Policies & Procedures

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Tel: 07508 908549


MEMBERS CODE OF CONDUCT The information below is the legal and binding ‘Code of Conduct’ set by the Founder (Ms. Samantha Greaves) and the Management Committee at the time of this group’s conception in January 2015. This code of conduct sets out the professional standards required by The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, otherwise known as SC Cause as a condition of membership: a) All members have a right to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability. b) All members may provide and should accept constructive criticism and ensure the views of all participants are taken into account and are fairly represented in the resulting list of actions. c) Any member entrusted with any duty concerning the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, otherwise known as SC Cause must carry out said duty with due care and diligence. d) All members must avoid situations that may give rise to a conflict of interest with the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, otherwise known as SC Cause. e) No member should be involved in or contribute to any situation / incident that will bring the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, otherwise known as SC Cause into disrepute. f) No member must on any occasion disclose confidential information set out within the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, otherwise known as SC Cause. g) No members must misrepresent the values of the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, otherwise known as SC Cause on any occasion. h) No member should use the name / auspices of the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, otherwise known as SC Cause for personal gain or profit. i) All members have a wider responsibility to promote public understanding of Sickle Cell Anaemia. j) All members must notify the group if convicted of a criminal offence. Not all convictions are seen as relevant to membership such as becoming bankrupt, driving, parking offences etc. k) Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, otherwise known as SC Cause reserves the right to terminate the membership of any member who: - 1. Knowingly and willingly brings the group into disrepute, 2. Uses the name of the group for personal gain or profit to the detriment of the group, 3. Uses the name of this group for any purpose without written consent from the active Chairperson. We ask that this Code of Conduct is read by all members and understood. If you have any queries with regards to this document, please make it known via our Client Welfare Team on: 07508 908549, who will be happy to explain the details.

Equal Opportunities Policy The ‘Sickle Cell Care Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group’ also known as (SC. Cause)

Statement on Equal Opportunities SC. Cause is committed to implementing and promoting equal opportunities in its activities, services and practice. It realises that discrimination exists in society (whether protected by law or not) and believes that this prevents potential and ability from being realised in young people and others. SC. Cause will not tolerate discrimination based on: • Race • Colour • Gender • Sexual orientation or identity • Ethnic or national origin • Disability • Partnership status or home responsibility • HIV or AIDS status • Age • Political or religious belief • Trade union activity • Socio-economic background • Refugee or asylum seeker status As a provider of a service to the community, the ‘Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group’, known as SC. Cause, accepts the responsibility to promote equal opportunities and challenge discrimination wherever it occurs. This document sets out the main consequences of this commitment and the action to be taken in order to achieve equal opportunities. SC. Cause recognises that some users of its services may, because of their past or present distress or illness, say or do things which would otherwise be unacceptable and incompatible with the SC. Cause Group’s Equal Opportunities Policy. SC. Cause will do all it can to challenge such behavior. In cases where intervention is possible a gentle approach will be adopted which aims to alter attitudes and behavior while maintaining support for the distressed person. SC. Cause reserves the right to open its membership to any organisation who supports our aims and objectives. However, it will exclude from membership those organisations that actively work against the development of an equal opportunities policy over time, despite encouragement from the ‘Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group. The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, also known as SC Cause, realises that a genuine commitment to equal opportunities must operate on all levels: •

The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will prevent unfavourable treatment, directly or indirectly, upon individuals from any group facing discrimination in its recruitment and deployment of human resources. Where discrimination does occur, it will be dealt with through the agreed procedures. This will be achieved by following the ‘Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group’s Equal Opportunities Policy.

The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will seek to prevent discrimination and ensure equal representation in the services it provides, the structures that it facilitates and the practice through which it carries out its work. This involves the development of greater diversity in the management committee, networks and membership, to ensure a genuinely wide representation.

Responsibility 1.1. The committee of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group has overall responsibility for the effective operation of this policy. However, all volunteers and service users have a duty as part of their involvement with The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group to do everything they can to ensure that the policy works in practice. Those responsible for recruiting volunteers to work in The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group projects are responsible for ensuring that they are aware of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group Equal Opportunities Policy and adhere to it while working as Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group volunteers. 1.2. The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will bring to the attention of all volunteers and service users the existence of this policy and will provide such training as is necessary to ensure that the policy is effective and that everyone is aware of it. 1.3. If any service user or volunteer feels that they have been, or are being discriminated against, in any way, they are entitled to pursue the matter with the committee. 1.4. All instances or complaints of discriminatory behavior will be treated seriously. 1.5. Complaints or allegations of an unfounded or malicious nature will also be treated as serious. Disabled Access 1. The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will endeavor to ensure, as far as is practicable, that all the premises it uses have disabled access. When considering new premises, every effort will be made to ensure such premises are fully accessible. Use of Language 1.1.

Volunteers and service users should avoid and challenge the use of language which, in any way, belittles anyone.


Where the language used has a personal impact on others, and it has been made clear to the person concerned that their use of such language is unwelcome and/or offensive, disciplinary action may be taken if they persist with it.


All materials used or developed by The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will be judged in the light of the promotion of equal opportunities, and those considered to be discriminatory will not be used.

Sexual Harassment 1.1.

No volunteer or service user should be subject to sexual harassment. This is interpreted as unwanted behavior of a sexual nature including: • verbal sexual abuse • physical contact • Repeated remarks which an individual finds offensive.


If it has been made clear to the person concerned that their behavior is unwelcome and they persist with it, then the service user or volunteer who is the recipient of the behavior will be entitled to make a formal complaint.

Monitoring and Review This Policy will be constantly reviewed by the management committee to ensure that no member of the group is put to a disadvantage either, directly or indirectly. This monitoring will apply to the practices of staff and volunteers, the member organisation, the composition of the Committees and the provision of services. It is the responsibility of every individual to eliminate discrimination and to ensure the practical application of this Policy. The committee of the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will review this policy every year at The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group’s Annual General Meeting, (AGM). This policy was: Adopted on: 26th January 2015 Next Review Date: 13th January 2021 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group also known as SC. Cause or/and The Sickle Cell Cause, regards the provision of a safe and healthy working environment as an extremely important and mutual objective for management, volunteers, employees and subcontractors at all levels. The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will collaborate with volunteers and subcontractors by providing the organisation with advice and resources to meet this commitment so far as is reasonably practical. Authority to implement this policy is defined for those who have a responsibility to health and safety. It is the responsibility of the Management Committee to: 1.

Sustain and carry out this policy by all means at their disposal;

2. Provide adequate safety and job training for all employees and volunteers with particular attention to special safety training where appropriate; 3. Comply with the requirements of the relevant legislation, to undertake risk assessments of all activities and to ensure the safe systems of work and a safe working environment are put in place. 4. third parties.

Ensure that the operations of the company are carried out without risk to the health and safety of

Where work is undertaken on premises or at sites not under the direct control of the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group it is the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group’s policy to ensure that the safety policy and procedures in force at the locations are consistent with those of the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group. All managers and stewards are responsible for the safety of employees, visitors and volunteers in their charge and must ensure that policies and procedures are made known and observed and understood. (I.e. sign document after reading).

Employees & volunteers are responsible for observing the policies and procedures for the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group and for ensuring that at all times they work in a manner consistent with the safety of themselves and others. They must immediately report any hazard which may lead to injury or damage which they cannot themselves control. The requirements of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group’s Health & Safety policies and procedures form a part of the terms and conditions of employment and volunteering. Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group places an extremely high degree of importance towards the health and safety of its employees, volunteers and all those whom it has cause to deal. A safe working environment can only be achieved with the active cooperation of everybody. Review This policy will be reviewed at intervals of 2 years to ensure it remains up to date and compliant with the law. Adopted on: 26th January 2015 Next Review Date: 12th January 2021 Declaration I confirm I have read and understood the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group’s Health & Safety Policy and I will act in accordance with it. I am connected with this organisation in my capacity as: Chairperson Member of the Secretariat Administrative Assistant Client Welfare Manager Group Coordinator Head of a Department General Volunteer Signature: ……………………………………………………. Print name: ………………………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………………….

Please return this form to the Secretary/ Group Coordinator of The ‘Sickle Cell Community Action, Unity, Support & Empathy Group’, your copy will be issued within 31 days.

The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support & Empathy Group

VOLUNTEERING POLICY GUIDELINES Policy Statement The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy group also known as SC Cause, depend on volunteer support to accomplish their missions of public service. This policy is designed to ensure that the relationship between SC Cause and all volunteers is clearly established and understood by all parties. The policy is also designed to reduce volunteer risk and protect the interest of the Volunteers, The Group’s entire body and the Community it serves. Our organisation is firmly committed to diversity in all areas of its work. We believe that we have much to learn and will profit from diverse cultures and perspectives, and that diversity will make our organisation more effective with meeting the needs of all our service users. SC Cause are committed to developing and maintaining an organisation in which differing ideas, abilities, backgrounds and needs are fostered and valued, and where those with diverse backgrounds and experiences are able to participate and contribute. SC Cause will regularly evaluate and monitor our progress towards diversity. Volunteer Procedure OVERVIEW The purpose of the volunteer procedure is to provide SC Cause with a process for properly selecting volunteers; for obtaining necessary information from volunteers; and for ensuring that volunteers have general liability insurance where it is necessary. Volunteer Definition An individual who performs a service or services for, and directly related to the business of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, also known as SC Cause without the expectation of monetary or material compensation. Responsibilities and Rights of a Volunteer Volunteers are not considered employees for any purpose other than agreed expenses and general liability protection. Therefore, they are not eligible for retirement and health benefits and other worker compensations as a result of their status. Volunteers serve at the discretion of this organisations Members & Management Committee and accordingly, a volunteer assignment can be terminated at the discretion via majority decision of these mentioned at any given time. Other Considerations A person under the age of 18 may only become a volunteer with parental consent. Expenses The group SC Cause will reimburse out-of-pocket expenses to their volunteers, this being Travel and in the case of more than four hours worked in a day Meals can also be claimed for, not exceeding £8 per meal, receipts are required for all claims.

VOLUNTEERING POLICY GUIDELINES CATEGORY “A” VOLUNTEER PROCEDURE Develop a description of the volunteer assignment. Determine the qualifications, experience and training needed. Perform appropriate screening of prospective volunteers.

Upon acceptance of a volunteer, complete the following: 1. Explain the manner and method by which the volunteer will be expected to perform. 1.1 Explain all policies & procedures that apply to the volunteer. 1.2 Provide any assignment specific training which is deemed necessary. 1.3 Record the volunteer’s name and obtain emergency contact information. 1.4 Have the volunteer read and sign the Volunteer Agreement, known as the ‘Declaration of Integrity’ agreement.

CATEGORY “B” VOLUNTEER PROCEDURE Develop a description of the volunteer assignment. Determine the qualifications, experience and training needed. Perform appropriate screening of prospective volunteers. Recruit volunteers via Management Committee vote.

Upon acceptance of a volunteer, complete the following: 1. Explain the manner and method by which the volunteer will be expected to perform. 1.1 Have the volunteer read and sign the Volunteer Agreement, known as the ‘Declaration of Integrity’ agreement.

CATEGORY “C” MANAGEMNT COMMITTEE MEMBER PROCEDURE Select the Committee Member Explain all policies and procedures that apply to the Committee member. Record the Committee members name and obtain emergency contact information. Recruit volunteers via Management Committee vote. Have the newly appointed Committee Member read and sign the ‘Declaration of Integrity’ agreement.

Types of VOLUNTEERS Category “A” volunteer: A person who performs a volunteer assignment for three days or less, (see SC Cause ‘Volunteering Policy Guidelines’). Category “B” volunteer: A person who performs a volunteer assignment for more than three days or on a recurring basis, (see SC Cause ‘Volunteering Policy Guidelines). Category “C” volunteer: A non-paid Management Committee Member, (see SC Cause ‘Volunteering Policy Guidelines’). Age Limit A person under the age of 18 may only become a volunteer with parental consent. SC Cause dictates no upper age limit for its volunteers. Expenses. SC Cause will reimburse volunteer expenses for travel and food as outlined in the ‘Volunteering Policy Guidelines’. To volunteer to SC Cause http://www.123contactform.com/form-1951995/Volunteer-Recruitment.

COMPLAINTS POLICY & PROCEDURE Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group is a group set up and is managed by its Members. We encourage each and every person in this group to feel free to say whatever is on their mind with regard to the services provided by this group. The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group (SC. CAUSE) AIMS & OBJECTIVES: The ‘Aims & Objectives of this group are to support people affected by the Sickle Cell disorder. ‘People Affected’ will include those with the full blown Sickle Cell condition, those carrying the Trait’, Parents & family members of these persons, their Care Givers, Spouses/Partners, Friends and those who offer their voluntary services within our community with regard to the Sickle Cell disorder. To achieve our Aims: 1. We host Seminars and Workshops. 2. We visit Schools, Churches, clubs and Hospitals. 3. We distribute information leaflets. 4. We work alongside Healthcare Providers, Counselling Services and Government Agencies. 5. We create awareness among young people about the importance of being tested for the Sickle Cell disorder. 6. We are advocates for Sickle Cell Patients and all persons affected by the Sickle Cell condition.

Our complaints policy We are committed to providing a high-quality service to all our members. Our members do not tolerate any form of abuse, bullying, racial, sexual or religious slurs at any time from any other member. As volunteers we promote the working in a harmonious environment with respect, fair treatment and consideration for all of our members. When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards and services. If you have a complaint, please contact us with the details on the form provided. We have eight weeks to consider your complaint. If we have not resolved it within this time you may complain to the Legal Ombudsman.

COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE The Process: What will happen next? 1. We will send you a letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint within seven days of receiving it, enclosing a copy of this procedure. 2. We will then investigate your complaint. This will normally involve passing your complaint to our Client Welfare Officer, who will review your matter and speak to the relevant staff in our Complaints Department. Your complaint will be treated with all due respect and be kept confidential within the complaints department and members of our secretariat. 3. You will be invited to a meeting to discuss and hopefully resolve your complaint within 14 days of sending you the acknowledgement letter. 4. Within three days of the meeting, we will write to you to confirm what took place and the solutions agreed with you.

5. If you do not want a meeting or it is not possible, we will send you a detailed written reply to your complaint, including our suggestions for resolving the matter within 21 days of sending you the acknowledgement letter. 6. At this stage, if you are still not satisfied, you should contact us again and we will arrange for our Chairperson for review. 7. Whilst we will try our hardest to resolve your complaint within our organisation; if your complaint is of a serious or criminal nature we will obtain the services of the Legal Ombudsman. 8. We will write to you within 14 days of receiving your request for a review, confirming our final position on your complaint and explaining our reasons. 9. If you are still not satisfied, you can then contact the: Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton WV1 9WJ

Note: Normally, you will need to bring a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman within six months of receiving a final written response from us about your complaint or within six years of the act or omission about which you are complaining occurring (or if outside of this period, within three years of when you should reasonably have been aware of it). For further information, you should contact the: The Legal Ombudsman on 0300 555 0333 or at enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk

This policy was created for the sole use and purpose of the members of the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group only, on this day of: Saturday 17th January 2015 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Data Protection Policy Aims of this policy: The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group needs to keep certain information on its members, employees, volunteers, service users and guests to carry out its day to day operations, to meet its objectives and to comply with legal obligations. The organisation is committed to ensuring any personal data will be dealt with in line with the Data Protection Act 1998. To comply with the law, personal information will be collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully. The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone handling personal data is fully aware of the requirements and acts in accordance with data protection procedures. This document also highlights key data protection procedures within the organisation. This policy covers members, employees, volunteers, service users and guests. Definitions: In line with the Data Protection Act 1998 principles, The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will ensure that personal data will: •

Be obtained fairly and lawfully and shall not be processed unless certain conditions are met

Be obtained for a specific and lawful purpose

Be adequate, relevant but not excessive

Be accurate and kept up to date

Not be held longer than necessary

Be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects

Be subject to appropriate security measures

Not to be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

The definition of ‘Processing’ is obtaining, using, holding, amending, disclosing, destroying and deleting personal data. This includes some paper based personal data as well as that kept on computer.

The Personal Data Guardianship Code suggests five key principles of good data governance on which best practice is based. SC Cause will seek to abide by this code in relation to all the personal data it processes, i.e. •

Accountability: those handling personal data follow publicised data principles to help gain public trust and safeguard personal data.

Visibility: Data subjects should have access to the information about themselves that an organisation holds. This includes the right to have incorrect personal data corrected and to know who has had access to this data.

Consent: The collection and use of personal data must be fair and lawful and in accordance with the DPA’s eight data protection principles. Personal data should only be used for the purposes agreed by the data subject. If personal data is to be shared with a third party or used for another purpose, the data subject’s consent should be explicitly obtained.

Access: Everyone should have the right to know the roles and groups of people within an organisation who have access to their personal data and who has used this data.

Stewardship: Those collecting personal data have a duty of care to protect this data throughout the data life span.

Type of information processed: The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group processes the following personal information: •

Individual & Community Groups Names, Telephone numbers & Postal Addresses

Date of Birth

National Insurance Number

Religious beliefs

Email addresses

Sickle Cell status

Other Health conditions

Next of Kin

Haematologist’s details. (Sickle Cell Patients)

Personal information is kept in the following forms: • • • • • •

Membership Forms Welfare Consultation Forms Holistic Treatment Forms Meeting Registration Forms Feedback Forms Computer Data-Base. (Saved on a USB Key)

Groups of people within the organisation who will process personal information are listed below and for the purpose of this document are known as SC. CAUSE Staff: •

Members of the Secretariat

Group Co-coordinator

Management of the Welfare Team

Administrative Assistant

Responsibilities: Under the Data Protection Guardianship Code, overall responsibility for personal data in a not for profit organisation rests with the governing body. In the case of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, this is the responsibility of the SC. Cause Management Committee.

The SC. Cause Management Committee delegates tasks to the Group’s Secretary / Group Coordinator/s. The Group’s Secretary / Group Coordinator/s are responsible for: •

Understanding and communicating obligations under the Act.

Identifying potential problem areas or risks.

Producing clear and effective procedures.

Notifying of any relevant interim changes

All of the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group’s volunteers, employed staff & committee members who process personal information must ensure they not only understand but also act in line with this policy and the data protection principles. Breach of this policy will result in disciplinary proceedings. Policy Implementation: To meet our responsibilities Volunteers, Staff & Committee Members will: •

Ensure any personal data is collected in a fair and lawful way.

Explain why it is needed at the start.

Ensure that only the minimum amount of information needed is collected and used.

Ensure the information used is up to date and accurate.

Review the length of time information is held.

Ensure it is kept safely.

Ensure the rights people have in relation to their personal data can be exercised.

Training The SC. Cause Management Committee will ensure that: •

Everyone managing and handling personal information is trained to do so.

Anyone wanting to make enquiries about handling personal information, whether a member of staff, volunteer or service user, knows what to do;

Any disclosure of personal data will be in line with our procedures.

Queries about handling personal information will be dealt with swiftly and politely.

Training and raising awareness about the Data Protection Act and how it is followed in this organisation will take the following forms: •

The SC. CAUSE Management Committee will provide an Induction Seminar/Training for all new appointees & everyone managing and handling personal information.

The SC. CAUSE Management Committee will ensure that everyone managing and handling personal information will read and sign the SC. CAUSE Declaration of Integrity document in the presence of a members meeting.

The SC. CAUSE Management Committee will ensure that everyone managing and handling personal information will read this policy and sign acknowledgment of understanding the content following their induction.

The SC. CAUSE Management Committee will issue everyone managing and handling personal information with a photocopy of their signed Declaration of Integrity & The Sickle Cell Community Action, Unity, Support & Empathy Group Data Protection Policy as proof of receipt of their statement of understanding.

The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will remind everyone managing and handling personal information of this policy annually at this group’s Annual General Meeting.

Gathering & Checking Information: Before personal information is collected, The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will consider the Aims & Objectives of this group which are: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES •

The advancement of education of the Sickle Cell disorder via Awareness Programs in Schools, Churches, Local Council & Housing associations, Website, Leaflets, Exhibitions and Workshops.

• • • • • • • • •

Support for Sickle Cell patients, their families, guardians and careers Visiting patients when admitted into hospital Welfare Care Home Visits Healthy Eating Programs Holistic advice Workshops Recreational Outings for Careers, Parents & Guardians Support with personal challenges To raise awareness and to educate the general public of the Sickle Cell disorder To work with other groups and organisations

The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will inform people whose information is gathered about our Aims & Objectives and our Declaration of Integrity document and follow with explaining the need to collect their information to support them and adhere to the Aims & Objectives of this group.

The information collected on our data-base on our members, employees, volunteers, service users and guests are necessary for: •

Client Welfare Programs

Contact Details

Next of Kin

Health & Safety

We will ensure that personal information kept is accurate by updating and a registration call annually to meet our dated Annual General Meeting. Personal sensitive information will not be used apart from the exact purpose for which permission was given and will only be shared with a third party with the express signed permission of the concerned.

Data Security The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will take steps to ensure that personal data is kept secure at all times against unauthorised or unlawful loss or disclosure. The following measures will be taken: • Using lockable cupboards (restricted access to keys) •

Password protection on personal information files

Setting up computer systems to allow restricted access to certain areas

Not allowing personal data to be taken by unauthorised personnel, (as hard copy, on laptop or on memory stick)

Back up of data on computers (onto a separate hard drive / onto tapes kept off site)

Password protected attachments for sensitive personal information sent by email

The SC.CAUSE Management committee are accountable for compliance of this policy. The SC.CAUSE Staff could individually be personally liable for any penalty arising from a breach that they have made. Any unauthorised disclosure of personal data to a third party by an employee may result in disciplinary proceedings. Any unauthorised disclosure of personal data to a third party by a volunteer or trustee may result in disciplinary proceedings. Personal Access Requests Anyone whose personal information we process has the right to know: •

What information we hold and process on them

How to gain access to this information

How to keep it up to date

They also have the right to correct, rectify, block or erase information regarded as wrong. Individuals have a right to access personal data being kept about them on computer and certain files. Any person wishing to exercise this right should apply in writing to the Secretary of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group via email: sicklecellcause@gmail.com We may make a charge of £10 on each occasion access is requested. The following information will be required before access is granted: •

Full name and contact details of the person making the request

Their relationship with the organisation (former/ current member of staff, volunteer, service user or guest. •

The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group requires two types of personal identification when any information is requested, (e.g. photo identification & utilities bill).

We may also require proof of identity again before access is granted.

The following forms of ID will be required: Photo Identification & Utilities Bill Queries about handling personal information will be dealt with swiftly and politely. We will aim to comply with requests for access to personal information as soon as possible but will ensure it is provided within the 40 days required from receiving the written request and £10 access fee.

Review This policy will be reviewed at intervals of 2 years to ensure it remains up to date and compliant with the law. Adopted on: 26th January 2015 Next Review Date: 12th January 2021

Data Protection Policy Declaration I confirm I have read and understood The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support & Empathy Group’s Data Protection Policy and will act in accordance with it. I am connected with this organisation in my capacity as: Chairperson Member of the Secretariat Administrative Assistant Client Welfare Manager Group Coordinator Head of a Department General Volunteer Signature: ……………………………………………………. Print name: ………………………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………………….

Please return this form to the Secretary of the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support & Empathy Group, your copy will be issued within 31 days.

SC CAUSE USEFUL LINKS Welfare Consultation = Welfare Consultation Request Form http://www.123contactform.com/form-1945100/Welfare-Dept

Click to sign the

Save the George Marsh Centre Petition


Register on our Black Blood Donor Drive February 2020 http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-5091538/sc-cause-blood-donation-drive-2020-registration-form

Register to become a prestigious SC Cause Volunteer http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-2288623/volunteering-to-sc-cause-application-form

Book your seat for the SC Cause 6th AGM March 2020 http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-2272327/6th-agm-2020

SC Patient Treatment in A&E Survey http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-4920941/sickle-cell-a-e-survey

SC Cause Group Membership Registration Form http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-1141380/group-registration-form

Register for the SC Cause Community Miles for Sickle Cell Annual Sponsored Walk September 2020 http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-1929040/sponsored-walk-registration-form

Weekend Workshops Weekend Workshops http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-5261945/sc-cause-workshops-registration-form

Donate via PayPal = paypal.me/SCCAUSE This booklet containing ‘The Policies & Procedures’ of the Sickle Cell Care, Action, Unity, Support with Empathy Group was reviewed in accordance to the said Polices & Procedures on th The 20 Day of December2019

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