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Your Astrological Forecast
your Astrological FORECAST April & May 2020
Using Standard Time locate your Rising Sign or Ascendant. If your birth time is Daylight Savings Time, subtract one hour. Your actual Rising Sign or Ascendant may differ depending on certain time of birth and dates; however, not to confuse the non-astrologer use the sign indicated for your Forecast. This placement is similar to the transiting planet’s location in your Natal Chart, except for exact degrees, and will correctly indicate your Forecast. For example, if you are a Gemini born at 6:38 P.M., your Ascendant is Capricorn.
IT SHOULD BE NOTED: In April, the Full Moon occurs on the 7th at 18:44 Libra. On the 25th Pluto Turns Retrograde at 24:59 Capricorn. No other planets are Retrograde. In May, the Full Mon occurs at 17:20 Scorpio on the 7th. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th at 01:57 Aquarius, Venus goes Retrograde on the 13th at 21:50 Gemini and Jupiter turns Retrograde on the 14th at 27:14 Capricorn.
ARIES ASCENDANT APRIL: Self-development, who you are and personal potential are examined for this month. The Full Moon on the 7th and for the next two weeks will influence your one-to-one relationships and improve your understanding of others. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you evaluate your career achievements and then determine whether you are going in the correct direction. MAY: Financial situations, use of assets and attracting money are encouraging for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th it is the time to settle old debts and commitments. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and group activities may change. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th making you think about advancement or new opportunities in your career or the equivalent.
26 Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20 TAURUS ASCENDANT APRIL: Universal laws, assisting the needy and seeking solitude are important for this month. During the two weeks after the Full Moon on the 7th the influence will center around your work and care of your health. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th and begins to examine your philosophy on life and spiritual beliefs. You also wonder what you should do with your life. MAY: Approach to life, discovering oneself and image projection are studied for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th there are subtle changes in your relationships. Saturn goes Retrograde on the 11th and there may be greater career demands. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 14th and you become interested in mind-expanding studies or foreign travel.
GEMINI ASCENDANT APRIL: Career earnings, group activities and hopes and wishes are reviewed for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th and for the following two weeks it will influence your loved ones and any creative hobbies. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you review your shared assets and monies to see if there should be changes. You also take a renewed interest in abstract teachings. MAY: Spiritual resources, hidden abilities and working for the needy are explored for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th you may look forward to a promotion or a new position. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and you rethink your philosophy on life. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th and can be a good time to examine your shared assets and possessions.
CANCER ASCENDANT APRIL: The career world, receiving recognition and setting priorities are considered for this month. The Full Moon on the 7th and for the next two weeks will influence your personal affairs and family matters. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th and you will gain self-knowledge through your relationships. As you begin to compromise you will also learn about yourself. MAY: Sharing with friends, working together and achieving a goal are enjoyed for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th you take a renewed interest in creative hobbies. Saturn goes Retrograde on the 11th and this is not a good time take on more debt. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 14th and you want to meet new people and expand your social involvements.
LEO ASCENDANT APRIL: Prophetic dreams, philosophy on life and mental pursuits are analyzed for this month. During the two weeks after the Full Moon on the 7th the influence will center around your neighborhood and all communications. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you take a renewed interest in both your work through new skills and your health through exercise and diet. MAY: The career world, recognized achievement and public image are considered for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th your family and home life will become more important. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and you will examine your relationships. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th and you look for ways to expand your knowledge and your work skills.
resources are reviewed for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th and for the following two weeks it will influence your personal income and financial affairs. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th and you want to express yourself in a new way. If you have a hidden talent or hobby you may decide to share it with others MAY: Universal mysteries, intuitive guidance and mental aspirations are explored for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th you want to catch-up on telephone calls and paperwork. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and it’s a time for work before pleasure. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 14th and you become involved with loved ones’ and helping with their creative hobbies.
LIBRA ASCENDANT APRIL: Learning to compromise, forming partnerships and legal contracts are examined for this month. The Full Moon on the 7th and for the next two weeks will influence your selfexpression and appearance. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th when family issues and personal matters need to be rethought and resolved. You may decide to change or remodel your home or apartment. MAY: Far-reaching changes, a partner’s assets and solving old problems are checked out for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th you examine your finances and pay off old bills. Saturn goes Retrograde on the 11th and an old love may come back into your life. Jupiter turms retrograde on the 14th and you make changes in your home to make it more comfortable for all. CAPRICORN ASCENDANT APRIL: Home-front activity, domestic matters and home environment are explored for this month. The Full Moon on the 7th and during the next two weeks will influence your career, or the equivalent, and your future aims in life. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you want to change your inner feelings as well as your outward appearance through a hairstyle or wardrobe. MAY: Mental riches, creative expression and love relationships are enjoyed to this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th you may decide to set new goals or long-term directions. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and you begin a new financial plan. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th and you want to expand your possibilities, but you may also literally expand. AQUARIUS ASCENDANT APRIL: Daily mental activities, communicating with others and new studies are rethought for this month. During the two weeks after the Full Moon on the 7th your interest will turn to your spiritual beliefs and new studies. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th and it can be a good time to rethink your spiritual and metaphysical beliefs and to begin a new study to alter them. MAY: Identifying with past, one’s inner guidance and family life are studied for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th you may begin to make changes in your aims in life. Saturn goes Retrograde on the 11th and you become more serious and less carefree. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 14th and this can be a time of healing on an inner, spiritual or psychological level.
SCORPIO ASCENDANT APRIL: Serving others, attention to health and learning efficiency are important for this month. During the two weeks after the Full Moon on the 7th the influence will include your spiritual and metaphysical understandings. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you question things that you believe. You may begin a new course of study as this is a good time for mental pursuits. MAY: Professional help, art of compromise and forming relationships are explored for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th you want to express yourself to others. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and you pay more attention to your home and family. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th and you become interested in a new course of study or a spiritual workshop.
SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT APRIL: Creative talents, expressing oneself and joys of life are checked for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th and for the following two weeks it will influence your group associations and long-term goals. Pluto goes Retrograde on the 25th and you examine your assets and possessions as well as your savings and spending habits to see where you are able to make changes. MAY: Maintaining well-being, attraction to pets and social duties are important for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th you may want to begin a new spiritual study or workshop. Saturn goes Retrograde on the 11th and you begin a new course of study. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 14th and money matters are important to you and you want to increase your assets.
PISCES ASCENDANT APRIL: Expanding resources, financial situations and sense of values are examined for this month. After the Full Moon on the 7th and for the following two weeks it will influence your shared monies and possessions. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 25th and you review your recent achievements and may change your goals or directions. You also become involved in new groups. MAY: One’s environment, routine activities and ability to communicate are reviewed for this month. Following the Full Moon on the 7th you take an interest in new studies. Saturn turns Retrograde on the 11th and your interest in spirituality increases. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th and you expand your meetings of new friends through group and community activities.
Arlene is an Author, Astrologer and Para-Consultant and has studied and worked with astrology for more than forty years. She has also been a professional astrologer since 1980. Arlene has a Certificate of Merit from Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson (CA 1982) and a Certificate of Proficiency from the Mayo School of Astrology (London 1985). In addition, she holds certifications from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (1982-2021) as both a Medium and Spiritual Healer (Lily Dale, NY). Arlene can be reached at Astrological Concepts, (518) 371-8097, adeangelus@aol.com or Visit her at: www.yourstarsite.com.