July 2012
Dates for your Diary: Start of the year Tuesday 4th September Half Term break up Friday 26th October, reopen Monday 5th November Training Day Thursday 15th November Christmas break up Friday 21st December
Please could I remind you that all dinner money must be paid on a Monday.
Parent Questionnaire Here is a summary of the questionnaire we sent out to you this term. We are really pleased with the positive responses and the number of surveys we had returned. We will now look at how we can improve on those areas where comments were made. Thank you.
Tel: 01302 538108
http://www.spendandraise.com/hatchellwood The end of the Year already, It hardly seems five minutes since we started back in September. Looking back we are really proud of what the children have achieved this year. Looking at the progress each year group has made in english and maths has shown that the creative curriculum we started this year is starting to have an impact. We are planning to extend it further again next year with many exciting activities planned. The new reception unit has now been running for a year
and the learning that the children have accessed through the different areas has been fantastic, if a little messy! Thank you all for the support that you have given the school and the children over the year. We hope that it continues and we have plans in place to further increase parental involvement and information sharing next year. Please remember the school website as it is often the quickest and most effective way of keeping you up to date as well as the texting service. We hope you have
a good summer and look forward to another successful year in September. SATs Week Our Year 6 children have again shown how brilliant they are by producing some excellent results in their SATs tests this year. Every child in Year 6 worked as hard as they possibly could and these are a true reflection of the effort they put in. We can all be truly proud of them.
Maths Level 4+ 85% Level 5 41%
60 50 40
Reading Level 4+ 88% Level 5 56%
20 strongly agree
agree 0
strongly disagree don't know
Values of the School The values and aims of our school can be seen on our website. However we felt we needed something to sum up what they are so that they are clear to everyone. We have come up with our values wheel (on the right) which you will also see around the school entrances. We hope that this will make it obvious and remind us all of what we are trying to achieve in school. Let us know what you think.
Absence Phoneline: 538108 then press 1 to leave a message. Absence Email: attend@hatchellwood.doncaster.sch.uk
Writing Level 4+ 85% Level 5 39%