Tel: 01302 538108
DATES FOR THE DIARY School reopens on Tuesday 3rd September Half term—week beginning 28th October Parentview—Ofsted Please could we ask you to spend a little time filling in the parents’ questionnaire on the Ofsted website.
Summer 2013
Summer Fair
Key Stage 2 Summer Production
Thank you for all your support for the Summer Fair. Although it was on a smaller scale than last year we still managed to raise £913! Any ideas or offers of help to make next year even more successful will be greatly appreciated.
The Summer production ‘A Big Green Adventure’ was a great success with Year 6 taking the lead with the Key Stage 2 Choir. It was also the grand unveiling of our new stage curtains which were kindly donated by the Friends of Hatchell Wood.
Year 6 SATs Results We have had a very successful year in school this year when looking at the progress the children have made throughout the school. Although we were given a ‘requires improvement ‘ grading by Ofsted in the autumn we have finished the year with our best ever Key Stage 2 SATs results. This shows the amount of successful hard work the pupils and staff have put in over the last few years to get the children to where they are today.
Level 4+ National 2012 Level 5+ National 2012 Level 6
89% 84% 49% 39% 19%
97% 85% 54% 37%
92% 79% 41% 27%
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar
76% 49%
Sports Days & Sports Week Thank you to all the parents and family who managed to make it to the sports days. We realised that it was going to be difficult for some parents to rearrange to come in the morning but with such hot weather the childrens’ health and safety had to come first. Many thanks to Mr Mark Huby from Total Finance Options for again donating the gold, silver and bronze medals. Also thanks to all the coaches and Mrs Davies for organising such a successful sports week again. Breakfast Club—Breakfast club will be continuing in September. The cost is £2 per day and includes cereal or toast and a drink plus activities for the children. EducationCity—Free trial software for the holidays Pupil ID: s2578102 Password: Homework
Dinner Money must be paid on a Monday. Parents persistently failing to do so will be asked to provide a packed lunch. Redgra—Could I remind you that children should not go onto the rough ground at the side of the school (redgra) Parking—No parking on the yellow lines or in the school car park at the beginning and end of the day.
Classes for next year For the first time in three years we are not having any extra classes or new teachers. The only change is that Mrs Thompson is moving to Year 4 and Mrs Vickers and Mrs Howe are moving to Year 5/6. Absence Phoneline: 538108 then press 1 to leave a message. Absence Email:
School uniform available now from Cliffs, Printing Office Street, Doncaster Tel: 342983