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30 Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20 ONGOING Mondays and Wednesdays Gentle Kripalu Yoga Classes - 4:00- 5:30PM. First class free! Join Nini Gridley for a compassionate blend of warm-ups, sequenced asanas, shavasana, pranayama, and meditation designed to pacify the “Vata” energy through a well rounded yoga practice that is relaxing yet energizing for all levels of practitioners. Beginners are welcome. It’s gentle for every body. www.yogamandali.com 3rd Tuesdays Healing Circle: 5:30-6:30 pm The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, (607) 267- 4963, www.isdoneonta.org 2nd Tuesdays Intuitive Development Circle, 5:30- 6:30pm, The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, (607)267-4963, www.isdoneonta.org 1st and 3rd Sunday Church Services: every month, 10 am, The Institute for Spiritual Development The Lotus Center, Oneonta, NY, 607-267-4963, www.isdoneonta.org MARCH Month of March Stress Evaluation for Sleep Improvement -Barbara Stevens has recently completed a certification in Sleep Behavior and is offering a special stress evaluation for sleep improvement for $45. (mention Healing Springs Journal to receive special.) The evaluation will allow you to see how stress is affecting you physically, mentally, and emotionally. You’ll leave with some ideas that you can implement immediately. 518-755-5053 APRIL Tuesday, April 7 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay 6:30-8. 518-332-6581 or katrina@healingspringsjournal.com Email or call for location.
Wednesday, April 22 New Moontoday at 10:26 PM - EDT - The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Contact Nini Gridley for details on the New Moon Meditation 518 573-0571 April 25-26 16th Annual Holistic & Psychic Fair at the Quality Inn, Oneonta NY. Celebrate health, wealth, family, and mother earth as the planet is quickening its shift into a new era. Many people are beginning to ask about alternative and complementary ways of healing, ways to find inner peace and life direction, ways to tap into intuition, and ways to live in harmony with mother nature. The SHIFT NY Holistic & Psychic Fair introduces you to top Holistic Practitioners, Psychics, Vendors, and Spiritual Teachers from the Northeast who have tried and true answers to many of your questions. A big draw is our FREE workshops. We also offer some of the most interesting vendors of spiritual, holistic, & metaphysical items and crafts. Visit; www.shiftnewyork.com. MAY Thursday, May 7 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay 6:30-8. 518-332-6581 or katrina@healingspringsjournal.com Email or call for location. May 8-10 Girlfriends Getaway in Bolton Landing, A weekend you deserve at The Sagamore Resort on Lake George. Join us for an empowering and fun weekend of motivational talks, fitness and wellness classes, welcome reception, entertainment, fashion show, and luncheon. Create your own agenda by choosing from 15 presentations. Admission is $125 to attend all the activities. Relax the body, Renew the Mind, Refresh the Spirit. Check our schedule at www.girlfriendsgetawaybolton.com
Friday, May 22 New Moontoday at 1:39 PM - EDT; The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Call Nini Gridley for details on this month’s very special New Moon Meditation - 518 573-0571.
Friday, June 5 Full Moon Modern Shamanic Journey, with Katrina Clay 6:30-8. 518-332-6581 or katrina@healingspringsjournal.com Email or call for location.
Sunday, June 21 New Moon 4:21 AM - EDT. The New Moon is the BEST time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Make your MoonWish! Call Nini Gridley for details on this month’s special New Moon Meditation - 518 573-0571. August 1-9 Yoga & Kirtan Retreat-A Transformational Immersion in Lesvos, Greece with Adam Bauer, Keli Lalita & Karen Score. Join us on this unique journey to the heart of Western culture, where we will bathe in beauty, have lovely accommodations and enjoy delicious food, while exploring the nature of Reality through daily practice of meditation, chanting and satsang, and I Ching. Visit GraceInNatureLLC.com. Sept 21-26 Wine & Wellness Retreat-Ditch the routines and join us in southern France on a journey to stretch your mind, body and spirit. We’ll take our pilates and our positive vibes to the beautiful and sunny French countryside. You’ll have a chance to immerse yourself in your well-being while enjoying the best treats of southwestern France. www.fitenergyonline.com/fitness-retreatto-southern-france/
Visit us at the Mind Body Soul Expo April 11, 2020!
Sue & Aaron Singleton Medical Intuitives Master Healers & Teachers Visionary Inventors
Medical Intuitive IN-PERSON and REMOTE Group Healing with Sue & Aaron Singleton
Apr. 25, 2020 - Decalcify Your Pineal Gland to Elevate Your Consciousness and Enhance Intuition, at the Saratoga Spa State Park Admin. Building from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, $85 You can join this Group Healing remotely, from anywhere! ** Upcoming Trainings & Group Healing Events**
Apr. 25, 2020 - BioMorphic Geometry Healing with 5th-Dimensional Science, at the Saratoga Spa State Park Admin. Building from 1:30-4:30 PM, $85
June 3-7, 2020 - 60th Annual American Society of Dowsers National Convention at Plymouth State University., Plymouth, NH
June 20, 2020 - Medical Intuitive Group Healing: Topics TBA! with Sue and Aaron Singleton in North Syracuse, NY from 6:45 - 8:30 PM - More details coming soon!
Sept. 26, 2020 - Intuitive Development Training - Module 1 of 7 - find all the module dates on our web calendar - at The Way To Balance in Amesbury, MA from 9-6 PM, $185 per module; scholarships and payment plans available!
The I.D.E.A.L. Process Intuitive Development Training workshop series begins September 26! Visit our Web Calendar for registration and details!
Gong Lab experiments in sound and vibration
The Gong Lab uses gongs, bowls and other instruments to create a sonic submersion in a resonate environment. Sound and vibration have the power to open the door to the exploration of inner space. You’ll leave feeling clear and revitalized in your mind and body.