8 minute read
Covid-19 Might Be Linked To Delirium & Brain inflammation
The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery studied about COVID-19 positive or suspected patients and they found out that coronavirus might be linked to several neurological conditions such as delirium, stroke, and brain inflammation.
An MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow affiliated to the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and the UCL Institute of Immunity and Transplantation, Dr.Rachel Brown, was asked about the possible connection of COVID-19 to the brain because her research showed that besides COVID-19 doing attacking the respiratory system, it even affects the development of neurological syndromes.
She says, after the research, they have seen neurological symptoms and syndromes while studying about COVID-19. Even according to the Wuhan studied, they saw patients suffering from neurological symptoms.
They were not surprised by the possible neurological symptoms related to COVID-19.
Effects of ADEM and GuillainBarré Syndrome the brain and the spinal cord, this is mostly seen in children and adolescents. It affects one of the proteins in the myelin sheath(it is the protective layer around the nerves in your brain) due to an antibody against this protein. When this happens, a person might get a headache, experience weakness, and suffer from seizures. The same is with GuillainBarre, it is a post-infectious inflammatory syndrome.
This condition hampers the peripheral nerves that monitor movement and sensation in your arms and legs. In such a situation your immune system misunderstands the virus to be a protein or cell in the body, this ultimately causes inflammation.
These neurological complications are rare and they arise only if things are severe.
Is It Possible That The Virus Might Aggravate Existing Neurological Symptoms?
Stroke and encephalopathy would have arisen if these neurological conditions were existing earlier. As of now, it is not clear or known if the virus can aggravate neurological symptoms.
Can the risk of COVID patients having neurological complications reduce or be treated?
At the moment, it is tough to say anything. However, ADEM and Guillain-Barre are posts- or para-infectious autoinflammatory illnesses. A few of these cases are unusual. Blood clotting could be an impact due to COVID-19. There are some assumptions that the virus is aggravating these neurological conditions but there isn’t enough evidence to prove it.
In a few reports, this virus is found in the brain or spinal fluid. However, the researchers are not sure if their tests are enough for finding the virus or not. Besides, they have said that the major factors responsible for this situation are the immune system and the other factors such as hypoxic(low oxygen levels) can also affect the brain and nerves.
In conclusion, they are yet to test if it is the virus that is causing these complications or these complications are arising on their own. They would look at which patients are at a higher risk and accordingly reduce the risk of these neurological complications and ways to treat it.

8 Tips to Make Love by Staying Safe During This COVID-19 Phase
Getting horny for him or her and even craving to see your loved one who is locked in another place is a sad and helpless situation to be in. You want to express it all but you cannot help but manage yourself with this distance.
On the other hand, if you are single and want to date for you have not done it in a while, there are a few rules of dating that most of the dating sites recommend. The same way, if you have all the means to make love on your cozy bed, you would have to take necessary precautions if you are not prepared to be a parent yet.
Couples are more likely to involve in sex during this phase when they are working from home and spending enough time together. Having said, with the pandemic around, you must be worried about mating or even dating someone from another place wondering if it is even safe?
Stay eased out! Here are a few dos and don’ts recommended by health experts on dating or romancing during this pandemic. Read through them and find your way!
What Should You Know?
Before we find out about how safe it is to have sex or get deeply intimate with your partner, here is a little you should know about how this the virus works on the body and knows how to handle your sexual life during the pandemic.
Before November 2019, coronavirus was never seen or even heard of. According to Healthline, there is a good reason why this virus is called COVID-19.
According to a doctor named Kecia Gaither, a double board-certified physician in OB-GYN and maternalfetal medicine and director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals/ Lincoln, since we don’t have enough research on this virus, it is still new and has less information is what makes it known as ‘Novel Coronavirus’.
Since we don’t have enough information about the virus, it is time to reiterate that every time you step out of the house, you have a mask on your mouth. It might not assure you complete safety but there are lesser chances of coming in contact with the virus.
Your next question must be whether kissing during this pandemic is a good idea or not.
No 1 - Is Kissing
During the
Pandemic Safe?
According to doctors, it is not a risk if you are kissing your partner you’ve been staying with during the lockdown. However, it is a risk if you kiss your partner who is staying elsewhere. You never know what he or she is touching while traveling or if his/her family members are safe and away from the virus or not.
According to Dr. Eric Mizuno, this virus spreads through respiratory droplets and if you are into kissing your partner staying in another place, there is a bigger risk of contracting this virus. No 2 – Is Coronavirus A Sexually
Transmitted Disease?
We are unsure of coronavirus is a sexually transmitted disease or not as there is not enough research done on this.
However, they tried researching on this subject in China and one of the researchers found out that a patient who had recovered was found having the the virus in his semen.
Even then, it doesn’t prove that coronavirus is a sexually transmitted disease. This subject needs to be further researched.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be sex that can infect you but even getting your bodies close to each other is enough to contract the virus.
Note - CDC recommends to keep 6 feet distance from everyone.
Even if your partner doesn’t have this virus, there is a risk of contracting it if your partner has a cold. The flu may or may not be the virus, but the risk factor is always there.
Tips on Making Love with Keeping Social Distancing In Mind
Even though there are a few don’ts, why bother when you have many options for making love with your partner?
Here are a few tips on how to make love during the pandemic. Take a look!
Tip No 1 It is safe if you are having sex with a partner you are living with and when the two of you are always locked or in other words quarantined at home.
However, if you have plans on having sex with your onenight-stand date, avoid it if you don’t want to put yourself in trouble.
Tip No 2 Even if you are living together, the two of you are not 100% in a risk-free zone. Therefore, take the same precautions to stay safe and reduce kissing your partner.
Tip No 3 As the fecel matter is one of the ways you are likely to contract the virus. It is better to avoid having anal sex during this time.
If you want to enjoy the pleasure of anal sex, you can stick to anal fingering or rimming.
Tip No 4 Don’t go in for sex positions that would make the two of you face each other. The more you avoid having direct contact with your partner, the better it is to keep away from the virus.
Interestingly, you can try sex positions facing away from each other. Some of the best sex positions recommended to avoid direct face contact are standing doggy style, lap

dance, reverse rider on top, and wheelbarrow.
Tip No 5 Thanks to technology that helps two people bond with each other. If you are away from each other make the most of technology to check on one another and stay in touch.
Tip No 6 Indulge in sexting. Talk about the kind of sex you
had in the past and tell your partner what you would do if the two of you were together. Besides, ask your partner about his/her fantasies. If it goes on well, you can send nudes to your partner.
Tip no 7 Imagine getting intimate with each other over a video call. To go ahead, be sportive, and overcome being shy on the video. Tell your partner what you want to do, touch yourself, and tell your partner to do the same. One by one, take off

all your clothes. Talk about all your sexual fantasies and make it interesting.
Tip No 8 Try masturbating if you don’t have a partner and want to give your body what it needs. Masturbation is 100% riskfree. While being isolated this will help you overcome stress, get good sleep, boost your immunity and it will make you feel confident about yourself.
Take Away
Making love during the pandemic comes with a set of rules. It is a a choice on whether you want to follow those rules or not.
Although it is not proved that coronavirus is a sexually transmitted disease, actions such as kissing and sticking to each other increases the risk of contracting the virus.
Follow these tips and manage to make love during this pandemic. Stay safe and keep your partner safe.