& SUPPORTGROUP Mr. C.J.Harris HatchellWood PrimarySchool PlumptonPark Road Bessacarr Doncaster DN4 6SL 4th October2013
Dear Mr. Harris I would be gratefulif you rvould passon our thanksto all children,parentsand staff for giving us the producethat was donatedat your recentHarvestFestival. At this time of year,it is greatlyappreciated as mostof it is passedon to our clientswho struggleto make endsmeet and a box of food can be very welcome. Last year we moved our companyoffices frorn NetherhallRoad into Pillar Houseon South Parade.The premisesare much larger,which hasenabledus to bring all our SupportServices under one roof, insteadof being scatteredaroundthe town. We are now ableto run our Friday Morning Drop-in servicefrom the samebuilding. so that we can provide breakfastfor peoplewho are living on the streetsand at the sametime provide housingand accommodation adviceif theywant it. We arealsorunning "Cook'n Eal " sessionsand an Art Therapy groupon otherdaysof the week,and a Pool Club which all help to bring our clientsbackinto a more settledand sociableexistence;theseare in additionto the manvcoursesandtraininc sessions which arecarriedout in our hostels. Sadly,the problemof homelessness doesnot go awayand,if any,thing, getssteadilyworse. Our 'emergencybeds'in the hostels(wherewe put up bedsin interviewroolllsover-night) are fully occupiedeveryeveningand we are stillturningpeopleaway.. The needfor accomnrodation is endless. Once againpleasepasson our thanksto everyoneat Hatchell Wood Primary School for their generosityand supportand for thinking of us at this time. Yours sincerely
CherylBrough Director
Moin Office: T h eM 2 5 H o u s i n g& S u p p o r G t r o u p ,P i l l o H r o u s e ,l 9 - 2 1 S o u t hP o r o d e ,D o n c o s t e rD. N I 2 D J
l i . l â‚Ź r [ . ' i - r r ]0r -. |, 3 e0 . 23 6 1 7 7 7F : r x 0: , | 3 0 23 6 1 1 6 3 E n r o i i :
@m25group.org,uk : lJ8i,59l