Committee and Volunteers Handbook

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2019 - 2020

The information in this ‘Handbook’ is designed for the sole use of the Committee members, active Volunteers and Staff of ‘The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support, with Empathy Group’ otherwise and officially known as SC. CAUSE. This is the official guide of how the committee, volunteers and staff members will operate and manage all aspects of this action & support group to achieve the Aims & Objectives constructively & effectively. There is a standard for all the Committee members, active Volunteers and Staff of this group to adhere to which is listed below:




1. NAME OF GROUP The group has been named as; ‘The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group’ and will be known as SC. Cause and/or The Sickle Cell Cause. This group officially began operations on the 30th day of January 2015 and was created because there is a need for a recognised body to emphasise and actively support people in the UK who suffer from Sickle Cell Anemia/Disease. Respect and confidentiality must be maintained at all times. 2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES • The advancement of education of the Sickle Cell disorder: o Using tools such as Group Website, Social Media, Leaflets, Exhibitions & Workshops. •

Support for Sickle Cell patients, their families, guardians and care givers, which includes: o o o

Empathetic visits to patients when admitted into hospital with nutritional care packs. Home Visits when discharged from hospital and whenever necessary. School visits to nurses, teachers and care staff.

Advocacy & Support with personal challenges o o o o

Housing Conditions Social Benefits General Practitioners Treatment in A&E

• Preventative measures to help reduce the painful everyday symptoms and hospital admissions; o o o

Nutrition & Healthy Eating Programs Holistic Advice Workshops Recreational Outings for Carers, Parents & Guardians

To raise awareness and to educate the general public of the Sickle Cell disorder: • Awareness Programs in Schools, Churches and other places of faith, Borough Council Offices & Housing Associations etc. To work with other groups and organisations •

To advise, support and signpost groups, organisations and personal cases with what is listed as our Aims & Objectives above whenever requested.

POWERS OF THE SICKLE CELL CARE, ADVOCACY, UNITY, SUPPORT with EMPATHY GROUP 3. The group shall have the powers to: ➢ Employ voluntary staff, who shall not be Management Committee members, to further the objective of the group ➢ Raise funds to pursue the above objectives ➢ Do such things as are lawful and necessary in order to pursue the objectives of the organisation. 4. MEMBERSHIP Is for all people affected by, and the supporters of the Sickle Cell disorder who is resident within the United Kingdom who support the above objectives; Membership of the group shall be automatic irrespective of race, nationality, political views, religious opinion, gender, sexual orientation or disability. International membership is also welcome. 5. MEMBERSHIP FEES Membership fees is £20 per year (aged 18 over) for every member of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy Unity, Support with Empathy Group. 6. CODE OF CONDUCT This code of conduct sets out the professional standards required by The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy Unity, Support with Empathy Group as a condition of membership: • All members must have a right to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability. • All members must provide and accept constructive criticism and ensure the views of all participants are considered and are fairly represented in the resulting list of actions. • Any member entrusted with any duty concerning The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group must carry out said duty with due care and diligence. • All members must avoid situations that may give rise to a conflict of interest of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group. • No member should be involved in or contribute to any situation / incident that will bring The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy Unity, Support with Empathy Group into disrepute. • No member must on any occasion disclose confidential information set within The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group. • No members must misrepresent the values of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group on any occasion. • No member should use the name / auspices of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group for personal gain or profit. • All members have a wider responsibility to promote public understanding of the Sickle Cell Anaemia conditions. • All members must notify the group if convicted of a criminal offence. Not all convictions are seen as relevant to membership such as becoming bankrupt, driving, parking offences etc. • The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group reserves the right to terminate the membership of any member who: - 1. Wilfully and willingly brings the group into disrepute, 2. Uses the name of the group for personal gain or profit to the detriment of the group.


The group will be managed by a committee to be elected at the Annual General Meeting The committee shall consist of 3 honorary positions: Chair; Group Coordinator and Treasurer and will meet at least 6 times a year. The quorum at a Management Meeting should be no less than 3 Management Committee Members. The Management Committee shall have the power to: Elect officer roles from amongst themselves Appoint any advisory or sub-Committees as the Management Committee may find necessary Set the rules of procedure for all Management Committee meetings which shall be revised by them whenever necessary All elected officers will be elected for a period of 12 months with approval for another one year. Any Committee member who fails to attend 3 meetings without rendering their apology at least 24 hours before the meeting will be removed from the committee.

8. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS (AGM) The committee shall arrange its Annual General Meeting within 12 months of the last, giving at least 21 days’ notice, for the purpose of: ➢ Receiving the Annual Report of the Committee ➢ Receiving the Annual Accounts ➢ Electing a new Committee, and ➢ Voting, if necessary, on proposals to amend the Constitution ➢ The quorum at an Annual General Meeting shall be no less than one third of eligible members.

9. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING (SGM) The committee may at any time, call a Special General Meeting either for the purpose of altering the constitution or for any matter which the committee may decide should be referred to the members in general. The Committee shall also call a meeting at the written request of not fewer than 5 group members, who give reasons for the request. 10. FINANCE • Finances may be obtained by means of such lawful fundraising activities as the committee may deem acceptable. All money raised by, or on behalf of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group shall be applied to further the objectives of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group and for no other purpose. o The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group and shall open a bank account in the name of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group. o Reports on the finances will be made to the Management Committee regularly and to the entire members. At least three members shall be signatories to the bank account with one of these signatories needed to withdraw money. o Signatories will not sign ‘blank’ cheques. o The accounts shall be examined each year. o The examiner shall not be a member of the committee.

11. ALTERATIONS TO THE CONSTITUTION Any alteration to the constitution shall require the approval of a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. 12. DISSOLUTION o If the committee should decide by a simple majority that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group it shall call a meeting of all the members of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group, with at least 21 days’ notice, stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed to the meeting. o If the decision is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at the meeting the committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets held by The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group. o Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any debts and liabilities shall be transferred to another organisation that shall use it towards charitable purposes which will benefit a registered organisation dedicated to holistically improve the health of people UK wide who have the Sickle Cell condition.

13. ACCEPTANCE This Constitution was adopted on the 10th day of January 2015 as the legal Constitution of ‘The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group’ officially and commonly known as SC. CAUSE or The Sickle Cell Cause at a public meeting held at The Lounge, St Clements Court, 1a Ripon Road, Edmonton, N9 7RF This Constitution was amended on the 25th day of February 2017. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Signed: __________________________________ (Chairperson) __________________________________ (Member) MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE DETAILS Chair: Curtis Stewart

Vice Chair: ………………………………….

Sign: …………………………………..

Sign: ………………………………………….

Date: …………………………………...

Date: ………………………………………….

Group Coordinator: Samantha Greaves

Treasurer: Leanne Palmer

Sign: ……………………………………

Sign: …………………………………………..

Date: ……………………………………

Date: ……………………………………………

Note: This Constitution was updated and signed by the above ‘named’ at the first meeting of the Management Committee On-Line Meeting for 2017 on Saturday 25th February 2017.

ROLES & RESPONSIBIITIES OF THE SC. CAUSE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group has ambitions to progress professionally with effective management and complete support to our service users. This will only be achieved if all persons in management positions understands their roles and fore fills their commitments. Being a member of the SC. CAUSE Management Committee means that we are all singularly members of a team; A team will only succeed when each and every one pulls together, respecting each other’s skills, be willing to assist each other to complete tasks and respecting our service users as our priority and working towards building a group of longevity.

Chairperson ‘Setting the Gold Standard’ The role of the SC. CAUSE Chairperson and Vice Chairperson is to ensure that all meetings for the group is organised and actioned in a wholly professional manner; ensuring that the reason for the meeting is clear, the reason for each agenda item is clear and the results expected from the meeting is clear. The Chairpersons for this group are expected to liaise together on a weekly basis to ensure that both parties are fully aware of the current situation within the group, also to decide which of them will actively chair the upcoming meeting. Chairing is a key role to any voluntary management committee. The Chairperson must ensure that the management committee members function competently and are committed to their agreed role, also that there is full participation during meetings and that all relevant matters are discussed and that effective measures are made and carried out. The role of the Chairperson is time consuming, with work to be done in between meetings & external representation of this organisation. Our Chairpersons are required to be diplomatic, efficient yet polite and with high leadership qualities. ‘Our members are patients with a serious debilitating medical condition; The environment wherever our Support Group operates must reflect this.’ It is the responsibility of our Chairpersons to ensure:

A. COMFORT 1. Our meeting rooms are set up and ready for attendance at least 15minutes before the meeting is due to begin, ensuring that the furniture is set to enable every person to make an active contribution to the meeting. 2. That the meeting room is warm enough with an available air-flow to meet with the medical symptoms of the Sickle Cell patient. 3. That there is drinking water available at all meetings. 4. That all attendee’s feel positive towards the group and the atmosphere is friendly and welcoming. B. TIME 1. The groups Minutes have been checked, signed and issued to members of the secretariat seven – ten days after all scheduled monthly meetings and Agenda items seven days prior to upcoming meetings and 48 hours before a Special Meeting for distribution. 2. That meetings are planned effectively, conducted according to our constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner. 3. They are fully updated with all current issues concerning the SC. CAUSE and be ready to render their casting vote whenever necessary. 4. That they are available to represent the SC. CAUSE and be the spokesperson at external functions & meetings. 5. That there is enough time to discuss and conclude the items on the agenda. C. 1. 2. 3. 4.

AGENDA’S Points from the previous meeting are discussed and followed up. The agenda gives the purpose of each item. Important matters are considered first. The agenda is realistic and completed within its time frame.

D. INFORMATION 1. All information is legible and sent out well in advance. 2. That all information sent out is received by the recipient. E. COMMITTEE MEMBERS 1. Committee members have the skills and knowledge to address their roles & responsibilities confidently and effectively. 2. That individuals are comfortable working together on projects, making use and respecting each other’s time & skills. 3. The committee has a good balance of age, gender and experience. 4. People behave appropriately at meetings and when representing SC. CAUSE. 5. That Committee members attend the initial SC. CAUSE Induction Training into the group and attend the committee training sessions set up for community volunteers thereafter. F. RECORDS 1. Decisions are summarised at the meetings. 2. The minute’s state who will take what action on tasks also stating when the task will be completed. 3. All records are kept up to date and safe.

‘DELEGATION IS KEY’ Our Gold Standard Chairpersons must be able to ‘Delegate’. As the lead representative of the SC. CAUSE our committee members must be able to rely on the true management skills of our Chairpersons to ensure the above tasks are carried out effectively so our group remains an integral & operational Sickle Cell Support Group worthy of mention to Sickle Cell patients and professionals countrywide.

Secretary & Group Coordinator ‘Sharing the Gold Standard’ The role of the Secretary and Vice Secretary of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group is as with any other voluntary organisation, being; to support the Chairpersons to ensure the smooth functioning of the Management Committee with the focus on all of the above responsibilities being met. Our Secretaries are our group’s point of reference & information and the guide between our Chairpersons and Committee Members. Our Secretaries business is to know every last detail of action within SC. CAUSE and to share it to the correct personnel effectively. The Secretary is the ‘Hub’ of the group and therefore must be a natural ‘people person’, non-judgmental, a confident and friendly communicator with the ability to work independently whilst holding the groups ethics as the top priority. It is important to note that although the Secretary ensures that the group’s responsibilities are met, the secretarial role is highly professional, the work is extensive, time consuming and very responsible; therefore, much of the work may be delegated to paid staff and/or volunteers. In the case of the SC. Cause we have Group Coordinators, who are delegated to support our Secretaries to ensure effective management. The extensive role of our Secretary, Vice Secretary & Group Coordinators are: A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

COMMUNICATION & CORRESPONDENCE Ensuring all meetings are organised well and accurately minuted. Liaising with the Chair to plan meetings. Receiving Agenda items from committee members. Circulating Agenda’s, Minutes and Reports. Taking Minutes. Checking and follow up that agreed actions are carried out. Keeping up-to-date contact details of committee members, service users and supporters. 8. Filing Minutes and all Reports. 9. Compiling lists of useful contacts and keeping it current.

10. Keeping a record of the group’s activities. 11. Keeping a diary of future activities. 12. Upholding Legal requirements. 13. Checking the quorum is present at meetings. 14. Ensuring that elections are in line with our Policies & Procedures. 15. Maintaining effective records and administration. 16. Ensuring our activities are in line with our Aims & Objectives. 17. Upholding the legal requirements of governing documents and the organisations policies. 18. Clarifying past practice and decisions, confirming legal requirements and retrieving relevant documentation. 19. Responding to all internal & external committee correspondence. 20.Keeping a record of all of the groups publications; including flyers, newsletters etc. 21. Reporting all activities of the group and future programmes to members, the press and the public. 22. Preparing a Report of the group’s activities for the year, for the Annual General Meeting, AGM. 23. Acknowledging member’s significant events.

‘COMMUNICATION IS KEY’ Our Gold Standard Secretaries must be able to communicate verbally and in writing, being factual and also openly responsive & friendly. Our Secretaries share our Gold Standards with the ability to encourage inclusion.

Treasurer ‘Accounting of the Gold Standard’ The Treasurer of any Management Committee plays a vital role. The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group ‘Gold Standard’ Treasurer & vice Treasurer will have entered this group ready and set to take on the challenges that comes with a start-up organisation. As we enter into new times SC. CAUSE will be completely accountable for incoming and outgoing revenue, our group is totally responsible to ensure we are able to create and apply for funds, our money must be accounted for with clear, coherent and transparent record keeping which is ready for scrutiny at any given time. The SC. CAUSE Treasurer & vice Treasurer will work hand in hand with both being fully responsible and knowing exactly how our records are kept and how our money is accounted for. Below are some of the key qualities and skills required for the Treasurer position within The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy with United Support & Empathy Group. 1. Being capable of handling figures and cash. 2. Have an orderly mind and methodical way of thinking. 3. Have experience in dealing with large sums of money and budgets. 4. Have experience of financial control and budgeting. 5. Have an eye for detail. 6. Be able to be contacted for ad hoc advice. 7. Have a financial qualification or relevant experience. 8. Have experience of creating personal income. 9. A good communicator with added interpersonal skills. 10. Have the ability to ensure decisions are taken and followed up completely. 11. Excellent timekeeper.

‘Integrity is Key’ Our GOLD STANDARD Treasury department consists of persons who are trustworthy & impartial. Able to explain systematically with courtesy and detail.

Client Welfare Officer (CWO) ‘Gold Standard Welfare with Empathy’ It can be easy to become involved and engrossed with the politics of forming and building an effective Support Group, this is why SC. CAUSE has lead officers with dedicated responsibilities. We must remain mindful that our group was set up to support people affected by the Sickle Cell condition and this must be our main focus. It is of the upmost importance that our Client Welfare Officer is a person of complete integrity, with the highest regard to client confidentiality and has a degree of compassion which is easily expressed. Our CWO should be unafraid of reaching out to and meeting new people. Additionally, the CWO should be willing and able to manage a group of volunteers to address the needs of our members. The duties of our Client Welfare Officer includes: 1. Initiating contact via telephone to all members on our data base. 2. Arrange to complete a Client Welfare Consultation Form with each member, this can be done in person or over the phone. 3. Ensuring that members are visited in hospital with an SC. CAUSE Comfort Pack. 4. Ensuring home visits are arranged when members are discharged from hospital with the offer of at least one hour of home help. 5. To be available to book appointments with members for private consultations. 6. Ensuring support is arranged with schools and with regard to adequate housing, heating, dietary advice, childcare, etc. 7. Signpost and arrange plans of action. 8. Ensuring that children with SC and the children of Patients are included on our social outings.

‘Gold Standard Passion where ‘Follow Up’ is Key.

Patient Advocacy Officer (PAO) ‘Advocacy of Gold Standard’ The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group is an action group with our aim

being to support people affected by the Sickle Cell condition at every level. This includes the parents, careers, children of the patient, children with the SC condition, teachers, etc. The SC. CAUSE Patient Advocacy Officer, (PAO), is a person dedicated to the advancement of the social care and the human rights of all persons affected by the Sickle Cell condition. This role is not for the faint hearted and the members of our advocacy team will be ready to campaign, complain effectively, approach authorities & medical professionals with the concerns of the Sickle Cell affected and be willing to attend external meetings that involve any aspect of the Sickle Cell condition. With Sickle Cell Anaemia being an illness of excruciating pain with fatalities common place it is vital that the Sickle Cell affected have a degree of consideration afforded to them with regard to their living conditions, diet, stress levels, medication, legal support, Councilor & MP intervention, etc. It is the duty of the SC. CAUSE Patient Advocacy Officer to ensure that these issues have been made accessible to all. The responsibilities of the SC. Cause PAO consist of many aspects and includes: 1. To ensure that our members are coping well with their personal lives whilst living with the Sickle Cell condition. 2. To update the SC. CAUSE Client Welfare Department with the issues of personal concern with any members. 3. To ensure local authorities, members of parliament, health care providers, media and legal advisors are all fully informed of these concerns where necessary. 4. To ensure all information is documented and recorded in-line with data protection and kept locked in a place of safety and confidentiality. ‘Action is Key’ Support is a very strong word; the GOLD STANDARD Patient Advocacy Officer will ensure action is taken with regard to the Sickle Cell welfare of all members of this group.

Information & Advice Officer ‘Gold Standard Professionalism’ It is crucial that our members are contacted and offered support which should be done with complete professionalism. Our letters of support on behalf of our members must be intelligible and effective. Our Welfare Administration Officer is appointed to write up these letters of support to the appropriate authorities. Our Information & Advice Officer will be a person with experience in the field of money and welfare with experience of working within a government agency such as the Citizens Advice Bureau, Benefits Office, Housing Office, etc. It is also crucial that all Managers within our Welfare Departments including our Advocacy department, liaise together at least once a fortnight to be fully informed of the personal situations of our members and to ensure that the appropriate action is taken in a timely manner. Deadlines must be made and adhered to. The duties of our Information & Advice Officer will be to collate service user files of information handed from our Advocacy & Welfare Officers. To be able to write effective and necessary supporting letters to the relevant authority/agencies.

The skill of diplomatic address is why the SC. CAUSE will continue to build an effective support network countrywide. Our Information & Advice Officer will rubber stamp our correspondence with the Gold Standard

Events Co-Ordinator & Fundraising Officer ‘Teamwork makes the Dream Work’ As with all not-for-profit voluntary organisations SC. CAUSE is heavily reliant on funds from outside sources for the group to be able to operate effectively. Because our Awareness Programs and Events incur costs; our Events Co-Ordinator & Fundraising Officer need to work hand in hand sharing the responsibilities of both roles between them. The duties for both of these roles are to ensure that the SC. CAUSE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Apply for funds by completing the appropriate forms. To keep legible records for the scrutiny. Ensure records are kept within the specified guidelines. Applications need to be submitted to meet the relevant deadlines. Arrange Events with Schools, Places of Work, and Churches etc. that will create an opportunity to share Sickle Cell Awareness and Funds. 6. Arrange Social Outings for our children and adult members. 7. Keep an account of expenditure and remain within the agreed budget.

NUTRITION CONSULTANT Diet and exercise are key points to address for keeping as well as one can when living with the Sickle Cell condition. Our appointed Nutritionist will ensure that information regarding good diet is promoted to the group and that all members referred will receive one to one advise which may include a program to follow for better holistic healthcare. Our Nutritionist will perform at least two workshops for our members per year.

‘Our food is our real medicine and education is key’

Home Business Advisor Living with the Sickle Cell condition more often than not reduces the opportunity for the patient to advance with basic education, remain gainfully employed and even fulfil goals in life, thus encouraging a feeling of uselessness whilst living below the poverty line. Many are reliant on the benefits system to ensure a consistent income. Having assessed a variety of income generating vehicles, the home based business advisor will offer opportunities suitable to our member’s personal needs. In addition, the HBA will give direction and ongoing advice for creating wealth whilst living with a debilitating condition.

CONCLUSION To conclude as a team, we will listen to our members, advise and action our roles and responsibilities to the Gold Standard referred to above. Most of all, we will make it our duty to ensure that we maintain a high level of expertise within the roles we have accepted. Working within a team and especially as a volunteer is often a thankless task and therefore, we must consult within the team to remain strong and feel personally supported; our members are reliant on our strength, confidentiality and support. We endeavor to go forth with integrity and empowerment.

Each of us needs all of us; Together Sickle Cell patients will be supported effectively.

The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy with Unity, Support & Empathy Group otherwise known as SC. CAUSE

VOLUNTEERING POLICY Policy Statement The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support & Empathy group otherwise known as SC Cause, depend on volunteer support to accomplish their missions of public service. This policy is designed to ensure that the relationship between SC Cause and all volunteers is clearly established and understood by all parties. This policy is also designed to reduce volunteer risk and protect the interest of the Volunteers, The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support & Empathy group and the Community it serves. Our organisation is firmly committed to diversity in all areas of its work. We believe that we have much to learn and profit from diverse cultures and perspectives, and that diversity will make our organisation more effective with meeting the needs of all our service users. SC Cause are committed to developing and maintaining an organisation in which differing ideas, abilities, backgrounds and needs are fostered and valued, and where those with diverse backgrounds and experiences are able to participate and contribute. SC Cause will regularly evaluate and monitor our progress towards diversity. Volunteer Definition An individual who performs a service or services for, and directly related to the business of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support & Empathy group without the expectation of monetary or material compensation. Responsibilities and Rights of a Volunteer Volunteers are not considered employees for any purpose other than worker’s compensation and general liability protection. Therefore, they are not eligible for retirement and health benefits and other worker compensations as a result of their status. Volunteers commit to serve this organisation and accordingly, a volunteer assignment can be terminated in accordance with SC Cause ‘Volunteering Policy Guidelines’.

Types of volunteers Category “A” volunteer: A person who performs a volunteer assignment for three days or less, (see SC Cause ‘Volunteering Policy Guidelines’). Category “B” volunteer: A person who performs a volunteer assignment for more than three days or on a recurring basis, (see SC Cause ‘Volunteering Policy Guidelines). Category “C” volunteer: A non-paid Management Committee Member, (see SC Cause ‘Volunteering Policy Guidelines’). Age Limit A person under the age of 18 may only become a volunteer with parental consent. SC Cause dictates no upper age limit for its volunteers. Expenses. SC Cause will reimburse volunteer expenses for travel and food as outlined in the ‘Volunteering Policy Guidelines’. VOLUNTEER PROCEDURE OVERVIEW The purpose of the volunteer procedure is to provide SC Cause with a process for properly selecting volunteers; for obtaining necessary information from volunteers and for ensuring that volunteers have general liability insurance. VOLUNTEERING POLICY GUIDELINES Policy Statement The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group otherwise known as SC Cause, depend on voluntary support to accomplish the missions of public service. This policy is designed to ensure that the relationship between the SC Cause and all volunteers is clearly established and understood by all parties. The policy is also designed to reduce volunteer risk and protect the interest of the volunteers, The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group and the Community it serves. Our organisation is firmly committed to diversity in all areas of its work. We believe that we have much to learn and profit from diverse cultures and perspectives, and that diversity will make our organisation more effective with meeting the needs of all our service users. SC Cause are committed to developing and maintaining an organisation with which differing ideas, abilities, backgrounds and needs are fostered and valued, and where those with diverse backgrounds and experiences are encouraged to participate and contribute. SC Cause will regularly evaluate and monitor our progress towards diversity.

Volunteer Procedure OVERVIEW The purpose of the volunteer procedure is to provide SC Cause with a process for properly selecting volunteers; for obtaining necessary information from volunteers; and for ensuring that volunteers have general liability insurance.

Volunteer Definition An individual who performs a service or services for, and directly related to the business of The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support & Empathy group without the expectation of monetary or material compensation.

Responsibilities and Rights of a Volunteer Volunteers are not considered employees for any purpose other than agreed expenses and general liability protection. Therefore, they are not eligible for retirement and health benefits and other worker compensations as a result of their status. Volunteers serve at the discretion of this organisations Members & Management Committee and accordingly, a volunteer assignment can be terminated at the discretion via majority decision of these mentioned at any given time.

Other Considerations A person under the age of 18 may only become a volunteer with parental consent.

Expenses The Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy, Unity, Support with Empathy Group will reimburse out-of-pocket expenses to their volunteers, this being Travel and in the case of more than four hours worked in a day Meals can also be claimed for, not exceeding ÂŁ8 per meal, receipts are required for all claims.

VOLUNTEERING POLICY GUIDELINES To be upheld by all interviewing SC Cause members

CATEGORY “A” VOLUNTEER PROCEDURE Develop a description of the volunteer assignment. Determine the qualifications, experience and training needed. Perform appropriate screening of prospective volunteers. Upon acceptance of a volunteer, complete the following: 1. Explain the manner and method by which the volunteer will be expected to perform. 1.1 Explain all policies & procedures that apply to the volunteer. 1.2 Provide any assignment specific training which is deemed necessary. 1.3 Record the volunteer’s name and obtain emergency contact information. 1.4 Have the volunteer read and sign the Volunteer Agreement, known as the ‘Declaration of Integrity’ agreement.

CATEGORY “B” VOLUNTEER PROCEDURE Develop a description of the volunteer assignment. Determine the qualifications, experience and training needed. Perform appropriate screening of prospective volunteers. Recruit volunteers via Management Committee vote. Upon acceptance of a volunteer, complete the following: 1. Explain the manner and method by which the volunteer will be expected to perform. 1.1 Have the volunteer read and sign the Volunteer Agreement, known as the ‘Declaration of Integrity’ agreement.

CATEGORY “C” MANAGEMNT COMMITTEE MEMBER PROCEDURE Select the Committee Member Explain all policies and procedures that apply to the Committee member. Record the Committee members name and obtain emergency contact information. Recruit volunteers via Management Committee vote. Have the newly appointed Committee Member read and sign the ‘Declaration of Integrity’ agreement.

This information booklet is a reference guide for the Volunteers and Management Committee of the Sickle Cell Care, Advocacy Unity, Support with Empathy Group’ known as SC. Cause only. This copy has been entrusted into your care for your perusal and is not to be submitted or shared with any other person or group. 2019 Judith Jacob Leanne Palmer Samantha Greaves Brenda Spooner Leanne Palmer Philip Akintunde Freda Gaisie Winsome Palmer Kareen Blair

POSITION Group Ambassador Chairperson Group Coordinator Vice Coordinator Secretarial Assistance Treasurer / Family Welfare Client Welfare Advisor Home Business Advisor Nutritional Advisor Head of Fundraising Events Coordinator Head of Awareness Family Welfare Dept. Head of Media Dept. Head of Advocacy Dept. Advocacy Research & Operations

Appointed Feb 2020

Kerrol Williams-Alonga

Eunice Marfo Maya Bednall-Greaves

The above named are the official ‘HEAD VOLUNTEERS’ of 2019/20. SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ELECTIONS PROCESS DURING SC CAUSE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF 2020. Click here to reserve your seat at the SC Cause AGM on 19 September 2020

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