so Mashalane y: gton
er of Sisterhood
so Mashalane y: gton
er of Sisterhood
Top 10 Male Leaders to Follow on LinkedIn in 2023: Industry Experts and Influencers in Business, Technology, Politics, and More
Women Economic Empowerment
Article written by: Alessia Minkus
Article written by: Sharon A Bingert
Creating Global
Follow on LinkedIn in 2023: Industry Experts and Influencers in Business, Technology, Politics, and More
with Anita Willis
Article written by: Anita Willis
Article written by: Amina Mothupi
HH: How have sisters helped you in your life?
My sisters used their energies, resources and perspectives different from mine to help me see things differently. Sometimes our train of thought can limit us to an extent that we become less creative and innovative. We need unity and force in making an impactful paradigm shift. Sisters do not compare themselves to each other. Sisters leverage each other's differences and use them as strengths to compensate for one another's weaknesses.
HH: What is your vision for women and families?
Family is the centre of the universe, it is a miniature society, we often gather our plans and our schedules around the family. To change the narrative of women's empowerment and sisterhood, we must change how we treat our boys and girls at home.
Our boys must be taught how to respect the girls, girls must respect boys too.
The curriculum and life orientation must include this from the elementary level of education, prevention is better than cure. We try to empower the sister at a later stage, it is reactive as opposed to proactive. Besides, we need sustainable sisterhood that will continue to impact future generations.
The social orientation of boys and girls must be taught at an early stage of education because it is a structural issue that must form part of their growth and it must be taken into account that the cognitive and behavioral aspects must be incorporated, it’s better if this is integrated into the education system because these attributes cannot be added on or be included as "by the ways" later in life hence I say there should a paradigm shift.
Girls must also learn self-awareness, and self-love and constantly be able to identify behaviors that disempower them or make them feel disempowered. Empowerment is subject to own interpretation but there must be a universal language of empowerment and sisterhood. It is the role of the family to avoid cultural or religious beliefs that subtly depower or belittle girls because when boys grow up observing this, it becomes a norm.
HH: Why do you think it is important for women to empower one another?
Women need to empower one another because it is more impactful when it is approached collaboratively and cohesively to avoid a discord.
HH: What are some things that women can do to empower each other?
Women are powerful together. It is important because empowered women and girls contribute greatly to society and it's a key to its growth. It is important to not forget that empowering women doesn't put women above men.
HH: What has been your most empowering experience as a woman?
My empowering experience came when I changed my mindset. I believe that every experience will empower or disempower you, it’s just subject to your own experience. Whether it’s an obstacle, a challenge, embarrassment, humiliation, “failure, Shame, etc. Pause.
Identify and journal the growth points ...take the lessons and integrate them into your life. No pity party will help you. Avoid feeling sorry for yourself. Avoid people who feel sorry for you, they can paralyse your mind. Learn to be grateful for what you have learned. That is, get a positive will unfold new positive manifestations
HH: Can you share a story about a time when the power of sisterhood has positively affected your life?
My then-CEO allowed me to register for my Master of Science in Human Resources and the company paid most of the money. I was empowered by women who genuinely believed that I had potential. I was surrounded by strong women, my mother, my sisters, and my aunts. I come from a family of strong, beautiful women.
Learn the lesson, view it as a module or course, rise above the negative, no matter how hard it is, and see. It is an opportunity to learn and transform. That is not your's just part of your journey or a different chapter of your journey.
It must never define who you are. Just learn from the experience. Absorb it, internalize it, process it, accept and close the chapter, acknowledge that it has happened, and don't be in denial.
Watching them when I grew up empowered me. What was powerful was that their femininity was always visible and intact. I learned that the strength of a woman is drawn from your Femininity...never diminish your Femininity as a woman, you are feminine for a reason, the same applies to men, they are masculine for a reason. That is why we complement one another.
HH: Do you have any thoughts on how we can work together to create change for women and families around the world?
It begins with yourself. Break all the invisible, mental chains. No woman will feel empowered if she does not believe in the power within her. We need to approach things differently. As women, we all have power within us! That includes the power to be Sisterly!!! It requires a certain mindset. It’s not automatic.
We must never outsource ourselves! Be the CEO of your Life. If not, go fetch your Life! Let’s start with our schools, a home is the center, and the school is a miniature society. Organisations, Schools, and Churches must work in Collaboration. This cannot be done haphazardly, sporadically or on an ad hoc basis. The gaps we experience are due to the synergy that is lacking amongst these institutions as a result, young people can identify that there are silos and gaps in between. Homes must work with schools to avoid any discourse or lack of harmony.
The challenge of Gender Inequality has been institutionalised and systematised, therefore, to learn and unlearn, we must scrutinise all institutions and identity the carries that disrupt the journey of sisterhood. Lastly, our curriculum must be aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Goals to achieve success or else there will be a lack of a bigger vision-To improve the lives for sustainability.
HH: What are some things that women can do to empower each other?
Women must intentionally be committed to identifying their own actions and practices that have potential to empower or disempower other women. It is a conscious effort and decision, it requires action, the lack thereof is destructive and very damaging to future generations of young women.Women must refuse to associate or participate in such associations ,organisations or practices. Women can empower each other by supporting one another’s businesses.
Women must intentionally be Women must intentionally be committed to identifying their own committed to identifying their own actions and practices that have actions and practices that have potential to empower or disempower potential to empower or disempower other women. It is a conscious effort other women. It is a conscious effort and decision, it requires action, the lack and decision, it requires action, the lack thereof is destructive and very thereof is destructive and very damaging to future generations of damaging to future generations of young women.Women must refuse to young women.Women must refuse to associate or participate in such associate or participate in such associations ,organisations or practices. associations ,organisations or practices. Women can empower each other by Women can empower each other by supporting one another’s businesses. supporting one another s businesses.
Empowerment in other areas of life, for Empowerment in other areas of life, for example, emotional wellbeing, example, emotional wellbeing, Mentoring and Coaching is another way Mentoring and Coaching is another way through which women can uplift one through which women can uplift one another but for sustainable another but for sustainable empowerment, economic empowerment, economic empowerment will ensure holistic empowerment will ensure holistic participation and sustainability of participation and sustainability of women’s overall wellbeing. women’s overall wellbeing. The other way women can emerge The other way women can emerge stronger is through united international stronger is through united international allies and collaborations with other allies and collaborations with other women, that is the most powerful way women, that is the most powerful way through which women can build a through which women can build a sustainable infrastructure of a future sustainable infrastructure a future world. This must be strengthened and world. This must be strengthened and solidified by legislation to guarantee solidified by legislation to guarantee women’s rights, and secular law. women’s rights, and secular law.
Women's global coalition will bring an global coalition will bring an energetic voice, although this may take energetic voice, although may time, the efforts will gradually help time, the efforts will gradually help combat and diminish all the wrong combat and diminish all the wrong practices and will effect a conscious practices and will effect a conscious change in the minds of many people. change in the minds of many people.
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We must look at empowerment and Sisterhood holistically. Most education systems perpetuate the system of competition which subsequently spills into cooperating environments then women start to sabotage each other. I worked as an HR specialist, and I don't know how many times I witnessed women managers suppressing and oppressing young women and subordinates. As women leaders, we have to look beyond ourselves. We are multipliers. We have to create more leaders; it’s called succession planning.
Women must change how they relate to each other, and how they talk about each other, that s why men succeed, and they support each other. Sisterhood and Competition can't coexist. This can only happen by being disruptive but in an organized, planned and systematic way.
Women must use that time investing in themselves, empowering themselves, studying, get good mentors and Coaches, sisterhood and empowerment require responsibility and accountability. Every woman must have a strategy. Be willing to help, guide and advise other women who are struggling.
Read. Expand your knowledge. Don’t think in a box...get rid of the box. Embrace constructive criticism and act on it. Meet deadlines. Encourage other women and encourage. You don't know the struggles they had to overcome. Never think you have arrived…you are a work in progress!
Women must be taught how to empower one another as sisters.
Unfortunately, most miseries experienced by other women in the workplace and other areas were intentionally caused by other women, for example, malicious gossip, that’s the worst demonstration of self-hate and low self-esteem.
I have spent my whole life deeply I have spent my whole life deeply ingrained in Women Economic ingrained in Women Economic Empowerment although for the most Empowerment although for the most part I was not aware of it. part I was not aware of it. It was 20 It was 20 years ago when I stepped into what ago when I stepped into what would be my personal arena for would be my personal arena Women Economic Empowerment. Women Economic Empowerment. That’s when I stepped into the identity That’s when I stepped into the identity of a female business leader. of a female business leader. For the For the first time I took on the responsibility of first time I took on the responsibility of running a business, leading a team and running a business, leading a team and disrupting an industry. The journey has disrupting an industry. The journey has been full of ups and downs - just like it been full of ups and downs - just like it always is - but while I was scaling my always is - but while I was scaling my company up to multiple 8-figures per company up to multiple 8-figures per year in revenue the magic happened. in revenue the magic happened. While I was working on the business, While I was working on the business, the business was working on me. Just the business was working on me. Just like a swan evolves from a tiny and like a swan evolves from a tiny and clumsy cygnet into an elegant and clumsy cygnet into an elegant and proud adult swan, I evolved from being proud adult swan, I evolved from being an inspired but confused business an inspired but confused business owner into an inspiring and confident owner into an inspiring and confident female leader. leader.
That journey that I initially took in order That journey that I initially took in order to establish a company ended up to establish a company ended up shaping my future in more ways than I shaping future in more ways than I can explain can explain
And the new version of myself that emerged took on the mission to hold the hand of as many other women as possible while they went through the same journey called entrepreneurship. During the last 10 years I have devoted myself to my mission and I have traveled the world to teach my proven growing and scaling strategies in 32 countries to audiences as big as 15k people. Together with my husband we ran one of the biggest business training companies on the planet and created business growth content that impacted a total of over 3 Million business owners. We have organized over 2k conferences and hosted leaders such as Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Kevin Harrington, Vishen Lakhiani, Les Brown, Randy Zuckerberg and more.
While I was teaching proven systems and tangible strategies though this was only one piece of the work I was doing.
Unbeknown to most, my biggest focus was not on installing the most cutting edge marketing systems but on reencoding the unconscious beliefs that were at the root of the results my clients were experiencing.
This is what had happened to me. I did not become a serial entrepreneur and created over $500M in revenue across my companies because of some new, trendy funnel I had stumbled across. I owe my success to my mentors and role models who helped me shed my old identity and create beliefs that generated the behaviors needed for the new me to emerge and win.
Putting together the Super-Achieverpuzzle has been a long and complex journey for me that involved engaging with many different advisors, coaches and mentors. Each of which contributed their own incredibly valuable piece which I made mine and elaborated in order to create the final result. I knew though that most female entrepreneurs would not be able to reproduce such a complex journey.
Over the years I have discovered that the process can be recapped in a simple 3 steps system:
1) Let go of what doesn’t serve you. This might feel like shedding old beliefs, thought patterns, behaviors and encodings that don t support the evolution you are envisioning for yourself.
2) Fall in love with who you really are. Now that you have strapped away old thought patterns and handed down beliefs, it is time to get to know yourself for who you really are.
It is very important to spend some time to discover your strengths and weaknesses since these will play a big role in the last step.
3) Create the next version of yourself. Now it is time to go back to he drawing board. Get creative and plan the next steps.
This is the moment to come up with the solid strategy that will allow you to create the results that you want.
What are the areas you are looking to experience evolution and growth? Which strengths can you leverage in order to create the results faster and with less work? What are some weaknesses you have identified and what systems can you create to work around them?
As of 2020 there are estimated to be 274 Million female entrepreneurs globally and that number is growing at a faster rate than ever before. In 2021 49% of all new businesses started in the USA were women owned.
My hope for all women is that they will find the critical support needed in order to turn this journey into a complete game changer for their life.
This is what I call the female entrepreneurial revolution. More and more women are choosing to abandon professional careers that do not serve their evolution and lifestyle and carve their own path as a business leader. And yet we know that starting a business is only the beginning of this incredible journey. Unfortunately 20% of businesses do not survive the first year and 50% fail before their 5th anniversary.
To experience not only the business and economic growth but the deep transformation into the role models they want to be for the next generation.
Alessia Minkus
Internationally Acclaimed Scaling Mentor For Female Entrepreneurs
LinkedIn: Alessia Minkus Email:
T“What The Power of Sisterhood means to me.” Even before I ever joined Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation (GGAF), I have always been a “Humanitarian” at heart. I was brought up to always help others less fortunate than ourselves and just “do the right thing.”
My Mother and Father taught me “values” and to “care about other people, besides ourselves.” Growing up in New York City, my dad belonged to a Lodge and at one time, was President of that Lodge. Every Christmas, he would contact Mattel Toy Company and Fisher Price and ask both to donate toys to children that were ill and bedridden in the hospital. He’d receive the toys and our family would wrap them up;
Dad would dress up as Santa Claus even though we were not Christian, and all of us would go to the hospital, give out the toys as presents to those children who had debilitating diseases and were not able to be with their families. It put a smile on so many children’s faces including our own. I recall so many other ways of being that “Power of Sisterhood” for others. I had worked full time for AT&T for over 20+ years and Johnson and Johnson as a Consultant from 2005 to 2019.
AT&T, I was xty women es and ts. I still remember all the women being in the middle of the room typing while ONLY the men had the big glass offices surrounding us. We took turns getting “coffee” for the Managers. I would have to get twenty to thirty cups of coffee from the cafeteria and carry the tray upstairs. Then knock on the door of the conference room, hoping someone would get up and open the door for me to put the tray of coffee down in front of all the male bosses. At that time, there were hardly any women in Management. It had gotten to the point, where I additionally had to purchase Danish and cut them in half served with the coffee.
One day, I got up the nerve to ask the Div If I could purchase a piece of Danish and a cup of coffee for myself? He looked strange at me but said OK. I was determined to one day, “become a Manager" and even if it was NOT sitting in that glass office, it was my dream of being more and doing more, which eventually I did get to do.
This was back in the early 1970’s where you did not see many women at all, or hardly any being a manager or getting a chance to get ahead. Determination, working hard and Never Giving Up got me a chance of getting ahead and additionally Loving to Write, which I inherited from My Mom, who was an excellent writer and storyteller.
One of those reasons was having an opportunity of learning and becoming a Technical Writer and writing IBM Programming Courses, Text Processing Courses, Workshops and Seminars.
I do want to also mention, that at that time, in order for someone to truly be an instructor at AT&T, you went through a lot of grueling courses and exercises, where they tried to put you in different situations to see “How you would react” to those situations that at one time or another would come up if they hadn t already? I Loved What I did, and it showed.
Because there was always something that would printing, the viewgraph machine (dating myself) w would be nothing to show viewgraphs or slides o improvise, which I did and have a sense of humor showed.
For fourteen out of twenty years, I traveled for AT&T training the trainer, conducting classes onsite at data centers, and enjoying what I did. I made a lot of friends by helping others. I also taught a weeklong course which had about six students attending. Certificates of Completion were made for all the attendees. I conducted that class, and it seemed like one lady was having difficulty learning. She asked me privately IF I could help her. I just believe in “doing the right thing to help others.” On my own time, I stayed up late every night to help that lady. At the end of the week, there was a Project that everyone had to complete. The entire class participated in this project.
It gave me such a Good Feeling Helping Others to Succeed!!
I was determined to learn the material first, then learn how to present it to an audience and last but never least, prepare ahead of time,
ertificates of Completion to those that had passed. For Myself, I Loved teaching, because I felt as If I was effective in the lives of the people that I taught, by helping them learn and achieve their goals. To see a smile, the lightbulb going off in someone’s face was worth it all to me. Sure, enough everyone passed the course. The morrow of this story has a Wonderful Happy Ending.
I had NOT seen that lady for 10 years and wondered what she was doing? When I did see her, I asked her “What she had been doing”? She said that because of my helping her years back, she was now teaching and helping others to learn. To me, that was “My Greatest Accomplishment ever.” I also taught 21 Adults for 3 semesters at the Adult Education School in my community. I wrote and taught a Word-Perfect Course for 21 Adult Learners. I'd like to share a Quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, which reads: "A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader". "A Great Leader inspires People to have confidence in themselves".
Now 65 years young, I choose to celebrate serving others as speaker, author, trainer, and lifestyle/temperament coach. Creating Global Impact and Thinking Limitlessly takes place initially with your selfperception and perspective. The good times are a breeze, however what do you do when life serves you a hard ball? You see, there will be times in your life when you find yourself unsatisfied with where you are.
You feel like something s got to change, but you re unsure where to begin. I would often think in those times, “how do I walk from here?” How do I rise when my world is turned upside down and my thoughts are not aligned with what I believe or what I saw as my future? Yes, at 56, I had never known the bliss of marriage, I only inherited the sorrow. My husband, at the time, walked out within 7 weeks of our marriage leaving me alone to discover just how strong I am and why.
How do yo everything and comp in your life good decisions end up being huge mistakes, how do you build life beyond the here and now? Why should you believe that your contribution, and your voice still matters? It is my belief that transformation begins with your core values.
It is here where your values blossom, and you use those values to guide your next decision and actions. Personal impact, to national and global impact occurs at the point when your values become the lens by which you view the world, and the world views you.
Your values become the port in any storm. I know, and so do you, that in life things happen. Nevertheless, if you make the choice to live life you can build it beyond…from a dream to a vision for your life.
You must have a resolve that your You must have a resolve that your contribution and your voice matters! contribution and your voice matters! Yes you… matter. There are 4 things I Yes you… matter. There are things I want you to embrace at the ebb of you embrace the ebb of every point of light and expansion in every point light expansion in your life. Are you ready? Great! Let’s get your life. Are you ready? Great! Let’s get started. I will need you to prepare your started. I will need you to prepare your mind for change. mind for change.
You prepare your mind for change by You prepare your mind for change by accepting that you are worthy. This accepting that you are worthy. This acknowledgement is met with the acknowledgement is met with the reality that self-acceptance is self-love. reality that self-acceptance is self-love.
Pause, and take a deep breath…release Pause, and take a deep breath…release slowly and read the next few words slowly and read the next few words slowly so that you can embrace the slowly so you can embrace the power of your decision to accept your power of your decision to accept your personal challenge to hear the personal challenge to hear the advantages necessary for personal advantages necessary for personal growth and excellence. growth and excellence.
(C.H.A.N.G.E.) adw2019 Accept that you (C.H.A.N.G.E.) adw2019 Accept you must know your value. Second, You must know your value. Second, You must know your values. Thirdly, you must know your values. Thirdly, you must know what you value. And finally, must know what you value. And finally, you MUST value what you know! MUST value what know!
Making this vital decision of self- Making this vital decision selfacceptance and love will create the acceptance and love will create the social emotional and mental balance social emotional and mental balance that supports a lifestyle fueled by that supports a lifestyle fueled by strong value-based decisions. You see, strong value-based decisions. You see, when you change your mind, your when you change your mind, your choices will also change. choices will also change.
You will notice that you are among You will notice that you are among those in your sphere of influence who those in your sphere of influence who believe, think and share similar values. believe, think and share similar values.
Your sphere of influence now becomes the catalyst for more than impact, and inspiration but rather leaves an imprint on the thinking of those in your personal and professional life. There are no limits but rather opportunities of learning that prompts value-based decisions and interactions. Most of all, you will have an appetite for recognizing, accepting and embracing your truth. Personal and professional contributions are enriched when selfacceptance dismisses the insecurity of competition transforming and establishing your life s platform for potential collaboration. I call it
“Relationship Talent©”.
Relationship Talent© is vital to the health of all collaborations so that you have effective tools to build beyond limitations that may exist. I am certain that many of you have heard the cliché you are one in a million.
I would like to dispel this myth because it can limit your ability to believe big enough and imagine your world filled with unique acceptance. You are not one in a million but rather you are a one and only! If it is true that birds of a feather flock together, then let’s imagine what your self-perception and perspective will feel like once you’ve learned to freely spread your wings!
Yes, to soar within a limitless lifestyle if nothing more than because you are the only “you” on the planet.
Talk about a feeling of freedom! Imagine how others will be motivated to build it beyond a dream to a vision for their life when the inspiration occurs because you celebrate who you are.
The business, political, industrial and digital systems are there, however, we need human beings who value the ideals of other’s unique and vital.
Yes, value it enough to find places of common ground for a personal imprint to be established within your thoughts, words and deeds.
It’s not necessary to mirror one another but learn to accept the overarching common thing that creates mind bending, innovative opportunities for personal and professional growth and development.
We, you, I must begin with ourselves. Just imagine having the option to build beyond competitive or cultural disadvantages to discover through passionate confident exchange those advantages that could usher in strategic opportunity, innovation and transformation.
It is my belief that it is important to check-in regularly to reflect on who you are when no one is in the room! Are you there, are you present and not merely a mirage of who you said you were?
Building It Beyond requires an acceptance of your truth, embracing your worth, establishing a new launching place that empowers you to move forward with confidence in who you are and the choices you have made.
After several occurrences of what appeared to be defeat in my life, I discovered the person that I am when no one was in the room. It's time to discover what the value of your value means to you and how you will walk from here.
Speaker, author, trainer, and lifestyle/temperament coach, Anita Willis is the force behind the Build It Beyond Campaign.
Anita has spent a lifetime encouraging others to live with authenticity, transparency, faith, courage, beauty, and confidence.
Her platform inspires and encourages women to leverage their strengths and share their successes. Anita holds a master’s in leadership and is an International representative as a temperament life coach.
Her experience as a leadership coach, with an emphasis in self leadership, ordained minister, mother and perpetual student in the “School of Life s Abundant Experiences”, life has taught her how to overcome hardships such as racial discrimination, illness and divorce. With faith and resilience, she embraces her vision and value and encourages others to be authentic, powerful, loving, and grateful.
1. Mark Zuckerberg – CEO of Facebook and co-founder of the nonprofit organization Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
2. Satya Nadella – CEO of Microsoft and driving force behind the company's shift towards cloud computing
6. Larry Page – the co-founder of Google and current CEO of Alphabet Inc., overseeing Google's parent company
7. Boris Johnson – Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, leading Brexit negotiations and advocating for global free trade
8. Jamie Dimon – Chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase & Co., one of the biggest players in investment banking
9. Michael Bloomberg – founder, owner, and CEO of Bloomberg LP, as well as former mayor of New York City
3. Jack Ma – founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, one of the world's largest e-commerce companies
4. Elon Musk – CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, pioneering advancements in space exploration and sustainable energy
5. Tim Cook – CEO of Apple Inc., leading the company to unprecedented success with record-breaking sales
10. Warren Buffett – Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, a renowned investor with a long history of successful investments
In today's society, women are expected to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities.
As a result, more and more women are becoming successful entrepreneurs who manage their own businesses while also balancing family and personal lives. However, this constant multitasking can have negative effects on a woman's mental health.
This pressure can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, as well as burnout.
Another issue is the lack of support for women in entrepreneurship.
The business world is still predominantly male-dominated, leading to discrimination and the exclusion of female entrepreneurs.
This lack of support can also contribute to feelings of stress and inadequacy.
One major issue is the constant pressure to succeed in both work and personal areas of life.
Women often feel the need to constantly prove themselves as capable business owners and perfect mothers or wives.
So what can be done about these issues? One solution is for society to shift away from the stereotype that women must constantly be productive and successful in all aspects of their lives.
er support for female entrepreneurs in the form of networking opportunities, mentorship programs, and funding resources.
By providing equal opportunities for success in the business world, women will not have to struggle as much with feelings of discrimination and exclusion.
Overall, being a multitasking woman entrepreneur can be rewarding but also comes with challenges related to mental health.
Society needs to shift away from stereotypes and provide equal support for women in entrepreneurship so that they can thrive without sacrificing their mental well-being.
appointments, skip out on exercise, and neglect to make healthy choices for ourselves. But it's time for that to change. Our health should be a top priority because it affects every aspect of our lives - our relationships, careers, and overall happiness.
The statistics are alarming - heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer, and 1 in 10 will develop depression. And yet, many women still don't prioritize their health or seek medical attention until their symptoms become severe.
It could be due to societal pressures to put others first, financial barriers to healthcare access, or a lack of education about important preventative measures. Whatever the reason may be, women must prioritize their health before it's too late.
This includes maintaining a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, getting regular exercise (aim for at least 150 minutes per week), avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, managing stress levels, and getting enough sleep each night.
It's also important for women to have open conversations about their bodies and health with friends and loved ones. This allows us to support one another in seeking medical attention or making healthier choices in daily life.
Together, we can prioritize our health before it becomes a problem - let's start now.
But why do so many women neglect their health?
One way to start is by having regular check-ups and screenings with your primary care physician or gynecologist. This includes things like routine blood pressure and cholesterol tests, as well as mammograms and Pap smears. These appointments can catch any potential issues early on and allow for prompt treatment.
In addition to doctor visits, making healthy lifestyle choices is key in preventing diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
We presented in December 2021 this novelty of the world of watchmaking represented by the Italian company Kefa and its special Petrus watch. A watch unique in the world produced, both for male and a female, in just 2013 copies, equipped with a Swiss automatic movement and an electronic identity card that guarantees its authenticity and keeps it safe from counterfeiting. Through a special authorization received by the authorities of the Vatican City State, the Petrus clock has on its dial the emblem of the Vatican City State and on its back the personal coat of arms of Pope Francis.
This company crossed the ocean in April and arrived in New York to introduce itself to the US audience. Their founders Carmelo Caruso and Gianluigi Di Lorenzo, together with their product, were guests of the NIAF spring gala on 21 April. Time is like a bridge that connects the past to the future and with this image Kefa and Petrus are presented in full Made in Italy style, characterized by simple and classic lines expressed by a design of great impact that has the canons of a new modernity. An ideal bridge that connects the history of two countries America and Italy that over the centuries have maintained and maintain a strong and indissoluble bond.Two countries that on many occasions have held out their hand as a sign of friendship and mutual help. Another element, that of helping others, is another fundamental characteristic of the company KEFA that allocates a part of its profits to charitable activities.
First and foremost, I would like to thank Herrington publication for this opportunity. I’m super humbled and honored indeed.
I grew up surrounded by brothers and in the end became a tom boy.My father was a boxing coach and as result our house was always full of boys and men, to the extent that I developed a very strong liking for boxing that way before women boxing was popularised, I was already training, sparring and boxing with boys. I became one of the “brothers” so to speak and learnt at an early to middle age the essence of brotherhood.
Sisterhood based on common social values is important as it sets the foundation for all the other aspects of life. As a Muslim by religion, I was brought up with stringent dress code, so having sisters who ascribe to the same assists one to assimilate and feel self-worth and comfort in whatever.
Naturally as I grew much older, got married and had my kids, I found myself vegetating towards sisters’ who consisted of my sister’s in-laws, my mother in-law and my extended family which now had more women in it. So I have gone full cycle with regards to the aspect of “hoods” if I may put it that way.
In sharing my experience, I will reflect on the power of sisterhood as it relates to social aspects, marriage, and business.
As indicated I behaved in the main like a boy and it took my clique of sisters to assist me transition to the “socially” acceptable norms of a woman.They would buy me jewelry and other items that drew the woman in me and would advise me on the clothing to buy.It was funny then, but when I reflect on all these I thank my sisterhood clique for this as it indeed assisted with the transformation into the woman that I am today. Many may ask, where was your mother in all this. The unfortunate response is that we lost our mother whilst we were very young and therefore my father played the role of a mother. When I got married, my sisterhood was there to provide support and guidance along the way. It was difficult as I was away from home in Kenya where my extended family are.
Africa meant that I had to build a new clique of sisters. This was not easy but they indeed came in handy and assisted with the kids. As one grows in a marriage there are days and times when one needs a shoulder to lean on and indeed the sisterhood was there providing advice, sharing their experiences and encouraging them to overcome whatever the challenges were.
When times were rife for me to venture into business, my clique of sisterhood was there to act as my sounding board and critics of my ideas and approaches to the business. As the business developed they have and continue to play this role. They are also my best cheerleaders as positive things happen and the business grows.
In summary I can vouch for the power of sisterhood. It is an affiliation that goes beyond friendship and feels the pain and joy of the other party (sister) and seeks to encourage the aspects of joy whilst assisting combat aspects of pain. Sisterhood, when genuine and founded on these very noble values and principles, is important for women and can be the difference between success and failure in any aspect of one’s life.
True and genuine sisterhood is critical for marriage.My sisterhood has been there for me as and when I needed it.
I am indeed grateful for my experiences and hold the notion of sisterhood with high esteem, having experienced this power of sisterhood.
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