions) N/A N/A Average taxable value N/A N/A Tax on average residence homestead N/A N/A Annual increase/decrease in taxes if proposed tax rate is adopted (+/-) N/A and percentage of increase (+/-) N/A
BY MEGAN WEHRING HAYS COUNTY –The Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center (HCWC) is receiving a $644,000 grant – which is considered to be a blessing following the pandemic. The Hays to-daycapital,capitalaCOVID-19,andshutdownslossexpensesfromusesoperatingforfunds.andspentactioninvestmentsforashowtheThimportantsomethingfundssaidmeasured.”inprovidesthefiarehowSmithwefacility,thetoHCWCAug.atwasMarkforwardThRecoveryPlanofapprovedCommissionersCountyCourttheallocationtheAmericanRescueandtheLocalFiscalFundonAug.9.eagendaitem,broughtbycommissionersJonesandWaltSmith,discussedbythecourtthepreviousmeetingon2.“Afterworkingwiththeforalmosttwoyearsfindawaytoaddressneedsfortheirnewitwasobviousthathadtodosomething,”said.“Ican’ttellyouexcitedIamthatweabletoprovidethisnancialreliefbecauseassistancetheHCWCthemostvulnerableourcommunitycan’tbeThecommissionerstheybelievetheARParebeingusedforworthwhileandinHaysCounty.eyalsoacknowledgedneedtoaccuratelytrackthefundswereused,theuseofgrantmoneyprohibitedexpensesormayresultinantorecoverfundsnotaccordingtotheruleslawsgoverningsuchGrantfundsmaybeusedanyofHCWC’snormalworkingcapitaltomitigateandrecovertheextraordinaryandrevenueresultingfromtheandotherdirectindirectimpactsofaccordingtonewsrelease.Workingistheamountofwhichisusedinday-operations,including, but not limited to items such as payroll, rent, inventory, utilities and interest on loans.“We appreciate all the members of the court for making this funding plan a reality,” Jones said. “This grant allows the staff at the center to provide the much-needed services to the community, many of which were hindered during the pandemic.”MelissaRodriguez, chief executive officer for HCWC, explained how the center will benefit from the grant money.“This funding will restore funds to our newly opened transitional housing program, Marla’s Place. Building an 18-apartment complex with two Early Head Start classrooms onsite during the pandemic created overages, delays and unexpected increases that needed to be completed in a timely manner,” Rodriguez said. “These funds will directly impact our ability to deliver programming as planned to the 18 families that will need assistance throughout their time with our program. We are also prepared to utilize the funding to benefit the community we serve by meeting the increased demand for services. One effect of the pandemic has been an increased need for our McCoy Emergency Shelter program. Not only are we operating at capacity, but we are also now in need of additional space to accommodate additional families at our shelter and these funds will ensure we are able to meet that dire need.”This is not the first time the HCWC has seen support from the county, Rodriguez explained. Prior to Tuesday’s contribution, there was an initial $600,000 grant before breaking ground on Marla’s Place.“With the county’s support, the citizens of Hays County will have access to the only transitional housing program in our community for decades to come,” Rodriguez said. “Families served at Marla’s Place will be able to access affordable housing, onsite quality early education for their young children, receive counseling services for themselves and their children and individualized case management to work on goals to not only heal from their trauma but work towards self-sufficiency for theirLastfamilies.”year,HCWC served 2,023 adults, youth and children – 1,539 of those were from Hays County and all received direct face-toface services for domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or child abuse.“Ifeel truly grateful for this level of support, especially during such an uncertain time in our history,” Rodriguez said. “The nonprofit business sector is completely dependent on funding availability and community donations from individuals, foundations, groups and businesses. With our economy and government funding in a state of flux at any given time, it is truly a blessing to know our community cares about the people we serve every day.”
Sunfield Municipal Utility District No. 4 (the “District”) will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2022 on September 1, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. the following location: 1101 S. Capital of Texas Highway, Suite D110, Austin, Texas 78746. Your individual taxes may increase or decrease, depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property and the tax rate that is adopted. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. For the proposal : Lance LeBrun, Nichol Peterson-Kros, and Ali AgainstJenkins. the proposal : None. Absent, not voting: Nicole Leventhal and Adrienne Donatucci.
Hays County grants ARP funding to HCWC Kyle
Wallace Middle School Dance Team Co-Captain Kaelyn Ortiz and Lt. Ariella Garza performing a routine in front of the pavilion.

u 512.268.7862 u www.HaysFreePress.com The Fall 2022 Echo special edition will be distributed in the Hays Free Press and the News-Dispatch on September 28, 2022 To reserve your space, contact Kim at
JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
BY MEGAN WEHRING DRIPPING SPRINGS A local senior competed at a national of quali cation, archers went head-to-head in individual elimination matches, leading to the crowning of the National Champions.Keepingcool under pressure was a theme for several archers, including Dripping Springs High School senior Natalie Hong.Competing in the Recurve U21 (Junior) Women division, Hong garnered sixth in the quali cations but advanced through the elimination round to land herself in the gold medal match against Grace Lum, where she won 6-5. “I kept shooting my best shots and I was patient because I knew it was going to be a marathon. I kept telling myself that at the end of the day, the best shooter would nish on top,” Hong said in a press release.Fullresults can be found at event/1592.tournament/1029/betweenends.com/https://www. Hong named archery champion Kyle, TX 78640 512-268-7862
offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, including: Equipment Operators Excavation Laborers • Concrete Workers • Route Auditors • Customer Care Reps, and more! Offeringupto forselectpositions*On-SiteInterviews$8k JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle TX 78640 Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, including: • Drivers • Mechanics Offeringuptoforselect$8k JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle TX 78640 JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 Positions Available include: • Drivers • Mechanics • Equipment Operators • Excavation Laborers • Concrete Workers • Route Auditors • Customer Care Reps and More! TDS IS NOW HIRING! Find your career with us. Join the TDS family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid leave and paid holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, including: $8KOfferingupto forselectpositions*On-SiteInterviews Let's celebrate! Tabloid sizes and rates: Full Page ..............................................$600 (10”w x 10”h) Half Page .............................................$315 (4.9375”w x 10”h or 10”w x 4.8125”h) Quarter Page .......................................$175 (4.9375”w x 4.8125”h) Full Color Available Full Page $75 Half Page ..............................................................$60 Quarter Page or Smaller .......................................$50 Grandparent's Day is September 11, 2022 Help us celebrate those that make our world a little softer,a little kinder, and a little warmer with our: 2022 Grandparent's Day Edition Publication date: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 Potentialreadershipofover8,000 (includingallsubscribers.) ReserveyouradspacebyWednesday,August24,2022 Hays Free Press News-Dispatch 113 W. Center Street, Kyle, Texas 78640 Contact Kimberly at kim@haysfreepress.co512-268-7862 m For more information, or to reserve your space, contact Kim at 512-268-7862 kim@haysfreepress.com.or Deadline is AugustWednesday,24 113 W. Center Street, Kyle, TX 78640 • 512.268.7862 www.HaysFreePress.com Brought to you by
Page 12 News-Dispatch • August 17, 2022
Join the TDS Family. We
Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle TX 78640
or kim@haysfreepress.com. Deadline is Friday, September 2. HeritageHispanicEdition Fall 2022 Premium Inside Covers, Page 3 $1100 This special edition will recognize the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of Hays County. For kim@haysfreepress.com.information,moreortoreserveyourspace,contactKimat512-268-7862or Deadline is Friday, September 2 113 W. Center Street, Kyle, TX 78640 • 512.268.7862 www.HaysFreePress.com Brought to you by JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle TX 78640 Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle TX 78640 Apply at TexasDisposal.com or call 512.329.1778 for more information. Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, including: Drivers • Mechanics • Equipment Operators • Excavation Laborers Concrete Workers • Route Auditors • Customer Care Reps, and more! * Certain exclusions apply.
BULLSEYE! PHOTO COURTESY OF DSISD This special edition will recognize the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of Hays ThCounty.isfull color glossy magazine will be distributed to subscribers, newsracks and will also be available at businesses in Hays County – reaching over 10,000 readers in the community. BackPremiumCover: $1200 Brought to you by 113 W. Center Street,