Flood – Resilient Design Strategies Case Study of Urban Waterfront | Hazwan Bin Husain
4.4.2 Design Features and Categorization
Case Study
Features and Categorization (based on literature review criteria) Reducing Hazard Probability
Reduce Exposure to Flooding
Reduce Sensitivity to Flooding
-local flood defence: stilt house
-dry proofing: an elevated makeshift bridge for accessibility during and
Mekong Delta
The Dryline
after flooding
-living shoreline: big berm as a natural resilient
-multifunctional flood defence (MFD): big bench as elevation
-wet proofing: harbour berm and big bench to be submerged (flood-
barrier integrated to the urban programme
proof) in water as sea level rises
-breakwater: big bench and big berm with wave
-Integrated flood solution (IFP): deployable wall as active flood
-community resilient: reverse aquarium through awareness programme
dampening geometry
wall mechanism integrated with the urban programme
on sea level raises