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DRIPPING SPRINGS – Growing up in a family who loved the autumn season and planned their own pumpkin patches, Christopher Durst was inspired to create the Dripping Springs Pumpkin Festival.Thefestival was created in 2021 after its founders discovered that the Dr. Pound Historical Farmstead was in need of repair and renovation – the space was shuttered at the time. Durst, the festival’s principal founder, has been organizing pumpkin patches with his family for nearly 30 years. Durst considers the Farmstead to be a true Texas treasure as it was the first settlement in what is now known as the city of Dripping Springs. Durst and his team wanted to benefit both a nonprofit organization and the local community, leading them to decide to give a portion of the proceeds from the festival to the Farmstead. “[The Farmstead] is why Dripping Springs exists,” Durst explained. “The first church, the first school [and] the first medical center. It was a community gathering point. It was first settled in 1854. People rode in their wagons for a day or two to come here and all meet in this area. The family did a lot for the Whilecommunity.”theproduction of the Dripping Springs Pumpkin Festival is an expensive endeavor, Durst said it is all worth it in the end to see the joy on the community’s faces. “It’s certainly worth it,” Durst said. “When you see the community out here –parents, all of the kids and everybody having a good time, that’s what really makes it worth it to us.” Since the 2021 festival, Durst said his team has developed a good relationship with the city’s staff, Dripping Springs City Council, Dripping Springs Parks and Recreation Department and the board that oversees the Farmstead property.“Weare really excited to continue it and I’m looking forward to it being an annual tradition for families,” Durst said.Opening weekend for the Dripping Springs Pumpkin Festival will take place Sept. 24 and Sept. 25. The full festival will run through Monday, Oct. 31 with each weekend featuring different themes and activities. Weekend admission is $10 and weekday admission is $5.For more information about the festival, including activity and ticket details, please visit pumpkinfestival.com/.drippingsprings

DRIPPING SPRINGS – Fifty songwriters will be performing in a three-day festival in Dripping Springs. The eighth annual Dripping SongwritersSpringsFestival will take place from Oct. 14 through Oct. 16 in historic downtown Dripping Springs – the songwriters will perform on eight unique stages, said Pam Owens, President/ CEO of the DS Visitors Bureau. “Our festival has a great reputation throughout the songwriter community, and this year we had 243 talented songwriters apply – so we know we have picked 50 excellent artists to perform. They represent many genres, including country, Americana, rock, and blues. And we’re excited to bring the Headliners Concert back, too.”
Dripping Springs to host 8th annual Songwriters Festival SUPPORTING LOCAL MUSICIANS CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Residents are welcome to attend the Dripping Springs Songwriters Festival in October. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO TEXAS ROLLER DERBY HOSTS FALL TRYOUTS – PAGE 3

The BartonNews-DispatchPublications,Inc. The News-Dispatch (USPS 011-401) published weekly by Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. Periodicals postage paid at Buda, TX 78610 and additional mailing offices.
Dripping Springs Pumpkin Festival returns for second year GO BIG OR GOURD HOME!
The Dripping Springs Pumpkin Festival is coming back in full swing, beginning Sept. 24, at the Dr. Pound Historical Farmstead – which is the first settlement in the Dripping Springs area, nestled near heritage oak trees including one that is at least 500 years old.

Pumpkins sit in a wagon at the 2021 Dripping Springs Pumpkin Festival.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Barton Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 339, Buda, TX 78610. ISSN#1087-9323
The Headliners Concert on Saturday night is back after a five-year hiatus with this year’s show at Mercer Dancehall featuring Aaron Barker, Leslie Satcher, and David Lee. The writers, who will be singing inthe-round, have authored songs recorded by George Strait, Willie Nelson, the Oak Ridge Boys, Trace Adkins, Martina McBride, Pam Tillis, Gretchen Wilson, Patty Loveless, Vince Gill, Sheryl Crow, Stevie Nicks and Maren Morris. Ticket details for the headliner concert and more information about the festival can be found springs-songwriters-festival.com/p/events/dripping-destinationdrippingsprings.at
51 Serving Hays

People of all ages are welcome at the 2022 Dripping Springs Pumpkin Festival, where they will find several activities including face painting.

Page 2 Hays Free Press/News Dispatch • September 7, 2022
The Texas Department of Transportation is looking to preserveaddresstransportationimprovesafety,congestionandroadwayswith a new roadway construction plan.The 2023 statewide.investmentprojectsthanwayengineering,planning,development,contractsforoveradditionalwillgenerationsbusinessesmobilitytransportationtowegrowTexasmoreboominginfrastructureboonroadways$85statewidetransportationyearcommunities.urban,needsaddressingisTransportation"TxDOT'ssaidisTexansmetourtransportationworkingplan.billionAugust,Greg(UTP),TransportationUnifiedProgramadoptedbyGov.Abbottattheendofisanadvanced$8510-yearstatewide"TheStateofTexasistoensuretheneedsoffast-growingstateareandthatthesafetyofontheroadwaysprotected,"Abbottinanewsrelease.2023UnifiedProgramacriticalsteptowardthediverseofTexansinrural,andmetropolitanThis10-plantoaddressneedsanddedicatebilliontoimprovewillbeahugetoourstate'sandeconomy.Aspeoplemovetoandbusinessesacrossthestate,areworkingtogethermakesureTexans'safetyandaresecuredandcanflourishfortocome."TheUTPfundscoincidewithan$32billiontheprogram'sliferoutinemaintenanceandprojectsuchasprofessionalandright-of-acquisitionformore7,000transportationandatotalof$117billion

HAYS COUNTY – A local administrator was recognized for her commitment to her students.SuziMitchell, Hays CISD’s Career Technical Education Director, was named one of 11 administrators from across the U.S. to earn the 2022-2023 Outstanding Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Administrator award – which recognizes outstanding educational leaders for commitmenttheirto providing students with meaningful learning experiences through PLTW programs. Each year, PLTW honors teachers and administrators across the network who play an immeasurable role to prepare students to thrive in college, careers and beyond. “Suzi, who has been a part of our Hays CISD team since 2013, has played an instrumental role in the exponential growth of our district's CTE programs,” a Hays CISD representative stated. “Today, Hays CISD CTE offers

INFRASTRUCTURE TxDOT announces $85 billion transportation plan Thousand of vehicles drive Austin highways every day.Children’s ENT Ear Tube Placement Tonsil & Adenoid Surgery Minimally Invasive Sinus Surgery Nose & Sinus Endoscopic Sinus Surgery In office Balloon Sinuplasty Throat, Head & Neck Sleep Hoarseness/VocalApnea Cord Dysfunction LOCKHART 1005 W. San Antonio#A Lockhart, TX 78644 (512) 444 7944 Dammert,Mark M.D. Schwab,Brian M.D. Yium,MichaelM.D.AmberBass,Au.D. Ear & Hearing Hearing & Balance Evaluation Chronic Ear Infections Dizziness & Vertigo Tinnitus (Ringing in Ears) Ruptured Ear Drum Thyroid & Parathyroid Ultrasound & Needle Biopsy Thyroid & Parathyroid Surgery Allergy Comprehensive Allergy Testing Allergy Shots & Drops Comprehensive ENT Care for All Ages Diagnostic Hearing Tests Comprehensive Hearing Exams Immittance Testing OAE, VNG and VRA Testing www.AustinENT.com Hearing Aid Services & Sales Hearing Aid Services Hearing Aid Sales, Programming Fittings, Cleanings & Repairs Earmolds & Custom Ear Plugs Hearing Protection KYLE 1180 Seton Parkway Suite 420 Kyle, TX 78640 (512) 268 5282 TWO LOCATIONS IN YOUR AREA HAVING VISION PROBLEMS? IT COULD BE CATARACTS Schedule your visit today www.HowertonEye.com512.443.9715 SPECIALIZING IN: • Cataract Surgery • Premium IOL Implants • Lasik • Macular• GlaucomaSurgeryMedicalandSurgicalDegeneration Kyle Office 5401 FM 1626, Ste 365 Kyle, TX 78640 Southwest Austin Office 5625 Eiger Rd, Ste 100 Austin, TX 78735 Austin Office 2610 S IH-35 Austin, TX 78704 Three locations to serve you 512-858-5159 Texasfriendlyhometownbank 401 E. Hwy 290W. P.O. Box 1243 Dripping Springs, TX 78620 We proudly support our hometown talent BY MEGAN WEHRING

career[s]needthemexperiencesreal-world,youngstudents,prestigiousCongratulationsandEngineering,Technology,includingcertificationsnumerousandclassesBiomedicalAerospaceCosmetologysomuchmore.Suzionthishonor.”PLTWbelievesthatallbeginningataage,needaccesstoappliedlearningthat“empowertogaintheskillstheytothriveincollege,andbeyond.” Suzi nationallyrecognizedMitchell Suzi Mitchell

“The UTP reflects a continued focus on improving transportation safety as the top priority, maintaining our current system, addressing traffic congestion, and improving statewide connectivity over the next decade,” said J. Bruce Bugg, Jr., TxDOT approvedagriculturaltheof2014inperiod,billiontheinitiativesstateandandthatvoter-approvedthroughprojectsconnectivityRoadwaysTexas'segmentsUTPlargesttopinitiative,ourpartscongestionprogressweChairman.Commission“Additionally,aremakingsignificantinaddressinginourbusiestofthestatethroughTexasClearLaneswhichimproveschokepointsinourmetroareas.”Manyprojectsintheplanareroadwayidentifiedon100MostCongestedlistandcriticalcorridors.Thewillbefundedlegislativeandinitiativesallocateportionsofoilgastaxes,salestaxes,othermoneytothehighwayfund.ThesehaveincreasedUTPbyover$50overthe10-yearwith$34.3billionprojectsapprovedintheUTPinAugust2013.Withruralregionsthestatesupportingcriticalenergyandindustries,theplanincludes a historic increase in funding to $14 billion for projects in rural areas. The 2023 UTP allocates nearly $7.4 billion for projects in the Austin District, including: · I-35 Capital Express Central project - $4.5 billion·US 281 Blanco County project - $87.1 million · Loop 360 at Courtyard Drive/RM 2222 project$58.6 million · SH 71 from Riverside Drive to US 183 - $31.2 millionThe$8.5 billion of average annual investment programmed in the UTP over the next 10 years is expected to yield an estimated $15.5 billion per year in economic benefits, according to the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. These benefits are a result of increased labor income and business output, as well as the addition of 58,500 direct and indirect jobs. The UTP is a planning document that authorizes highway projects for development and construction. Additionally, the UTP identifies public byProjectsandmaritime,transportation,aviation,railinvestments.areselectedTxDOTandlocal transportation leaders based on effectiveness in addressing criteria such as safety, pavement condition, capacity, and rural connectivity, with opportunities for public input at both the state and local growth“Texas’levels.rapidreinforces the importance of investing in transportation to efficiently move both people and freight across our diverse state," said Marc Williams, TxDOT Executive Director, in a news release. "TxDOT is working hard to not only build the new roads and transportation capacity Texas needs but to maintain the more than 80,000 miles of roads and other

Hays Free Press/News Dispatch • September 7, 2022 Page 3 BY BRITTANY ANDERSON
BUDA – Skaters are welcome to the Texas Roller Derby’s (TXRD) bi-annual Roller Rookie tryouts.TXRD, a full-contact banked track roller derby league, was founded in Austin in 2001 – it’s often credited with the revival of the modern roller derby movement. The skater-owned league is operated by and welcomes all femaleidentifying, non-binary and gender nonconforming skaters. Skaters can attend the tryouts from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 10, or 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 11 at the Texas Roller Derby

Kayley Goldsmith, DVM H Elizabeth Garriott, DVM H Michelle Kurkowski, DVM 6300 FM 1327 (East of I35 and Creedmoor) Austin, TX 78747 Give us a call at 512-385-0486

____” 5 TXism: “get your ducks in _ ___” 6 weather’s “El ____” 7 El Paso’s first female mayor Suzy 8 Mills County seat 16 popular Dallas area “West ___” 17 mineral springs (2 wds.) 21 Gov. “__” Ferguson 22 TX
Banjo, 2-year-old, Australian Shepherd mix, Male: Banjo is a sweet, goofy boy with those he trusts. He has an adjustment period for Banjo to get to know new people and he can be quite suspicious of strangers. He knows “sit, lay, shake” and possibly more. Yonder, 3-year-old, Domestic Short hair mix, Female: Yonder is an extremely sweet kitty that enjoys lounging in a patch of sun. She appreciates the quiet moments in life and would love to share those with you (she’s also down to play with you on occasion)! your Laura Farr of the of the Kiowa chief of the Plains” style foam TXism: “at my end” (frazzled) TX Helmond’s role on “Who’s the Boss” European political org. (abbr.) TX LeDoux’s “_____’ ___ Dollar” a rapper’s “dog” TXism: “___ as a boardinghouse cat” art in oil it’s scored when an Astro crosses the plate (2 wds.) ____brush TXism: “nip __ __ ___ ___” TX “Bandit Queen” Starr TXism: “not a lick” 43 Lou Gossett role on Texas-based “Return to Lonesome Dove” 1 owner of 92 Texas Domino restaurants: “Mac Pizza __________ ___” 2 state where TX Johnny Ringo died 3 Pres. Reagan 4 Texas “flamingocotillo,wildfloweraka_____” 9 TXism: “_____ the unvarnished truth” 10 “his and ____” 11 there’s a mess of ___marts in Texas 12 this Ladd starred in “Santiago” with TX Chill Wills (init.) 44 TXism: “keep your eyeballs ______” 45 noted TX poet Crowell (init.) 46 19th governor, Ross (init.) (1886-90) 47 TXism: “the ___ __ in the fire” (in trouble) 48 in Seguin: “Texas ________ University” 50 ____ Park, TX 51 TXism: “___-horse town”13 TX Dan Jenkins’ “Life ___ ___self” 14 TXism for “thing” 15 TXism: “____ bien” 18 hubby

PAWS Shelter of Central Texas is a non-profit, no-kill shelter operated primarily on donations and adoptions. 500 FM 150 E, Kyle, TX • 512 268-1611 • pawsshelter.org All animals are fully vaccinated, spay/neutered, microchipped and dewormed.

Thunderdome, located at 1131 South Loop 4 in Buda.Noexperience is necessary to try out. All skaters who are 21-years-old and with-us-/15.square.site/shop/skate-texas-roller-derby.can(banked)theyteachwheremonthbegintoskatersrentgear–Tryoutskatersgender-expansivenon-binary,female-identifying,older,transandarewelcome.admissionis$10skatesandprotectiveareavailabletoatnocost.Thewhoareselectedmoveforwardwillanintensivethree-trainingprogramtrainerswillthemalltheskillswillneedtohitthetrack.Ticketinformationbefoundathttps:// Texas Roller Derby to host
24 hair
With Hays CISD’s growth rate, future schools are always on the horizon. Pictured is Sunfield Elementary, now completed and open for its first school year, during construction in 2021. Sunfield was part of the 2021 bond that passed last May and is the district’s 15th elementary school.

of 21-across 19 TXism: “if a hog had wings he’d be __ _____” 20 lightly fried 22 famous Rice QB of the 1950’s (2 wds.) 24 TX runner Mal who won 3 gold medals (init.) 25 TX V.T. Hamlin created “Alley ___” 26 fictitious sister of TX Ima Hogg 27 Texan activity in Colorado 28 seat of PatricioSanCounty 29 TXism: “got a hankerin’ for” 30 in Bowie County on U.S. 67 33 not yours 34 TXism: “he couldn’t beat a ____” 35 Marble _____, TX 37 these are now illegal in Texas 38 TXism: “he shoots _____’ eye bullets” 40 TXism: “me casa __ __ casa” 41 TX barbed wire tycoon: John “___ _ Million” Gates 44 “chute” or “graph” prefix 47 less than 49 Dallas Cowboys’ “Ring of _____”P-1601 2322 29 34 37 30 31 33 21 38 35 40 41 44 32 47 39 46 9 19 43 45 36 48 49 52 sidekick“neither” 53 George H.W. to George W. (abbr.) The Texas Crossword and Sudoku Puzzle D & D Insurance agency Serving Hays County since 1983 “Call us for all of your insurance needs” Angie Dahl Wimberley: 512-847-5549 or 512-847-9325 Dripping Springs: 512-894-2286 sponsored by Hays Free Press Call us with news or feature ideas! 512-268-7862 Hays CISD FBOC to look into future bond IS ANOTHER BOND ON THE HORIZON? 'BE YOUR OWN HERO' CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Pioneers” 23
Some of the current draft plans include: • Elementary school #17 construction•Designfees for elementary school #18 • Design fees for high school #4 •
Renovations/additions to Johnson HS, Lehman HS and Hays HS, Dahlstrom MS and Kyle ES, including increasing capacity at Johnson HS and Hays HS • Various projects to benefit OrosconeedsthingsmakeconveylikeforthbeingtheEsperanzaTomreplacements,repairs,awningprojectsroomsincludingextracurricularsfieldturf,weightandfineartshalls•Othermaintenancesuchasroof,andwindowpaintandfurniturenamelyatGreenESandKyleES•FuturebusesBoardmemberOroscostressedimportanceofschoolsproactiveinbringingitemsthattheywouldtoseeonabond.“Idon’tknowhowtotoprincipalstosuretobringthesethataredefinitelyontheircampus,”said.“Idon't want to wait until the last minute like we’ve had to do on some of the bonds where it’s like, ‘Oh this was vital, this is so important,’ but this was brought late to the FBOC and brought directly to us [the board] during public forum. I want to convey to the principals that they need to bring these needs, and we need to have a plan on how to address it. … We don’t want people to sit on it. Teachers need to let their administrators know if they see something, to bring those ideas forward. We don’t know what we don’t know. We’re not on the campus everyDuringday.”the public forum portion of the meeting, FBOC chair Jessica Bedwell suggested that the district move away from having “really large packages every few years” to smaller, more frequent packages. “It’s easier to manage for all of us,” Bedwell said. “The issue becomes, when they get super huge and take a long time to complete, [that] our budget estimates get further off, and that has unpleasant results.” Echoing do2023,thesense,goes“bondthereWillsentiments,Bedwell’sboardmemberMcManussaidthatshouldbesomefatigue”ifthedistricteveryyear.“Woulditmakemoreratherthanaskingvotersforallofthisintosaywecanreally2023,2024,and2025, and sort of spread those out amongst three years and make them into more manageable chunks?” McManus said. While some kinks still need to be worked out — including the size and cost of the bond and prioritizing projects to ensure needs are being adequately met, especially at older campuses — board president Vanessa Petrea said this is the “whole gamut” of what the committee will be considering, giving the board an opportunity to see the full road map. With the board’s approval to charge the committee with making a recommendation, a bond election could take place in May 2023.
HAYS COUNTY — With how quickly Hays CISD is growing, the district utilizes bonds in order to keep up with these changes and address campus areas that need improvement — and a 2023 bond may be on the horizon.TheHays CISD Board of Trustees unanimously voted to charge the Facilities and Bond Oversight Committee (FBOC) with “losingforumsbreakcanDecember,”recommendationstuff“likesTheofficiallyiscomeFBOCMaxChief29futurerecommendationsdevelopingforabondduringtheAug.boardmeeting.AccordingtoHaysCISDOperationsOfficerCleaver,statutorily,thehasuntilFebruarytoupwithaplan,whichwhentheboardwouldcallforabond.committee,however,totrytogetallourtogetherandbringabackbythatwaytheycomebackfromwinterandholdpublicinJanuarywithoutsteam.”
pet’s health since 1978 1 2 3 4 8765 10 11 12 13 14 15 1816 17 24 25 26 27 Copyright 2022 by Orbison Bros. CROSSWORDTEXAS by Charley & Guy Orbison 20 28 42 50515253 ACROSS DOWN 1 TX Tommy Lee Jones 1978 film: “Eyes of
Committed to
The Texas Department of Transportation has adopted a 10-year statewide roadway construction plan with a record $85 billion price tag, officials announced last week. The Unified Transportation Plan authorizes the distribution of construction money that is expected to be available during the next decade. Within that framework, TxDOT works with elected officials and local planning organizations, as well as the public, to pick and fund the state’s highest priority transportation projects. In addition to highways the UTP addresses public transportation, aviation, rail, maritime, and freight and international trade. Many projects in the plan are highways identified on the state’s 100 most congested roadways list. “The UTP reflects a continued focus on improving transportation safety as the top priority, maintaining our current system, addressing traffic congestion, and improving statewide connectivity over the next decade,” said TxDOT Commission Chairman J. Bruce Bugg, Jr. Funding for UTP comes from “legislative and voterapproved initiatives that allocate portions of oil and gas taxes, sales taxes, and other money to the state highway fund,” according to the TxDOT news release. RRC approves final rule for gas weatherizationplant More than 18 months after Winter Storm Uri shut down much of the state’s electric grid, the Texas Railroad Commission last week adopted the state’s first weatherization rules requiring natural gas facilities to protect gas flow to power plants. “These new rules ensure our state’s natural gas supply chain is prepared for extreme heat and freezing cold,” said RRC Chairman Wayne Christian. “These rules will ensure that the natural gas facilities Texans rely on for reliable energy are operational when we need it
NEWS TIPS If you think it’s news, we probably do too!
$1violationsFinesmost.” foradministrativecouldreachuptomillion.
Grim year for Texas cotton growers Cotton production has been largely wiped out this year by drought and extreme heat, the Texas Tribune reported. The loss to farmers mainly in the Texas High Plains will be at least $2 billion, according to the Tribune.TexasanddirectorBrantsupplementalforthetheiranimals.forcingbeenpasturespoordrought.sufferingTechCompetitivenessCenterInternationalforAgriculturalatTexasUniversity. Cottonisn’ttheonlycropfromtheheatandCorncropsareincondition,andmanyforcattlehaveextraordinarilydry,rancherstoselltheir“They’vehadtoliquidatecattleherdsduetofactthatthere’snothingthecattletoeatwithoutfeeding,”Wilbourn,associateofcommodityregulatoryactivitiesatFarmBureau,toldthe
• Newsroom Kyle,news@haysfreepress.com512-268-7862phone:E-mail:Mail:113W.CenterSt.,TX78640
We welcome locally written letters to the editor on timely topics of community interest. We ask that you keep them to about 350 words in length and that you not indulge in personal attacks on private individ uals. Letters may be edited for brevity and clarity. All letters should be signed by the author and include a daytime phone number where the author can be contacted for verification. Letter writers are limited to one letter per month. Letters can be emailed to news@haysfreepress.com.
COVID-19 workers’ comp claims updated More than 90,000 COVID-19 compensationworkers’cases have been reported in Texas, along with 459 fatalities, according to the state Department of themoreCompensation.Workers’Slightlythanhalf(51%)ofclaimsand55%of the fatalities involved first responders and correctional officers. Most of the benefits paid were for employer salary continuation or indemnity benefits in the cases of fatalities. The information was gathered through a conference call with 74 selected insurance carriers. COVID-19 cases, fatalities show little change The number of new cases of COVID-19 reported in the past week in Texas stayed steady at 56,734, with 183 deaths reported by the Coronavirus Resource Center at Johns Hopkins University. That is little changed from the previous week. DSHS reported 2,598 lab-confirmed comparablestatehospitalizationsCOVID-19intheasofFriday,alsotolastweek.
CORRECTIONS Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may appear in the pages of the Hays Free Press will be cor rected upon being brought to the attention of the publisher.
NBC gave Roger Miller, the hottest solo act in show business, an hour a week of prime-time television on Sep. 12, 1966. The Depression baby was still in diapers, when his father died in his twenties from spinal meningitis. Unable to care for her three sons, Roger’s desperate mother gave one each to a trio of brothers and disappeared from her children’s lives. That was why Roger Dean Miller grew up on a farm in western Oklahoma instead of his birthplace, Fort Worth. He never felt at home with his adoptive family, which treated him like an extra pair of cottonpicking hands. The lonely youngster’s only friend was Sheb Wooley, a local lad 15 years his senior and a cousin by marriage. Wooley, best known for the novelty hit “Purple People Eater,” taught the boy how to play the guitar and bought him his first Rogerfiddle.ranaway from the unhappy home the summer before his senior year of high school. Before long he was behind bars, arrested for stealing a guitar. Given the choice of jail or the army, he picked military service.Theday he was discharged, Roger caught a bus for the capital of country music. The exsoldier found a job as a bellhop in a Nashville hotel. Anyone trapped in the elevator with him instantly became a captive audience for his latest lyrics. Roger eventually got his foot in the door as a fiddler for Minnie Pearl’s road band. Soon after that, he met George Jones at a radio station and the established star graciously listened to several of his creations. The fellow Texan liked what he heard and arranged an audition for Roger with Mercury-Starday Records. The music executives were impressed enough to schedule a recording session in Houston. On the car ride to Texas, Jones and Roger collaborated on a number of songs, including “Tall, Tall Trees,” which Jones cut in the spring of 1957.Married and with a baby on the way, Roger reluctantly decided to put his dream on hold. But even in Amarillo, where he worked as a fireman, destiny tracked him down. In less than a year, Ray Price hired him as tour singer for the Cherokee Cowboys. Back in Nashville, Roger wrote “Invitation to the Blues” for Price, which shot up to No. 3 on the countrymusic chart. In short order he turned out Top Ten hits for Ernest Tubb, Faron Young and Jim Reeves. But as the 1950s drew to a close, the successful songwriter was far from satisfied. He wanted to perform his own material, and RCA agreed to help him to do exactly that. However, except for “When Two Worlds Collide,” No. 6 in 1961, the Top Ten was unreachable for Roger. RCA dropped him in late 1963, about the same time his marriage selfdestructed.Rogertook the setback in stride because he already had taken a different career path -- television. A guest appearance on the “Tonight Show,” courtesy of substitute host Jimmy Dean, had left millions of viewers in stitches. America could not get enough of his off-beat sense of humor. Roger needed cash in a hurry in order to move to California, and a pop-music subsidiary of Mercury Records answered his prayers. Smash Records offered him $100 a song for 15 cuts to be recorded in two back-to-back sessions. That historic songfest on Jan. 10-11, 1964 produced “Dang Me,” written in four minutes in an Arizona hotel room, and “Chug-a-Lug.” Within six months, the latter conquered both the pop and country charts, and the former repeated the unusual feat that fall. On Nov. 3, 1964, Roger recorded his signature classic. “King of the Road” was released in early 1965 and took the music world by storm, staying atop the country chart for five weeks and peaking at No. 4 on the pop list. By May it had sold a million copies. The previous month, Roger won five Grammys, the musical equivalent of the Oscar. He proved he was no flash in the pan by adding six more in 1965 for a career total of 11. In September 1966, Roger’s postponed wish came true with a variety show of his own on network television. But he could not get the hang of the smallscreen format, and NBC canceled “The Roger Miller Show” after 13 weeks. A fresh challenge brought Roger out of semiretirement in the early 1980s. A college professor talked him into writing the score for a musical based on the Mark Twain character Huckleberry Finn. “Big River” was, according to an admiring critic, Roger’s achievement.”“crowningTheTony he received for best score was the first ever awarded to a country-music artist. While on a comeback tour in 1991, Roger was diagnosed with lung cancer. He put up a good-natured fight but succumbed to the disease the following October.Before his premature death at the age of 56, Roger Miller said he did not care how he was remembered. “I just don’t want to be forgotten.” With so many devoted fans, there is no chance of that ever happening. “Murder Most Texan” is a must read for fans of true crime and Texas history. Order your copy for $24.00 by mailing a check to Bartee Haile, P.O. Box 130011, Spring, TX 77393.
Publisher Ashley Kontnier Editor Megan Navarro (Wehring) Brittany Anderson Amira Van Leeuwen Photographers Wayland Clark Albert Sanchez Proofreaders Jane Kirkham Production Assistant Elizabeth Garcia Office Manager Arlene Monroe
Circulation/Classifieds Arlene Monroe Distribution Kimberlee Griffon Abbie Dougherty Joe Urbach 113 W. Center St., Kyle, TX
Gar harvest drawing now underway Anglers itching for a chance to catch a large alligator gar can sign up through Sept. 30 to enter a drawing through Texas Parks & Wildlife to legally do so on a stretch of the Trinity River that goes from Dallas through East Texas. A total of 150 anglers will have the chance to use any legal means to take one of these “WithsaidrisksforraisedbutcatchdestinationsoneTrinityandPolk,Liberty,Houston,Freestone,Chambers,areinchescreaturesprehistoric-lookingthatisover48inlength.Thefollowingcountiesincluded:Anderson,Dallas,Ellis,Henderson,Kaufman,Leon,Madison,Navarro,SanJacinto,Trinity,Walker.“ThissegmentoftheRiverhasbecomeofthemostpopularintheworldtoalargealligatorgar,concernshavebeenaboutthepotentialoverharvestanditstofishingquality,”CraigBondsofTPWD.thisdrawingsystem, we are able to give 150 anglers the opportunity to harvest the fish of a lifetime while also meeting our management goal to conserve this unique resource for current and future generations of anglers.”Tofind out more, go to tpwd.texas.gov. Texas sees first monkeypox fatality State officials last week confirmed the first death of a Texas patient diagnosed with monkeypox. As reported by the casesreportedStateandFever,rashesextremelylessItssomeoneskin-to-skingenerallyimmunocompromised.”areatheAmerican-Statesman,AustinadultintheHoustonwas“severelyTherarediseaseistransmittedbycontactwithalreadyinfected.symptomsaregenerallyseverebutcanbepainful,withandblistersarising.headaches,rashesblisterscanalsooccur.TheTexasDepartmentofHealthServiceshasatotalof1,695inTexastodate.
• The deadline for Letters to the Editor and classi fied word advertising is noon Monday the week of publication, though we encourage readers and advertisers to observe the Friday deadline.
TxDOT announces $85 billion transportation plan
Bartonhaysfreepress.com78640512-268-7862Publications,Inc. news@haysfreepress.com
Gary Borders is a veteran award-winning Texas journalist. He published a number of community newspapers in Texas during a 30-year span, including in Longview, Fort Stockton, Nacogdoches and Cedar Park. Email: texaspress.com.gborders@

Hays Free Press/News-Dispatch • September 7, 2022 Page 4 Opinion

• The deadline for display advertising and any contributed news copy is 5 p.m. Friday the week prior to publication.
Trip ends too soon for “King of the Road” Texas History by Bartee Haile Capital Highlights by Gary Borders STATE CAPITAL HIGHLIGHTS
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HAYS COUNTY – School resource officers (SROs) are an integral part of campus safety, addressing various in-school problems from drugs and alcohol to potential threats or violence. The Hays CISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved an interlocal agreement between the district and county to hire three additional SROs at Hays CISD campuses during its regular meeting on Aug. 29. The board also previously discussed the item at the Aug. 22 agenda reviewSROsmeeting.arenotinvolved in ordinary school discipline unless deemed necessary in some situations. They are, first and foremost, a law enforcement officer, and work under direction of the Hays County Sheriff's Office.JeriSkrocki, Hays CISD’s Head of District Safety and Security, said that one officer is currently in training and that the remaining two officers will be hired later after staffing is made available through the sheriff’s office. The district already employs 12 full-time SROs who are assigned to secondary campuses. With the addition of three more officers for elementary campuses, the new agreement brings the total number of full-time SROs across the district to 15. The agreement states that the additional SROs will be partially funded with federal funds. Hays County is a recipient of an American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund allocation.According to agenda documents, Hays County and Hays CISD will each pay 50% of the three additional officers' base salary, certification pay, retirement,FICA/Medicare,insurance, fringe benefits and vehicle maintenance, bringing the annualized cost to $311,954. duringarequarters.allperforwillalreadyasidearethreedocumentsAdditionally,statethattheadditionalofficersfundedseparatelyandfromthe12SROsinthedistrict.HaysCISDspecificallypayatotalof$51,992eachadditionalofficerquarter,or$155,977forthreeforthefirstthreeOfficerservicesgenerallyprovidedtheregularschool year (beginning in August and ending in May) and upon request from the district, in June and July. The cost of hiring the three additional officers brings the total SRO budget to $1.4 million. Spending for the previous year was just under $1.1 million.
CHURCH OF CHRIST Buda-Kyle Church of Christ 3.5 miles south of Buda on FM 2770 Southern Hills Church of Christ 3740 FM 967, Buda EPISCOPAL St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church 725 RR 967, Buda St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church RR 3237 (Wimberley Rd.), Kyle St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 11819 IH-35 South JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses FM 2770, Kyle Jehovah’s Witnesses South 10802 Manchaca Rd., Manchaca LUTHERAN Living Word Lutheran ELCA 2315 FM 967, Buda Redeeming Grace Lutheran LCMS FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca Resurrection Church, CLBA 401 FM 967, Buda St. John Lutheran Church 9865 Camino Real, Uhland The Well Buda METHODIST Buda United Methodist Church San Marcos & Elm St., Buda Kyle United Methodist Church Sledge & Lockhart St., Kyle Journey United Methodist 216 Kirkham Circle, Kyle St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 7206 Creedmoor Rd., Creedmoor Manchaca United Methodist Church FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd., Manchaca Driftwood United Methodist Church RR 150 at County Road 170


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have expressed privacy concerns, Hays County Deputy Sheriff Mike Davenport said that the cameras serve as an investigative tool, as well as to find missing and endangered people. “There are no citations written off of this camera,” Davenport said. “It serves quite a few thatdatabases.statecanlicensethephotodroppedrecognizeduphadnotweWithoutinvestigativedifferentpurposes.goingintodetail,investigatedamurdertoolongago,thatwehadthiscamerathere,wewould’vethecarthatthebodyoff.”Thecamerastakeaofthebackendofvehicle,capturingtheplatenumberwhichthenbecheckedagainstandnationalcriminalDavenportsaidtheywillbeplacedin

strategic locations along county roads and highways, namely ones that garner high traffic, and will not be hidden, do not have facial recognition technology and do not operate like a red light“Thecamera.greatbenefit we get out of this is, when you see on signs that there's an Amber Alert or Silver Alert, if one of these cameras picks up that car, they notify us immediately,” Davenport said, noting that this system was recently used in Austin to locate a wanted car in the Cedar Park Currently,area.the agreement approves six cameras, although only two can be placed now. Davenport explained that two are within the county’s right-ofway (ROW) and planned at Bebee Road/Goforth Road and along Highway 21. There are more cameras planned for the west side of the county, but they’re within the state’s ROW, meaning state approval will have to be given first. Other locations planned are on Highway 290, east of Dripping Springs, and the Ranch Road 12 area, south of Dripping Springs and north of 150. “That’s where we want it, [but] the state hasn’t approved it yet, and we may have to move them,” Davenport said. “Some of these we’ve had to move already. So they’re not set in stone.”According to agenda documents, the Year 1 total for the cameras totals $17,100. The recurring total will be $15,000, as there will not be a $2,100 professional services implementation fee. Each camera costs $2,500.With six cameras initially approved, Davenport said there are some intentions in the future to expand as the county grows, and to add them to different locations as deemed fit.

NON-DENOMINATIONAL Monte del Olivar Christian Center 2400 FM 150 E., Kyle The Connection Church 1235 S. Loop 4, Buda Antioch Community Church Old Black Colony Rd., Buda Completed & Perfected Faith Church Tobias Elementary Cafeteria, FM 150, Kyle Kingdom United Christian Church 100 Madison Way, Buda Mission Fellowship Church 200 San Marcos Street, Buda New Covenant Community Church 1019 Main Street, Buda (in Dance Unlimited) Vertical Chapel 400 Old Post Road, Kyle A Fountain of Life Church 302 Millenium Dr. Kyle Fellowship Church at Plum Creek 160 Grace Street at 2770, Kyle Word of Life Christian Faith Center 118 Trademark Drive, Buda Por Tu Gracia Fellowship 701 Roland Lane, Kyle Trinity United Chuch of Niederwald 13700 Camino Real, Hwy. 21, Niederwald PENTECOSTAL Mision de Casa de Oracion S. Hwy. 81, Kyle New Life Sanctuary Kyle Science Hall Elementary 1510 Bebee Rd. PRESBYTERIAN St. John’s Presbyterian Church 12420 Hewitt Ln., Manchaca First Presbyterian Church 410 W. Hutchison, San Marcos, TX 78666 classes * Children’s worship Professionally-staffed nursery & pre-school

County approves license plate reader cameras HCISD to add three additional resource officers SCHOOL SAFETY Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm 251 N. FM 1626 #2C, Buda, TX 78610 Office: (512) 312-1917 • Fax: dvthames@austin.rr.com312-0688 Debbie Thames Insurance Agency AUTO • HOME • LIFE • BOAT • HEALTH Your Business & Referrals Are Appreciated CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Two of the planned license plate reader cameras in Hays County.

Hays Free Press/News Dispatch • September 7, 2022 Page 5
Providing Buda
ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Faith Assembly of God 1030 Main St., Buda BAPTIST First Baptist Church-Buda 104 San Marcos St., Buda First Baptist Church-Kyle 300 W. Center St., Kyle Hays Hills Baptist Church 1401 FM 1626, Buda Sledge Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 709 Sewell, Kyle Southeast Baptist Church 5020 Turnersville Rd., Creedmoor Manchaca Baptist Church Lowden Lane & FM 1626 Immanuel Baptist Church 4000 E. FM 150, 4 miles east of Kyle Center Union Baptist Church Goforth Rd., Buda Primera Mision Bautista Mexicana Kyle Baptist Church of Driftwood 13540 FM 150 W. CATHOLIC Santa Cruz Catholic Church 1100 Main Street, Buda St. Anthony Marie Claret Church 801 N. Burleson, Kyle St. Michael’s Catholic Church S. Old Spanish Trail, Uhland CHRISTIAN New Life Christian Church 2315 FM 967, Buda Iglesia Israelita Casa de Dios 816 Green Pastures Dr., Kyle
HAYS COUNTY — License plate reader cameras have been a controversial topic in local, state and national communities, but many law enforcement officials maintain that they promote public safety above all else. The Hays thelocaloperatingvotingcameras,regardinghadcourtregularFlockmonitoringanunanimouslyCommissionersCountyCourtapprovedagreementfortrafficcameraswithSafetyduringthecommissionersmeetingonAug.30.ThecityofBudarecentlysimilarconversationsFlockSafetyunanimouslytoestablishanpolicywiththepolicedepartmentforcameras.Whilesomeresidents

The no-new-revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2022 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for Hays County ESD #5 from the same prop erties in both the 2021 tax year and the 2022 tax year. The voter-approval rate is the highest tax rate that Hays County ESD #5 may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate. The proposed tax rate is greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate. This means that Hays County ESD #5 is proposing to increase property taxes for the 2022 tax year.
For assistance with tax calculations, please contact the tax assessor for Hays County ESD #5 at 512-3935545 or jenifer.okane@co.hays.tx.us, or visit hays.countytaxrates.com for more information.
TAX RATE $0.0895 per $100 NO-NEW-REVENUE TAX RATE $0.0774 per $100 VOTER-APPROVAL TAX RATE $0.0898 per $100
YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE RATES MENTIONED ABOVE CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: Property tax amount= (tax rate) x (taxable value of your property)/100
See MONKEYPOX, page 8
Page 6 Hays Free Press/News Dispatch • September 7, 2022
A tax rate of $0.0895 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of Hays County ESD PROPOSED#5.
a few years, what we saw was these diseases started to disappear. And in some cases, some of them completely disappeared. And that was absolute proof that vaccines work. Somehow, over time, through said.community,”evaluatingthatlookingbeMonkeypox.monitorwillsaysinformation.reliableinformedStateimportantdidn'tourdiseasesnowCarrancotheypeopleimportant.vaccinesbegunourperhaps,misinformation,orjustforgettinghistory,peoplehavetothinkthatarenotthatAndsomeeventhinkthataredangerous,”Dr.said.“Andsowe'restartingtoseecomingbackoncampusesthatweusetosee,”hesaid.Carrancothinksit’sfortheTexascommunitytobeandlooktowardresourcesforCarrancothattheuniversitycontinuetoCOVID-19and“Iwanteveryonetoreassuredthatwe’reatthisandwe’reconstantlythethreattoourDr.Carranco
protection.Dr.Rohde says if the virus finds a rodent or domestic animal where it can maintain its ability to live without killing it, the disease could become endemic; however, Dr. Rhode hasn’t seen evidence showing that this particular Monkeypox strain in the United States has been mutating or growing virulent. “It’s frustrating that people have turned this into something other than a disease,” Dr. Rohde said. “Diseases don’t care if you’re a Democrat, Republican or Independent or something else.”The infectious disease expert says that we will continue to see the introduction of infectious agents like African swine fever.“Regardless of where you stand, viruses and microbes and bacteria really don't care about who we are, how much money we make, where we live, how we vote. It's just not that way. They're not biased at all. All they exist for is to infect, cause problems and then jump to the next person. That's their goal and their lives,” Dr. Rohde said. The HCLHD was one of the few health departments selected to receive a limited supply of vaccinations and is offering it to those who have had direct exposure to Monkeypox, including people who are engaging in group sex or are attending large events. “We’re hopeful that we’ll be receiving more vaccines, hopefully in the coming months,” Ian Harris, said.underwouldwaysointradermalauthorizationtheTheaauthorizedThetoareUsethedose;wasoutthegiven.MonkeypoxtheatnumberreleasingepidemiologistHCLHDsaid.TheHCLHDisnotaspecificofvaccinationsthistimebecauseofchangeinthewaythevaccineisAccordingtoHarris,vaccineinitiallycameinonevial,whichequivalenttoonehowever,duetonewFDAEmergencyAuthorization,theyallowingfivedosescomefromonevial.vaccineisalsonowforchildren.“Theoriginalwaywassubcutaneousshot.newmethodunderemergencyuseiscalledanvaccinationit’skindofsimilartotheaTBscreeningtestbegivenjustrighttheskin,”HarrisHarrissaidthenew
BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN HAYS COUNTY Monkeypox is believed to have been around for centuries but was first noticed in 1958 in rodents in Africa. The disease belongs to a family of viruses called poxviridae, and within the poxviridae family are different viruses. One of the viruses within the poxviridae family is called orthopox, which is where Monkeypox sits. According to an Aug. 12 press release, the Hays County Local Health Department (HCLHD) identified two confirmed cases of Monkeypox. On Aug. 23, Texas State University announced that an individual in the university community had tested positive for Monkeypox.
Local health experts explain Monkeypox

The proposed tax rate is not greater than the voter-approval tax rate. As a result, Hays County ESD #5 is not required to hold an election at which voters may accept or re ject the proposed tax rate. However, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members of the of Hays County ESD #5 at their offices or by attending the public hearing mentioned above
Average homestead taxable value $223,723 $325,577 increase of 101,854, or 45.53%
Tax on homesteadaverage $223.72 $291.39 increase of 67.67, or 30.25%

Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.1000 $0.0895 decrease of -0.0105, or -10.50%
FOR the proposal: Sergio Bazaldua, Eric Holen, Susan Meckel, Beth Smith, Paul Terry AGAINST the proposal: None PRESENT and not voting: None ABSENT: None Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by Hays County ESD #5 last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence homestead by Hays County ESD #5 this year.
Total tax levy on all properties $5,079,831 $6,277,364 increase of 1,197,533, or 23.57%

faculty and staff were informed that the individual lives off campus and would remain isolated until the rash heals and is no longer contagious, as recommended by CDC guidelines.TexasState University started preparations for Monkeypox before the semester began, according to Dr. Emilio Carranco, director of the Student Health Center. University medical staff was trained to identify signs and symptoms and test for Monkeypox – the university also communicated to all faculty, staff and students before the start of the semester to raise awareness about the infectious diseases that they should be aware of. Texas State’s initial these infectious diseases. So far, they’ve handed out informational flyers to students with written information about COVID-19, instructions on how to contactMonkeypox,recognizewhomtoforevaluation and testing, as well as emails with updates. “I think one of the things that we're seeing in this country is that infectious diseases are becoming more common. I think part of the reason for that is because people are not vaccinating. People seem to have forgotten the history causinginwereweresaid.vaccinations,”aroundDr.Carranco“Beforethe1960s,thereseveraldiseasesthatrunningrampantourpopulationandalotofserious
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Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be conducted by the City Council for the City of Hays, Texas on Monday, September 19, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 520 Country Lane, Hays, TX 78610; consideration and adoption of the budget for Fis cal Year 2023 will occur imme diately after the public hearing. This budget will increase total property taxes than last year’s budget by 12.15% and of that amount $415.28 is tax revenues to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year. You have a right to attend the Public Hearing and make comments in person or via phone/video conferencing technology pursuant to Section 551.127 of the Texas Government Code. Please review the agenda posting for the September 19, 2022, City Council meeting for informa tion regarding how to attend the meeting via phone and/or video conferencing technol ogy.The Fiscal Year 2023 Pro posed Budget may be viewed on the City’s website at Small Community, Hays, TX | City of Hays.Dated this 2nd day of Sep tember,Mayor2022.Billy Maphies City of Hays, Texas
Hays Free Press/News Dispatch • September 7, 2022 Page 7
CNL Legacy Trust Pizza Texas Holdings, LLC Managing Member; Charles. M. Loflin, its Managing Member, Norma Loflin its secretary.
Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Late Hours Certificate by Zoi Market dba Meridian, to be located at 200 N. Main St. , Buda, Hays, Texas. Officers of said corporation are owners Brittany Sutherland and Travis
LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms of the provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code THAT: Highway 21 Business Inc. d/b/a Time Mart #1 HAS FILED APPLICATION FOR A: Wine and Malt Beverage Retail Dealer’s Off-Premise Permit SAID BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED AT: 12968 Camino Real, Niederwald, Hays, County, TX 78640 OWNER: Karim S. Karedia, Director, Riyazali Kadiwal, President, Navid Karedia, Secretary/Director, Imran Ali, Vice President.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of JAMES A. EALOMS, JR, Deceased, were issued on August 31, 2022, under Cause No. 220336-P, pending in the County Court of Hays County, Texas, to AUNDREA D. EALOMS. Claims may be presented in care of the attorney for the Estate addressed as follows: AUNDREA D. EALOMS Independent Executor of the Estate of James A. Ealoms, Jr. C/O Fleur A. Christensen Attorney for the Estate Blazier, Christensen, Browder & Virr, P.C. 901 S Mopac, Bldg. V., SuiteAustin,200 Texas 78746 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the man ner prescribed by law. DATED the 31st day of August, 2022. /s/ Fleur A. Christensen Fleur A. AttorneyChristensenfortheEstate
Specifications are available in the HCISD Purchasing Office (512)268.2141 ext. 46035 between the hours of 8:00a.m. and 4L00p.m., Monday through Thursday. Proposal responses must be returned to the HCISD Purchasing Office 21003 IH 35, Kyle, TX 78640, by the date and time indicated above. Late Bids will be returned unopened. The HCISD Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive all formalities in the bid process.
By order of the Hays County Commissioners Court, notice is hereby given that on September 13th, 2022 at 9 a.m. in the Hays County Courthouse, 111 E. San An tonio Street, the Hays County Commissioners Court will hold a public hearing to consider: Rainbow Ranch, Lots 18, Replat SMALL TAXING UNIT NOTICE

PUBLIC NOTICE By order of the Hays County Commissioners Court, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 9 a.m. in the Hays County Courthouse, 111 E. San An tonio Street, the Hays County Commissioners Court will hold a public hearing to
Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit by Hays County Pizza I, LLC dba Pizza Patron, 18840 S I-35 Suite 500 Kyle, Hays County, Texas 78640.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN, pursuant to City of Buda Charter, Article III, Section 3.11 (D). Ordinances, that the Buda City Council, at its regular meeting on August 16, 2022, adopted an ordinance amending Chapter 8, Business Regulations to repeal Article A3.00 Administrative Fees, Late Hours Alcohol Permit & Fees; providing for penalties for failure to comply with such ordinance(s); providing for publication; and, providing for an effective date. By: Mayor Lee Urbanovsky. Attest: Alicia Ramirez, City Clerk. (full text is available in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 405 E. Loop Street, Building 100, Buda, TX, during business hours and on www.ci.buda. tx.us.)
City is seeking to enter a con tract with a qualified contractor for furnishing all labor,materi als and equipment for the work required for the construction of a 10-foot-wide shared use path. The work consists of a shared use path from IH-35 at Overpass Road to Old Goforth Road along FM 2001 approximately 2,600 linear feet. The solicitation package with plans and specifications are available electronically at QuestCDN at www.questcdn. com, www.bidnetdirect.com, or pleaseClassroom2Street,BudaconferencefederalCFRjectresultingTherefore,allywww.publicpurchase.comThisprojectwillbefederfundedwholeorinpart.thissolicitationandcontractwillbesubtotherequirementsof2200andotherapplicableregulations.Anon-mandatorypre-bidwillbeheldatCityHall,405E.LoopBuda,Texas78610atPMSeptember15,2022,in1005.AttendeesRSVPtoStevenWi

Visit Texas.gov/Property Taxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.
Bartlett Cocke General contractors, Construction Manager-at-Risk, for: Hays CISD - Elementary School #16, is requesting competitive proposals from subcontractors andSubcontractorsuppliers. and supplier proposals will be received via Fax to (512) 326-4339 or (512) 326-3990 or via email to bidaus@bartlettcocke.com no later than 2:00:00 PM on 9/27/2022. Any proposals received after this time will not be Electronicaccepted. copies of the proposal documents may be obtained from Bartlett Cocke or viewed at local and online planrooms. Contact Stefan Doerr via email Sdoerr@bart lettcocke.com or phone (512) 326-4223 Phone to make arrangements.Small,Woman Owned, Disadvantaged, HUB, HUB Zone, 8(a), Minority, and all similar firms are encouraged to submit proposals on this project. Bartlett Cocke General Contractors is an equal oppor tunity (EEO) employer. INVITATION FOR BIDS IFB # 22-070 FM 2001 SHARED USE PATH referencedthebyPROJECTCONSTRUCTIONSealedbidswillbereceivedthePurchasingManagerofCityofBudafortheabovesolicitation.The
The City of Hays will hold a public hearing and meeting at 6:30 PM on 09/19/2022 at 520 Country Lane, Buda, Texas to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 20222023. The proposed tax rate is $0.0953 per $100 of value. The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in City of Hays by 11.99%.
PUBLISHED NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN to all interested persons that the City of Creedmoor, Texas will hold a Public Hearing at 7:15pm September 15, 2022, at 12513 FM 1625 Creedmoor, Texas to consider adopting a Property Tax Rate for 2022-2023. The proposed tax rate is .4710 per $100 to fund the approved budget of 2022-23. This would increase property tax by .01957 per $100.
Hays CISD is Requesting Proposals for RFQ #21052201AS 2022willDISTRICTFIXTURESFURNITUREANDEQUIPMENTWIDE.Proposalsbeaccepteduntil09-28-at2:00pmlocaltime.
PUBLIC NOTICE By order of the Hays County Commissioners Court, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 9 a.m. in the Hays County Courthouse, 111 E. San An tonio Street, the Hays County Commissioners Court will hold a public hearing to TIONASSTOPESTABLISHINGconsider:A3-WAYLOCATIONONMATHILANEATTHEINTERSECWITHFOSTERPLACE.
dacki, PE by email SDWidac ki@lan-inc.com Bids shall be delivered to City of Buda City Hall, Attn: Purchasing Bid Box, 405 E. Loop St., Bldg. 100, Buda, Texas 78610. Write “SEALED BID” with the Bid Number, Name, and Due Date on the outside of the shipping package. Bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., September 29, 2022.All bids shall be accompa nied a bid bond in the in the amount of 5% of the total bid amount.Questions may be directed to the City of Buda Purchasing Office via email at purchas ing@ci.buda.tx.usCharlesOberrender, CPPB Purchasing Manager City of Buda, Texas CITY OF BUDA LEGAL NOTICE
The Village of Bear Creek will hold a meeting at 7:00 PM on September 20, 2022 at Friendship Creekside Fellow ship - 14455 FM 1826, Austin, TX 78737 to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2022. The proposed tax rate is $0.0677 per $100 of value. The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in Village of Bear Creek by 5.62%. Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTax es to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access informa tion regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.The86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is
ApplicationLEGALSutherland.NOTICEhasbeenmadewith the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Distiller’s and Rectifier’s Permit by Ian James Spirits, L.L.C. to be located at 1036 Windmill Dr., Dripping Springs, Hays County, TX 78620. Officer of said corporation is John McPherson.
TexSCAN Week of Sept. 4-10, 2022

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who have sex with men community.“It’smore of a behavior, rather than a certain group because it [Monkeypox] can really happen to anybody. And that’s kind of what we’re anticipating, is that eventually, this is going to continue to spread out into more of the general population,” HarrisHarrissaid.said the HCLHD is urging people to limit their number of sex partners and be more conscious about attending a sex party; if people do decide to participate in a sex party, it is a good idea to exchange contact information. Harris also said that people should also be conscious about attending large gatherings, especially in places where there is minimal clothing. “But, I think what’s important to put out there is that a lot of the people that have been investigated already have attended things like group sex parties, or not, they have anonymous sex partners, things like that,” Harris said.
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MONKEYPOX, from page 6 method opens the United States up to using the limited doses on more people, as opposed to the one dose per vile. “I think it’s important for the public, for Hays County, to know if anybody has a positive test, they can always contact us, and we’ll be in contact as well to do the investigation,” Harris said, “but we’re able to make a request to the Department of State Health Services to get the T-Pox antivirals, and that would be delivered to their healthcare provider so that they can prescribe that to their distributionCounty’sCurrently,patient,”Haysvaccinationschedule is on a case-by-case basis based on whether or not someone calls and says that they have been or there is a chance they have been exposed to Monkeypox.“Anybody, honestly, is welcome to contact us. We can go through their risk exposure and determine if they should receive a vaccine or not,” Harris said.


that there is a strong link showing that members of the LGBTQ+ community are at a higher risk of contracting Monkeypox. However, Harris also said that everyone is at risk of getting it. “There’s been a lot of people that have been saying that this is the only way you can get it, which is not true,” he said.The solelysexhavelikehavebeenaforthoughtHarriscommunity.whosolelyHarrisdrinkcoughingsecretionsthroughcancontactisexplainedepidemiologistthatMonkeypoxprimarilyadirect-diseasebutalsobetransmittedrespiratorylikesneezing,orsharingawithsomeone.saidthatitisnotlimitedtothemenhavesexwithmen“Everybodyisatrisk,”said.Harrisalsosaidthatheitwasimportantthepublictoknowthatlotofpeoplewhohaveinvestigatedalreadyattendedthingsgroupsexpartiesorhadanonymouspartners.Itisnotlimitedtothemen


DEMOGRAPHICS Data the HCLHD has received from the Texas Department of State Health Services and aretransgender,withthatinvestigationsepidemiologicalshowmenwhohavesexmen(gay,bisexual,nonbinary)affected.Harrissaid
Page 8 Hays Free Press/News Dispatch • September 7, 2022
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PHOTO BY ALBERT SANCHEZ Before a large home crowd, the Wimberley Texans hosted the Pieper Warriors on Friday, Sept. 2. The Texans defeated the Warriors 35-0. The Texans are now 2-0 for the season and their next game will be Sept. 9 against Brock High School, in Waco. Pictured is Texan #65 Sr. Noah Haussecker and Sr. #25 Johnny Ball clearing the way as Soph. QB #2 Cody Stoever hands the ball off to Jr. RB #9 Noah Birdsong for a few yards during the third quarter of the game. Sr. Birdsong had two carries for six yards and 10 yards receiving. Stoever was 10 out of 19 passes for 94 yards. Highlight stats - Sr. #24 Jack Boyle had 12 carries for 141 rushing yards and Sr. #25 Johnnie Ball had nine carries for 53 yards.

Dripping Springs beats Wagner in a blowout game Hawks soar to victory 27-7

Senior wide receiver Walker Wright celebrates in the endzone after running to score the Tigers' first touchdown of the night.
Pictured is Texan Sr. #5 Emily Thames and Fr. Mariah McCoy with a block from the Bulldog player.

PHOTOS BY HANNAH BAKER Mckenzie Behl helps up teammate Zaniah Hoskins after she fell to the floor in relief of scoring a hard-fought point.

PHOTO BY WAYLAND D. CLARK WFOTOS.COM With good blocking by the offensive line and plenty of running room, quarterback Jack Williams has his eyes focused on the goal line, scoring on this 7-yard run for a 37-7 win over San Antonio Wagner. Williams did just what was needed, gain yardage and eat up the clock, after coming in for starting QB Austin Novosad midway in the fourth quarter.
Wimberley High School Texans volleyball team hosted the Burnet High School Bulldogs on Friday, Sept. 2. The Texans swept the Bulldogs 3-0. The Texans defeated the Bulldogs by scores of: game one 2516; game two 25 -19 and game three 25 -12. The Texans have a record of 19-6. The next home game for the Texans will be Sept. 9 at 6 p.m. against FredericksburgtheHigh School Billies. The Billies’ current record is 18-9.
Hays Free Press/News Dispatch • September 7, 2022 Page 9
The Hays Hawks converged with the Churchill Chargers at Shelton Stadium Friday, Sept. 1 and came out on top. Pictured above, Chris Bruce takes flight to snag a long pass out of the air.

Wagner kicked off to Dripping Springs, and the Tigers held the ball until the Thunderbirds forced a turnover on fourth down. But the Thunderbirds could not possessionmaintainoftheball for long before the Tigers got it back. Novosad threw a 58-yard pass to senior wide receiver Walker Wright. The play put the Tigers on the board, and the extra point was good (7-0). Wagner offense could not shut out a tough Dripping Springs defense and with two minutes left in the first quarter, Wagner punted to Dripping Springs. At second down, the Tigers fumbled, and the sophomoreinterceptedbackSpringsdownsmanagedthekickedaheadgood,again.zone,Capone-Fordseniorapossession,fumble.Springsitball.retookpass,Westernoutsidein9-0.quarterSprings.backmissed,attemptedinyardtheandstoppedwithstartedrecoveredThunderbirdstheball.TheThunderbirdsthesecondquartertheballbutwereatfourthdowninfieldgoalrangeatDrippingSprings13-line.Tenminutesleftthequarter,andWagnerafieldgoalbutturningtheballovertoDrippingAsafetyinthesecondmadethescoreWiththreeminutesleftthehalf,WagnerseniorlinebackerNathaninterceptedaandtheThunderbirdspossessionoftheButtheydidn’thaveforlongbeforeDrippingrecoveredaAfterregainingNovosadthrew22-yardbulletpasstowide-receiverSkylarintotheendandtheTigersscoredTheextrapointwasandtheTigersstayedathalftime(16-0).DrippingSpringsofftoWagnerinthirdquarter.WagnertogettwofirstbeforeDrippingjuniordefensiveGabrielQuintanatheball.After,runningback Jack Tyndall rushed for 47-yards into the endzone to earn the Tigers another touchdown. The extra kick by Wright was good, making the score 23-0. The Wagner defense didn’t stand a chance against a fast, agile Dripping Springs offense. After the touchdown, the Tigers kicked it off to the Thunderbirds. Wagner had possession of the ball on their 25-yd line but then fumbled. Dripping Springs junior linebacker Tomsen Vickery recovered the fumble getting the Tigers a first down with six minutes left in the third quarter. Then Dripping Springs sophomore runningback Jack Tyndall rushed for 4-yards to get another touchdown, and Walker's extra point was good. The Tigers remained on top (30-0).Junior slotback JuanYe Taylor scored for the Thunderbirds at the beginning of the fourth quarter with a 21-yd run into the endzone. Senior kicker and wide-receiver Merce Mlodani kicked the extra point (30-7). But Dripping Springs wasn’t done yet as junior quarterback Jack Williams rushed for 7-yards for another Tiger touchdown. The extra point kicked by Wright was good, and the Tigers were up 37-7. The repossessedThunderbirdstheball and managed to get the ball down to the Dripping Springs 15-yd line, within scoring range, but with under a minute left, there wasn’t much else they could do. The Wagner offense ran the ball throughout most of the game but could not manage to get past a strong Dripping Springs defense. Compared to the Tigers the Thunderbirds were small in stature and lacked speed.Thegame ended with a final score of 37-7. The Tigers' top rusher was Williams, who averaged 7-yards per carry, and the Thunderbirds' leading rusher Taylor, who averaged about 5-yards per carry.Wagner’s top receiver was senior wide receiver Gary Smith averaging 20 yards per rush for a total of 20 yards. Wright was Dripping Springs’ top receiver, who averaged almost 21 yards per rush for a total of 125 yards. Dripping Springs’ next home game is on Friday at 7:30 p.m. against Austin High School.
It was a muggy Friday night in Dripping Springs, where the Tiger Varsity football team managed to use a bruising ground game and the outstanding passing of senior quarterback Baylor commit Austin Novosad to blowout a 37-7 victory over the Wagner Thunderbirds. Before kickoff, the Dripping Springs Tigers recognized the seniors for Senior Night. All of the seniors stood alongside their parents and teammates as the announcer read off each of their favorite memories.
Kyree Payton looks to evade the Charger defense.
The Lehman Lady Lobos volleyball team took on the Akins Eagles Friday, Sept. 2 at home. Though Akins fought hard to keep up, Lehman’s hard work paid off in a 3-0 victory. Above, the teammates gather in celebration of their win. Mikaela Crutchfield (7) and Alyssa West (8) put up a big block against Akins. The Lady Lobos will take on Cedar Park Friday at 6:30 p.m.

The Johnson Jaguars hosted the Dripping Springs Tigers on Tuesday, Aug. 30. After four close sets, the Jaguars ultimately came up short. Pictured above, Lana Tello leaps to serve.

Jags thwarted by Tigers Lady Lobos sweep Eagles
Texans defeat the Warriors Texans top the Bulldogs
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community members.Theschool will be
2021 10:00
positions, including: • Drivers • Mechanics • Equipment Operators for JOB FAIR Saturday,
It was a lively day at Alexis Pointe Senior Living in Wimberley as friends and family gathered to celebrate the 100th birthday of Bill Cordes. Cordes, a WWII Army veteran and Bronze star recipient said his only birthday wish is for 10 more years.

TX 78640 Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, JOB FAIR Saturday,
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BY MEGAN WEHRING WIMBERLEY -- The Hays County Sheriff's Office brought a suspect into custody after responding to an isolated incident on Wednesday, Aug. 31, in Wimberley.According to Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra, the suspect was armed with a rifle and revolver near the 4800 block of Mount Sharp Road on Officeafternoon.WednesdayTheSheriff'swarnedresidents on social media that the road was to be closed "for an unforeseen length of time" in the area of Mount Sharp and Mount Olive School Road to Mount Sharp and Ledgerock Road. The road was opened later in the evening. The operation was concluded without incident, and there was no danger to the public.Noadditional details are available at this time. As more information is provided, the Hays Free Press will update the public. Kyle the TDS offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid hiring most May 22, a.m. 2:00 p.m. Kyle KyleMay
is expected to be scheduled in the next couple of months. KAPS

Katy Starr, community relations director at Alexis Pointe, sings 1940's songs to Bill Cordes during his party.
KAPS held a blood drive last week to support the community.

details for the next blood drive,
Pictured above, John Mathis of PrimeSTAR Home Health presents Cordes with an American flag that was flown above the U.S. Capitol.

Celebrating 100 years
to be a
Crossing, Kyle Join
training/leave/holidays. We’re
WIMBERLEY – Nearly 60% of the Katherine Anne Porter School (KAPS) senior class registered to donate for the campus’ blood drive on Wednesday, Aug. 31. KAPS considered the which was on wheels in parking lot at 515 FM 2325 in Wimberley, success 29 donors – they included and providing which hosts blood drive for community A HELPING
Page 10 News-Dispatch • September 7, 2022
blood drive,
Suspect in custody after incident in Wimberley 512-268-4200 SeFridayMon-Thurs809CapstoneDentalKyle.comW.CenterSt.,Kyle8a.m.to5p.m.8a.m.to2p.m.hablaespañol Family Dental Care C apstone D ental Dr. Steve HowardDr. Quintana M eet our D entists Dr. DeMarco JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle TX 78640 Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. Offering JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Evo Entertainment Kyle 3200 Kyle Crossing, Kyle TX 78640 Apply at TexasDisposal.com or call 512.329.1778 for more information. Join the TDS Family. We offer competitive pay, great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, including: • Drivers • EquipmentMechanics Operators • Excavation Laborers • Concrete Workers Route CustomerAuditorsCare Reps, and more! Offeringupto forselectpositions*On-SiteInterviews$8k * Certain exclusions apply. JOBSaturday,10:00a.m. Evo Entertainment 3200 Kyle Crossing, Join the TDS Family. We great benefits, paid training/leave/holidays. We’re hiring for most positions, Equipment Operators Excavation Laborers Concrete Workers • Route Auditors • Customer Care Reps, and JOB FAIR Saturday, May 22, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 Evo Entertainment 3200