5 minute read
Banana is a sweet and nutritious fruit. For those who love eating a banana, you will enjoy having it for breakfast. Note that it is not good to just have a banana for breakfast, it is essential to have it along with another breakfast item such as oats or milk. Wondered why is it recommended to have a banana for breakfast? It is claimed to be the best option for weight loss and its fiber content will keep you full all day
Even dieticians recommend eating a banana for breakfast. This concept of banana being a good breakfast meal for weight loss was introduced by a Japanese pharmacist named Sumiko Watanabe.
Some studies say banana is good for weight loss while others say it is good for weight gain. In reality, there is no clear scientific evidence of whether a banana is good for weight loss or weight gain. However, its calories would make you healthy and its fiber will keep you full for long that you might not feel the need to eat too many meals or a lot of junk the entire day.
The logic of banana helping you lose weight holds good only if your reason for gaining weight is because of eating junk. If you put on weight due to stress, lack of sleep, or it is in your genes then eating a banana won’t help you lose weight.
Why Is Banana Good for Health?
Banana comprises of essential nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, vitamins, fiber, and other important nutrients. Since it is so nutritious, let’s look at how would it benefit the body!
Ø Banana boosts serotonin and reduces depression
Ø It has fructose, glucose, and sucrose; these sugar nutrients are good for boosting your energy levels
Ø The presence of magnesium and potassium make it a good fruit to keep your brain energized and alert
Ø It is one of the best foods for boosting libido in your body
Advantages Of Eating Banana For Breakfast
No 1 - Keeps The Colon Clean And Prevents Colon Cancer
If you are facing troubles with bowel movements and highly constipated. Eating banana as your breakfast meal will help clear your stomach. Good ripe bananas help in easy stool movement through the intestine. The colon is nothing but your large intestine and the enzymes in banana help with cleaning the colon. Besides, the presence of fiber and resistant sugar in this fruit is good for preventing colon cancer too.
No 2 - Boosts Gut Health
To sustain good gut health, eat a green banana every day. Green bananas have nutrients such as pectin and resistant sugars that feed the good bacteria in your intestines and this boosts your gut health. Good gut health enables the body to absorb healthy nutrients and ease the process of digestion. Thus, make the most of bananas if you have digestion problems.
Disadvantages Of Eating Banana For Breakfast
Every fruit comes with an advantage and disadvantage. However, everything is dependent on what agrees with your body and doesn’t.
Just as banana is good for keeping your calories in check and boosting digestion, it has a few disadvantages that would show up on your body
if you eat it in excess or if the fruit doesn’t suit you.
No 1 – Likely to Cause Constipation
We need a banana to boost digestion at the same time, if it is excessively consumed, instead of being advantageous it will affect the body. As you know banana is packed with fiber and if you over-consume it or it doesn’t suit your body, there are chances of getting constipated.
To protect your body from the disadvantages of banana, ensure to drink 8 glasses of water every day.
No 2 – Bad for People Who Are Diabetic
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As said earlier, every fruit will not suit our body. Consuming banana as a breakfast meal is not advisable for people who are diabetic as it contains fructose, glucose, and sucrose which has too much sugar content and it can affect diabetic patients.
On the other hand, people who have low blood pressure levels should eat a banana as it gives energy and incredibly shoots up the blood sugar levels in the body.
No 3 – Can Affect Your Teeth
Anything sweet is not good for the teeth unless you brush twice a day. Bananas have fructose and this sugar nutrient is not good for the teeth. It is the excess debris that settles down and if it is not cleaned from time to time, it can cause cavities. Cavities in turn cause other complications in your teeth.
To save your teeth from the disadvantage of eating a banana, ensure to gargle your mouth 5-6 times and brush your teeth before you go to bed to avoid dental issues.
How To Eat Banana To Lose Weight?
A medium-sized banana comprises 105 calories, 27 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams fiber, and 14 grams of sugar. It even has macronutrients to boost your metabolism and keep you full for long.
Banana comprises sugar and carbohydrates; we cannot fully say that it is good for weight loss or weight gain. Thus, if you want the fruit to help you lose weight, here are a few tips you need to follow. Take a look!
Tip 1 - Don’t eat more than one banana every day
Tip 2 – Eat a banana before or after working out. It is good as a snack with your breakfast and boosts the energy levels in your body.
If your body is bloated, banana is the best fruit to help you lose weight and reduce those fats without making you starve for long.
Take Away
Bananas are tasty and nutritious. Begin your day with a banana and another breakfast item to stay full and keep away from excessive junk cravings all day. Besides, a banana will even take care of your gut health and boost digestion.