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Cardiovascular Health
Cate LaBarre Life Coach & Workshop Leader
Certified Daring Way Facilitator TM (Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown)
https://thedaringway.org http://CateLaBarre.com catelabarre@gmail.com 518-882-6202 & mobile 607-287-0658
A Naturopathic Doctor’s Approach to Cardiovascular Health & Using Essential Oils for the Heart and Romance
Since 1984 Tim Talmage, DC Lee Masterson, DC Bob Irwin, DC Michael Ashline, DC 439-7644

Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20 by Sarah LoBisco, ND Article is adapted from dr-lobisco.com Why a Holistic, Naturopathic Medicine Approach to Heart Health is Needed H eart disease has remained the number one killer in the United States for quite some time. Our healthcare system has been attempting to “fix” these mortality statistics by using drugs to suppress cholesterol numbers and through diet, exercise, quitting smoking, and getting proper rest. These wellness components are important. In fact a clinical study has shown that naturopathic doctors who provide lifestyle interventions for supporting cardiovascular health get better results than usual care. Furthermore, it is cost effective. Yet, I believe that naturopathic medical doctors’ “secret sauce” for triumphing in circulatory support is in their ability to build quality, therapeutic relationships. This is because the most important predictor of cardiovascular death is not healthy diet, exercise, or weight. The number one determinant of cardiovascular death is isolation and perceived loneliness. This is why I advocate for promoting positive, people connections over prescribing restrictive, elimination diets. One way I help people move forward to create resilience and build courage in relationships is by using essential oils. This is because their molecular components simultaneously support physical, psychological, and biochemical healing. By balancing emotions, they aid in clearing blocks that prevent deep connections and living to one’s highest potential. In fact, a few years ago I listed exactly how essential oils can encourage and optimize relationships. This is through alleviating negative reactions to stress, promoting bonding, building trust, and balancing hormones. (You can read more of on my website.) Furthermore, essential oils also promote cardiovascular health directly through various mechanisms of action. They have multiple physiological and biological impacts as well as promote emotional and mental health. For example, juniper may relieve hypertension due to its antioxidant properties.
Below is a list of my favorite essential oils and their uses for cardiovascular and relationship health. If you use them, you may just feel the courage to love more freely.
Essential Oils That Promote Connection and Heart Health Ylang ylang is one of my favorite “perfume” oils. It is the perfect oil to open your heart and keep it at a healthy beat. Use it to calm your nervous system and infuse your surroundings with an enticing aroma. Patchouli oil will soothe and beautify your skin, calm your belly, and squelch inflammation in the body so you radiate happiness during the season of romance. Rose Geranium oil is beyond beautifying! This essential oil will enhance your mood and keep your hormones, heart, and health in peak shape to receive love. Cedarwood is a “wise oil” that sharpens the mind, yet also can relax your nervous system. I like to diffuse it to create an atmosphere of comfort and solace on chilly winter nights. It is a great scent to fill a room for cozy cuddles and sweet dreams! RLV Blendis a calming mix of essential oils that enhance emotional balance as you ride the exciting waves of relationships. It contains rue, lavender, and valerian. (Note, Rue can be photosensitive, so no sunbathing after application!) Rose oil is known for its intoxicating aroma as it fosters relaxation and acts as a potential aphrodisiac for romantic evenings. With all those benefits, why not wrap up a bottle of rose oil to go with the flowers for your upcoming date night?
Safe ways to use these oils include: • Placing a drop or two on your wrists diluted in a carrier oil. Smell them straight from the bottle. • Diffuse them in your atomizer diffuser. References can be found at: https://dr-lobisco.com/essentialoils-for-the-heart-and-cardiovascular-system/
Sarah LoBisco, ND, IFCMP, is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM). She is licensed in Vermont as a naturopathic doctor and has received her certification in functional medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM), which is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). She holds a Bachelor of Psychology from State University of New York at Geneseo and is also certified in Applied Kinesiology. Dr. LoBisco currently incorporates her training in holistic and conventional medicine through writing, researching, and through her independent consulting work with individuals and for companies regarding supplements, nutraceuticals, essential oils, and medical foods. Dr. LoBisco speaks professionally on integrative medical topics and has several journal publications. “Dr. Sarah” also enjoys continuing to educate and empower her readers and clients through her blogs and social media. Her main blog can be found at dr-lobisco.com.
Functional Nutrition seeks the underlying cause of ill health for each unique individual.
The body is designed to heal itself, when given the right tools. 550 Maple Ave Suite 202 Saratoga Springs, NY 518-306-9257 lisaobrien.nutrition@gmailcom