Topical Study : Flood Resilient Design Strategies Case Study of Urban Waterfront

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Flood – Resilient Design Strategies Case Study of Urban Waterfront | Hazwan Bin Husain

Characteristics and traits of each stage of intervention need to be dissected to provide comprehension in determining the suitable response on respective stages. A detailed study by (Roslan, Abd Hamid, & Dul, 2015) compared different timeframe form 3 previous author that has defined and suggest an ideal timeframe for resilient management.

Figure 2.3 - Comparison of Resilient Timeframe author 2020, data adapted from (Roslan et al., 2015) As studied from the data above, different principles of the intervention are applied to each different timeframe. To further comprehend the actions and intervention needed for each different timeline, the author summarised each action into a synthesized timeframe stage: Stages

Interventions and Actions







Understanding vulnerability and risk: -

Cause of flooding


Flood mapping (river catchment, flood plain and assets identification)


Risk mapping (identification of vulnerable sites/business and critical infrastructure


Flood Modelling

Communicate the risk -

Education and awareness of flood risk (resilient community)


Risk Management -

Structural measures and impact


Non-structural measures 28

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