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Fall 2011 !!!!!!!!! 303 Transborder Theory !!!!!!!!!TCL !!! TCL (Transborder Chicana/O And Latina Department)
lab Yuma(Arizona NGO border patrol police office
Transborder Theory
WST 300 women and contemporary society WST300
Women Study Program upper division
Ann Hibner
Women: Images and Realities
study guid
!!!!!!!! 402: The Global Workplace Senior Seminar !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!BIS !!!! Interdiscipline Study (Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies)
Global Awareness Study field trip
Interdisciplinary approach ASU
omen Study Program
orgasmic birth sexuality
Spring 2012 !!!FMS !!! 461/ SLC 440 Film Theory and Criticism
journal, critical response paper
final paper
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!English 215: Strategies for Academic Writing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! speech and hearing science, literature, nursery
electrical engineering
Discourse community Adaptation Essay
Annotated Bibliograph
iscourse Community
discourse community
annotated bibliography
community annotated bibliography
genre adaptation
discourse community
six-stage analysis
discourse community
TCL/WST 490 Transborder Queer Performativity solo performance
12 solo performers solo performance 1-2
solo performance border-crossing
live performance
ENG602 Advanced Studies in Theory/Criticism: Posthumanism
cyborg animal phenomenology
Umwelt Nancy Derrida
Animal Therefore I Am Haraway
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WOMEN AND GENDER STUDIES PROGRAM ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY WST 300 (SLN 83961)— Women in Contemporary Society FALL 2011 Instructor: Office: Phone: E-mail: Office Hours:
Ann Hibner Koblitz West Hall 214 480-965-8483 koblitz@asu.edu Tuesdays and Wednesdays 2:40-4:30PM, and by appointment (NOTE: I tend to spend a lot of time in my office. If the door is open, feel free to come in.)
Reading in Bookstore: Amy Kesselman, Lily McNair, Nancy Schniedewind, Women: Images and Realities (KMS) Course Content and Goals: This course will examine such topics as the development of contemporary gender roles and stereotypes, women and work, changing educational opportunities, sexuality, politics, health, law, etc. Our goals are to achieve some understanding of the ways that gender shapes experience in our society, to uncover our own hidden assumptions about gender, and to become aware of the complex interactions of gender with other variables such as race, class, age, ethnicity, sexual preference, etc. Ground Rules: Out of respect for your fellow students and yourself, please: 1) do the readings; 2) participate in class; 3) come to class promptly, attend regularly, and do not wander in and out of the classroom at will; 4) be courteous and respectful to one another, even in cases of disagreement; 5) refrain from side conversations; 6) keep smiling! Please switch off all cell phones, pagers, PDTs, PDAs and alarm watches while in class. I reserve the right to confiscate devices that disrupt class in any way. I am close to banning laptops and phones in class—please don’t abuse them. No recording of any classroom interactions is permitted without express written permission of the instructor; any recordings permitted may only be used for class purposes. As you can tell from the list of topics above, this course deals with subjects that many people find sensitive and highly charged. Some of the readings contain strong language and graphic descriptions of violence and sexual situations, and many of the authors take political stances with which you might personally disagree. Please keep an open mind both to the readings and to the views of your classmates with whom you might have differences. Also, please remember that in a university classroom you MUST be able to differentiate between emotions and personal opinions on the one hand, and reasoned analysis of the course material on the other. Academic Honesty:
Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. You are expected to conduct yourself ethically during all activities associated with this class. Any attempt to represent the work of someone else as one’s own or any other form of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of E (0 points) on the assignment, and possibly a grade of E or XE (failed because of cheating) in the course. Please read the department’s detailed policy on academic honesty posted on Blackboard. And please see http://provost.asu.edu/academicintegrity NOTE WELL: The appropriation of information without proper citation from the Internet, the World Wide Web, and/or other electronic media constitutes a violation of our policy on academic honesty. If you are in doubt about the correctness of your methodology, please ask me in advance. ALSO: It is in your best interest and that of your (honorable) classmates to report any incidents of cheating on the exams.
Course Requirements: – On 11 October there will be a midterm consisting of multiple choice questions, brief definitions, and short essays; this will be worth a maximum of 50 points. – There will be one 3-5 page written assignment (due in class on 8 November) which will be worth a maximum of 50 points, and will be an analysis of a book related to the course. The paper guidelines are posted on Blackboard, as are the writing guidelines. It is in your best interest to turn in the paper on or before it is due. Between the end of class and 8PM on Thursday, November 10, papers may be submitted with an automatic mark-down of 15 points. No papers will be accepted thereafter. Essays must be run through Safe Assignment, and I would like a paper copy submitted in class. If necessary, essays may be emailed to me (in doc, docx, pdf formats only). However you submit them, they must be run through Safe Assignment. Please make sure to consult the writing guidelines! – On Tuesday 13 December in our regular classroom from 2:30 to 4:20PM there will be a final exam consisting of multiple choice questions, brief definitions, and short essays. This will be worth a maximum of 100 points. – On a random basis during the term, there will be twelve short quizzes in the first or last ten minutes of class. The quizzes will be based on the readings and lectures since the previous quiz, and will be graded on a four-point scale. = At some point in the semester, you will be responsible for deciding on five terms from that week’s reading that you think are particularly important. You will also come up with five questions for discussion by the class. This will be worth 10 points. You must coordinate with the other presenters on that day. – You may receive up to 20 points for thoughtful, relevant participation, either in class, office hours, or via e-mail. (Note– e-mailing me about what’s going to be on the exam does NOT count!!) Since class only meets once a week, and participation is important, you must attend
regularly, and join discussion frequently. You are allowed ONE free absence. After that, I shall deduct five points from your participation grade for each unexcused absence. If you are absent three times or more, your participation grade will be an automatic E. NOTE: Attendance is not enough to guarantee a good participation grade. You must be actively engaged in the class, or at least coming to see me in office hours or engaging with the reading materials over e-mail or in the Blackboard Discussion Boards. Also, excellent class participation can erase an absence, BUT: two late appearances in class equal one absence, as does leaving early. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; During the course of the semester, you may choose to attend and write about one co-curricular event with a relationship to Women and Gender Studies. This can be a film, lecture, WST brown bag, performance, roundtable, etc. Possibilities will be announced in class as they arise, and you are encouraged to announce any appropriate events that you might notice advertised in town or on campus. After the event, you may turn in a 1-page reflection which is worth a maximum of 10 points. The last day that this assignment will be accepted is 22 November, but it makes more sense to turn it in immediately after you have attended the event. ABSOLUTELY NO LATE EXTRA CREDIT PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Grading Scale: 275 or above = A+ 240 - 274 = A 239-230 = A-
229-220 = B+ 219-210 = B 209-200 = B-
189-180 = C 199-190 = C+ 179-160 = D
Below 160 = E
Please note that your final grade will be based on the TOTAL number of points that you have earned. Do NOT convert your grades on individual assignments to per cents. PERCENTAGES ARE ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT IN THIS GRADING SYSTEM.
BAD DAY RULE/RESPONSIBILITY ALERT!!! I do NOT give make-up exams, nor do I accept late work except under the circumstances outlined above. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THESE POLICIES, SO PLEASE PLAN CAREFULLY. Criteria for Grading: A: Outstanding. Written work is careful and nuanced, conforms to standard written English, and displays consistency of usage and style. Student demonstrates near total familiarity with the readings. Student shows wide-ranging ability to make connections across readings and understand subtlety of argument. In addition, in classroom discussions s/he participates enthusiastically and with due attention to the readings. B: Very good. Written work is clearly above average, with consistency of style and usage and only minor flaws. Participation is pertinent and thoughtful. The student demonstrates an ability to make linkages across disciplines and kinds of experience, and has clearly read all or nearly all of the assigned material. C: Average. Directions followed. Student met minimal expectations, but missed assignments
and did not always appear to keep up with the readings. Written work has many flaws. Student shows reasonable grasp of most concepts and demonstrates some ability to integrate experiences inside and outside of the classroom. There is at least some class participation. D: Below expectations. Below what one would normally expect from a student at the 300-level. Writing has major problems that impede understanding. Student fails to participate appropriately in the classroom, fails to turn in work, has excessive absences. E: Well below expectations. Written work consistently falls below the college level, directions are ignored or misunderstood, help is not sought, absences and missed assignments are frequent, participation is inappropriate or nonexistent. Shows little or no grasp of concepts, and is unable to relate material from inside and outside of the classroom. Appeals: It is a good idea to hold onto all graded work in case there is a question about your grade. Grades are NOT negotiable, and no extra credit (other than that built into the point scale above) will be given. If you dispute a grade given to you, written complaints can be submitted within one week of receiving the grade. Be forewarned, however, that a disputed grade is just as likely to be lowered as anything else. Pick up your work promptly. I keep an eye on who is and who is not keeping current in the course. ******************************************************************* DATES TO REMEMBER: 11 October– midterm exam in class 8 November– essay due in class/Safe Assignment 22 November– last day to submit extra credit paper 13 December– final exam in our classroom at 2:30PM Disability Accommodations: Qualified students with disabilities who will require disability accommodations in this class are encouraged to make their requests to me at the beginning of the semester either during office hours or by appointment. Note: Prior to receiving disability accommodations, verification of eligibility from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) is required. Disability information is confidential.
CALENDAR AND SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED READINGS (readings are due on the dates noted) Please note that there is considerable unevenness in the reading assignment length. That can’t be helped if we want to preserve topical unity. Readings due on:
Readings due on:
23 August course introduction, discussion of concepts, preconceptions, definitions, approaches to the topic; review of syllabus, conversation about expectations
18 October Women’s diversity, divisions, connections
30 August What IS Women and Gender Studies?
25 October Choices, life cycles, differences KMS 434-476
KMS 375-433
KMS 1-40 6 September Becoming a woman; learning gender KMS 41-113
1 November Violence KMS 477-533
13 September Gender and women’s bodies
8 November Emerging feminisms, I KMS 535-558 ====================================== essay due in class 8 November; must be run through Safe Assignment
KMS 115-167
20 September Institutions shaped by gender
15 November Emerging feminisms, II
KMS 169-242
KMS 558-595
27 September Women, labor and the family KMS 243-308
22 November last day to submit (via Safe Assignment) your cocurricular event paper
4 October Health and reproductive justice KMS 309-373
29 November Building social movements KMS 596-635
11 October midterm review, followed by
6 December Catch-up and review for exam ====================================== Exam Day– 13 December
MIDTERM EXAM final exam in our classroom 2:30 – 4:20PM NOTE DIFFERENT TIME!!
BIS 402: The Global Workplace Senior Seminar Fall 2011 Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Program Arizona State University Instructor: Dr. Jessica Hirshorn E-mail: jessica.hirshorn@asu.edu Phone: 480-727-7337 Office Hours / Location: T & TH 10:00-11:45, UASB 218 Course Information: SLN: 77109, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:00-1:15 PM, 8/18-12/6, Tempe, PVW 159
Course Description: This course will examine the global workplace from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. An emphasis will be placed on examining and developing intercultural competencies that are essential in today’s diverse work environment. Whether one is working for a business, healthcare provider, educational institution, or non-for-profit agency, intercultural skills are a necessity in today’s world. Through the use of experiential exercises, research and film, students will gain valuable cultural, geographic, political, environmental, economic and religious insights that will provide them with the competencies needed to be successful in today’s global workplace. Course Goals & Objectives: Through this course students will: • Gain an understanding of the global workplace. • Learn to communicate effectively in intercultural settings. • Increase awareness of world politics, geography, cultures, religions and economics. • Explore concepts of diversity & build self awareness and awareness of others. • Develop an appreciation of the challenges inherent in working in diverse environments. • Understand how your concentration areas relate to the Global workplace. Text: Reynolds, S. and Valentine D., Munter, M. (2010), 2nd edition. Guide to Cross-Cultural Communication. Prentice Hall PTR, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. • Additional weekly readings are available on-line through blackboard or will be distributed in class. Course Requirements: All students are expected to complete the following requirements: Assignment Participation GAP Test and Plan GAP 1 GAP 2
Grade 20% 5% 5% 5%
Due Daily 8/30 9/13 9/27
Workplace Paper GAP 3 GAP 4 Conversation Partner Cultural Workshop & Papers Final Reflection Papers Grading Scale: A 100-90 B 89-80
C 79-70
10% 5% 5% 20% 20% 5%
D 69-60
10/4 10/25 11/3 11/10 11/15-12/1, as assigned 12/6
E 59 & below
Course Schedule Date
Class introduction
What competencies are needed in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s global workplace?, GAP, AECP Programs Exploring our own culture: cultural identity
8/25 8/30 9/1 9/6 9/8
Ethnocentrism, prejudice & stereotypes Film: Hotel Rwanda part 1 Film: Hotel Rwanda part 2 Understanding cultural diversity in the workplace Intercultural communication concepts & theories Intercultural Communication effects, time
Non- Verbal communication
Role of language
Working in a Global Workplace: Guest Speaker Rosh Hashana- No Class Field Trip: Chinese Cultural Center, Patrick Welch tour guide Rules of engagement, etiquette
9/29 10/4 10/6
Rocket Intercultural Simulation: Intercultural
Due Familiarize yourself with the course blackboard site, syllabus and assignments Complete week 1 readings on Blackboard Week 2 Readings on Blackboard GAP Test and Plan Due Week 3 Readings Week 4 Readings Reynolds & Valentine, pages 3-26, GAP Assignment 1 Due Week 5, Readings, Reynolds and Valentine, pages 27-38 Reynolds & Valentine, pages 75-92 Week 6 Readings, Reynolds and Valentine, pages 53-74 Gap Assignment 2 Due Week 7 readings ICC Workplace Papers Due Week 8 Readings, Reynolds & Valentine Chap. Pages 93112
10/13 10/18 10/20 10/25
Management & Work Styles Cultural Adjustment Speaker from the Lost Boy Center Field Trip: Visit to Mosque Film: Namesake
10/27 11/1 11/3 11/8
Film: Namesake Religion in the Global Workplace Know your Geography Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s global Politics & the Environment
Group Work Day!
Asia/ Pacific Workshops
Africa Workshops
South America Workshops
Middle East Workshops
Europe Workshops
12/6 Wrap up * Schedule is subject to change
Week 9 Readings
Week 10 Readings , GAP Assignment 3 Due Week 10 Readings GAP Assignment 4 Due Week 12 Readings Conversation Partner Journal due Week 13 Readings, Asia presentations and papers Due Africa presentations and papers Due Week 14 Readings, South American presentations and papers Due Middle East Presentations and papers Due Week 15 Readings, Europe Presentations and papers Due Final reflection paper
Description of Assignments and Grading: Participation & Attendance: (20%) It is expected that you will attend class regularly and participate in class discussions and exercises. Absences will be excused only in case of emergency or official university business and four or more absences could result in failing the course. Global Awareness Study (GAP): (Contract and test 5%, 4 assignments worth 5% each, total 25%) The Global Awareness Profile otherwise known as "GAP" is a self-scoring assessment that gives participants a graphic representation of their global awareness. It presents 126 questions based on common knowledge in six geographic regions (Asia, Africa, North America, South America, the Middle East and Europe) and six subject areas (environment, politics, geography, religion, socioeconomics and culture), along with twelve questions about broad global issues.
By 8/30 you will be required to take the gap test and develop a learning contact in which you choose four activities that you will complete as part of this course. You will be required to carry out activities as indicated on your contract and then write a one page minimum paper about it with documentation as proof (pictures and receipts). The hope is that by completing these enrichment activities you will increase your global awareness in the areas where the test found you to be the weakest. Each Gap Journal Entry is worth 5%. GAP TEST: By 8/30 you will need to take the GAP test and report the scores back along with the learning contract that you develop. You should report your overall score as well as your profile scores which include geographic and context area scores. The average score on this test is a 70, so don't feel bad if you don't do as well as you would have liked to do. Instructions for students: First: Make sure that you are using a compatible browser. I found that Firefox worked well, but was unable to take the test using Chrome. If you are unable to log into the test, try changing your internet browser. Then: Make sure that you have a visa or master card. The test will cost $10 to take. Make sure that you enter the address that is associated with your credit card. Next: 1. Open the web browser to the GAP Test: http://www.globalawarenessprofile.com/gaptest/ 2. Click on #1 Create an Account. 3. Enter using your ASU email and password. 4. Click “REGISTER” to continue. 5. Select "Global Awareness Profile" start new 6. Enter the Group Name and Key: o Group Name: BIS 402 Fall 11 o Key: navigate 7. Taking the test. Select an answer. You must click submit on each question for the answer to be recorded. Your status is kept in the left margin: * Orange – current question * Gray – answered question Let me know if you encounter any problems when taking the test. This test took me about an hour to complete, so make sure that you have enough time allotted. When you have completed the test click on "Profile" to see your score. You should see a score for each geographic and context area.
GAP CONTRACT: After you have completed the GAP test create a learning contract based on one of your weakest areas from the GAP test. Your test scores should also be included. You will choose one context area and one geographic area to focus on. Pick a geographic area and context area where you scored low on to focus your learning contract on. It does not have to be your lowest score, but should be an area that you know little about and therefore did not score as well as you did on other areas. Create a learning contract. I am giving you the freedom to choose what activities you would like to do each of the four assignments in order to improve your global awareness. You will then write a one page minimum paper for each of the activities that you choose. Here is a sample contract to help you to create your own contract: SAMPLE LEARNING CONTRACT Name: My lowest geographic region score: My lowest context area score:
GOALS I would like to know more about ___________ (region of lowest score) and __________ (context area of lowest score). In order to improve my knowledge I plan to do the following: Pick four activities to complete which relate to your chosen region and/or context area. 1. Find a cultural mentor and plan regular meetings. ______________________ (List the name of your mentor) 2. Watch foreign film____________________ (name of film) ______________________ (country where film originated or is about). 3. Read a publication _____________________ (name of magazine, journal or newspaper) 4. Read a travel book about __________________ (name of place) 5. Read a novel by a native author from _____________ (name of country)
6. Read a book in the context area of _______________ (name of context area) 7. Gain firsthand experience by:____________________________ (name cultural or ethnic site that you will visit, could include cultural centers, museums, places of worship, restaurants, cultural festivals, ethnic stores etc...) 8. Pursue social interaction (and or an interview) with a person or persons from: ________________________ (name of person and country that they are from) 9. Plan a trip to: _________________ (name of place) 10. Learn a few words in a new language _______________ (name of language) 11. Create an online scavenger hunt with links to web-sites related to your region and/or context area. 12. Learn a new art form ___________________ (name of art form) 13. Cook a meal from _______________ (name of country) 14. Listen to music from ____________ (name of country) 15. Attend a cultural festival or event. Check out for ideas: http://www.azcentral.com/thingstodo/events/ 16. Visit the web-site InterPals http://www.interpals.net/ and correspond with an international pen pal. 17. Other _________________________________________
ICC Workplace Paper: (10%) You will be required to research a specific aspect of workplace diversity and relate it to your internship (or other work experience). Begin by describing the situation / or cultural difference that occurred and then examine the difference using intercultural concepts to explain the difference. Topic suggestions include: language differences, time perceptions, space/ proximity, eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, power distance, individualism/ collectivism, high/low context, value differences. You will then write a 4 page, double spaced paper on your research topic. Papers must cite at least 5 sources & citations must be documented using APA style. Conversation Partner/ Conversation Club: (20%) You will be required to participate in either AECPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s English Language conversation partner program, conversation club or an approved other similar alternative. You are to keep a journal/ log of your meetings with a minimum of a one paragraph summary of what you discussed during each meeting.
Option 1. American English and Culture Program (AECP): The Conversation Partner Program is designed to help new international students with their understanding of the English language and American culture. A Conversation Partner agrees to meet with an international student, whose first language is not English, once or twice a week for about one hour, at a mutually convenient time and place in order to talk, listen and learn. The program allows American students the benefit of developing a greater cultural awareness and understanding in a one-on-one setting. You must meet with your partner face to face for a minimum of 12 hours throughout the semester. You must meet at least 6 times to fulfill the 12 hours requirement. Option 2: AECP Conversation Club: An informal group made up of international and American students. You must meet attend at least 12 meetings. Option 3. Other: You can set up your own conversation partner program with someone who you already know & who is from a culture different from your own. This can not include a spouse or an immediate family member. It can however be with an acquaintance, a friend, a co-worker etc… This option must be approved by the professor.
Cultural Workshop & Paper: (20%) Part 1 (group) (5%) You will work in groups of 3-4 to plan a cultural theme day. Each group will work together to create a regional theme day. Themes will include: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Middle East and Europe. As a group you are to create an atmosphere and environment for learning about your region of the world. Ideas for creating a culturally appropriate environment include; decorations, visual aids, maps, charts, food, music, etc… Part II: (5%) Workshop (individual) each member of the group is to facilitate a 20 minute workshop on an aspect of a particular culture within the region. Make sure that each group member presents on a different topic. Each group member will be responsible for their own workshop, however the group will work as a whole to create the theme day. For this assignment I would like for you to follow your choose a region of the world that was indicated as weak on your GAP test. You will then prepare a 20 minute workshop for the class based on information found from your research. Topics that are chosen should be reflective of your concentration areas. For example if one of your concentration areas are music and business you could facilitate a workshop on how the music of Ghana is promoted. Presentations will take place on a pre-assigned date that corresponds with the topic. The workshop should be interactive and not a lecture. Feel free to have the class participate in activities, games etc… This assignment will be assessed through peer evaluations which will be filled out for each presentation.
Part III: (10%) You are to write a 4 page paper to accompany your workshop on your topic. Papers (& workshops) will ideally relate to one or both of your concentration areas. Double space all work, use 12 pt fonts and cite in APA. Final Course Reflection Paper (5%): In your final course paper you will reflect back on your GAP, conversation partners and other class experiences and discuss what you learned and how you grew from these experiences. Final papers should be a minimum of two pages. Important Policies Conduct An environment of acceptance is to be maintained at all times in this class. From time to time sensitive issues may arise regarding: race, class, nationality, gender, religion & sexual orientation, students are expected to respect the confidentiality of any shared information. This course is conducted according to the ASU Code of Conduct, which is available on-line through the ASU home page. Late Assignment Policy Late assignments will be penalized 10% for each week that they are late. Participation Policy Participation is an integral part of this course. The student's participation will be assessed taking into account: attendance, participation in class activities, and participation in class discussions. Essential for participation is preparation. It is expected that each student has completed all readings and assignments for each class. Four or more unexcused absences could result in failing the course. Rules of Academic Integrity The Rules of Academic Integrity is the university community's standard of honesty and is endorsed by all members of the ASU & BIS academic community. It is an essential element of the University's academic credibility. All work in this course must follow ASU & BIS Rules of Academic Integrity, which is available on-line at: http://www.asu.edu/studentlife/judicial/integrity.html Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated and could result in course failure and possible suspension. Americans with Disabilities Act In accordance with section 504 of the federal rehabilitation act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, ASU endeavors to make reasonable adjustments in its policies, practices, services and facilities to ensure equal education programs and activities. Proof of disability from a competent authority will be required as well as information regarding specific limitations for which accommodation is requested. Should you need special accommodations, please contact me after class or during office hours. Religious Observances: Students will be excused from class for religious observances, however
they are required to inform the professor in advance.
WST 313: WOMEN & SEXUALITY Fall 2011 Section #70188 Wednesdays 4:40 – 7:30pm Tempe PSA 106 Instructor: Tiffany Lamoreaux Faculty Associate of Women & Gender Studies Email: tiffany.lamoreaux@asu.edu Office Hours: to be announced
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Although our sexuality is linked to our biology, it is also linked to our society. Sexual behaviors, identities, and norms vary over time and place. Even our ideas about what constitutes the ‘biological’ aspects of sexuality are socially and historically constructed. Cultural attitudes and practices influence the sexual world, as do individual worldviews and experiences. The power structures configured through racial, classed, and gender-based differences also shape the way that sexuality is defined, expressed and experienced. In this course we will examine the social context in which female sexuality occurs, asking how our cultural ideas about female sexuality have developed over time, and about the pleasures, dangers, and consequences associated with these changing social norms. The course challenges students to examine taken-for-granted beliefs about the naturalness of various sexual phenomena and deepens students’ understanding of how various social forces shape people’s sexual lives. The course will focus on the diversity of thought, behavior and lived experience of individuals with regard to sexuality. To take this class, you must be able to discuss sexuality intellectually. If you are currently experiencing pain or turmoil related to sexuality, are uncomfortable discussing sexuality or viewing sexual materials, or believe your moral views might make it difficult for you to analyze these topics intellectually, this is NOT the course for you. The discussion of sexual topics can be embarrassing and scary in the wrong environment, I do my best to create a positive and fun intellectual climate in class, and I expect all of you to make a positive contribution in helping to make this a safe space for everyone! COMPUTERS, BLACKBOARD SYSTEM, AND EMAIL: If you are having home computer problems, there are computers available for use on any of ASU’s campuses and Public Libraries have computers for internet access. If you have a computer emergency I recommend that you use a friend’s computer or a computer from one of the above sources for access. If you are experiencing technical difficulties with either blackboard, or your computer, please call ASU HELP DESK 480-965-6500 (24 hours everyday), or www.help.asu.edu If you have contacted them about an issue be sure to let me know when/and why they were contacted so I am aware of the problem. With the exception of a system blackboard error, technical difficulties will not be an excuse for missing assignment deadlines. ACADEMIC HONESTY: In the “Student Academic Integrity Policy” manual, ASU defines “’Plagiarism” [as] using another's words, ideas, materials or work without properly acknowledging and documenting the source. Students are responsible for knowing the rules governing the use of another's work or materials and for acknowledging and documenting the source appropriately.” You can find this definition at:
http://www.asu.edu/studentaffairs/studentlife/judicial/academic_integrity.htm#definitions Academic dishonesty, including inappropriate collaboration, will not be tolerated. There are severe sanctions for cheating, plagiarizing and any other form of dishonesty. LAPTOPS/CELLPHONES- Please note that while I am allowing the use of laptops in the classroom this is intended for taking notes or looking up information if needed only. Using laptops and other electronic devises to chat or check up on social networking pages is not appropriate. I ask that all laptop users sit near the front of the classroom.
REQUIRED TEXT BOOKS: There are five required books for the course (see below) there will also be occasional readings available through blackboard. - Schwartz, Pepper and Virginia Rutter. The Gender of Sexuality. 2000. - Weitzer, Ronald. Sex for Sale. (second edition 2010). - Twine, France Winddance. Outsourcing the Womb: Race, Class, and Gestational Surrogacy in a Global Market. 2011 Required books but Optional Purchase (because these books are available on the ASU online library): - Lancaster, Roger N. Trouble with Nature: Sex in Science and Popular Culture. (2003). - Valenti, Jessica. The Purity Myth. (2009).
COURSE STRUCTURE: This course will consist of lectures and discussions. Because we will be discussing the readings in class it is important that everyone come to class prepared to discuss the assigned materials. As you are reading consider questions that you would like to bring up for discussion, take reading notes, or keep a reading journal as to aid our discussions. ATTENDENCE/PARTICIPATION: Because we will be discussing the readings together you will be required to attend class regularly and participate. To encourage participation everyone will have a chance to lead the class discussion with a few discussion questions presented during class. Additionally, there will be three random in-class assignments given throughout the semester that will be worth points towards participation. ASSIGNMENTS: There will be three critical application assignments due throughout the semester (see the calendar below for due dates). The descriptions and instructions of each assignment are available on blackboard. TOPIC, PELIMINARY BIBLIOGRAPHY: In lieu of a midterm exam, you will be submitting a one to two page document that will include your final paperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s topic and preliminary bibliography. You must have a topic paragraph explaining to me what your final paper topic will cover and what you intend to argue/explore, and you must include at the minimum 5 preliminary academic sources. These sources should be annotated.
FINAL & GROUP PROJECT: There will be a group project for your final. It will comprise of a research essay (5-7 pages) and a group component. The final will be graded for both the individual work and the group collaboration. Please see the hand-out on blackboard for the details. GRADE BREAKDOWN: The grading policy follows. It is important to remember that no grade is â&#x20AC;&#x153;givenâ&#x20AC;?. Instead the student earns points which will be objectively calculated on percentage scale (see below). - Attendance/Participation = 30 points total - Random In-class assignments = 15 points each (3 @15 = 45 points total) - Critical Application Assignments = 45 points each (3 @ 45 = 135) - Topic/Bibliography = 100 points - Final Project = 125 pts - Group Project = 30 pts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Points Possible 465
The following are the cutoff points for each grade (the + / - grading system is used in this class). 90-91% (A-) 92-97% (A) 98-100% (A+) 80-81% (B-) 82-87% (B) 88-89% (B+) 70-77% (C) 78-79% (C+) 60-69% (D) 59% or less (E)
QUALIFIED DISABILITIES: Please see me before the end of the second week of classes if you need accommodation for a qualified disability.
COURSE SCHEDULE: *This is subject to change* Unit/Theme Introduction to course/Syllabus
Dates 8/24/2011
Chapters 1-3 of Gender of Sexuality - Are We Having Sex Now or What? (Blackboard)
Chapters 4-5 of Gender of Sexuality
Introduction to sexuality and theorizing
Introduction continued and social control
The Social Construction of HIV Transmission and
Prevention (BB)
Social control of sexuality 9/14/2011 Social control of sexuality 9/21/2011 continued
Assignment 1 Due Chapters 1-5 Purity Myth Chapters 6-10 Purity Myth - Boys will be Boys (BB) Chapters 1-4 Sex for Sale Assignment 2 Due Chapters 7-11 Sex for Sale Chapters 12-14 Sex for Sale Topic Paper Due Read all, Outsourcing the Womb
Sex as a commodity Sex as a commodity
9/28/2011 10/5/2011
Sex as a commodity
Introduction to Technological Interventions Science and Gendered Bodies
All the following will be on Blackboard - Read - Who will make room for the Intersex? - Medicine and the Making of the Sexual Body - The Sorcererâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Apprentice - Fixing the Broken Male Machine - The G-spot and Other Mysteries - Polishing the Pearl
Science, sex, and popular culture Science, sex, and popular culture
Science, sex, and popular culture
Chapters TBA Trouble with Nature Assignment 3 Due Chapters TBA Trouble with Nature Chapters TBA Trouble with Nature Open/Work on Finals! Presentations/Finals Due
Last day of class
11/23/2011 11/30/2011
English 215: Strategies for Academic Writing (Sections 10519 and 14453) Instructor: M. Whitney Olsen E-mail: whitney.olsen@asu.edu Course information: T/Th 12:00-1:15 PM Office: Languages & Literature (LL), Room 3 T/Th 1:30-2:45 PM Office Hours: T/Th 2:50-4:20 PM, W 12:00-1:00 PM (on Skype: myenglishprofessor), and by appointment--just e-mail me! Required text: The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines, 11th Edition, 2010 About this course Advanced interdisciplinary writing course emphasizing critical reading and thinking, argumentative writing, library research, and documentation of sources in an academic setting. Practice and study of selected rhetorics of inquiry (for example, historical, cultural, empirical, and ethnographic) employed in academic disciplines, preparing students for different systems of writing in their academic lives. Throughout this course, students will: significantly improve their academic writing; develop an understanding of how members of a particular discipline conceive of and engage in the rhetorical practices of that discipline; demonstrate understanding of the key conversations, the forms, and the conventions of writing in a particular discipline; gain experience in the construction of knowledge within a discipline and practice using its discourse; read critically and analyze rhetorically writings from a particular discipline and use those lenses to frame their own discourses; write in the different forms and styles of a particular discipline; and develop techniques for conducting research on the Internet and with other electronic databases. Attendance and Tardiness Learning to write is a collaborative effort. We need you for peer reviews, insight, and group assignments! Attendance will be a major part of your final grade in this course. I will take attendance daily. I will deduct twenty points from your attendance grade for each absence. If you do not show up to class after fifteen minutes, I will mark you absent. You may still attend the meeting, but you will lose twenty points. Two tardy arrivals constitute one absence (ten points each). You will be marked tardy if you arrive after we discuss the daily homework assignments and I have taken attendance. If you leave class early, you will be marked tardy or absent, depending on how much class you miss. In-class assignments will contribute significantly to your grade and cannot be completed outside class. Your larger assignments will build on work done in class and cannot be completed properly without the information given in each and every meeting. Please be aware of the following ASU Writing Program policy: If you are absent or tardy above four absences (whether a combination of tardies/absences or otherwise), you will automatically fail this course. Workshops There will be three paper workshops throughout the semester, one for each essay. As per the late work policy, and due to the in-person and time-sensitive nature of the workshops, no missed
workshops can be made up. You must be in class, ready with a rough draft, on the day workshops are scheduled. Revision and Paper Grading Papers and assignments will not be accepted if turned in using alternative formats (e.g. if the assignment says the paper is due on Blackboard SafeAssign, e-mailed copies will not be accepted). It is your responsibility to give yourself time to find another computer or internet connection in case things go wrong. Writing is all about revising, again and again. Within one week of my returning your writing to you, you may revise it and turn it back in potentially to receive a better grade. You must include the original essay with my comments in addition to the revised copy. You will never receive a worse grade than you already got. The score will either stay the same or improve. You may revise a paper as many times as you like â&#x20AC;&#x201C; revisions are always due within one week of the paper being returned and all previous revisions must be attached. No comments will be provided on revisions unless requested. Essay lengths listed on paper rubrics are not suggestions--they are requirements. The minimum number of pages listed required for a paper is the bare minimum I can imagine someone addressing the depth and complexity of the issues you will be dealing with in this class. If the essay rubric lists a minimum of five pages, you should write until you reach the bottom of the fifth page or beyond. There are no page maximums.--you may write as much as you need to or would like to on your topic. If you write four out of five pages, the highest grade you can receive is 4/5, or 80%. If you write three and a half pages for a six page paper, the highest grade you can achieve is 3.5/6, or 58.3%, etc. The same policy exists for presentations. If the minimum time is six minutes, and you present for four, you will receive a maximum grade of 66%. If you have a good reason (rhetorical, not circumstantial) for writing less, you may contact me or meet with me only in advance of the due date to discuss this option. Electronics Policy Cell phones, PDAs, iPods, tablets, e-readers, and all other electronic devices must be turned off in class. This includes the â&#x20AC;&#x153;vibrateâ&#x20AC;? function, which should be disabled on all devices. You may have your phone out only to record homework while we discuss it at the beginning of class. If I find that you are inappropriately using an electronic device (including but not limited to texting, calling, playing games, using social networking [e.g. Facebook or Twitter] or e-mailing) during class, you will receive a significant deduction to your participation grade (minimum of 20 points). Repeated, unacceptable use of your phone, computer, or other electronic device will result in your outright failure (zero points) on your participation grade. I reserve the right to deduct points from elsewhere on the grade for repeated disruptive electronics use. Other Business
All Writing Programs policies are available online: http://english.clas.asu.edu/wp-students. I reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus for our mutual benefit. Any changes that will require a different type of work or additional work will be made at least two weeks in advance. You may e-mail me at any time with any questions you have, no matter how trivial! I check my e-mail daily, and during the week, I will respond to student e-mails once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening. I expect you to act in a professional, respectful manner behooving a college student. You may not always agree with me or with your peers, but I expect that differences will be discussed or tolerated in a respectful manner without exception. Grading Scale A+: 97%+ A: 93-96.9% A-:90-92.9% B+: 87-89.9% B: 83-86.9% B-: 80-82.9% C+: 77-79.9% C: 73-76.9% D: 60-72.9% E: 0-59.9% Grade Breakdown Sheet You can compute your grade at any time in the semester using the rubric below. It is the same scheme as I use to compute your grades. There is no curve or weighting in this class--"straight points." Assignment
Points 100
Due Date Ongoing
Discourse Community Analysis In-class workshop Final draft
Annotated Bibliography In-class workshop Final draft Genre Adaptation Essay In-class workshop Final draft Mock Conference Presentation Professional comportment Presentation
04/17, 19, 24
04/17, 19, 24
Group Presentation/Discussion Leaders
My Grades
Analysis Worksheets
Fifteen-Minute Essay Portfolio
T, 04/24/12
T, 04/24/12
Standard Writing Programs Policies 1. Policy on class attendance Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Because Writing Programs courses incorporate frequent small- and large-group activities into lessons, students who are absent affect not only their own learning, but that of their fellow students. Therefore, only two weeks’ worth of absences (see below) will be allowed for the semester, regardless of reason, including documented illness or emergency. Students who exceed two weeks’ worth of classes will fail the course, unless they withdraw (see http://students.asu.edu/withdrawal). • For Fall and Spring semesters, classes that meet three days a week (MWF, for example), the maximum number of allowed absences is six (6); for classes that meet two days a week, the maximum number is four (4); for classes that meet once a week, the maximum number is two (2). For classes that meet on other schedules, the number of absences allowed should reflect a similar ratio (two weeks worth of class meetings). • Note: Students who participate in university-sanctioned activities and/or who will be unable to meet the attendance requirements for a particular section should move to another section where their activity schedules will not interfere with their classroom obligations (students can freely switch sections during the first week of the semester). To accommodate students who participate in university-sanctioned activities, ASU Writing Programs offers sections of many courses online and at various times of the day and week. We have asked advisors across campus to help students enroll in appropriate sections. If you think that this course may conflict with a university-sanctioned activity in which you are involved—athletics or the debate team or another—please see me immediately. • Note: Writing Programs is sensitive to the religious practices of the various religious faiths represented in the student body of the university community. Writing Programs’ standard attendance policy listed here provides reasonable accommodation for individual religious practices. Students who anticipate absences due to religious reasons should plan their absences in the course accordingly. To accommodate students’ religious practices, ASU Writing Programs offers sections of many courses online and at various times of the day and week. We have asked advisors across campus to help students enroll in appropriate sections. If you think this course may conflict with your religious practices, please see me immediately. 2. Attendance: first week of classes According to university policy, students who are registered but do not attend any of the first week of classes may be dropped. 3. If I am absent If I need to cancel class for any reason, I will contact you via e-mail. If possible, I will also try to get someone to post a sign. However, if you come to class and I have not arrived by the time 15 minutes have elapsed (from when class is to start), please assume that class is cancelled, and check e-mail frequently afterwards for further instructions. 4. Grading
Grading is based on specific assignment criteria, and will follow English Department standards for content, organization, expression, and mechanics. To compute final course grades, the following values are assigned to the standard letter grades of A through E: o o o o o o o o o o o
A+ = 4.3 (only used internally at ASU) A = 4.0 A- = 3.7 B+ = 3.3 B = 3.0 B- = 2.7 C+ = 2.3 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 E = 0.3 No paper = 0.0
5. The public nature of writing and discussions Please consider every piece of writing you do for this class to be "public property." Remember that you will often be expected to share your writing with others, so avoid writing about things that you may not be prepared to subject to public scrutiny, or things you feel so strongly about that you are unwilling to listen to perspectives other than your own. This does not mean that you are not entitled to an opinion but that you adopt positions responsibly, contemplating the possible effect on others. This course may contain content (assigned readings, in-class discussions, etc.) deemed offensive by some students. If you have concerns about any course content, please bring these concerns to the attention of your instructor. 6. Technological Distractions Please refrain from any unauthorized usages of technology during our class sessions. In this usage, ‘unauthorized’ means unrelated to the tangible learning activity or activities taking place during the class period. Please put all hand-held electronic devices away. I will expect computers and laptops to be used for classroom activities only. Failure to abide by these guidelines will have a negative impact on a student’s participation grade. Repeat offenders may be seen as disruptive and asked to leave class. 7. Late Writing Projects No late work will be accepted in this class, regardless of circumstances. However, I do on occasion grant extensions if you contact me beforehand. If you miss any major writing assignment, you will automatically fail the course. You must complete all major assignments for this course in order to pass (see #8). 8. All writing for this class must be written for this class To pass this class all major writing assignments must be submitted, and note that all writing for this class must be written for this class. Resubmitting a paper from another class or elsewhere constitutes academic dishonesty. If you wish to further pursue a project begun in another class or develop ideas you have written about in another class, please discuss your plans with me first. 9. Academic Dishonesty Students are expected to write and submit original work in Writing Programs classes, and to incorporate others’ words, images, or ideas into their writing using standard attribution practices.
Academic dishonesty in any form (see http://provost.asu.edu/academicintegrity/policy/StudentObligations) will not be tolerated, and students are expected to be familiar with all relevant university policies. The Academic Integrity Policy is located at http://provost.asu.edu/academicintegrity. 10. Disruptive, Threatening, or Violent Behavior Students, faculty, staff, and other individuals do not have an unqualified right of access to university grounds, property, or services. Interfering with the peaceful conduct of university-related business or activities or remaining on campus grounds after a request to leave may be considered a crime. A disruptive student may be withdrawn from a course with a mark of “W” or “E” when the student’s behavior disrupts the educational process. Disruptive classroom behavior for this purpose is defined by the instructor. Disruptive behavior in any form (see http://www.asu.edu/studentaffairs/safety/definitions.html) will not be tolerated, and students are expected to be familiar with all relevant university policies. ASU Student Rights and Responsibilities are located at http://students.asu.edu/srr/code. 11. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Qualified students with disabilities may be eligible to receive academic support services and accommodations. Eligibility is based on qualifying disability documentation and assessment of individual need. If students wish to request accommodation for a disability, they must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) and submit appropriate documentation from the DRC in advance of the request. Additional information can be found at the DRC website: http://www.asu.edu/studentaffairs/ed/drc/. 12. End-of-Semester Portfolio Collection All students will submit a portfolio of their work to the Writing Programs Portfolio Archive at the end the semester. This portfolio will consist of the final drafts of all major writing projects. This portfolio will be submitted digitally as a single PDF containing the major project final drafts in chronological order. Additional information and instructions for submission will be provided before the end of the semester. Course Schedule Tuesday
Thursday 5 January Course introduction and necessities Group Project/Discussion Leaders
10 January Course terminology and concepts Genre identification HW: Read Chs. 2 and 3; print, sign, bring
HW: Purchase textbook (must have by Tuesday, Jan. 10) 12 January Discourse Community Analysis assignment covered Discourse community associations, websites, publications
plagiarism agreement
Chapters 2 and 3 review
17 January
HW: Read Ch. 1 for next time 19 January
Chapter 1 discussion
Chapter 4 discussion: MLA/APA Olympics
Quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing in academic writing
Six-Stage Analysis practice
Adler essay
Julie Tharp in class
24 January
HW: Read Ch. 5 for next time, download and print article, complete Six-Stage Analysis and bring it 26 January
Chapter 5 discussion
Discourse Community Analysis paper workshop
Chapter 5 group presentation
HW: Discourse Community Analysis due on Tuesday, January 31st, by 11:59 PM MST on Blackboard SafeAssign. Print sample annotated bibliography from Blackboard--marginalia!
HW: Read Ch. 4 for next time--BRING BOOK!
HW: Discourse Community Analysis paper draft due next time for workshop. Must bring printed essay, must be on time to get credit. 31 January
2 February
Annotated Bibliography assignment
Chapter 6 discussion
Annotated bibliography discussion
Chapter 6 group presentation
HW: Discourse Community Analysis due tonight, January 31st, by 11:59 PM MST on Blackboard SafeAssign.Read Ch. 6, read and print article, complete and bring Six-Stage Analysis 7 February
HW: Read Ch. 7, read and print article, complete and bring Six-Stage Analysis
9 February
Chapter 7 discussion
Individual Conferences--LL 3
Chapter 7 group presentation HW: Conduct research for annotated bibliography. Take notes on where you are looking for sources, what you are finding, bring to individual conference to discuss--1 page minimum. 14 February
16 February
Individual Conferences--LL 3 21 February
Individual Conferences--LL 3 23 February
Chapter 8 discussion
Chapter 9 discussion
Chapter 8 group presentation
Chapter 9 group presentation
HW: Read Ch. 9, read and print article, complete and bring Six-Stage Analysis 28 February
HW: Read Ch. 10, read and print article, complete and bring Six-Stage Analysis 1 March
Chapter 10 discussion
Annotated Bibliography paper workshop
Chapter 10 group presentation
HW: Annotated Bibliography due on Tuesday, March 6th, by 11:59 PM MST on Blackboard SafeAssign. Print a sample genre from your discourse community to share next time.
HW: Annotated Bibliography paper workshop next time. Bring complete draft of annotated bibliography to class next time. Must be on time, with printed draft in hand to get credit. 6 March
8 March
Genre Adaptation rubric
Chapter 11 discussion
Genre discussion
Chapter 11 group presentation
HW: Annotated Bibliography due tonight, Tuesday, March 6th, by 11:59 PM MST on Blackboard SafeAssign. Read Ch. 11, read and print article, complete and bring Six-Stage Analysis 13 March
HW: Read Ch. 12, read and print article, complete and bring Six-Stage Analysis
Chapter 12 discussion
Chapter 13 discussion
Chapter 12 group presentation
Chapter 13 group presentation
HW: Read Ch. 13, read and print article, complete and bring Six-Stage Analysis 20 March
HW: Read Ch. 14, read and print article, complete and bring Six-Stage Analysis 22 March
Spring Break (no class)
Spring Break (no class)
27 March
29 March
Chapter 14 discussion
Chapter 15 discussion
Chapter 14 group presentation
Chapter 15 group presentation
HW: Read Ch. 15, read and print article, complete and bring Six-Stage Analysis
HW: Genre Adaptation paper workshop next time. Must bring complete draft, on time, to receive credit. Think of something you want to learn for open topic discussion and bring your
15 March
3 April
idea to class. 5 April
Genre Adaptation paper workshop
Mock Conference Presentations rubric
Must be on time, with printed draft in hand to receive credit.
Open Topic Day HW: Attend your individual conference
HW: Submit revised Genre Adaptation by 11:59 PM tonight, by 11:59 PM MST on Blackboard for instructor workshop. 10 April 12 April Individual Conferences
Individual Conferences
17 April
19 April
Mock Conference Presentations
Mock Conference Presentations
HW: Genre Adaptation due by 11:59 PM MST tonight on Blackboard SafeAssign. 24 April Mock Conference Presentations
Advanced Studies in Theory/Criticism: Posthumanism ENG 602 1001
Tuesday 4:40-7:30
“We need to understand that five hundred years of humanism may be coming to an end, as humanism transforms itself into something that we must helplessly call posthumanism” – Ihab Hassan “man, the shepherd of being, appropriates his own concealedness, his own animality, which neither remains hidden nor is made an object of mastery, but is thought as such, as pure abandonment” – Giorgio Agamben
Ron Broglio Office: 546D Office Hrs: Thurs. 4:30-6:30 & by appt. Phone: 404-723-1130 Email: ron.broglio@asu.edu
CLN 22504 Course Description In humanism, we use culture to leverage the difference between ourselves and other animals. Humanism has provided a number of figurations for constructing this difference including reason, history, techne, and Dasein. Posthumanism offers a line of flight by which to rethink our relationship to the nonhuman and our own animality. In this course we will explore a number of foundational and experimental texts in posthumanism and animal studies in order to think animality as pure abandonment. Texts range from works of theory (including Derrida, Deleuze, Lingis, Wolfe) to case studies from art (Postmodern Animal) to literature (Coetzee) to graphic novels (Grant Morrison) to cultural encounters with animals (from Uexküll onwards).
SCHEDULE Any changes will be announced in class and by email. Supplementary readings are in brackets. Jan. 10 Week 1: Introductions Berger “Why Look at Animals,” Burt “John Berger’s ‘Why Look at Animals’: a Close Reading,” Neil Badmington’s “Introduction” to his edited collection of essays Posthumanism. 2000. 1/17 Week 2: Umwelt Thomas Nagel. 1974. “What Is It Like To Be a Bat?” Philosophical Review 83.4 435-450. Jakob von Uexküll. A Foray Into the Worlds of Animals and Humans. An older and different translation is available Jakob von Uexküll, "A Stroll through the World of Animals and Men: A Picture Book of Invisible Worlds," in Instinctive Behavior: The Development of a Modern Concept, 1957, 5–80. Derrida chapter 6 in Of Spirit [Stephen Loo and Undine Sellbach: “A Picture Book of Invisible Worlds: Semblances of Insects and Humans in Jakob von Uexküll’s Laboratory” forthcoming in Angelaki] 1/24 Week 3: Body and Voice Gary Shapiro “Jean-Luc Nancy and the Corpus of Philosophy” in Thinking Bodies; Jean-Luc Nancy “Corpus” in Thinking Bodies; Jean-Luc Nancy “Vox Clamans in Deserto” in Multiple Arts: the muses II; Tom Tyler “Four Hands Good, Two Hands Bad.”
Parallax 38, 2006. 69-80. Paris Masek [Derrida “Geschlecht II”] 1/31 Week 4: The Open Agamben The Open Feb. 7 Week 5: Fragility Cavell, Diamond, Wolfe, et all Philosophy and Animal Life. Erica Fudge “A Left-Handed Blow: Writing the History of Animals.” In N. Rothfels (ed). Representing Animals. 318. Max Hohner [Cary Wolfe “Animal Studies, Disciplinarity, and (post)Humanism” from What is Posthumanism?] 2/14 Week 6: Involution and Vulnerability Alphonso Lingis The Imperative Judith Butler Precarious Life Ch. 2 “Violence, Mourning, Politics” [Bernard Stiegler on Derrida and Deleuze and bête (tba) and Avital Ronell Stupidity] Tom Holland, Josiah Kilduff 2/21 Week 7: After the Other Emmanuel Levinas, “The Name of a Dog, or Natural Rights,” in Difficult Freedom: Essays on Judaism David Clark “Towards a Prehistory of the Postanimal: Kant, Levinas, and the Regard of Brutes” (working paper) Derrida, Jacques. “The Animal That Therefore I Am (More to Follow)” [Fredrick Young “Animality”, Helen
Cixous “The Cat”] Jason Price 2/28 Week 8 Paper 1 due. In class presentations on papers following Pecha Kucha format Mar. 6 Week 9: Experiment: When Species Meet… Shukin “Rendering’s Modern Logics,” Lingus “Bestiality,” Haraway selection from When Species Meet, Nietzsche “Truth and Lies in the Extra-Moral Sense” Kent Linthicum, Josh Carr 3/13 Week 10: Experiment: animal art Steve Baker Postmodern Animal Samuel Estabrooks
3/20 Spring Break Week 3/27 Week 11: Experiment: animal art (cont.) Matthew Barney: No Restraint 2007 (on library reserve) Amanda Boetzek “Phenomenology and Interpretation beyond the Flesh” Selection from Antennae The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture
Ty Fishkind, Sydney Lines
Apr. 3 Week 12: Experiment: literature Coetzee Lives of Animals and Disgrace
4/10 Week 13: Experiment: graphic novel and becomings Grant Morrison We3 and Animal Man Graham Burnett “A Mind in the Water” Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guittari “Becoming Intense, Becoming Animal…” from A Thousand Plateaus. [Note the series for Animal Man continues in Animal Man: Origin of the Species and Animal Man: Deus ex Machina Emily Cooney, Robert Bisnoff 4/17 Week 14: Experiment: film Bill Viola I do not know what it is that I am like (on library reserve) Cary Weil “Peeing and Time” Werner Herzog Grizzly Man (on library reserve) Dominic Pettman “Bear Life: Tracing and Opening in Grizzley Man” John Mullarkey “Animals Spirits: Philosomorphism and the Background Revolts of Cinema” [The Cow 1969 (Iranian title: Gaav) (on library reserve); Jonathan Burt. “Morbidity and Vitalism: Bergson, Derrida, Deleuze and Animal Film Imagery.” Configurations. 14.1. 157179. Interview with Herzog: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/govi ndini-murty/a-conversation-withwerne_1_b_1124948.html Note: not included but worth considering is scholarship on nature films] Kerri Linden, Kaitlin Gowan 4/24 Week 15: Next Steps… In class student presentations on paper 2 concepts
Books Giorgio Agamben. The Open. Stanford UP, 2003. ISBN 0804747385 Steve Baker. Postmodern Animal. Reaktion, 2000. ISBN 1861890605 Stanley Cavell, Diamond, Wolfe, et all. Philosophy and Animal Life. Columbia UP, 2008. ISBN 0231145144 J. M. Coetzee. Disgrace. Penguin, 2008. ISBN 0143115286 ---. Lives of Animals. Princeton UP, 2001. ISBN 069107089X Alphonso Lingis. The Imperative. Indiana UP, 1998. ISBN 0253212316 Grant Morrison. Animal Man. Vertigo, 2001. ISBN 1563890054 ---. We3. Vertigo, 2005. ISBN 1401204953 Jakob von UexkĂźll. A Foray Into the Worlds of Animals and Humans. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2010. ISBN 0816659001 Other readings are PDF files on Blackboard Grades Paper 1 35% Paper 2 45% Presentations: on readings 5%, on final paper 5% Addendum Overview of Philosophers (on library reserve): Matthew Calarco. Zoographies: the question of the animal from Heidegger to Derrida. 2008. Brett Buchanan. Onto-Ethologies: The Animal Environments of Uexkull, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze. 2008 David Ferrell Krell. Daimon Life: Heiddeger and Life Philosophy. 1992. Some Other Works on Animals and Theory: Posthumanities series at University of Minnesota Press http://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/series/posthumanities Animal Studies series at Columbia University Press http://cup.columbia.edu/subject/177 Penn State University Press http://www.psupress.org/books/series/book_SeriesAnimalibus.html
RULES After two unexcused absences, the grade will be lowered 7% and an additional 10% for every subsequent two absences. A few absences due to illness or family crisis will be excused if documented to the instructor's satisfaction. University sponsored events are excused if accompanied by documentation from the appropriate authority. Over-all grade will be lowered due to excessive tardiness. All assignments must be done and submitted at the beginning of class on the day assigned and in the assigned format. Hand in a paper copy of the assignment unless otherwise specified. Keep drafts and back up copy of all assignments handed in. All work must be completed for a grade since the work assigned fulfills writing requirements. Unless otherwise indicated by the instructor in connection with class group work, all work must be individual. Evidence of collusion (working with another student or tutor not connected with the class) or plagiarism (use of another's ideas, data, and/or statements without acknowledgment or with only minimal acknowledgment) or multiple
submissions (submitting the same work for more than one class), will lead to the procedures set up by the university for academic dishonesty. You may fail the class and be put on academic probation. Each student is expected to show adequate respect for diversity of opinions expressed in this course. Conversely, any conduct that disrupts the learning process may lead to disciplinary action. Complaints about separate assignments are to be discussed with the instructor, not with the department. Complaints about the final grade should be discussed with the instructor in at least one conference soon after the next term begins if not sooner. If the conference on the final grade does not resolve the problem in a valid, college-level manner, the complaint can be pursued by following the ASU Policies and Procedures http://catalog.asu.edu/appeal Students with disabilities should selfreport to Disability Resource Center http://www.asu.edu/studentaffairs/e d/drc/. Phone : (480) 965-1234 / TDD : (480) 965-9000.