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10 Ways To Beat Sleepiness And Stay Healthy– No More Oversleeping!
It is not a healthy or active space to be in when you are sleepy all day. If that happens once in a while, you would still understand and cope up by compensating for lost sleep the next day. Sadly, if that’s not the case then tiredness and drowsiness will become a part of your life. Don’t think it is doing any good. It is directly taking a toll on your mood, productivity, and health.
Excessive sleepiness is causing trouble to around 18 percent of people in the world. This condition of wanting to sleep even while being productive during the day is known as hypersomnia.
In some cases, you are experiencing sleepiness because you are sleepdeprived, you have got yourself used to bad sleeping habits or you might be suffering from sleep apnea.
Follow a few healthy tips to fight sleepiness. If you have tried it all and you still experience problems, get yourself checked by a doctor as you could be suffering from a disorder.
Here is a few tips that will help you defeat sleepiness to stay healthy and happy thereafter. You won’t have issues at work and it would impact your relationships.

Tip 1 –Sleep Well At Night
Night sleep is the best and having a sound sleep is important. If you are taking it for leisure and staying awake almost all nights, it is going to affect your energy levels the next day. Therefore, be cautious about your health.
It is obvious and you know the importance of sleeping well at night yet you don’t follow a healthy sleep pattern. If you don’t want your body to experience inflammation and intend to keep your cells healthy, sleep well at night. Ensure to sleep for not more than 8 hours and you will never experience sleepiness. If it is not a disorder and you are sleepy all day, it is a clear sign that you didn’t get a good night’s sleep.
Tip 2 – Plan A Sleep Routine
Forming a habit or making it a routine to sleep on time should help and save you from unnecessary the trouble with your health.
Sleeping well at night for two days and then going back to the same old story will not serve the purpose. You need to set a perfect sleep routine.
As it takes a while for your body to get used to and stick to a pattern, it is essential that you make a convenient sleep routine for yourself.
This way you can stop yourself from sleeping too much because your body will sleep and wake up at a particular time.
Along with convenience, make it a point to go to bed early, and 10 minutes before you want to fall asleep. This effective plan will help.
Tip 3 – Stick To A Bedtime
Once you are used to sleeping around 10 in the night, you can take a step further and set a strict bedtime for yourself.
Sticking to your bedtime will make you disciplined and keep you prepared in prior that you quickly have to wind up your household chores, office work or chilling on the phone and go to sleep.
Setting an an alarm is another way to remind yourself that you have to crash for the day. Follow your bedtime strictly so that you have enough time to sleep well at night.
Tip 4 – Shut Your Mind From Distractions
Have your things sorted and done a few minutes before you go to sleep. Avoid being upset or distracted before crashing for the day.
At least an an hour prior, keep your phone, laptop, music player, book, and a heated conversation away. The more you make an effort to sleep with a blank mind, the better it will do to your health and keep all the sleepiness away.
Tip 5 – Set A Time To Wakeup
If you are dealing with too much sleepiness, you need to manage your sleep time well. Just like how you set a bedtime, you need to even set wake-up time. An important point you will take care of is that of maintaining consistency even if it is not a working or study day. The circadian rhythm is tuned well when you wake up at the right time. This will help set right your problem of falling asleep at night as well. Follow this practice for months and only then you will get used to not sleeping too much during the day.
Tip 6 – Eat Timely And Healthy Meals
Every habit of yours is connected to the other. Having said, only when you eat healthily and at the right time, you will be able to sleep well and in time. Besides, it keeps the circadian rhythm in place.
Eat healthy things at the right time. Don’t eat junk when it’s time to have a meal. If you want to avoid sleepiness, avoid eating a heavy meal during the day when you have an important task to complete.
Most importantly, avoid eating food right before you go to bed. Finish your dinner at least one and a half-hour in prior.
Tip 7 – Do A Physical Workout
Tiring your body will make you fit and help you sleep well. Whether you have problems with sleepiness or sleeplessness, a good workout will keep you active al day.
Apart from helping you fall asleep, exercising during the day will help you stay alert and energetic.
If you want to resort to healthy exercising, ensure to do your workout outdoors, and in the morning. You get sufficient Vitamin D as well as find a way to put an end to all the sleepiness.
Tip 8 – Avoid Taking Long Naps In The Day
Napping for twenty minutes is good. However, overdoing it is like poison and you get lazy. Besides, all the sleepiness gets bad. The cycle of disturbed sleep begins and won’t come to an end.
Instead, do your best to sleep well in the night. You won’t feel like napping. If you like napping, don’t overdo it. Sleep for a few minutes only.
Tip 9 – Set Right Your Sleep Environment
To sleep without getting disturbed, you must set right your environment. When you prepare yourself to fall asleep ensure to keep your room lights off. Don’t strain your eyes with bright lights.
A hormone known as melatonin begins to get secreted when the environment is peaceful and the lights are off. This is your sleep hormone. This is produced at the right time when its time to shut from everything and rest, you won’t experience sleepiness the next day.
Do this right, when you go to sleep, shut off all the lights and rest. On the other hand, as you wake up in the morning expose yourself to the natural light. Remember, you have to sleep and wake up on time to avoid sleepiness.
Tip 10 – Maintain Discipline In Your Schedule
Conclusion If you want to avoid sleepiness or get rid of oversleeping. Be disciplined during the day and complete all your tasks, eat healthy meals on time, exercise to feel tired and sleep well at night, keep distractions aside, avoid napping in the day and set a bedtime routine so that your body gets accustomed to it and you get the right amount of sleep that you were not able to catch up on or you were oversleeping.

When you maintain discipline in your schedule, there is no chance you will feel sleepy
during the day. One, you will get busy. Two, you will be able to sleep well at night.
This discipline will help you effectively manage your activities and prioritize all your tasks in a way that it is either done by night or you keep aside unimportant tasks for the weekend.
Being disciplined will even teach you how to effectively manage time.