Healthy Beginnings Magazine April 2015

Page 1 ISSN 2150-9921


Adrenal Fatigue What are the signs?

A New Definition of Health How to attain it!

The Magic of Tapping

Learn to use emotional freedom techniques

Gambling at Midlife

What really nourishes your soul?

Choccado Mousse Recipe

Your Local Resource for Natural Living

Thank you Carson City! Our 2 year anniversary sale is going on now through April!


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Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. Ž

April 2015

departments health 08 The Magic of Tapping

Learn how to use Emtoional Freedom Techniques to Heal and Sooth Yourself By Dr. June Milligan

14 Explaining the Gluten Free Diet 16 Brain Fog

issue inside the 4 2015

The Power of Chelation Therapy By Dr. Michael Gerber

20 Adernal Fatigue

By Dr. William Clearfield

28 Get Back in the Weight-Loss Saddle Again

By Bev Bennett

spiritual health 10 Gambling in the Second Half of Life

By Dr. Andy Drymalski

integrative health 12 A New Definition of Health and How to Attain it

By Dr. Robert Eslinger

reviews 24 Feel it Real

Bring the law of attraction into your life! By June Milligan

herbs&spices 26 Exploring Natural Remedies

recipes 18 Quinoa Egg Muffins

with Mushrooms and Arugula

By Shannon Vigil

30 Choccado Mousse

By Marie-Claire Hermans

on the cover 08 The Magic of Tapping

Learn to use emotional freedtom techniques By June Milligan, M.ED., CCHt. PLR

10 Gambling at Midlife

What really nourishes your soul? By Andy Drymalski, EdD

12 A New Definition of Health

How to attain it! By Robert A. Eslinger, D.O, H.M.D, DAAIM

20 Adrenal Fatigue

What are the signs? By Dr. William N. Clearfield, D.O.

30 Choccado Mousse Recipe By Marie-Claire Hermans

in every issue 04 Publisher’s letter 26 Herbs & Spices 18-19 & 30-31 Recipe 32-33 Professional Directory 34-35 Calendar

publisher’s letter

Spring into Healthy Choices


pring is fast upon us and the lovely weather gives us the opportunity to get outdoors and partake in Mother Nature’s paradise with some physical activity. We are lucky to live in one of the most beautiful areas of Nevada that provides wonderful options for healthy and enjoyable outdoor activities. I love the promise of springtime as it helps to spur us on to health and wellbeing. There is so much joy in knowing that we, as individuals, can affect our health and wellbeing by taking charge of our health. Significant evidence has piled up over the past decade proving that we truly are what we eat. The food we consume is connected to a wide range of health issues from our risk of being walloped by serious diseases to how smooth our skin stays or the brightness of our moods. In fact, a 2013 report in the journal of the American Medical Association listed poor dietary choices as the most significant risk for premature death. While that sounds very scary, the good news is that we are in control of our diet and what we put into our bodies. In addition, there is plenty of evidence that changes to our diet can have a dramatic impact on health challenges and overall wellbeing. The desire to improve our health can lead to an exciting journey. With spring on the horizon, perhaps it could be a good time to evaluate your current health choices and decide if there are areas that you would like to improve or learn more about. There are many effective options in the areas of natural healing, alternative medicine and integrative medicine.



As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Make a commitment to take that one step whether is it researching a health topic or incorporating a new healthy item or activity into your daily routine. Or, as part of your spring renewal, take a look at your 2015 New Year’s resolutions—are there a couple that you would like to revisit? If New Year’s resolutions aren’t your style, how about starting today with a commitment to making one change each day, whether it is adding a 20 minute walk, starting your day with a healthy green smoothie, increasing your water intake or taking a yoga class. Add fresh spring greens to your meals as we get into the longer and warmer days to come. Some of my favorites (at their peak from April to June) include arugula, pea shoots and spinach. Spring greens are filled with fiber and nutrients like Vitamins A, C and B as well as rich in iron, calcium and trace minerals magnesium and potassium. Another way to incorporate greens into your healthy lifestyle is to start your day with a gorgeous green smoothie! Spinach, spring mix, apples, avocado, coconut water and cucumber are all wonderful healthy ingredients for your green smoothie. You will notice how much better you feel! I hope that you enjoy our April issue, which is full of valuable information about health, lifestyle and delicious recipes. Take a look at the professional directory for business opportunities and health providers.

Happy Spring!

Lynn Virgilio Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®

April 2015


EVENTS AT NORTHSTAR telemark workshops

spring it on

April 4 - April 18, 2015

April 4, 2015

Time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Time: All Day

Learn how to Tele or hone your skills at the Northstar California Weekly Telemark Instructional Workshops.

On Saturday. April 4 we will have a complimentary face painting and a balloon artist on the Day Lodge desk from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. (tentative) and an EpicMix Activation Station where guests can get swag and win prizes for activating their account or participating in an Epix Mix Guide or EpicMix Challenge.

Telemark workshops cost just $85 for four hours of group intruction! Participants will need a downhill lift ticket or season pass to join in the fun. Workshops will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. at the Cross Country, Telemark and Snowshoe Center located at mid-mountain and will last until 3:00 p.m. with a one hour break for lunch. Telemark demo equipment is available for rent.

Schedule All Day: Earn your Spring It On! EpicMix 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: Pond Skim Registration ath the top of the Gongola in the EpicMix Tent. All Participants must be 6 and above, sign a waiver & have a gondola/lift ticket. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.: EpicMix Activation Station at the EpicMix tent. Stop by and get some swag for activating or completing an EpicMix Guide or EpicMix Challenge. Schedule continued on page 7


Beginner Workshops 4/4, 4/18 Intermediate Workshops 4/11 Advanced Workshops 4/25 Registration Workshop registration is available at the Tickets + Season Pass Office in the Village at Northstar, at the Cross Country, Telemark + Snowshoe Center, or by calling 530.562.2218. Group Telemark Instructional Workshops will have a three person minimum.

What’s the Secret? The “Transformation Cleanse” In 10 days you will easily: • • • •

Tone Your Muscles, Tighten Your Skin! Awaken Your Mental Clarity! Break Addiction to False Foods! Resculpt your body! (non GMO, Superfoods)

Call now for a FREE consultation, $50 Gift Card, and TWO FREE 45 min. Coaching sessions!

Guyla A: lost 19.9 lbs in 10 days!

Catherine Cardinal, Ph.D. | 775.657.9395 |

April 2015

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®






Editor & Content Director

ISSN 2150-9921



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

Life’s a journey. Make a healthy Christina one.® Nellemann Design & itLayout Dawn Gowery Feline Design Lynn Virgilio

lifestyle magazine

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

The Art of Sharing


Learn to Listen to2014 Your Body NOVEMBER

ISSN 2150-9921 KE ONE

Abnormal Menstrual TA K E O N EPeriods ISSN 2150-9921



lifestyle magazine

Beginnings Healthy Healthy Beginnings

Dangerous Virus Defense of

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® lifestyle magazine The Art

Sharing Life’s a journey. MakeLeaky it a healthy one.®Part 2 Gut ISSN 2150-9921 Learn to Listen What to do? NOVEMBER 2014 to Your TheBody Art of TA ISSN K E 2150-9921 ONE

Abnormal Sharing Enhancing Your Immune NOVEMBER 2014 Menstrual Periods TA Kto EBetter O NE Learn Listen System for Health Dangerous Virus

Beginnings Your Local Resource for Natural Living to Your Body

lifestyle magazine

Defense Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

Abnormal Leaky Gut Part 2 lifestyle magazine Menstrual ISSNPeriods 2150-9921 What The to Artdo? of Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. NOVEMBER 2014 Sharing Dangerous Virus Enhancing Your Immune




System forLearn Better Health toDefense Listen The Art of Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006 to Gut Your Body2 Sharing Leaky Part ®


Abnormal What to do? Learn to Listen Your Local Resource forlifestyle Natural Living magazine Menstrual Periods to Your Body

Enhancing Immune Life’s a journey. Make it Your a healthy one.®

Healthy Beginnings® is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006 Virus Dangerous Abnormal

System for Better Health Defense Menstrual Periods The Art of Leaky Gut Sharing Part 2Dangerous Virus

Ffjorren Zolfaghar


publisher@HBmag.comPUBLISHER EDITOR IN CHIEF, ART DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Social Media Manager Editor &Life’s Content Director Make a journey. it a Zolfaghar healthy one.® Ffjorren Website Archiving ® a journey. Make itFfjorren a healthy one. EditorLife’s & Content Director Zolfaghar Editors Lynn Virgilio, Emily Stott, Melissa Erny Dawn Gowery Christina Nellemann June Milligan · Lissie Lyles Design & Layout EDITOR IN CHIEF, ART Gowery DIRECTOR Dawn Feline Design & PUBLISHER Contributors Content Director Lynn Virgilio EDITOR IN ART DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Life’s aCHIEF, journey. Make itChristina a healthy one.® Allison Prater · Ffjorren Zolfaghar Nellemann Design & Layout Social Media Manager Feline Design Editor & Content Director Ffjorren Zolfaghar Contributing Website Archiving Dawn Gowery Dr. Andy Drymalski · Dr. Robert Eslinger Editor Social & Content Director Design & Layout Alexandria Ffjorren Zolfaghar Olivares-Wenzel Media Manager IN CHIEF, ART DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Dr. Michael Gerber · Dr. Martin Rutherfo Medical June Milligan · Writers Lissie Lyles Contributors Christina Design & Layout Website Archiving Allison Prater Nellemann · Ffjorren Zolfaghar Feline Design Nellemann Social Media Managers Abbey Smith, Steph Merkle, Cambria Roth Design & Layout Christina Editor & Content Director Contributing Marie-Claire Hermans Healthy Recipes Ffjorren Zolfaghar June Milligan · Lissie Feline Design Dr. Andy Drymalski · Dr. RobertLyles Eslinger Contributors Social Media Manager Allison Prater Zolfaghar Dr. Michael Gerber · Dr.· Ffjorren Martin Rutherford Web Writers Archiving Medical Website Social MediaArchiving Manager Marie-Claire Hermans Contributing Healthy Recipes Christina Nellemann Design & Layout Dr. Andy Drymalski · Dr. Robert Eslinger Distribution Website Archiving June Milligan · Lissie Lyles Feline Design Dr. Michael Gerber · Dr. Martin Rutherford Contributors June Milligan, Shannon Vigil Medical Writers Contributors Allison Prater · Ffjorren Zolfaghar

Distribution June Milligan · Lissie Lyles Contributors Social Media Manager Allison Marie-Claire Prater · Ffjorren Zolfaghar Hermans Healthy Recipes Contributing Dr. Andy Drymalski · Dr. Robert Eslinger Your Body Enhancing Your Immune Leakyto Gut Part 2Website Archiving Dr.Gerber Andy Contributing Dr. Michael · Dr.Drymalski Martin Rutherford Dr. Michael Gerber Dawn Dr. Gowery System for Better Health What to do? Medical Writers Abnormal Contributing Andy Drymalski · Dr. Robert Eslinger Menstrual Periods Enhancing Your Immune ADVERTISING SALES Distribution ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING Dr.Gerber Eslinger Dr.MARKETING William Clearfield Medical Writers Dr. Michael · Dr. Martin Rutherford& June Milligan ·Robert Lissie Lyles for BetterLiving Health Your Local Resource System for Natural Medical Writers Dangerous Virus Marie-Claire Hermans Healthy Recipes Contributors Allison Prater · Ffjorren Zolfaghar Defense Your Local Resource Natural Reach an affluent health for conscious audience Leaky GutLiving Part Marie-Claire Hermans HealthyPhone: Recipes What to do? 775.828.4547 Dawn Gowery Reach an conscious audience Contributing Distribution by affluent advertisinghealth in Healthy Beginnings Dr. Andy Drymalski · Dr. Robert Eslinger Healthy Recipes Marie-Claire Hermans Enhancing Your Immune 775.828.4547 Michael · Dr. Rutherford System for Better Health Magazine. ADVERTISING SALES &Phone: MARKETING Medical Healthy Beginnings’ mission is toWriters provide credibleDr. resources andGerber information onMartin the straight facts and Distribution by advertising in Healthy Beginnings

Dawn Gowery

Your Local Resource for Natural Living What to do? Defense Learn to Listen

Healthy Beginnings® is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006

Healthy Beginnings® is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006

Healthy Beginnings® is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006

Your magazine Local Resource for Natural LivingReno, The an print is delivered Magazine. Reach affluent health conscioustoaudience

Dawn Gowery

latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle.

Hermans Healthy Recipes Marie-Claire Healthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide credible resources and information on the straight facts a Distribution ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING Dawn Gowery Carson Valley and the Lake Tahoe Phone: 775.828.4547 Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. by Sparks, advertising in Healthy Beginnings Healthy Natural, Alternative and Integrative Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Susta latest trends in Each month we feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in theMedicine, natural Region. reaches the regional ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING Distribution Reachmagazine an affluent health conscious audience Magazine. health field. Beginnings’ Additionally, we bring you news and events that are and happening in support ouron community The print is delivered to Reno, ability and the products and services that living a natural, holistic and healthy lifesty Healthy mission is to provide credible resources information the straight facts and and advertising national health market. Phone: 775.828.4547 – and around globe. Magazines are throughout Reno, Sparks, by in conscious Healthy Beginnings latest trendsthe in Natural, Alternative anddistributed Integrativemonthly Medicine, Nutrition, the Fitness, Green Living, SustainReach an affluent health conscious audience Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City and Truckee Sparks, Carson Valley and the Healthy is support a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertis Dawn Gowery TheMagazine. magazine delivered toLake Reno,Tahoe ability and the products and services that living a natural, and lifestyle. Phone: 775.828.4547 Healthy Beginnings’ mission is toBeginnings credible resources on the straight factshealthy and Letprint Healthy Beginnings be your 24 hour by advertising in is Healthy Beginnings areas. To find HB Magazine atprovide a location nearest you,and or information if you would like to distribute the ADVERTISING SALES &holistic MARKETING latest trendsatinyour Natural, Alternative andcall Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living,and SustainEach month we feature articles by national local authors who are leaders in the nat ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING Sparks, Carson Valley and the Lake Tahoe sales person. Making over 30,000 sales magazine business, simply 775.828.4547 or e-mail us at Region. reaches the regional Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. Magazine. Healthy Beginnings’ mission to provide credible resources information thehealthy straight facts and The print magazine is delivered to Reno, ability and the products andis services that support living aand natural, holisticonand lifestyle. |news 408.406.9799 Each month we Alternative feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you and events that are happening in our commu calls per month, directing buyers to your Region. reaches the regional latest trends in Natural, andviews Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, We do not necessarily endorse the expressed in the articles and advertisements nor are Sparks, Valley the Lake Tahoe and national health conscious market. Healthy Beginnings is a free publication locally and is supported byhappening local advertisers. anCarson affluent health conscious audience health field. Additionally, we services bring you news and events thatyour are in our community The print magazine is and delivered to Reno, ability and the products andaround services thatdistributed support living aAlways natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. business. we responsible for the products and advertised. consult health care provider – and the globe. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Spa andReach national health conscious market. Phone: 775.828.4547 Each montharound we feature by national and authors who are leaders in the natural Region. reaches regional – and the articles globe. Magazines arelocal distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, by advertising in Healthy Beginnings for clarification. All rights reserved. 2015© by Healthy Beginnings, Although of this Sparks, Carson Valley and the the Lake Tahoe Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and isLLC. supported byinsome local advertisers. health field. Additionally, we bring you news and credible events that are happening our parts community Healthy Beginnings’ Mission is to provide resources an information on the and straight factsValley, and latest trends in City and Truc Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Nevada Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City Truckee and national health conscious market. Is your Business a Well Kept Secret? publication can be reproduced and we require thatinformation permission be obtained in writing. Each month we feature by reprinted, national and local monthly authors who areon leaders in Living, the natural Healthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide credible resources and the straight facts and – and around the globe.articles Magazines are distributed throughout the Reno, Sparks, Region. reaches the regional LetMagazine. Healthy Beginnings bebe your 24 hour Natural. Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Green Sustainability and the products and Let Healthy Beginnings your 24 hour areas. To find HB Magazine atTahoe, aHB location nearest you, or iffound you would like to Please email for permission. Past issues may be on our website atdistribute areas. To find Magazine at aFitness, location nearest you, orthe if you would like to distribute health field. we bring news and events thatValley, are happening in our community latest trends inAdditionally, Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, SustainCarson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Auburn, Grass Nevada City and Truckee Advertise Today! services that support living ayou natural, holistic, and healthy lifestyle. and national health conscious market. Let Healthy Beginnings be your 24 hour in the footer of the home page. sales person. Making over 30,000 sales magazine at your business, simply call 775.828.4547 or e-mail us at –areas. and and around the globe. aresupport distributed monthly throughout the Sparks, The print magazine is delivered to Reno, sales ability the products andMagazines services that living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. To find HB Magazine at aatlocation nearest you, orsimply if you would like to Reno, distribute the or e-mail us at distribution@HBmag.c sales person. Making over 30,000 magazine your business, call 775.828.4547 Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, City and Truckee sales person. Making over 30,000 sales magazine at your business, simply call 775.828.4547 or e-mail at Nevada Healthy Beginnings is aendorse free publication distributed and isbysupported y local advertisers. Each month we calls month, directing buyers your Carson, To Beginnings learn more email: Sparks, Carson Valley and the Lake Tahoe Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally andlocally isus supported local advertisers. Questions, Comments and Submissions Letper Healthy be your 24to hour WeTo do notHB necessarily the views expressed the articles anddistribute advertisements are areas. find Magazine at a and location nearest you, or are if in you would like the field.nor calls business. per month, buyers feature articles byendorse national local authors who leaders in thetonatural health Additionally, we bring you calls month,directing directing buyers to sales yourto your Each we feature articles bynecessarily national and local authors who are leaders inyour the health natural Region. reaches the regional •endorse 775.828.4547 we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult We domonth notatnecessarily the views expressed in articles and advertisements nor arecare do not views expressed in provider the articles and advertisements nor sales per person. Making over 30,000 magazine yourWe business, simply call 775.828.4547 orthe e-mail usthe at news and events that happening in our community and around globe. Magazines monthly health field. Additionally, weare bring you news and events that Beginnings, are happening in the our community business. we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult yourLLC. health care provider for clarification. All rights reserved. 2015© by Healthy Although some parts ofare thisdistributed and health conscious market. callsnational perOr month, directing buyers to your business. we responsible the and services advertised. consult your – and the globe. Magazines arefor distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, do around not necessarily the2015© views expressed inwe therequire articles and advertisements are in Always throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson City, products Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Grass Valley, Nevada City,health care prov for clarification. All rights reserved. Healthy Beginnings, LLC. Although some parts ofAuburn, this call: (775) 828-4547 Is your Business a Well Kept Secret? We publication can beendorse reproduced andby reprinted, that permission be nor obtained writing. Printed in the USA Carson, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City and Truckee business. we responsible the products and services advertised. Always consult your health Is your Business a Well Kept Secret? publication can for be reproduced and reprinted, we require that Past permission be obtained inprovider writing. and Minden, Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at areserved. location nearest you, or care ifHealthy you would like to distribute the magazine for clarification. Allfor rights 2015© by Beginnings, LLC. Although some parts of Please email permission. issues may be found on our website at Let Healthy Beginnings be your 24 hour areas. find HB Magazine atcall a 2015© location you, or if you likeon to our distribute the Advertise Today! for clarification. All rights reserved. bynearest HealthyPast Beginnings, LLC. Although some parts of this Please email for permission. may be found website at Receive expert on how toSecret? at To your business, simply 408.406.9799 orissues e-mail us would at Is yourIs Business aaadvice Well Kept Advertise Today! in the footer of775.828.4547 the home page. publication can bepage. reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in wri sales person. Making overKept 30,000 sales magazine atcan your business, simply call or e-mail us at your Business Well Secret? publication be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing. in the footer of the home brand and promote your business. Please for permission. Past issues in may found on website atPastnor Weemail do not necessarily endorse the views expressed thebearticles andour advertisements are responsible the calls perTo month, directing buyers to your Please email for permission. issues may beforfound on our websit learn more email: Advertise Today! We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the and articles and advertisements nor are Comments Submissions To learn more email: Questions, Comments and Submissions inservices the footer ofQuestions, thePLEASE home page. products and advertised. Always consult yourconsult healthyour care provider for clarification. All rights reserved. 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Lynn Virgilio

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6 6

newsprint paper with soy-based ink. HB Magazine HB Magazine is printed paper on 40%with postsoy-based consumer newsprint ink. is printed on recycled newsprint newsprint paper with soy-basedpartially ink.

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® February 2015 PLEASE RECYCLE PLEASE RECYCLE Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® February 2015 ® a journey. a healthy one. February 2015 HBLife’s Magazine is printedMake on 40%it post consumer PLEASE RECYCLE newsprint paper with soy-based ink.





HB Magazine is printed on 40% post consumer newsprint paper with soy-based ink. Make it a healthy one.® February 6 Life’s a journey. Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ® 2015 April 2015


Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

February 2

Schedule Continued 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.: DJ at the Pond Skim eloquent speech. It is said to aid in 11 a.m. -in2 p.m.: Complimentary face success business matters, and is painting and balloon artist on the Day particularly known for assistance Lodge Desk (Tentative) in areas of legal affairs. Emerald is reputed to possess the power 11:30 a.m.: Pond Skim at Mid-to assist one in becoming an eloquent speaker. Mountain Aristotle, a great fan of the gem, wrote that owning an Emerald increases the owner’s importance in presence and speech April 5,during 2015 business, gives victory in trials, and helps settle litigation. Village Activities Schedule Emerald is the stone that most 10:30 a.m.: Easter Egg Dash on the of represents the energy patterns Village Rink an activated Heart Chakra. Located near center of p.m.: the breastbone this 10:30the a.m. - 1:30 chakra regulatesFace our Painting interaction Complimentary & with the external world controls what Balloon Twisting in and the Village we embrace or resist. When the Heart 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.: Chakra is out of balance, one may Complimentary Easter Crafts in the feel either controlling or controlled Village in a relationship, and become overly 11 a.m.of- 1others. p.m.: Photos with the critical Easter Bunny in the Village Inappropriately strong 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Liveemotional Music on responses to everyday external stimuli the Village Stage can be a sign of an imbalance in this 4:45 p.m.: Ripperoo/Easter Bunny chakra. Green crystal energy, such Parade in the Village as Emerald, is used to resolve such ALL DAY: Jelly Bean Contest the inside blockages and to re-balance Heart Euro Sweets Chakra. A strong and open heart also allows universal flow into ALL DAY: Easter blessings ScavengertoHunt one’s life. Emerald is a powerfully grounding stone in meditation, Mountain Activities Schedule it helps the meditator to maintain focus on the 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.:breathing Easter Bunny Skiing slow, rhythmic necessary on attaining Mountain throughout day to depth in athe meditative 10 p.m.Once - 12:30 p.m.: Easter Bunny in state. achieved, it assists roaming the Day maintaining the Lodge cool brilliance of deliberate reflection. 2 p.m.: Interdenominational Worship Service, top of the Vista Chair Lift ALL DAY: EpicMix Photographers with References: Easter Cutouts to take photos with ALL DAY: Easter Scavenger Hunt 1. Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic. Llewellyn Publications. **All Activities are Weather St Paul, 2001. Permitting

easter activites

Easter 2. c rEgg y s t Dash: a l v a uThe l t s .Northstar c o m / c r ySkating stalRink, Cabanas and Village Stage will encyclopedia/emerald be filled with over 5,000 candy and toy filled Easter Eggs for our annual Easter Egg Dash! The stage will be

April 2015 2015 February

designated for children under 2 if they EpicMix Photos with Easter Bunny: would prefer to be in a more confined EpicMix will be on site to take kid and and calmer egg zone. Kids will be family photos with the Easter Bunny on invited to storm the rink at 10:30 a.m., the Village Stage from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the dot, to collect a basket full of Easter Bunny & Ripperoo Parade: Kids eggs. A word to the wise, arrive early, are invited to jooin Ripperoo and the once the kids are let loose, the eggs Easter Bunny for a parade through the are gone within seconds! Please bring Village at 4:45 p.m. your own basket. Jelly Bean Contest: Stop by Euro Complimentary Face Painting: From Sweets and test your Jelly Bean 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Giggle & Grin counting skills! Visit the location on Face Painting & Balloon Twisting will Easter Sunday for your chance to guess be on site to offer complimentary how many jelly beans are in the jar. • Awaken mental clarity services in the Village. The winner will be announced at the • Tone muscle, tighten skin Ripperoo Parade at 4:45 p.m. and will Complimentary Easter Crafts: From • Break addiction to false foods receive the jelly beans to take home. 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. kids are invited Guyla A: lost 19.9 lbs in 10 days! • Resculpt your crafts. body A table you don’t need to be present to win. to join us for some Easter will be set up in front of the FREE Kid’s Ski Consultation and $50 Gift Card! School and supplies will be provided. 2 FREE 45 min coaching sessions Easter Scavenger Hunt: The Easter Bunny will help hide a limitedTo number look and feel years younger of golden eggs both on the mountain (775) 657-9395 and in the village early Easter morning. The lucky few who find the throughout Catherine Cardinal, Ph.D. the day will receive special prizes! The golden eggs are first come, firstVisit find!

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Life’s Make it a healthy one. ®one.® Life’sa ajourney. journey. Make it a healthy




the magic of

tapping Learn how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques to Heal and Soothe Yourself Written by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt, PLR


n the late ’90s, Stanford engineer Gary Craig began to popularize a tapping technique using the body’s Meridian system.

By tapping on the end points of 14 major meridians — mostly located on the hands and face — while saying certain words, he found you can release stress and anxiety on any subject. These 14 major meridians have more than 400 points located throughout the body. These acupoints can assist with physical ailments, emotional trauma, simple stress, anxiety and much more.

Oriental medicine practitioners use the same points for healing and have been doing so for more than 5,000 years. Some of these points are close to the surface of the skin, so tapping, massaging or pressing is known as acupressure. It will have somewhat the same effect as acupuncture and it’s something you can do yourself.

Sometimes we become upset and don’t know what to do about a certain situation. It isn’t socially acceptable to punch someone, so that’s where the tapping comes in.

Relieve and release your stress quickly doing that, you will beit.retaining not and efficiently by learning where By the and use You’ll beyour gladpersonal you did.power,not By doingLearn that, it you will be retaining giving it away to a rigid person whoyour isn’t personal willing topower, change in 14 points are and tapping on them giving it away to a rigid person who isn’t willing to change in any way and who won’t shut up. while saying certain activating words.any way and who won’t shut up.

How Howcan canyou youtell tellififyou’re you’re Many mainstream doctors and therapists You can learn the acupoint locations teach tapping to their clientsbeing sobeing that theymanipulated? manipulated? and examples of words to say for can relieve their own stress.

We don’t yet know exactly how it works but if it does, then we don’t need to know why right now. We don’t have to know the physics of electricity in order to use it and benefit from it. Same with the tapping.


Learn to stand back and observe human behavior in every Learn to stand back and observe human behavior in every 1. Ortner, Nick. Theor Tapping Solution: A Revsituation…at home, work school. It’s often quite amusing, situation…at home, workfororStress-Free school. It’s oftenHay quite amusing, olutionary System Living. and as you stand back, away from the emotional storm,you’ll you’ll stand back, away from the emotional storm, various situations at or and at as you House. 2014 realize you’re becoming stronger, more self-confident, clearer realize you’re becoming stronger, more self-confident, clearer 2. Buckland, Ben. EFTempowered Tapping – Learn 5 about andinmore more calm,cool cool aboutwhat whatyou youwant, want, more more empowered and calm, Minutes: The Effective Tapping Solutiondoesn’t for and collected in every way. If that person even try “EFT is a simple, powerful process and collected every way. If thatLoss person doesn’t even try toto Anxiety,inAddictions, Weight and Wealth. change after you’ve given them enough chances, walk away that can profoundly influence gene change after you’veIndependent given themPublishing enough chances, CreateSpace Platform. walk away Their manipulative behavior may be too deeply activity,” Dr. Bruce Lipton, authorfor of good. for good. Their manipulative behavior may be too deeply 2014 ingrained for them to ever change. By staying staying in in proximity proximity ingrained for them to ever change. By “The Biology of Belief,” says. 3. Craig, Gary; Feinstein, David PhD; Donna totothat they’ll break your morale, which would wouldonly only thatperson, person, they’ll break your morale, which Eden. The Healing Power of EFT and Energy “EFT is easy, effective and produces lead getting used and manipulated by everyone else. leadtotoyour your getting used manipulated by everyone else. Psychology: Tap into Your Body’s Energy to amazing results,” Donna Eden, Protect Spirit. Mind. Protect yourHeart. Heart.You You Protectyour your Spirit. Protect Protect your Change YourProtect Life for your the Better. Jeremy Tarcher intuitive healer says. “I think it should are Spiritual this temporary temporaryphysical physical arean anEternal Eternal Spiritual Being, living in this Publishing. 2005Being, be taught in elementary school.” body experience. Be Bedetermined determined bodyfor forthe thedeliciousness deliciousness of this experience. For infoas contact June Milligan makeit itas asmore delicious as possible. totomake delicious EFT is an energy psychology

The Theeasiest easiestway wayto tospot spot it is pay attention to istoto “By removing emotionalit trauma, EFT pay attention to (Emotional Freedom Techniques) helps how how youfeel feelwhen whenyou’re you’re heal physical ailments too,” you Norman Shealy, M.D., says. the around theother otherperson. person. These meridians, oraround invisible lines of Wayne Dyer says, “This really works,” Wayne Dyer says. “I’ve had great personal results with tapping.”

energy, are built into our bodies and carry out important functions. We’ve had them since birth so it makes sense modality. These practicesmay have a also. What was “appropriate” the past generation may herehere forfor the past generation we should learn how toalso. useWhat them.was “appropriate” distinct advantage over psychiatric

at (775) 786-9111 or visit online at desirable workable today. Parents,and andsometimes sometimes not not be be desirable or or workable today. Parents, See ad on this page. References: have been trained what appropriate and may References: medications. They’re and non-invasive, It’s vital to be ablespouses, to spouses, relieve your stress have been trained as as to to what is is appropriate may still be expecting that behavior from you, forty yearsafter afterthey they Forward, Susan, Susan, Ph.D. Ph.D. Emotional Emotional Blackmail: highly specific and have no side quickly when yourstill boss you or becriticizes expecting that behavior from you, forty years 1.1. Forward, Blackmail: When When were programmed and conditioned to believe that only certain The People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation effects. They impact the body’s intricate when someone disappoints you. We’re were programmed and conditioned to believe that only certain The People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation and and Guilt Guilttoto behaviors were “right.” electrochemical system as well as manipulate manipulateyou. you.William William Morrow Morrow Publishing. were “right.” the responsible for ourbehaviors own emotions, and Publishing. 1998. 1998. body’s subtle energies. certainly for our own actions, so it’s If you truly want to stop being manipulated in any relationship, 2. Simon, George K., Ph.D. In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding If you truly want to stop being manipulated in any relationship, 2. Simon, George K., Ph.D. In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding imperative we learn the necessary tools you need to learn to take a stand. You need tostart starttotobelieve believe andDealing Dealing with with Manipulative Manipulative People. energy psychology modalities you need to learn to take a Many stand. You need to and People. Parkhurst Parkhurst Brothers Brothers that you’re worthy of the basic human rights listedabove aboveand and to stay in control ofthat both. Publishers. 2010. you’re worthy of the basic human rights listed focus on subtle energy systems, which Publishers. 2010. calmly speak your mind about what you don’t want to do.

calmly mind about what don’t want to do. It’s becoming clearer to speak peopleyour every cannot beyou detected by our scientific Communication is vital. Talk to the manipulator and explain Communication is vital. Talk to the manipulator and explain day that thoughts are things. WeSometimes get instruments, though theythat are they’re well known how you feel. they may not even realize For more info, contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or how you feel. Sometimes they not even realize that they’re what we think about. to may the most healers and sagesFor of more info, contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or being manipulative. Confronting them sensitive will give you the courage visit online at being manipulative. Confronting them will in give you the history. courage visit online at every culture recorded to decline their requests when you feel manipulated. Recognize Thoughts have a magnetic quality, to decline their requests when you feel manipulated. Recognize

attempts at emotional blackmail by the emotions you feel. a vibrational frequency goes blackmail By regular use of this easy selfSee ad on this page. attempts atthat emotional by the you anger, feel. Identify those emotions as to what theyemotions are: sadness, See ad on this page. out into this energy soupthose we live in, as acupressure technique, you can shift Identify emotions to what they are: sadness, anger, frustration, or whatever. Just know that each of those negative which physicists frustration, callemotions the field of all Just patterns emotion, thought orare whatever. know thatofeach ofhormones those negative creating toxic chemicals and in your and emotions arethoughts creating toxic chemicals andare hormones in youror selfprobabilities, and those behavior dysfunctional own body if you stuff them downthat and don’t do something body if thinking you stuff them down and don’t dopoints something attract back to us own what we’re limiting. Since these are built-in, about them. Consulting Hypnotist about them. Consulting Hypnotist and expecting. Our thoughts create you can do your tapping anywhere. Teaches Self Acupressure Identify them to yourself, decide you’re not going to put up with Teaches Self Acupressure our emotions thenIdentify our emotions drive Learn How to Quickly themoftomanipulation, yourself, decide you’re going tofor put up withreasons People usenot tapping any kind speak your mind calmly andmany directly, our words and actions. Learn How to Quickly Remove Negative Feelings Learn How to Quickly Remove Negative anythen kindremove of manipulation, speak your mind calmly and directly, other than stress and anxiety. yourself from any confrontive storm that may be They

then remove yourself from any storm that may be brewing. Often repeating theconfrontive phrase, no matter what Since our words and actions make up our tap forsame weight loss, pain management, brewing. Often repeating the same phrase, no matter what the manipulator says, is effective: “I’m not interested in doing lives, it’s important in this demanding, children’s issues, sports performance, that.” To that the manipulator may that’s what we’ve thewe manipulator says, is effective: “I’msay, not“But interested in doing fast-paced world that know how this abundance, fears and phobias, always done.” “I’m not interested in doing that.” “But why? We that.” To that the manipulator may say, “But that’s what we’ve works and how to use it. relationships, panic attacks, addictions, really need “I’m to donot that.” “I’m not interested in doing that,”We and always done.” interested doing that.” “But why? eatingindisorders, prosperity and much Our parents knew nothing this and wesame so about on. Repeat the phrase until the other person accepts really need to do that.” “I’m not interested in doing that,” and Literally talking anythinga brick you want your point of view youmore. realize didn’t learn it in school. Physicists are justor phrase so on. Repeat the same untilthat the you’re other person to accepts to relieve or add to your life can be Then leave room, the that house, the talking car, thetooffice, the now beginning to understand it.of They call ityou yourwall. point view orthe realize you’re a brick tapped on. situation. Calmly remove yourself from the emotional storm. Then leave the room, the house, the car, the office, the Quantum Affinity or wall. the Law of Affinity. situation. Calmly remove yourself from the emotional storm.

April 2015

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Gambling in the Second Half of Life Written by Andy Drymalski, EdD Enjoy his blog moral autonomy the dream was not created whether we want to bewe or not. This isat theaccountable case becausecreatures, there is especially like this dream forpsyche. the wayThis it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that are morally have received Imore dreams ofof even by the man’s ego. Itpsyche. was notThis consciously chosen or devised. whether a moralwe structure tobe ourorpsyche thatistranscends our conscious moral autonomy of the dream was not created want to not. This the case because there is I especially like thisof dream for the way it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that we are morally accountable creatures, ps dreams of being chased, dying In fact, this spontaneous product of the unconscious carried a mind and conscious values, and is often in disagreement with is by the man’s ego. It was not consciously chosen or devised. a moral structure to our psyche that transcends our conscious moral autonomy of the psyche. This dream was not created whether we want to be or not. This is the case because there message the dreamer didconsciously notofwant to hear. It was the voice them. We can runtofrom this inner authority, weour cannot hide In this spontaneous product the unconscious a of mind and conscious values, andthat is often inbut disagreement with byfact, the man’s ego. It was not chosen or carried devised. a moral structure our psyche transcends conscious a car crash. In his outer life, he might a higher moral authority within him, a manifestation of God from it. We can try to fool ourselves with concepts like moral message the dreamer did not want to hear. It was the voice of them. We can run from this inner authority, but we cannot In fact, this spontaneous product of the unconscious carried a mind and conscious values, and is often in disagreement hide with See ad onthe this page. uto accident. He may develop anxiety within theauthority psyche. the want dreamer the directive given relativism, but dreams don’t lie, and life doesn’t lie,cannot and they amessage higher moral him, aignored manifestation of God it.We Wecan can try to fool ourselves with concepts like moral the dreamer didIfwithin not to hear. It was voice of from them. run from this inner authority, but we hide within thehim psyche. If the pursued dreamer ignored the directive dreams don’t lie, the andmoral life doesn’t lie,like and they to andauthority instead his ego’s goals, the results would relativism, willit.always reflect back toourselves you code written upon a higher moral within him, a manifestation ofgiven God from Webut can try to fool with concepts moral c attacks. His towithin relationships with his him have and instead pursued his ego’s goals, thedirective results always reflect backdon’t to you code written the psyche. If the dreamer ignored given relativism, dreams lie,the andmoral life doesn’t lie, andupon they been predictably negative. This isthe case forwould all of us will your soul.but have been This isagainst the case for allwould of us your to him andpredictably instead pursued the results will always soul. reflect back to you the moral code written upon ld become more disturbed. One of when we pursue anegative. pathhis thatego’s goesgoals, that of our deepest have been predictably is the case for all of us when we a pathnegative. that goesThis against that of our deepest your soul. self pursue and destiny. ck or become self rebellious, when we pursue amirroring path that goes against that of our deepest and destiny. more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams ForFormore self and destiny. info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and s God. Someorof these events would Carson psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams many people midlife, who areignored retired, the guidance For moreCity being at just one ofespecially them. If those the dreamer info, contact at Dr.(775) Andy Drymalski, Reno and Carson City psychologist 786-3818, or visit online The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams Enjoy his blog at being just one of them. If the dreamer ignored the guidance gambling canhis be a seductive — andhave destructive — more activity. of dream, he might received dreams of even s decision and actions. Others might Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online Enjoy his blog at being just of might them. If the dreamer ignored the guidance of his dream, he have more dreams of of even The ending of one a career, the death ofreceived adreams spouseof or a change greater warning: being chased, dying Enjoy his blog at of hishe dream, heencounter mightperhaps have received more dreams ofdying even is certain is ofthat will greater warning: perhaps dreams of being chased, of roles within the or family are life that can lead to life, he might of being in aevents car crash. In his outer greaterchildren, warning: perhaps dreams ofInbeing chased, of might dying children, or of loneliness being in aorcar crash. his outer life, he feelings of loss, sadness, anger. Many older people actually experience an auto accident. He may develop anxiety See ad on this page. egative events and frustrations if he children, or of being in a car crash. In his outer life, he might actuallyatexperience an accident. He may social develop anxiety See ad on this page. turn to gambling these times forauto distraction, excitement, symptoms or have panic attacks. His relationships with his See ad on this page. actually experience an auto accident. may developwith anxiety symptoms or havetopanic attacks. HisHe relationships his orself. justwife “something do.”towould ves of hisinteraction deeper Needless say, andhave children become more disturbed. One of symptoms or panic attacks. His relationships with his wife and children would become more disturbed. One of those wife drawn to it,children it be is likely the get theme ofor gambling and children would become more resonates disturbed. One of his may sick become rebellious, mirroring wealthy For woman would ill-fated. his children may get sick or become rebellious, mirroring


get sick become mirroring with their his innerchildren psychological process in aorway it doesn’trebellious, for hisattitude ownmay attitude towards ofothers. these events would his own towards God.God. SomeSome of these events would his own attitude towards God. Some of these events would They are people who may need to take some risk in their life. This be causally his decision actions. Others might be causally relatedrelated to histodecision and and actions. Others might related togamble. his decision actions. might is part of be whycausally they drawn to Itis iscertain anand outer, symbolic be are synchronistic. What is that heOthers will encounter be synchronistic. What is certain is that he will encounter be synchronistic. What is certain that he encounter representation of aangrowing inner psychological number of need. negativeisevents andwill frustrations if he aa growing growing number number of of negative negative events events and and frustrations frustrations if if he he ignores the moral directives of his deeper self. Needless to say, What nourishes your soul in your 50s, 60s and beyond is not the ignores ignores the the moral moral directives directives of of his his deeper deeper self. self. Needless Needless to to say, say, his relationship with the wealthy woman would be ill-fated. same as what worked in your 20s and 30s. his relationship with the wealthy woman would be ill-fated. his relationship with the wealthy woman would be ill-fated. You’ve “been there, donerelativism that” andisphilosophical your needs have Moral the psychological philosophical viewpoint moral Moral is viewpoint that all moral Moral relativism relativism is the the philosophical viewpoint thatthat all all moral changed. perspectives In the first half ofequally life, you mustvalid find your place inposition the perspectives are equally or “true.” This rests upon are valid or “true.” This position upon perspectives are equally valid or “true.” This position rests rests upon world, pursue a career, provide for yourself or perhaps startmorality a family. the argument that because a person’s morality flows from his/ the argument that because a person’s flows from his/ the argument that because a person’s morality flows from his/ But in life’s second half, your psyche pushes for a rounding out and her and people have different values, her system, value system, and because people different values, her value value system, and because because people havehave different values, completion of the personality. all is with none any better than another. all morality morality is subjective subjective with with nonenone any any better than another. all morality is subjective better than another. While there denying that different may possess While While there is noreflection denying that life different people may possess Spiritual concerns, suchis asno upon itspeople purpose, there is no denying thatand different people may possess values, not are For example, different values, not all all values are equivalent. equivalent. ForFor example, often takedifferent on increased importance. Aall deepened andequivalent. more vital different values, notvalues values are example, some values promote lifea of of psychological andand spiritual some promote aa life and spiritual relationship withvalues the core of your personality isofpressed for with some values promote lifepsychological psychological spiritual development. OtherOther valuevalue systems leadlead to aa pretty pretty much wasted development. Other value systems lead to much wasted greater intensity. development. systems to a pretty much wasted life. Not Not all all values values are are of of equal equal worth, worth, and and neither neither are are the the moral moral life.aged Not all values are ofunmet equal worth, and neither the moral For manylife. middle people, the need that drives are perspectives that that flow from from them. them. perspectives perspectives that flow from for them. compulsive gambling may beflow an inner hunger a new viewpoint. But the deeper issue here, and perhaps perhaps the more more paradoxical, When oldBut ways of deeper looking issue at life and relating to your inner self and the here, and the paradoxical, the here, and perhaps theTomore paradoxical, is that But what isdeeper right, or moral, for perspective. one person inletaa particular particular God haveis grown stale, you mightissue take on a new that what is right, or moral, for one person in istothat what is right, in ornew moral, foroften one person in a particular situation is not necessarily right for another person. This go of the situation familiar, see and perceive ways, requires is not necessarily right for another person. This situation isthe not necessarily right for another person. This difference is not due to differences in their values systems, courage and an openness to unknown. difference is not due to differences in their values systems, difference is not due to differences in their values systems, but, rather, extends from the fact that what is required for one but,with rather, extends from thetofact that what is required for one For someone a specific worldview consider the possibility person’s growth as an individual may not be theis same as what but, rather,as extends from themay fact not that what required for one growth an individual be the same as what that there person’s may be a deeper spiritual fabric to the universe would bejob because is required for another’s. For example, quitting your person’s growth as an individual may not be the same as what is required for another’s. For example, quitting your job because a risk. you can’t get along with oneFor ofexample, your co-workers could be a is required for another’s. quitting your job because you can’t get along with one of your co-workers could be a morallysuspending responsible decision youenough are inco-workers the wrong line of It would involve certain beliefs long to allow can’t get along with ififone yourin be a morallyyou responsible decision youofare the wrongcould line of work and the co-worker just oneFor more prodding life to of the glimmer of another reality to breakisthrough. the Christian to from morally responsible decision if you are in the wrong line work and the co-worker is just one more prodding from life to start doing of what you really love.American Conversely, your decision to explore the teachings Buddhism or Native spirituality workwhat and the is just one more prodding from life start could doing youco-worker really love. Conversely, yourto decision to to be morally irresponsible if life is trying teach you can take aquit lot. What he or she once believed may be transformed by start doing what you really love. Conversely, your decision to quit could be morally irresponsible if life is trying to teach you to stand up for yourself a new or broadened perspective of lifeand and you God.are just trying to avoid this quit could be morally irresponsible if life is trying to teach you to stand up for yourself and you are just trying to avoid this challenge by quitting. To expandchallenge a narrowly God the to avoid this to stand up forunderstanding yourself andofyou arethrough just trying byreligious quitting. study of transpersonal or Jungian psychology could be an important challenge by quitting. and rewarding gamble for those who entering their later years.

hilosophical viewpoint that all moral valid or “true.” This position rests upon se a person’s morality flows from his/ ecause people have different values, e with none any better than another. ng that different people may possess values are equivalent. For example, a life of psychological and spiritual e systems lead to a pretty much wasted equal worth, and neither are the moral om them.

e, and perhaps the more paradoxical, moral, for one person in a particular arily right for another person. This differences in their values systems, the fact that what is required for one dividual may not be the same as what For example, quitting your job because h one of your co-workers could be a ision if you are in the wrong line of So,more the next prodding time you have afrom hankering is just one lifeto part to with your money in a casino, maybe it’s time to part with certain beliefs that no longer lly love. Conversely, your to Make it a healthy one. 2015 decision Life’s a journey. serve yourFebruary soul. February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. esponsible if life is trying to teach you February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. info,trying contact to Dr. Andy Drymalski, and you For aremore just avoid this Reno and Carson

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A New Definition of Health AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT

By Robert A. Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D., DAAIM t is widely recognized that modern conventional medicine is beginning to reach the pinnacle of its development. The spiral of increasingly powerful, expensive and toxic drugs cannot continue.


It will eventually price itself out of existence. Also, new developments in fields as diverse as consciousness and sub-atomic particle physics are revealing that we are much more than chemical machines. We cannot be maneuvered to a state of wellness by the administration of drugs that have a longer list of side effects than desired effects.

Conventional medicine is very good at alleviating severe, acute, life threatening conditions and saving lives. It is very poor at helping people attain high levels of health and wellness. It is time to change the way people relate to their bodies, which includes the bewildering territory we call illness and wellness. To many, it still seems mysterious but does not need to remain that way. Conventional medicine is still looking at the world from the view of Newtonian physics. This perspective keeps a doctor locked into a view of the body purely as a machine. Quantum physicists proved this view of reality to be false almost 100 years ago, and yet it continues to be taught to young physicians. Research has revealed that the body is surrounded by an energy field called the human body-field. This is not the “aura” or the “etheric body,” it is a real physical field that is created as a result of all the sub-atomic, atomic, molecular and cellular reactions going on at the rate of many millions per second inside the body. Even more important, distortions or abnormal alterations in this field can have very adverse effects on the body.

A very exciting development in this field is that new methods of testing can reveal not only these distortions but the means to correct them and restore health to the body. This can be accomplished at a fraction of the cost of conventional treatment. This computer advanced analysis software is a comprehensive health assessment tool that probes the human body-field to identify the bio-energetic and bioinformational distortions that may underline physical and emotional issues. In a very short time, this analysis returns more than 150 results about your body and body-field that include organs and organ systems, environmental influences such as toxins and electromagnetic fields, nutritional influences, musculoskeletal system and emotions, including trauma and shock. Then inexpensive, non-toxic imprinted remedies and pulsed electromagnetic frequencies are used in a very specific sequence individually designed for that person. These are given to restore the body field to a healthy condition. This very advanced form of treatment is available today by trained qualified practitioners to help people achieve true health and wellness.

references 1. Goswami, PhD, Amit, The Quantum Doctor, Hampton Roads Publishing Co., 2011 2.

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ietary fads come and go, but the gluten-free movement is one nutritional trend that seems to have staying power. The gluten-free diet was once largely exclusive to sufferers of Celiac disease, a condition that damages the lining of the small intestine, preventing it from absorbing parts of food the body needs to stay healthy. That damage is the byproduct of the body's reaction to gluten, a term used to describe proteins found in specific grains. But while the gluten-free diet remains a necessity for those who cannot tolerate gluten, nowadays even nonsufferers are embracing the gluten-free diet for a variety of reasons. One such reason is non-Celiac gluten sensitivity, or NCGS. Though NCGS is not as severe as Celiac disease, research has suggested that a gluten-free diet can relieve NCGS symptoms, which include abdominal pain and headaches. Allergies are another reason some people may opt for a gluten-free diet. Unlike Celiac disease or NCGS, both of which are digestive system responses to gluten, wheat allergy is an immune-system response and, like other allergies, can be outgrown. But until a wheat allergy is outgrown, it's best to avoid foods, including those with gluten, that might trigger an allergic reaction. While a gluten-free diet is a necessity for people with Celiac disease, NCGS or wheat allergies, according to Michell



Nacouzi, MD, a primary care physician at Duke Primary Care Brier Creek, it may provide little health benefit to those without such conditions. But that doesn't mean the popularity of the gluten-free diet is about to wane. Those without a preexisting medical condition who are considering a gluten-free diet anyway should know a few things about this diet before making such a drastic change. • Gluten-free is not easy. Unlike eliminating sugary soft drinks or cutting back on fried foods, going cold turkey on gluten can be very difficult. Many people who adopt a gluten-free diet find it extremely challenging, as gluten proteins can be found in additives, making something as seemingly simple as reading labels a lot trickier than it looks. Though labels may not list gluten among a product's ingredients, men and women must be aware of all additives that contain gluten proteins in order to avoid gluten entirely. And while supermarkets are stocking more gluten-free products, shopping for groceries while on a gluten-free diet can be tedious. • Certain foods and drinks must be avoided. Though people considering a gluten-free diet are aware that such a diet requires some sacrifices, they may not know which foods and beverages they will need to avoid until they have instituted the diet. For example, a gluten-free diet excludes any beverages that contain barley, meaning beer cannot be part of a gluten-free diet. Though many gluten-free beers

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®

April 2015

are now on the market, beer afficionados may find such alternatives cannot compare to the real thing. Rye and wheat products also must be avoided, and these include products whose labels list bulgur, durum flour, farina, graham flour, kamut, semolina, and spelt among their ingredients. Though there are now many gluten-free foods on the market, unless labels say gluten-free, the following are a handful of products that should be avoided:

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› Breads › Cakes and pies › Cereals › Croutons › French fries › Pastas › Salad dressings › Soy sauce › Soups Many doctors also recommend men and women on a glutenfree diet avoid oats, as they can easily be contaminated with wheat during the growing and processing stages of production.

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• Be mindful of the dangers of cross-contamination. Crosscontamination can occur during the manufacturing process when gluten-free foods come into contain with foods that contain gluten. Manufacturers typically include the phrase "may contain" on labels as a warning to consumers looking to avoid gluten and other ingredients. When labels include this phrase, there's a strong chance that cross-contamination has occurred, and such products should be avoided by men and women on gluten-free diets.

Call Dr. William Clearfield today to see if Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy is right

Cross-contamination also can occur when gluten-free foods are prepared on the same surfaces as foods containing gluten. For example, toasting gluten-free bread in the same toaster as regular bread can easily lead to contamination. Preventing cross-contamination can be a difficult task, and that difficulty merits consideration by people who want to adopt a glutenfree diet. • A gluten-free diet may lead to a vitamin and nutrient deficiency. Grains are often rich in vitamins, and avoiding grains as part of a gluten-free diet can deprive men and women of these vitamins, weakening their bodies as a result. When adopting a gluten-free diet, speak with a dietitian to ensure your diet has enough iron, calcium, fiber, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate. If the diet is lacking, you will need to make adjustments.

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April 2015

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®



brain fog THE POWER OF CHELATION THERAPY Written by Michael Gerber, MD, HMD

EDTA chelation therapy is an FDA approved therapy for removing lead and other heavy metals. It has been administered to an estimated one million people in the last 50 years with an 86 percent positive success rate in helping cardiovascular diseases. EDTA chelation is most powerfully administered intravenously in a one and a half to two hour sessions while the patient sits comfortably in an easy chair and can watch TV, read or sleep. It is usually given weekly for 10 to 30 sessions depending on the needs of the patient. In these long chelations, di sodiummagnesium EDTA is used in conjunction with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, liquid aspirin (also a chelating agent) and heparin (to take the blood to all the body’s nooks and crannies) in the IV bag. Short chelations can be done in five to ten minutes with calcium EDTA only as an IV push. Some patients note changes after the first chelation and older, sicker patients usually begin noticing changes after four to six IVs. Before beginning chelation therapy, patients must have

a physical exam and lab work to make sure their kidneys and liver are functioning properly and that they are not in congestive heart failure. Checking the hair analysis, red blood cell metals and metals challenge testing is important to establish a base line of heavy metal toxicity and helpful trace mineral sufficiency. Homeopathic doctors also check their patients energetically with EAV (Electro Acupuncture by Vol), a German testing procedure developed in the 1940s to be sure the treatment works smoothly for the patient. Besides IV EDTA it can also be administered effectively orally as a capsule usually in a daily multi vitamin such as Beyond Chelation Improved. It is also available in a liquid phosphatidylcholine matrix, 1000 bubbles within bubbles, for greater bioavailability and absorption. Almost as effective as IV chelation is EDTA delivered by rectal suppositories that are available online. Besides medicinal uses EDTA is a food additive that is generally recognized as safe (GRAS). EDTA’s array of biochemical properties make it extremely valuable as a food

additive and it is in practically everything. It has the ability to: bind with many metals; act synergistically with other antioxidants to stabilize fats and oils; prevent discoloration of potato products; stabilize vitamins; prevent discoloration of fish and shellfish; prevent flavor changes in milk; inhibit the thickening of stored condensed milk; enhance the foaming properties of reconstituted skim milk; prevent color changes of scrambled eggs prepared from egg powder; preserve canned legumes; prevent gushing in beer; promote flavor retention and delay loss of carbonation in soft drinks; prevent oxidation of meat products; and prevent discoloration of canned fruits and vegetables.

references 1. Aamoth, H.L. & Butt, F.J. Maintaining food quality with chelating agents. Annals New York Academy of Sciences. 1960: 526-531. 2. Furia, T. EDTA in Foods – A Technical Review. Food Technology. 1964: 18(12): 1874-1882.

For more info, contact Michael Gerber MD, HMD of the Gerber Medical Clinic at (775) 826-1900. See ad on this page.

Looking for an Alternative? Optimize Your Health With Integrative & Preventive Medicine. Gerber Medical Clinic Founded 1975

Family Health • Orthomolecular Medicine • Auto Immune Diseases • Gastrointestinal Disorders • Infectious Diseases

Healthy Aging • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement • Pain Management • Adrenal Exhaustion

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1225 Westfield Ave, Reno • A Sustainable Green Facility Bio-Identical Hormones April 2015 Life’s aadrenalin journey. Make it asecondary healthy® stress, low Rapid heart rate from excess

blood sugar or illness, can be ameliorated by progesterone cream rubbed on the wrists and forearms. It blocks the adrenalin, as do adrenal cortical hormone support, like a weekly adrenal complex shot, which keeps the blood sugar steady. Thyroid supplementation lowers cholesterol levels

References: 17


1. Gaby, Alan R., M.D. Nutritional Medicine. Fritz Perlberg Publishing. 2011. 2. Murphy, Robin, N.D. Homeopathic Remedy Guide. Published by H.A.N.A. Press. 2000.

quinoa egg muffins with MUSHROOMS AND ARUGULA Submitted by Shannon Vigil, Holistic Health Coach The perfect breakfast contains lean protein, fiber, and healthy fat. I would add quick, easy and delicious to that description! While smoothies are a great way to meet all of those criteria, sometimes I like to switch it up with some fresh, pasture-raised eggs. I understand most of us don’t have the time to prepare an egg breakfast on a busy work day so I came up with this quick and easy solution to the perfect egg breakfast. Try baking this recipe on a Sunday, and you’ll have a grab and go breakfast or snack that’s healthy and delicious all week long.



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®

April 2015

Are you a successful go getter,

but just can’t lose Serving Tahoe, Truckee, theLake weight? Five minute breathing break. Chronic stress affects • Five minute breathing break. Chronic stress affects

alone. Try basking in the sun (without sunscreen) for 20 minutes alone. Try basking in the sun (without sunscreen) for 20 minutes a day to get your levels up. As long as you don’t overdo it your a day to get your levels up. As long as you don’t overdo it your See on this page. See on this page.Reno, Sparks & Carson Valley skin ad won’t be harmed. skin ad won’t be harmed.

• • function Take a sunbath. Vitamin D is super forat thyroid at (916) 718-2684, visit (916)function 718-2684, visithypothalamus proper of or your hypothalamus and important pituitary glands, proper of or your and pituitary glands, balance. It can be difficult to get the proper amount with food GLUTEN FREE, DAIRY FREE, VEGETARIAN! For more info, affect contact Holistic Health Coach, For more info, affect contact Vigil, Holistic Health Coach, which directly theShannon thyroid. Vigil, Practice breathing from your which directly theShannon thyroid. Practice breathing from your Are you a successful go getter, alone. Try basking in theonce sun (without fornervous 20 diaphragm minutes for five minutes once a day to remind your nervous Prep time: diaphragm for15 fiveminutes minutes a day tosunscreen) remind your a day to all get levels up. As long as you don’t overdosystem it yourthat all is well. Total time: 40 minutes system that isyour well. skin won’t be harmed. Makes: 12 muffins Frog Publishing Ltd. New Zealand, 2011. Frog Publishing Ltd. New Zealand, 2011. #3 Sex Hormones: #3 Sex Hormones: Struggling with: Syndrome. Little Green 2. Weaver, Rushing Woman’s Syndrome. Green 2.affects Weaver, Libby. Rushing Woman’s • FiveLibby. minute breathing break. ChronicLittle stress INGREDIENTS: hormonalThese imbalances properand function of your hypothalamus pituitarywork glands, and •Progesterone. Estrogen Progesterone. These two sexand hormones Estrogen two sex hormones work York, 2013. York, 2013. Use organic whenever possible. which affect balance the thyroid. Practice your in a •delicate together indirectly a delicate during the breathing course offrom your together balance during the course of your noMD. energy 1. • Gottfried, Sara, MD.pasture-raised) The Hormone Cure. Scribner. New 1. Gottfried, Sara, The Hormone Cure. Scribner. New 6 eggscycle. (preferably diaphragm forEstrogen five minutes day to remind your nervous menstrual keepsonce you ajuicy, joyous and feeling menstrual cycle. Estrogen keeps you juicy, joyous and feeling • sugar cravings •system 4Progesterone egg whites that all isiswell. sexy. considered your natural antidepressant sexy. Progesterone is considered your natural antidepressant References: References: 3 tablespoons ground flax seeds occur when you have • belly bulge and• anti-anxiety hormone. Problems and anti-anxiety hormone. Problems occur when you have Sexestrogen Hormones: Struggling with: This is known as 1 tablespoon garlic powder too•#3 much relative to progesterone. This is knowntoo as much estrogen relative toissues progesterone. • digestive • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika estrogen dominance and it affects 80 percent of women over estrogen 35. dominance and it affects 80 percent • hormonal Estrogen and Progesterone. These workcould change results could change everything for you!two sex hormones results everything forimbalances you! of women over 35. • can’t sleep you want in life! •together 1/2 teaspoon sea salt a delicate balance duringinto the balance. course taking of taking action in to bring trio of hormones Theyouraction to bring trio of hormones into balance. The •for nothis energy Recommendations forthis balancing sex hormones: Recommendations balancing sex hormones: •menstrual 1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper and boldly gotoafter cycle. juicy, andstart feeling radiant balanced, radiant andEstrogen able to keeps live toyou your full joyous potential, balanced, and able live towhat your full potential, start • sugar cravings 1 tablespoon olive Progesterone considered antidepressant • •sexy. Vitamin C. It’s theisoil only proven •feel Vitamin C. It’s the only interact with one another in a nutraceutical special your way. natural Iftreatment you want to interact with Look one another in a nutraceutical special way. Iftreatment you wantproven to feel beautiful, feel balanced, • 1 cup cooked quinoa • belly bulge and anti-anxiety hormone. Problems occurown, when have effective for low progesterone. effective for low progesterone. Each of these hormones are important on their butyou they Each of these hormones are important on their own, but they lifestyle that works for you! •too 2 handfuls arugularelative (or yourtofavorite dark leafy greens), much estrogen progesterone. This is known as •design digestive issues • chopped Eat less dominance red meat and dairy from conventionally-raised • 35. Eat less Let’s red meat and adairy from conventionally-raised healthy supplement. supplement. estrogen and it affects 80 percent of women over animals. animals often given hormones animals. and or These animals often given and • can’t sleep seeds or These chiamushrooms, seeds to are your meals or synthetic consider taking seeds chia seeds to are your meals or synthetic consider hormones taking a fiber • 3/4 cup cleaned, stemmed, and sliceda fiber for Trader balancing hormones: antibiotics that lead estrogen overload. Choose organic antibiotics and that lead to estrogen overload. Choose compared to the recommended 35-45 grams. Try adding flax to the recommended 35-45 grams. Try organic adding and flax •Recommendations cooking spray (Itoused Joe’ssex Coconut Oil Spray)compared grass-fed. grass-fed. • Fiber. Most women only consume about 13 grams per • day Fiber. Most women only consume about 13 grams per day • Vitamin C. It’s the only nutraceutical treatment proven DIRECTIONS: effective for women low progesterone. • Fiber. Most only consume about 13 grams per • day Fiber. Most women only consume about 13 grams per day grass-fed. grass-fed. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place cupcake liners into a compared to the recommended 35-45 grams. Try adding compared flax to the recommended 35-45 grams. Try organic adding and flax antibiotics that lead to estrogen overload. Choose organic antibiotics and that lead to estrogen overload. Choose • or Eat less red to meat and dairy from conventionally-raised 12-muffin tin and spray the liners generously with cooking seeds chia seeds your meals or consider taking a fiber seeds or chia seeds to your meals or consider taking a fiber animals. These animals are often given synthetic hormones animals. and These animals are often given synthetic hormones and animals. animalsthe aremuffins often given synthetic and ThisThese willmeat ensure don’t stick, so hormones be liberal supplement. supplement. design healthy • spray. Eat less red and dairy from conventionally-raised • Eat less Let’s red meat and adairy from conventionally-raised antibiotics that lead to estrogen overload. Choose organic and here. lifestyle that works foron you! Eachgrass-fed. of these hormones are important on their own, but they Each of these hormones are important their own, but they effective for low progesterone. effective for low progesterone. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add beautiful, feel balanced, interact with one another in a nutraceutical special way. Iftreatment you wantproven to • interact feel Vitamin with Look one another in a nutraceutical special way. Iftreatment you wantproven to feel • Vitamin C. It’s the only C. It’s the only • Fiber. Most only consume about 13 gramsslightper day radiant and able to live to your full potential, start mushrooms andand awomen pinch and saute until they’re balanced, radiant able of to salt live to your full potential, start balanced, and boldly go after what thefor 35-45 Tryforadding lycompared browned. Add inrecommended the arugula and cookgrams. slightly about Recommendations balancing sex hormones: Recommendations forthis balancing sex hormones: taking action toto bring this trio of hormones into balance. taking The flaxaction to bring you want in trio life!of hormones into balance. The seeds or chia seeds from to your meals or cool. consider taking a fiber • can’t sleep 30 seconds. Remove heat and let results could changeand everything you! of women overresults changeand everything you! of women over 35. estrogen dominance it affects for 80 percent estrogen 35. could dominance it affectsafor 80 percent supplement. Let’s design healthy • digestive issues Whisk eggs and egg whites in a large mixing bowl. Add too much estrogen relative to progesterone. This is knowntoo as much estrogen relative to progesterone. This is known as lifestyle that works for you! seeds, garlic powder, paprika, and pepEach offlax these hormones are important onsalt their own, but andground anti-anxiety hormone. Problems occur when you have andthey anti-anxiety hormone. Problems occur when you have • belly bulge per and whisk some more to combine well. Next add the Look beautiful, feelnatural balanced, interact with one in a your special way. antidepressant If you wantsexy. to feel References: References: sexy. Progesterone is another considered natural Progesterone is considered your antidepressant • sugar cravings quinoa and the mushroom/arugula mixture. Stir well. Now balanced, radiant and keeps able toyou livejuicy, to your full and potential, start cycle. and menstrual cycle. Estrogen joyous feeling menstrual Estrogen keeps juicy, joyous and feeling boldly goyou after what 1. you’re Gottfried, Sara, MD. The Scribner. New 1. Gottfried, The Hormone Cure. Scribner. New •delicate noMD. energy ready totofill thebalance muffin cups to Cure. about 3/4 takingin action bring thisHormone trio of hormones intofull. balance. The in aSara, together a delicate during the course of your together balance during the course of your you want in life! York,results 2013.could change everything for you! York, 2013. Estrogen and Progesterone. These two sex hormones work Estrogen and Progesterone. These two important sex hormones work • hormonal imbalances • Take a sunbath. Vitamin D is super important for thyroid • Take a sunbath. Vitamin D is super for thyroid 2. Weaver, Libby. Rushing Woman’s Syndrome. Little Green 2. Weaver, Libby. Rushing Woman’s Syndrome. Little Green with: balance. It can be difficult to get the proper amount food balance. It canStruggling be difficult to get the proper amount with food Bake for 20 minutes, then remove from the oven with and let #3 Sex Hormones: #3 Sex Hormones: Are you a(without successful go getter, Frog Publishing Ltd. New Zealand, 2011. Frog Ltd. New Zealand, 2011. alone. Try in the sun (without sunscreen) forRemove 20 minutes alone. Try basking in the sun sunscreen) for 20 minutes cool in basking the muffin pan for another 10 minutes. fromPublishing References: system that all is well.ofup. system is levels well. up. As long as you don’t overdo it your a day get do your levels long as you don’t overdo it your a day tothat get all your pantoand either theAs following: diaphragm for five minutes once a day to remind your nervous diaphragm for five minutes once a day to remind your nervous skin•1.won’t be harmed. skinNew won’t be harmed. serve immediately, perhaps hot sauce and avocado Gottfried, Sara, MD. The with Hormone Cure. Scribner. which directly affect the thyroid. Practice breathing from your which directly affect theShannon thyroid. Vigil, Practice breathing from your Forslices. more info, contact Shannon Vigil, Holistic Health Coach, For more info, contact Holistic Health Coach, York, 2013. • Five minute breathing break. Chronic stress affects • Five minute breathing break. Chronic stress affects proper function of your hypothalamus and pituitary glands, proper function of your hypothalamus and pituitary glands, at (916) 718-2684, orairtight visit at (916) 718-2684, or visit • refrigerate inofan container for uppituitary to 5 days.glands, Reheat proper function your hypothalamus and proper function your hypothalamus and pituitary • minute breathing break. Chronic stressLittle affects • Five minuteofbreathing break.Tahoe, Chronic stress glands, affects 2.Five Weaver, Libby. Rushing Woman’s Syndrome. in the microwave for a breakfast or snack. A small cup ofGreen Serving Lake Truckee, which directly affect the thyroid. Practice breathing from your which directly affect the thyroid. Practice breathing from your Frog Publishing Ltd. New Zealand, 2011. berries would beminutes a nice addition. Reno, once Sparks & to Carson skin won’t be skin won’t be diaphragm forharmed. five once a day to remind your nervous diaphragm forharmed. five minutes a day remind Valley your nervous See ad on this page. See ad on this page. • freeze an airtightup. container foryou up to 3 months. asystem day tothat get in your As long as don’t overdo it your asystem day tothat get all your all is levels well. is levels well. up. As long as you don’t overdo it your alone. Try basking in the sun (without sunscreen) for 20 minutes alone. Try basking in the sun (without sunscreen) for 20 minutes Are you a successful go getter, For Hormones: more contact to Shannon Coach, #3 Sex #3 Sex Hormones: balance. It caninfo, be difficult get the Vigil, properHolistic amountHealth with food balance. It canStruggling be difficult to get the proper amount with food with: Shannon Vigil is a Holistic Health Coach and creator of a at (916) 718-2684, or visit • Take a sunbath. Vitamin These D is super important for thyroid • Take and a sunbath. Vitamin These Dimbalances is super for thyroid •Progesterone. hormonal Estrogen Progesterone. two at sex hormones work Estrogen two important sex hormones work healthyand recipes blog. Visit her online Serving Lake Tahoe, Truckee, ® ® together in a delicate balance during the course of your together in a delicate balance during the course of 23 February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. February 2015• no Life’s Visit awww. journey. Make it a healthy one. your23 energy Reno, Sparks & Carson Valley See ad on this page. menstrual cycle. Estrogen keeps you juicy, joyous and feeling menstrual cycle. Estrogen keeps you juicy, joyous and feeling See ad on this page. • sugar cravings sexy. Progesterone is considered your natural antidepressant sexy. Progesterone is considered your natural antidepressant • belly bulge and anti-anxiety hormone. Problems occur when you have and anti-anxiety hormone. Problems occur when you have too much estrogen relative to progesterone. This is knowntoo as much estrogen relative to progesterone. This is known as • digestive issues estrogen dominance and it affects 80 percent of women overestrogen 35. dominance and it affects 80 percent of women over 35. Visit website butmy just can’t at lose

the weight?

I am here locally to help you



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April 2015

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®

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ADRENAL FATIGUE Written by Dr. William N. Clearfield, D.O.

COMPLIMENTARY FACE PAINTING Saturday, February 14th only: From 12 pm to 2 pm. there will be a face painter at the Day Lodge.

EPICMIX PHOTO Saturday and Sunday - EpicMix Photo will have large conversation hearts for guests to take photos with in various locations around the resort. Photographers will also be available at the race course taking photos.

VALENTINE’S SCAVENGER HUNT Saturday and Sunday - prizes will be hidden in the village and on the mountain to be found.




Come ski on Valentine’s Day, Saturday 2/14, and receive the Ski Heart pin on your EpicMix account.

TAVERN 6330’

FEBRUARY 14, 2015 - FEBRUARY 15, 2015


Tavern 6330’ will be donating 10% of all dessert sales on February 14th to Tahoe SAFE Alliance. They will also be offering a Valentine’s Day Menu on 2/14.

CUPID’S COURSE VALENTINE’S FUN RACE ortisol, the stress hormone,

weight gain in theSTAR middle, sleep GAZING

irritable bowel syndrome, SNOWSHOE TOURSexacerbation

To be heldis10:30 am to 3:30 pm. adrenal each day. Challenge your loved disturbance and binge eating. of multiple sclerosis, breast cancer and produced in the Time: Varies. Take advantage of the dark skies above Northstar on one to a head-to-head Valentine’s race and find out who gets rheumatoid arthritis. glands. It balances blood Elevated cortisol result intour high a snowshoe and telescopic viewing with star guide and poet bragging rights the next proper year! Skiers riders of all levels levels sugar,for maintains body and blood pressure, high Tony cholesterol, highThe 2 to If 2.5 lefthour untreated, cortisol Berendsen. guided tourelevated begins at the Cross are welcome to participate in this fun race at our EpicMix Race weight, regulates the immune system, triglycerides and elevated blood sugar. production ends in adrenal burnout. Country Ski, Telemark & Snowshoe Center at 5pm. The group Venue. EpicMix Race fees will be $6. sleep quality, sodium regulation and There is an increase inwill insulin The forest ability to observing respond the to starry stressful trekresistance through the serene while sky affects the150 pituitary thyroid glands. The first racersand each day will receive and a complimentary impaired thyroid above, function. with resultant fatigue, all while workingsituations your way to the Village at Northstar. Each Northstar Day pin. adventure will include alow laserblood tour ofpressure, the stars and constellations, light sensitivity, When theValentine’s body is stressed, the adrenal Abnormal cortisol levels are associated a telescopic viewing using top-of-the-line Celestron telescopes, digestive problems, lack of motivation, glands increase cortisol production to 50% of all race fees collected both days will with be donated to the menopause, chronic fatigue and a chance to relax around a fire pit and warm up with wine hypoglycemia, decreased libido, maintain homeostasis. When the stress Tahoe SAFE Alliance. syndrome, depression, impotence, and hot cider. Dogs on leashes are welcome to join in thewound fun! decreased stamina, poor passes, cortisol levels return to normal. diabetes, panic attacks, The mission of Tahoe SAFE Alliance is to end anorexia, the incidence and healing, alcohol and drug addiction, perimenopausal or menopausal Cortisol is elevated by stress, depression trauma of domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual violence, unresponsive hypothyroidism, symptoms (PMS), infertility, sleep and child synthetic intake.and If Truckee. and abuse progesterone in North Lake Tahoe allergies, poor wound healing and

the adrenal glands are overwhelmed

disorders, heart disease, memory loss,

Tahoe SAFE Alliance everythe person has the right to and cannot keep believes pace with live a life free of violence and abuse. demands placed upon them by the The of ourofbeliefs that result violence totalcore amount stress,is the is is a learned behavior and therefore it adrenal exhaustion or Adrenal Fatigue. can be prevented. Through education, Cortisol production in everyone response in to advocacy and engaging stress is cumulative. our cause, we can create violence-free communities relationships High cortisolwhere levelshealthy increase the risk of thrive. For more information pleasesugar visit osteoporosis, fatigue, irritability, cravings, shakiness between meals and

confusion. Other symptoms are low energy, night sweats, thinning of the skin, muscle weakness, easy bruising,

February 2015

April 2015

emotional well being is lacking.1

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A FULL SERVICE SALON For appointments call Kim at 775.843.7659 | 1539 S. Virginia St. Reno

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®





Cortisol competes with progesterone. An increase in cortisol results in a decrease in progesterone. Cortisol binds thyroid hormones rendering the thyroid less active. At menopause, estrogen decreases, cortisol levels rise, norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine and acetylcholine, the neurochemicals necessary for proper brain function, decline. Patients with Adrenal Fatigue present with a distinct daily energy pattern. There is difficulty in waking up early in the morning. They don’t feel fully awake till at least 10 a.m. and always wake tired as if they didn’t sleep at all. Their best sleep often comes between 7 and 9 a.m. 2 After the noon meal, they feel better and fully awake only to suffer a drop of energy with a need for a nap from 2 to 4 p.m. Their best time of day is after 6 p.m., with another slump between 9 and 10 p.m. They often resist going to bed and will get a second burst of energy after 11 p.m. lasting until 1 to 2 a.m. Their best work is done late at night. Chronically elevated cortisol levels results in a craving for salt, high-fat foods and caffeine. Patients often are hypoglycemic under stress and are intolerant to high potassium foods (beans, veal, molasses, bananas, dried fruit). PMS are exacerbated. Every effort is a struggle. Clinical tests for Adrenal Fatigue include a drop of blood pressure by 10 mm/hg upon rising from a lying position, an inability of the iris to hold a contraction when light is shone into the eye. Dr. James Wilson has an extensive questionnaire on his website

About 25 percent of patient’s with Adrenal Fatigue respond positively to having a line drawn on their abdomen with a blunt instrument. Rather than turning red as in non fatigued adrenals, a white line remains for minutes Sargeant’s White Line. Pain or tenderness when the adrenals are pressed is a Positive Rogoff’s sign, another characteristic of adrenal exhaustion. Pressure pain is present when palpating around the navel at an angle of 45 degrees toward the umbilicus. A rapid pulse, defined in Japanese acupuncture literature as 90 beats per minute or more, is present in Adrenal Fatigue. A slow pulse indicates that the excess energy has turned into a deficiency. The preferred laboratory test for Adrenal Fatigue is a fourpoint saliva test. Saliva is tested at four different times in one day along with salivary DHEA-S, progesterone, estrogens and testosterone. Treatment of adrenal fatigue is accomplished by replacing DHEA, adding adaptogenic herbs, licorice (not movie licorice, the herb), a proper anti-inflammatory diet and a variety of nutrients, including a multi-glandular designed to support adrenal function, Vitamins B and C, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium copper, manganese, phosphatidylserine, fish oil, cortef and stress reduction techniques. Adding medical acupuncture and moxibustion to the treatment protocol greatly enhances and shortens the recovery period.

Adrenal fatigue is a long-term chronic disease. It will not respond rapidly or evenly to treatment. It takes six months to two years for a good recovery.

causing need to fat-caus were su


Elevated cortisol levels with resultant adrenal fatigue can interfere with thyroid function and mask hypothyroidism. High cortisol levels inhibit the 5’deiodinase enzyme that converts T4 to T3 in the liver. The patient experiences hypothyroid symptoms with “normal” T4 levels and increased conversion to reverse T3. TSH in the pituitary gland is inhibited and subsequent blood tests reveal normal free T4 and normal or low free T3 together with a “normal” or low TSH.


About 80 percent of patients with low adrenal fatigue have low thyroid function. Common symptoms of both subclinical hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue include fatigue, depression not relieved by antidepressants, apathy, difficulty focusing, lack of enjoyment, poor memory, irritable or anger over trivial matters and sleep disturbances.

All of various all lost lose. A have a abnorm

Just kno small i dysbios combin sugar, a chance Written By Karen Tenaglio | MTNV#1534


here’s almost nothing worse than experiencing ear pain, itching, loss of hearing, or a sinus headache.

Ear Candling is an ancient practice, dating back to biblical times in Egypt, the Orient, as well as European cultures. This simple, gentle treatment removes wax from the ear, improving your sense of well-being, physical, mental and even spiritual. The candle is a long hollow tube made from unbleached muslin immersed in an aromatic herbal solution. After it dries, the cone is then dipped into beeswax. The cone or candle is then placed into the ear opening and the top of the cone is lit; soft warm white smoke billows down the tube into the ear and softens the wax. The flame on top of the cone creates a vacuum that pulls out built up wax, toxins, bacteria, dirt and residue from past medications. Ear Candling may also help with a dry hacking cough (a result of a sinus infection), sinus headache, tinnitus, and itchy ear. Today more people are seeking alternatives to digging in the ear with Q-tips or using a hydrogen peroxide flush to clean a blocked ear canal. Ear Candling is a relaxing, natural, non-intrusive treatment.

Common signs include increased aging, lack of stamina, constipation, dry skin and decreased immunity. There are differences between sub-clinical hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue. In hypothyroidism, fatigue lasts all day, energy levels are relatively the same all day long, and preferred foods are caffeinated and sugary. Adding salt to the diet makes no difference in symptoms. There is extreme intolerance to cold and hair loss on the scalp and lateral third of the eyebrow. Constipation is a prominent feature. Excess weight is distributed to the hips and thighs. Adrenal fatigue patients are tired early in the morning and mid-afternoon. They feel worse in the morning and best after 6 p.m. Their preferred foods are salt, caffeine with fats and protein. Symptoms improve when adding salt to the diet. Cold intolerance is mild, if present at all, hair loss is limited to the lateral calf in men, and constipation is mild and often alters with diarrhea. Excess weight settles in the midsection.

references 1. Wilson, James, What is Adrenal Faitigue, what-is-adrenal- fatigue. Accessed February 16, 2015 2. Metcalf, Eric,, Accessed February 16, 2015

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References: Tatum, Anne. Ear Candling. A.P. Enterprises. 1995.

For more info, contact Dr. William N. Clearfield at (775) 359-1222

Facials, peels, waxing, massage, 50+ 10% discount. Access to Health Network Provider. Call Karen at 775 722-9307 or go to for more info.

See ad on page 15.

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507 Casazza Drive suite E Reno, NV 89502

April 2015

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®


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A guided approach to bringing the law of attraction into your life By Denise Coates Reviewed for Healthy Beginnings By June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt, PLR


his is a recipe book for success.

The author gives an excellent explanation of how the Law of Attraction, called the Law of Affinity or Quantum Affinity by physicists, works. Even better, she offers tools and exercises so you can make it work in your life. The most important aspect of the Law of Attraction is getting into the “feeling place� of already having your desires. If you can train yourself to feel as if you already have what you want, you can attract everything you want and need. Denise Coates gives you 56 tools in this book. The categories are creating the life you love, attracting abundance, creating your ideal body, creating career success, attracting objects or things you desire, creating more self-love, attracting your perfect mate, creating a stronger spiritual connection or inner peace, and creating health and wellness.

You choose which ones resonate with you. They’ll keep you busy for years and help you to deal with any challenge you may have. This book is clearly written and is easy to understand and apply. We know that frequencies attract like frequencies. Since all matter is made up of energetic vibration, including our bodies, thoughts and emotions, it makes sense that our vibrational thoughts and feelings attract similar vibrational circumstances, people, situations and events. Our feelings are also signals that tell us whether we’re thinking positive or negative thoughts, therefore attracting positive or negative circumstances.

Why? Because those things are just the result of how you’ve been flowing energy. If you’re attracting everything you want in your life, continue to think, feel, talk and focus on what you’ve been thinking, feeling, talking about and focusing on. You’re doing it right and getting the experiences that make you happy. If you’re not quite there yet but if you’re willing to play and have fun with these games, the sky’s the limit for what you can achieve.

If you feel poor, you attract more circumstances of lack and limitation. If you feel wealthy, you attract opportunities which can bring you wealth. If you feel loved, you attract love and appreciation from others. If you feel unloved, you attract not being loved by others. The list goes on.

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The Universe works in the same way. Until we fully embrace responsibility for how we’re vibrating, we’ll tend to feel like victims.

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We have to stop waiting for the outside world to change. We need to change if we want to attract the people, situations and circumstances we desire. In her exercise “Reclaiming Our Lost Emotions,” we learn to listen to our emotions. When we do that, we’re more able to deliberately choose them. When we feel a negative emotion, we can look for the thought causing that emotion and shift it toward something that makes us feel better. This process can be done Pivoting, or gradually by feeling a little bit better at a time. We can go from rage to anger to a light frustration to humor by gently guiding ourselves toward happier thoughts. Energy Tapping is a great way to help do this. Just go up the emotional scale from where you are to where you want to be, one emotion at a time. It’s becoming common knowledge that we have a choice in every moment. We can focus on all that is already wonderful in our lives or we can focus on what isn’t working or what we don’t like. Don’t be fooled into thinking that the outer good causes your inner feelings. It’s always your inner feelings that create the outer good. That’s why spiritual teachers say, “Don’t be so attached to things.”

April 2015

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®

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herbs & spices


natural remedies


regular doses over an extended period of time. According to otherwort, or Leonurus cardiac, is an herbaceous Tierra, the traditional Chinese medicine energy and flavors are perennial plant and member of the mint family. Some common bitter, spicy, and slightly cold, and the systems affected are the names of this herb include Throw-wort, Lion’s Ear and Lion’s pericardium and liver. and aloe vera are effective. Tail. Originally from Central Asia and southeastern Europe, hazel, jewelweed s prevalent as prescription medications are, all- • Itchiness: Witch it is now found the world over, as its popularity for use as an natural remedies for common illnesses and • Feminine issues: Parsley, basil and provider goldenseal alleviate As always, consult a care youcan trust before working with herbal remedy spread. conditions are still a viable alternative to prescription symptoms associated with menstruation. this, or any herbal remedy. Motherwort is an attractive plan medications for many people. But are these allthat Oregano thrives in and our high Motherwort thrives on roadsides, fields, even in disturbed areas • Antibiotics: garlicdesert are climate. purportedBees to enjoy have its beautifu natural options safe? flowers, and it requires very little pampering. like dumps and vacant lots. The plant prefers well-drained soil antibiotic qualities and can fend off harmful bacteria. In 2011, Apple Steve Jobs his battle with pancreatic and founder partial shade, andlost thrives in climate zones four through • Infections: Honey has long been used to heal and as an cancer. Reports that Jobs, devout Buddhist, delayed eight.indicate Motherwort has aa square, hairy stem and flowers of a antibacterial and antifungal remedy. surgery and other traditionalhue treatments forthe almost a year light pink/violet appear at top part ofwhile the plant. It can References: he participated in aholistic treatments forinthe cancer. grow to little over three feet height. TheSome leavesofareMany the part natural foods are effective in preventing and fighting 1. Tierra, Michael. The Way of Herbs. Pocket Books. New York these included fasts, in bowel cleansings, acupuncture, cancer as well. of the juice plant used medicinal preparations. 1980. herbal supplements, and even a vegan diet. Eventually, Jobs Although natural remedies can be effective, it’s important for Motherwort enjoyed a long history of use in traditional medicine had surgery, but some experts feel he waited too long. 2. Weed, Susunany S. Wise Herbal for the Childbearing pregnant to avoid herbs Woman and plant supplements in Central Europe, Asia and North America. Some believe the women Although name conventional care is often an effective means to Year. Woodstock, 1986. until discussing the risks/benefits with their doctors. Also, Motherwort comes from its popularity among midwives treating illnesses and other conditions, there are many doctors some natural remedies can interact with prescription drugs who used it for a variety of purposes including uterine tonic 3. who agreeand thatfor implementing natural remediesinfection. at times There can or their potency, so it’s important to talk to a doctor the prevention of uterine is increase some be safe and effective. Furthermore, not all natural remediesMotherwort about any plans. disagreement among herbalists as to whether are withoutshould merit,be and some traditional medicines are actually given to pregnant women. Susan Weed recommends derived from natural, plant-based ingredients themselves. it for promoting relaxation, easing pains during and after labor, preventing Tierra disagrees with her Accordingand to surgeon andhemorrhage. author, Dr. Michael Walter C. Thompson, and believes herb should be contraindicated for pregnant “Herbal medicine is safethe because it’s natural. After researching women, since thesay herb cause when taken in the literature, one can truly that,can at the verybleeding least, herbal LARGE SELECTION larger and could therefore medicine is saferdoses than conventional drugs.”induce miscarriage. In China, • Salves • 200 bulk herbs it was historically used to prevent pregnancy and regulate • Herbal Extracts • Supplements Those thinking about incorporating natural remedies into their • Special Orders menstruation. • Essential Oils health regimen can consider the following options. • Medicinal bottles Motherwort contains alkaloid leonurine, a mild vasodilator • Nervousness and anxiety: Try the lettuce, chamomile, valerian, Knowledgeable Staff Serving You Since 1982 that has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. For this reason, it and rose petals. Truckee Herbs Truckee Meadow Herbs has also been used as a cardiac tonic, and to ease flatulence, Your Complete Source of QualityHerbal HerbalProducts Products • Pain relief: Use omega-3 fatty acids, green tea, ginger root, Your Complete Source of Quality menstrual cramping and insomnia. Susan Weed cautions 786-8814 • 1170 S. Wells Ave. • Reno 786-8814•1170 S. Wells Ave.•Reno and tumeric. there is a risk of this herb becoming habit forming, if taken in



April 2015

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ® February 2015

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®






GET BACK IN THE WEIGHT-LOSS SADDLE AGAIN Bad eating day? Week? Month? Here’s how to rebound from a low point to keep your goals on tract . Written by Bev Bennett At some point overeat. Maybe extra piece of celebration, or family-sized bag you're stressed.

in your diet, you'll you won't resist an cake at a birthday you'll dive into a of potato chips when

it's no the slip however, but how you recover - if you do - that's the key to dropping pounds and maintaining a healthier weight, says nutrition experts.

Advertise your business in the PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY section for only $4.17 per day.

Think of it like the stock market, says Judy Caplan, a Vienna, Va. based registered dietitian nutritionist and spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "The stock market will go up and down while moving upwards. You want to have a trend of losing weight, but you may have blips," Caplan says. Having a plan will help on your long-term goals manage any indiscretion. avoid negative self-talk undermine your diet.

you focus while you You'll also that can

First, get some perspective. Say you consumed 600 extra calories on a "bad" day. Will it matter three months from now? No, says the experts.



"It's not a big deal in the long run. You can't get fat or skinny on a single meal or a single day," says Jill Weisenberger, registered dietitian nutritionist in Newport News, Va.


But you don't want one day's 600-calorie indulgence to turn into an ongoing binge. That's why you need a different response for next time, "because there is going to be a next time," says Weisenberger, author of "Diabetes Weight Loss Week by Week" (American Diabetes Association, 2012). For example, at a party take a small portion of your favorite dessert and move away from the food table. At home, count out one serving of chips, then put the bag away, out of sight. You can take small steps to compensate for the extra calories, such as adding 10 minutes to your workout, but avoid punitive behaviors, such as intensely working out for three hours straight or starving the day after your splurge. These tactics only continue the negative mindset, according to Weisenberger. As part of your strategy determine whether your diet is sabotaging you. If you're not allowing yourself an occasional treat you could be susceptible to future binges, say nutrition experts. "When people are restricted they want to get out of that restriction. I want to give people some wiggle room." says Caplan. She recommends you "reward yourself when you need to but basically stick with the plan."

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®

April 2015

own in two areas--the Champagne that is considered to be the top of a producer’s a Marne. These regions range. Famous examples include Louis Roederer’s Cristal, ghout s that derive heat from Laurent-Perrier’s Grand Siècle, Moët & Chandon’s Dom agne Blanc (“white from white”) Champagnes are made from 100 Femme The most common today isCuvée Brut, although throughout low. Chardonnay gives Pérignon, Duval-Leroy’s Cuvée and Polstyle Roger’s percent Chardonnay and Blanc de Noir (“white from black”) the 19th century and into the early 20th century Champagne or. Most Chardonnay Sirsolely Winston Churchill. Champagnesis are made from Pinot noir, Pinot Meunier was generally much sweeter than it is today, age”, or aÉpernay, mix of the two. Four other grape varieties are permitted, the south of ltiple Most of thesuch Champagne produced today is “Non-vintage”, Champagne in trace as magnesium, mostly for historical reasons, as they areis rarerich in current usage. minerals ntage s the villages of Avize, meaning it is a blended product of grapes from multiple The 2010 version ofpotassium, the appellation zinc regulations lists seven rcent and lithium. A 2007 joint study byfrom the vintages. Most of the base will be a single year vintage ifferences in climate varieties as allowed, Arbane, Chardonnay, Petit Meslier, Pinot es. A with producers blending anywhere from 10 to 15 percent University of Reading and University of Cagliari noted that the Gris, Pinot Meunier and Pinot noir. ally a e differencesblanc, in Pinot grape (even as high as 40 percent) of wine from older vintages. A amount theitsantioxidant ucer’ Pinot noir s and Pinothigh Meunier give theofwine length and polyphenols cuvée de prestigein is sparkling a proprietary wine blended wine, usually a fferent grape varieties ristal, backbone. They are can predominantly grown indeterioration two areas--the of Champagne that isdue considered to be the top of a producer’s help prevent brain cells to oxidative as within Champagne, D o m Montagne de Reims and the Vallée de la Marne. These regions range. Famous examples include Louis Roederer’s Cristal, stress. While the co-authors of the study maintain that it’s too uvée are notable for north-facing chalky slopes that derive heat from Laurent-Perrier’s Grand Siècle, Moët & Chandon’s Dom hampagne house. tovalleys conclusively say that champagne is beneficial the warm winds risingearly from the below. Chardonnay givesdrinking Pérignon, Duval-Leroy’s Cuvée Femme and Pol Roger’s Cuvée the wine its acidity and biscuit-like flavor. Most Chardonnay is Sir Winston Churchill. nt of sugar added after for brain health, their preliminary findings are encouraging. sium, grown in a north–south-running strip to the south of Épernay, y t h e es and willcalled affect the des Blanc. This includes the villages of Avize, Champagne is rich in trace minerals such as magnesium, the Côte at the potassium, zinc and A 2007 Pouring sparkling wine while tilting the glass at lithium. an angle andjoint study by the Ogerbottled and Le Mesnil-sur-Oger. The differences in climate mpagne when wine University of Reading and University of Cagliari noted that the around the vineyards accounts for the differences in grapealong the side will preserve the gently sliding in the liquid dative high amount of the antioxidant polyphenols in sparkling wine e finished wine. Wines characteristics. Blending juice from different grape varieties most bubbles, as opposed to pouring directly down. Colder ’ s too can help prevent deterioration of brain cells due to oxidative sourced from multiple geographical areas within Champagne, ng smaller producers, stress. While the co-authors of the study maintain that it’s too ficial bottle temperatures to get the desired style for each Champagne also house. result in reduced loss of bubbles. be very dry,helps with less early to conclusively say that drinking champagne is beneficial ging. Additionally, the industry is developing Champagne glasses The ripeness of the grapes and the amount of sugar added after for brain health, their preliminary findings are encouraging. er in the finished wine. e and the second fermentation—dosage--varies and will affect the designed specifically to reduce the amount ofwine bubbles lost.the glass at an angle and Pouring sparkling while tilting e the e the sweetness amountof of the sugar remaining in the Champagne when bottled

gently sliding in the liquid along the side will preserve the older for sale, and hence the sweetness of the finished wine. Wines most bubbles, as opposed to pouring directly down. Colder bbles. labeled Brut Zero, more common among smaller producers, bottle temperatures also result in reduced loss of bubbles. asses have no added sugar and will usually be very dry, with less esidual sugar per liter) Additionally, the industry is developing Champagne glasses References: st. than three grams of residual sugar per liter in the finished wine. designed specifically to reduce the amount of bubbles lost. The following terms are used to describe the sweetness of the bottled wine: 1. value food has for you. “As soon as If you beat yourself up whenever you Overeating at one meal isn’t the end of • Extrathat’s Brut (less than of 6 grams sugar per people get rid of the ‘good and bad not part your of residual your diet, and it liter) certainlyReferences: doesn’t make grams) eat something 2. attitude toward food, it is so liberating. diet, you could be dooming your you a bad person. • Brut (less than 12 grams) 1. They do end up eating better,” weight-loss efforts. “It’s just one day. It’s not a moral ) • Extra Dry (between 12 and 17 grams) Weisenberger says. 2. You’ve decided you have no control failure,” Says Jill Weisenberger,



CTW Features

over your so you give • body, Sec (between 17 up. and 32 grams) registered dietitian nutritionist. You’re more likely to succeed with Snap out of it. Block those32 dark • Demi-sec (between and 50 grams) thoughts. your diet if you eiminate any emotional • Doux (50 grams)

February 2015Life’sLife’s a journey. it a healthy April 2015 a journey. Make itMake a healthy one. ® one.®

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Mousse Who would ever suspect that when you start eating raw, you would be able to enjoy the little pleasures of life without guilt? This dairy free choccado mousse is a wonderful transition recipe that will satisfy your sweet craving with a small, elegant serving‌

no apparent reason, or even begun to remember forthings no apparent reason, orlong evenago; begun to remember out that happened things that had kngly about things that happened long ago; things that had forgotten. Massaging an arm or leg, back or emingly forgotten. Massaging an arm or leg, back or omehow brought back that memory so clearly it er, somehow back thator so clearly it inintears for no apparent reason, ormemory even begun begun to remember remember tears forTOOLS nobrought apparent reason, even to have happened only yesterday. That memory had • Blender to have happened yesterday.long Thatago; memory had and talk about things that happened long ago; thingsthat thathad had and talkcells about thingsonly that and things in the somehow was now re-surfacing. • Spatula been seemingly an arm arm or leg, leg,back backor or ored the cellsforgotten. somehowMassaging and was now re-surfacing. beenin seemingly forgotten. an or shoulder, somehow brought back memory so clearly shoulder, somehow brought that memory so clearly itit elieves thefor mechanism ofreason, this process isbegun that when, INGREDIENTS FOR Aor in tears no apparent even to remember no believes the mechanism of this process is that when, to happened only yesterday. yesterday. That memory memory had seemed to have have happened becomes That had yseemed life, the unconscious aware the Àthings TÊTEthat happened long andlife, talk TÊTE about ago;that things that had yday unconscious becomes aware that the been in the cells somehow was now re-surfacing. beenstored storedthe in the cells and was now re-surfacing. • 1 up” ripe avocado ingbeen to “blow emotionally because seemingly forgotten. Massaging an they arm orfinally leg, back or is going to “blow up” emotionally because they finally • 3 TBSP organic, raw cacao shoulder, somehow brought back that memory so clearly Dr. Sarno believes the making mechanism of this process that when, believes the mechanism this process that when,it hDr. ofSarno whatever was them angry or isisupset, powder (processed at low them angry or upset, ough of whatever was making seemed tolife, have happened only yesterday. memory had everyday life, the becomes aware that everyday the unconscious becomes aware that the the yininhave been accumulating over many That years) the temperature) may have been accumulating over many years) the been stored in the cells somehow and was now re-surfacing. going to “blow emotionally because they finally person isisfinds going “blow up” emotionally because they finally • 1/8ato Cway Agave (adjust to your taste if needed) sperson mind tonectar “distract” that person from cious mind• finds aof way towas “distract” that person from hadDr. enough of whatever making them angry or upset, Pinch cayenne had enough of whatever them angry or Sarno (and believes the mechanism ofdoing this process is that upset, when, onal upset save them from ororsaying motional upset (and save them from doing saying • Pinch of sea salt (which may have been accumulating over many years) (which may have been over many years) the in everyday life, the unconscious becomes aware thatthe the socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen • 1 tsp of Maca powder (optional but lovely) unconscious mind finds to “distract” that person from ing socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen unconscious mind finds a way “distract” that person from person is going to “blow up” emotionally because they finally he blood to atoupset certain part of of thethebody. Maybe their emotional (and save them from or saying their emotional (and save them from doing ororit saying by the blood awhatever certain part body. Maybe itupset, had enough ofupset was making themdoing angry INSTRUCTIONS fea the body that suffered a wound in the past. The something socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen something socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen (which may have been accumulating over many of the body that suffered a wound in the past.years) The the •the Blend all the until of very smooth carried by the blood to ingredients acauses certain part the body. Maybe itit of oxygen to that area pain. That distracts carried by blood to a certain part of the body. Maybe unconscious mind finds a way to “distract” that person from ion of oxygen to and thatadd area causes pain. • Taste what you need moreThat of distracts an area of the the body body that suffered aa wound the past. The their emotional upset (and save fromin doing oritsaying isisan area of that suffered wound in the past. rom their emotional challenges. doesn’t actually • Take 2 tablespoons, makethem aIt quenelle and place onThe a son from their emotional challenges. It doesn’t actually restriction of oxygen to that area causes pain. That distracts something socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen restriction of oxygen that area causes pain. That distracts nice plate to hole situation because now the person has a pain ethe whole situation because now thepart person has a pain person from their emotional challenges. ItIton doesn’t actually by thetheir blood to is a distracted certain of the body. Maybe • Sprinkle aemotional little bit of cacao powder top isn’t the carried person from challenges. doesn’t actuallyit have before; but he/she now, and dn’t have before; but he/she is distracted now, and isn’t help the whole situation because now the person has is an area of the body that suffered a wound in the past. The help the from wholethe situation because now thetoperson has aapain pain much emotional reaction whatever they didn’t have before; but he/she is distracted now, and isn’t g as much from the emotional reaction to whatever TIPS of before; oxygen but to that areaiscauses, Thatand distracts theyrestriction didn’t have he/she distracted isn’t nation caused it• because their focus is well on the physical This choccado mousse stays for over a week in a suffering as much from the emotional reaction to whatever the person from their emotional challenges. It doesn’t actually caused it because their focus is on the physical suffering as much from the emotional reaction to whatever container initthe fridge life situation caused because their focus isperson on thehas seems that when the emotional trauma thethat whole situation because now theis a pain ut ithelp seems when emotional trauma removed, life situation caused itthe because their focus isisremoved, on the physical physical • Easy to take to work as a snack pain. But it seems that when the emotional trauma isabout. removed, they didn’t have before; but he/she is book distracted and isn’t es away that’s what Sarno’s book isis allallnow, about. npain. fades away and that’s Sarno’s But itand seems that when the emotional trauma is removed, • Lovely with awhat quick berry or mango coulis

thesuffering pain fades Sarno’s book istoallwhatever about. as away muchand fromthat’s the what emotional reaction • Always more and share… They will all loveabout. it! the pain fades awaymake and that’s what Sarno’s book is all

lifecomes situation caused because their focus isof; on the physical owho comes up with a new idea is made fun people up with a itwith new idea is made funof; people Anyone who comes up a new idea is made fun of;removed, people pain. But itcomes seems up thatwith when the emotional trauma Anyone who a new idea isaconventional made funisof; people their programming, whether it’s a nto their programming, whether it’s conventional hang onto their away programming, whether it’s book a conventional the pain fades and that’s what Sarno’s is all about. onto their programming, whether it’s conventional edical education or aorcertain ororareligious nhang medical education a certain political religious Western medical education or a political certain political or religious Western education oraMarie-Claire athat certain political orisof; religious tomedical hang onto that than do some research on who comes up that with new idea is made fun people Hermans an Energy outlook. It’s toonto hang onto than do some research on .easier It’sAnyone easier toeasier hang than do some research on outlook. It’s easier to hang onto that than do some research on for Experts Coach, Author, Raw hang onto their programming, whether it’s a conventional your own. That’s why it takes over 20 years for a new idea that hat’s why it takes over 20 years for a new idea that wn. That’s why it takes over 20 years for a new idea that your own. That’s why it takes over 20 years for a new idea that Foods Chef and Creator “Ravishing Western medical or amake certain political orofcollege religious been proven andeducation peer-researched, toitmake itcollege into oven andproven peer-researched, to into nhas proven and peer-researched, to make it into college Raw FooDprint Success System™”. has been and peer-researched, to make it into college outlook. It’s easier to hang onto that than do some research on textbooks. Most professors want to hang onto what they were Most professors want to hang onto what they were ks. Most professors want to hang onto what they were She started “Ravishing Raw” after textbooks. Most professors want to hang onto what they were your own. That’s why itOne takesof over years for a new idea that taught; it’s comfortable. our20greatest physicists, Max curing herself from Chronic Fatigue comfortable. One of peer-researched, our greatest physicists, Max it’s comfortable. One of our greatest physicists, Max taught; it’s comfortable. One of our greatest physicists, Max has been proven and to make it into college Plank, obviously understood this quirk ofand human nature when Syndrome Fibromyalgia, with ously understood thisthis quirk of human nature when obviously understood quirk of human nature when Most professors want to hang onto what they were Plank, obviously understood this quirk of human nature he textbooks. said, “Truth never triumphs. Its opponents just diewhen out. raw food. As a raw food coach, she taught; it’striumphs. comfortable. ofaIts our greatest physicists, Max he said, “Truth never opponents just die out. ruth never ItsOne opponents just out. ,Science “Truth never triumphs. Its opponents justdie die out. specializes in offering professional advances one triumphs. funeral at time.” Plank, obviously understood this of human when advances one at a quirk time.” help to those who arenature suffering from eScience advances one funeral a time.” vances one funeral atfuneral aattime.”

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muscle testing with Applied Kinesiology.

Adjuster (no discomfort twisting and popping) and • Neck aches - TMJ/Jaw discomfort Mention this •• Neck aches TMJ/Jaw discomfort Neck aches --TMJ/Jaw Mention this Mention this • Neck aches - TMJ/Jaw discomfort Mention this muscle testing with AppliedadKinesiology. • Back problems – Tennis elbow with your first •• Back problems Tennis elbow Back problems ––Tennis elbow with your first adad with your first • Back problems – Tennis elbow ad with your first • Carpal tunnel - Knee & Leg pain appointment • Neck aches TMJ/Jaw discomfort Mention this •• Carpal tunnel Knee Leg pain Carpal tunnel --Knee &&Leg pain • Carpal tunnel - Knee & Leg pain appointment appointment appointment and get a free • •Stress injuries andelbow tension Back related problems – Tennis ad with your get afirst • Stress related injuries and tension and get aoffree and get afree free Stress related injuries and tension •• Stress related injuries and tension bottle • •Auto andtunnel Sports- Knee injuries Carpal & Leg pain appointment bottle ofof Auto and Sports injuries The callsnever this triumphs. mindbody process he author said, “Truth Itsdebilitating opponentsthe justTension die out. bottle of bottle similar conditions. Along •• Auto Biofreeze. Auto and injuries and Sports Sports injuries • ••In-house Massage therapy and Xrays. and get a free Stress related injuries and tension The author calls this mindbody process the Tension with expertise in jazzto music Biofreeze. Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction TMS; Science advances one funeral at aher time.” uthor calls this mindbody process theTension Tension • In-house Massage therapy and Xrays. Biofreeze. rMyositis calls this mindbody process the Biofreeze. In-house Massage Xrays. Massage therapy and Xrays. bottle of • Auto and Sportstherapy injuries and management and bookingto work, she •• In-house Myositis Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction TMS; Manifestations in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations in Call Dr. Jensen’s office today s Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction to TMS; ndrome. Chapters include: Introduction to TMS; The author calls this mindbody process the Tension Biofreeze. artists - challenged • In-house Massage therapy andback Xrays. Manifestations in Lower Backhelps andworld Legs;class Manifestations Upper Back, Neck, Shoulders and Arms; Manifestations inin Jensen’s office today toCall get Dr. your life on track! stations in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations in-TMS; ons in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations in Myositis Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction to by there demanding lifestyle find Call Dr. Jensen’s office today Call Dr. Jensen’s office today Upper Back, Neck,Pain Shoulders andDisease; Arms; Manifestations in Tendons; Chronic and Lyme and The Power to get your life back on track! solutions to improve their in health. Manifestations in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations in Back, Neck, Shoulders and Arms; Manifestations in k, Shoulders and Manifestations to life onon track! Callyour Dr. Jensen’s office today to get get your lifeback back track! Tendons; Chronic and Lyme Disease; and The Power ofNeck, Knowledge. ThisPain book is Arms; available online or at your local Visit herArms; online at Upper Back, Shoulders and to get your life back on track! s; Chronic PainNeck, and Lyme Disease; and Manifestations The Power in

hronic Pain and The Power of Knowledge. This Lyme book isDisease; available and online or at your local bookstore. Tendons; Chronic Pain and Lyme Disease; and The wledge. book is available onlineororatatyour yourlocal localPower ge. ThisThis book is available online bookstore. of Knowledge. This book is available online or at your local


April 2015

775-323-1222 775-323-1222 775-323-1222 775-323-1222 775-323-1222 495 APPLE RENO, NVNV 495 APPLESTREET, STREET,STE. STE.105, 105, RENO, 495 APPLE STREET, STE. 105, RENO, NV 495 APPLE STREET, STE. 105, RENO, NV 495 APPLE STREET, STE. 105, RENO, NV




Place your ad in Healthy Beginnings Magazine Place your ad in Healthy Beginnings Magazine

professional directory allergies Melissa Monaghan, RN, APH Advanced Practitioner — Homeopathy Gerber Medical Clinic Reno, NV (775) 826-1900 Pain-free allergy testing and individualized treatments (under tongue drops-or-shots), with environmental and diet instruction to eliminate food, chemical, mold, animal, pollen allergies in adults and children. 20 years Integrative Medical Experience specializing in treating: allergies, viruses, bacterias, fungus/yeast/candida, parasites, organ detoxification, and sick visits with holistic care.

business opportunities Commission Ad Sales Do you have an advertising sales background? Do you enjoy setting your own schedule? Are you interested in health and wellness? Earnings depend on you and the amount of effort you put into your career. Healthy beginnings Magazine is looking for a contract sales professional to sell ads into our print and online publications. Email your résumé to Call Office: 408.406.9799 Womens Fitness Center For Sale

Successful and popular South Reno/Galena Curves for sale! Here is your opportunity to be your own boss, own the #1 fitness/ weight loss franchise and serve the women of the community and surrounds! Turnkey opportunity. Large existing member base. Great location. The Curves of today, not only offers the traditional Curves 30 minute total body workout, but also the Curves Complete weight Loss Program (developed in partnership with the Cleveland Clinic), the Curves Smart leadingedge advanced fitness/coaching system, the Curves Circuit With Zumba classes and now the Curves Workouts With Jillian Michaels. Curves is like no other exercise facility or weight loss program out there! Visit Please contact Steve Beatty at for further information.


cancer therapy Reno Integrative Medical Center Robert A. Eslinger, DO, HMD (775) 829-1009 Reno Integrative Medical Center offers a variety of therapies to treat Cancer. Our approach is to support and enhance the body’s natural defenses while targeting the Cancer. Dr. Eslinger brings over 30 years of alternative and conventional medical experience.

ear candling Therapeutic Skin Care & Massage Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Ste E, Reno Office/Text (775) 722-9307 55+ 10% senior discount on all services including facials, peels, massage, ear candling, ear piercing, lash & brow tinting, full body waxing, body exfoliating treatments. Specializing in Ear Candling & Brazilian Wax. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit

Go to ad on Page x

chiropractic health Dr. Tony Jensen 495 Apple St. Ste #105 Reno, NV 89502 (775) 323-1222 We take the time to educate you about Chiropractic and how important the nervous system is to your overall existence. That sets us apart from other Chiropractors. Offering the ProAdjuster technique, NO twisting and popping, safe and effective for all ages. Se Habla Español. Go to ad on Page xx

Go to ad on Page xx

environmental resources Sierra Green Building Association Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248 SIGBA membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications.

gift shops crisis intervention Crisis Call Center (775) 784-8085 Crisis Call Center provides 24-hour emergency telephone crisis intervention, support, information, and referral services throughout the State of Nevada. The Center also operates the Sexual Assault Support Services program providing faceto-face crisis intervention and advocacy services to victims of sexual assault in Washoe County and neighboring rural communities. This service is free of charge, regardless of the nature of his or her problems.


Mystic Rose Gift Shop 20 Hillcrest Drive Reno, NV 89509 (775) 324-2872 Open 10 am to 7 pm Mon.-Thur., 10 am to 5 pm Fri. & Sat. Eclectic and unique tools of spiritual traditions, crystals, jewelery and candles. Natural healing aids: Magnesium Chloride, Diatomacious Earth, Himalayan Salt and salt products. Tropical Traditions raw coconut oil, aromatherapy and massage oils. Ancient healing wisdom for today’s wellness.

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®

April 2015

health food stores Quincy Natural Foods Cooperative 269 Main Street, Quincy, CA 95971 (530) 283-3528 We focus on products that are organically produced, made from natural ingredients (not synthetic or highly processed), and without additives or unnecessary ingredients. We actively promote locally produced foods and goods. Mon.-Sat. 7 am - 8 pm, Sun. 9 am - 7 pm Sprouting Roots Market 60 North Pine St., Portola, CA 96122 (530) 832-1642

integrative medicine Gerber Medical Clinic Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900

Therapuetic Skin Care & Massage Karen Tenaglio - #1534 504 Casazza St. Ste E, Reno Office/Text (775) 722-9307

Dr. Gerber brings 35 years of integrative medical experience to support your family’s health care needs in our new 8,800 sqft. sustainable/green facility with spa, movement studio, IV nutrients, allergy testing, bio-identical hormones, pediatric and healthy aging services. Go to ad on Page xx

Health food market featuring: organic whole foods, produce, supplements, skin care products, and more.

pet care

Stop in or give us a call. Vitamin Connection 2295 S. Virginia St. #13, Reno, NV (775) 825-3993 Vitamins 20% below retail. Hard to find supplements. Ionized Alkaline Water, full up your water jugs here. Turbosonic sessions, ten minutes equal to an hour workout. We carry supplements featured on the Dr. Oz TV show. Lose belly fat with HCG drops. Open Mon.-Sun.

hypnosis Joyful Changes June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt Consulting Hypnotist (775) 786-9111 Quickly remove negative feelings from any scene or memory. Learn instant stress removal techniques as well as new ways to replace negative thoughts. Then together we instill the powerful goal suggestions that YOU want. All in one 2-hour session. Procrastination, situational stress, worries, smoking, ect.

April 2015

massage therapeutic

Sugarland Ranch (775) 970-5350 Sugarland Ranch is a community based, non-profit organization housing several small animal rescue programs. Volunteers an donations are welcomed.

Since 1992, specializing in Medical and Relaxation massage and Brazilian full body waxing. 55+ 10% senior discount on all services: facials, peels, ear candling, and lash and brow tinting. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit Therapeutic Massage by Mariana 218 California Ave., #216, Reno, NV (Near the intersection w/ Plumas St.) (775) 303-5186 Mariana - NVMT #5375, Nationally Certified 19 years of experience. Specializing in shiatsu, deep tissue, and Swedish massage. Alleviating pain in the neck, shoulders, and back. Promoting relaxation and well-being. Centrally Located. Call For Appointment!

spiritual centers Spiritualist Society Larry D. Johson Community Center 1200 12th St., Sparks, NV 89431 (775) 323-1114 Meetings every Sunday at 11 am. Enjoy a short inspiring talk and guided meditation to reach your higher self. Afterwards, you can sit with healers to experience healing energy from Spirit. To close, mediums will provide a short message service. Coffee and fellowship to follow.

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®



calendar of events 04.02.15

Complete Beethoven Piano Concertos

Art Walk Reno

See the works of local and regional artists on display within the Arts District, between Liberty Street and Second Street, and Virginia Street and Arlington Avenue. The walk begins at 5 p.m. at Liberty Fine Art Gallery. Tickets are $10.

Tahoe Long Table Dinner Series

Featuring different Northern California wineries and fresh local ingredients prepared by The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe culinary team, indulge in a five-course pairing dinner in the private dining room at Manzanita.

04.03.15 Ski with a Ranger at Heavenly Mountain Resort

Tours begin at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., every Monday and Friday through April 10, 2015, weather permitting. For more information about either program, contact Megan Dee at (530) 543.2618 or


Snowball Throwing Contest

Heats will run every half hour from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at Tahoe Donner Snowplay.


Complete Beethoven Piano Concertos

The Reno Chamber Orchestra celebrates the conclusion of its 40th season with a once-in-a-lifetime weekend of music. A limited number of VIP packages are available.


Dummy Downhill Contest and Rail Jam

Enjoy food and beverage specials, a bounce house, live music, plus the popular Boxing Match Rail Jam and the traditional Downhill Dummy event, in which teams build unique dummies to send sliding down the hill and off a massive jump. This year’s theme is “Places Around the World.”


The Reno Chamber Orchestra celebrates the conclusion of its 40th season with a once-in-a-lifetime weekend of music. A limited number of VIP packages are available.


Reno Earth Day 2015

Join the celebration in Idlewild Park. This year’s theme is The Natural World, Many Cultures & Green Technologies.

Wildcreek Golf Club Flight Tournament

Scheels Kids Club: Fishing 101

Join the Scheels Fishing Expert to learn how to catch your very own fish. All kids will receive a free ride on the Ferris wheel.


Guided Snowshoe Trek at the Ehrman Mansion

They begin in front of the Ehrman Mansion at 11 a.m. Rangers will talk about the natural environment that attracted Tahoe’s earliest settlers and the history of the area. The tour is free. Parking is $10. Call (530) 583-9911 to reserve a spot.

Tahoe Truckee Earth Day

The event gives participants the opportunity to learn about earth-friendly practices including recycling, composting, alternative energy, and sustainability. A diverse array of agency representatives and earth-friendly vendors will be present to help participants learn more about how they can reduce their ecological footprint.

04.24.15 & 04.25.15 Lake Tahoe Home & Garden Show

The event will be at the Recreation Complex Gymnasium on Rufus Allen Blvd., and will feature live music, food, door prizes, drawing prizes and free admission. For more information, visit or call JoAnn at (530) 544-7412.


South Tahoe Earth Day at Bijou Community Park

Learn about ways to counteract global climate change through recycling and composting, alternative energy, & more. There will be a Free Bike Valet provided by the Lake Tahoe Bicycle Coalition.



There will be 18 events, including a Club Championship, the Special Olympic Groundpounder Fundraiser and the Maniac Open with various formats. Men and women are both invited to join. Call our Pro Shop for more information at (775) 673-3100.

Barre Above Instructor Training

Learn the essentials and how to implement, launch and run a successful barre program. Barre Above is based on applied science to create strength, flexibility, and balance in the body.

04.02.15 - 05.14.15 Herbal Formulations

Fee $189.00 Materials $10. Location TMCC Meadowood Center Instructor: Kimberly Powers Class ID 20461 For more information (775) 829-9010

06.26.15 - 06.29.15 Rankema World Summit

Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama personally invites you to attend four days of healing wisdom and self-realization in the High Sierra. Dr. Abey’s goal is to evoke a feeling of value and appreciation for fundamental, life-giving and life-sustaining principles to help you successfully navigate the challenges of the 21st century. Dr. Abey works to relieve physical and mental, visible and invisible sufferings using the ancient miracle science of chanting mantras and energizing water for powerful healing. Join Dr. Abey and gain access to the true source of JOY, HEALTH and SUCCESS. Location: The Nevada Museum of Art 160 W Liberty St, Reno, NV 89501 775-588-6132

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®

March 2015

ongoing events Receive a Discount When You Buy Three Colonics Call Gerber Medical Clinic to set up your appointment. 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900.

Better Health at Your Fingertips Zyto technologies, bio-communication lets your body tell you what it prefers in 25 minutes at RIMC. Schedule now, call (775) 829-9330.

Ringing in Ears, Headaches, Heart Palpitations and Neurological Issues. These sudden symptoms can be caused by Smart Meters. Free Support Group. Call Gloria (775) 851-3322.

7 Day Slim Down Whole foods cleanse to control cravings and boost metabolism. Sign up at or call cellular (916) 718-2684.

Commission Ad Sales Do you have an advertising sales background? Do you enjoy setting your own schedule? Are you interested in health and wellness? Earnings depend upon you and the amount of effort you put into your career. Healthy Beginnings Magazine is looking for a contract sales professional to sell ads into our print and online publications. Call the Publisher or email your resume to Call Office: (408) 406-9799

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Check out Healthy Beginnings’ DISCOUNT AD PROGRAMS. Email today to find out how you can increase profits in 2015.

April 2015

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. ®

Not once have I regretted this expenditure of my advertising budget. Carol Christian, Colon Hydrotherapist Healthy Beginnings advertiser



rejuvenate. Spring is almost here! It’s time to





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