August 2006 HB Mag

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August, 2006 FREE

Beginnings It’s a lifestyle




CHILDHOOD OBESITY Kids in the Kitchen

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August 2006



Beginnings It’s a lifestyle


ur mission is to provide information and resources for a healthy, active, sustainable lifestyle. In each issue you will find information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support good health.

Timely Information Each month Healthy Beginnings' advertisers and writers provide the tools you need to aid your personal path to well-being. As an independent and locally owned member of the SLOWER Network of magazines, we are able to feature articles by national authors as well as from local leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community—and around the globe. Advertising and Editorial If you would like to advertise in Healthy Beginnings or request a media kit please contact us at 775-828-4547 or Email us at Email article submissions or News Briefs to:

Deadline is the 1st of the month prior to publication for all articles, listings and ads.

Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy based ink.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available for $25. Call for details.

Contributing Writers/Editors Erina Fischer Julie Milunic Research & Development Johanna A. Downey Design & Layout Dawn M. Gowery Sales & Marketing

Dawn M. Gowery Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our local advertisers. It is widely distributed throughout the Reno, Carson and Tahoe areas, including most public libraries, health and education centers and wherever free publications are generally found. Please call for a location near you, or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views ex pressed in the ar ti cles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

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Dawn M. Gowery

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PO Box 19041 Reno, NV 89511 (phone) 775-828-4547 (fax) 775-828-1305 © 2006 by Healthy Beginnings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing.


contents Inside This Issue


elcome to our Flagship edition of Healthy Beginnings. It has been my dream to publish this magazine in the Reno, Carson, Tahoe area for over four years. The Northern Nevada communities have for years embodied a maverick open-mindedness about environmental issues, natural health solutions and outdoor activities, all of which promote a perfect backdrop to integrate Healthy Beginnings’ ideologies in living a healthy and natural lifestyle. Healthy Beginnings’ design is to bring together like-minded health-related business owners to work together for a common goal of educating our readers as to the abundance of health alternative choices in our community. As is the focus of our magazine, we do not include metaphysics, tarot, mediums, psychics, etc. as content information. This has nothing to do with our beliefs. It has everything to do with being able to present information in a way that is open to the greater population. Local area health and wellness practitioners are invited to submit articles and news briefs on topics pertaining to green living, sustainability, nutrition, fitness, health and wellness. Please email to receive a copy of our guidelines for editorial writing. We look forward to growing, serving and being an integral part of the community. Until our next issue... Best in Health and Happiness

Dawn M. Gowery Publisher, Healthy Beginnings

Chronic Pain Steve Willen 9

Emotional Weight Katherine T. Kelly 11


The Importance of Kids in the Kitchen Garren M. Brannon 20


The Benefits of Animal Massage Kathy Coyle and LeAnna Graves 23 Pesticides in Produce 30


Departments NEWSbriefs...7 PROVIDERprofile...14 SUPPLEMENTS 101...16 COOKINGcorner...19 PAMPEREDpets...23 KNOWyourHERBS...32 SKINcare...34 COMMUNITYresource guide...36 COMMUNITYevents...38 ONGOINGevents...38 August 2006


Our Cover


he sunflower was chosen for the cover of the premiere edition of Healthy Beginnings to signify health, beauty, value and the coming of autumn. As autumn is the time of year when the sunflower is at its most dramatic beauty and yields its prized seeds. The sunflower (Helianthus Annuus) is native to North America and is believed to have been cultivated by Native Indians as early as 3000 BC, where the sunflower seeds were used in cooking and the oil as a beauty treatment for skin and hair. The flower also signified strength and endurance and was used in ceremonial dances, as well as an antidote for snakebites. Russia’s national flower is the sunflower and the country was the first to commercially grow them for their prized oil. It wasn’t until the early 1900’s that the commercial cultivation of the towering plant caught on in the United States. The average height of a sunflower can reach 12 feet and the seeds are an excellent source of folate, vitamin E, selenium, iron and zinc. Even though, the seeds have large nutritious value, the petals are highly poisonous and should not be consumed. Written by Erina Fischer, contributing writer


By Dr. Layne Linebaugh

p until the very recent past, the symptoms of growing older seemed to be something that just happened. Gaining weight, cancers, wrinkles, strokes, heart attacks and Alzheimer’s disease were part of the aging territory and really had nothing in common with each other. But, there is much new evidence that a key part of the aging process is dependant upon a body response. A response that is a built in mechanism to save our lives, the inflammatory process, also plays a huge role in how we age. The inflammatory response is a defense system that the body uses when it is assaulted by trauma or infection. Sprain your ankle and the body sounds an “alarm” to mobilize chemicals and cells to heal the damage and protect the area. The same thing happens with an infected part of the body or even sunburn. When the threat of injury subsides, the system goes back to normal and the body begins to heal properly. Apparently though, as we age, levels of certain chemicals begin to rise and persist in the body. We heal more slowly, and respond less well to healing methods. We can also experience a chronic inflammatory condition which is further compromised by high levels of daily living stress. This is the bad news. The good news is, there are many things you can do to help ward off the negative effects of chronic inflammation…and help yourself live a healthier, happier life.


Take off excess weight. Fat cells pump out inflammatory chemicals that are very harmful. Get good nights sleep. The people that have a hard time healing are usually the ones whom can’t sleep and don’t give their bodies enough down time. Manage your stress. Years of stress can damage the body’s immune response. Take a deep breath. Deep breathing creates a calming effect, reducing inflammatory factors almost immediately. Don’t smoke. Direct and secondhand smoke inflames the blood vessels, raises cardiovascular risk and damages skin. Last but not least, EXERCISE. It can’t be said enough. Regular exercise not only counters obesity and stress, it leads to a lower amount of inflammatory response chemicals entering the body. Exercise helps you sleep better and increases your immune response…all really good benefits for those seeking to stay healthy and reduce the harmful effects of chronic inflammation. There are many more ways to reduce harmful inflammation in the body. Take some time to talk to your doctor about what you can do, or do some research on your own. Please don’t hesitate to call a professional if you have a question or need some help with your health plan. Dr. Layne Linebaugh is a doctor of chiropractic in Reno, NV. See ad on page 23.

NEWSbriefs Eight Dimensions Acupuncture and Chiropractic Center Welcomes Two New Chiropractors.


ight Dimensions Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center is happy to welcome Dr. Tom Rammel, D.C. and Dr. Amanda Richards, D.C. to Reno. Dr. Richards has returned to the Reno area where she was born and raised. Dr. Rammel is new to the area and is excited to become involved in our community. Both are graduates of Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa and specialize in the Gonstead Technique. Gonstead is a specific style of chiropractic care that is designed to achieve exceptional results with minimal care and works with both children and adults. For information, call 775-324-4008.

A Whole Person Approach to Health!


chall Adams, LLC a Raw Foods Educational Company has a new location in the Circle of Life Spa at 5301 Longley Lane Suite A8 Reno, NV. With this move comes a number of new services and products. She is now available for in-office private consultations, two levels of classes, practitioner training, and will hold two raw food potlucks weekly. Schall is excited to be a part of the program at Circle of Life and appreciates their “Whole Person” approach to good health. Spa services include body wraps and far infrared saunas for detoxing and weight loss, dance lessons & raw food classes for healthy and vibrant living. For information about classes or consultation schedules visit www. or call Schall at 775-412-1891.

Chiropractor Brings New Therapies to Nevada


r. Scot Bennick brings two new therapies; ABC and ZHT. Advanced Biostructural Correction or ABC for short, is a newer approach to spinal care. ZHT is short for Zhou Hypoxia Therapy and is a very new therapy to address the mechanisms and effects of hypoxia. Currently, “Dr. Scot” is the only practitioner of both therapies in the state of Nevada, as he recently relocated from Sedona, Arizona. His office is located at 112 W. Moana Lane, Suite 101, Reno and is now accepting new clients. Please call 775-815-3048 to schedule appt or for more info.

Dynamic Body Has Moved


r. Layne Linebaugh is a licensed Chiropractor and the owner of Dynamic Body Chiropractic. She has recently moved her practice inside The Stadium Sport and Fitness Club in South Reno. The move has been a perfect fit as she has been involved in health and fitness most of her life. Dr. Linebaugh practices gentle, specific adjustments that are perfect for almost everyone, including children and the elderly. She believes that a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects, part of which is good quality chiropractic care. Call for a complimentary consult or if you just have a question: 775-853-4010

Luggage Drive for Displaced Children.


hildren who go into foster care need luggage to move their belongings. Donate your used or new luggage a simple act of kindness that will make a big difference. Help children have some dignity in difficult situations. We want your involvement, for more information contact: Conscious Community and Business Network, 1698 Meadowood Lane, First Floor, Reno, NV 89502 Phone: 775-721-3287; email rflyer2

New Graduate at Vitamin Villa!


itamin Villa Health World in Carson City would like to announce the Graduation of employee Jennifer Galuska to a Naturopathic Doctor. “It was a challenge, but not the end of my education,” Jennifer explained. She has enjoyed guiding people to alternative choices of health for the past 11 years, 4 which have been with Vitamin Villa. “I really love teaching people that there are other natural ways of the world”. Congratulations to her on her accomplishment! For more information call: 775-882-6700

August 2006



Reno Alternative Welcomes Jessica Edge

vidualized wellness programs and offers lifestyle and dietary counseling. She is skilled in natural treatments centered on clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, dietary supplements, lifestyle modifications and hydrotherapy techniques. Some of the disorders she routinely addresses are joint pain, obesity, chronic allergies, sinusitis, indigestion, depression, anxiety, fatigue, premenstrual syndrome, menopause complaints, acne, eczema, diabetes and heart disease. As one of only a handful of professionally trained naturopathic doctors in Nevada, she is excited to offer her services to the Reno community. The services she has to offer will be complementary to and enhance the services we currently offer our clients. If you are seeking to improve your current state of health, we would like to invite you to call Jessica Edge, N.D. or set an appointment to come in and meet with her in person to discuss the natural, alternative remedies available to you and your loved ones. To contact Jessica Edge, N.D. or for more information, please call the Reno Alternative Health Care Center 775827-6888. See ad on page 18.


Walk For Arthritis

New Integrative Medicine Clinic Opens in Reno.


he Finley Center for Acupuncture & Naturopathic Medicine officially opened at its new location on South McCarran on April 15, 2006. The Finley Center is a whole family practice offering a comprehensive intake, physical exam, lab work, acupuncture, herbal, vitamin & nutraceutical prescriptions, bio-identical hormone prescriptions, nutritional guidance as well as Cosmetic Acupuncture - a natural alternative to Botox. Dr. Finley specializes in Women’s Health, Fertility, Pediatrics and Gastrointestinal Disorders, Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture. Please visit or call 775-337-1334 for more information. Tara L. Finley, O.M.D., N.D. The Finley Center for Acupuncture & Naturopathic Medicine, LLC 6490 S. McCarran Blvd., Suite B16, Reno, NV 89509 Phone : 775.337.1334

he Reno Alternative Health Care Center is pleased to announce Jessica Edge, N.D. as the newest member of its healthcare team. Jessica Edge, N.D. holds a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine degree from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, a 4-year accredited naturopathic medical school in Portland, Oregon. She specializes in conducting nutritional evaluations, designing indi-


oin us and help us celebrate the 2006 First Annual Reno Arthritis Walk. This Walk is our Foundation’s nationwide signature event and is in honor of the 70 million men, women and children battling this disease. Funds raised will directly support arthritis research, health education and government advocacy

initiatives to improve the lives of people with arthritis. Opening ceremonies begin Saturday, September 9th at 8:45AM at the Sparks Marina. Following at 9AM 300 participants will begin the walk. Participants have the option of a one or three mile course. Individuals with arthritis will be presented with blue Hero Hats. This is an event for the entire family including the dog with a special Doggie Walk. Each dog will be presented with a doggie scarf. Following the walk in addition to awards presentations and special recognition to our Walk Honorees, participants and spectators will enjoy fun, festivities, music and snacks. There will also be many booth displays including massage therapists, chiropractic, Martial arts, Kids Booth, clowns, face painting, dog grooming, dog health issues and a small health fair. Teams are forming now. Participants can register at www.arthritiswalkreno. as an individual or team captain. Incentive prizes for largest team, team and individual raising the most money and more. Race Day registration begins at 8am. Arthritis is a serious pubic health issue. There are over 300,000 children affected with this disease. In Nevada alone, some 520,000 individuals are affected with one or more of the over 100 different types of arthritis. Join our inaugural team and help us make a difference in the lives of these individuals. For more information call or e-mail Donna Johnson 775-825-7080 (or)




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Natural Remedies for

Chronic Pain

I’d always been healthy until my car accident 10 years ago. Immediately after my wreck I was taken to the emergency room. The doctors said there wasn’t much they could do but prescribe muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory medications, and pain pills. For the next 2 months I had a splitting headache everyday. These finally went away (saw numerous doctors), but my neck pain didn’t. I was miserable. I couldn’t sleep at night and felt terrible every day. Then I started getting back and leg pains. All my x-rays were normal. Pain pills didn’t help at all. Weather changes made my pain worse. And if I got under any stress I would be wiped out for days. I developed IBS, carpal tunnel, and low thyroid (hair loss, dry skin, depressed, and weight gain) over the next year. None of the medications I took helped. I’m on Ultram, Neurontin, Celebrex, Flexeril, Paxil, Prevacid, and Klonopin. I feel like a zombie most of the time. I had to quit working. I couldn’t believe this could happen to me. I’m only 40 years old. I used to be so healthy.


he above is an example of one of many ways a person develops pain. There are many methods that pain may be expressed in the body. The balance between inflammation, destruction and repair is an ongoing process. Normally, this process is kept in check. When the process becomes unbalanced, however, chronic inflammation takes over.

Prostaglandins Prostaglandins are a group of regulatory hormones produced in the body from essential fatty acids (EFAs). There are several different groups of prostaglandins, but inflammation is largely controlled by Prostaglandin 1 (PG-1), Prostaglandin 2 (PG-2), and Prostaglandin 3 (PG-3). PG-1 and PG-3 are anti-inflammatory hormones. They help reduce and eliminate inflammation and pain. PG2 is pro-inflammatory. It causes an increase in inflammation and pain.

The Good Guys (Anti-inflammatory) Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids: PG-3 is made from the essential fatty acids EPA & DHA. These anti-inflammatory omega 3 derivatives are only found in fish oils (cold water fish). These fish include salmon, tuna and mackerel. Increasing your cold water fish consumption is certainly a healthy step to take. However, for those concerned about the reports of mercury toxicity in cold water fish or who don’t like fish, you may want to consider taking a pure highly concentrated form of EPA fish oil. You may also find Omga3’s in flaxseed oils, dark leafy vegetables and some vegetable oils.

The Bad Guys (Pro-Inflammatory) The pro-inflammatory PG-2 are made from arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid is derived from the consumption of land animal foods (meats, cheese, eggs, etc.). Arachidonic acid stimulates the production of inflammatory chemi-

cals including leukotriens (notorious in causing allergic reactions), thrombboxanes, and prostacylins. Several research articles have demonstrated that the more animal fats a human eats, the more arachidonic acid they have in their blood and cell membranes; and more likely to have inflammation. Conversely, a diet high in fish or supplemented with the essential fatty acids, borage oil, flax seed oil, fish oil, and or evening primrose oil, produces less inflammation and a lower level of inflammatory chemicals. Our inflammatory reactions and their chemicals are therefore largely determined by what foods (fatty acids) we eat. Good or bad. Since most Americans are carrying around at least 10-20 pounds of excess fat, there is no wonder arthritis and other inflammatory diseases are out of control in our country. The average adult is 150 pounds, 30% is fat

Research and Recommendations The supplementation of essential fatty acids, primrose oil and fish oils

August 2006


along with reducing the intake of arachidonic acid foods (foods from animals) can yield significant results. Some studies have shown that supplementing with fish oils results in a dramatic reduction in a person’s leukotriens (one of the chemicals implicated in asthma) by 65%. This correlates with a 75% decrease in their clinical symptoms. Another study, involving rheumatoid arthritis (often treated with incredibly toxic and life threatening prescription drugs) who took 1.8gms of EPA fish oil and reduced their saturated fats (land animal foods), showed significant improvement over and above placebo. Diseases commonly associated with essential fatty acid deficiencies include: Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Asthma, Arthritis, Chronic Pain, Eczema, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Supplementing your diet with fish oils along with reducing the intake of arachidonic acid foods can yield significant results in the reduction of pain. The recommendation is to reduce or avoid red meat, dairy and all vegetable and seed oil products.

6. Supplement with free form amino acids. 7. Add extra magnesium supplementation. 8. Use Malic Acid supplementation to help reduce pain. 9. Take a digestive enzyme.

Other Natural Recommendations To Help With Pain

Please check with your physician or a physician who is focused on dietary nutrition for guidance before starting these recommendations.

1. Correct sleep disturbances. 2. Boost serotonin levels with 5HTP. 3. Supplement adrenal cortex to build up stress-coping abilities. 4. Start taking an optimal daily allowance multivitamin/multimineral formula 5. Again, start taking a minimum of 2,000 mg of high quality fish oil a day.

For more information, contact Steve Willen, DC at Please visit






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An integrative approach to weight loss and wellness Katherine T. Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.

So, what has been missing in verweight and obesithe weight loss equation? ty is the fastest growing health risk in the United States, with two-thirds of Americans categorized as overweight and 30% as obese. Most people focus primarily on Today’s American culture places amazingly high nutrition and/or exercise as the key components to weight value on food. Historically, food was considered as a basic loss or management. However, many regain all, if not more need that was low on the totum pole of emotional or “higher of the original weight lost within five years. With each failed needs” (Maslow’s Hierarchy). However, now the bigger or more attempt, these individuals build even further frustration, resisextravagant the food, the more satisfied people seem to feel tance, helplessness, and even sadness/depression in their ability when they consume it. Take for example the average bagel or to lose and maintain a healthy weight. muffin size 20 years ago (2 oz) to today (6-7 oz) and largest It seems as if we have lost sight of the true meaning and serving of french fries (4 oz) to 7-10 oz presently. The midnight purpose of food in our lives. Our relationship with food has buffet on cruise ships is the epitome of extravagance as food is changed from one of utility to one that can be extremely emobeautified for consumption. Also, kids now watch more TV food tionally-charged. No longer is it just “taking candy from the commercials in a two-hour period of time than their parents baby” that stirs strong emotions; adults also may feel deprived, did in two days. Kids also eat both more frequent and larger offended, or violated if outside food restrictions are placed on snacks than in past years. This repetitive viewing of food ingrains them. We have placed an extraordinary level of value on food children with the idea that food is a pastime rather than fuel for as a comfort or even prize, as the restaurant, gourmet food, the body. In fact, if asked, many people are no longer able to and specialty drink industries have grown to be a staple in our describe what it feels like to be physically hungry, having lost daily lives. However, what implication does this change in our sight of the idea of “eating when you’re hungry”. relationship with food have when it comes to weight? Many popular magazines also confuse our emotions as Hundreds of weight loss programs and products exist to their covers display beautiful preparations of cakes, cookies, aid in this epidemic; however very few of them attend to the and other desserts, with other headlines including “Get Slim in emotional side of the weight loss process. Many promote Four Weeks”, or “Proven Diet Tips”. Given that most individuprepackaged foods, restrictive diets, or unrealistic meal plans als are visual learners, the image of the food imprints on your with little explanation of the true emotional value we place on brain without having ever intellectually what we consume. “Grief” was the topic processed the headline for the weight Our relationship with food of conversation with one recent client, as loss method. she noted her sincere sadness and loss has changed from one of utility We also can’t ignore the influence that she is experiencing in having to give to one that can be extremely of friends and family in our relationships up her old relationship with food. She with food. Past generations didn’t have emotionally-charged. literally is experiencing the stages of grief the access to food or money for food (Kubler-Ross’s Stages of Death and Dying) that we do, and thus have a different as she re-begins her weight loss journey. This had never been mindset toward its use. Many families belonged to the “clean addressed in the multiple previous attempts in commercialplate club” which strictly enforced finishing the food in front ized weight loss programs. However, through therapy and an of them. Because of increased portion sizes, this rule exacerintegrated team approach, she is finally addressing the psychobates overeating. Also, many families still reward children with logical component to her weight and she is slowly and steadily sweets, center activities around food, or have traditions that establishing a better relationship with her world of food, as well encourage over- or extravagant eating. Since we are a product as losing the weight that she originally intended.

The World of Food

August 2006


of our environments, we are unable to change our views until someone else points out any discrepancy in our knowledge regarding the food. It’s a no brainer that food is abundant in our society. A past client, who admitted to emotional eating, once named a popular local road as “Death Row” because within a 2-mile span, she counted over 37 restaurant signs. Research related to discount food clubs indicates that when food is purchased in large quantities, people tend to consume more than if purchased in smaller packages. Most restaurants provide meals that are 3-4 times the portion size of a normal-sized meal. If you ask for a small drink with your sandwich, you’re encouraged to increase the size for a few cents. All in all, the focus on food in our society psychologically impacts our view on what food is and how it should be used.

Physical vs.Emotional Weight Energy Balance theory clearly indicates that in order to lose weight, one must expend more energy (ie., through physical activity) than is taken in (caloric restriction/ monitoring). However, if it were this easy, 63% of the American population would not be in their present predicament. Scientists once thought that obesity was primarily a genetic factor, but new research indicates that as little as 10% of overweight/obesity holds a genetic charge. This means that although there might be a predisposition toward overweight/ obesity, it takes the lifestyle or behaviors in order to get you into the statistics. In other words, one can know everything there is to know about nutrition and exercise, but this still might not

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be enough to lose or maintain their weight. In truth, most individuals will not lose their physical weight until they have lost their “emotional” weight as well. Emotional weight can be considered as any emotional (psychological) or behavioral (habit) factors that might impact or create obstacles for weight loss or maintenance. These can vary in seriousness from general stress to more serious psychological disorders. If you were to take an office survey, at least 50% of those present would likely say they eat/snack when they are stressed, bored, frustrated, angry, or simply ‘because it’s there’. Many take a walk to the vending machine simply as a habit during their morning or afternoon break. But suggest an elimination of this ritual, and you have one angry or discontented employee on your hands. Stress has now been implicated physiologically as a factor of weight/obesity, with the recent evidence that the stress hormone cortisol increases appetite. Also, Herbert Benson of Harvard’s Mind/Body Medical Institute shows that a reaction to stress is similar to intoxication in that just as the first thing to go out the window with alcohol is judgment, the same is true for stress. Therefore, with regard to food, people make worse nutrition choices when under stress and tend to choose quicker and less nutritious meals. More serious psychological concerns also have a direct impact on those who are overweight or obese. Compared to normal weight individuals, overweight or obese patients are more likely to have been diagnosed with major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, as well as have experienced abuse, use substances, or have general relationship problems. Sexual abuse or assault seems to have one of the highest indications for overweight/obesity, with nearly 75% of obese females having reported some form of abuse or assault in their past. Oddly enough, the editorial crew for the psychological bible (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) are having difficulty finalizing criteria related to a diagnosis for Binge-Eating Disorder. The proposed definition noted “eating in a discrete amount of time (2 hours) an amount that is definitely larger than most people would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances” as well as a “sense of lack of control” during the episode. Unfortunately, many in the American culture now graze almost continually out of boredom, habit, or other emotions. Thus, the proposed definition has continued to be categorized as a diagnosis in the section for “more research” and isn’t listed in the eating disorders section as of yet. Because 63% of American are overweight, the “norm” of eating has shifted; thus, shifting what the ‘norm’ of a diagnosis is as well.

Mindful Eating/ Mindful Body In addition to losing sight of the meaning of food, we have also lost sight of what, when, and how we eat, as well as how our body reacts when we eat healthy vs. unhealthy foods. It seems as if we eat to fill the gap rather than listen to our body’s message as to what it really needs. Although most cravings can be satisfied in three bites, most individuals don’t feel complete until they have cleaned their plate or emptied a package. How many of us eat in the car, while reading or watching TV or other activity that takes us away from actually tasting our food? How many of us remember from start to finish what a meal tastes like or don’t remember having finished eating something? How often do we listen to what our body needs and when/how much to satisfy it? Many people admit to eating for comfort. What few of them realize is that many are literally self-medicating. Most people who eat for emotions lean toward sweets and carbohydrates. Once digested, these carbs turn into tryptophan (the warm, cozy, nappy chemical induced similarly to the natural chemical in the ever popular turkey), then into serotonin (the same neurochemical that many antidepressants/anti-anxiety medications target). Therefore, individuals are literally receiving a “dose” of chemicals that calm and improve mood. Further, it is the first bite, not the last that induces this reaction, so one could get the same affect from one bite rather than an entire cheesecake. Ironically, even a short

spurt of physical activity also induces a heightened level of serotonin, which can serve the same purpose and have a longer-lasting effect. Our bodies also seem to be ignored both in terms of the food/nutrition we need, but also perception of body size in general. People who wear belted or zippered/snapped pants tend to monitor their weight better due to their own expanding waists, while people who wear stretchy materials tend to have a smaller image of themselves than they are in reality, and are less able to monitor feelings of fullness when eating. Many also mistake hunger for thirst, choosing food rather than water to fill the misperceived need. In addition, people often misinterpret tiredness with a need for food (fuel), when in actuality, they are not getting enough sleep. Whether it is an emotional or physical message our mind and body are sending, we often misinterpret it due to our hurried lifestyles. Sleep studies show that people today get 2-3 hours less sleep than they did 20 years ago and both men and women are working more hours. This partly explains why over 40% of meals are eaten away from home. When it comes down to it, we don’t stop long enough to listen to our minds and bodies in order to provide what is really needed. In order to more realistically and fully succeed in weight loss and maintenance, the key components of Emotional Weight need to be acknowledged and balanced. If the appropriate dots are connected, the underlying obstacles to weight concerns can be addressed and individuals can go on to live a much more mindful and healthy existence without the repetitive

disappointment when those factors are left unaddressed. For more information, contact Katherine T. Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., Director of Branches Holistic Health and Wellness Center, 1001 Reynolda Road, Stockton Cottage, Winston-Salem, NC 27104; 336723-1011;

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August 2006



Written by Erina Fischer

Up Close & Personal

Dr. Richard Meier, F.C.O.V.D. “Nearly 80% of what we perceive, comprehend, and remember depends on the efficiency of the visual system”


r. Richard Meier, F.C.O.V.D., of the Meier Eye & Vision Center, has been helping people see better in the Reno area since 1979. Dr. Meier is not “just your local optometrist,” he is the sole optometrist in the Nevada area with Fellowship Status in the College of Optometry in Vision Development (F.C.O.V.D.). He has 27 years of experience in the field of Vision Therapy, also known as orthoptics. Vision Therapy (VT) is specifically designed to “develop, improve and enhance an individual’s visual performance.” Almost everyone is a candidate for Vision Therapy, including the legally blind, children with learning difficulties, dyslexics and stroke victims. VT can even enhance athletic performance. “To see is to believe.” This statement has a literal meaning to Reno attorney Kevin Mirch.


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“I woke up blind and I wasn’t getting any better,” he said, “It was like looking through a bar straw.” At 48 years old, on April 1st, 2006, Mirch suffered an occipital stroke and woke up in the hospital unable to see. “He can do magical things,” his referring doctor told Mirch, but he was skeptical, as attorneys usually are, he jokes. “I told Dr. Meier that I wanted to be very active,” Mirch said. After a comprehensive visual evaluation, including a visograph reading analysis, OCT nerve fiber analysis and threshold visual fields, Mr. Mirch began Vision Therapy. Within the first week Kevin Mirch was seeing better. Nine weeks later, Mirch is now able to read and he can drive once again. Mirch’s field of vision has “widened tremendously” and he describes himself as 85 percent better than before he saw Dr. Meier. “I can open up the newspaper and read the headlines again,” he said. Even though he describes the Vision Therapy as a miracle it is not without hard work. In the beginning, Mirch was working the exercises ten hours a day, all day long. But he describes the payoff as “unbelievable.” “Without the therapy, I’d be blind.” said Mirch, “It’s just amazing. I really don’t know what I would have done without Dr. Meier.” “I ask my patients ‘What do you want to do with the rest of your life?’” said Dr. Meier “and I help them accomplish that.” According to Dr. Meier, the visu-

al system directly determines how we are able to perform in our daily lives. The eye is a lens-muscle system and it is the same for the muscles of our body. “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” However, with motivation and effort, vision problems can be greatly helped by VT. Dr. Meier puts an emphasis on the importance of time-distance relationships and Vision Therapy can dramatically affect an athlete’s performance. As a four-time Boston Marathoner, Dr. Meier understands the significance of vision in athletic ability. In addition to helping correct severe vision problems he also specializes in sports vision. Besides Vision Therapy, some of the services available at the state-of-theart 4,000 square-foot facility at Meier Eye & Vision are LASIK surgery, topography, low vision systems, Orbscan, OCT, and an optical center that includes sports eyewear. “Vision is the reality of achievement,” says Dr. Meier. Whether someone wants to correct severe vision problems, increase reading speed and comprehension, or even be able to knit better, Dr. Meier says, “They can do anything they want to do. It just takes motivation and hard work.” Meier Eye & Vision is located on 3201 Lakeside Drive in Reno. Check out Dr. Richard Meier’s website at 775-825-0559

PILATES SAFETY... HAS CONTROLOGY BEEN LOST? Joseph H. Pilates believed his method would change the lives of many, giving them greater zest and energy. He worked with individuals one-on-one helping them to achieve their personal goals. He stated, “You can be a 30 year old in an 80 year old body, or an 80 year old in a 30 year old body”. THERE IS PILATES, AND THEN THERE IS PILATES, DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE? Pilates studios are opening up like fast-food chains, with trainers who are uncertified and lack any kind of safe bio-mechanical knowledge. Students are put on the equipment with no core awareness at warp speed, without any correction, creating “cardio” Pilates. In addition, weekend courses are offered to trainers who learn nothing of safety, or what the individual student needs, or of their injuries and how to address them. They only learn exercises of which not all are appropriate for the general population. Joseph Pilates NEVER worked with such large groups in any setting and it is not believed it was ever his intention to have it be so out of control.

WHEN LOOKING FOR A STUDIO Pilates classes should have no more than six students to a class. The trainer should require that introductory private lessons are mandatory to ensure you of your safety and that your personal needs and goals are met. You should learn about your particular postural issues, understand what your body type is and what it takes to change it to actually see results. You should learn what neutral spine is, how to find it and the importance of proper breathing. You should never experience ANY pain in your lower back while exercising. You should always have hand on corrections. Your trainer should be paying 100% attention to each and every student and not talking about other subjects. You should always ask what credentials your trainer has and observe a class before signing up. Pilates is a wonderful form of exercise to add to all other activities. It is not cardio, nor is it to be performed without control. It is a strong discipline when done correctly and the results are amazing. If you have taken or are currently taking a Pilates class which is too large, or you find that the teacher is only performing and not correcting poor movement patterns, which could result in injury, then you have not really experienced Pilates the way it truly was meant to be.

LESLEE BENDER Founder of The Pilates Coach training institute has over 25 years in the fitness industry and has presented internationally. BA UNR, American College of Sports Medicine. See ad on page 13.

August 2006


SUPPLEMENTS 101 CoQ10 Vital for Good Health


uring the past decade, CoQ10 has quickly become one of the most popular supplements. CoQ10 is said to help with weight loss, enhance stamina, combat cancer and AIDS, and even slow down aging. Even though these claims seem a bit extraordinary, CoQ10 has shown promise in the treatment of heart disease, gum problems, and in the maintenance of overall general good health.

What is CoQ10? Coenzyme Q exists in several forms and can be found in microorganisms, plants, and mammals, including humans. Coenzymes Q6, Q7, and Q8 are found in yeast and bacteria, whereas coenzyme Q9 is found in rats and mice. Coenzyme Q10 is prevalent in humans, with high concentrations found in the heart, liver, kidneys, and pancreas. CoQ10, a natural substance produced by the body, belongs to a family of compounds called quinones. First isolated by Dr. Frederick Crane from beef heart mitochondria in 1957, it was called ubiquinone, because it is ubiquitous (being present everywhere at once) in nature. In 1958, professors at Merck, Inc. determined the precise chemical structure of CoQ10, synthesized it, and were the first to produce it by fermentation. In 1972, Littarru of Italy along with Professor Karl Folkers documented a deficiency of CoQ10 in human heart disease. By the mid1970’s, the Japanese were able to produce CoQ10 in large quantities. Peter Mitchell received the Nobel Prize in 1978 for his contribution to the understanding of biological energy transfer, which includes the vital role of CoQ10. CoQ10 is a fat-soluble compound synthesized in most human tissues, and therefore is not considered to be an essential nutrient, although it is available in foods such as beef, poultry, and broccoli. Current CoQ10 supplements are manufactured by the fermentation of beets and sugarcane. Supplementation with CoQ10 has been most common in Europe, Russia, and Japan.


What Does It Do? The main function of CoQ10 is as a catalyst for metabolism. The conversion of energy from carbohydrates and fats to adenosine triphosphate requires the presence of CoQ10. Adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP, occurring in every cell of your body, serves as a source of energy for many of your body’s biochemical processes and represents the reserve energy in your muscles. ATP cannot be produced without CoQ10! Therefore, a muscle that is continually in motion (such as the heart) needs a constant supply of ATP, and for obvious reasons the highest concentration of CoQ10 occurs in the heart. High levels of CoQ10 are also essential in brain and immune system cells. CoQ10 also acts as an antioxidant, helping to neutralize the cell-damaging free radicals. In fact, it is one of the most important antioxidants found in the body. As we age, CoQ10 levels drop off, and decreased levels of the antioxidant have been observed in cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases. One of the hallmarks of aging is a decline in energy metabolism in many tissues, especially liver, heart, and skeletal muscle. Studies have found that either an increased requirement or a decreased production of CoQ10 with advancing age contributes to a reduction of the level of this nutrient. A deficiency of CoQ10 appears to be directly related to severity of symptoms and disease. One study found that individuals with lung, pancreas, and especially breast cancer were more likely to have lower plasma CoQ10 levels than healthy controls. Lack of the vital nutrient has also been implicated in arrhythmias, muscular dystrophy, strokes, hypertension, heart attacks, atherosclerosis, and AIDS. Hundreds of clinical research studies have been done on CoQ10 since its discovery and it is now clear that this nutrient is absolutely vital to health.

Benefits CoQ10 may play a role in preventing cancer, heart attacks, and other diseases linked to free-radical damage. Free radicals are known to have a negative impact in heart failure patients. In 2005, researchers from the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine presented dramatic

findings that show a link between CoQ10 as an antioxidant and the ability to kill breast and prostate cancer cells. Delivery of the therapy could soon be as simple as applying an ointment to the tumor site. CoQ10 has generated much excitement as a possible therapy for heart disease, especially congestive heart failure (CHF) or a weakened heart. If you have heart disease, consult your doctor about taking this supplement. CoQ10 is intended as a complement to, not as a replacement for, conventional medical treatments. Do not take this nutrient in place of heart drugs or other prescribed medications. Some studies indicate that people with cardiovascular disease have low levels of CoQ10 in their heart. In other studies, patients with a poorly functioning heart have been found to improve greatly after adding the supplement to their conventional drugs and therapies. CoQ10 has been used in the treatment of medical conditions such as CHF, hypertension, stable angina (chest pains), ventricular arrhythmias, and has been shown to improve cardiac output and exercise tolerance for cardiac patients. CoQ10 therapy in angina and hypertension cannot, however, be substantiated until additional clinical trials demonstrate consistent beneficial effects. Studies have also shown success with CoQ10 in the treatment of irregular heartbeats, mitral valve prolapse, and in lessening the symptoms of Raynaud’s disease (poor circulation in the extremities). CoQ10 has also been touted as being able to speed healing after surgeries, especially heart. Because the tissues of the mouth and gums require increased energy production in order to heal following injury, CoQ10 has been shown in at least one study to be a beneficial supplementation for persons with gum disease. It also appears to aid in healing, as well as reducing pain and bleeding in those with gum disease. It has also been shown to speed recovery following oral surgery. A few small studies suggest that CoQ10 may prolong survival in those with breast or prostate cancer, though results remain inconclusive. CoQ10 has been shown to help

in reversing the suppression of the immune system caused by chemotherapy. In some studies it has been reported to positively inhibit the shrinkage of the thymus gland (an important immune system organ which produces T-cells for destroying invading germs and viruses). This is important as our thymus gland typically shrinks as we age. CoQ10 shows some promise in the treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, fibromyalgia, and it may improve stamina in those with AIDS. Certain practitioners believe the nutrient helps stabilize blood sugar levels in people with diabetes as there is some evidence that longterm CoQ10 supplementation (150 mg/d) may improve insulin secretion. Other research has shown CoQ10 to prevent progressive hearing loss and improve blood vessel dilation in diabetic patients. There are many other claims made for the benefits of CoQ10, each with differing degrees of efficacy. These include slows aging; aids in weight loss; enhances athletic performance; increases energy; combats chronic fatigue syndrome; relieves multiple allergies; and boosts immunity (by increasing strength in already present immune cells). More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of CoQ10 for these and other conditions.

Hundreds of clinical research studies have been done on CoQ10 since its discovery and it is now clear that this nutrient is absolutely vital to health.


C a ll


5301 Longley Lane, Suite A8 (775) 825-7727



Sources of CoQ10


The highest dietary sources of CoQ10 come from fresh sardines and mackerel; the heart and liver of beef, pork and lamb; and the meats of beef and pork, along with eggs. There are also plenty of vegetable sources of CoQ10, the richest currently known being spinach, broccoli, peanuts, wheat germ and whole grains, although these vegetarian sources are much lower than meat sources. (Please see table for information on more sources). For these foods to be considered viable sources, it is very important that they be fresh and unprocessed, (no milling, canning, freezing, preserving, etc.), using as many organic and whole grain foods as possible. Many foods have not yet been tested for CoQ10 quantity, so it is best to continually research this topic. Food


CoQ10 (mg)

Beef 3 oz.* Herring, marinated 3 oz. Chicken 3 oz. Soybean oil 1 TBS Canola oil 1 TBS Rainbow trout, steamed 3 oz. Peanuts, roasted 1 oz. Sesame seeds, roasted 1 oz. Pistachio nuts, roasted 1 oz. Broccoli, boiled 1/2 cup, chopped Cauliflower, boiled 1/2 cup, chopped Orange 1 medium Strawberries 1/2 cup Egg, boiled 1 medium

2.6 2.3 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1

*A 3-oz serving of meat or fish is about the size of a deck of cards.

Because levels of the compound diminish with age (and with certain diseases), some doctors recommend daily supplementation beginning about age 40. Currently there are no specific dietary intake recommendations for CoQ10 from the Food and Nutrition Board or other agencies. An appropriate individual dose would depend on age, diet, and the amount of stress, disease or pollution a person is managing in their daily life. The general dosage is 30-50 mg twice a day. Higher dosages of 100 mg twice a day may be useful for heart or circulatory disorders, or for Alzheimer’s disease and other specific complaints. It is best to take CoQ10 as a supplement morning and evening. CoQ10 is fat-soluble and is best absorbed with fats in a meal. CoQ10 supplementation is best if continued long term as it may require eight weeks or longer to notice results. Supplements are available as capsule, softgel, tablet, and liquid. Side effects of CoQ10, though rare, range from dizziness, nausea, insomnia, and headaches.

Caution • People who suffer from diabetes should watch their blood sugar carefully when using CoQ10 because their glucose levels can drop while using this supplement. • Use of warfarin (Coumadin) and CoQ10 supplements has been reported to decrease the anticoagulant effect of warfarin in at least 4 cases. • Pregnant or nursing women should always check with their doctor before using CoQ10 as the nutrient has not been well studied in this group. • Again, if you have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before taking CoQ10. Sources available upon request. For additional information or questions about supplements, contact Kelly J. House, BS at

Naturopathic Medicine • Anxiety • Depression • Menopause • Fibromyalgia • Digestive Problems • Premenstrual Syndrome • Food & Environmental Allergies • Individualized Cleansing Programs Jessica Edge, B.S., N.D. holds a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, a four-year accredited Naturopathic Medical School.

I will spend time with you, finding the cause of your health issues and assisting your bodyʼs natural healing process.


3400 Kauai Court, Suite 100 • Reno, Nevada 89509•


Healthy Beginnings Magazine Invites you to HLN (Healthy Living Networking). This unique networking group meets monthly the third Thursday of each month at 5301 Longley Lane Suite A8, Reno, NV. 89511. If you are in a health-related field and are interested in joining us, please call 775-828-4547 for confirmation of location, time and topic of discussion. There is no charge to join these informal, yet informative meetings. This is an opportunity to meet your colleagues who share common healthy lifestyle goals and interests. We look forward to seeing you there.


Paulette Mitchell

Frozen BananaBerry Parfaits Makes 4 servings


rozen bananas work like magic. Use them to make a dessert with a rich-tasting, creamy texture that the kids —and adult—will love. Plan ahead for freezing the bananas (a great use for those that are just past their prime for eating fresh) and prepare the healthful dessert in minutes just before serving. Ingredients: 3 frozen bananas, peeled 1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt 2 tablespoons honey 2 cups sliced strawberries (see Tip) Grating of semi-sweet chocolate for garnish Just before serving, cut the banana into 1-inch slices, while still frozen. Combine the yogurt and honey in a food processor. Gradually add the banana slices and process until smooth and creamy. Spoon the banana mixture into parfait glasses, alternating with layers of strawberries. (Or spoon into a bowl and top with the fruit.) Garnish and serve immediately.

Any leftover banana mixture may be frozen, however it is not as good as it is when freshly made. If frozen, allow it to stand at room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes before serving. Tip: Pick red, ripe strawberries at the market because they do not ripen after being picked. And, do not wash strawberries or remove their caps until ready to use. Store them in a moisture-proof container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Recipe from The 15-Minute Gourmet: Vegetarian by Paulette Mitchell. Mitchell is a renowned gourmet and award-winning author of 12 popular cookbooks, including A Beautiful Bowl of Soup, The Spirited Vegetarian, and Vegetarian Appetizers

Feng Shui Classical Consulting 775-830-8168 Did you know there are two types of Feng Shui practiced today? - Traditional (Classical) and New-Age (Black Sect) If you are interested in Traditional Feng Shui, please give me a call.

Rebecca Moore August 2006


the importance of

Kids in the Kitchen


e, as a nation, are the heaviest we have ever been. According to recent estimates, two thirds of the adult population is overweight and thirty percent of those are obese. With the extra weight comes increased risks for many chronic diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Sadly, it is not just the adult population that is being affected by the obesity epidemic. It is estimated that seventeen percent of adolescents (aged 12-19 years) and nineteen percent of children (aged 6-11 years) are overweight and at risk for the same chronic diseases as adults. This is especially tragic since children and adolescents are younger and may face many years of impaired health and decreased quality of life. There are many factors that contribute to the increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Likewise, the solution is not a simple one. To place all the blame on the food industry and fast-food franchises is to miss the larger part of the picture. Granted, our busy lifestyles contribute to many of our health and wellness issues. It is often challenging to meet our personal health and wellness goals but we still have options. We can positively impact the health and wellness of our children by giving them the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about what and how they eat. One of the most effective ways to do this is to teach them how to cook. Cooking involves more than the application of heat to food. Before you cook you must shop and before you shop you must plan a menu and choose recipes. The skills involved in these processes are “life skills� and serve as the foundation for life-long decision-making. A recent survey by the American Dietetic Association of more than 1000 dietetic professionals cited the top three factors that help prevent excess weight gain in children. Those factors are child participation, parental involvement, and knowledge of portion sizes. Teaching children to cook encompasses all three factors. In addition, teaching children to cook fosters experimentation and creativity, develops self-esteem, helps children be in their power, and improves organizational and timemanagement skills. When children learn how to select foods and prepare healthy meals, it translates into improvements in life-long health and wellness.


We can positively impact the health and wellness of our children by giving them the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about what and how they eat.

It is very important to get children into the kitchen when they are young. Plus, involving them in the meal planning and preparation is a great way to introduce them to new foods. Children may be more inclined to try something they helped prepare than if it is just presented on a plate. Teaching children to cook does not require any special equipment. In most cases, a step stool, a few kid-friendly utensils, and an apron are all you will need. Of course, when children are first starting out there may be a mess or two to clean up, but children can also learn from this. Since children develop differently and at different rates, here is a general guide for teaching children to cook. As children learn basic cooking skills and food safety, introduce new skills to keep them challenged and motivated.

Children Ages 3 to 6 Years: Hand washing Introduction to the “Rules of the Kitchen” and the basics of food and cooking With adult direction, able to add ingredients to a bowl (children learn about order and organization) Basic mixing and stirring of ingredients in a bowl (use a large bowl and a large spoon) Sifting dry ingredients Able to wash fruits & vegetables (children learn about different fruits & vegetables, along with some basic food safety) Able to tear lettuce for a salad (children learn about size by tearing lettuce into large and small pieces) and arrange vegetables in salads Use of a timer

Children Ages 6 to 8 Years: Hand washing and basic food and kitchen safety Basic nutrition and information about where foods come from and why they are important in our diet (also, foods from different cultures and their history) Able to help with meal planning and shopping Able to fill and level measuring spoons and cups (children learn about size and measurements) Able to pour liquid ingredients into measuring

cups (children learn about measurements and accuracy) Able to beat ingredients with a wire whisk (children learn how things combine to make other things) Using a dull knife, able to cut and spread soft foods (plastic, blunt-tip scissors can also be used to cut foods and mince fresh herbs) Able to set the table (children learn organization)

Children Ages 8 to 10 Years Hand washing, food and kitchen safety, and safe use of kitchen equipment Able to help with meal planning and shopping Expand nutrition knowledge into skills that the child can use to help plan meals and make everyday food selections (why different cooking techniques are healthier, different ways to prepare favorite foods to make them more healthy) Introduce cookbooks, cooking magazines, and web-based recipe collections (children can search for recipes that look and sound interesting) With adult supervision, able to use: •can opener (can openers that do not produce sharp edges are kid-safe) • electric mixer (children can hold the beater in the bowl at low speeds – parents should control the power and beater speed) • microwave (children can place items in the oven and select numbers – children learn about time and kitchen safety) Continue developing skills such as measuring, stirring, mixing, folding, and beating Able to prepare simple kid-safe recipes with few ingredients with little adult supervision (children learn problem-solving skills and enjoy the sense of accomplishment)

It is estimated that seventeen percent of adolescents (aged 12-19 years) and nineteen percent of children (aged 6-11 years) are overweight and at risk for the same chronic diseases as adults. August 2006


Pre-teens Ages 10 to 12 Years Continue emphasizing food and kitchen safety, plus basic first aid for burns and cuts Continue to expand nutrition knowledge and encourage children to use what they have learned for meal planning and food selections Children may wish to create their own recipes or “perfect” favorite recipes (encourage creativity, be prepared to sample, provide feedback and guidance) Able to use the stove top and oven, including safety, proper use of oven mitts, and where to place hot dishes With adult supervision, use a knife for chopping, dicing, and mincing – in that order (children learn knife skills and safety) With adult supervision, use a melon baller and a hand-held grater to shred and grate ingredients (children learn kitchen safety) With adult supervision, use a peeler to peel fruits and vegetables (harp-style peelers are easier for children to use)

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Teens Ages 13 Years and Older Continue to expand nutrition knowledge (teens exert their independence and consume more meals away from home – this is where their knowledge and skills really start to pay off) Continue emphasizing food and kitchen safety Prepare recipes with multiple ingredients (children continue to improve their kitchen and organizational skills) Use an electric can opener, electric mixer, and microwave without supervision Prepare recipes independently with little adult supervision (mastering these skills builds trust and self-esteem)

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Quality time spent with a child while teaching valuable life skills is very important in today’s fast-paced society. The knowledge and skills shared with the child will last a lifetime and can serve as the foundation for the child’s future health and well being. Also, these are the skills our children will pass on to their children.

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Garren M. Brannon, RD, LDN, is the Director of Nutritional Health and Wellness at Branches Holistic Health and Wellness Center in Winston-Salem, NC. As a nutritionist and chef, he provides nutritional counseling and education For more information, contact him at 336-723-1011 or via email at Visit

3400 Kauai Court, Suite 100 Reno, Nevada 89509 22

Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD

the benefits of


Animal Massage

athy clearly remembers the pleased look on her mother’s face when she announced her decision to return to school...then how the expression changed from one of pleasure to one of confusion as she announced that she was going to animal massage school. Kathy is a licensed massage therapist for humans, and is also a certified animal massage therapist. That’s right, she massages animals, specializing in dogs and horses. When you stop to think about it, though, it is not as odd as it may first sound. We’ve all experienced sore muscles from doing (or overdoing) various activities. Athletes experience it; laborers experience it; even the weekend gardeners working around their yards experience it. To relieve those sore muscles, we often search for a trained massage therapist to help us feel better. So, if massage helps us feel better, it is only logical that it works just as well for animals. After all, they also are athletes, laborers, and spend most of their time hanging out in the yard (or pasture). If our two legs can get tired and sore after a workout, just image how it must be to have four legs getting sore! Did you know that over 60% of a horse’s body is muscle? Most horses weigh well over 1000 pounds, so that is quite a bit of muscle. Back to Kathy’s Mom. She finally expressed that she was delighted Kathy was pursuing her dream, but just did not understand why she liked rubbing on horses. The explanation was simple—the passion to help another living creature feel better. Feeling better is indeed one of the many benefits of massage, but it is more than just a nice rubdown for the animal. It is a process of scientifically locating and treating areas of muscle tension and trauma. Massage improves circulation in the body. Improved circulation releases tension, which aids in the healing of injuries. It is the perfect complement to quality veterinary care. Massage increases flexibility and range of motion. Horses used in athletic events or show competitions experience improved performance when they are in peak condition. Massage before an event will decrease the likelihood of injuries.

photo courtesy of Rachel Davidson


lowered head, the licking and chewing, the softened, trancelike look in their eyes, and the relaxed stance of shifting their weight from four to two feet. Dogs turn into a complete puddle of puppy mush as they melt into a fully relaxed position. Horses will often stretch their necks out as far as they can, and make a camel-lipped face (the equivalent of a dog’s hind leg scratch that comes from petting just the right spot). While Kathy’s mom may not fully understand the passion, the animals certainly do. They fully appreciate what massage does for them. That is why they shower her with nuzzles and kisses during a session, and why they remember her each time they see her. So, that’s why she enjoys “rubbing on a horse”. For more information about the benefits of animal massage, email Kathy Coyle or LeAnna Graves of Equicare® Equine Massage Therapy at

It is also ideal for correcting or alleviating: • Sore backs and necks • Lameness or shoulder problems • Tripping or stumbling • Head tossing • Unusual behavioral problems • Symptoms of tying up or EPM The animals really enjoy being massaged. Their body language during a session tells all about how good it feels—the

August 2006


Why Eat Raw? The raw and living food lifestyle is becoming more well-known, but what is it exactly? Raw Foods Health Benefits Raw foods have their own enzymes to aid with digestion. Taking in food that has had its enzymes destroyed by cooking means that enzymes inside your body will have to be pulled from their various tasks to help you digest the food. This is what causes that tired feeling after eating, speeds the aging process, and allows for disease processes. Food enzyme researcher, Dr. Edward Howell, calls this process the Law of Adaptive Secretion of Digestive Enzymes. The human body will secrete the enzymes required to digest the food we put in it, so eating cooked food will force the body to draw from our body’s limited enzyme capacity. Eating raw food ensures that our own body’s supply of enzymes is not over-taxed. Raw food also retains vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function properly. With the proper nutrients and enzymes, our bodies are able to heal and protect themselves from any number of health issues that could otherwise occur. Dr. Douglass, M.D., Ph.D., believes the high redox potential (the process of taking or giving electrons) of raw foods, is an important factor in their healing power. This process is destroyed by cooking. Feeding your body proper nutrition builds a platform for your body to do its proper work. Eating this way will help you to have more energy, live at an appropriate weight, boost your immune system, and become more emotionally stable.

Raw Food Nutrition The food pyramid in the raw food lifestyle is protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The best source of protein comes from dark leafy greens in the form of amino acids. Many people are under the misconception that eating protein creates protein, but it is actually amino acids that build protein. Fruits are the best source of carbohydrates, and good sources of fats come from nuts, seeds, avocadoes, and coconuts. Nuts and seeds must be sprouted in order to release the enzyme inhibitors that protect them until they are ready to grow. Raw Food Cuisine Humans have created a celebration around food, making it more of a social event than a natural process of taking in nutrition. We are in love with food! Food is often prepared with such love and care that it becomes very personal and emotional attachments are created. With that in mind, the raw food lifestyle is exploding with an incredible cuisine made completely of raw and living foods. Restaurants are opening across the country with, either exclusively raw menus, or a raw menu as part of their offering. Using dehydrators, high speed blenders, food processors, and juicers the raw food community has begun to create edibles that rival any of their cooked- food counterparts. One such restaurant, Pure Food and Wine, was named one of the top 100 restaurants in New York City. Classes are being taught all over the country, including here in Reno, on how to prepare this type of cuisine. Angel Hair Pasta with Marinara, Tacos, Indian Vegetable Curry, Crepes, and Chocolate Cream Pie, with “Graham” cracker crust, are just a few of the incredible dishes being prepared in this way. Eat WELL! For more information: Schall Adams, LLC at 775-412-1891. See ad on page 19.

Thank you To all of our Flagship advertisers, my staff and I sincerely thank each one of you for investing in Healthy Beginnings. We extend to you, our handshakes, our smiles and our Passion in providing our readers with the latest trends and straight facts on: Integrative medicines, nutrition, green living, fitness and sustainability. We are delighted to be Northern Nevada’s information provider on resources in living an active and healthy Lifestyle. As always. Best in Health and Happiness Thank you, Dawn M. Gowery Publisher Healthy Beginnings Magazine 24

What is the Value of

Colon Hydrotherapy? our colon, or large intestine, is one part of your digestive system. From your mouth to your anus, you have one long hollow tube that takes in food, digests it and then eliminates it. Your colon, the last part of this tubing, is an organ made up of muscle tissue that moves toxic materials (digested food) along and out of the body through wave-like motions known as peristaltic action. The distance from the cecum (the beginning of the large bowel) to the rectum is approximately 5 1/2 feet. When a person is constipated, the walls of the colon are general packed or lined with accumulated feces. The colon can neither absorb nor eliminate properly in this condition. Despite daily elimination, many people are not aware that they have a bowel problem. Very often, the complete length of the colon is impacted with fecal matter, leaving only a narrow channel for the small softer feces to pass through. Failure to cleanse the colon properly is like having an entire garbage collection staff go on strike for months on end. The colon is a sewage system of the body. If the wastes in the colon are allowed to build up, they will decay and absorb through the walls of the colon into the bloodstream. These toxins can poison the brain and nervous system which can result in feeling depressed, irritable, weak and listless. It can also poison the lungs so that your breath is foul; poison the digestive system so that you are distressed and bloated; and poison the blood so that your skin is sallow and unhealthy. In short, every organ is affected.


Colon hydrotherapy is an ancient method of natural healing. Enemas were recorded as early as 1500 BC in the Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian medical document. Hippocrates, Galen and Pare also promoted the use of enema therapy. In those early times, people performed an enema in a lake or river using a hollow reed to allow water to flow into the rectum. Bernard Jensen, D.C. says: “In times past, knowledge of the bowel was more widespread and people were taught how to care for the bowel.� Enemas, were at one time, a more common procedure than today. Before the departure of the Lewis and Clark expeditions, a physician instructed them in the appropriateness of using enemas in case of fever and illness. Our grandparents and greatgrandparents grew up with the use of enemas as a widely accepted procedure for reversing the onset of illness. To properly cleanse the body tissue, we must start by a thorough cleansing of the bowel. It took time to pollute our bodies to the point of disease, so it will take time to reverse the process through a series of body cleansing. The natural immune system can only be built up in a clean body; a body with a minimum amount of accumulated toxic material. Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure, but a valuable procedure and treatment for a wide variety of different health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health problems. By stripping down the old, toxic mucus lining of the bowel, we remove the number one source of disease in the body. In addition, a cleansed bowel becomes a

Colon hydrotherapy is an ancient method of natural healing.

more efficient means of elimination and nutrient absorption. Colon hydrotherapy is the first step toward normalizing the bowel so that the friendly bacteria can be re-established to keep the colon safe from putrefaction and further auto-intoxication. Colon cleansing is so significant, that surgeons and physicians are beginning to understand the importance of bowel care in the prevention of disease. Carol Christian Reno Alternative Health Care Center 775-827-6888 See ad on page 10

August 2006



Dr. John W. Burton Burton’s Wellness Center

What to know before you buy Look for Dr. Burton’s article in the September issue of Healthy Beginnings.

An Alternative to Botox that Promotes Total Body Health in the Process


ave you wondered if there was a non-invasive, gentle, non-pharmacological way to smooth out your wrinkles, tighten and plump up your skin, even out your skin tone and reduce the puffiness under your eyes? An ancient needling technique that utilizes a very superficial insertion of thin acupuncture needles has been shown to do just that. In Chinese Medicine terminology, these specific acupuncture protocols bring extra Qi and Blood to the face and/or abdomen. In Western Medicine terminology, it would be said that blood and lymph circulation are increased. Also, the needle insertions stimulate the nervous system in the skin, which in turn promotes the production of elastin and collagen, thereby lifting and plumping up the skin tissue and smoothing out fine wrinkles and lines. The skin is the largest organ of the body and must be cared for from the inside, as well as the outside. In conjuc-


tion with a twice a week cosmetic acupuncture treatment, diet, lifestyle, nutritional supplementation, a customized Chinese medicine formula and a proper skin care regimen must also be incorporated. A Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis based on a comprehensive health history intake is also made to assist the practitioner in choosing additional body points that help complete the total body balancing. Three Cosmetic Acupuncture treatment protocols are offered: upper face, lower face and abdomen. Only one protocol may be applied at a time. A commitment of twice per week for 5 weeks is required to see the expected results.

• Reduction/Elimination of Acne and/or Rosacea

Expected Results of the Upper and/or Lower Face Protocol: • Reduction and softening of wrinkles • Firmer skin and jaw line • Healthy glow • Even skin tone

Tara L. Finley, O.M.D., N.D. Oriental Medicine Doctor Naturopathic Doctor The Finley Center for Acupuncture & Naturopathic Medicine, LLC 775-337-1334 See ad on page 7.

Expected Results of the Abdominal Protocol: • Firmer skin tone/ tightening of abdominal area • Supports weight loss program • Inches lost • Increases “Core Qi” Additional Health Benefits of all protocols: • Overall sense of well being and health • Improved Digestive Functions • Better sleep • Hormonal balance



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Dr. Grange has a Master’s of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition, a Ph.D. in Nutrition and a Doctor of Naturopathy from Clayton University.

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Other services include: Far Infared Sauna, Massage, Raw Food Classes, Dance Classes and Meeting Rooms.

5301 Longley Lane, Suite A8 • Reno, NV 89511 • Fax: (775) 825-7880 August 2006


What is detoxification

and why is it necessary? Janet Henshaw Circle of Life Spa


ur body can become toxic or polluted by both internal and external sources. External sources include, but are not limited to: smoking, ingestion of refined sugars and flours, food additives, alcohol, pesticides and herbicides, breathing pollutants, immunizations, tattoos, xrays, irradiation of foods, electro magnetic changes in the environment, medication, amalgam fillings, beauty and hygiene, and more. Internal sources are parasites, undigested foods in the body which are putrefying, fermenting and becoming rancid, stress, malnutrition and dehydration. There are 70,000 chemicals currently in commercial use. The EPA states that 65,000 are potentially, if not definitively hazardous to human health. 3,000 chemicals have been identified as intentionally added to food supplies and over 700 in drinking water. About 2.2 billion pounds of pesticides are used in the U.S. yearly. Two percent of this actually serves to protect the crops while the air, water and the food absorbs the other 98 percent. These toxins and chemicals have been linked to several illnesses. The symptoms of toxicity are: Cancer Chronic joint pain Constipation Flatulence/bloating Heart disease Skin problems Bad breath Alzheimer’s/Dementia Infections Low energy Allergies/Food allergies Frequent Headaches Parkinson’s disease Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Hormonal imbalances Candida infection Obesity Irritability Migraines Metallic taste in mouth Mood swings Prostate diseases Parasites Powerful food cravings Sleep problems Chronic fatigue Sexual dysfunction and more The organs that detoxify the body are the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas, stomach, lungs and skin.


The liver serves as a filtering and processing factory. It performs approximately 500 distinct functions. The liver excretes its toxins into a fluid called bile. After the bile is produced in the liver, it runs into the gallbladder and eventually into the intestinal tract. The stomach is very important for absorption of nutrients. The spleen serves to store blood, disintegrate old blood cells, filter foreign substances from the blood and produce lymphocytes. The kidneys detoxify the blood. If you are not drinking enough water, the liver must take up the job of detoxifying the blood. Dehydration can have an adverse effect on the kidneys. When we exhale, the exchange of carbon dioxide to oxygen occurs. Other toxic substances are also released, hence, the foul smelling breath.

The Detoxification Process The body detoxifies naturally during sleep, at the change of seasons, and during illness. If we have ailments included in the above list, we can assure ourselves that our body is harboring harmful toxic substances that it is having difficulty releasing. The factors that disturb the natural detoxification system are: genetic variability, a heavy load of toxins, nutritional deficiencies, constipation, bowel flora imbalances, and/ or high amounts of the enzyme beta-glucuronidase. When the body is heavily toxic, we need to help the cleansing process along. This is done through fasting, whole foods, raw foods, and/or various supplements and herbs. It is important to drink plenty of pure (not purified) water, and it is also recommended to involve yourself in 30 minutes of a brisk walk in fresh air 3 to 4 days a week to encourage toxic release. Do not drink milk or eat dairy products! When we avoid the toxic substances in foods, etc, the body is more able to rid itself of the toxins because it is not trying to deal with new substances. Drinking pure water allows the body to flush the newly released toxin from itself. Here is where the difficulty of the task at hand comes into play. Just as we have symptoms from a toxic body, we will intensify those symptoms and develop new symptoms while cleansing. We


have been taught, in our culture, that pain and unpleasantness in anathema, is to be avoided at all cost, and that we should not have to wait for anything. What that means is, when our body begins to ache we take another toxic substance to deaden the pain. During the detox process you may not feel well. You may develop fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, night sweats, irregular periods, post-menopausal bleeding, joint pain, fever, cough, eye strain, and sleeplessness. (This is not an exhaustive list.) Avoid chemicals to deal with this. Drink more water, rest, sauna in the far infrareds, do some light walking, increase the colloidal silver, take microhydrin, msm, vitamin C or other natural substances. This process can take days, weeks, months, even years. We need to remember that these detox reactions reflect effective detoxification and the presence of significant toxic levels. DON’T GIVE UP! When the body is clean, it will give us the gift of optimal health. Janet Henshaw Circle Of Life Spa 775-825-7727 5301 Longley Suite A-8 Reno, NV 89511 See ad on page 27

Is the Air in Your Home Safe to Breathe?

eople spend a large percent of their lives indoors. Because of air-tight construction, chemical concentrations and air pollutants begin to accumulate, so much so, that they typically exceed outdoor concentrations. Women of childbearing age and children are considered most at risk for health problems. Many chemicals bind to dust that penetrates deep into rugs and cannot be removed by ordinary vacuuming. The dust is particularly worrisome for small children, “who crawl around on the floor and put everything in their mouths”. In recent years, a great deal of research and documentation has been collected about the accumulation of airborne toxins, chemicals, particulates, and pathogens in the air we breathe everyday. Below are recent quotes from medical agencies and journals citing problems associated with poor air quality: • Strong new evidence suggests that air pollution emitted by power plants and vehicles across the US raises the risk of lung disease, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. • The air inside your home may be 5 times more polluted than the air outside, according to the EPA. • More than 1/2 of the US population is breathing unhealthy amounts of air pollution according to the American Lung Association’s State of the Air, 2002. • 40-50 million Americans suffer from allergies and 17 million battle asthma.

• Virus, fungus, bacteria and hundreds of other germs are carried in the air at all times. If inhaled into the lungs, germs can cause cold, flu, pneumonia and other respiratory infections. When these germs lodge in your lungs, your breathing can be disrupted and you can become ill. American Lung Association’s State of the Air, 2002. • Sick Building Syndrome, results when chemical substances used in office construction are steadily released into the atmosphere from electronic equipment, carpeting, furniture and fittings. • Children who breathe polluted air may suffer long-term lung damage, according to preliminary data from a 10-year study of 5,000 children living in a dozen communities throughout California, which was published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. In 2006, the latest of air technology enhancements was patented. It was the first air purifier of its kind to utilize nanotechnology in the catalyst. This new technology has set precedence for the future. With the advent of pandemic health situations looming on the horizon, and the deterioration of our air quality in general, it’s good to know that help may just be an air purifier away! For more information contact: Jeff Bennert, Ph.D., C.T.N, See ad on page 17

August 2006



esticides in roduce


A Guide for the Healthy Consumer


hen you’re grocery shopping, it’s easy to find labels and pick foods that help you reduce cholesterol and saturated fat, avoid antibiotics, or steer clear of artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners. But when it comes to pesticides, consumers have been left in the dark. Now there’s help. The Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce lists the 12 popular fresh fruits and vegetables that are consistently the most contaminated with pesticides and those 12 fruits and vegetables that consistently have low levels of pesticides. If you are concerned about pesticides in your diet, the handy guide can help you choose produce that lowers exposure to pesticides for you and your family. For the most contaminated items, we suggest substituting organically grown produce whenever possible. When this is not an option, we still recommend eating lots of fresh


fruits and vegetables but use this guide to buy those that typically have fewer pesticides.

Why Should You Care About Pesticides? There is growing concern in the scietific community regarding the subtle ways in which small doses of pesticides affect people, especially during critical periods of fetal development and childhood when they can have long lasting adverse effects. Because the toxic effects of pesticides are worrisome, not well understood or in some cases completely unstudied, shoppers would be wise to minimize exposure to pesticides whenever possible.

Report Card Adjusting your eating habits can lower your intake of pesticides -- sometimes dramatically so. Substitute organic for conventional produce that is consistently contaminated with pesticides. When organic is not available, eat fruits and

vegetables with consistently low pesticide loads. An Environmental Working Group simulation of thousands of consumers eating high and low pesticide diets shows that people can lower their pesticide exposure by 90 percent by avoiding the top twelve most contaminated fruits and vegetables and eating the least contaminated instead. Eating the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables will expose a person to nearly 20 pesticides per day, on average. Eating the 12 least contaminated will expose a person to a fraction over 2 pesticides per day. Less dramatic comparisons will produce less dramatic reductions, but without doubt using the Guide provides people with a way to make choices that lower pesticide exposure in the diet.

Most Contaminated: The Dirty Dozen Consistent with two previous EWG investigations, fruits topped the list of the consistently most contaminated fruits and vegetables, with eight of the 12 most contaminated foods. Among the top six were four fruits, with peaches leading the list, then strawberries, apples and nectarines. Pears, cherries, red raspberries, and imported grapes were the other four fruits in the top 12. Among these eight fruits: • Nectarines had the highest percentage of samples test positive for pesticides (97.3 percent), followed by pears (94.4 percent) and peaches (93.7 percent). • Nectarines also had the highest likelihood of multiple pesticides on a single sample — 85.3 percent had two or more pesticide residues — followed by peaches (79.9 percent) and cherries (75.8 percent). • Peaches and raspberries had the most pesticides detected on a single sample with nine pesticides on a single sample, followed by strawberries and apples, where eight pesticides were found on a single sample. • Peaches had the most pesticides overall with some combination of up to 45 pesticides found on the samples tested, followed by raspberries with 39 pesticides and apples and strawberries, both with 36. Spinach, celery, potatoes, and sweet bell peppers are the vegetables most

likely to expose consumers to pesticides. Among these four vegetables: • Celery had the highest of percentage of samples test positive for pesticides (94.5 percent), followed by spinach (83.4 percent) and potatoes (79.3 percent). • Celery also had the highest likelihood of multiple pesticides on a single vegetable (78 percent of samples), followed by spinach (51.8 percent) and sweet bell peppers (48.5 percent). • Spinach was the vegetable with the most pesticides detected on a single sample (10 found on one sample), followed by celery and sweet bell peppers (both with nine). • Sweet bell peppers were the vegetable with the most pesticides overall with 39, followed by spinach at 36 and celery and potatoes, both with 29.

Least Contaminated: Consistently Clean The vegetables least likely to have pesticides on them are sweet corn, avocado, cauliflower, asparagus, onions, peas and broccoli.

• Nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of the pea and broccoli samples had no detectable pesticides. Among the other vegetables on the least-contaminated list, there were no detectable residues on 90 percent or more of the samples. • Multiple pesticide residues are extremely rare on any of these least contaminated vegetables. Broccoli had the highest likelihood, with a 2.6 percent chance of more than one pesticide when ready to eat. Avocado and corn both had the lowest chance with zero samples containing more than one pesticide when eaten.

• The greatest number of pesticides detected on a single sample of any of these low-pesticide vegetables was three as compared to 10 found on spinach, the most contaminated crop with the most residues. • Broccoli and onions both had the most pesticides found on a single vegetable crop at up to 17 pesticides but far fewer than the most contaminated vegetable, sweet bell peppers, on which 39 were found. The five fruits least likely to have pesticide residues on them are pineapples, mangoes, bananas, kiwi and papaya.

• Fewer than 10 percent of pineapple and mango samples had detectable pesticides on them and fewer than one percent of samples had more than one pesticide residue. • Though 53 percent of bananas had detectable pesticides, multiple residues are rare with only 4.7 percent of samples containing more than one residue. Kiwi and papaya had residues on 23.6 percent and 21.7 percent of samples, respectively, and just 10.4 percent and 5.6 percent of samples, respectively, had multiple pesticide residues. Should I Stop Eating Certain Foods? We recommend that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables because they’re essential to a healthy diet. But you can and should cut back on pesticides--just as you might cut back on fat, calories or cholesterol. Right now, buying organic food is the best option to reduce your intake of pesticides if (like us) you’re skeptical

about government and chemical company claims that pesticides are “safe.” If you want to eat conventionally produced fruits and vegetables that usually have fewer pesticides, you can change your eating habits to do so.

What About Washing and Peeling? Washing will not change the rank of the fruits and vegetables in the Guide. That’s because nearly all of the data used to create these lists comes from the USDA Pesticide Data Program (PDP) where the foods are washed and prepared for normal consumption prior to testing for pesticides (apples are washed and cored, bananas are peeled, etc.). While washing fresh produce may help reduce pesticide residues, it clearly does not eliminate them. Nonetheless, produce should be washed before it is eaten because washing does reduce levels of some pesticides. However, other pesticides are taken up internally into the plant, are in the fruit, and cannot be washed off. Others are formulated to bind to the surface of the crop and do not easily wash off. Peeling reduces exposures, but valuable nutrients often go down the drain with the peel. The best option is to eat a varied diet, wash all produce, and choose organic when possible to reduce exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. Reprinted with permission from The Environmental Working Group, a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to using the power of information to protect human health and the environment. Please visit their website at and consider supporting their efforts.

Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce Highest in Pesticides

Lowest in Pesticides

Buy these organic

Apples Bell Peppers Celery Cherries

Grapes (imported) Nectarines Peaches Pears

Potatoes Red Raspberries Spinach Strawberries

Buy these organic

Asparagus Avocados Bananas Broccoli

Cauliflower Corn (sweet) Kiwi Mangos

Onions Papaya Pineapple Peas (sweet)

August 2006


KNOWyourHERBS brew up some relief with

Coffee... e have all heard the many attributes and reasons for drinking tea, but coffee seldom comes to mind when we are referring to herbal infusions. Coffee is, in fact, America’s most widely consumed herbal beverage, and it is actually an herbal concoction as well. The average American drinks 28 gallons a year, and uses more than 10 pounds of coffee beans. Hundreds of years before Maxwell House, people all over the world were enjoying the wonderful aroma and properties of the fruit of the coffee tree. Coffee does much more than just wake us up in the morning. The botanical name for most of the coffee varieties consumed today is Coffea Arabica, Coffea Liberica and Coffea Robusta. Early primitive African tribes discovered the stimulating effects of this beverage, but it was not served steaming hot as we enjoy it today. It was originally made into a wine derived from the fermented juice of the ripe cherries. It was not until A.D. 1000 that the Arabs learned to boil coffee beans and serve it piping hot. During the fruit-bearing season, a coffee shrub or tree is a beautiful sight. Because the coffee fruit ripens in succes-


0SHBOJD .VTISPPN $PĊFF • No coffee jitters • Easy on the stomach

Healthy Living USA

sion over long periods of time, the tree limbs are dotted with bunches of white flowers and green and red berries. Coffee plants are evergreens, and under the best circumstances may live to bear fruit for 100 years or more—growing to a height of 15 to 40 feet.

Coffee as a Medicinal Herb We know that at some point in folk medicine, coffee was known to cure many ailments: it helps treat colds, flu, allergies and asthma. Coffee enemas have been prescribed for asthma and cancer. It even improves athletic performance, can prevent kidney stones and helps with jet lag. It is reputed to relieve pain and combat depression, and for the seriously obese, it promotes weight loss. One cup of instant coffee, 1/2 cup of brewed coffee, or a 12-ounce cola can relieve pain faster and more effectively than plain aspirin or ibuprofen. Caffeine has no pain relieving ingredients, but it is a mild antidepressant. Caffeine is a common ingredient in aspirin and other modern analgesics used to combat migraine headaches and others types of pain.

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Coffee is America’s most popular medicinal herb, but few modern herbalists include it among their favorite healing herbs. Several years ago, Joe and Terry Graedon, authors of The People’s Pharmacy received a letter from a woman who had asthma. She began wheezing, and reached for her inhaler, but she couldn’t find it. She remembered reading in their book that caffeine is chemically similar to some asthma medications, and she quickly gulped down 3 cups of coffee. Within minutes she was breathing easier. The caffeine effectively widened the air passage in her lungs, allowing her to breath easier and more deeply. If an asthma sufferer feels an attack coming on and doesn’t have any medication on hand, coffee can be a lifesaver. Because coffee is only 40 percent as potent as theophylline (a popular asthma drug) a person would have to drink many cups of coffee to get the same effect, and for this reason we don’t recommend using it in place of medication on a regular basis.

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Sports Performance Research

But, Be Aware...

Attention athletes: coffee can improve physical stamina and athletic performance. It has been proven during scientific studies that athletes with caffeine in their systems improve their stamina by 40-50%. Drinking a cup of coffee before exercise could help increase weight loss during the activity, say researchers in Australia. A team at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra also found that athletes who had a relatively small intake of caffeine before exercise could continue for up to 30 percent longer than those who had not taken the stimulant, and perform up to 3.5 percent beyond their normal capacity. The researchers suggested that substances in caffeine triggered the muscles to use fat to fuel exercise instead of the usual carbohydrate stores. Caffeine has long been used to enhance sports performance and is included in numerous sports supplements and energy drinks. In tests the researchers found that drinking a cola drink or coffee helped cyclists keep going longer than those who were given only water.

Caffeine, the stimulant in coffee varies from cup to cup depending on how it is prepared. A cup of instant contains about 65 milligrams, a cup of drip or percolated has almost twice that much, and a cup of espresso can exceed 350 milligrams. The problem with caffeine is that it is very addictive. Regular drinkers develop a tolerance for the beverage, and find that they must increase their intake to maintain the same level of stimulation. As with so many herb topics, the media regularly updates the public about the many health problems linked to caffeine and coffee, but they seldom discuss the many benefits. As with all herbs, individual reactions to caffeine vary, but over time, large amounts (8 or more cups a day) can cause caffeinism, a condition with similar symptoms to anxiety neurosis. The symptoms might include nervousness, irritability, insomnia and heart palpitations. Once you are addicted to caffeine, suddenly eliminating or decreasing your daily consumption often results in headaches that may last for days. These symptoms can be minimized by a gradual weaning to minimize or prevent these

discomforts. One way is to switch from caffeinated coffee, mixing increasing larger amounts of decaf with decreasing amounts of regular coffee over a period of several weeks until you are drinking 100% decaf. Because coffee is America’s most popular herbal medicine, the media will constantly debate about its safety. Public health experts agree that for most adults who are not pregnant or nursing, and do not have gastrointestinal problems or high blood pressure, osteoporosis and who are not taking medications containing caffeine, coffee is considered to be generally safe in limited amounts (2-3 cups per day). If you are under a doctors care, we recommend a consultation regarding the proper amount of coffee to be consumed daily. If you experience insomnia, stomach distress or anxiety reduce or eliminate your caffeine intake, and contact your physician immediately. Wendy Evensen is the owner of Sadie's Herbal Garden, an online store featuring hundreds of herbs, handmade soaps, lotions and more. Visit where you can also download free herbal tips and articles.

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Supervised or à-la-carte multi-faceted detoxification programs using natural non-toxic therapies.

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August 2006



Wendy Evanson


ust below the Great Sahara Desert lies a broad swath of the African Savannah lands. Outside of the rainy season, this is one of the harshest, driest, dustiest places on earth. Brutal sun, wind, and the Hamatan dust take a terrible toll to exposed skin. This is where shea butter originates. Characteristically, shea butter has a smooth and soft paste texture and is either yellow - white to ivory color depending on how it is processed. The tree resembles the American oak. The kernel is enclosed in a sweet pulp, under a thin green rind. The fruit from the kernel is first sun dried, the butter is prepared by boiling the kernel in water, and has the appearance of a Spanish olive. Women are usually responsible for the process of making shea butter. This process takes place in the rainy seasons from May to August when the shea nuts are harvested and involves many days of carefully picking, gathering, drying, pounding and kneading. Raw shea nuts are harvested off the ground, put into water and de-husked. The fleshy pulp is eaten, and the nuts are boiled for 30 minutes, then sundried 4-5 days. Women of this region long ago learned how to extract an oil from the kernel of the nut of the Shea tree. Because it is solid at room temperature it became known as shea butter. While most people use shea butter as a valuable food oil, African women and men began rubbing it into their skin at night, before sleeping.

Healing Properties 100 % pure shea butter is a superior moisturizer, containing remarkable healing properties for various skin aliments. Unrefined Shea Butter has the largest healing fraction and contains very special natural ingredients that are ideal for healthier skin. Shea butter has a vast number of proven healing properties stemming from its physical makeup of vitamin E, vitamin A and cinnamic acid to name a few. Shea butter's ingredients increase


the healing of wounds and improve scars. Additionally, shea butter contains several natural natural anti-inflammatory agents. Clinical studies have shown that this product transforms the skin into a softer, smoother, and better looking skin. Those who routinely use shea butter report a number of other special benefits for skin ailments, including blemishes, itching, sunburns, small skin wounds, eczema, skin allergies, and wrinkles. Because of an abundance of healing ingredients, and its superior moisturizing activity, Shea Butter is in a unique class, as a stand-alone personal care product. Skin protection: Shea butter contains natural UV sun protection. Daily use of shea butter on the face and body drastically reduces sun exposure, which in turn slows down the rate of aging due to external factors. Shea butter also acts as a natural mantle against elements of cigarette smoke, smog and chemical pollutants in the atmosphere. Skin moisturization: Shea butter leaves skin smooth, supple and soft. It is rapidly becoming the #1 moisturizing agent used today. It quickly provides stretch mark prevention and healing, as well as healing of bruises and burns. Warning: some manufacturers of skin care products will label their moisturizer “Shea Butter”, but you MUST read the labels to make sure that it contains a substantial amount of shea butter, or you may spend your money on inexpensive imitations. Ingredients are listed in order of dominance, so remember, if you don’t see “Shea Butter” listed at the top of the list, you may be buying a diluted product. Regular use of shea butter, in addition to sun screen products before and after exposure to the sun, leaves your skin with a satiny finish and a healthy tan. Shea butter also maintains the elasticity of the skin and repairs cellular degeneration. To moisturize the hair, apply shea butter before and after swimming. For revitalizing the hair, one day prior to shampooing, massage your hair with shea butter and wrap it in a hot towel—- your natural keratin will absorb all that is required. For very dry hair, ten minutes after shampooing, apply shea butter to bring brightness and life to your hair. Submitted by Wendy Evensen, Sadie's Herbal Garden. Visit

Clinical Oncology

Massage Therapy


here are numerous modalities in massage therapy and one of the more recent specialties toarise based on client demand is oncology massage. Oncology massage is specifically for the person living with cancer. Massage sessions are based on where a client with WBCs (white blood counts), PCs (platelet counts), recent radiation and or chemo treatments, pre or post surgical issues, and the many side affects associated with cancer treatment. Recent studies and research have shown that besides general relaxation, cancer patients may see a decrease of pain perception, nausea, fatigue, anxiety and depression as a result of oncology massage. Current medical research published by the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami confirms that massage therapy offers benefits to cancer patients at nearly every stage of treatment and recovery. Massage often empowers patients by helping them feel whole again, less traumatized by surgery or other invasive procedures and more in touch with their recuperative resources.

Potential benefits of Massage Therapy for cancer patients: • Decreases symptoms related to chemotherapy and radiation such as fatigue, nausea, diarrhea and loss of appetite • Increases the effectiveness of other treatments such as pain medication, physical therapy or a medical procedure • Increases circulation • Provides pain relief • Decreases anxiety and depression • Increases circulation • Increases range of motion • Relieves muscle soreness • Decreases edema • Increases alertness and mental clarity • Stimulates faster wound healing • Sedates or stimulates the nervous system • Encourages deeper respiration • Improves bowel activity • Increases the patient’s awareness of stress signals

*From Medicine Hands, by Gayle McDonald, MS, LMT Prior to scheduling an appointment with a therapist, talk with your oncologist about receiving a massage. Make sure to ask for a prescription for massage therapy. Your therapist will require one prior to the first visit. Tree L. Allemang, LMT See ad on page 14.

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August 2006




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Experience the Gonstead Chiropractic difference! Proven to get fast results with low back pain, herniated discs, headaches, and sciatica. Gentle and effective for adults and children.

DR. BRUCE EICHELBERGER, OMD 3400 Kauai Ct Ste 100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6901 Reduce pain, stress and fatigue; improve mental focus; increase motivation and energy; emotional weight loss. You can look and feel better with time-tested healing techniques. See ad on page 22. THE FINLEY CENTER FOR ACUPUNCTURE & NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE, LLC Tara L. Finley, OMD ND (775) 337-1334 Family practice offering a blend of traditional Acupuncture, Naturopathic Medicine and the use of Functional Medicine lab testing, resulting in a customized holistic treatment plan. See ad on page 7.


DYNAMIC BODY CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Layne L. Linebaugh 9393 Gateway Dr. Reno, NV 89521 775853-4010 Gentle, specific adjustments of the head neck and spine to reset the nervous system, relieve pain, correct body imbalances and de-stress the whole body. See ad on page 23. POWER HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC 1175 Harvard Way Reno, Nevada 775-329-4402 By uniting chiropractors, massage therapists, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, and diagnostics all under one convenient roof, we take the stress out of choosing where to go for optimum health care. Call 775329-4402. See ad on page 15.


JOY PIERCE Certified Biofeedback Therapist (775) 336-9173 or (775) 624-1660

THE MERIDIAN 9393 Gateway Dr, Reno, NV 89509 775-852-0446

Eliminate stressful conditions within the body, supports the body’s ability to heal naturally, stimulates cells to release toxins, nutritional evaluation and wellness measurements. See ad on page 33.

Offering courses in Childbirth Education, Comfort measures in labor for partners and Usui Reiki I, II, III. Class sizes are kept small and personal. See ad on page 35.


COLON HYDROTHERAPY RENO ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CENTER Carol Christian 3400 Kauai Court #100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6888 Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure and treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health challenges. Take Action Now! See ad on page 10.

FENG SHUI FENG SHUI CLASSICAL CONSULTING Rebecca Moore (775) 830-8168 Use Feng Shui for your existing home or business, to select a new home or business, or for floor-plan layout for new costruction. See ad on page 19.

HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN SIERRA INTEGRATIVE MEDICAL CENTER 380 Brinkby Avenue – Reno, NV 89509 Ph: 775-828-5388 We specialize in chronic degenerative, autoimmune, and infectious diseases - combining the best that conventional and alternative medicines have to offer. “We treat the disease…not just the symptoms”. See ad on page 3.

HYPNOTHERAPY JUNE MILLIGAN, M. ED., CHT Joyful Changes 775-786-9111 ABUNDANCE COURSE - Let go of what’s holding you back! Learn powerful new acupressure and releasing techniques, combined with hypnosis to remove your UNCONSCIOUS limiting beliefs. A nononsense program designed to help you claim your natural right to abundance. Limited to 6 participants. See ad on page 10.

KINESIOLOGY POWER HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC 1175 Harvard Way Reno, Nevada 775-329-4402 By uniting chiropractors, massage therapists, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, and diagnostics all under one convenient roof, we take the stress out of choosing where to go for optimum health care. Call 775329-4402. See ad on page 15.

MASSAGE RAYNETREE ENERGETICS LLC Tree L. Allemang, LMT 3670 Grant Drive, Suite 105 775.826.2858 My background is in medical and oncology massage. Massage sessions provide therapy for clients with conditions such as arthritis, Fibromyalgia, pain management, stress reduction, and inpatient/ outpatient cancer care. See ad on page 14.

NATUROPATHS TONI FAIN PHD Ralston Massage Center 145 Hillcrest Dr. Ste. B • Reno, NV The human body is the most miraculous thing on the planet. If we give it half a chance it can and will heal itself. Dr. Toni has been working in natural healing and health for over 30 years. Please call: 775-829-9300 See ad on page 32.

NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN THE FINLEY CENTER FOR ACUPUNCTURE & NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE, LLC Tara L. Finley, OMD ND (775) 337-1334 Family practice offering a blend of traditional Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture and the use of Functional Medicine Lab testing, resulting in a customized holistic treatment plan. See ad on page 7. JESSICA EDGE, B.S., N.D. 775-827-6888 Assisting the body’s natural healing process using science-based alternative healthcare. Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, dietary supplements, lifestyle modifications and hydrotherapy used to address the causes of dis-ease and not just the symptoms. See ad on page 18.

RAW FOODS SCHALL ADAMS, LLC 5301 Longley Lane, Suite 8 Reno, NV 89511 (775) 412-1891 Learn how healthy you can truly be by adding more raw, fresh foods into your diet in a fun and interesting way. Classes, prive consultations, restaurant menu development and lectures. See ad on page 19.

REIKI THE MERIDIAN Kim Roubo, Reiki Master Teacher 9393 Gateway Dr, Reno NV 89509 775-852-0446 A gentle, safe and effective treatment which calms the Autonomic Nervous System. Reiki allows for mental clarity and physical healing, benefiting people with conditions from chronic pain to emotional stress. See ad on page 35.

PHYSICAL THERAPY POWER HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC 1175 Harvard Way Reno, Nevada 775-329-4402 By uniting chiropractors, massage therapists, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, and diagnostics all under one convenient roof, we take the stress out of choosing where to go for optimum health care. Call 775329-4402. See ad on page 15.

SPAS CIRCLE OF LIFE SPA 5301 Longley Ln A-8 Reno 825-7727 Reno’s Premeir healing Spa with mineral body wraps, far-infrared sauna, floatation tank, raw foodclasses, suppliment counseling, counseling, massage and dance studio for men and women. See ad on page 27.

PILATES THE PILATES COACH Leslee Bender, Owner & Master Trainer 460 California Ave. # 200 Reno, NV 89509 775-324-3224 “Pilates improves flexibility and core strength, imparting a sense of elevated wellbeing. We focus on personal attention, working one on one or in small groups.” See ad on page 13.

WELLNESS CENTERS THE MERIDIAN 9393 Gateway Dr, Reno, NV 89509 775-852-0446 Offering an integrative approach in healing the mind, body and spirit. Utilizing Acupuncture, Reiki, Therapeutic body work and Prenatal massage. See ad on page 35.

August 2006


COMMUNITYevents August 9, 16, 23, & 30

August 17

August 29

RAW FOODS SUPPORT GROUP POTLUCK & DEMO Free for Potluckers. Come empty handed- $20.00. Reservations only. 6:00 pm Demo. @ 6:30. Reverse Aging’s New Location- 2999 1/2 S. Virginia St.

ZHT: HYPOXIA AND YOU 6:00 pm. Learn about what causes hypoxia. Attendants will also learn stratigies to increase their oxygen and energy levels. Call 775-815-3048 to reserve your seat.

RAW FOOD POTLUCK, HEALTH LECTURE, & BOOK SIGNING! With internationally acclaimed author, educator, and raw food chef Paul Nison! To print out a flyer go to events. Reverse Aging’s New Location- 2999 1/2 S. Virginia St.

August 10

August 24

HANS FRISCHEISEN SLIDE PRESENTATION “Biking from the Coastal plains of Peru to the heights of the Andes in Ecuador” For more info. Call Virginia Parsons 775-851-6028.

BIG SCREEN VIEWING OF “THE SECRET” Independent Film & Coconut Oil Organic Popcorn. Reverse Aging’s New Location- 2999 1/2 S. Virginia St. Reservations PLEASE 327-4878. 9:00pm sharp!

August 15 REVERSE AGING’S GRAND REOPENING & OPEN HOUSE FREE far infrared saunas, Reverse Aging’s New Location- 2999 1/2 S. Virginia St. Reservations PLEASE 327-4878.

RAISING A HEALTHY, DRUG-FREE FAMILY 6:00 pm . Discover stratagies for raising a healthy, vibrant family without antibiotics and other drugs, such as Ritalin. Learn how a natural lifestyle will boost your immune systems and keep you healthy. Call 775-815-3048.

September 9 FIRST ANNUAL 2006 ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION WALK Sparks Marina 1 & 3 mile course 8am registration – 9am walk begins. All ages welcome plus a dog walk for more info call 825-7080 or e-mail

September 30 CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS NETWORK CELEBRATION To build and grow spiritual awareness and engage in social renewal for the betterment of our community and the world. Bartley Ranch, Noon to 6 pm. For more information call: 775-721-3287.

ONGOINGevents What is Raw Food? Schall Adams, LLC Classes held Tuesdays from 1pm-5pm and 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Registration required 775412-1891

Monthly Raw Food Demonstration Schall Adams, LLC 3rd Thursday of month 5:00-6:30 PM 5301 Longley Lane Suite A8 Reno, NV RSVP to Schall by Wednesday 10:00am 775 412-1891

Raw Food Transition Seminar Schall Adams, LLC Held every 3rd weekend of the month Sat & Sun 10-6. Registration required 775 412-1891

Raw Food Support Potluck hosted by Schall Adams, LLC Tuesdays from 5:00-6:30 PM or Thursdays from 7:00-8:30am in the Circle of Life Spa at 5301 Longley Lane Suite A8 Reno, NV contact Schall 775 412-1891

(First Wed. of every month) Monthly Organic Raw Foods Potluck Lecture: Network Spinal Analysis Dr. Tony McCormick. 6:00 pm Lecture. for more info. Call: 327-4878.

Looking for a Venue that reaches The Affluent and Health Minded?


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