3 minute read
28 Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20 ACUPUNCTURE Michael Wayne, Saratoga Springs & Clifton Park, 518-210-1557 Deborah Kozlowski, A New Leaf, Saratoga Springs, 518-587-7665 ANIMAL CARE Jill Stewart, Equine Sports Massage Therapist and Canine Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.Privatelabel-aromatherapy.com Susan Hamlin, The Saratoga Animal Whisperer Animal Communication, 518-245-8010, www.animal-whisper.com Kristina Dallas, DVM. Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture. Saratoga Springs, NY. 727-2940. Holistic care for pets. AROMATHERAPY Jill Stewart, Cert. aromatherapist, full line of human and animal aromatherapy products, single essential oils and custom blends Gift baskets and party favors available 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.privatelabel-aromatherapy.com ASTROLOGY Arlene DeAngelus, 518-371-8097, ADeAngelus@aol.com, www.yourstarsite.com BACH FLOWER REMEDIES Nini Gridley, MS Ed, BFRP, Consultations by appointment, in person or over the phone. Next Level One BIEP Training September 2018, 518-573-0571 www.NiniGridley.com Diana Gribben, LMT, BFRP, at Healing Path Massage, 518-421-0645, www.creatorheals.com CENTERS Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center, www.stillpointretreatcenter.com, 518-587-4967 CHELATION THERAPY Dr Andrew Garner, Glens Falls, 518- 798-9401, drandrewgarner@gmail.com, www.adirondackmedicalresearch.com CHIROPRACTORS Delmar Chiropractic,Delmar, 518-439-7644 Dr. Lynn Allison, Ballston Spa, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com COACHES Cate LaBarre, Personal and group coaching by phone and teleconference. Workshops in Saratoga Region. 518-882-9880, catelabarre@gmail.com http://CateLaBarreCoach.com, Natural Peace Living- Sarah van Rijsewijk. 518-928-8682. naturalpeaceliving.com CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Margery Chessare, LMT, BCST, Sessions and classes in the Saratoga area, 518-232-2838, ChessareMargery@gmail.com Linda Thompson, BS, LMT, BCST 518-466-1075, Lthomps2@nycap.rr.com, www.holistichealingartssaratoga.com Dr. Lynn Allison, Ballston Spa & Schenectady, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843 ENERGY HEALING CARDS Sue and Aaron Singleton. Beyond Sacred Geometry: 5th dimensional healing technology. Each unique BioMorphic Geometry design generates an energy field for a specific use, and changes DNA. 978-834-0341. www.BioMorphicGeometry.com
ENERGY MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303, atobin.pih@gmail.com, www.partnersinhealing.info
HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Jerome Pindell, Clifton Park, 518-374- 5492, www.jeromepindell.com Claudia Ascione, MA, MS, CH, Niskayuna, Manhattan and Ardsley, NY. 518 372-7023.
HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Private Label Aromatherapy: Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, All Purpose Cleaner, Household Cleaner, Essential Oil Deodorizing Sprays, Essential Oil Blends for Laundry and Dryer, Hand Soaps and more. Custom products also available. Jill Stewart 518-339-4348, Jillstwrt@yahoo.com, www.PrivateLabel-Aromatherapy.com
HYPNOTISM Barbra Stevens, 518-755-5053 George Guarino, CH, Clifton Park, Delmar, Albany, 518-256-6549 Joan Reid, Glens Falls, 518-744-0647, jmreid@roadrunner.com
INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Ann Carey Tobin MD, Delmar, 518-506-6303, atobin.pih@gmail.com, www.partnersinhealing.info
INTUITIVE/PSYCHIC CONSULTANT: Barbara Allen, BA, PTC, I/PC; barbaraln12@aol.com; 518-409-5081 LIGHT THERAPY Dr. Lynn Allison, Ballston Spa & Schenectady, 518-268-9542, knotdr@juno.com Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843
LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, 518-755-8843 MASSAGE THERAPY Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar, 518-755-8843, www.suecoughtryLMT.com, MEDICAL INTUITIVE Sue Singleton, over 28 years, 8,500+ readings. Identifies and heals Root Cause, eliminates pain/illness to regain health. 978-834-0341. TheWayToBalance.com/medical-intuitive-readings. MEDICAL QIGONG THERAPY Kate Kellman, DMQ, Saratoga Springs & Burnt Hills. 518-775-7798. www.deep-connections.com. deepconnections24@gmail.com. MELT METHOD ® Carrie Whitelaw, LMT Saratoga Springs 518-222-9036 cwhitelaw42@gmail.com www.carriewhitelaw.com NATURAL FOOD STORES Four Seasons Natural Foods Store & Cafe, Saratoga, 518-584-4670, wwwFourSeasonsNaturalFoods.com NATUROPATHY Sarah A. LoBisco, ND, Phone consults scheduled at www.dr-lobisco.com or by appointment at A Peaceful Place in Clifton Park, www.apeacefulplace.com Joanne Halloran, ND, Saratoga Healing Arts, 518-369-7080, www.doctorjoanne.com NUTRITION Lisa O’Brien, Saratga Springs, 518-306- 9257, lisaobrien.nutrition@gmail.com ORGANIZATIONS Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network (SIPN), www.saratogaintegrativepractitioners.com PREGNANCY & CONCEPTION WELLNESS KindNest, Ballston Lake, www.Kind-Nest.com PSYCHOTHERAPY Wendy Ball LMHC, certified in EMDR and Hakomi therapies, specialize in trauma related disorders, couples counseling and life transition coaching. Albany. 518-813- 8524. www.wendyballcounseling.com REIKI Joyce Willson RN, RMT, The Art of Reiki, Troy, 518-271-7802, www.theartofreiki.com Suzanne Golub, RMT, Saratoga Springs 518-301-0407, shaantienergy@gmail.com, www.shaantienergyhealing.com Katrina Clay, Saratoga, 518-332-6581, katrina@katrinaclay.com Joan Reid, Glens Falls, 518-744-0647, jmreid@roadrunner.com REFLEXOLOGY Cathy Saladis LMT, Clifton Park and Albany, www.headtotoe123.com, 518-229-0741 RETAIL Magic Moon, Saratoga Springs, 518-583-2488 ROLF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION Nick Pavoldi, 518.389.2200, BodyworkProfessionals@gmail.com TAI CHI Asian Arts Tai Chi Center, Albany, 518-489-1458, info@AsianArtsGrp.com, www.AsianArtsGrp.com TAROT Joan Scannell, 518-428-8655, www.joanscannell.com Sarah van Rijsewijk. 518-928-8682. naturalpeaceliving.com WELLNESS CENTERS Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518- 374-8654, www.healingpathmassage.com YOGA Yoga with Jen, Warrensburg & Minerva, 518-956-2818 Namaste Yoga, Saratoga Springs, namasteyogasaratoga.com, 518-222-7470 Anna Witt, Set yourself in motion. Steer your life with purpose. Join the movement. Embodyoga with Anna Witt, 518-256-9628, at One Big Roof
29 Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20 “How many times do we lose an occasion for soul work by leaping ahead to final solutions without pausing to savor the undertones? We are a radically bottom-line society, eager to act and to end tension, and thus we lose opportunities to know ourselves for our motives and our secrets.” ― Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul