December 2009 HB Mag

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Life's a journey. Make it a healthy one.


ISSN 2150-9921

December 2009


Beginnings lifestyle magazine


Your Local Resource for Natural Living Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006

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ALTERNATIVEMEDICINE Chinese Herbs & Medicine... 15 Inflammation... 41

5-Hour Energy Drink... 8


A Fungus Among Us... 12

Emotional Awareness

Forgiveness... 24

BOOKREVIEW... 21 The Eye of Revelation

Lies...Naughty or Nice?... 36

DENTALHEALTH... 25 Sleep Better With Good Dentistry


CONSCIOUSHEALTH Instincts in Spirituality... 22 EMOTIONALWELLBEING Forgiveness... 24 Holiday Blues... 38

The Importance of Instincts in Spirituality... 22


FAMILYHEALTH... 18 Posture Talk

Curamin... 20

FITNESS... 10 TurboSonic


INGREDIENTWATCH... 7 5-Hour Energy Drink


It’s Not All About Diet ... 33 Inflammation ... 41

The Adrenal Glands

The Adrenal Glands ... 44


Why Buy Local ... 46

Lies...Naughty or Nice?

HEALTHYTRAVEL ... 26 Cross-Country Skiing


HERBS&SPICES... 28 Fennel


Posture Talk... 18

KIDSCORNER ... 40 Holiday Presents




A Fungus Among Us



RECIPES... 31, 33

Survive the Holidays...Gluten Free... 16 It’s Not All About Diet... 33 Chocolate For Health?... 42


PRODUCTREVIEW... 27 Manitoba White Honey



Body Fat Reduction

SUPPLEMENTS101... 20 Curamin

December 2009


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Dear Readers, Whoa… the driver of the stagecoach we call life calls out… December it’s the last stop of the year. December represents so many things to each one of us, the twelfth month of the zodiac, the month that rings in winter, celebrations galore and time to spend with family and close friends. A month filled with great expectations and anticipation, skiers hope for a snow filled season, children dream of presents and parents yearn to be with all of their children. No matter what your beliefs are, this truly can be a magical time of year. Look around, nature has painted her canvas with spectacular vistas of the mountains with their slight dusting of snow. The air is crisp, the sky blue and the sun is bright, oh what a delight! How beautiful! We have much for your reading pleasure in this issue: you will find articles on topics such as: The Importance of Buying Locally, Lies…Naughty or Nice, Forgiveness and Holiday Blues. To keep us healthy, read Dr. Gerber’s article on the adrenal glands, get healthy by eating chocolate, find out whether energy drinks are healthy for you, stay fit the easy way with the Turbo Sonic or have fun Cross Country Skiing in the Sierras. This is only a short list of articles that will give you tips on ways to support your path to increased energy, health and happiness. Merry Christmas to all and to all Best in Health and Happiness,

Written by Marie Harger


s a popular holiday fruit, the pear airs on elegance. If the pear had a personality it would be proper, and calculated to entice the world with its pretty delicate form. A pear has to be eaten at just the right moment, when it is ripe it is delicious and juicy. Wait too long, the sugars will turn to starch crystals and the pear will have a gritty texture inside. The white to creamcolored flesh of pears was once referred to as the “gift of the gods”. In cool temperate climates, the cultivation of the pear extends back to the remotest antiquity, and there is evidence of its use as a food since prehistoric times. Pears are native to coastal and mildly temperate regions. Pears are members of the rose family and related to the apple and the quince. Depending upon the variety, their paper-thin skins can either be yellow, green, brown, red or a combination. Pears are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, E1, copper and potassium. They are less allergenic than many other fruits, and pear juice is therefore sometimes used as the first juice introduced to infants. Pears are a good choice for allergy sufferers because they are low in salicylates and benzoates. Pears can be useful in treating inflammation of mucous membranes, colitis, chronic gallbladder disorders, arthritis, and gout. Pears can also be beneficial in lowering high blood pressure, controlling blood cholesterol levels, and increasing urine acidity. They are good for the lungs and the stomach. Most of the fiber is insoluble, making pears a good laxative. The gritty fiber content may cut down on the number of cancerous colon polyps.

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December 2009

Healthy Beginnings lifestyle magazine


ealthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. Timely Information: Each month Healthy Beginnings' writers and advertisers provide the tools you need to aid you in your personal path to wellbeing. We feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community – and around the globe.

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Healthy Beginnings Team: Publisher/Editor Dawn M. Gowery Creative Director Dawn Gowery Design & Layout Sara Piccola Assistant Editor Marie Harger Contributing Writers Marie Harger Allison Prater Sales & Marketing 775-828-4547

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Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. 25,000 magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location near you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 775-828-4547. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. HB Magazine is a proud sponsor of Team Gluten-Free

December 2009


© 2009 by Healthy Beginnings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing.

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NEWSBRIEFS October 2009 Reader Survey Winner!

Meet Dr. Jennifer - Natural , Non surgical alternative to disc and back pain syndromes Dr. Jennifer Cardinal has been practicing chiropractic for 10 years. She has additional training in Clinical Biomechanics of Posture for posture correction and rehabilitation. She offers postural correction for long term stablilization of spinal health as well as the lastest and most current technologies in spinal disc pain including disc bulges and herniation. Dr. Jennifer has been practicing in Reno for 3 years and lives here with her husband and children. Dr. Jennifer is passionate about helping others with natural health care and has a family practice welcoming all ages from children to seniors. (775) 829-8686 ask for Dr. Jennifer.

Denyse Bliss, LMT,NCTMB, Now at TresImage Salon Denyse is a graduate of the Milan Institute Massage Therapy program and has been in private practice for the last two years. Attending massage school opened her eyes to a new way of life and being proactive about healthcare for her and her family. Denyse has recently returned to school to study Holistic Health, Nutrition, and Herbology. When she graduates she will have her Bachelor of Science in Holistic Health and will work as a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, combining her current studies with massage therapy. Currently she offers Reiki, Swedish, Deep Tissue and Hot Stone Massage. Call TresImage at (775) 323-1414.

Congratulations to Shirley Woods of Somerset, California. You are the winner of a $100 Barnes and Noble Gift Card! Thank you for participating in our reader survey!

Click on a Website, Take One Second and Feed a Doggie Please visit and click on the purple box “fund food for animals for free.” In less than a minute (about 15 seconds) you can help abused and neglected animals receive FREE FOOD donated every day. The animal rescue site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily so they can meet their quota. This doesn’t cost you a thing, you can help an animal in need today!

Two New Classes at The Om Home Introduction to Feng Shui with Dorla Salling, Tuesday December 8th 6:30pm-8:00pm. Nutritionist Rebbecca Heintz’s will offer her class “Dealing with Food Allergies During the Holidays” December 5th 11:00am For more information call (775) 250-7756.

Editor’s Note:

Editor’s Note:

In the November 2009 Provider Profile (Page 9) Kaleigh Richards “Go to ad on page” was directed to the wrong advertisement. Please find Kaleigh Richards, with Sierra Body Contouring on Page 47 of the December issue. Kaleigh Richards is a Licensed Massage Therapist and has been a Nationally Certified LMT since 2001. Kaleigh studied massage therapy in Ontario, Canada and has over 2,000 hours of education. You can reach Kaleigh at (775) 233-0346.

Editor’s note, in the November 2009 issue page eleven, Dr. Rovetti’s article “Oxygen Therapy and Surgery” contained a typo in the first paragraph, second to the last sentence. We printed the word orthroscopic surgery; it should have read arthroscopic surgery. Arthroscopic is defined as examination of the interior of a joint, such as the knee, using a type of endoscope that is inserted into the joint through a small incision. Orthroscopic is defined as an instrument for examining the internal structures of the eye through a layer of water that neutralizes the refraction of the cornea.

Grow Your Business Reach thousands of affluent, educated, health conscious buyers with your ad in Healthy Beginnings Magazine. For past issues, go to:


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December 2009


5-Hour Energy Drink

What’s On The Label & What’s Not


-Hour-Energy is a small 2-ounce liquid supplement that claims to provide hours of energy without a crash effect later. It boasts containing only four calories and no sugar. This supplement includes several amino acids and high amounts of B vitamins combined with a dose of caffeine. Let’s look closer at the ingredients list to see how the elements of their “Energy Blend” create an energized sensation in the body. We will also be looking at the preservatives, additives and flavorings in this beverage to determine their safety.

Energy Blend: Taurine: is a building block of all the other amino acids. It is a key component in helping the liver to produce bile, and is needed for the absorption of fatsoluble vitamins. It is vital for the proper utilization of minerals such as sodium, calcium, and magnesium. It has a protective effect on the brain, particularly if dehydrated. It has historically been used to treat anxiety, epilepsy, and seizures. Glucuronolactone: is a naturally occurring chemicle that is produced by the metabolism of glucose in the human liver. It has properties that increase the feeling of alertness. It is often used as a detoxicant. Malic Acid: is an organic compound also known as dicarboxylic acid. It was first isolated in unripe apples and and is found in many other unripe fruits. It is the active ingredient in many sour or tart candies and processed foods. Excessive consumption of malic acid can cause irritation of the mouth; but it is otherwise considered to be safe. N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine: is a more easily absorbable form of the amino acid L-tyrosine. L-tyrosine is a precursor for several substances made in the body, including, neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. It elevates mood, keeps stress levels low and contributes to a feeling of alertness. December 2009


L-Phenylalanine: is an essential amino acid. It is able to cross the brain-blood barrier, and thus has a direct effect on brain chemistry. It relates closely to the central nervous system, can elevate mood, aid in memory and learning, and suppress the appetite. Caffeine: gives a heightened sense of alertness. Too much caffeine in the body has been shown to interfere with calcium absorption. Citicoline: is a psycho-stimulant/nootropic, which induces temporary improvements in either mental or physical function, or both, and contributes to memory and cognitive enhancement. Studies have suggested that citicoline supplements increase dopamine receptor densities, which help to improve focus and mental energy. Vitamins B12, B6, Niacin (B3) and Folic Acid (B9): The supplement contains 8333% daily value of B12 alone. Some skeptics have raised concerns about the safety of supplementing B vitamins at such high levels. So far no dangerous adverse reactions have been reported. There is a risk of experiencing what is called a “Niacin flush” when high levels of Niacin in the body cause the skin to become hot and red, temporarily. This is considered to be a detoxification mechanism of the body.

Continued on page 50... Therapeutic Skin Care Karen Tenaglio

Licensed Aesthetician & Massage Therapist

Specializing in Ear Candling Facials • Waxing • Massage Visit my website for Monthly & Holiday Specials w w


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motional E

Awareness Written by Marie Harger

system. This program links Neuroscience with human behavior and emotions.


he old school view of emotions is that of weakness. Boys were sissies if they cried and girls, well‌.just plain weak or over sensitive. Today scientists, such as Richard Lane at the University of Arizona have discovered the importance of the connection between emotions and the brain. In his lecture at UCLA, 2007 he talks about the clinical importance of knowing what you are feeling: Insights from Brain Science. Research evidence shows people are healthier physically and mentally when they are emotionally aware. The investigations of the interactions between the brain and emotions show the immune system and overall health are greatly impacted by positive emotions and attitudes. These emotions include love, hope, faith, the will to live, celebration, intention and purpose determination. Dr. Norman Counsin, professor of medical humanities at UCLA created the UCLA program in Psychoneuroimmunology, which examines the relationship between the brain, nervous system and immune

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Many people actively participate in exercise, nutritional guidelines and lifestyle changes to reap the benefits of health. Promoting health can be approached from many angles and often emotional health is neglected. Culturally, we are not taught how to manage emotions as they arise, as some emotions are more acceptable than others. Incorporating, integrating and simply just feeling your emotions rather than stuffing and resisting them, will ensure overall health. Emotions are processed in many different regions of the brain. Emotional centers are below the cerebral cortex, which separates humans from all other animals. When feeling an emotion, experience it physically in the body. Where is it? How does it feel? What space does it occupy? Try not to engage in any mental dialog around it; asking Why you feel this way will fuel the emotions. For it to dissolve, observing, feeling and sensing it is essential. Emotional health translates to a healthy brain and the result is a healthy body, mind and spirit. References: 1.Sweeny, Michael. BRAIN The Complete Mind. National Geographic, Washington, D.C. , 2009 2.UCLA Confers Mani Bhaumik Award to Arizona Scientist for Insights into the Mind-body connection. November 26, 2007 3.Dr. Joe Dispenza. Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind, Health Communications, Inc. Deerfield Beach, FL., 2007


December 2009


Michelle Bean, D.C. Interviewed by Marie Harger


pecialized! One and only! Effective! These words come to mind when learning about Michelle Bean a NUCCA Chiropractor in the Reno, Nevada area. The NUCCA technique addresses a multitude of health issues and provides the patient with overall body awareness. It is not just about that pain in your back. This work is all encompassing. Michelle moved to Reno, from Fairfield, Ca. She completed high school and then graduated from UNR in 1999 with a B.S. in Biology. She worked as a clinical lab histotechnologist for 4 years at Renown. Michelle then went to the Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward, Ca and graduated in 2006. She move back to Reno and became the only NUCCA chiropractor in the area. Michelle knew being a doctor of chiropractic was the perfect profession for her when she was training for her 1st degree black belt and was experiencing fatigue, and repeated injuries. She thought she was in the best shape of her life but her body was telling her something different. She started to get adjusted from a local chiropractor and her performance peaked, her injuries healed and she went on to receive the best tester award for her group in Martial Arts. Michelle then wanted to help others experience the same natural health benefits from chiropractic therapy. What is NUCCA? There are many chiropractors to choose from today and how do we know if NUCCA is right for us. NUCCA stands for National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Associate. This specialized work only adjusts the top bone (C1) of the spine in the neck. Here is how it works. The top bone (C1) acts as a lever, and when adjusted, the spine and body December 2009


then move into balance. It is similar to a ball and chain. The ball is C1 and the chain is the spine. Move the ball and the entire spine is affected. When the top bone (C1) is adjusted the brainstem is relieved from tension. The Brainstem controls the autonomic nervous system, circulation, respiration/breathing, digestion, balance/coordination, equilibrium, pain centers, muscle activity, and all other automatic (unconscious) functioning systems of the body. A NUCCA chiropractic session generally is quick, with the first visit taking longer for x-rays, mathematical analysis, adjustment and a reexamination of the head and neck with a second set of x-rays taken. This integrated holistic health approach works to bring harmony to the body from the inside out! Michelle adjusts the spine to help relieve muscle aches, joint dysfunction, fatigue, dizziness, and inflammation, which ultimately increases motivation, and functional daily performance. She encourages proper nutrition, exercise/stretching and addressing emotional issues to further support well-being. If you are stressed physically, emotionally, mentally or chemically, NUCCA is a therapy to consider. Michelle is especially interested in the natural healing capabilities of each person. To relieve pain in the body, whatever the cause, is her main objective. Also, getting to the root of our health problems and not masking them with pain relievers should be a quest for us all. NUCCA work can possibly be that light at the end of the tunnel. For more info, contact Michelle Bean, D.C at (775) 823-9550.

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he TurboSonic速 is the only WholeBody Vibration Training piece of equipment registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as an Approved Medical Exerciser and Vibration Therapy Device (registration number 890.5380). CPT codes cover neuromuscular re-education of movement, balance coordination, kinesthetic sense, posture and proprioception; therapeutic exercises to develop strength and endurance, range of motion, and flexibility. TurboSonic速 - Sonic Whole Body Vibration (SWBV) is an advanced patented technology that is used by major medical, rehabilitation, therapeutic centers, senior centers, spas and gyms across the country and around the world. The therapy consists of standing upright on a TurboSonic速 platform that produces sonic vertical vibrations from 3Hz to 50Hz with variations of amplitude from 0 to 100. These sonic vibrations are transferred to your body, stimulating absolutely every part of your body, from your cells to the blood vessels, your organs and muscles. These muscle contractions stimulate a dramatic increase in critical blood flow to joints and their connective tissues throughout the body. The result is reduced muscle/tendon/joint-related pain with an increase in bone/muscle mass, strength and flexibility. The vibration emanating from the pedestal and conducted throughout the body stimulates muscle fibers (myocytes) with three times the strength of gravity. This causes the muscle fibers to contract and relax with greater strength and speed. These powerful muscle contractions, when For past issues, go to:


December 2009

repeated with the frequency seen in WBV exercise, enhance muscle strength over a shorter period of time than is feasible with any other form of muscle training. In addition, blood vessels throughout the body are stimulated and circulation is improved. Furthermore, tendons and ligaments, (parts of the body not easily trained) become better toned. The function of intra-pelvic muscles and small muscle groups, such as facial muscles, (which cannot be strengthened through conventional weight training exercises) are improved. Exercise involving vibration in the vertical direction also causes greater caloric consumption than does regular aerobic exercise. Whole Body Vibration exercise, in conjunction with conventional muscle exercise, can increase maximum muscle strength by over 30%. It can also reduce the period of training required by 85% and time spent exercising by over 50%. Moreover, unlike in conventional muscle training methods involving the lifting of weights, little additional load is imposed on joints, ligaments, and tendons in WBV exercise. Consequently, the risk of exercise-induced injury is reduced to a negligible level. TurboSonic is a revolutionary piece of exercise equipment developed with optimal application of these theories to yield maximum results in minimal time. Using the TurboSonic stimulates the same effect of regular aerobic exercises and can accomplish a maximum effect of exercise with a minimum amount of time, compared to other exercise methods. For more info, contact the Vitamin Connection at (775)825-3993. Go to ad on THIS page.

I found ”Healthy Beginnings” very informative. I thought about passing it on to a friend, but there were so many good articles in it, I did not want to part with it !

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December 2009

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A Fungus Among Us


nychomycosis (Tinea unguim) means fungal infection of the nail. It is the most common disease of the nails and constitutes about one half of all nail abnormalities. According to the AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians) incidences of this infection are probably much higher than the reported 2 to 14 percent of the American population. This relates to about 25 million Americans who may experience significant psychosocial problems due the appearance of their nails, or fear of spreading the disease to others. This fungal infection affects the nail bed, matrix or plate. Toenails are more commonly affected than the fingernails. Fungal infections of the nails can spread to other areas of the body and other persons. Onychomycosis accounts for one third of skin fungal infections and one half of all nail disease. There are several classifications of Onychomycosis with dermatophytes or fungus being the most common. Risk factors include: Humidity or warm climates, diabetes mellitus or poor health, increasing age, immunosuppression (eg:HIV or drug induced) or heredity. It spreads easily in moist areas where people walk barefoot such as showers or locker rooms. Also sharing nail clippers or use of occlusive footwear can cause its spread, thus the name athlete’s foot. There is also a reason for the expression of “no shoes, no shirt, no service” signs in public places. Not sure about the shirt except for the obvious reason that people do not really want to look at your belly while eating, and the shoes definitely prevent fungal spread.

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Written by Cindy L Sult, RN The symptoms of fungal infections of the skin include reddish patches near the soles of the feet, itchiness, extreme dryness, and/or abnormal peeling of the skin. Other areas of the skin can also be affected including between the fingers and the groin area. The infection can also cause pain, which may result in limited movement and this can exacerbate poor circulation. Symptoms of fungal infection of the nail plate are a thickened, yellow or cloudy appearance. The nails can become rough and crumbly, or can separate from the nail bed. Be aware, if all of your nails are involved then it is probably not a fungal infection. Instead, it is likely one of the other maladies that can cause nail deformities, such as nail psoriasis, lichen planus, contact dermatitis, trauma, nail bed tumor or yellow nail syndrome. Diagnosis can be confirmed by a scraping of the nail for a culture or a microscopic exam to identify the fungus. Treatment of nail fungal infections has been historically challenging because the infection is embedded within the nail and thus difficult to treat. The most common treatments include topical and oral medications. Over the counter creams and ointments generally do not help treat this condition, but they may prevent becoming infected or the recurrence of the infection. Prescription medications help about 50% of patients, but can cause serious side effects including damage to the liver and interactions with other commonly taken medications. Folk remedies, although not scientifically proven or disproven effective, include the topical use of listerine mouth wash, tea tree oil, and grapefruit seed extract. The newest contender on the block


December 2009

is Laser treatment. Although not yet certified by the FDA, it is reported to be about 90% effective. Laser treatment for toenail fungus works by heat building up under the nail and killing the fungus. This treatment is quick, well tolerated and effectively kills the fungus while leaving all the surrounding healthy tissue unaffected. Once treated, it usually takes 9 months to 1 year for the new healthy nail to grow out.

Practices that may aide in the treatment and prevent the recurrence of Onychomycosis include: 1) Wearing 100% cotton socks and changing them often to prevent retention of moisture. 2) Choosing breathable footwear


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References: 1.Fotona Aesthetics Lasers, Treatment of Skin Fungal Infection 1064 Nd:YAG 2. American Family Physician Feb. 15 2001 treating Onychomcosis 3. Wikipedia-Onychomcosis 4. Laser Treatment For Onychomycocis, by Dr. Eswararamanan My 06 2009

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December 2009


Rovetti, DC – 775.324.3700

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“Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients.� Hippocrates, circa 490 BC

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December 2009



An Ancient Approach to Healing

Chinese Herbs and Oriental Medicine

Written by David Edge, O.M.D.


h, the experience of a traditional Chinese herb market, jar upon jar of strange looking plant and animal substances. Boxes filled with roots and branches, all coated in a layer of dust and dirt. You experience every conceivable smell, from the sweet fragrance of honeysuckle to the stomach turning scent of dried insects. You proceed to hand your herbal prescription to the 150-year-old looking wise man or woman. They then gather up the mysterious ingredients, wrap them in paper and you are on your way. Go home, boil up the decoction (literally soup), strain the liquid, and prepare yourself for tastes that you did not know existed. Is this traditional Chinese herbal medicine? Well, the answer is both yes and no. Over the past few thousand years this is how traditional Chinese herbal medicine was administered. There were variations to this of course, but for the most part, this was the method of choice. Most of what is known today about the effects of particular combinations of medicinals in Chinese medicine, known as herbal formulas, is based on using this method of preparation. All medicinal substances come from the earth and all have the potential for healing if used properly, as well as being harmful if used improperly. One aspect of Chinese herbal medicine that sets it apart from other systems of herbal medicine is a very long history of observing and diligently recording the effects of those herbal formulas on many generations of patients. This results in a very safe form of medicine with few if any negative side effects. Another differentiating aspect is the method of combining single medicinals into herbal formulas. This has several advantages. The most important one being the addition of medicinals to address a patient’s underlying imbalance, which could actually be the cause of their symptoms. Secondly, it allows the herbalist to address several different symptoms simultaneously. Finally, certain medicinals might counteract the negative effects of another or could possibly enhance their positive effects.

Though decoctions are still used in today’s modern Oriental Medicine clinics, depending on both practitioner and/or patient preference, they are no longer the norm. This is due in large part to modern technology. Today’s herbal manufacturing plants are high tech, state of the art facilities. Patients now have the option of choosing tablets, capsules, powders, alcohol tinctures, or glycerin based tinctures (great for kids). All the major herb companies have their medicinals tested for heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, and follow the Good Manufacturing Products (GMP) guidelines. A growing number of them are even certified organic. Patients can rest assured knowing that the Chinese herbs they receive from their acupuncturist or herbalist are free from contaminants, and have been prepared as close as possible to the traditional methods used for over a millennia by the Chinese. References: 1.Bensky, Dan and Barolet, Randall. Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas and Strategies. Eastland Press Inc, Washington 1990. 2.Bensky, Dan and Gamble, Andrew. Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica. Eastland Press Inc., Washington 1986.

For more info, contact David Edge, O.M.D. at (775) 783-4930 or (775) 781-3465.

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David Edge, Oriental Medicine Doctor Simple and Effective Healing Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Medicine Nutrition Call for an appointment today

775.783.4930 • 775.781.3465

Serving Northern Nevada and Lake Tahoe

1528 Hwy 395, Ste 215 Gardnerville, NV December 2009


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Survive the Holidays... Gluten Free Written by Allison Prater


hen you have adverse reactions to foods containing Gluten, such as wheat, rye, barley and oats, the holiday season can seem foreboding at first glance. Whether it’s sit down dinners with family and friends, or tables full of sweets at the office, all the stuffings, gravy’s, pies, cookies and other traditional holiday fare can blend into an entire spread of “can’t eat em’s”. If you are hosting a holiday get together, you may be unaware that many people with Gluten sensitivities have not even realized that their common symptoms of aching joints, depression, eczema, and exhaustion, could possibly be due to Gluten intolerance. Or, perhaps you have a guest who knows that they are Gluten intolerant, but is afraid to speak up, for fear of seeming difficult or picky. Do not Despair! Here are some Gluten Free Holiday Survival Tips for guests and hosts alike:

and “Nearly Normal Cooking For Gluten-Free Eating: A Fresh Approach to Cooking and Living Without Wheat or Gluten” by Jules E. D. Shepard.

1.) Remember that Gluten intolerance is a form of allergic reaction, and an allergy gives you no reason to apologize. Inform your host or hostess of your dietary needs ahead of time if possible. Most hosts are perfectly happy to accommodate a guest with specific dietary concerns. It is better to be open with your host, than to leave them wondering why you spent the whole evening chewing on nothing but lettuce leaves.

5.) Keep Gluten Free treats in your car or desk at work, that way you can indulge in something sweet when that office cookie tray is looking just a little too tempting. Nana’s Gluten (and sugar free!) cookies can be found at Whole Foods Market along with a host of other delicious Gluten Free sweets.

2.) If you feel comfortable with your host, let them know what you can eat. Some easy Gluten-free substitutes include: corn, potatoes, rice, amaranth, and quinoa. There are also some flours made from beans and nuts that are quite good. Your host may be able to alter a favorite recipe with one of these substitutes, without sacrificing consistency or flavor. 3.) If you do not feel comfortable approaching your host about your dietary needs, offer to bring a dish or two of your own to share. This is a great way to introduce your loved ones to new ways of eating. For some awesome recipes with mouth watering photos go to Right now this blog spot is featuring many delicious holiday recipes. There are also plenty of great Gluten free recipes books such as “1,000 Gluten Free Recipes” by Carol Fenster For past issues, go to:

There are also a host of easy, pre-packaged Gluten-Free baking mixes at Whole Foods, and The Great Basin Community Food Co-op. Gluten Free Mama carries a great variety of pizza crusts, cake, cookie, pancake, and even pie crusts! YUM! 4.) If your work has organized a holiday party at a restaurant, call ahead to inform them of your allergy and ask what meal options are safe for you to enjoy. Be mindful of hidden gluten additives in salad dressings, soups, and other processed ingredients that the restaurant may use. The word “allergy” can be really helpful to use, to make it clear to the wait staff that you truly cannot have foods that contain Gluten.

Finally, to all our gracious hosts and hostesses this holiday season: It shows great consideration for your guests (and saves you a lot of trouble) to communicate with them about any dietary issues they may have. Whether they are Gluten-free, vegan, or deathly allergic to nuts, you will be grateful you asked before hand, and so will they. Happy Holidays! References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

For more info, contact Great Harvest at (775) 323-7733.

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Posture Talk Written by Jennifer Cardinal, D.C.


at Your Vegetables! Don’t talk back! Clean your room! Sit up Straight!

You may recognize those statements as things your parents said to you while growing up. When we were told to sit up straight … hold our heads up … push our shoulders back, they were on to something.

Some may think having good posture is for purely aesthetic purposes. Someone who has good posture seems more attractive and portrays confidence and health. While this is true, scientific research is proving that posture affects our health and well being on many levels. Posture affects the entire functioning and health of the body. In fact, poor posture can cause an increase in pain and discomfort by decreasing endorphin production and causing abnormal stress loads on the muscles and joints. Over time it can lead to degenerative changes like arthritis and can adversely affect the lung and vascular systems. What does proper posture look like? Looking at the posture from the front,

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shoulders and hips should be level. There is no rotation or tilting of the head, shoulders or pelvis. From the side your ears, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles should lie in vertical alignment. If your head protrudes forward over the shoulders – you have FHP. FHP is the most common abnormal posture of modern day society. FHP is defined as the anterior or forward positioning of the cervical spine, neck and head. Hunching and rounding of the shoulders and a curved upper back are the consequence associated with this posture distortion. Most adults and athletes stand and walk with their head thrust forward, shoulders hunched, and upper back rounded. How do people develop this type of posture? Living in a modern society which tends to consist of sedentary, hunched forward activities like working on the computer, driving cars, watching TV, playing video games, gradually alter muscles and ligaments pushing the head in a forward position. That, combined with the fact there is little to no regular exercise or correction done to prevent postural degeneration. There is an overemphasis on resistant movements like pushups, situps and bench presses that overdevelop the chest and shoulder muscles pulling the head forward. Also, the sheer weight of gravity, which is constantly pushing on our spines, contributes to this posture. The head weighs about 10 lbs. When it protrudes in front of your shoulders it increases the workload on the muscles exponentially – every inch forward increases the additional weight of the entire head. This means 10 lbs with 1 inch forward equals 20 lbs and 2 inches equals 30 lbs.

December 2009

Over time this forward carriage of the head leads to: • Overdevelopment of the neck and upper back muscles • Premature fatigue of the neck, shoulders, and upper back due to an increased workload to hold the head up • Abnormal stress loads on the spinal joints and discs increasing susceptibility to injury • Abnormal stress loads on the joints over time leading to degenerative changes known as spinal degenerative arthritis or degenerative disc disease • Diverted oxygen use from the legs and arms to the mechanically challenged, fatigued muscles of the neck and upper back • Spinal curvature changes from top to bottom and even affecting the low back and pelvis • There is a decrease in vital lung capacity as much as 30%. This shortness of breath can potentially lead to heart and blood vascular disease. This happens primarily due to action of the hyoid muscles being blocked, which are responsible for lifting the first rib during inhalation. This rib lifting action is necessary for complete aeration of the lungs. • Muscles have a reduced range of motion, which reduces endorphin production, causing an increase in pain and discomfort. • Muscular nerve entrapments occur. These nerve root compressions can result in neurophathies. One common entrapment is between the skull and the neck, producing headaches or referred pain to the facial region. These conditions cause a domino affect on the supporting muscles of the head and neck, middle back and into the lower back. Managing back pain, headaches, disc problems, nerve problems, TMJ and even degeneration of the spine may seem impossible. An athletic person has to work against all the biophysical changes the poor posture has caused, as well as exert extra energy to hold a good posture while running, making ones performance suboptimal.

How can we correct it? 1) Poor posture habits begin when we are young. Your children go to the dentist to get their teeth checked, they should have their spines and postures evaluated to determine if they are developing poor posture problems and for more serious spinal problems like scoliosis. 2) Address study habits, carrying of backpacks, sleep habits, and extracurricular activities can help minimize and prevent unhealthy postures from developing. 3) Structural problems should be evaluated. 4) Sleep on your back or side NOT your stomach. Side sleepers should use a pillow to keeps the head elevated to the shoulders. Back sleepers should use a neck roll to help support the natural curve of the neck. Put arms below the heart. 5) Computers should be at eye level with feet flat on the ground and hips and knees at a right angle (use a stool or foot rest if necessary). Arms and elbows should rest on desk and shoulders should be relaxed. No twisted or turning to look at your monitor from the waist. 6) Drive with the back and shoulders against the seat and head on the headrest. Again hips and knees should be at a right angle. Keep seat in an upright position. A proper evaluation by a doctor who practices Clinical Biomechanics of Posture is the most reliable and accurate way to determine if you have a healthy posture and spine. Specific treatments and exercises can be prescribed according to your individual needs. References: 1.) Cailliet R. Soft Tissue Pain and Disability Philadelphia: FA Davis Co.,1977 2.) Cailliet R. Neck and Arm Pain. Philadelphia: FA Davis Co., 1981. 3.) Cailliet R. Low Back Pain Syndrome Philadelphia: FA Davis Co. 1981. 4.) John Lennon, BM, MM, C. Norman Shealy MD , Roger K. Cady, M.D. William Matta PhD, Richard Cox PhD, and William Simpson, PhD Postural and Respiratory Modulation of Autonomic Function, Pain and Health AJPM Vol. 4 No.1 January 1994

For more info, contact Jennifer Cardinal, D.C. at (775) 829-8686.

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December 2009

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Say…Bye Bye to Inflammation and Pain


uch! We have all experienced pain. In fact, more than 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, pain is the primary reason why people seek the advice of health professionals, and it is also the number one reason people use alternative medicine. Pain occurs when nerve endings become irritated. It can be exacerbated by nutritional imbalances, lack of sleep, hormonal factors, and other stresses. In general terms, pain is symptomatic of some type of dysfunction and inflammation in the body. Basically, there are two problems with pain control drugs: 1) They interfere artificially with the body’s usual inflammation responses; 2) They have detrimental side effects. Remember the FDA withdrawal of Vioxx? Lauded as a superdrug, during an important study, it was found to cause increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Meanwhile, even the most commonly used pain-relievers – nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen – can cause intestinal tract ulcers and other problems. These dangers have stimulated a growing interest in natural pain remedies. Freedom from pain is the single desire of those suffering from pain. The question is: Can relief be achieved without side effects? In this article, we introduce a promising proprietary formula that is currently being introduced in natural products stores. Although this complex may be helpful in treating a wide variety of disorders, we focus on its pain relief and antiinflammatory actions. Inflammation is the beginning of all pain both acute and chronic. Relieve inflammation and you relieve pain. Many medical experts believe inflammation to be the cause of 8090% of all disease. Inflammation is caused by the release of a prostaglandin (PGE2) and is sustained by an enzyme called cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2). It’s interesting that cancer cells are surrounded by an abnormally heavy concentration of COX-2 enzymes. With much controversy as to the side effects of antiinflammatory medications, what can a person do naturally? Relief is on the way, common herbs from India such as: curcumin, boswellia and turmeric have been found to be an even better anti-inflammatory (without harmful side effects) than cortisone, which is one of the most powerful of all the steroids.

Continued on page 39... For past issues, go to:


December 2009


The Eye of Revelation

The Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation By Peter Kelder Edited by J.W. Watt

A book review by June Milligan to Asia. Four years later, Bradford came back to America but Kelder didn’t recognize him. Kelder knew Bradford was at least 60 years old, but he now looked like a man in his late 30’s or early 40’s!


his book was originally published in 1939. The story behind it is somewhat of a mystery, and this information probably would have faded into the mists of time if these rites had not worked for scores of people here in America. It promises that the five simple poses, called “rites” by the Tibetan monks, will reverse aging. To start at the beginning, the author says that he met a retired British Army Officer, a Colonel Bradford, who revealed that there was a Buddhist lamasery (monastery) in Tibet where the monks/priests never seemed to grow old. Colonel Bradford had spent his career (early 1900s) on the India/Tibetan border during the time when both Russia and Britain were attempting to gain control over Tibet. That competition was called The Great Game, and since Tibet was guarded by the Himalayas, neither country had much luck influencing or invading Tibet. It was basically a closed country. During his career Colonel Bradford became fascinated with the possibility of finding the lamasery. After retiring, he wanted to return to Tibet. He told his story to Peter Kelder, then returned

Bradford explained that the secret of reversing aging was in doing five different rites each day. These rites supposedly work because they increase the spin of seven vortices in the body. These were never called chakras in Tibet, nor are they all located in the areas of the body traditionally thought to hold chakras. As we age, the spin of these vortices is said to slow down and rotate at different speeds. Causing the body to begin to deteriorate. If the spin can be increased through doing these rites, we begin to feel, act and look younger. In 1946 Peter Kelder re-published the book with an additional chapter, and today it is thought that only one copy remains. The editor of this 2008 edition of The Eye of Revelation, J.W. Watt, searched for years and finally found a copy in Canada. He then re-issued Peter Kelder’s original authentic 1946 edition. However, between 1946 and today, other publishers have taken what knowledge they could glean about Kelder’s original book, added and deleted information, and republished the book under the name Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth. In fact two books with that same name have been published. Both of these have dozens of testimonials from

December 2009


people who have tried these rites with very positive results. A video and even a cookbook have been published, but all the basic original information about the rites is in this one little paperback, The Eye of Revelation, including instructions regarding mantras, how to use the word “aum” and how to change your diet to boost the effect of the rites. After doing the rites for some years J.W. Watt says, “There is something very mysterious about the Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation: they work – against all odds, they actually work. We don’t know how, we don’t know why, but we truly believe that anyone giving the Rites a fair trial will meet with surprising success.” For more info, contact June Milligan, specializing in helping people learn how to let go of unproductive thinking (775) 786-9111.

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Jungian Psychology Series:

The Importance of Instincts in


Written by Andy Drymalski, EdD

“Anyone who overlooks the instincts will be ambuscaded by them.” Carl Jung

centering and humanizing influence of our animal nature.


he human brain is among the most developed and complex of any creature. Its evolution and refinement has helped us to attain a level of consciousness and a mastery over our environment, which far exceeds that of any other animal. But there is a shadow side to our species’ emphasis upon intellectual and cognitive abilities and that is the danger of losing touch with the wisdom of our instincts. In an increasingly technological and urban world, modern people have tended to become cut-off from their ancestral self, the primal and instinctual foundation of the personality. Although a primitive tribesman may lack our level of consciousness

and abstract reasoning ability, he typically experiences a much more rich and vital connection to the wisdom of his animal soul.

A 33 year-old man dreamed: “I see the wild-eyed face of a horse. He is frantically pulling away from something, as if he was being whipped.” This man, of strict Catholic upbringing, was in the habit of harshly berating himself for his personal shortcomings. His self-flagellation, which caused a cramping feeling below his rib cage, is reflected in his dream. The horse is a symbol of his instinctual and bodily nature. His instinctual self was revolting against his mental beatings, inflicted in the belief that such chastisements would transform his personality. The dreamer got stuck in a process of self-punishment when what he needed to do was objectively evaluate his mistakes, learn from them, and move forward with the changes he needed to make. His physical symptoms and the dream were the voice of his instinctual self-guiding him to a more healthy and grounded spiritual perspective.

The schism between modern consciousness and the wisdom of the ancestral self can be especially salient in the area of human spirituality. One function of spiritual teachings is to help people move beyond (transcend) a narrowly materialistic view of the universe to develop an awareness of the unseen forces and processes that underlie life, relationships, and the growth of the personality. As the following dreams illustrate, spiritual doctrines sometimes become so airy and idealistic that they lose the stabilizing,

The horse as a symbol of instinctual wisdom reappears in the following dream of a 69 year-old woman. “I see a horse that is lying on its back in a total body and leg cast. I say to myself, ‘I bet that vet could do plastic surgery.’ Later in the dream I watch a woman that someone said was a doctor trying to get a large gorilla to follow her. She wanted to get the animal to return to the park where it lived. The gorilla obeyed most of the time, but occasionally it did not listen to her commands. It stayed where it wanted to.”

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December 2009


The image of a horse in a full-body tell a man who works in the building what cast suggests an injury and immobiliza- just happened and ask why the door is left tion of the dreamer’s instinctual self. The open. He says that because it is a church act of trying to get the gorilla to return to the door must remain open.” its park is a variation of this theme. Like This dreamer was prone to become the horse, the gorilla is a symbol of the very negative and cynical about life dreamer’s ancestral self and instincts. She based upon all of the injustice she saw wants it back in its cage so that it will not taking place in the world. Her cynicism intrude upon her world. The statement fostered symptoms of depression and an about the vet being able to do plastic sur- inability to see and enjoy the beauty and gery is a reference to the persona, for the meaning that are also present in life. In skin is a symbol of our exploring the meaning of “public face.” Taken as the dream she reflected There is a shadow side a whole, these dream to our species’ emphasis on how easily she falls images depict how the prey to destructive negapersona can cripple upon intellectual and tivity within herself and and silence the voice cognitive abilities and that the world. She associated of our instincts. the fox with the qualities

is the danger of losing

Another of this touch with the wisdom of of cunning and resilience. woman’s dreams gives Her spiritual belief sysour instincts. some clues as to the tem, symbolized by the aspect of her persona church, was insufficient which constrains and cages her animal for dealing with the destructive energies nature: “I am talking to a woman who tells she was encountering in life. Her dream me that she is the Virgin Mary. I am not helped her to see that she would need the so surprised to learn who she is but am cunning mind of her instinctual self if she surprised when she tells me that she owns were to outfox evil. The dream’s reference slaves.” When our spiritual beliefs are held to the church door that must remain open in a dogmatic or rigid fashion they become is an admonition that our spirituality must oppressive and we become their slaves. be connected to our instincts and the raw Imposing upon ourselves overly idealistic wisdom of our ancestral self if it is to be conceptions of spirituality or of how a vital and whole. “good person” is supposed to think and This article has focused on dreams as act can cause us harm. For instance, if you a doorway of insight into our instinctual believe that God always expects that you wisdom and its assistance in our spiritual “turn the other cheek” when people hurt development. Dreams are especially valuor take advantage of you, you are likely to able in this regard, but are not the only acquire a couple of bloody cheeks while way that our animal self communicates merely enabling your abuser(s). A healthy to us. It also communicates through our spirituality flows, in part, from the wisdom body. The hair that rises on the back of of your instincts. our neck, headaches, stomach aches and A 50 year-old woman dreamed: “I am in a large room. The building is some type of chapel or spiritual retreat. I and my family are spending the night here. There is a large bed and my youngest son is sleeping in it. It is nighttime and dark in the room. I am getting ready to get into bed when I see two animals run into the room. They have come through a door that is open to the outside. At first I am not sure what kind of animals they are and start to chase them out. I realize that it is a female fox and her pup. I succeed in chasing them out. But before I can close the door the mate of the fox runs in and jumps on me. He bites me twice before I manage to get him off. I

other physical symptoms can be ways our instinctual self gets our attention and communicates its messages. The same can be said of our psychological symptoms, for they typically indicate that we are at odds with some aspect of our deeper nature. The instincts may also manifest in outer life. For example, if your dog, cat, horse, or child doesn’t trust someone or some situation, you should probably be cautious as well. Likewise, if your pet becomes uncharacteristically aggressive towards you, it could indicate that you are at odds with some aspect of your own instincts.

the danger around them. Unconstrained by personas and unhampered by a tendency to overthink things, they respond instinctively, and almost always correctly, to the threats they encounter. They are ready to fight or run at a moments notice. We, on the other hand, may ignore, deny, minimize, intellectualize and rationalize our way into situations, relationships, habits, and even beliefs systems, to our own detriment. If you study nature, you observe that it is usually the animal that lives in an unnatural or disturbed environment that develops eating disorders and neurotic behaviors, not the animal that lives in the wild. So too, persons who have lost touch with their instinctual self and inner nature (that is, most of us) are more susceptible to addictions and mental illness. When we talk about taming our animal instincts and passions, the problem is generally not the instincts themselves, but our egocentric and intellectual distortion and misuse of them. Likewise, our society’s growing interest in the humane treatment of animals may not only reflect a growing appreciation of our kinship with other creatures, but also the unconscious projection of our need to reconnect with and more highly value our own instinctual nature. References: 1) Estes, C. P. Women Who Run with the Wolves. Ballantine Books, New York 1992. 2) Leonard, L. S. Meeting the Madwoman: Empowering the Feminine Spirit. Bantam Books, New York 1994. 3) Von Franz, M. L. Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tails, revised edition. Shambhala Publications, Inc., MA 1995.

For more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818.

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Opportunity for Transformation

Andy Drymalski, EdD

Lic. Psychologist, Jungian Psychologist


Animals are alert and intuitive about

December 2009


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Forgiveness for Emotional Wounds

The Mystery and Miracle From the book written by Annette Stanwick


orgiveness transforms hearts through the power of personal choice. This choice is either to move through the hurt to become empowered, or to resist, resent and inhibit individual growth. There is an important healing process needed when faced with a wound. The recognition and acceptance of the wound is vital for this process. Without it the effect of the wound will prevent the person from experiencing a full, meaningful and satisfying life.

Here is the breakdown of the healing process for emotional wounds: The wound occurs.


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Feelings of numbness occur. The next stage is anger and fear, and then the wounded person usually gets stuck. A choice must be made to Identify losses. Grieve the losses once identified. Shift into compassion. Letting go and acceptance. Forgiveness: which includes love, joy, satisfaction and the ability to serve others. Forgiveness requires personal application. If you are harboring anger it is important to own up and not stuff it because it will then arise later in a distorted manner such as depression. Focus your attention on what you have learned from the situation that created the wound. This creates a shift and then wisdom is gain instead of bitterness. Often when faced with a stressful or negative situation you can get off kilter with self-centered, and criticizing behaviors. These are toxic to everyone. Balance in your life is important. Have courage and face your problems and then take the focus off yourself by changing your attitude. If you find yourself experiencing nightmares, flashback of the hurt, you may have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Release and let go by giving your pain a voice. Write it down, or talk with a therapist. Eventually, the PTSD will subside over time. Everyone has fears, some real and some imagined. Fear can be debilitating. Facing your fear can be the very thing that allows for the forward movement in the situation. You can gather strength through acceptance and releasing the pain to a higher power. When we let go, we step into a natural flow of life that is then revealed to us gently. Forgive and be free. To purchase this book go to


December 2009


Good Dentistry Can Help You Sleep Better Written by Dr. Manniko, DDS


he incidence of airway obstructions causing a stoppage of breathing during sleep, affects some 15 million people in this country, and 90 percent have not been diagnosed. Harvard-trained physician John Remmer, MD believes that sleep apnea will become the most chronic disease in all industrialized countries. Consider some of these facts about Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA):

drowsiness often present. Additionally, an affected person may notice heartburn or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), or a persistent cough for no apparent reason.

The gold standard in Medicine for unraveling the mysteries that occur when we sleep is a “sleep study,” or polysomnogram (PSG). The PSG provides information enabling a sleep physician to diagnose OSA as mild, moderate, or The most common type severe. Diagnosis of any level of OSA is typi• 65-85% of all stroke victims suffer OSA. cally treated with the Continuous Positive Airof sleep apnea way Pressure, or CPAP. This device provides a • Systemic inflammation is increased with occurs when the constant flow of oxygen past the obstruction to OSA and platelets are more likely to adhere, keep oxygen levels from falling. Unfortunately, accelerating the process of atherosclerosis. airway is actually obstructed during sleep. while effective, the CPAP is obtrusive, noisy, • An OSA is responsible for a 10-point drop and can create loss of intimacy in a relationship, in IQ of children. as well as irritations of the face and throat. As a • Untreated OSA results in a 20 percent drop result of these drawbacks, compliance typically in life expectancy. decreases over time. • OSA person is 23 times more likely to have a heart attach Under the new guidelines of the American Academy of Sleep (MI) than a healthy person. Medicine, oral appliances are now considered to be the first line of defense for mild to moderate sufferers. Oral appliances • 60-80 percent of snorers will test positive for OSA. maintain an open airway during sleep by not allowing the • A person does not need to snore to have OSA. lower jaw to fall back and block the airway. According to pub• There are more persons with OSA that are not overweight. lished studies, the percentage of patients who continue using Many people are walking around unaware of what may be a CPAP device is fairly low, in the 23-45 percent range, while happening. The most common type of sleep apnea occurs when the percentage of patients who continue using the much more the airway is actually obstructed during sleep. As air intake is comfortable oral appliance is in the 90-95 percent range. interrupted, the body struggles to function due to lack of oxygen in the blood. Symptoms can be very subtle, with periods of December 2009


Continued on page 53... For past issues, go to:


Cross-Country Skiing Sweat & Snow Written by Sean Block


our heart is pounding. You are sweating. The skis under your feet glide like butter on a hot pan. The fog of your breath and numb tip of your nose are the only reminders that it’s cold outside. You pause for a moment, perched atop a ridge after an uphill trek of a few hundred feet. You take in your surroundings. In the valley below, snow-capped trees stand like phalanxes among a perfect blanket of fresh snow. The wind blows slightly. Small animal tracks zigzag here and there atop the ridge. Despite the presence of the intrepid critters, the silence of the woods in winter is profound. This is not just a fanciful scene, but also a common one for those willing to seek it. And those who seek the peace found among the unmarked snow, often get there on a pair of freeheeled skis. Cross-country skiing can be found anywhere with snow. It originated 4,500 years ago in Scandinavia, and can now be found on all seven continents. In the Olympics, one-third of all winter medals are given out in a sport descendant from crosscountry skiing. Originally the only effective mode of travel for those living in snow or ice-bound places, cross-country has become the thing of sport, exercise, competition and leisure. Alpine skiing has only recently derived from cross-country skiing as transportation systems to the top of the mountain have become more accessible. For past issues, go to:

What sets cross-country apart from alpine (downhill) skiing is the free-heeled bindings. The ability to pivot on the toes allows the skier to climb up hills, maintain speed across flats, and perform telemark descents. It does not take a mountain to cross-country ski. Because terrain varies, challenges can cater to all skiers, beginner to expert. Cross-country skiing does not have to be a sightseeing trip through the woods every time. Largely considered to be the world’s foremost aerobic workout, cross-country works both arms and legs simultaneously, but the low-impact movement allows people of all ages (2-100+!) to enjoy the sport. A trip can be as simple as a quick jaunt around a local park, or as complicated as a multi-day excursion into the mountains. There are two distinct styles in cross-country. The classic style is the straight-ahead motion much like that of the ‘Nordic Ski’ workout machine. Ski skating is the racing style that involves a constant pushing, side-to-side motion like that of rollerblades. For those looking for a bit of adventure with their workout, cross-country skiing lets you push it as far as you’re willing to go. The Sierras are home to some prime cross-country real estate; the largest cross-country skiing resort in North America is located at Royal Gorge in California. So what are you waiting for? Pop your toes in and get skiing cross-country style! 26

December 2009


Manitoba White Honey

Bee Healthy Honey Written by Susan Williams


anitoba premium white honey is produced in McCreary near the Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba, Canada. Honey color and flavor is largely determined by the floral source of the nectar. Lighter honey has a milder taste. This delicious white honey comes from bees visiting delicate wildflowers indigenous to that area. What’s raw honey? Honey is classified as raw when it is unheated, pure, un-pasteurized, and unprocessed concentrated nectar that comes straight from the extractor. Honey is classified as raw when the honey is processed using low temperatures, which allows the honey to preserve all the natural vitamins, enzymes and other nutritional elements. Raw honey contains ingredients similar to those found in fruits, which become alkaline in the digestive system. It is the healthiest amongst the various forms of honey, and has the most nutritional value. Manitoba pristine raw organic honey is extracted by spinning in vats that are surrounded in warm water. Since the crystallization process has been controlled very precisely, the honey’s natural enzymes, vitamins, and minerals are preserved. Because of the process it does not drip like liquid honey; it has a smooth consistency, color, appearance, taste and can be spread like butter. Manatoba raw honey contains an excellent source of enzymes. Most store brands of honey sold in grocery stores are treated with heat, a process that prevents granulation, but kills active enzymes, which take away vitamins and minerals and many of the benefits of honey. Raw honey is very nutritious. It is filled with many vitamins such as vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, panntothenic acid and minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium potassium, zinc, and antioxidants. It is also fat, cholesterol, and sodium free. By taking small doses of two to three teaspoons per day, raw honey has an anti-inflammatory effect, and may prevent or relieve shortterm allergy symptoms. December 2009


Water content, minerals, vitamins, pollen, and protein determine honey quality. The less water content honey has, the better the quality and storability. Because of the small water percentage (14% water content) Manitoba White Honey is among one of the healthiest forms of honey, and has the most nutritional value. As a reminder, never give honey to infants under one year of age because it contains endospores that their intestinal tracts are not developmentally able to tolerate. In order to receive maximum benefits, never over heat the honey. When used with tea, let the tea steep, adding honey to a lukewarm mixer, just warm enough to melt the honey. Manitoba premium white honey’s mild flavor enhances any recipe, has a long shelf life, and can be frozen. If the honey becomes solid immerse the container with a tight lid in warm water until it softens. When using Manitoba premium white honey, keep it at room temperature. References: 1. Dona and Albert Wollman, Riding Mountain Honey Farm, McCreary, Manitoba, Canada, 2. 3. First for Women: John Heinerman, Ph.D. (2009) Pollen levels surge by 300%: Raw honey. 4.

For more info, contact Susan Williams at (775) 358-5083 or email at

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ennel was once awarded to Pheidippides, the runner who delivered the news of the Persian invasion to Sparta in ancient Greece (4th century B.C.), as a symbol of courage, and has since been high- l y revered. We may no longer award military heroes with fennel, but it is still considered a versatile addition to our diet, for both its medicinal and culinary properties.

bulb may help to reduce elevated cholesterol levels as a result of its fiber content (approximately 11 percent of the daily value in one cup, raw).

How to choose and store fennel: Look for fennel bulbs that are clean, firm and solid, without signs of splitting, bruising or spotting. They should be white or pale green in color. The stalks should be straight and closely layered around the bulb; they should not fray or spread out. Both the stalks and the leaves should be green in color. If you find flowering buds, this may indicate it is past maturity and should not be used. Knowing the scent of fresh fennel is also important – there will be fragrant aroma, smelling subtly of licorice or anise.

Health Benefits: Fennel is crunchy, refreshing and slightly sweet, and is most popular in Mediterranean cuisine. This vegetable exhibits a long life span, available fresh and at its best from autumn through early spring. Truly a winter herb. Fennel has strong antioxidant activity because of its unique combination of phytonutrients (flavonoids rutin, quercitin, and various kaempferol glycosides). The phytonutrient anethole in fennel has repeatedly shown to reduce inflammation and to help prevent the occurrence of cancer. In addition to its unusual phytonutrients, fennel bulb is an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber and potassium. Fennel


Store fresh fennel in the refrigerator crisper, where it should keep fresh for about four days. For the most flavor, use the vegetable as soon as possible after purchase. December is a great month to try fennel. You may find it to be a vibrant addition to your holiday meals this season! References: 1.http://www.whfoods. com/genpagephp?tname=f oodspice&dbid=23 2.http://www.foodista. com/recipe/4CLV84T5/ oven-braised-fennel

Written by Brittany Russell

Oven Braised Fennel (4 Servings)


Heat oven to 350 degrees.



Trim bulbs and slice lengthwise, about ¼-inch thick.


Place sliced fennel in a single layer in a baking dish or roasting pan.


Drizzle fennel with olive oil, then sprinkle with salt and pepper.

3 medium fennel bulbs ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

4. Cover the dish and bake until fennel is light golden brown and tender Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste 45 minutes to 1 hour). For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.comwhen pierced 28 (approximately December 2009

Apricot Buttermilk Salad


Eliminate Refined Sugar

From the Healthy Beginnings test kitchen of Lois Ehlers

The Buzz About Manitoba White Honey Raw and Organic Untreated and Unheated Rich in Enzymes “I lost 70 pounds by eliminating refined sugar, So Can You!” - Susan Williams

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1 cup of snipped dried apricots 1 cup of Water 3 oz. package of orange flavored jello 1 cup of buttermilk

1 cup of whipped cream 1/3 cup of Macademia nuts


RECIPES Always found on our website!

Banana-Pecan Muffins


From the Healthy Beginnings test kitchen of Lois Ehlers

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Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour

1/2 cup brown sugar(packed) 1 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp. salt 1 cup mashed ripe bananas December 2009

1/4 cup butter-room temp. 1/4 cup buttermilk 3tbs. extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 cup chopped pecan pieces 1 large egg 29

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How to Prepare: 1. Combine dried apricots with water and bring to a boil. 2. Remove from heat. 3. Add one 3 oz. package of apricot flavored jello. Stir in gelatin. 4. Cool to room temperature 5. Once cooled, add 1 cup of buttermilk and let set in the refrigerator until it starts to jell. 6. Remove and fold in 1 cup of whipped cream 7. Fold in 1/3 cup of macademia nuts. I prefer all natural. This fills a 4 cup mold and is delicious.

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How to Prepare: 1. Pre heat oven to 350 F 2. use muffin baking cups or spray muffin pan with organic cooking spray. I used a 6 cup muffin tin( if you have an 8 cup pan, fill two of the cups with water). and I also made 10 miniature muffins with this recipe. 3. Whisk together flour,sugar,baking powder,baking soda and salt in a bowl.

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4. mix banana, egg, butter, buttermilk, oil and vanilla in a large bowl until smooth. Gradually add the flour mixture. stir until blended. Add the pecans. Mix, but don”t over mix. 5.Fill muffin cups 3/4th full. Same for the miniature muffins. 6. Bake until a wooden pick comes out clean. Large muffins take about 20 minutes and miniature muffins 8 minutes.

Relax and Rejuvenate Today!


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December 2009

Baked Brie


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1/4 c. apricot preserves; Fresh dill weed; optional optional Red and green grapes; optional 1/2 lb. wheel Brie or CamApples, sliced; optional embert cheese 1/2 lb frozen phyllo dough, Pears, sliced; optional 10-12 sheets, thawed 1/2 c. butter, melted

Enjoy Laughter this Holiday Season

Quote of the Month:

“Good intentions are no substitute for action; failure usually follows the path of least persistence.”

Holiday Jokes: Ever Wonder Why the Same Things Happen...

What do elves learn in school? -The elf-abet! What do snowmen eat for breakfast? -Frosted Flakes! What do you call an Eskimo cow? -An Eskimooooo! What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? -Frost Bite!

Happy Holidays! from Healthy Beginnings Magazine December 2009


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How to Prepare: 1. Spread preserves on top of the Brie. 2. Wrap the Brie in thawed phyllo dough one sheet at a time, brushing each sheet with melted butter. (Keep unused phyllo covered with damp cloth while wrapping Brie.) 3. Turn cheese over after applying each sheet of phyllo for even distribution. 4. Brush phyllo-wrapped Brie with butter. 5. Cover; refrigerate. 6. Before serving, place the phyllo-wrapped cheese in a shallow baking pan. Bake in a 425 degree oven 8-12 minutes or until golden. Let stand 10 minutes. Garnish with optional dill weed and fruit if desired. Serve with crackers. Baby Brie in Phyllo: Prepare Baked Brie in Phyllo as directed above except use 2 tablespoons apricot preserves, substitute two 4 1/2 ounce packages Brie or Camembert cheese for the 2 pound wheel; use 1/4 pound phyllo dough (six sheets) and 1/4 cup melted butter. Combine as above, dividing preserved, phyllo, and butter between the cheese rounds. Makes 2 rounds, 8-10 servings each.

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December 2009


It’s Not All About Diet Written by Virginia Parsons, MS, CCHT, CTLC


inter Solstice approaches as a time to reflect, and contemplate the meaning of the season. Although this is a time of giving and celebrating, why not start by putting yourself on the top of your holiday list. The holiday onslaught of high fat sweets and libations can be tempting. Instead of succumbing, enjoy the holidays with renewed energy, improved health and longevity and still lose weight or at the very least maintain your weight with some helpful tips. Here is a list of ideas to assist you through the holidays and beyond, so that this year your diet resolutions will stick and you experience health everyday. 1. Pick up an inexpensive pedometer to track your activity each day. It measures the number of walking steps you take, and reminds you to strive for at least 10,000 steps/day. 2. Play ball with a 25 inch exercise body ball. They are fun to bounce on or toss and offer many ways to tone and tighten. Some even come with variable resistance tubing for greater variety. Consider one for your desk chair as well. 3. Heart rate monitors provide a great way to track your exertion levels and keep you motivated to reach your weekly activity goals. The kind that wrap around your chest and include a monitor watch are best. 4. Transitions Glycemic Index Food

Guide, by Dr. Shari Lieberman helps you select low glycemic load foods that give you lots of energy, keep your blood sugar balanced, and the weight off. www. 5. Enlist comprehensive support, meal planner, exercise logs, recipes, grocery lists, progress charts, and stress reduction tips with a subscription to www. 6. Extend Snacks were developed by Dr. Francine Kaufman, past president of the American Diabetes Association. These delicious snack crisps and bars help control blood sugar levels for up to 9 hours. You will be less inclined to over eat or crave sweets when your blood sugar stays balanced. 7. I-pod mini Shuffles are great for storing your motivating music. These light, clip-on music players help keep you energized through any workout. 8. Monitor your progress with a scale that measures your body fat in addition to your weight. Do not be married to the scale for weight loss, instead focus on body fat loss. Measuring weight alone has never been a good indicator of true fat loss. And isn’t that what you really want to lose? This is just a sampling of tools to assist you through the holiday season. Of course, the best gift of permanent weight loss is your renewed vitality, increased health and longevity, not to mention how

December 2009


great you will look and feel in all those new clothes! Have a wonderful holiday season. References: 1. Dare to Lose, Lieberman, 2002 2. Transitions Lifestyle System Easy to Use Glycemic Index Guide. Lieberman, 2006.

For more info, contact Virginia Parsons at (775) 250-6482.

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n this day and age, people are looking for ways to lose inches and improve their appearance. There are several ways to achieve this. The most well-known augmentation for body fat changes is liposuction. However, liposuction can cause severe bruising, and uneven appearance. Nowadays there are many non-invasive ways to achieve changes in the appearance of the body. Two of these are Lypossage and Endermologie. The following is a comparison chart of Liposuction, Lypossage and Endermologie. This chart is intended to inform the individual of the options available.

LYPOSSAGE Who can perform treatments?

H ow D oes it Work?


Side Effect/Recovery Time


A Licensed Massage Therapist hands on treatment Body Contouring Machines: Massage Therapists, Aestheticians, Nurses, and other trained bodyworkers or health care professionals

Trained practitioners in an office that owns the machines: Chiropractors, Aestheticians, Massage Therapist, Spa owner, Entrepreneurs

Hands On: incorporates Complex Physical Therapy, Manual Lymph Drainage, Myofascial Massage: manual manipulates the tissue to soften fascia, stimulates circulation, promotes toxin drainage Machines: uses Directional Stroking and Percussion action incorporating percussion, deep tissue mobilization, kneading and compression Choose between the two

Endermologie machine uses rollers that feel like deep tissue massage over problem areas of the skin. Suction is used to redistribute the skin, and remove dimpling.

Removes fat deposits from under the skin using a hollow stainless steel tube called a cannula with the assistance of a powerful vacuum. -Patient is usually put under general or local anesthetic

-Temporary reduction of appearance of cellulite - Aids in breaking down adhesions between superficial and deep tissue -Increases local circulation -Aids in mobilizing edema in congested areas -provides passive exercise for paralyzed areas

-Reduction in appearance of cellulite -Improves circulation -Exfoliates the skin to smoothen it

Weight-related health issues are improved with the loss of fat -Improved overall appearance - Reduction in appearance of cellulite

-May experience minor bruising -May experience some bruising -Elimination- it is common to have a -Some soreness bowel movement after treatment -Some soreness

Acute inflammation, Skin lesions, Pregnancy or menstrua(issues that prevent a person tion, Poor Heart Conditions, Varicose from having the proposed Veins, Morbid Obesity (over 70lbs treatment) overweight), Type 1 Diabetes


-Swelling 2 weeks to 2 months -Major bruising which may last up to 2 weeks -Numbness that may last several weeks -Scarring varies and may take as long as a year to heal -Limited mobility -Extreme pain

Cancer, Pregnancy, Fevers or Infection, Circulatory problems, Varicose veins, over 30lbs overweight

Significant stretch marks, clotting problems, lupus, diabetes, vascular problems, depression, hypertension, smoking/drug use, pregnant, morbid obesity (over 30lbs) *One session


*Varies- results usually seen after 6-8 sessions *Recommend 15-20 *Maintenance-up to client every 2 months

* Minimum 14 sessions * Need 14-28 to see results *Maintenance-every month


$70-$90 per session

$80-$100 per session

For more info, contact Kaleigh Richards at Sierra Body Contouring at (775) 233-0346.

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Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeons, other properly trained physicians


December 2009

$2000 +

Relief Pain.. from

The Missing Link in Body Work Myofascial Release for Chronic Tension Written by Jane O’Brien, PT, MSPT


magine having neck and shoulder pain day after day. You decide to see your doctor to find out what is wrong. He examines you and finds nothing abnormal. He sends you for an MRI, which also shows nothing wrong. They send you to traditional physical therapy for hot packs, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, joint mobilizations, stretches and strengthening and home exercises. You get minor relief but nothing significant. You are ready to just accept that this how you will feel forever. What if there was something wrong in your body that MRI’s and Xrays cannot measure? What if there was a treatment that exists which could give you the answers and help you seek relief? What could it be?

Myofascial Release and Myofascial Unwinding Many car accident victims will report not having a memory of anything after being hit. They have no idea how the car ended up across the road, wrapped around a pole. This is a phenomenon where one goes into a state of disassociation at the moment of trauma to survive. The physical and psychological memory imprints the trauma into our mind/body awareness. Our autonomic nervous system goes into a state of hyper arousal and exhausts us. Myofascial Release and myofascial unwinding can help resolve this state of disassociation. Fascia is connective tissue, which extends without interruption from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. It surrounds and infuses every tissue, organ, nerve, blood vessel, muscle and bone down to the cellular level. Because fascia permeates all regions of the body and is all interconnected, when it scars and hardens in one area (following injury, inflammation, disease, surgery, etc.), it can put tension on adjacent pain-sensitive structures, as well as on structures in far-away areas. Some people have bizarre pain symptoms that appear to be unrelated to the original or primary complaint. These symptoms can now often be understood in relationship to our understanding of the fascial system. Myofascial unwinding ( the movement aspect of Myofascial Release), guides the patient into positions of past trauma so he or she can heal. Tissue memory releases the instinctual bracing patterns and deactivates the freeze response. The release of tissue memory allows the patient to return to consciousness, become grounded and progress toward health. December 2009


Myofascial Release is great for neck and shoulder pain. When a person sits at the desk for long periods of time, stressed by their work or their positioning, the body tenses and contracts. It may seem that the shoulders are being sucked up into one’s ears. Myofascial release can offset that chronic holding pattern and allow for softening of the shoulder girdles. A common complaint of the lower body is hip pain, pelvic pain and discomfort with intercourse. Surgeries, traumas and prolonged labor can cause the pelvic floor muscles to tighten and scar. Hip motions may feel restricted. Myofascial release can help relieve tension of the pelvic floor, hips, abdomen and back. A byproduct may be improved bladder health and orgasm potential. Many patients today are diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is theorized that many of these people are really suffering from a tight fascial system. Pain from a trauma or surgery can cause one to tighten and guard the painful area. This tension can lead to more pain and more guarding which leads to more pain. This becomes a a chronic cycle until an intervention can break it. Myofascial release has been shown to be a highly effective form of relief for these tension so called syndromes.

Continued on page 50...

Relief from Incontinence Women’s Health • Pelvic Pain • Painful Intercourse Overactive Bladder • Decreased Orgasm Tailbone Pain • Pelvic Organ Prolapse Mayofascial Release For Pain Relief, call


Jane O’Brien, PT MSPT

Managed by North Tahoe PT

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Naughty or Nice? Written by Terry Lowey


emember the legendary story that you were taught in grade school about George Washington, as a young boy, admitting that he chopped down the cherry tree? It has been well over 200 years, and tens of thousands of heroic and monumental acts have transpired since that time. Still, the story of the boy telling the truth endures. Why? Because being honest takes that much courage. In Washington’s story, and perhaps in our own, the simple act of telling the truth is a harbinger of potential for greatness. Among the qualities that separate other animals and life forms from humans is our ability to think and choose. There are laws of nature for the relative stability and security that we are privileged to experience in our every day lives. The degree that people lie upsets and unsettles that natural order, disrupting the flow of the Highest Good. Certain behaviors such as stealing, jealously, cheating, and murdering are universally viewed as diminishing quality of life, and therefore discouraged.

Moral codes to guide us are found in every culture with ancient wisdom coming from sources such as The Ten Commandments, The Yoga sutras, The Ten Nonvirtures, etc. Lying has deleterious effects to living with integrity. Freedom of speech, and the power to use it casually to distort the truth has become too commonplace. We must have lost our historical perspective: There are places on this planet even today where you might be put to death for expressing your opinion. And yet, it seems, we take freedom of expression so for granted that we open our mouths and speak deliberate untruths without giving it a second thought. Big or small a lie is a lie.

‘good intentions’. One example is when a child who accurately perceives a problem with their parent asks, “What’s wrong?” only to have the parent blandly reply “Nothing.” Although the parent may have been trying to spare the child worry, the actual outcome is that the child will either think their parent is lying or will come to mistrust their own intuition. Neither of

these is a positive result and both have lasting and cumulative effects. It would help the child to develop emotional intelligence by validating their impression, acknowledging that adults do have feelings and struggles, too, while at the same time assuring them that all will be well. The truthful answer might be: “I am having a bit of a hard time, sweetie. Thank you for

Receiving information in the form of facts and even personal validation is absolutely necessary to increase insight and understanding. The sum of our lives consists of our choices. The more informed our choices, the more we can act with confidence in creating positive outcomes. Lies feed misinformation into the feedback loop. Like an algebraic equation with random numbers inserted, lies do not lead to high quality solutions. Often lies are told with misdirected For past issues, go to:


December 2009

noticing and for caring. Everyone struggles sometimes, right? I know I’ll get it figured out. I’m o.k.”

clarity, confidence, hope, security and optimism. While lying stirs angst, truth promotes a sense of peace and well-being.

The employee who lies on their timecard is stealing from their employer. The immediate gratification of some extra cash in their pocket is short-sighted and misguided if the goal is to be employed and to make money. The employee who can be trusted is a valuable asset and far more likely to both be employed and to be financially compensated. Couples who lie to each other detract from the potential depth of their connection to the degree that they lie. “If you tell the truth you have a relationship. If you don’t, you have an entanglement.” (Hendricks). Students who cheat on a test or plagiarize their work are lying about what they know and even who they are.

Then there are the lies we tell ourselves in the form of denial. 12-step programs share an acronym for the word: Don’t Even know I Am Lying. We can masterfully convince ourselves that although he flies into a rage and hits me this time, surely he will never do it again; that just having this one drink won’t ruin my sobriety; that cheating on my spouse isn’t that big of a deal – after all, what they don’t know can’t hurt them.

The one we hurt the most with our lies: ourselves, of course. With every lie we chip away at truth and clarity; we muddy the waters. We validate that we lack the pure courage, conviction and self-confidence to speak the truth. We slip further away from discovering our true selves. Our personal power is diminished and squelched. Even when there is short-term gain, it is inconsequential in comparison to the ground that is lost. Why do we lie? At the core of it is FEAR: fear of someone being mad at us; fear of conflict; fear of getting in trouble; fear of admitting we made a mistake and appearing foolish; fear of scarcity; fear of rejection, fear of failure, and fear that we are just not good enough. Lying is characterized by guilt and denial. It even affects us physiologically. “Dishonesty…creates more energetic exhaustion because you have to ‘protect the lie’ you’ve created. Such negative mental attitudes trigger an adrenaline reaction in the physical body and frequently result in chronic exhaustion, depression and low self-esteem.” Conversely, we can “retrieve the energy” by telling the truth. (Myss) Lying engenders doubt, mistrust, cynicism, obsessive worry, paranoia and a view of life as inherently hazardous. Behaviors such as keeping secrets, withholding information, and avoiding, dominate our lives and often results in blaming and projecting onto others. Truth is grounded; it fosters

Lies are a key component in any addiction process, and are addictive themselves. They are told in vain efforts to manipulate the truth so we won’t have to deal with difficulty, won’t have to face and feel something unpleasant, so that we can avoid and even escape consequences. Like any addiction, lies are an avoidance mechanism that ultimately results in deeper, higher and far more unpleasant messes than we ever would have incurred if we would have made the choice of telling the truth to begin with. The longer the time taken to deal directly and honestly with a situation, the more distorted and unmanageable it becomes, creating a bigger burden, which is harder to resolve. We need to understand the raw power inherent in our freedom to choose, each choice crafting the quality of our lives and emanating from us out into our world. In her poem ‘The Kookaburras’ Mary Oliver writes: “In every heart there is a coward and a procrastinator. In every heart there is a god of flowers, just waiting to stride out of a cloud and lift it’s wings.” No matter what we are faced with we can choose to align with the peace that comes from honesty. Instead of diminishing the power and beauty of the spirit within us, know as the ancients do that “The truth will set you free.” References: 1. WHY PEOPLE DON’T HEAL AND HOW THEY CAN by Caroline Myss, Ph.D. 2. THE CONSCOIUS HEART by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks 3. Speaking Truth The Art of Sacred Speech by Robert. E Svoboda

For more info, contact Terry Lowey MFT at (775) 322-1924. Go to ad on THIS page.

December 2009



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HolidayBlues Written by Dana Anderson

Whatever the case may be, feelings of loneliness can be greatly enhanced during the holiday season. Th e h o l i d ay s also bring up grief. While we may be celebrating and joining with our current loved ones, we are reminded of those who have passed on. This can be particularly difficult for those who have lost someone in the past year, making it the first holiday without them. For most, celebrating these firsts can be bittersweet. These occasions can also trigger sadness and anxiety from oliday Blues refers to depression that occurs during the years past. There are many who grew up Holiday season, usually from as children of divorce. Although children Thanksgiving and into the adapt and their resiliency celebrates the New Year. Generally, holidays are a time positives-“Santa comes to both houses, when we come together with our families twice the presents, etc.” for many, their and friends to celebrate each other and holiday involves two homes, mom’s in the morning and dad’s the occasion. For many, in the afternoon, making it can be the only time One sure way to snap out of the year that allows of the blues is to help others, the holidays chaotic. Arrangements and schedfor family visiting and because you stop thinking ules can add burden to all this can be joyful. For about your problems and involved, causing stress, others, it can be a very yourself. anxiety, and grief in childifficult time that brings dren. Adult children of up issues of separation and loneliness, divorce can still have the wounds, and grief, trauma, and confusion. unless resolved, continue to live with Separation can be that feeling of being them. on the outside looking in, but somehow There are many who grew up suffering unable to be a part of the group. During the holidays, there is music and apparent trauma during the holidays and alcohol and commercial joy everywhere, yet you can be a major factor. You may know don’t feel like participating. Or you are someone who hates the holidays but truly alone, orphaned by circumstances. cannot explain why. With a little ques-


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tioning you learn that there was always some big battle at the dinner table when someone was intoxicated and things got loud or violent. The emotional or physical trauma is carried on often with no awareness of it. The holidays can make us feel anxious especially during challenging economic times. “How can I justify spending this money when I can barely pay my mortgage?” With families struggling to survive, difficult choices come up. There may be confusion around expectations…who to buy gifts for…what to buy….how with no money, etc. For parents who are struggling and want to give their children a special holiday, be creative. This year make your gifts, write a letter, go for a walk, give your time to family and be of service to the community. One sure way to snap out of the blues is to help others, because you stop thinking about your problems and yourself. These times are calling us to live more simply. There is a blessing in this. It may seem cliché yet it is true. The gifts we treasure most are less tangible. Spending time, showing up, going to an event, going for a hike, and being of services to others; all of these things are ways to cope with the blues. There is no need to add undue stress during the holidays, the frenzy of activity is already enough. Another tip to help you through if you are feeling blue, do not feel you have to be around toxic people just because you have in the past, grieve the loss and replace it with a healthy choice. Practicing kindness and compassion to yourself and others are the gifts that keep on giving, especially since someone around you may be quietly experiencing holiday blues. Many blessings, Dana Anderson MFT For more info, contact Dana Anderson MFT at (775) 323-4242.

Go to ad on page 48.

December 2009


Continued from page 20

Curcumin is well known in the herbal and nutritional field. In one doubleblind study, curcumin matched cortisone as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. Recently, scientists in India isolated a sub-particle of curcumin known as a curcuminoid, which is approximately 100 times as potent as curcumin in reducing pain and inflammation. Curcuminoids are sub-particles, which make up the supplement blend Curamin. Curcumin has several of these curcuminoids which are very specific for COX-2 inhibition. Curcumin is derived from the herb turmeric and curcuminoid is the most powerful and active ingredient for chronic and acute pain relief. By combining curcumin, curcuminoids, boswellia, DLPA and nattokinase, you have a natural and powerful antiinflammatory and pain reliever. These ingredients have been proven time and again to be highly effective and safe for extended use. All are contained in the supplement Curamin. When you use natural ingredients such as turmeric or its active compound curcumin, you are using wisdom of the ages from 5,000 years ago. Turmeric and curcumin have been traditionally used to support individuals who are suffering from pain and inflammation. It is as effective as any medication, and with no side effects. But if this is not enough, over 2,000 references to articles on turmeric and curcumin have been published in peer reviewed professional journals.

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This Information was provided by EuroPharma at Curamin can be purchased at The Vitamin Connection For more info, contact the Vitamin Connection at (775)825-3993. Go to ad on page 11. December 2009

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KIDSCORNER Written by Ariana Purcell, 11 years old

The Healthy Adventurer


ingle Bells, jingle bells... as you know, the holidays are here and I am so excited! Family, friends and food! Of course, presents are great too! Here are some ideas on how to ask someone what they want without letting them know.

I began my healthy adventures in 1972 traveling all over the world by bike. Today I am 69 years old and still going strong. It is never to late to live a healthy active life and be your own healthy adventurer.

* Look at a magazine or catalog and point to something specific and ask your friend/ family member if they like it too. * Tell them, “I really like you?” or “I don’t even know what I want for Christmas you?” * Start a conversation about the things on your holiday list and say “what about you?” A perfect way to step into winter and the holiday season is to hang out with your family. When I go to visit my family, we stay up late and eat snacks. Here are some great ways to snack in a healthy way!

Australia, December 2009 Though it would have been exciting to encounter a real “croc”, the major highlight of this geography was the gorge itself. In place of the typical Australian bush, tropical vegetation covered the riverbanks. Eventually, as I paddled on, even that was replaced by steep 50m high rock walls. Then came rapids. I beached the boat and continued on a foot trail. I so much enjoyed this beautiful change from the monotony of the bush land.

1) Nuts that are lightly salted 2) Fruit salad (cut-up oranges, apples, bananas, etc) 3) Veggies and dip 4) Whole Grain Crackers with cheese 5) Juice spritzers At times, you may feel that spending all of the extra time with your family might get on your nerves. Just remember, you don’t see them every day. Enjoy them while you can! You can make them a hand-made card to let them know that you love them.

The rain resumed in strength as I biked back to the town of Katherine. Not far away were thermal springs that maintain the temperature of a natural pool at an even 93 degrees F. How could I resist a luxurious bath? I went for it. While the rain kept pouring, I just did not want to get out of the water. My belongings I had secured under the protective cover of my rain jacket. As usual I had not brought a towel along. When I eventually had to get out of the pool, I hand wiped some of the moisture off me and rushed into my clothes. Movement would get and keep me warm. It was mid afternoon. Was this not a good time to stay at a motel in town? Though I had seen several nice ones in passing, somehow I felt the urge to bike on into the rain as if I could leave it behind that way.

What you’ll need: Paper, glitter, holiday stickers, holiday stamps, scissors, markers, pens or pencil, glue and paper cut-outs. 1) Fold the paper in half or in quarter folds. 2) Write a message on the front of the card, the inside of the card and you can even write “created by,” with your name on the back of the card. 3) Decorate the card with glitter, stickers, stamps and paper cut-outs. 4) Don’t forget to sign the card! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or what ever saying you use to have joy in this season.

“With joyful passion for health and peace” Hans

For more info, contact Ariana Purcell at

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December 2009


The Universal Diagnosis Submitted by Carol Christian


No doctors have more experience treating chronic inflammation than the physicians who specialize in autoimmune disorders. For decades these diseases have provided the clearest example of a body at war with itself. The spark that fuels their internal destruction does not come from excess cholesterol deposits or a stubborn bacterial infection. Instead, in a bizarre twist of fate, the body’s super sophisticated, learned immunological defenses mistakenly direct an inflammatory attack Health begins from against healthy cells in within. It is important such places as the joints, to ward off inflamma- nerves, connective tissue tion before it becomes and intestinal lining.

hen most people think of inflammation, they think of the “itises:” arthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis. But as TIME magazine pointed out in their famous cover story in 2005, most inflammation is “silent.” You do not feel it is happening in your blood vessels, as the driving force in atherosclerosis. Nor do you feel inflammation in your internal organs or your brain.

Inflammation is now one of the hottest areas of medical research where a publication or another study uncovering a new way chronic inflammation does harm to the disease process. Every single day you the body appears regularly. replace more than 300 It may even foster the probillion cells. You control liferation of abnormal cells and facilitate the quality of those new cells by your their transformation into cancer. In other behaviors and choices; it is not entirely words, chronic inflammation may be genetic. Only 35% of how you experithe engine that drives many of the most ence the degeneration or aging process feared illnesses of middle and old age. is pre-determined. This means you can This concept is so intriguing because reduce damage to your cells and increase it suggests a new and possibly much sim- repair instead, resulting in building a betpler way of warding off disease. Instead ter body one cell at a time. of different treatments for, say, heart disGood health begins with the gastroease, Alzheimer’s and colon cancer, there intestinal (GI) tract because any damage might be a single, inflammation-reducing that occurs there goes throughout the remedy that would prevent all three. body. Aloe vera is known predominantly Sometimes the reason for the initial for its topical benefits when applied to a inflammatory cycle is obvious — as with scrape or a burn. However, it is actually chronic heartburn, which continually just as beneficial when ingested. bathes the lining of the esophagus with Eat well. Digest better. Much occurs stomach acid, predisposing a person to inside our gastrointestinal (GI) tract after esophageal cancer. Other times, it’s less we eat, including digestion, nutrient abclear. sorption, and the elimination of waste. December 2009


Many of these functions are carried out by naturally occurring bacteria. Poor diet, age, stress, and antibiotic use tend to deplete our natural intestinal flora, leaving us vulnerable to ‘unfriendly’ bacteria and other toxins that can cause discomfort or more chronic conditions. What can you do? The good news is that probiotics can help us replenish our ‘friendly’ bacterial cultures. Curcumin is a phytochemical found in the spice turmeric. It is a powerful antioxidant and may help prevent the development of a variety of conditions related to oxidative and free radical damage. Antioxidants, especially curcumin, have been shown to help protect the GI tract from serious damage. Health begins from within. It is important to ward off inflammation before it becomes the disease process. For more info, contact Carol Christian at the Reno Alternative Health Clinic (775) 827-6888.

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Chocolate for Health? Written by Cathy Johannsen

Two of the most serious health challenges facing Americans today are diabetes and heart disease and both are positively affected by eating dark chocolate. More Americans die of heart disease every year than from any other cause. Cocoa impacts cardiovascular health via vasodilation (opening or relaxing blood vessels), blood pressure reduction, decreased inflammation, anticoagulation (stopping platelets from forming blood clots), inhibition of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and raising the HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels.

t would be great to be able to eat chocolate freely without feeling guilty. What if eating chocolate could actually improve your health? Sounds too good to be true? It’s not! Numerous studies now show that eating chocolate -- at least non-processed dark natural chocolate -- can have an extraordinarily positive effect on your health.

moderation may be a responsible health decision and part of a heart-healthy diet. While a big surprise to most people, cocoa is one of the most concentrated sources of flavonoids. Flavonoids are natural antioxidants found in dark chocolate, as well as some teas, red wine, tomatoes and other foods that have been shown to improve cardiovascular health.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in their March 2005 issue suggests that the same flavonoids that help with cardiovascular health can also improve the utilization of insulin in diabetic patients. Between 1997 and 2004 the number of individuals diagnosed with diabetes increased by 54%. High blood sugar causes the serious side effects of diabetes. Cocoa flavonoids make the body more sensitive to insulin (or decrease insulin resistance), thus, reducing blood sugar levels. Further research suggests that cocoa can help stabilize blood sugar levels, assist with weight control and improve insulin resistance.

Many experts now suggest that consuming unprocessed dark chocolate in

The benefits of dark chocolate are vast and far-reaching for overall health.

Keep in mind-- not all chocolate is created equal. The health benefits directly


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December 2009

associated with cocoa relate almost solely to dark chocolate which has been cool processed with a cocoa content of 60% or more. Because polyphenols (antioxidants) come from the cocoa bean and not the milk, cream, sugar and other additives loaded into many processed chocolate candies, the darker the chocolate, the better it is for you.

Healthy Chocolate? Not all chocolate is created equal. Our healthy chocolate can: • Improve Circulation • Reduce Blood Pressure • Enhance Cell Signaling • Decrease Platelet Clumping • Improve Cholesterol Levels • Help Weight Control & More Some things are not too good to be true.

To maintain the health benefits of dark chocolate, it is vitally important to obtain chocolate that is minimally processed, and avoid chocolate that has been “dutched” or alkalinized. Solutions can be sorted by whether they are: acid, alkali or neutral. ... Acids and alkalis are corrosive. They eat into things. Alkalis have a soapy taste. Processing chocolate destroys up to 75% of the antioxidants that occur in natural, unprocessed, antioxidant-rich cocoa. Always search for chocolate that has been cool-processed because heat, through processing, will also destroy the natural polyphenols of cocoa. Most of all, enjoy your healthy dark chocolate on a daily basis -- Guilt-Free!

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References: 1.Grassi D, et al. Short-term administration of dark chocolate is followed by a significant increase in insulin sensitivity and a decrease in blood pressure in health persons. 2.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2005 Mar

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For more info, contact Cathy Johannsen at (530) 412-4221.

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The Adrenal Glands Our Body’s Principal Hormonal Energy Source Written by Michael Gerber, MD, HMD


ll life stress impinges on the adrenal glands. No matter the cause, if you’re exhausted, can’t sleep, anxious, fearful, have no endurance, can’t focus or concentrate, memory going or gone, have an upset stomach, are easily frustrated and angry, have irritable bowels, chronically fatigued, chronically ill from viruses, stress, bacteria, dependent on stimulants or pain medications, need antidepressants, cigarettes, caffeine, sugar, alcohol or marijuana to get through the day, require anti anxiety agents to cope or sleep and when life’s inevitable stresses reduce one to tears and non functionality, this is adrenal burn out. Stress can be moderated by many lifestyle changes, but when the adrenals are fatigued or exhausted, nothing helps our body faster and more deeply than adrenal cortical support, which is the subject of this article. The adrenal glands sit atop our kidneys and have been likened in appearance to Napoleon’s hat. In Chinese medicine the kidney/adrenal glands are the source of all Chi, universal energy. See diagram. Standard, allopathic doctors do not usually diagnose adrenal stress and burn out. The reason being, the majorities of them have limited education about adrenal fatigue and only recognize adrenal failure, as with the medical conditions Addison’s disease or conversely Cushing’s syndrome when one has too much cortisol . However, there is a vast middle

ground of people with the adrenal fatigue syndrome who suffer from a terrible quality of life. A good book on this topic is Adrenal Fatigue –The 21st Century Fatigue Syndrome by James Wilson, ND., DC., Ph.D.

not have an overriding salt issue such as congestive heart failure. A strong vitamin and mineral supplement especially high in B5, pantothenic acid and vitamin C is important.

The number one fact to remember is when your adrenal glands are weak you leak. Leak what? Minerals and neurotransmitters (brain chemicals). Use good salt, Celtic, Himalayan, Kosher or Real salt and avoid regular table salt, which uses aluminum to dry it out and has no trace minerals. The adrenals make aldosterone, a hormone which holds the salt into the body and when the adrenals are weak the aldosterone levels fall and one urinates out sodium and good minerals. You can take ½ tsp of sea salt in a big glass of water morning and after lunch to improve your energy as long as you do

(Lab testing of cortisol levels frequently does not reveal adrenal weakness. Saliva testing of cortisol four times per day is more accurate).

Based on the work of William MCK What to do? Adrenal function needs Jefferies, MD I suggest low dose adrenal to be studied by everyone. Many medical complex shots weekly which contain a professionals find it to small amount of cortisol, be their patients’ numDHEA and pregnenelStandard, allopathic ber one complaint. one, constituents of the doctors do not usually Start by relieving stress adrenal cortex, to help diagnose adrenal stress patients maintain steady via suggestions of reand burn out. laxation techniques, blood sugar and energy exercise and then take levels for up to one week. nutritional and horPeople with more serious monal support for the adrenal glands, adrenal exhaustion can safely take adwhich can be obtained by adrenal tablets renal gland extract tablets or low doses from the health food store and multivita- of cortisol ( 5 mg) two to four times per mins and minerals. Remember rest is the day until they can improve their adrenal best. Sleep eight or nine hours and try to function with nutritional and lifestyle get vacations, even mini ones. interventions.

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References: 1. Adrenal Fatigue The 21st Century Stress Syndrome by James Wilson, ND., D.C., Ph.d Smart Publications Petaluma, CA 2001 2. Safe Uses of Cortisol Second Edition by William McK Jefferies. MD. F.A.C.P. 1996 by Charles C Thomas Publisher, LTD.

For more info, contact Michael Gerber, MD, HMD of the Gerber Medical Clinic at (775) 826-1900.

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December 2009


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It is important to ward off inflammation before it becomes the disease process.


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December 2009


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call 775.848.5032 to Register For past issues, go to:

Why Buy Local?

A Tale of Two Shopping Trips Written by Allison Prater


his holiday season, many of us may find ourselves on tighter budgets. As we still want to be able to find the perfect gift for everyone on our list, the lure of discounts and “great deals” at Big Box stores may seem stronger than ever. There are many members of our community who feel that they would buy local, if only it were more “affordable”. However, as we look closer at the impact of our shopping choices we discover some hidden costs many of us don’t take into account. We also discover that there are many surprise benefits to buying local: Money stays in our community and stimulates it. A recent study conducted by The Anderson Development Corporation found that locally owned businesses create 70 percent more economic impact than chain stores. The study compared 10 local businesses in Chicago’s North Side, with ten chain stores in the area. 100 dollars spent at a local business created an economic impact of 68 more dollars being circulated in the community, the chain store’s economic impact was only 43 dollars. Time magazine recently recognized the importance of buying local in their June 2009 issue as well. They cited another independent study conducted by the New Economic Foundation in London, that compared what happens when people buy produce at a supermarket vs. a farmer’s market or Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and found that TWICE as much money stayed in the community when people bought locally. Local Businesses are also more likely to buy from each other.

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December 2009

Buying Locally creates more community support. Community groups and charitable organizations, receive an average of 250% more support from local business owners. When you support local businesses you give back to Non-profit groups, such as the “Children’s Cabinet” and “For Kids Foundation,” both of which receive a portion of their funding from the local community. Local Businesses are more invested in their communities, because they depend on their support. Many corporations have been able to maintain sub-standard environmental practices, because they know they can just move to counties with more relaxed ordinances. Local businesses offer more personalized service and product selection. Buying locally keeps the Community Unique and encourages more tourism. Several studies are showing that people prefer destinations that offer a sense of place and history. What many people are calling “ghost towns” towns that were shut down by the arrival of Big Box chains, or “Clone towns” that look like they could be any place, are seeing a drop in tourism. People are also more likely to move to towns that have unique local culture as well. There are more environmental benefits to buying local. By supporting the infrastructure that already exists around you, you discourage urban sprawl. Less petroleum is used when local resources, such as produce are purchased. Not only is less fuel used to transfer the food, less fuel is required to keep it fresh in the market. The food can also be harvest ripe when it is grown locally which is

the optimal way to eat produce. The use of other local resources, such as minerals or animals, provide more jobs with less impact on our carbon footprint. Local Businesses create more jobs. Jobs that, on average, pay better wages than their Big Box counterparts. When people are paid a living wage, they are able to contribute more to their community, and require less public assistance. The hidden cost of many low prices at the Big Box stores is reflected in the wages of both the factory workers, and the employees of the establishment. In his book, “In Defense of Food,” Michael Pollan says, “While it is true that many people simply can’t afford to pay more for food, either in money or time or both, many more of us can. After all, just in the last decade or two we’ve somehow found the time in the day to spend several hours on the internet and the money in the budget not only to pay for broadband service, but to cover a second phone bill and a new monthly bill for television, formerly free. For the majority of Americans, spending more for better food is less a matter of ability than priority.” Each dollar we spend is a vote, and we have a responsibility to be informed about what we’re supporting. Let’s cast our votes wisely, and be our own community’s stimulus plan! References: 1. Pollan, Michael, “In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto,” pg. 187 2. The Andersonville Study of Retail Economics By Civic Economics, October 2004 3. 4 . h t t p : / / w w w. t i m e . c o m / t i m e / b u s i n e s s / a r t i cle/0,8599,1903632,00.html

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December 2009



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COMMUNITYRESOURCEGUIDE ACUPUNCTURE DR. GARY DANCHAK, OMD 9393 Gateway Drive Reno, NV 89521 (775) 849-9800 Energetically restore your body’s natural health and balance with Acupuncture and Customized Herbal Formulas. Successful, natural treatments for: MusculoSkeletal & Nerve Pain, Infertility, Pre- & PostMenopause Hormonal Imbalance, Migraines, Allergies, Sleep Disorders, Anxiety, Fatigue, Cholesterol, TMJ & more. Go to ad on page 29.

ASTROLOGY ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMY Robert Ayres (530) 550-1118 The astrology of self-transformationSM. Personal, business, relationship and relocational consultations. Metaphysical teacher. Over forty years of experience. Go to ad on page 53.

CHIROPRACTORS DR. TONY JENSEN 112 Moana Lane St. 101 Reno, NV (775) 323-1222 We take the time to educate you about Chiropractic and how important the nervous system is to your overall existence. That sets us apart from other Chiropractors. Now offering ProAdjuster Technique, NO twisting, popping, safe and effective for all ages. Go to ad on page 47.

COACHING DINNY EVANS, CERTIFIED COACH (530) 414-1420 Find yourself living a life where you know and feel that everything is perfect exactly as it is, through Radical Forgiveness & Radical Manifestation. Offering personal coaching sessions, workshops, ceremonies and group studies. Go to ad on page 31.

COLON HYDROTHERAPY RENO ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CENTER Carol Christian (775) 827-6888 Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure & treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health challenges. Take Action Now! Serving 2 locations: Gerber Medical Clinic & The Ageless Zone (775-826-8888). Go to ad on page 45.

COLON HYDROTHERAPY THE NEVADA CENTER Saundra Koeck (775) 884-3990 ColonOx Hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle, & extraordinarily effective method of systemic detoxification that combines traditional colon hydrotherapy with medical grade ozone. ColonOx hydrotherapy is a valuable treatment for most conditions from allergies to cancer. Go to ad on page 24.

COUNSELING DANA ANDERSON 247 Court Street, Reno, NV (775) 323-4242 Are you not sure of your path in life? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, depressed, restless, alone, unattractive, inadequate or disconnected spiritually, I CAN HELP. Call Dana Anderson today, Individual, Adolescent & Family Therapist. Let me help you find your path. New office location!

ENERGY HEALING MASTER JOHN MIYATA, DSM Executive Stress Care Consultant 218 California Ave. #203, Reno (775) 720-7188 Practicing Total Healing Energy Treatments for over 30 years, Master John uses Shiatsu to harmonize and balance the body’s energy. Relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, body pains, digestive problems, endurance levels, unknown diseases and more. Regain your health and happiness. Go to ad on page 43.

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ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES SIERRA GREEN BUILDING ASSOCIATION Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248 SIGBA membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications.

NEVADA ECONET 1 Booth St. • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 323-3433 Nevada Econet is the primary source of environmental information & education in Northern Nevada. It is a network helping environmentally minded people find each other. Ask us about sustainability resources, clean water, solar energy, land issues, recycling & zero-waste events.

FENG SHUI FENG SHUI CLASSICAL CONSULTING Rebecca Moore Member of Alliance Feng Shui (775) 830-8168 Reno Rebecca is an environmental energy and design consultant who can help you avoid costly mistakes and enjoy long-term prosperity, health and success within your home and business, including existing, remodels, site selection, building design and commercial developments.

HERBAL REMEDIES VIVASAN USA™ • Lana Nickerson 6490 S. McCarran Blvd., Ste. D37 (775) 826-8482 VIVASAN is the magic touch of nature from Switzerland. Offering personal and health care products with the same high Swiss quality acknowledged worldwide; therapeutic essential oils, herbal medicinal creams and balms, natural hair color, foot, body, hair and face products. Go to ad on page 39.

December 2009



STEAMBOAT HOT SPRINGS HEALING CENTER & SPA 16010 S. Virginia, Reno (775) 853-6600 Natural hot springs with healing waters. Private indoor tubs & 5-person outdoor tub. Offering therapeutic massage, detox mud body wraps, facials & skin care. Go to ad on page 30.

HYPNOTHERAPY VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC Life Enhancement Services, LLC (775) 250-6482 Specializing in Weight Loss, Stress Management & Positive Lifestyle Change. Lose weight, increase your vitality, improve your image or change negative habits & thinking. Virginia provides caring & supportive guidance to help bring out your very best. 20 yrs experience. Go to ad on page 33.

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE GERBER MEDICAL CLINIC Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave. • Reno (775)-826-1900 Dr. Gerber brings 35 years of integrative medical experience to support your family’s health care needs in our new 8,800 sq ft. sustainable/green facility with spa, movement studio, IV nutrients, allergy testing, thermography, bio-identical hormones, pediatric and healthy aging services. Go to ad on page 45. RAND FAMILY CARE 6880 S. McCarran Blvd. Suite 14 • Reno (775) 826-RAND (7263) A Blend of Eastern & Western Medicine, complete care for the entire family. Board Certified Family Practitioner. Non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical pain management and treatment. Medical acupuncture and holistic care. Metabolic testing and meal planning. No-Needle Mesotherapy cellulite reduction. Go to ad on page 17.


CHERYL KIRALY, LMT 218 California Ave. Suite 208 • Reno (775) 772-9101

DANIEL KANE, NCTMB 1026 West First Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 233-8404

Relief from chronic pain in neck, back, shoulders, sciatica, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, muscle and joint pain. Combined modalities promote balance and healing. CranioSacral and Reiki available. Cheryl specializes in natural relief helping people regain their quality of life. Go to ad on page 41.

An ancient physio-philosophy that reduces stress and complements other modalities. Using gentle touch, Jin Shin Jyutsu releases accumulated tensions by balancing the body’s life force energy, resulting in deep relaxation and peacefulness. Balance & harmony are necessary for good health.

NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN JESSICA EDGE, BS, ND (775) 324-3500 Assisting the body’s natural healing process using science-based alternative healthcare. Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, hormone balancing, lifestyle modification & hydrotherapy used to address the causes of disease. Menopause, PMS, Diabetes, Migraines, Digestive Problems, High Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Anxiety/Depression, Sleep, Allergies. Go to ad on page 37.


Ancient Medicine for a modern world. This gentle, effective, and empirically proven system of medicine is safe for the entire family. Combined with the latest therapies from modern holistic medicine, a truly integrated system of healthcare emerges. Go to ad on page 15.


Transitions Lifestyle System is a healthy approach to losing weight without going hungry. Lose body fat & increase lean muscle mass to achieve & maintain a healthy weight for life. Call for a FREE introductory session. Go to ad on page 33.

WELLNESS THE VITAMIN CONNECTION 2295 South Virginia St. #13 (775)825-3993

PET CARE SHAKESPEARE ANIMAL FUND (775) 342-7040 The Shakespeare Animal Fund gives financial aid to low income, elderly and disabled pet owners who need help with emergency vet care. We welcome volunteer work and donations.


Tattoo regret? The revolutionary Eliminink Tattoo removal system offers greater success (90%) than laser (50%) with less treatments equaling less cost. Also less painful than laser with less hypopigmentation issues & scarring. Go to ad on page 15.

VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC, NC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 250-6482

Dr. David Edge, O.M.D. 1528 Old Highway 395 Ste. 215 Gardnerville NV 89410 (775)783-4930/ 781-3465

December 2009


COSMETIC AESTHETICS LASER SALON Cindy L. Sult, BSN, RN 940 Matley Lane #9, Reno (775) 622-8505

Reno's only vitamin discount center featuring the largest selection of national brands of vitamins, herbs, and amino acids, including L-Tryptorophan. Also the home of the x7 Turbo Sonic Vibration Therapy machine. First introductory session is FREE! Go to ad on page 11.

For past issues, go to:

CLASSIFIEDS •JOB OPPORTUNITIES• Wanted: Hair Stylist to experiment with Natural Hair Tint Product. Call Lana: (775) 826-8482.

• ROOMS FOR RENT• Room for rent inside beautiful Skin Care/Massage Office. Call Karen (775) 337-2525. Beautiful Zen like office space on tree lined street near river. (775) 338-8617.

Read Your Monthly Health Horoscope at: “I picked up your magazine at Wild Oats and brought it back to the fitness center where I work. I LOVE it because everything is applicable to overall health of body/mind and should be read by everyone that walks in the fitness center. It’s packed with great information; page after page of articles about fitness, nutrition, fat loss, book reviews… anything and everything that applies specifically to the people I see everyday. The layout is beautiful and concise. I’m not even a magazine reader but I just love HB Mag and I can’t believe it’s free!!” -Kimberly Reader in North Valleys, NV

5-Hour Energy Drink Continued from page 7 Other Ingredients: Sucralose: An artificial sweetener sold under the name Splenda, is one of the up-and-coming “next generation” of high-intensity sugar substitutes. It is noncaloric and about 600 times sweeter than sucrose (white table sugar). It is produced by chlorinating sugar (sucrose). This involves chemically changing the structure of the sugar molecules by substituting three chlorine atoms for three hydroxyl groups. There are safety concerns for diabetics, and can cause shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage), enlarged liver and kidneys, spleen issues, reduced growth rate, decreased red blood cell count, aborted pregnancy, decreased fetal body weights, and diarrhea. Potassium Sorbate and Sodium Benzoate: both preservatives meant to inhibit bacteria and molds, increasing the product’s shelf life. Both preservatives are considered to be safe by the FDA. EDTA: stands for Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid and comes in a salt form. It is used as a sequestrant in carbonated beverages and as a metal deactivator in vegetable oils. EDTA is used in cooked and canned meats as a preservative. It can be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes causing asthma, and rashes. As a food additive it is being studied by the FDA for toxicity. It can cause kidney and errors in muscular activity. The makers of 5-hour-Energy discourage the use of its product for pregnant or nursing women, children, and individuals diagnosed with PKU. References: 1. Balch, Phyllis A., CNC and Balch, James F., MD, Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing, Third Edition, Avery (Penguin Putnam Inc), New York, 2000 2. Farlow, Christine Hoza, Food Additive: A short Guide to What’s Safe and What’s not, 2004 Revised Edition, KISS for Health PUblishing, 2004 3. Winter, Ruth, MS. A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives, Third Edition. Crown Pulishers, New York, NY 1989. 4. 5.

For past issues, go to:


Relief from Pain.. The Missing Link in Body Work Myofascial Release for Chronic Tension Continued from page 35 Myofascial release is great for: • Back pain • Jaw pain • Headaches • TMJ • Fibromyalgia • Chronic fatigue • Sciatica • Disc problems

And pelvic floor issues such as : • Pelvic pain, • Urinary incontinence • Infertility • Post mastectomy • Painful intercourse • Endometriosis • Menstrual pain • Tailbone pain • Painful breast implants. References: 1. A Headache in the Pelvis. Wise, D. Anderson, R. National Center for Pelvic Pain, 2003 2. Complementary Therapies in Rehab: Evidence for Efficacy in Therapy, Prevention and Wellness. Second Edition, Davis, C. Chapter 5 “Myofascial Release: The Missing Link in Traditional Treatment.” John F. Barnes, PT p 59-81. 3.“ Without Awareness, There is No Choice!” Barnes, J. PT,OT,Speech Today, Vol. 6, No. 14 “ Fibromyalgia.” Barnes,J. PT, OT, Speech Today, Vol 6, No. 14.

For more info, contact North Tahoe Physical Therapy at (775) 831-6600. Go to ad on page 35.

December 2009

COMMUNITYCALENDAR December 1st, 15th, 9th & 23rd

December 6th

December 12th

Support Groups exploring spirituality and personal empowerment. Men’s group meets Dec 1st & 15th at 6:45pm. Women’s group meets Dec 9th and 23rd at 7:00pm. Om Home (775) 250-7756.

Learn to Winterize Your Home with SIGBA’s workshop. Learn practical advice on how to save energy costs without expensive retrofits. $35 for members, $50 for non-members. Call (949) 306-3465.

December 3rd-6th

December 7th

Festival of Trees & Lights. Barton Foundation’s first annual event at MontBleu Resort & Spa. Live entertainment stage. Different events every day, call (530) 5435614 for more information.

Community Blood Drive - hosted by Barton Auxiliary. At Lake Tahoe Airport from 11am-6pm. Call Dan Kerr at (775) 781-5343. For donor eligibility questions call, (800) 995-4420.

December 5th &11th

December 11th & 12th

Tai Chi Workshop December 5th. Poi workshop December 11th. For more info visit, or call (775) 303-7366 Jowee@theyogiclounge. com

The Journey Beyond Stress. Reno Alternative Health Care proudly presents Cass Phelps’ Moving From the Flow Workshop. Friday from 6-9pm and Saturday 10am- 3pm. To register call Cara (775) 848-5032.

First in a series of workshops on Healthy, Tasty, Stress-Free Eating. 10-noon at The Studio, 1085 So. Virginia St. For details, call Trudy, (775) 787-9010 or Rochelle, (775) 284-5545.

December 12th Free mini peel and learn about skin care, collagen stimulation, rosacea and spider vein removal on face & legs. Cosmetic Aesthetics Laser Salon, 9:30-11:30am. Reserve your spot. (775) 622-8505.

December 12th Carmen Carr’s monthly hike is at Five Lakes this month. Contact (530) 5505192 or for directions to trailhead.

ONGOINGCALENDAR New Classes at The Yogic Lounge New Classes at The Yogic Lounge: Tai Chi and Kung Fu. Rockstar Acroyoga. Visit www. or contact for more info.

Free Chiropractic Workshop Get better faster, Stay better longer, Spend less money. New chiropractic technologies. FREE!!! Tuesday’s 6 – 7:30pm Reserve now - Call today! Jensen Chiropractic (775) 323-1222.

Women's Empowerment Group Wednesdays: 6-7:30pm. Come and find ways to re-enter your life renewed. Contact Dr. Krumpe at (775) 233-0717 or Dr. Unthank at (775) 742-1475.

Transforming Loss Widening the Circle...It is painful life-loss such as this that holds the power to transform our lives. Weekly groups. Phone Terry Lowey at (775) 322-1924.

DECEMBER SPECIAL! 1/2 Off Massage for New Clients

FREE Classes on Chinese Medicine

Denyse Bliss, LMT is offering first time clients 1/2 off their first massage during December. Choose from Reiki, Swedish, Deep Tissue or Hot Stone Massage. Call TresImage today at (775) 323-1414.

Learn about acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, and health with these free classes. Thursdays, 6-7pm. Requests for classes on specific conditions are available and encouraged. Call Dr. David Edge (775) 783-4930/781-3465.

Weekly Group Meditations Group meditations on Mondays at 6pm & Fridays at 6:15pm. Om Home 3670 Grant Drive, Ste 104A, Reno NV. For more info: (775) 250-7756.

Monthly Specials at Reverse Aging Monthly specials on spa packages and detoxification. Experience the “Royal Flush,” infrared saunas and the chi machine. Call Diane, (775) 327-4878.

December 2009


MS Self Help Group Meetings Groups are a source of information & support, an environment for people to gather & share. Groups meet in Reno, Sparks & Truckee. Call (800) 344-4867.

Gluten Free Mondays at Great Harvest Bread Company Enjoy a small variety of gluten free breads baked fresh. Call to reserve yours (775) 3237733. (Disclaimer: We are a wheat Bakery and

cannot guarantee a 100% gluten free product)

For past issues, go to:

ASTROLOGY&HEALTH ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMYsm ••• The Astrology of Self-Transformationsm

Monthly Health Outlook:


SAGITTARIUS Written By Robert Ayres


s we near the end of the year, a cycle is coming to an end. We need to look ahead and make plans for the future. The mind and heart need a sense of direction and purpose in order for our lives to be fruitful. We need goals towards which we strive, so that we can accomplish what we desire. It gives life meaning. The modern debate as to whether there is meaning to life is answered astrologically by the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. It is the sign that rules wisdom and understanding. Culturally, it expresses as religion, philosophy and metaphysics. A modern synthesis of these principles is what Aldous Huxley named “The Perennial Philosophy.” This body of knowledge constitutes the universal cosmic laws upon which all life is based. There is a divine design and a divine plan that give meaning and purpose to life. In the individual consciousness, this understanding and realization is contained within the higher wisdom mind. Each of us needs to actively develop and unfold this part of our awareness. It is present inside each and everyone of us. This is the archetype of the guru, the sage, and the wise one. When this awareness is lively and active within us, we are in a state of understanding how life works. The cosmic laws that rule this game of life can be consciously worked with to position ourselves to live in harmony with life and the universe. This is the foundation of establishing true health: to live in balance and harmony with all life. The Sun enters into Sagittarius on November 21. Every year For past issues, go to:

there is an enlivenment of this consciousness. It wants us to evaluate where we are and identify the trends of time that are affecting us. This should then become the basis for our seeing into and planning for the future. Having a plan becomes essential during the times of dramatic change that we are now experiencing. For most people, their old plans and visions of the future will need changing in order to adjust to the realities of these new times. Career, retirement, vacations, finances, etc. may need to be looked at and require some changes based upon a more negative financial outlook for the future. We have entered into a time of contraction economically, which will demand that we economize and cut expenses. It is time to get lean and mean and get back to basics. Wisdom tells us that the most important things in life are basic and simple and do not require an extravagant lifestyle. Physiologically, Sagittarius and its ruling planet Jupiter, rule the liver and the pancreas. Sagittarians tend to have a weakness in these organs from overindulging. It is a good time to do a liver cleanse in order to release toxicity out of the system. The herbs of The Archer are good for the liver, increase bile flow, and work with the pancreas in balancing the metabolism. Some 52

December 2009

of these herbs are dandelion, horsetail, Oregon grape root, and wild yam. Bach Flower remedies ruled by Sagittarius are vervain and wild oat. They can be useful now. This biochemic salt ruled by this sign is silica. The quartz substance facilitates cleansing and the release of toxins. Let’s get healthy.

· Personal, Business, Relationship & Relocational consultations


Robert Ayres

Robert Ayres is an internationally known astrologer with over 40 years of experience. He can be reached for personal consultations at (530) 550-1118 or at his website at

· Metaphysical teacher · 40+ years of experience

530.550.1118 PO Box 727 · Truckee, CA 96160

Go to ad on THIS page.

Good Dentistry Can Help You Sleep Better

When life takes you to the edge.

Continued from page 25

Oral appliances have their own challenges and are often easy to fix. Excessive salivation appears to be the number one problem. Tooth movement can also come with short and longterm wear, due to improperly fitting appliances. Changes in the bite are more common. As the person wears the appliance, it holds the jaw in an improved position, often improving the health of joints and muscle comfort. The physiologic cost of living with an untreated sleep disorder is high, and its role in causing or compounding other health issues often goes unchecked. A visit with a neuromuscular, TMJ, or sleep-apnea trained dentist can ease your mind and possibly even save your life if you suspect you suffer from sleep-disorders such as sleep apnea. References: 1.Sleep and Health Journal, Shapira, I, 7/09 2.Mcardle N et al. AJBCCM 1999 3.Gozal D, MD, lecture Univ of Louisville 4.Remmers J, MD, lecture 5.Smith, K DDS, lecture Sleep Disordered Breathing, 2008

For more info, contact Dr. Manniko at (775) 825-8366. Go to ad on THIS page.

South Lake Tahoe 530.541.3100

Incline Village 775.831.7144

Roundhill 775.588.3636

Carson City 775.783.3065

Keith Swanson, MD Terrence Orr, MD Stephen Bannar, MD Robert Rupp, MD Daniel Robertson, MD Kyle Swanson, MD

Northern Nevada’s Preferred Neuromuscular Dentist, Now Conveniently Located In Southwest Reno. Exceptional General Dentistry Orthodontics TMJ Sleep Apnea Complete Oral Rehabilitation December 2009


6880 S. McCarran, #9


(775) 825-8366

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Where Can I Dispose of .... Battery Recycling

Aluminum, Steel, Tin, Plastic Ewaste

Bottles, Newspaper, Magazines, Telephone Books, Corrugated Cardboard and Junk Mail/ Mixed Paper

Where to recycle old electronics:

Incline Village Incline Transfer Station 775-831-2971

CleanHarbors Environmental, Reno 775-331-9400 *accepts televisions for free

Improperly disposed batteries may cause pollution problems and bio hazards:

Global Investment Recovery 775-786-8555 *accepts televisions for free

• When burned, batteries release vaporized metals to the air that settle on lakes and streams.

All other landfills and transfer stations charge a fee for ewaste

• In landfills, heavy metals leech from decomposing batteries into ground water below.

Reno/Sparks Recycle America 1100 E. Commercial Row Carson City Carson City Landfill 775-882-3380 Fernley Fernley Transfer Station

Recycling Used Motor Oil and


Most local auto repair and service centers will accept used oil and used oil filter for recylcing. For informtion in other Nevada Communities call the State of Nevada Recycling Hotline at 1-800-597-5865.

Lockwood Landfil, Reno 775-342-0401 *will take Sony electronics for free. All other electronics taken for a fee

Household Hazardous Waste For recycling household hazardouse waste, contact these community resources: Washoe County Health District 775328-2434 Carson City Environmental Health Department 775-887-2190 Nevada Small Business Development Center 800-882-3233 or CleanHarbors Environmental 775-3319400 or

For past issues, go to:


Area Radio Shack, Batteries Plus, Home Depot, Lowe's Stores and Whole Foods take a variety of batteries.

• Lead and corrosive acids pose human and animal hazards, as contact produces burning to skin, eyes, etc.

Compact Fluorescent Light

Bulb Recycling

Waste Management of Nevada Recycle America Reno Transfer Station Stead Transfer Station Commercial Row Transfer Station Capital Sanitation Dayton Transfer Station Incline Village Transfer Station CleanHarbors Environment Fernley Transfer Station IVGID Waste Virginia City Transfer Station

December 2009

Healthy Gifts to Share Buy Now! HERBS& SUPPLEMENTS Learn Your Nutritional Status - At Home PrivaTest is a simple in-home test that scientifically answers your need to know what vitamins, minerals and vital nutrients your body needs every day. Personalized Custom Essentials are delivered directly to your door based on your test results. Healthy Living Products

Free Natural Stress Reliever! Magnolia Extract is the natural way to reduce stress and tension. Buy one bottle for just $14.95 and get the second bottle FREE! Use Savings Key Code: N44961. Health Freedom Nutrition • 800.980.8780 255 Bell St. • Reno, NV 89503 •

BODY BENEFITS Stop Arthritis Pain Fast

Find Your Center @ The Yogic Lounge

Got pain? For arthritis, muscle aches and pains, hands, neck, shoulder and back pain get Elmore Oil. Elmore Oil is all natural, fast acting and smells good. Visit Chonne’s Salon, Sierra Compounding Pharmacy, Don’s Pharmacy, Village Pharmacy in Incline, Burke’s Drug Greenbrae, Sierra Nevada Wellness Center or contact us today! Elmore Oil • 775.250.3030

Yoga, Belly Dance, Martial Arts, Circus Fitness, Acro Yoga We invite you to take time out of your day to experience a yoga, martial arts, or belly dance class that will change your life. We offer private lessons to take your practice to the next level. Our practices enhance other forms of atheletics. Come on in and find your center and build community!

December 2009 • 775.303.7366 • 100 N. Arlington, Reno


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Sitting? Driving?

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December 2009

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