2022! What a year! We ripped off the face masks and were finally rid of restrictions. This year we were able to plan the Association’s activities without the looming threat of another shutdown and of the most anticipated activities of the year is of course, the upcoming Expo! We can’t wait to show off our exhibitors and our industry! As always, the CPAA team have been pouring all our efforts into making this event bigger and better than ever, and we would like to thank all those involved!
Our events allow us to put the focus on the mission statement of the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia which is “to improve the safety, education and level of certification of the Australian concrete pumping industry through the delivery of valuable advice, useful products and relevant services.”
Those three (3) core values: Safety, Certification & Education are the driving force behind the operating principles of the CPAA.
We are constantly striving to improve the safety of our industry and consider it our highest priority. We achieve this through the development of nation-wide Standards & Guidelines. Consistent updating of these documents on the safe operation, cleaning and maintenance of concrete placing equipment helps us to encourage and promote the benefit of a safer industry. Our goal is to optimize the overall safety of the workplace and welfare of pumpers.
Our CPAA Training & Education Courses aim to grow the number of CERTIFIED individuals in our industry by increasing their knowledge through the dissemination of current, applied information for the benefit of pumpers, manufacturers, suppliers, trainers and inspectors. Whether it be the Line Pump Training Course: an indepth look at the planning, set-up, operation, cleaning
and hazards of line pumps. Or our Shotcrete Certification Course: an expert analysis on factors such as: placement principles, techniques and environmental conditions & precautions. Or even the facilitation of High-Risk Work Licenses (HRWL) issued to persons who have been trained and assessed as competent to work in a class of work defined as high-risk work.
It’s imperative that we keep our members in the loop when it comes to industry developments, workplace safety and regulation changes. If it affects how your business runs, we want you to know about it! We leverage our industry contact database through The Pump Line eNewsletter, Safety Alerts, News Updates, Instagram & Facebook feeds and SMS lists. Want to stay updated with the latest and greatest from the CPAA? Scan the QR code below.
Don’t forget that all our communication channels are two-way streets! Please don’t hesitate to reach out and if you or your team have interesting ideas on how we can improve the way we provide to you as members! We’re persistently aiming to provide both you and your business with value for money. All the while furthering our mission of promoting Safety, Education & Certification in our industry.
A special thanks to all our advertisers and contributors for this edition of the Concrete Pumper’s Magazine.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from all of us at the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia!
Daniel Webb CPAA Marketing Manager"OUR
I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the incoming President of the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia. My name is Matt Boyer. I am the Managing Director & Owner of Rapidcrete Concrete Pumping in Melbourne, Victoria.
Firstly, I’d like to thank our outgoing President, Mr. Grantley Schloss of Meales Concrete Pumping. His leadership and innovation helped guide the CPAA through an exceedingly tumultuous period filled with lockdowns and workplace restrictions. We are indebted to him for his stewardship over the last 4 years. I’m very excited to be filling his boots!
I’m no stranger to the operations and objectives of the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia. For the past 12 years I’ve been a Member of the CPAA Executive Board and one initiative that I’m eager to continue in my tenure is the Industry Strategic Plan. Approved in 2017 and implemented from 2018 through 2020, this strategic plan mapped three years of determined actions required to manage membership development, education, information dissemination and engagement with industry stakeholders.
The Industry Strategic Plan was segmented into three (3) vital organisational objectives:
To invest in strategic projects that support targeted membership growth whilst building the Association’s positioning and profile and providing long term financial and organisational sustainability.
To increase the number of training and certification courses provided by the Association for members who are looking to up skill and become certified for their work.
To support membership growth and development though increased benefits and products. It is vital for the CPAA to develop and enhance relationships with key stakeholders at all levels of the membership.
These objectives helped to fortify the Association through difficult times (COVID) and will help us to innovate and flourish during more consistent times! We’ve been glad to see that 2022 has been MUCH more consistent than years past and we hope to see that in 2023 and beyond.
We’re hoping to flourish on the back of the $52 billion that has been promised to Australian infrastructure projects in 2023 (suggesting several new projects in the pipeline for CPAA members).
I’m eager to help lead the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia through this prosperous period. I would urge my colleagues in the concrete pumping industry to engage with the CPAA through membership, to help guide this Association in the right direction.
Help make our industry united, stronger and safer! See you at the Expo!
Matt Boyer President Concrete Pumping Association of Australia"I’M
Twenty twenty two. A year that (thankfully) brought much more stability than the 24 months that came before it. I’d like to thank our Association Members, our Committee Volunteers, our Board Members and not least our small team at the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia, for the stellar efforts we’ve seen all year long. We revelled in the freedom that was provided through a lack of restrictions and were finally able to plan and execute our activities without hindrance.
One such activity was our project - Improving Safety Performance for Concrete Pump Trucks - that was awarded key funding ($400,000) through the Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative, supported by the Federal Government. We wanted the project to address the barriers faced by oversized modern Concrete Pumps when accessing road networks due to safety concerns. The Association worked in conjunction with Tiger Spider (a transport engineering consultancy with expert skills in data analysis and research) to evaluate and understand crash risk with the end goal of finding a practical use for that information to develop standards for safe vehicle roads and equipment, provide education and information and seek innovation.
We set out to acquire more understanding and communication of risks associated with operating oversized concrete pumps on-road, whilst developing appropriate performance standards and operating conditions for larger concrete pumps. New technologies can be leveraged to improve road safety and the process of reviewing existing Performance-Based Standards (PBS) requirements is absolutely crucial.
We conducted field testing to validate computer models and inform the development of better performance standards, guidelines for safe operation, appropriate operating
conditions, and safety information to inform stakeholders about concrete pump road safety. This project ultimately aimed to deliver Safer Drivers, Safer Vehicles and Safer Road Use by addressing specific points that will ensure the project is aligned with stated road safety priorities of governments, the NHVR and is consistent with safe system principles.
Our work was funnelled through three workshops, over the course of nine months from December 2021 through August 2022. We invited representatives from DOTs all across Australia and were joined by Road Managers, Heavy Vehicle Policy Makers and Vehicle Safety Managers. We’d encourage other relevant stakeholders to engage with our project findings on our website and offer feedback & insights.
Our work at the Government level did not end there; the CPAA engaged with SafeWork NSW to conduct some industry-based training for their construction inspectorate. SafeWork reached out us in early 2022 to request we facilitate and deliver a safety-related introduction on concrete placing equipment. The focus of the training included: pump function / operation, inspection & maintenance (including pipe inspection), key components & safety devices as well as the use of logbooks.
The project was based around proactive visits with Inspectors checking: safe systems of work for setup, placement and concrete operations pre and post start checks, inspection, testing and maintenance have been carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements the operator holds a current and valid concrete placing boom (PB) HRW licence workers are adequately trained and are aware of the safe work systems.
Projects of this nature are critical to the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia building productive working relationships with Government agencies across the country. We believe these relationships can act as the catalyst that leads to real change in our Industry and we look forward to coordinating similar courses with SafeWork NSW and other safety regulatory bodies in the future.
That future that is looking better and better from a construction industry point of view. The latest industry reports show the known investment in Australian infrastructure projects is projected to exceed $51 billion in 2023. That likely implies that the CPAA Membership will have a BUSY 12 months ahead! This spend will also manifest the need for more plant in worksites across the country, over the next three years it is expected there will be a 140% growth in demand for plant, particularly speciality plant (concrete pumps).
As always, we are continuously looking for ways to deliver value to our members, but we need YOUR help. Your engagement can make a difference in our industry. Get involved with the Association and give a voice to your business! The CPAA represents the interests of Australian concrete pumping industry to Government bodies, Regulators, Agencies, Standards Australia and key sector influencers. As a Not-For-Profit organisation our activities and services we provide to members are funded partly by membership. Membership fees are a tax deductable business expense and therefore should be considered an investment in your business. Membership involvement can generate new business contacts through your company affiliation.
Help your business by supporting our industry.
Craig Heidrich CEOConcrete Pumping Association of Australia
The latest industry reports show the known investment in Australian infrastructure projects is projected to exceed $51 billion in 2023.
The Concrete Pumping Association of Australia’s ‘Improving Safety Performance for Concrete Pump Trucks’ project was awarded key funding through the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s (NHVR) Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative, supported by the Federal Government.
The project intends to deliver Safer Drivers, Safer Vehicles and Safer Road Use by addressing specific points that will ensure the project is aligned with stated road safety priorities of governments, the NHVR and is consistent with safe system principles.
These points aim to acquire more understanding and communication of risks associated with operating oversize concrete pumps onroad, whilst developing appropriate performance standards and operating conditions for larger concrete pumps, improving driver awareness and behaviour to ensure concrete pumps are operated safely in all road conditions, understanding new technologies to improve road safety, reviewing existing Performance Based Standards (PBS) performance requirements and finally, conducting field safety to validate computer models and inform the development of better performance standards, guidelines for safe operation, appropriate operating conditions, and safety information to inform stakeholders about concrete pump road safety.
We worked in conjunction with Tiger Spider (a transport engineering consultancy with expert skills in data analysis and research) to evaluate and understand crash risk with the end goal of finding a practical use for that information to develop standards for safe vehicle roads and equipment, provide education and information and seek innovation.
Take advantage of this opportunity by engaging with our project meetings via the QR codes below.
Workshop 1.0
We conducted a "Kick-Off Meeting" to expand on why the CPAA & Tiger Spider have partnered to undertake this project, as well as identify the key objectives of the project. Acquire more understanding and communication of risks associated with operating oversize concrete pumps on-road, whilst developing appropriate performance standards and operating conditions for larger concrete pumps.
Workshop 2.0 Workshop 3.0
Workshop 2.0 informed stakeholders about the outcomes of the International Review and Market Scan. Tiger Spider will discuss these findings and introduce the next stages in the project focusing on three (3) key areas of interest:
1. Fleet Simulation Study 2. Operating Risks Assessment 3. Operating Conditions Review
Stakeholders joined us to learn about the major outcomes of the Fleet Performance & Risks Assessment and Field Testing & Operating Studies. Tiger Spider discussed the findings and introduced the next stage in the project focusing on the final two (2) stages: 1. Guidelines and standards development 2. Develop Training material
Interested to learn more about key objectives of the project?
WorkSafe Victoria announced a focus project that aims to reinforce the importance of risk controls for the safe operation of concrete boom pumps, including inspection and maintenance practices.
Construction workers have suffered serious and fatal injuries during incidents involving boom pumps. WorkSafe has developed a document to communicate how their inspectors visit construction sites to ensure the risks associated with the setup and operation of truck-mounted mobile concrete boom pumps are, so far as reasonably practicable, controlled.
WorkSafe Victoria is actively visiting worksites where concrete pumps are present.
Scan the QR code to review their Concrete Boom Pump Information Sheet.
In January of 2022, SafeWork NSW reached out to the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia to request the facilitation & deliver of a safety related briefing on concrete placing equipment to a group of approximately 40 Inspectors. The focus of the training was to include pump function and operation, inspection and maintenance (including pipe inspection) key components and safety devices, logbooks.
Go to page 39 to learn more about our Workshops with SafeWork NSW.
In April of 2022, SafeWork NSW inspectors were actively focussing on concreting safety in construction, with a focus on formwork and concrete placing equipment.
On a construction site, form workers among others are at risk of falls. These falls can occur from formwork decks or through penetrations, formwork collapse, and falling timbers or crane loads leading to traumatic fatalities. In fact, SafeWork NSW has identified that falls from height are the primary cause of traumatic fatalities on NSW construction sites, with falls from formwork being in the top 5 serious falls reported to SafeWork."
Principal contractors and site supervisors have a duty to provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risk to health and safety, so far as is reasonably practicable. This includes working from the ground where possible, ensuring formwork is erected on solid foundations, using edge protection and covers, having exclusion zones in place to prevent unauthorised access during erection and dismantling and having a competent person sign off before pouring concrete.
Principal contractors must also ensure safe systems of work for set-up, placement and concrete operations, safe distances to overhead power lines are maintained, pre and post start checks are undertaken and exclusion zones/traffic controls are in place.
When it comes to concrete pumping, workers are mostly at risk of being hit by the hose or concrete spray, and the equipment coming into contact with powerlines, scaffold or a building.
The Pumper’s Job Board was launched by the CPAA back in January of 2021. We are constantly looking for new and improved ways to bring value to our members (which is how the Job Board was born!) we knew how many businesses were struggling with recruitment, so we wanted help! Check-out the below features of our new hiring tool to see how it will make your life easier!
Your ads are promoted through our industry database that we’ve developed over the course of 2 decades.
By utilising our industry database, we ensure that your job is seen by tried-and-true pumpers across the country!
The Pumper’s Job Board is considerably cheaper than other less specific recruiting tools.
Take time to curate the best possible advertisement for your business. Change your advert at any time (with no hidden costs!)
We’ve taken the hunting, sifting, and the waiting out of job posting! We help you find suitable candidates at the right time, directly through our website.
As a valuable recruitment tool, the Pumper's Job Board allows:
• Skilled and industry-specific job seekers to post their details and CV
• Businesses to post job vacancies and receive applications in their inbox from the CPAA website
• A streamlined, targeted approach to employ the right person for the right job within the concrete pumping sector.
Put yourself out there and post your details on our “Pumper's Jobs Board”. That way employers can search and contact you for a specific job. You can also apply for suitable jobs posted by concrete pumping employers on our website.
This initiative aims to bridge the gap between employers and employees by providing a targeted and streamlined platform for industry-specific job postings to match skilled job seekers with hiring companies.
In 2017, we identified that the Logbook and Safety Check could be completed more efficiently. It’s an everyday process that many find tedious, so we knew a bit of tweaking and improving would go a long way in bothplanning and safety for everyone. We know not all small businesses have the means or priorities to invest in such a project for themselves, but the privilege of being an Association driven by the needs of our members, is that we can invest in a such a project to give every small business a go.
The main function of the eLogBook is that it covers all the safety checks and functions of that of our physical Logbook that all concrete pumpers would be familiar with. The benefit of the eLogBook over the physical Logbook however, is that it is accessible from any of your devices, it cannot be damaged or lost, you don’t need to scramble to find that missing pen and it’s simply
faster to fill out and keep record of. In fact, you can enter every past Logbook record into the eLogBook and not worry about storing them all away. Pump hours are automatically calculated and recorded. There are regular Periodic Inspections alerts that allow you to stay up to date, as well as repairs that need to be attended to. We have added some graphs to help visualise your trucks performance and use. Users are able to make their own custom tasks and logs so relevant employees in the business are constantly informed. Photos taken through the eLogBook are automatically stored and categorised. You can upload invoices and reports to keep further history and logs on trucks.
Our goal is to see businesses taking full advantage of the eLogBook. We greatly value any and all feedback. This project was designed for our members and we want YOU to have a say in how we make the eLogBook even better!
Haven’t tried the
eLogBook yet?
now find out how it can improve your business!
The Concrete Pumping Association of Australia (CPAA) Line Pump Training Courses will continue, following on from the success of previous courses.
CPAA certification is the only industry-recognised certification program in Australia, which provides an assessment of an operator’s knowledge regarding concrete pump safety. The purpose of certification is to increase the safety awareness of concrete pump operators and to assist in an operator’s development and self-improvement.
Certification will allow concrete pump operators to raise the standard of quality in the industry by upholding and improving the safe operation of concrete pumps.
Individuals will be certified by the CPAA upon successful completion of the course, having met pre-determined qualifications established by the CPAA Committee.
The CPAA Training courses are voluntary programs and are open to any concrete pumper, whether or not their employer is a member of the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia.
raise the professional standards of the concrete pumping industry in
award recognition to concrete pump operators who meet the qualifications
improve the safety awareness and practice of concrete pump operators.
encourage continuing education of concrete pump operators.
assist in an operator's development and self-improvement.
Laing Concrete Pumping took part in massive project on the central coast of NSW. Elysium is a 64-apartment structure set amongst 2.5 acres of tropical gardens, across the road from Terrigal Beach, and within walking distance of the Terrigal CBD.
Claiming one of Terrigal’s most treasured beachfront locations where the ocean meets the lagoon, Elysium pays homage to its magical setting. As the central coast’s most iconic township, Terrigal has an ambience and atmosphere all its own, exuding a cosmopolitan seaside village vibe. Unspoiled, authentic, and scenically breathtaking, this beloved lifestyle destination presents an idyllic place to call home, with Elysium elevating it to luxurious new heights.
Founder and Managing Director of Central Real, Mr Tony Denny, said, “Elysium will be our flagship development and one of the highest quality projects on the Central Coast. An enormous amount of work goes into bringing every Central Real development to the market, but there is something unique and very special about Elysium,”
Developer: Central Real Client: Central Construct Address: Elysium, 158 Terrigal Drive, Terrigal NSW
The revised version of the report comes after the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia requested a series of changes to align the report with the Australian Standard: AS2550.15 (Cranes, hoists and winchesSafe use, Part 15: Concrete placing equipment) with inspection and maintenance. The Association played a key role in re-developing the guide and is pleased to share it with its members.
We encourage our members to communicate the revised changes with their respective customers to ensure all revisions are known. This is a fantastic outcome for the CPAA and our Membership. Thank you to all who were involved in pushing towards a nationally consistent approach to the safe use and operation of concrete pumping equipment!
Access the revised version via the QR Code below.
The CPAA website is a one-stop-shop for all your concrete pumping essentials. The store has been designed for members, non-members and industry stakeholders to ensure 24/7 access to technical and educational information, membership renewals and a streamlined ordering process of safety-related products and express delivery. Some of the CPAA’s products are shown below.
Full membership is provided to any company that is registered to trade in Australia for the purpose of placing concrete or assisting companies in the placing of concrete. These companies include Concrete Pumping Contractors, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Inspectors and Operator Trainers. Members receive up to 21 benefits per year, including 20 - 30% product discounts, free promotion & marketing opportunities and information circulars. To renew or purchase membership, simply log in to the CPAA website with your username, password and member number and pay online.
This 12-month Logbook is designed to be kept in the concrete placing equipment cabin for operator use. When the pages are complete, a copy of the completed page is transferred to an office copy. One book is required for each boom pump in your fleet. The Office Copy Logbook is designed for use in the company central office to store copies of six (6) years of completed forms from the Operator Boom Logbook. One book is required for each boom pump in your fleet with the time period depending on workloads.
The current Code of Practice requires that all models and types of concrete pumping equipment must conform to a minimum standard of visual safety warnings. The CPAA has designed Sticker Kits including instructions for sticker location on the unit. The Premium stickers use a high-grade vinyl with a digital printing process to apply the text and images. These stickers are suitable for use on all concrete placing equipment in all Australian states.
The CPAA offers multiple training and certification courses for members of the CPAA. The events aim to increase knowledge through the dissemination of current, applied information and aid in the facilitation of communications, sharing of knowledge, experience and networking opportunities. Contact the CPAA to learn about the array of boom, line, shotcrete and operator courses that are available.
The Concrete Pumper’s Cap and Work Shirt are affordable essentials for Pumper’s across Australia. The shirts come in sizes S to XXXL and are made from a durable, lightweight, breathable material. The Caps are made from cotton and are embroidered with the CPAA logo.
Head to shop.cpassoc.com.au to view all our products currently for sale. CPAA Members receive between 20%-30% discount on all our products!
SafeWork NSW reached out to the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia to facilitate and deliver a safetyrelated introduction on concrete placing equipment to a group of approximately 40 Inspectors. The focus of the training to include pump function and operation, inspection and maintenance (including pipe inspection) key components and safety devices, logbooks.
The project was based around proactive visits with Inspectors checking: safe systems of work for set-up, placement and concrete operations pre and post start checks, inspection, testing and maintenance have been carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements the operator holds a current and valid concrete placing boom (PB) HRW licence workers are adequately trained and are aware of the safe work systems.
The Concrete Pumping Association of Australia puts incredible importance on this type of engagement at the Government level. These sessions allow us to directly connect with the individuals that can help manifest real change in our Industry, from legislators to inspectors. We look forward to coordinating additional courses with SafeWork NSW in future.
Recognition must go to our fantastic CPAA Members who helped us facilitate these sessions by providing their expertise & resources!
Callaghan Concrete Pumps, W Win Engineering & Schwing Australia went above and beyond to accommodate our working groups from not only SafeWork NSW but all the other SafeWork/WorkSafe departments across Australia.
The Association ran a total of four (4) sessions over the course of March 2022. Our first session was conducted at Schwing Australia HQ on the Central Coast of NSW, our second & third sessions were at W Win Engineering's Milperra location, with the final workshop held at Callaghan Concrete Pumps in Silverdale, NSW.
The CPAA would like to extend our thanks to Mr. John Muldoon & Mr. Damien McTernan of Schwing, Mr Rob Windschuttle & Mr John Zhuang of W Win Engineering and Mr Brian Callaghan of Callaghan Concrete Pumps for their generous provision of time and resources. These sessions enabled SafeWork NSW to receive incredible on-the-ground experience as well as realtime feedback.
Over the past 4 years, the CPAA has conducted industry specific training focusing on understanding the basics of concrete pumping from a course delivered in one day. This course provides members with an overview of planning, set-up, operation, cleaning and hazards of concrete pumps in the construction industry, coupled with the important and invaluable role of using AS 2550.15 compliant LogBooks.
This course is useful for supervisors, operators, competent persons, spotters and line hands. Cost $1,500/ person.
More information can be found on page 23.
We've recently re-joined Instagram! Check out some snaps from our SafeWork NSW sessions and give us a follow through the QR Code Below!
It's been over 3 years since the new Australian Standard was published! We thought we'd once again take you back through the process and highlight the Top 5 Changes.
AS 2550.15 was been republished following an extensive review, updating and contemporising for today's modern concrete placing equipment.The document was prepared by the Committee ME-091, Concrete Placing Equipment, to supersede AS 2550.15: 1994 Cranes - Safe use, Part 15: Concrete placing equipment.
The objective of this Standard is to specify the requirements that apply to concrete placing equipment, which are not cranes used for lifting, but share some common structural, mechanical and electrical elements of cranes. The AS 2550 series of Standards provides national uniform requirements and guidance for the safe use of cranes, hoists and winches, some of which are relevant to concrete placing equipment. This revision of AS 2550.15 resulted in a comprehensive update of the standard requirements, including the addition of contemporary methods and techniques to ensure concrete placing equipment is safe to use.
Back in February 2019, the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia held a Member's Briefing Webinar to explain changes to the Standard and how these changes will be implemented over 2019. The Webinar was recorded and is available at: www. cpassoc.com.au/about/videos/standards-webinars
Removal of 6 yearly 'strip downs' with periodic regime
Amended definition for competent person(s)
Expanded definitions for types of pumps e.g. line pump, boom pump, satellite placing boom.
Alignment of inspection & maintenance requirements with international manufacturer concrete placing equipment and international standards
General document-wide consistency check for use of terminology
Wallace Concrete Pumping took on the epic Northwest Rapid Transit Tunnel Project! The biggest venture of its type ever in Australia and the country’s first fully automated railway project! Requiring 32km of track slabs!
Since 2002, Wallace Concrete Pumping has provided the greater Sydney region a high-quality concrete line and boom pumping service to a range of different projects from residential to commercial and civil. They have done and currently work alongside tier 1 clients such as Lendlease Engineering, CPB Contractors, Laing O'Rourke, Transport NSW, John Holland, Arenco, Seymour Whyte, Acciona etc.
With an extensive fleet of 14 high quality, well-maintained line and boom pumps ranging from 20m, right up to 48m & 33m tower boom, you can be assured of the best service from booking to completion.
• M2 & M5 widening
• Northconnex
• Westconnex
Their highly trained team can undertake any concrete pumping task in a safe and well-planned manner. Wallace Concrete Pumping pride themselves in delivering the best all-round service from the moment you book the pump through to the completion of the job using their fleet of extensively maintained pumps.
Scan the QR code below to see this project for yourself!
The Concrete Pumping Association of Australia (CPAA) is the national body representing the interests of the concrete pumping industry which contributes more than $1.5 billion to the Australian construction economy.
The CPAA aim is to provide a strong, unified and respected voice for the invested $3.5 billion in the concrete pumping industry, whilst working to improve the professionalism, safety, standards and performance of the industry it represents including the 12,000 people employed.
Our mission is to improve the standing of the industry by informing and educating our members through the provision of valuable advice as well as relevant products and services. An important role of the CPAA is to represent the concrete pumping industry to Australian governments and other stakeholders to ensure the best outcomes for members in terms of the sustainability of the industry and the safety of employees.