Newsletter QUIZ NIGHT Unfortunately the quiz night on 7th November has had to be cancelled due to lack of ticket sales.
Parentview—Ofsted Please could we ask you to spend a little time filling in the parents’ questionnaire on the Ofsted website.
Tel: 01302 538108
Autumn 2013
FIREWORKS AND BONFIRE NIGHT The local police have visited and given the children an assembly on Firework safety. The main message was for them to stay away from fireworks and bonfires and anybody who is messing around with fireworks.
PARKING OUTSIDE SCHOOL We have had complaints from local residents and parents about parking and driving standards outside school. The local police will be monitoring the situation over next half term. Please do not park on yellow lines or corners as they will issue fines.
Anti Bullying Week and Anti Bullying Chartermark
Thank you to all the parents who helped on the Year 1/2 visit to Cusworth Hall and helped to make it a great success.
We are applying for the Doncaster Bronze Anti Bullying Chartermark in conjunction with Bessacarr Primary School. Members of the school council have met with Bessacarr’s school council and have come up with ideas and plans to promote anti bullying in both our schools. Anti Bullying Week is 18-22nd November which is when we hope we will be presented with our anti bullying chartermark.
Thank you to all the volunteers who have been coming in to work with the children. Your contribution is invaluable.
We have also created an anti bullying page on our website where you can go for help and advice.
E Learning Evening for Parents On 14th November we have an evening for parents about online safety presented by Amy Sivister, e safety officer for Doncaster Council. Amy will be discussing and demonstrating the dangers of the internet so it is not suitable for children.
BEHAVIOUR We are currently relaunching our behaviour policy within school, please see the reverse of this letter for details. This does mean that we are focussing on all poor behaviour including ‘minor’ issues such as lack of effort, the way children speak to each other and adults and general attitude. Letters will be sent home if we feel that you need to know about how your child has behaved, this includes if your child has done something particularly good and deserves special praise. Breakfast Club—Breakfast club will be continuing. The cost is £2 per day and includes cereal or toast and a drink plus activities for the children.
Enterprise Club The Enterprise club will be re starting their bun sales after half term. Detiails to follow
DINNER MONEY Dinner money will be £70 if you wish to pay for the half term. Please ensure all weekly money is paid on the Monday as we cannot allow credit to build up.
The school website calendar will give you the dates of upcoming events Please keep us up to date with contact details as we need these for emergency contact as well as mobile numbers for texts PC Arran is the new PCSO for our school
Absence Phoneline: 538108 then press 1 to leave a message. Absence Email:
School uniform available now from Cliffs, Printing Office Street, Doncaster Tel: 342983