Spring CTE Offerings

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Professional Development Offerings Spring 2011 1 College Avenue Wise, VA 24293 276/376-4528 Toll-Free 866/212-8704 FAX 276/376-4530 www.uvawise.edu/cte

CTE Online Courses Offerings At A Glance Licensure Courses for Provisionally Licensed Teachers Seeking Full Licensure Course Number

Course Title


Credit Hrs

EDU C251

Foundations and Dev. of American Education



EDU 3450

Foundations of Reading Instruction



EDU 3580

Reading/Language Arts in Content Areas, 6-12



EDU 3600

Human Growth and Development



EDU 3690

Inclusion of Exceptional Children in Regular Classroom



EDU 4080

Classroom Management and Discipline



EDU 4090

Foundations of Assessment



EDU 4460

Organizational & Inst. Procedures Pre-K– 6



EDU 4820

Design and Dev. of Instruction in Grades 6-12



Course Number

Course Title


Credit Hrs

EDU C407-50

Learning Differently: Using Technology to Address varied Learning Styles in the K-12 Classroom




Understanding Poverty in Education and the Workplace




Improving Parent Relations/Communications




Improving School Climate/Culture




Improving Organizational & Leadership Skills




Cool Tools: Using Technology in the Math Classroom




School 2.0: Using Technology With High Yield Strategies Telling THEIR Stories: Creating Digital Documentaries of Historical Figures & Events




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Stewart Tell Me a Story: Literature Lessons & Strategies for PK-6 Creating a Culture of Leadership; Becoming a Transformational Leader in England the Classroom


Thinking and Learning Globally: Understanding Globalization




Blog and Wiki Your Way Through the Writing Process

EDU C427-50

Making History Come Alive

Phillips Turley

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EDU C428-50



EDU C431-50

Writing and Grammar Tips for Every Day Use (6-12)

DeVries Lee Laney Garrison


EDU C430-50

The Creative Classroom: Science K-5 STEM and the Big 6: Using Information Problem Solving Skills in the Classroom CLASSROOM COLLABORATION THAT WORKS: A Model for teachers & administrators

EDU C432-50

Virginia Teacher Technology Standards



EDU C433

Teaching the Adult Learner




Teaching Second Language in the 21st Century



Recertification Courses for Fully Licensed Teachers

EDU-C417-50 EDU-C418-50

EDU C429-50


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Online Licensure Courses for Provisional Licensed Teachers Spring 2011 EDU 2510: Foundations and Dev. of American Education (2) A study of American education including the history of education and the major philosophical and sociological forces affecting education, with emphasis on contemporary issues, problems, and patterns relative to curriculum design and development in American Schools. Requires 20 logged hours of observation in an elementary and/or secondary school setting. (Add EDU 4090 to fulfill Foundations requirement) EDU 3450: Foundations of Reading Instruction (3) This course is designed to provide information on balanced reading instruction in grades PreK-6. Specific topics addressed will include: theories/ models of the reading process, language acquisition, phonemic awareness, word identification strategies (sight vocabulary, phonics knowledge, structural analysis, and contextual analysis), vocabulary development strategies, comprehension strategies, reading-writing connections, and assessments (formal and informal). Requires 30 hours of field experience in a K-6 classroom setting. EDU 3580: Reading/Language Arts in Content Areas, 6-12 (3) The content of this course is designed to provide information on various approaches and techniques for utilizing and teaching reading/writing strategies within grades 6-12 content areas (i.e. literature, history/social science, mathematics, science, etc.). Emphasis is placed on procedures for evaluating textbooks, strategies to help students develop comprehension and study skills, and methods for teaching vocabulary and concepts. Requires 30 hours of field experience in a 6-12 school setting. EDU 3600: Human Growth and Development (3) A study of the development of the whole child: physical traits, learning and intelligence, social and emotional behavior, and personality adjustment. Emphasis on birth to adolescence. EDU 3690: Inclusion of Exceptional Children in Regular Classroom (3) A survey of the field of special education. Emphasis is on techniques for integrating students with intellectual, emotional, social and physical handicaps into the least restrictive educational environment. Requires 30 hours of observation/participation in the elementary and/or secondary school classroom.

The Online Teacher Licensure Curriculum is a set of professional studies education courses offered to assist teachers with provisional licenses meet the Virginia Department of Education requirements for achieving full certification. Online courses developed and taught by educators with experience in K-12 classrooms are specifically designed to meet the demands full-time employees of Virginia School Divisions as they work to complete licensure requirements in a timely manner.

Licensure Courses are $168 per credit hour and are offered year round depending on enrollment.

EDU 4080: Classroom Management and Discipline (3) This course presents various alternatives for classroom management and the development of classroom management plans for students at both the elementary and secondary levels. EDU 4090: Foundations of Assessment (1) This course provides a study of the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations of instructional design based on assessment data. Topics include student performance measures in grading practices, construction and interpretation of valid assessments to measure student attainment of essential skills in a standards-based environment, and analysis of assessment data to improve instruction and student performance. EDU 4460: Organizational & Inst. Procedures PreK– 6 (3) Principles and techniques of planning and teaching at the kindergarten and primary levels. Requires 30 logged hours of observation and participation in kindergarten and primary classrooms. EDU 4820: Design and Dev. of Instruction in Grades 6-12 (3) Development of knowledge and skills for designing, implementing, and evaluating instruction in middle and secondary education. Requires 20 hours observation in middle or secondary education setting.

Professional Development/Recertification Online Courses Spring 2011 EDU C407 Learning Differently: Using Technology to Address varied Learning Styles in the K-12 Classroom This course will help students figure out how to best deliver content in ways to address the diverse needs of their students. We will explore technology and best practice strategies to meet the needs of all students in your classroom. EDU C411 Understanding Poverty in Education and the Workplace Research proves that understanding poverty and how it relates to education can help open up a world of achievement for students and adults. Students in this course will learn statistics, the role of language, and the hidden rules related to poverty in order to understand what resources are missing and which ones are needed to make a change in the lives of the impoverished.

We offer a variety of quality courses in various content and topic areas for teachers and administrators. The Center for Teaching Excellence strives to meet the needs of school divisions and is able to customize courses by content, credit options, and mode of delivery. For more information, contact Jennifer Partin, jlp8w@uvawise.edu or (276) 376-4528.

EDU C412 Improving Parent Relations/ Communications (1 hr ) Students will demonstrate the importance of effective communication and listening skills. The student will learn the value of trust in the workplace through proper ways as receivers of communication. Students will demonstrate that messages need to be clear and intended for the right audience. Students will demonstrate the importance of communication in Professional Learning Communities.

EDU C415 Cool Tools: Using Technology in the Math Classroom This course focuses on technology tools that enhance engagement in the middle and high school mathematics classroom. Strong emphasis is placed on problem solving across the curriculum today. New strategies and resources will be explored that combine technology and problem-solving skills to make math exciting and challenging for today's learner in a differentiated classroom.

EDU C413 Improving School Climate/Culture (1 hr) Students will learn how an effective culture can benefit stakeholders. Students will learn the importance of a leader’s role in school culture. Students will be presented to the challenges in shaping a school culture. Students will evaluate the differences and similarities in school culture and school climate.

EDU C416 School 2.0: Using Technology With High Yield Strategies Our students today live and thrive with technology in their everyday lives. The key for educators is to tap into their interests while utilizing proven research based strategies to maximize student achievement. In this course we will look at ways to apply Marzano strategies using technology applications.

EDU C414 Improving Organizational & Leadership skills (1 hr ) Students will learn new organizational techniques. Students will demonstrate that effective leadership is characterized by school improvement goals and objectives. Students will learn that leaders are change agents. Students will evaluate, through the development of surveys, the leadership needs in their school communities.

EDU C417 Telling THEIR Stories: Creating Digital Documentaries of Historical Figures & Events This class builds off the basis of digital media production and focuses on bringing history to life through media production and the use of primary sources and documents.

Registration info at www.uvawise.edu/cte

EDU C418 Tell Me a Story: Literature Lessons & Strategies for PK-6 Instruction in this course focuses on the various forms of children's literature (prose & poetry) and how to evaluate and effectively utilize and present (i.e., read-alouds, shared readings, choral readings, etc.) this literature in a PK-6 setting. Students are required to complete numerous critiques/reviews of children's literature along with appropriate lesson plans.

EDU C419 Creating a Culture of Leadership; Becoming a Transformational Leader in the Classroom This course is designed to introduce educators to fundamental leadership issues in the educational environment. The course will help develop personal and professional skills in leadership as well as introducing educators to developing the leadership potential of students and creating a culture of leadership in the classroom. EDU C420 Thinking and Learning Globally: Understanding Globalization The purpose of the course will be to identify evidence that supports the theory of globalization while examining what the one world concept means to developed and developing countries competing in the global markets which are based on supply and demand. Special considerations will be given to methods of helping students think about global problems and creative solutions. EDU C421 Blog and Wiki Your Way Through the Writing Process This course is design to help teachers teach core writing skills in ways that appeal to today’s digital learners. Learn how to use blog and wiki tools and more in your writing instruction. EDU C427 Making History Come Alive This class will allow you to let your imagination soar as you create a variety of activities that will add pizzazz to history instruction. The use of games, technology, foldables, literature, interactive journals, and music are just a few of the ideas that will be integrated into the class. Focus will be placed on the development and sharing of resources based on the 2008 VA Social Science Standards of Learning. EDU C428 The Creative Classroom: Science K-5 This class will allow you to let your imagination rocket as you create a variety of activities that will add zing to science instruction. The use of inquiry, games, technology, literature, and music are just a few of the ideas that will be integrated into the class. This class will focus on the development of materials that will address the VA 2009 Science Standards of Learning. EDU C429 STEM and the Big 6: Using Information Problem Solving Skills in the Classroom This course is designed to help educators integrate information problem solving strategies into the math, science, and technology classroom. Participants will explore inquiry based learning using Eisenberg and Berkowitz’s Big 6 strategies. EDU C430 CLASSROOM COLLABORATION THAT WORKS: A Model for teachers & administrators Is it possible for a classroom to have an academically heterogeneous mix and still be successful? Assignments & discussions will focus on statistics, co-teaching, dealing with personality differences, correspondence, classroom management & discipline, grading, duties of each co-teacher, goals for the collaborative class and collaborative planning. In general, this course will address the ups & downs of coteaching and examine models for its successful use in various educational settings.

PD Courses are $93 per credit hour for Licensed VA Teachers! EDU C431 Writing and Grammar Tips for Everyday Use Writing and speaking well are important tools in today’s world. The ability to converse well orally or in written form equips the individual with the power of expression, creating opportunities in education, the workplace, and other environments where good language skills are required. Students in this course will learn useful writing tips and helpful grammar skills that can improve writing and speaking. EDU C432 Virginia Educational Technology Teacher Technology Standards Instructional personnel are ultimately responsible for the use of technology in the classroom. As a result of the availability of technology and the requirement that students in Virginia must master technology standards, instructional personnel have been required to meet the Virginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel, (TSIP), beginning with the 2002-2003 school year. These standards set forth those competencies required of Virginia educators and are aligned with the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers, (NETS-T) published by the International Society for Technology in Education. Institutions of higher education have also aligned their teacher education programs to include courses that insure graduating pre-service teachers have mastered the TSIP. EDU C433 Teaching the Adult Learner While it is true that there are similarities in the learning processes of adults and children, the learning needs and expectations of adults are distinctive and reflect the adult learners’ need to know why they are learning. The focus of this course is to explore the unique learning needs of the adult learner and to understand, as a teacher of adult learners, how to better meet those needs in a variety of educational settings. SPA-C400 Teaching Second Language in the 21st Century Our students have grown up using technology and so, with the ubiquity of personal computers, cell phones, and the Internet, it has become important that teachers take advantage of these Tools in the classroom. In this course we will create projects on Moodle and on a wiki; a constructivist approach that will allow us to explore how to use specific technologies in a Second Language classroom by engaging with those tools. We will explore useful websites, social networking sites, and the future of mLearning. We will create several Digital Stories, learn how to imbed links and files in a wiki, and become familiar with freeware such as Teacher’s Pet and Hot Potatoes. we will blog about our activities, and in the process we will create a community of learners that will contribute feedback and discussion to this process. All of these activities will be immediately useful in your classes and will provide inspiration and a sense of rejuvenation in your class preparations, all while engaging your students in a way that will get them excited about learning a second language!

Special Events On the Horizon for 2011! SPANISH TOTAL IMMERSION EVENT Spanish teachers join with their peers to experience total immersion in Hispanic and Hispanic American culture, music, film, and cuisine while exploring new ways to incorporate these aspects of foreign language study into their own lessons. Date TBA Southwest Virginia Tech Expo This one day event will showcase innovative uses of technology in classrooms all around the region. Come and see new technology and ideas for engaging uses of instructional technology. July 2011 Summer Recertification Institutes These courses are typically four day courses with Fall follow-up online and are offered at a discounted rate to VA licensed teachers. Full listing of courses will be available on the CTE webpage. Summer 2011 Digital Art Retreat 2011 This weekend training event is for art instructors at all levels. During this course we will explore cutting edge web 2.0 applications, resources, and the some of the best new art software applications available. October 2011

Workshops and Training Events Learning Differently: Using Technology to Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners

The Center for Teaching Excellence offers a wide variety of training opportunities to meet the needs of your staff and division. We offer customizable packages for large or small groups on a wide variety of topics.

Inquiry Bases Learning Strategies Improving Classroom Management SMARTBoard Basics SMART Content Creation Seminars in the Content Areas School and Community Relations Digital Media for Educators Online Learning with Moodle Building Professional Learning Networks

Customized workshops that focus on your school or division’s goals available upon request.

Building Standards Based Classroom Assessments Real World Math: Building Context in the Mathematics Classroom Understanding Personalities: Dealing with Diversity in the Classroom

ABOUT US: The Center for Teaching Excellence at The University of Virginia's College at Wise was established in 2000 to enhance the quality of public education in Virginia. The CTE is committed to meeting the professional development and continuing education needs of teachers and administrators in the public school divisions it serves. During the 2009-2010 academic year, over 900 educators participated in CTE programs. The movement to online learning represents a continuation of the Center’s tradition of innovation and service. The Center for Teaching Excellence is moving into a new phase with a virtual faculty of enthusiastic and experienced educators from around the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our shift to the online format offers professional development whenever and where ever to meet your professional needs. We invite you to continue your professional education with us in this exciting new venture from the Center for Teaching Excellence.

Priorities for the CTE The past several months have been a time of great change at the Center for Teaching Excellence. It has been a time for evaluating our programs, redefining our goals, and building upon the work of the past ten years. As we expand our offerings and staff, we maintain our commitment to meeting the professional development and continuing education needs of teachers and administrators in the public schools of southwest Virginia and throughout the Commonwealth. We appreciate the support we have received from the school divisions and look forward to our continued collaboration. Working with the region’s superintendents we have identified improved access, affordability, and communication as the core priorities for developing the Center for Teaching Excellence. Specific strategies include:

From the Director . . .

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6. 7. 8. 9.

Increase communication and direct contact with school division leadership Find us through e-mails, brochures, and face-to-face meetings. Online: Increase direct communication with principals and teachers through newsletters, brochures, and school visits. Develop cohesive programs that have a clearly defined curriculum and sequence of courses; address specific teaching competencies or www.uvawise.edu/cte endorsements; and are accessible to teachers throughout the www.facebook.com/uvawise.cte Commonwealth. http://twitter.com/uvawiseCTE Coordinate professional development activities around the region by facilitating sharing of division calendars and coordinating with the Appalachian Writers Project, the Southwest Virginia Public Education Consortium, and the Virginia Department of Education. Expand instructional leadership capacity of in Virginia by identifying educators who can provide professional development in specific areas, providing support to potential presenters to help them develop workshops, and providing opportunities for them present. Expand the number of credit bearing courses that meet recertification needs of teachers and opportunities for teacher to take the classes on site, through fiber-optic classrooms, or on the internet. Assist in data analysis and school improvement efforts by providing instruments to guide school improvement and training. Assist school divisions with grant-seeking. Assist in education research efforts by aligning potential researcher/evaluators with projects in the schools as well as maintaining data and research materials. James M. Wardell, Director THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA'S COLLEGE AT WISE


1 College Avenue Wise, VA 24293 276/376-4528 866/212-8704 Toll-Free 276/376-4530 FAX

Jennifer L. Partin Administrative Assistant 276/376-4528 866/212-8704 Toll-Free jlp8w@uvawise.edu

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