Bromley health & social care support directory

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Health & Social Care Signposting Directory 2014/2015 Bromley

Issue 1

CONTENTS Contents About Us Get Involved NHS - Know Your Rights! Clinical Commissioning Group Choose Well Free NHS Health Check Healthy Living Choosing a GP GPs, GP Surgeries & Urgent Care Pharmacies Dentists Opticians & Hearing Centres Recognising Mental Health & Support Personal Health Budgets Advice on Funding for Healthcare Advice on Funding for Social Care Independent Living at Home Are you a Carer? Care in your own Home Choosing Between Residential, Nursing & Independent Living Residential Care Costs Residential & Nursing Care Expressing Complaints & Concerns

1 2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 - 10 11 12 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 19 - 20 21 22 23 24 25 - 26 27 28 - 30 31 - 32 33 34 35 - 36

Disclaimer This Directory has been compiled to signpost to primary health and social care providers throughout Bromley.

Whilst we have taken every care in compiling this publication, the publishers and promoters cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies.

All listings are supplied via the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and NHS Choices. Neither Healthwatch Bromley nor HealthCare Publications can be held responsible for any errors or omissions. All signposting services are up to date as of October 2014.

A note on advertising: We offer businesses the chance to reach potential customers via this publication. It is our intention to clearly indicate that an advertisement is being displayed and no endorsement or approval by the promoters of any product, service or supplier should be implied.

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ABOUT US What is Healthwatch?

Healthwatch has been set up by the Government to make sure everyone has a say on health and social care services. A local Healthwatch has been set up in every area of England.

About Healthwatch Bromley

Healthwatch Bromley is the local independent consumer champion for health and social care. We work on behalf of patients and the public to ensure their voice is represented in the setting up, provision and scrutiny of health and social care services. Healthwatch Bromley represents everyone in our community: adults, young people and children alike promoting the needs, priorities and experiences of patients to commissioners and other agencies.

Have your say

What does Healthwatch Bromley do?

Ensuring that you, as a member of the public can have your say is a fundamental role of Healthwatch Bromley. All services for children, young people and adults should be based on your experiences and needs and should be accountable to you. We will help to ensure that what you think and say is heard and considered when services are shaped. Every voice counts when it comes to shaping the future of services and improving them. We seek views from all sections of the community. To do this we need to know what you think! Phones us, email us, tell us your experiences, and whether you wish to do this anonymously or provide your contact details we will listen to what you have to say. We will let it inform our thinking and the messages that we give to health and social care commissioners.

Healthwatch Bromley can help you and your family get the best out of local health and social care services by:

• providing information about local services to make sure you know how to access the help you need • listening to your views about local services and making sure these are taken into account when services are planned and delivered. We want to hear what you think is working well and what isn’t • signposting you to independent complaints advocacy if you need support to complain about a service you’ve received • working constructively with commissioners and providers of services to ensure that the issues we raise are responded to and have an impact on the way services are delivered in Bromley.

Please tell us:

Healthwatch Bromley has:

• the power to request information from service providers and commissioners • the right to carry out Enter and View visits to services and make recommendations for improvements • the power to report concerns to the Care Quality Commission and/or Healthwatch England.


• Are you happy with the health and/or social care you are receiving? • Do you have a relative or a friend living in a care home? Are they/you happy with the care they receive? • Can you get an appointment with your GP (doctor) when you need to? • Have you had to stay in or visit to hospital recently? What was your experience like? • Do you or a relative suffer from a long term illness; are you/they happy with the help and support you/they receive? • Do you know what services are available and how to choose the right one, when you need it? • If you could fix one thing in health and social care what would it be?


Healthwatch Ambassador

This role is ideal for those who are involved in your local community either through work, socially or in hobby groups and feel it would be useful to share with your community what Healthwatch Bromley can do for them. It is also suitable if you already have a community role as part of your job, perhaps as a youth worker, or Community Health Worker or any role where you regularly meet members of the public and would be interested in sharing information about Healthwatch Bromley with them or bringing views from them about health or social care services.

Anyone can become involved with Healthwatch Bromley and contribute to its activities because everyone’s views matter. There are many ways you can get involved and you can do as much or as little as you like.

You can:

• sign up to our monthly e-bulletin to be kept up to date with what is going on at Healthwatch Bromley and the work we have been doing to improve services in Bromley • share your stories with us, so we can build up a picture of the services that are doing well, and those that could be improved • fill a survey or take part in a consultation so we can share your views on a service • volunteer with us

Interested in any of these roles? Contact us on 0208 315 1916 to find out more or for an application pack.

Healthwatch Bromley recruits volunteers who want to make a real difference to way our health and social care services are run. Training and support is available for all our volunteer roles. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer we would welcome a conversation with you. There are many different roles.

Contact Us: There are many different ways to get in touch with Healthwatch Bromley Phone us on: 0208 315 1916

Healthwatch Bromley Champion Connector

Write to us at: Community House, South Street, Bromley BR1 1RH

As a Healthwatch Bromley Champion Connector, you will listen to local people and give out information about local organisations and groups who provide advice and support about health, social care and wellbeing. With support from staff at Healthwatch Bromley you will:

Email us at: Visit our website:

• identify local events and activities to attend • work to establish a regular drop-in event at a community venue in your local area • gather information about the experiences of local residents about health and social care service in Bromley • help signpost people to local organisations or support

Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: HWBromley

Healthwatch Bromley Registered office: Community House, South Street, Bromley, BR1 1RH. Company Registered in England Number: 9044348

Healthwatch Enter and View Volunteer

You may wish to be trained as an Authorised Enter and View Representative to visit hospital wards, nursing or residential homes, GPs, Dentists, Opticians or Pharmacies. You will be given training and must undergo a DBS check and attend quarterly meetings. The reports of findings make recommendations to support the improvement of the service visited. 2


NHS - KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! You have the right to expect your NHS to assess the health requirements of your community and to commission and put in place the services to meet those needs as considered necessary, and in the case of public health services commissioned by local authorities, to take steps to improve the health of the local community.

Everyone has the right to information and education about how to take care of themselves and what they are entitled to within the health and social care system.

Healthwatch Bromley helps individuals to gain access to, understand, and use information to promote and maintain good health and make the best use of local services and care support.

You have the right, in certain circumstances, to go to other European Economic Area countries or Switzerland for treatment which would be available to you through your NHS commissioner.

We can: • Explain your rights and what standards to expect from services • Help you find out about funding for health & social care • Help you to access services and find your way through care ‘pathways’ – find the right service for you • Put you in touch with Support Groups, Voluntary and Community Organisations • We can register your concerns and provide information on making complaints • Pass on your reports of excellent services and care • If you need advocacy we can refer you to the Independent Complaints Advocacy (ICA)

You have the right not to be unlawfully discriminated against in the provision of NHS services including on grounds of gender, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity or marital or civil partnership status.

You have the right to access certain services commissioned by NHS bodies within maximum waiting times, or for the NHS to take all reasonable steps to offer you a range of suitable alternative providers if this is not possible.

You have the right to be treated with a professional standard of care, by appropriately qualified and experienced staff, in a properly approved or registered organisation that meets required levels of safety and quality.

You have the right to receive NHS services free of charge, apart from certain limited exceptions sanctioned by Parliament.

You have the right to access NHS services. You will not be refused access on unreasonable grounds.

You have the right to expect NHS bodies to monitor, and make efforts to improve continuously, the quality of healthcare they commission or provide. This includes improvements to the safety, effectiveness and experience of services.

You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, in accordance with your human rights.

You have the right to have any complaint you make about NHS services acknowledged within three working days and to have it properly investigated.

You have the right to discuss the manner in which the complaint is to be handled, and to know the period within which the investigation is likely to be completed and the response sent.


You have the right to accept or refuse treatment that is offered to you, and not to be given any physical examination or treatment unless you have given valid consent. If you do not have the capacity to do so, consent must be obtained from a person legally able to act on your behalf, or the treatment must be in your best interests.

NHS - KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! You have the right to compensation where you have been harmed by negligent treatment.

You have the right to be given information about the test and treatment options available to you, what they involve and their risks and benefits. You have the right of access to your own health records and to have any factual inaccuracies corrected.

You have the right to choose the organisation that provides your NHS care.

With all the changes to health and care services it’s not always clear where you should go to report an urgent issue, to make a complaint, or for further information.

You have the right to privacy and confidentiality and to expect the NHS to keep your confidential information safe and secure.

Healthwatch can help you find the right services to suit your needs through our Information & Signposting Service.

You have the right to be informed about how your information is used.

You have the right to request that your confidential information is not used beyond your own care and treatment and to have your objections considered, and where your wishes cannot be followed, to be told the reasons including the legal basis.

We cannot give you advice or make specific recommendations but we can help you make an informed decision in finding the right health and social care service whether it is provided by the NHS, the Council, a voluntary or community organisation.

You have the right to choose your GP practice, and to be accepted by that practice unless there are reasonable grounds to refuse, in which case you will be informed of those reasons.

Contact Us: There are many different ways to get in touch with Healthwatch Bromley Phone us on: 0208 315 1916

You have the right to express a preference for using a particular doctor within your GP practice, and for the practice to try to comply.

Write to us at: Community House, South Street, Bromley BR1 1RH

You have the right to make choices about the services commissioned by NHS bodies and to information to support these choices.

Email us at: Visit our website:

You have the right to be involved in discussions and decisions about your health and care, including your end of life care, and to be given information to enable you to do this. Where appropriate this right includes your family and carers.

You have the right to be kept informed of progress and to know the outcome of any investigation into your complaint, including an explanation of the conclusions and confirmation that any action needed in consequence of the complaint has been taken or is proposed to be taken. You have the right to take your complaint to the independent Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman or Local Government Ombudsman, if you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with by the NHS.

You have the right to make a claim for judicial review if you think you have been directly affected by an unlawful act or decision of an NHS body or local authority. 4

CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP NHS Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) was set up on 1 April 2013, as a result of changes to the NHS. These changes put GPs and other clinicians in charge of making decisions about health services for their local population.

Our Vision

The CCG’s aim is for Bromley residents to live longer, healthier and happier lives. It exists to ensure that Bromley residents receive high quality, safe and accessible health services and that, over time, it narrows the gap in life expectancy between the richest and poorest people.

Bromley CCG is a membership organisation of local GPs. All GP practices in Bromley are members. They set the direction of the organisation and delegate responsibility for commissioning local NHS services to the governing body.

Better Health The CCG ensures you can use healthcare services that increase life expectancy, support you to understand and manage your health conditions and adopt a healthier lifestyle wherever you live in Bromley.

A governing body is similar to a board. Ours is made up of 15 individual governing body members: the clinical chair, five GP clinical leads, three lay members (people not employed by the NHS), a registered nurse, a hospital doctor and four senior officers. Representatives from the local authority and Healthwatch also regularly attend.

Better Care The CCG is changing how services are delivered so that they are joined up and more focused on patient’s needs.

Better Value Using NHS money wisely is very important. The CCG makes the most from the funding available by delivering services such as blood testing and physiotherapy through general practice and clinics in the community wherever possible.

NHS Bromley CCG serves an estimated (2014) population of 320,057 which is continuing to increase. It is responsible for planning, monitoring and buying (commissioning) many of the health services used by Bromley residents.

This includes:

• Hospital care (such as outpatients, specialist tests and operations) • Most community health services (such as district nurses, health visitors and school nurses) • Rehabilitation services (helping people get well after an illness or injury) • Urgent and emergency care • Mental health and learning disability services • Other health services such as GPs, pharmacies, dentists, opticians and some • Specialist health services are commissioned by NHS England Visit for more information


CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP Working with patients and the public

NHS Bromley CCG involves local people in its plans in a number of ways. One of these is through our patient advisory group (PAG) which all local people are welcome to join. Louis Levy, a Bromley resident, is a member.

“Being part of the PAG gives me an opportunity to influence decisions that affect me, my family, friends, neighbours and others. Putting something back into the community is important to me and I can use my own experiences to help influence how our local health services are provided. I have been involved in a few areas of PAG work – ranging from commenting on information leaflets to taking part in discussions about the future of the Urgent Care Centre at the Beckenham Beacon which has included evaluating the bids from prospective service providers. I would encourage anyone who wants to get involved in shaping the local services we want in Bromley, to get involved in the PAG. You can choose how involved you want to be, depending on how much time you have to offer. I have found it interesting to hear concerns, share views about Bromley services with other local residents, meet passionate individuals and influence the CCG. Why not give it a try yourself?”

Our future plans

We have worked with the public, clinicians and partners to identify what we need to do in the future to deliver better health, better care and better value in Bromley and build on the work we have done so far. You can read about these future plans in our Integrated Plan for 2019, which is available on our website at

Our aims:

• Prevent people from dying prematurely. • Make sure people with long term conditions get the best possible quality of life. • Help patients to recover quickly and successfully from ill health or injury. • Provide patients with a great experience of all their care. • Make sure patients in our care are kept safe and protected from avoidable harm.

To join our PAG, email

Over the next year, we plan to focus our efforts on:

Contact us:

NHS Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group Beckenham Beacon 379-397 Croydon Road Beckenham BR3 3QL

• Integrating care - health and social care working together to provide co-ordinated and personcentred care for people with complex needs. • Transforming mental health services for adults and young people so that more are treated and cared for close to home in community settings. • Moving more non-emergency services out of hospital and into the community, where it is safe to do so.

Tel: 01689 866544 Email: Follow us on Twitter at: @NHSBromley_CCG

South East London

We are also working with the other Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in South East London (Bexley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark) and other partners on a five year commissioning strategy. By working together, we are more likely to be successful at tackling the health issues that affect all our populations.


Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group

Choose well. Facts & Figures

• 51.4m GP consultations are for minor ailments alone, which would clear up by themselves, or with a little help from an over-the-counter remedy from a pharmacy. This constitutes 18 percent of the GP workload, with nearly half of these consultations generated by people aged 16 - 59 years. • Up to 40,000 GP visits per year are for dandruff, 20,000 go to their local surgery for travel-sickness and 5.2 million with blocked noses.

• Two million people who go to A&E could either self-care or could have been treated elsewhere in the community. • 12 percent of people admit to having used A&E in the past even when they knew there was nothing seriously wrong with them.

• The estimated cost of treating people who go to A&E but who could have either self treated or gone else where, is £136 million a year - this is the equivalent cost of 6,500 nurses.


GP closed? Think A&E is the only option? There are better services available. 8


Everyone is at risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, and some forms of dementia. The good news is that these conditions can often be prevented – even if you have a history of them in your family. Have your free NHS Health Check and you will be better prepared for the future and be able to take steps to maintain or improve your health.

The NHS Health Check scheme is available across Bromley.

If a person is aged between 40 and 74 and hasn’t already been diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, or had a stroke, they may be invited by their GP for the NHS Health Check by letter, text or they may be offered the NHS Health Check when they are at their GP for another reason.

Why do I need an NHS Health Check?

We know that your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, and dementia increases with age. There are also certain things that will put you at even greater risk.

These are:

• Being overweight

• Being physically inactive • Not eating healthily • Smoking

• Drinking too much alcohol

• High blood pressure • High cholesterol

Both men and women can develop these conditions, and having one could increase your risk of developing another in the future.

• In the brain a blocked artery or a bleed can cause a stroke

• In the heart a blocked artery can cause a heart attack or angina

Helping you prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and dementia

• The kidneys can be damaged by high blood pressure or diabetes, causing chronic kidney disease and increasing your risk of having a heart attack

• Being overweight and physically inactive can lead to type 2 diabetes

• If unrecognised or unmanaged, type 2 diabetes could increase your risk of further health problems, including heart disease, kidney disease and stroke


FREE NHS HEALTH CHECK Even if you’re feeling well, it’s worth having your NHS Health Check now. We can then work with you to lower your chances of developing these health problems in the future.

Questions you may have

Why do I need this check? I feel fine!

The NHS Health Check helps to identify potential risks early. By having this check and following the advice of your health professional, you improve your chances of living a healthier life.

What happens at the check?

But don’t these conditions run in the family?

This check is to assess your risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, and stroke.

If you have a history of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, or kidney disease in your family then you may be more at risk. Taking action now can help you to prevent the onset of these conditions.

• The check will take about 20-30 minutes

• You’ll be asked some simple questions. For example, about your family history and choices which may put your health at risk

I know what I’m doing wrong. How can the doctor help me?

• We’ll record your height,weight, age, sex, and ethnicity

If you would like help, we will work with you to find ways to eat healthily, reach your healthy weight, be more active, cut down your drinking, or stop smoking.

• We’ll take your blood pressure

• We’ll do a simple blood test to check your cholesterol level

If I am assessed as being at ‘low risk’, does this mean I won’t develop these conditions?

What happens after the check?

We will discuss how you can reduce your risk and stay healthy.

It is impossible to say whether someone will or won’t go on to develop one of these conditions, but by taking action now you can help lower your potential risk.

• You’ll be taken through your results and told what they mean. Some people may be asked to return at a later date for their results

Will everyone have this check?

• You’ll be given personalised advice on how to lower your risk and maintain a healthy lifestyle

This check is part of a national scheme to help prevent the onset of these health problems. Everyone between the ages of 40 and 74 who has not been diagnosed with the conditions mentioned will be invited for a check once every five years. If you are outside the age range and concerned about your health, you should contact your GP.

• Some people with raised blood pressure will have their kidneys checked through a blood test

• Some people may need to have another blood test to check for type 2 diabetes. Your health professional will be able to tell you more

• Treatment or medication may be prescribed to help you maintain your health

Helping you prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and dementia 10

HEALTHY LIVING The choices we make about how we live can have a significant effect on our health. Eating a healthy diet, doing regular exercise, not smoking and not drinking too much alcohol can help you stay well and enjoy a long life.

Keeping fit and healthy can be a challenge if you are living with a long-term condition, but it will make a big difference to your wellbeing. If you’ve been thinking about making changes to your lifestyle, such as stopping smoking, losing weight, eating healthily, drinking a little less alcohol, or doing more exercise, there’s plenty of help and support available.

Talking to your GP and other healthcare workers, including pharmacists, is the first step. They’ll help you look at your lifestyle and suggest changes that are suitable for your condition and any treatment you’re having. Your health or care worker can also let you know about local services that can help you.

For example, if you want to start exercising but you're unsure how to, your GP can put you on the Exercise on Referral scheme. These schemes are run with local gyms and fitness centres and can include swimming. Ask at your GP practice for more information.

Your GP can also help you if you want to stop smoking, for instance by enrolling you in a clinic where you’ll get support from other people who are also trying to stop. Nicotine replacement therapy and other stop smoking treatments provided by your GP can also help you resist cravings and boost your chances of quitting successfully.

Get active, feel fitter, live longer

Whatever your age, there's strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and even happier life.

Adults should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. Young people (5-18) should do 60 minutes every day.

You're never too young or too old to switch to a healthier lifestyle. Children who learn healthy habits at a young age will benefit from them throughout their life. Giving up bad habits can improve your health at any age.

If you do this, it can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by up to 50% and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.

Stop Smoking for good

Rethink your drinking

Giving up smoking is probably the best thing you can do to improve your health. Research shows that smoking is responsible for almost one in five of all deaths in the UK. This means that smoking causes an estimated 110,000 deaths a year.

Smokers are almost twice as likely to have a heart attack as people who have never smoked. Smoking also increases your risk of developing many cancers and lung disease.

Drinking too much alcohol could increase your risk of getting 14 major diseases, including mouth and throat cancers, liver cirrhosis, strokes and mental health problems.


Alcohol is believed to be responsible for as many as 22,000 premature deaths in England and Wales every year. But it’s not just binge drinkers who are at risk: regularly drinking more than the recommended limit can cause significant health problems.

CHOOSING A GP Choosing a GP can seem a daunting task, especially if you have just moved into an area and don't know anything about the local health services. But there are some easy ways to find the doctor to suit you. It's important to be registered with a doctor because you'll need them to refer you for specialist hospital and community treatment services.

Carers Direct Helpline

Call the Carers Direct helpline on 0300 123 1053 if you need help with your caring role and want to talk to someone about what options are available to you.

A surgery may refuse an application to join its list of patients if:

You don't reside in the surgery area.

What if I can’t get an appointment?

It has formally closed its list of patients, eg when a practice has more patients than it can deal with or not enough doctors - this is less common than it used to be.

If you can't get a doctor's appointment or have a non-urgent health problem or query, you can contact a nurse by ringing 111 at any time.

What if I have a complaint or concern about my GP or Practice?

If your application is refused, the surgery must write to you and give the reasons for this.

How do I find a surgery?

First raise it with the staff member concerned or the Practice Manager.

Most surgeries operate a fairly strict catchment area system, and only those who live within the area may be able to register.

It may just be an issue of poor communication. Ask at your practice for a copy of their Complaints process to follow.

This isn't to be awkward but to ensure that a GP can visit a person at home in an emergency in reasonable time.

If you are not happy with how they respond to your concerns then you can write to NHS England and they will allocate someone to look into your complaint.

How do I register?

Write to

This is straightforward and far easier than most people realise. Simply take your NHS medical card along to your chosen surgery. You will then be asked to sign a registration form.

NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT. Tel: 0300 311 22 33 Email:

If you want to help improve services in your GP practice you can join a Patient Participation Group. Ask at the practice for details of how to join yours.

Not all NHS trusts issue medical cards. If you don't have one, the receptionist will give you form GMS1 to fill in. Once you've completed and returned the forms, your local NHS will transfer your medical records to your new surgery and write to you to confirm your registration as a patient with the surgery. Many surgeries ask a new patient to attend a ‘registration medical’ that checks your general health.



Outside normal surgery hours you can still phone your GP surgery, but you'll usually be directed to an outof-hours service. The out-of-hours period is from 6.30pm to 8.00am on weekdays and all day at weekends and on bank holidays.

If it is not an immediate emergency then call call NHS 111. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It can provide medical advice and details of the best local service that can provide care. Telephone consultations and triage (an assessment of how urgent your medical problem is) are an important part of all out-of-hours care.

There are two Minor Injury Units and Walk in Centres in Bromley:

To treat anyone with a minor injury or illness that does not require emergency treatment at an accident and emergency department. Surgery or GP







GPS, GP SURGERIES & URGENT CARE For patients living in North of the borough there is:

For patients living in the South of the borough there is:

Beckenham Urgent Care Centre Beckenham Beacon, 379 Croydon Road, Beckenham BR3 3QL

Princess Royal University Hospital Urgent Care Centre Farnborough Common BR6 8ND

Open: 8am - 8pm

Open: 24 hours a day

Tel: 01689 863000

Tel: 01689 866037



Princess Royal University Hospital Ground floor, North Wing Tel: 01689 863486

Open: 24 hours a day




The Emergency Department (A&E) at Princess Royal University Hospital treats patients with serious injuries or illnesses.



PHARMACIES Around 70% of pharmacists work in the community in premises on local high streets all over the country. Community pharmacists prepare and dispense prescription and non-prescription medicines. They are also able to give you advice about how to use your medicines and highlight any possible side effects.

They offer advice on common problems such as coughs, colds, aches and pains, as well as healthy eating and stopping smoking. They can also help you decide whether you need to see a doctor.


This means that your pharmacist may ask you a range of questions before handing over any medicines, especially if you ask for medicines that do not require a prescription.

Make sure you have repeat prescriptions

If you or someone you care for requires medicines regularly, make sure you order and collect repeat prescriptions in good time to ensure you or your family have enough medicine to last i.e. weekends, Bank holidays and breaks away.

Questions your pharmacist may ask include:

• • • • • •

Have you taken the medicine before? Who is the medicine for? What are the symptoms? How long have you had these symptoms? What action has already been taken? Are you taking any other medication for this or any other reasons?

Many of the calls to out of hours health services are for emergency repeat prescriptions when people have run out of their medication - a situation that could be avoided with some forethought and planning. By thinking ahead for your regular medication you are helping our busy out of hour’s doctors and nurses.

Find out what questions you should ask about your medicines

For opening times and NHS SERVICES available from your Pharmacy Please scan the QR code with your smartphone or visit

You can talk to your pharmacist in confidence, even about the most personal symptoms, and you don't need to make an appointment. It is possible to walk into any community pharmacy and ask to speak with the pharmacist. They may be able to spend some time with you or offer you an appointment for a consultation. All the discussions with your pharmacist can take place in person or by phone.

What if I have a complaint or concern about my Pharmacy or Pharmacist?

Any complaint to go through the NHS complaints procedure needs to be made either to the practice directly or to NHS England. Any other concerns about a pharmacist 'fitness to work' should be made via General Pharmaceutical Council.

Around 85% of pharmacies now have a private consultation area where patients can discuss issues with pharmacy staff without being overheard by other members of the public.

You can contact the General Pharmaceutical Council, either by email

or by post: Raising a concern General Pharmaceutical Council 129 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7BJ Tel: 020 3365 3603 15

Pharmacy / Chemist







DENTISTS NHS Dentistry - Know your rights!

You're entitled to have all clinically necessary treatment on the NHS. This means that the NHS will provide any treatment that you need to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy and free of pain.

If your dentist says you need a particular type of treatment, you should not be asked to pay for it privately. Your dentist is not allowed to refuse you any treatment available on the NHS but then offer the same treatment privately. Also, any treatment provided on the NHS has to be of the same high quality as treatments provided privately.

Depending on what you need to have done, you should only ever be asked to pay one charge for each complete course of treatment, even if you need to visit your dentist more than once to finish it. You will not be charged for individual items within the course of treatment.








DENTISTS NHS Dental Charges

Band 1 course of treatment £18.50 This covers an examination, diagnosis (eg X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if needed, and application of fluoride varnish or fissure sealant. If you require urgent care, even if your urgent treatment needs more than one appointment to complete, you will only need to pay one Band 1 charge.

Band 2 course of treatment £50.50 This covers everything listed in Band 1 above, plus any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work or if your dentist needs to take out one or more of your teeth.

Band 3 course of treatment £219.00 This covers everything listed in Bands 1 and 2 above, plus crowns, dentures and bridges. Dentist














Hearing Centres






Regular eye tests are important because your eyes don't usually hurt when something is wrong. A sight test is a vital health check for your eyes that can pick up early signs of eye|conditions before you're aware of any symptoms – many of which can be treated if found early enough. What your eye test will show A sight test will show if you need to get glasses for the first time or change your current glasses.

A sight test will also include a general health check that can pick up early signs of eye disease before you’re aware of any symptoms. Some health conditions can affect the eyes such as: Diabetes, Macular Degeneration or Glaucoma

Your Sight Test It’s recommended that adults have their eyes tested every two years, unless their ophthalmic practitioner advises them to have a sight test more often than that.Your employer may pay for this test for you so ask for advice on this, and if you are over 60 your test is free of charge.



Mental health, emotional wellbeing and resilience is all about how we cope with what life throws at us. It concerns the way we feel about ourselves, conduct relationships, handle stress or deal with loss.

You should make an appointment to see your GP if you've been feeling depressed for a few weeks or your anxiety is having an impact on your daily life, such as stopping you from going to work or shopping.

Good mental health and resilience are fundamental to good physical health, relationships, education and work, as well as being key to achieving our potential.

Mental health services are free on the NHS, but you will usually need a referral from your GP to access them.

Mental health facts

At least one in four people experience a diagnosable mental health problem in any one year, and one in six experiences this at any one time.

• More than half of those with a common mental health problem have both depression and anxiety.

Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems. Phone: 0300 123 3393 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm)

• There are approximately 570,000 people with dementia in England, a figure that could double in the next 30 years.

• Nearly 850,000 children and young people aged five to 16 years have a mental health problem – about 10% of the population. Fewer than one in 10 accesses treatment.

Common mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, panic disorders, phobias and obsessive compulsive disorder can cause great emotional distress, and can affect how you cope with day-today life and your ability to work.

Support and advice for people living with mental illness. Tel: 0300 5000 927 (Mon-Fri, 10am-2pm)

Less common conditions, such as psychosis, can make you experience changes in thinking and perception severe enough to significantly alter your experience of reality. These conditions include schizophrenia and affective psychosis, such as bipolar disorder, and can have the same lifelong impact as any long-term physical condition.

Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair. Tel: 08457 90 90 90 (24-hour helpline)

Admitting you are struggling does not mean you are "mentally ill", that doctors will automatically put you on medication, or you will have to immediately tell your employer you are mentally unwell. Many issues can be managed without the help of a GP by using the variety of sources of help now available, whether it's through books, local organisations or online.

Even if you need professional help, there are choices you can make along the way. Mental illness is treatable and, with appropriate support and treatment, people do recover. Many move on with their lives and are able to care for their family, contribute to the local community, and get back into employment or training.

Information on child and adolescent mental health. Services for parents and professionals. Tel: Parents' helpline 0808 802 5544 (Mon-Fri, 9.30am-4pm)



Can I have a personal health budget as well as a personal budget for social care and support?

Personal health budgets are being introduced by the NHS to help people manage their care in a way that suits them.

Yes. If you already have a personal budget for care and support from social services and your NHS team agrees, you can also have a personal health budget and ask for both to be combined.

They have been piloted in a number of places across England and, from April 2014, anyone receiving NHS continuing healthcare will have a right to ask for a personal health budget.

Do I have to have a personal health budget?

What is a Personal Health Budget?

A personal health budget is an amount of money to support your identified health and wellbeing needs, planned and agreed between you and your local NHS team. The aim is to give people with long-term conditions and disabilities greater choice and control over the healthcare and support they receive.

No. If having a personal health budget does not work for you, your local NHS will provide the care you need as it has always done.

What is the difference between a personal health budget, a personal budget, an individual budget and a direct payment?

Personal health budgets work in a similar way to the personal budgets that many people are already using to manage and pay for their social care.

A personal health budget is for your NHS healthcare and support needs.

Together with your NHS team (such as a GP) you will develop a care plan. The plan sets out your personal health and wellbeing needs, the health outcomes you want to achieve, the amount of money in the budget and how you are going to spend it.

A personal budget is for your social care and support needs.

An individual budget includes your social care and support needs plus other funding, such as independent living.

A direct payment is one way of managing these budgets, where you get the cash to buy the agreed care and support you need.

You can use a personal health budget to pay for a wide range of items and services, including therapies, personal care and equipment. This will allow you more choice and control over the health services and care you receive.

Key Points

• Personal health budgets should help people get a better service from the NHS. They should not make things worse.

You don’t have to change any healthcare or support that is working well for you just because you get a personal health budget, but if something isn’t working, you can change it.

• You do not have to have a personal health budget if you do not want one.

Who can have a Personal Health Budget?

• You should have as much control over decisions as you want.

The first group to be able to ask for a personal health budget, from April 2014, are people getting NHS continuing healthcare, which is NHS-funded long-term health and personal care provided outside hospital.

• NHS and social care organisations should work in partnership with you and with each other.

• If you are not able to have a personal health budget, you can still speak to your NHS team about how your needs can be met in another way that is more suitable to you.

Local NHS organisations can offer personal health budgets to other people if they think an individual will benefit. It is the Government’s long-term aim to introduce a right to a personal health budget for people who would benefit from it.


ADVICE ON FUNDING FOR HEALTHCARE NHS continuing healthcare If the person you care for has very severe and complex health needs, they may qualify for NHS continuing healthcare. This is an ongoing package of care that’s fully funded by the NHS. Nursing care If someone goes into a residential care home but needs some element of nursing care, they’ll get a payment from the NHS to help pay for their nursing care. This is called a Registered Nursing Care Contribution (RNCC). Intermediate care Some people can be eligible for intermediate care from the NHS. This is provided on a short-term basis and is intended to help people recover from an injury or illness and stay independent. Intermediate care is often provided to elderly people who are being discharged from hospital, and may help someone to keep living in their own home rather than moving into a care home. Aftercare People who were previously detained in hospital under certain sections of the Mental Health Act will have their aftercare services provided free.

There are several options for funding care and understanding them, and which ones apply to you can be complicated. These options depend on your need for care and support, as well as your personal and financial circumstances.

The main sources of support are the NHS and your local Social Services department, depending on your circumstances.

NHS care The NHS is responsible for funding

certain types of healthcare and equipment you may need. In some situations, the NHS is also responsible for meeting care needs. This is usually when someone’s need is mainly for healthcare rather than social care. NHS care could be provided in hospital but it can also be in someone’s own home or elsewhere in the community.

When care is provided through the NHS there is no financial assessment and no care charges to pay. However, people are only eligible for NHS care in certain circumstances.



If someone isn’t eligible for free care from the NHS, their main source of support will be social services. In this case, there are rules that determine whether or not they have to make a financial contribution. These rules vary depending on whether the care is provided in a care home or in their own home.

If you are assessed has needing community care services and qualify for social services funding they must offer you direct payments as an option.

If someone isn't able to manage their own direct payments, it's possible for another person to manage the direct payments on their behalf.

Local Authority Community Care

Direct payments are part of a move towards ‘personalised’ social care so that people have more choice and control over the support they get, letting you choose and buy the services you need yourself, rather than having it arranged for you by social services.

If you or the person you're looking after has difficulty with their personal care, they should consider getting support from social services by having a community care assessment of their needs.

Your income (including any benefits) and capital will be taken into account when calculating whether you have to pay anything towards the care that you or they will receive.

It is important to know that if you receive a direct payment to pay a care worker or personal assistant, you become an employer and have legal responsibilities.

In some cases a person may have a mixed package of care, including some that is NHS-funded and some that is provided by social services, for which they may be charged.

Direct Payments can be made to:

• Disabled people aged 16 or over (with short or long-term needs) • Disabled parents for children’s services • Carers aged 16 or over (including people with parental responsibility for a disabled child) • Elderly people who need community care services

Normally, an assessment is carried out before a service can be provided by the social services department of a local authority. However, if the services are needed urgently, the local authority can provide a service without carrying out the assessment.

Choosing Direct Payments

The local authority uses the community care assessment to decide whether a person needs a community care service and, if they do, whether it can be provided by the local authority.

The choice of direct payments is voluntary. If you decide to have direct payments, you can change your mind about this at any time. If you no longer want direct payments, contact your local social services and ask them to arrange services instead.

The assessment considers what types of services are needed by the person being assessed.

It's possible to try direct payments by asking social services for a direct payment for some of your support while you continue to get your other support directly from social services.

A wide range of services could be needed, from aids and adaptations in the person's own home to care workers or residential care.

Where there are disputes about the process of the assessment or the care plan, there are ways that decisions can be challenged. For more information on challenging decisions, speak to your local Healthwatch team.

Direct payments can only be spent on things that will meet the assessed needs of the person getting them. If you spend a direct payment on something that doesn't meet your needs, social services can recover the money from you.

The local authority is obliged to carry out a community care assessment when they become aware that someone may be in need of community care services. This may mean that an assessment is offered even if you or the person you look after have not specifically requested one.

Everyone who gets support from social services should have their needs reassessed at least once a year.


Bromley Social Services Direct Email: Tel: 020 8461 7777 Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley, BR1 3UH

INDEPENDENT LIVING AT HOME Suggestions for making life easy:

External Adaptations

• Handrail at front or rear entrance of dwelling • Provision of whirly clothes line or path leading to clothes line • Widening of paths around the property • Defining steps for people with visual impairments • Outdoor lighting • Paved areas for wheelchairs

General Internal Adaptations • • • •

Around one in five adults in the UK is disabled, and more than 1 million of those live alone. With the right support and facilities, leading an independent life with a physical or learning disability is now more achievable than ever.

• • • • • • •

Aids and Adaptations

If you or a member of your family has difficulty living in your home due to a long-term illness or disability, you may be able to get help by adapting your home to better meet your needs. You can apply to your local council for a disabled facilities grant. The grant helps you adapt your home to make it suitable for a disabled person. Depending on your income, you may need to pay towards the cost of the work to the property.

Kitchens and Bathrooms

• Lowering or replacement of high wall hung cupboards • Additional storage space in kitchen • Lowering of cooker mains switch • Installation of extractor fan with accessible controls • Level access shower • Overbath shower • Provision of non-slip/tactile surface • Provision of storage space for wheelchair • Ramps • Special baths • Special toilets • Step in shower • Widening doors for wheelchair access

You could get a grant from your council if you are disabled and need to make changes to your home, for example to: • Widen doors and install ramps

• Improve access to rooms and facilities - eg stairlifts or a downstairs bathroom

• Provide a heating system suitable for your needs

• Adapt heating or lighting controls to make them easier to use

Major Adaptations

How can I find out more about the aids and adaptations that would help me?

Contact your social services department on 020 8461 7777 about what difficulties you are having at home. They will send an occupational therapist to carry out an assessment and provide advice on which equipment or housing adaptation needs suit you best.

Additional stair rail Changing door knobs to lever handles Lowering of Yale locks Re-siting of electrical sockets at a convenient level Additional power points Provision of intercom & door unlock systems Provision of rocker light switches Adjustments to or additional lighting Relocation of clothes hanging rails Accessible window openings Provision of letter cages or delivery shelves in entrance hall


• Bathroom extensions (ground floor showers & W.C’s) • Bedroom extensions • Hardstandings • Major internal rearrangements • Re-design or re-organisation of existing kitchen • Stairlifts • Vertical through floor lifts


ARE YOU A CARER? • Ask for help: We all need help from time to time and carers are no exception. Help is out there, you only need to ask! • Know your rights: It sounds simple, but knowing what you’re entitled to and what support is available can help a great deal. • Tell your GP: Your GP practice can record that you are a carer to ensure you get your annual flu vaccination and additional support as a carer. • Have an assessment: This can sound a little daunting at first, but ensuring that you and the person you care for, get an assessment of your and their needs. Your local authority can give you access to a whole host of additional practical help and support. • Be a little selfish! We all need time to ourselves, but it’s particularly important for carers. This could be as simple as setting some ‘me’ time aside for a relaxing bath or a night out.

Carers Direct Helpline

Call the Carers Direct helpline on 0300 123 1053 if you need help with your caring role and want to talk to someone about what options are available to you. A carer is anybody who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty or disability. All the care they give is unpaid and about one in ten of us is a carer. Many carers don't see themselves as carers and it takes carers an average of two years to acknowledge their role as a carer.

If you are a carer of a person living in Bromley, Carer’s Bromley can help you register for emergency response service, find information, advice, training, short breaks and support.

It can be difficult for carers to see their caring role as separate from the relationship they have with the person they care for, whether they are a parent, son, daughter, sibling or friend and many people do not see themselves as carers. They simply may think of themselves as a friend or family of the person they care for.

It is because of this that they often don’t realise that there is help available to them as well, such as how to get:

• • • • •

We are here to help you with

• Information and advice services • Signposting or referral to support services • Access to training support • Registration to Emergency Response Support • Day opportunities • Access to short breaks for disabled children • Referral and access to support for young carers • Carer Support groups • E-news services

Assessments Direct payments Home care Housing adaptations Funding for short breaks or respite

Some carers can suffer from poor health because of the demands of their caring role. For example, back pain can result from lifting or moving the person being cared for. It may also be difficult to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine while caring.

Carers Helpline 0800 015 7700 open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Email us at Carers Bromley, Caritas House, 2nd Floor, Tregony Road, Orpington BR6 9XA

Without the right support, being a carer can be an extremely stressful role.


CARE IN YOUR OWN HOME What home care services are available?

Home care isn’t for everyone but frequent visits from carers and a few home modifications can help you retain your home comforts and independence.

• Regular visits from home care workers to help with daily tasks and personal care • Meals delivered to your home • Equipment and home modifications to help with mobility and accessibility, such as getting in and out of the bath, and getting up and down stairs • Personal fall and panic alarms that are monitored around the clock • Support for health needs, such as incontinence • Day care and transport to take you there • Gardening and handyman services

Receiving care in your home is an increasingly common alternative to staying in hospital or moving into a care home.

Depending on your needs, you can receive help and support that allows you to stay in your own home as long as possible. Not only do you avoid any upheaval and stay in familiar surroundings, it can also be a more economical alternative to residential care.

If you only need a few hours help a day and your house can be adapted to your needs, care at home may be the most practical and cost-effective solution.

How much you have to pay will depend on:

• Your health and mobility • What level of help and support you require • The value of your assets

Your local authority may pay some or all the costs, but you might also have to pay for all the services yourself. Make sure you claim all the benefits you’re entitled to – Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independence Payment) are the most common.



Care Provider







Carers Direct Helpline

Call the Carers Direct helpline on 0300 123 1053 if you need help with your caring role and want to talk to someone about what options are available to you.



There are also residential care homes that provide care and support for younger adults with, for example, severe physical disabilities, learning disabilities, acquired brain injury, progressive neurological conditions or mental health problems. Care can be provided for adults with more than one condition and some homes have expertise in providing care for adults with alcohol or drug dependency.

These homes offer permanent residence or provide care for a temporary period until the adult is able to live independently or move to a different type of accommodation.

Choosing between residential care and independent living

Social services normally encourage younger adults who they assess for support to be as independent as their circumstances allow. The care plan for adults with disabilities will consider what independent tasks they can carry out and how they can be helped to achieve more. Even if adults have very severe disabilities their needs are reviewed from time to time to check whether residential care or a very high level of support is still appropriate.Supported living may be an option for younger adults. This allows people to live independently in the community but with basic support. The support offered includes help with setting up a home and managing finances, and assistance with cleaning and shopping.

There are many types of residential care homes available. These include permanent care homes for older people, homes for younger adults with disabilities and homes for children. They may be privately owned or run by the voluntary sector or local authorities. You may want to consider in detail the many options for residential care before you make a decision.

Older people

Care homes for older people may provide personal care or nursing care. A care home which is registered to provide personal care will offer support, ensuring that basic personal needs, such as meals, bathing, going to the toilet and medication, are taken care of. In some homes more able residents have greater independence and take care of many of their own needs.Some residents may need medical care and some care homes are registered to provide this. These are often referred to as nursing homes. Some homes specialise in certain types of disability, for example, dementia.

For older people there are various alternatives to residential care. These include sheltered housing and extra care housing schemes, which offer independence with an increased level of care and support.

For many people there is also the choice of living independently at home with community care support.


NURSING & INDEPENDENT LIVING Choice of accommodation

The law says that where the local authority is funding accommodation it must allow the person entering residential care to choose which care home they would prefer. Social services must first agree that the home is suitable for the person’s needs and that it would not cost more than they would normally pay for a home that would meet those needs. If the person chooses to go into a more expensive home, a relative or friend may be able to ‘top up’ the difference in cost.

Choosing a care home

Care homes may be arranged through the local authority but many people will want to arrange them independently. It is a good idea to visit several homes before making a choice. Make sure you spend enough time in each home to get a good idea of what it is like.

Respite and short term stays

Residential care home stays don't necessarily have to be permanent. Temporary stays can be arranged for respite care (in which you take a break from caring for somebody else), or as a trial period before a permanent stay.

Temporary stays can give you flexibility when covering unexpected events, such as:

What your choices are

A list of all nursing and residential care homes within your locality can be found on the following pages. Every care home in England must be registered with the national regulatory body Care Quality Commission (CQC).

• Palliative care (which manages or reduces pain) after a hospital stay or illness • Support for newly disabled people and their carers • Enabling someone to continue living independently if they live alone and suddenly require care • Giving someone a chance to try potential future homes

They inspect each care home on a regular basis and write an inspection report for you to read. It is advisable to read this report before making a final decision.

To check up-to-date information on the Nursing and Residential care homes within your locality visit or scan the QR CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE


RESIDENTIAL CARE COSTS Get personal advice on care funding

In some cases the residential care needed by the person you're looking after may be paid for by the NHS under the NHS continuing care scheme. The care may also be provided free of charge because it is 'intermediate care'. It may be free because the person you're looking after has previously been a mental health inpatient. If this is the case, the services are funded under the Mental Health Act.

The cost of care and support is likely to be a longterm commitment and may be substantial, particularly if you opt for residential care. If you or a member of the family need to pay for care in a care home, it’s important to seek advice tailored to your individual needs.

The cost of your care will vary depending on its type, intensity, specialisation, location and duration. For example, a place in a residential care home will cost hundreds of pounds a week. Decisions that have such financial implications should be made with advice and only after considering the costs of alternatives.

Residential care is also free if the local authority could charge but decides not to do so. This can occur if the stay in residential care is only temporary (normally less than eight weeks), or if the residential care is for a child. If none of the above applies, the person you're looking after will be given a financial assessment. This is also known as a means-tested assessment. They will be required to give information about their income and capital. There are rules that determine how income and capital are treated. Some types, including benefits, can be disregarded. The financial assessment will work out how much the person you're looking after will be expected to contribute towards the cost of their care home fees.

For example, the cost of a care home needs to be weighed against the cost of care and support that may help you remain in your existing accommodation.

The costs of long-term care can be significant and how you may wish to arrange to pay for it is a big financial decision for most people. Cost can vary across the country and different care homes will charge different amounts based on the level of care needs, the quality of the accommodation, or the area of England it is in.

Owning property

There are rules that explain how the property of the person you're looking after will be taken into account In some cases it can be disregarded, this is the case if a partner is still living in the property.

Few of us will have the income or ready access to the cash to pay for their ongoing care needs. Often people find that they need to sell or remortgage their home to pay for care or enter into an equity release scheme. Before taking such significant financial steps it is advisable to get proper independent financial advice. For advice on selffunding care, visit the Money Advice Service or the Society of Later Life Advisers. You may also have previously arranged an investment or insurance plan to fund your care. Again, it is worth taking independent advice on these potentially significant financial arrangements.

The capital limit for residential care is ÂŁ23,250. Local authorities will investigate if they believe that the person you're looking after has deliberately reduced their capital to avoid paying care home fees. There is a scheme called the deferred payment scheme which allows someone who goes into care to keep their property and still get help from the local authority with paying care home fees. The local authority recovers the fees from the proceeds when the property is sold. This scheme can also be used if there is a delay in selling a property.

Find out more about paying for care on the websites of:


After the means-tested assessment, the person you're looking after may receive a decision that they will have to pay their own care home fees. People paying their own fees are referred to as self-funders. Self-funders will still receive advice about the arrangements for residential care. Once a self-funder's capital reaches ÂŁ23,250 the local authority is responsible for helping out with the care home fees. This will require another assessment. 33


Nursing & Residential Homes











EXPRESSING COMPLAINTS & CONCERNS Ask to see a copy of the complaints procedure for the NHS service you are unhappy about. This will tell you who to contact, how they will handle your complaint and how they will learn from your complaint. Where possible, you should contact the NHS service (hospital, GP practice, dentist etc.) directly. You can do this in person, by telephone, email or letter. This will give the NHS service a chance to sort out any problem you might have and put things right for you. If you are not able to do this, or if you feel worried about contacting the NHS service directly, you can complain to other parts of the NHS instead:

If your complaint is about a hospital or local NHS community service contact Bromley NHS Clinical Commissioning Group. They will make sure that your complaint goes to the right people who can help you.

Although most people have no problems when using Health & Social care services, sometimes things can go wrong. This information explains what to do if you, or a member of your family, want to complain about the care that you have received.

If your complaint is about GPs, dentists, pharmacists or how Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group buys services contact Bromley NHS.

How to complain

Who you contact to complain will depend on:

Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group 1st Floor, Beckenham Beacon 379 Croydon Road, Beckenham Kent BR3 3QL Tel: 01689 866544 Email:

• Whether you are complaining about health care or social care, and • Whether the care is paid for by public funds or you have paid for it yourself.

It is usually a good idea to keep a record of what you said and who you said it to if the complaint is made verbally. Healthwatch Bromley will be able to tell you if you can get free help, advice and support in making your complaint.

If you are not content with the reply you get

If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint or how it was dealt with, you have the right to ask the Health Service Ombudsman to investigate your complaint. This is a free, independent service that will usually only investigate a complaint after the NHS have had a chance to try to deal with your complaint, If they decide the NHS have got things wrong, they can make recommendations to put things right.

NHS Advocacy Service

A free confidential service that advises and supports people who are complaining about the NHS which replaces the Independent Advice Liaison Service (ICAS). Voiceability is independent of the NHS and has offices throughout England.

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP Tel: 0345 015 4033 Email:

You can contact Voiceability on: 0300 330 5454 or Email:

How to make a complaint about health care

If you are unhappy with the care you have received from the NHS, you have the right to make a complaint.


Text phone: 0300 061 4298 if you are deaf or have problems using a standard telephone request a call by texting ‘call back’ with your name and mobile number to 07624 813 005.

EXPRESSING COMPLAINTS & CONCERNS How to make a complaint about Social care

If you are unhappy with the care you have received from a care home, nursing home, home-care agency or other social care service, you have the right to make a complaint. If the service is provided in a social care setting but is funded by the NHS, e.g. dental services, you will need to follow the NHS complaints process, ‘How to complain about health care’ on the opposite page.

Ask to see a copy of the complaints procedure for the care service you are unhappy about. This will tell you who to contact, how they will handle your complaint and how they will learn from your complaint.

If you are not content with the reply you get

Where possible, you should contact the care service directly (care or nursing home, etc.). You can do this in person, by telephone, email or letter. This will give the care service the chance to sort out any problem you may have and put things right for you.

If you are not happy with the final reply from the care service or Bromley Council, you have the right to ask the Local Government Ombudsman to investigate your complaint.

This right applies whether you pay for you privately fund your own care or the Local Authority funds it.

If you are not able to do this, or if you feel worried about contacting the service directly, you can contact:

You can contact the Local Government Ombudsman on 0300 061 0614, Local Government Ombudsman, PO Box 4771, Coventry CV4 0EH

Adult Social Care complaints Civic Centre, FREEPOST MB 1658, Stockwell Close, Bromley, BR1 3UH Tel: 020 8313 4491

Children's Social Care complaints Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley, BR1 3UH Tel: 020 8461 7644

For further help and advice on raising a concern or making a complaint relating to Health or Social Care contact: Healthwatch Bromley Phone us on: 0208 315 1916

Write to us at: Community House, South Street, Bromley BR1 1RH Email us at: Visit our website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: HWBromley

Healthwatch Bromley Registered office: Community House, South Street, Bromley, BR1 1RH. Company Registered in England Number: 9044348 36

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