2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
HBmag.com ISSN 2150-9921
SAD Syndrome
Delicious Breakfast Recipes
CHIROPRACTIC CARE Before & During Pregnancy
GET BACK TO LIFE Innovative Pain Management
Your Local Resource for Natural Living
Amazing Gratitude
Written by Joan Smith
or a long time, I resisted gratitude. When someone would say “Joan, you should be grateful for …” I didn’t always feel it. However, life gave me another chance to learn about gratitude. A few years ago, when I was in Fairbanks, Alaska, I tried a little experiment with gratitude. A friend suggested it just as winter was closing in. Mel and I were both having a hard time with the Alaskan winters and politics at work. I was sure my boss hated me and took every opportunity to give me a hard time. Knowing temperatures would soon dip below zero and daylight would shrink made everything much worse. It was easy to get discouraged, and we were. What Mel suggested was a daily email exchange. Each day, without fail, we were to list three things for which we were grateful. I started out with a certain amount of skepticism, struggling to find things I could list. Day 1: “I am grateful for my morning coffee, that my house is warm, and that it’s the weekend.” Work days were harder: “I am grateful that my boss is out of town, that my office has a window, and that my car started after sitting outside all day.” It didn’t take long before I started to notice other little things for which I could be grateful. My meeting with the principal went better than I expected. One of my coworkers was actually decent. I had a good conversation with a teenager. It soon became obvious that my mindset had subtly shifted. It even seemed like my experiences were becoming more positive. I went from
Dear Editor, I am an avid reader of Healthy Beginnings and have a story you may be interested in.
feeling, “ I hate my job and I’m trapped in this depressing place!” to “My job may have its challenges, but it does have some bennies, like sometimes I can actually help people … and the pay allows me to buy warm fuzzy things.” Random good things started happening to me out of the blue. In November, I got to go for a three-week leadership training in Kansas. The training was inspiring and when I got back, work was much better. I was somehow able to get to the right people and solve problems. My horrible boss got another job and the new boss was pretty great. Then came my most satisfying year at work since I’d been in Alaska. Melanie had the same kind of turnarounds in her life. Our gratitude circle was starting to seem magical. Gratitude helped me to raise my vibration. As a Spiritualist, I believe “that we make our own happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey Nature’s physical and spiritual laws.” Gratitude works through the law of attraction. In The Power, Rhonda Byrne offers the Key of Gratitude: “Every time you feel grateful you are giving love and whatever you give, you receive.” I encourage you to try a gratitude circle, especially if you’re experiencing difficulty. It may take an act of faith at first, but I promise that you will find it worthwhile if you really commit yourself to the practice. I invite you to join the Spiritualist Society of Reno’s Gratitude Circle at https://www.facebook. com/groups/ssrgratitudecircle/ Joan is a board member of the Spiritualist Society of Reno. To join or find out more about the gratitude circle, go to ssrgratitudecircle@groups.facebook.com
I have Lyme disease and I am originally from Canada. I ended up having to come to the USA in 2014 for treatment after being misdiagnosed in Canada for 6.5 years. I specifically selected Reno, Nevada due to the openness and understanding of Lyme disease on an alternative level over any other state. I went to Sierra Integrative Medical center last year for treatment and know they saved my life. When I got here last year, I was in a terrible condition, several organs on the verge of shutting down, severe endocrine, nervous system and muscular issues. I had to return to Canada after treatment and soon relapsed. I met my now husband at the clinic last year and he quickly brought me back here in June 2015 to seek more treatment from the only clinics that seemed to help, the ones here in Reno Nevada, the ones that are often spoken of in your magazine. I now live here in Tahoe Nevada since June 2015 and get treatment from the doctors at Sierra Integrative, Reno Integrative, Gerber Clinic and use several other Reno health practitioners. I believe this area has a lot to offer Lyme patients. There is no cookie cutter answer and it is very complex, but help and support is here. Anastiscia Chantler-Lang
Anastiscia is looking for a partner to put together a fundraiser to help local Lyme patients for the holidays, using her artwork. Please contact her via www.artrageous.info or anastiscia@ gmail.com if interested. - Editor
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
departments spiritual health 02 Amazing Gratitude 16 Feed & Be Fed By the Unconscious
14 Appreciation
healthy reading
inside the
issue 12 2015
in every issue
on the cover
04 Publisher’s letter
08 Chiropractic Care
28 Professional Directory
12 Rheumatoid Arthritis
08 The Benefits of Chiropractic
30 Calendar
05 Focus on the Good Stuff The Power of Appreciation
Care Before & During Pregnancy
10 Medical Grade Infra Red Saunas
18 Overcoming Winter Blues 22 Start the Day Healthy 26 Get Back to Life
Things are Heating up
18 Overcoming Winter Blues SAD Syndrome
20 Patient Mysteries: Are You Thyroid Deficient? Pt. 5 Heavy Metals, Toxins, & Thyroid Disease
26 Get Back to Life
integrative health 12 Rheumatoid Arthritis Look to the gut first
recipes 22 Start the Day Healthy 24 Autumn Pizza
Healthy Beginnings • December 2015
publisher’s letter publisher’s letter
ith the Holidays upon us, what a wonderful time to take a moment to reflect on the purpose of them, on how to slow down and not get caught up in the stress of activities, shopping and entertaining.
My husband and I host our Christmas family gathering each year. It is difficult to find meaningful gifts for the grown children (grandchildren are easy) as the adults really don’t need any more stuff! With everyone’s busy lives, demands of work and raising a family, it can be difficult to find time to spend together. One of the things we did last year during our family gathering is we talked about the meaning of our time together and how truly that is the best gift that each of us can give. Prior to that, my husband and I decided that one of our gifts to the adult children would be to set up a schedule for the year that would include a family get-together each month. After our discussion with the family, we pulled out the calendar and worked together to schedule out the year. Fast forward to
today, we are happy to say that we have achieved our regular monthly gatherings. Each month, it is something we look forward to! Naturally, we wanted to add a fun aspect to our events, so we decided have a healthy focus for each meal or introduce a new healthy recipe. We had a fun time making cauliflower pizza crust, zucchini noodle pasta, frittata with baked potato crust, roasted vegetables and lots of big yummy salads. It is a great way to get others involved in learning about healthy things to eat, cook together and enjoy the meal. This year as you are planning your holidays and thinking about gifts, think of the gift of time. Whether you want the time with your family or to give to a volunteer service, your gift of time will leave a lasting impression on everyone involved. All of us at Healthy Beginnings are grateful for your readership and our advertisers! Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for healthy living tips. Here’s to a wonderful holiday season!
Lynn Virgilio
We would love to hear from you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
healthy reading healthy reading
FOCUS ON THE GOOD STUFF the power of appreciation
By Mike Robbins Reviewed for Healthy Beginnings By June Milligan
sk yourself, “If there was nothing wrong with me, and nothing to fix or change, who would I be and what would I do with my life?” By the end of this book, you can be that person, living that life. Does that sound too good to be true? It all depends on how you approach old negative thinking habits that you might not even recognize as negative. Mike Robbins was twenty-three years old and on his way to a brilliant career as a pitcher in professional baseball when
he suffered an elbow injury that ended those dreams. So he knows what it’s like to feel disappointed, powerless and depressed about your future. However, he recognized early on that he would go nowhere with an attitude of pity for himself. He had accomplished a lot for a 23 year old, and decided to focus on what he had already achieved, and what he could do rather than what he wouldn’t be able to do in the future. Many of us, like Mike, experienced grave disappointments early in life, where we had difficulty separating who we are from what we do. Accepting and appreciating who we are and being grateful for that, as well as for all the small kindnesses that come our way, is
MASSAGE Renew - Relax - Recharge Patricia Elliott RN, LMT, Certified Medical Massage Practitioner
#NVMT 5274
continued on page 7
Healthy Beginnings • December 2015
Lynn Virgilio PUBLISHER, ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING publisher@hbmag.com | 408.406.9799 Editor
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Healthy Recipes
Marie-Claire Hermans
Healthy Beginnings’ Mission is to provide credible resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic, and healthy lifestyle. Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. Each month we feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community and around the globe. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City, and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location nearest you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 408.406.9799 or e-mail us at distribution@HBmag.com. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. All rights reserved. 2015© by Sierra Nevada Media Group. Although some parts of this publication can be reproduced or reprinted, we require permission be obtained in writing. Please email publisher@HBmag.com for permission. Past issues may be found on our website at www.HBmag.com in the footer of the home page.
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December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
healthy reading healthy reading
continued from page 5
the first step to true happiness. There are poignant examples of this in the book as well as easy how-to strategies. Even though there is so much to be grateful for, we often focus on what’s not working in our lives. Mike reminds us that by changing our focus we can manifest real change in our lives and the lives of those around us. Combining the power of positive thinking and the art of appreciation, he is now the author of three books as well as a motivational speaker and success coach. This particular book is almost like a workbook, with easy processes and exercises which will help you become aware of your thinking and therefore consciously aware of why you’re attracting what you’re experiencing. People who don’t realize they can control their thoughts are always at the mercy of the knee-jerk negative thoughts about themselves and the world that they have picked up along the way. But you can retrain your thinking and start shifting your attention outside of yourself. By doing so your experience of life will greatly expand. In today’s world where kindness, civility and generosity have often been replaced by conflict, cynicism and selfabsorption, Mike Robbins gives us a
Healthy Beginnings • December 2015
delicious and refreshing reminder of the power of appreciation. This book is beautifully written and easy to read. The three chapters are titled, “Our Obsession with Bad Stuff,” “The Five Principles of Appreciation” and “Appreciation in Action.” By reading this book and going through the thoughtful, practical and meaningful exercises, you will really begin to think about what you focus on every day. You will develop a renewed appreciation for all the good stuff in your life – which means you’ll just attract even more. This is a relatively short and fast read and is a quick shot of goodness that may be just what you need to help you refocus on what’s important in your life and how you really want to feel.
There are forces in our world that encourage us to be on guard and negative, and that fill our minds with self-doubt. There are millions of people who reinforce this way of looking at and relating to the world. This book is an antidote to those pressures. Almost immediately upon reading it, you’ll feel a spark in your spirit, a nourishing of your soul. You’ll find yourself saying, “Yes, that’s how I want to live my life.” This excellent book is available in local bookstores as well as online.
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The benefits of chiropractic care BEFORE AND DURING
Pregnancy Written by Dr. Tony Jensen
lmost any women can attest that pregnancy changes their body during the 40 weeks of pregnancy, and the ”25 to 35 pounds of average weight gained”. Your body will go through a series of changes as the baby develops in the womb like: the abdomen enlarges, causing the low back to carry more weight, which stresses the pelvic bones, the center of gravity changes, the joints loosen and widen all to prepare for the birthing process. That’s what you might see and feel but, ”what we cannot see are the millions of different hormonal changes and chemical reactions occurring both in the mother and the developing baby, all of which are controlled and coordinated through the nervous system. Now more than ever, during pregnancy you need a nervous system that responds immediately and accurately to changing requirements in all parts of your body, and therefore you need a healthy spine!” And that is what chiropractors specialize in, HEALTHY SPINES! An adult’s spine is made of 24 moveable bones called vertebrae, the sacrum (tailbone), pelvis, and skull. “From the brain, nerve impulses travel down the spinal cord, branch out into nerves, and exit between the vertebrae. When the vertebrae become misaligned or unable to move properly a condition called vertebral subluxation, it irritates and interferes with the nerves”. The messages travelling through the nerves are slowed down or irritated and the life-energy carried by the nerve is unable to reach the organs, tissues, and baby at full potential.” A doctor of chiropractic aligns the vertebrae and pelvis through gentle adjustments to the spine, relieving the pressure on the nerves and allowing the full nerve energy to reach the tissues it serves.”
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy According to recent studies, Chiropractic care may result in easier and comfortable pregnancy including increased comfort during the third trimester and delivery, a 50% reduced need for analgesics (pain medication), a 24% - 39% faster than average labor time, 84% of women report relief of back pain during pregnancy, Significantly less likelihood of back labor, significantly reduced utilization of epidurals, forceps, vacuum extraction, episiotomies, and Cesarean sections, and reduced likelihood of postpartum depression.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care Before Pregnancy
A more regular menstrual cycle and optimal uterine function, It prepares the body to be strong, supple, and balanced as possible to carry the pregnancy, and by restoring proper nerve supply to reproductive organs has helped many couples who thought they were infertile. For more information on these research findings, please visit the official website of the International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association. Usually toward your 3rd trimester and on, depending on your belly size the chiropractor will need to modify their technique for your comfort. In particular, special pregnancy pillows and tables with drop away pelvic pieces are used to accommodate you. A chiropractor trained in the techniques that address uterine constraint or mal-presentations will check for misalignment of the pelvic bones, misalignment of the sacrum and vertebrae, and spasm of the ligaments that support the uterus and help hold the pelvis together. Making sure to have proper nutrition is essential to maintaining a healthy pregnancy, drink plenty of pure water to keep well hydrated. Avoid eating too much sugar and sweets, smoking and second-hand smoke, alcohol, excessive caffeine, unnecessary medication, foods with chemical additives, artificial sweeteners and artificial ingredients. Regular exercise, good nutrition and periodic spinal adjustments can make pregnancy the pleasant, exciting experience you want it to be! Always check with your doctor before taking any vitamins, supplements, or starting a exercise routine to make sure it’s sage for you and the baby. Adjusting women throughout pregnancy is one of the most rewarding parts of our work, because a healthier pregnancy means an easier labor and delivery, and a better transition for the baby into this life. For more information, contact Dr. Tony Jensen at 775-323-1222.
references 1. acatoday.org/content_css.cfm?CID=85 Chiropractic advice for moms-to-be. 2. icpa4kids.org/Wellness-Articles/an-expectant-parents-guide-tochiropractic/Additional-Hints-to-Help-Prevent-Pregnancy-Backache. html by Stacey Rosenberg, DC 3. International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association, icpa4kids.com
Healthy Beginnings • December 2015
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Things Are Heating Up Medical Grade
i nfrared
S aunaS
Written by Diane Underwood
Many people are commonly prescribed infrared sauna treatments for Pain, Cardiovascular Conditioning and Rehab procedures as there are CPT / Medicare Codes. However, infrared saunas are definitely not all created equally. Despite several countries’ input and peer review findings denoting sauna patients and animals studies references, only one infrared sauna is considered Durable Medical Equipment registered with the FDA #E366969. The findings — on numerous JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Jama.com and the “public library / tools” Pubmed.gov for physicians and researchers — show extensive data on sauna therapy. The data varies from cardiovascular conditioning, congestive heart failure,
hypertension, body fat, obesity, weight loss, caloric burn, motor function, diabetes, pain, chronic fatigue, cleansing environmental toxins, osteoarticular (bone and movement disorders) diseases of the elderly to safety and efficacy for infants by sauna with severe congestive heart failure, to name a few. Noted hyperthermia (raising body core temperature) sauna treatments in the search bar on Pubmed.gov are denoted. One may type in sauna, infrared, WAON Therapy, hyperthermia, or any disease in the search bar to find additional treatments for many diseases from all over the world. Type in almost any major disease and discover several conventional, herbal, traditional, eastern and western medical treatments based on research and conclusions from many cultures. In fact, at times it may be possible to use flexible spending account credits for reimbursements on infrared sauna treatments. Some may use a personal home infrared sauna purchase toward legal tax deduction under “health” as well, especially when coupled with a physician’s prescription. This may etch the luxurious spa treatments or home purchase in stone for reimbursements. Each state and health insurance company rules differ. Nevada’s is 7% of a person’s income spent on qualifying health expenses may be used towards a “health” tax deduction. Please see a qualified tax accountant, health care provider and or medical doctor for accurate information. Buyers beware, as unfortunately most of the saunas imported overseas are using plastic laminated fiberglass heaters cleverly marketed as “carbon.” In all reality these fiberglass materials actually do not contain any pure carbon. However, they do contain carbon oxide, lead oxide, aluminum oxide, epoxy glues and resins, to list a few ingredients not included on their websites or brochures. These fiberglass heaters are actually old water bed heaters manufactured years ago in Chinese warehouses. Whatever happened to the waterbed era? Many people discovered that the high EMF (electromagnetic field) heaters were causing health problems such as sleep pathologies, fatigue, pain, and in some cases, tumors. One more piece of info omitted, is that the cleverly spaceaged marketed carbon heaters are also laminated in plastic. Plastic is not a nutrient the body benefits from, especially when heated. For one, plastic has been linked to obesity and is considered an Obesogen. An Obesogen is a foreign chemical compound that disrupts normal development and balance of lipid (fat) metabolism, which in some cases can lead to obesity. In addition, the plastic is not BPA free because most of the carbon heaters were manufactured before the toxicity of BPAs was discovered. The biggest carbon illusion is that the surface area of the fiberglass heater is much larger than the ceramic stone heater, drawing the conclusion that bigger is better. Some sauna goers reported the distinct smell (off gassing) of the plastic heaters when in use. Therefore the heaters were heated for several hours before shipping, kind of like curing wood, for fewer complaints. The lack of profuse sweating and drowsiness after were also chief complaints. The detox process was blamed for the people complaining of
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
sweat due to its patented stable heat control and micron wavelengths.
feeling worse. The claim was that increased sweating would be a result of a better detox. The worst part of this atrocity is that at times many have purchased infrared saunas thinking it was going to help them detoxify and enhance sweating to stimulate the immune system.
The patented medical grade infrared sauna emitters reach the human pivot point peak output wavelengths of light within 5-6 minutes and maintain it consistently during the entire session. This is maintained by the Bell Curve the entire length of time, for a stable consistent treatment. Another of the medical grade sauna’s innovations are the near, middle and far infrared wavelengths ranging from 6 to 14 microns that additionally rotate each ceramic emitter automatically every two minutes.
There are also the metal rod heaters that are spray coated with carbon oxide and filled with magnesium oxide and/or silica oxide, that needs to be addressed. These metal heaters are cleverly marketed as both carbon and ceramic. Unfortunately these heaters make the sauna cabin feel extremely hot, similar to a traditional sauna that operates at much higher temperatures.
The durable medical grade infrared sauna is made in the U.S.A. and constructed of ¾ inch tongue and groove sustainably harvested aspen, to name a few more of its features. Aspen is the only wood that has no negative adverse health effects ever reported. The medical grade saunas are used in over 2,000 clinics across the country to treat a variety of medical complications. Please see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment for disease.
The main problem with most of these heaters (excluding the medical grade sauna) is they turn off for several minutes during the standard 30 minute treatment, making the sauna temperatures unstable. Basically when the sauna gets to the desired 130 degrees (130 degrees is noted in most medical studies) the heaters turn off entirely for minutes at a time. Conversely, by that time, the sauna, heaters, and patron all lose their heat. The thermogenic (heat producing) osmotic perspiration then shuts off for several minutes until the heaters, air, and sauna patron heat back up again. This turns a standard quick 30-minute session into a frustrating 60-minute (or longer) session of inconsistent, on-again/off-again perspiration. Comparatively, the medical grade sauna features a constant profuse hyperthermia
Learn more: http://www.pubmed.gov Namaste, For more info, contact Diane Underwood, Cleanzologist, PhD Hyperthermia Trainer, Reverse Aging Naturally Energy Spa, 255 Crummer Lane, Reno, NV 89502. Call or (for swiftest reply) Text (775) 233-4878. www.ReverseAgingNaturally.com
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Healthy Beginnings • December 2015
Rheumatoid By Robert A. Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.
arthritis Look to the Gut First!
heumatoid arthritis, along with a number of other so called “Auto-Immune” diseases, is on the rise. What could possibly be at the root of this rise?
Some readers might remember some of my previous articles regarding the link between “leaky gut” syndrome with irritation to the immune system. This is caused by larger than normal proteins leaking into the blood through a damaged lining in the small intestine. This damage can result from many different causes. Some common causes are over use of modern pharmaceuticals (most notably antibiotics!) and more recently, the consumption of genetically modified foods. Prescription drugs can control the pain but usually do not stop the joint destruction. New hope for treating this condition has recently been revealed by work on the “Microbiome” project which is studying the bacteria and other microbes in our gut. This research has turned up an interesting relationship between the type of bacteria in the gut and rheumatoid arthritis. It turns out
that rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have a common but unusual bacterial microbiome. Also, the bacteria in the gut have the capacity, through their chemical relationship with the body, to irritate or over activate the immune system which can then attack the cartilage in the joints causing the arthritis. This is triggered by similarities in the proteins on the surface of these bacteria and the proteins in the cartilage. The microbiome research has also shown that the use of probiotics seems to help some rheumatoid arthritis sufferers by altering their gut flora back toward normal. The theory is that by normalizing the gut flora, you reduce the abnormal bacteria that trigger the autoimmune symptoms and give the body a chance to heal the joints. Since the treatment is so simple, safe and inexpensive, anyone with rheumatoid arthritis should try probiotics for six months and judge their results for themselves. Of course, doing more extensive treatment for leaky gut syndrome using things like colloidal silver, aloe vera juice, vitamin E and butyrate (among other things) in an integrative protocol could very likely yield even better results. Another treatment modality that offers great promise is the use of ultraviolet light to irradiate the blood. The effect of this exposure is to kill the overactive or irritated T-lymphocyte cells (from the leaky gut) that are the cells attacking the cartilage in arthritis. An additional therapy that deserves attention is called a fecal implant. This involves the implantation of a tiny amount of fecal material from a healthy donor into the colon. This treatment has even been helpful to people with chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease but these are topics for future articles. With something as devastating as rheumatoid arthritis, finding simple natural treatments that have been effective for lots of people is very exciting. For further information contact Reno Integrative Medical Center, 6110 Plumas St., Ste. B, Reno, NV 89519, 775-829-1009, www.renointegrative.com.
1. West, Dr. Bruce, Health Alert, Volume 32, Issue 2, February 2015 www.DrSUBI.com
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
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Visit www.HBmag.com
Appreciation Written by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt, PLR
here is a beautiful story of a high school teacher who asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room, leaving some space between each name. Then she asked them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down. At the end of the class period, each one handed in their papers.
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
That Saturday the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper and listed what everyone else had said about that individual. On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Soon everyone was smiling, and some of the comments she heard were, ‘I didn’t know others liked me so much,’ and ‘I didn’t know people saw me that way.’ No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. The teacher never knew if they discussed them with anyone else. But it didn’t matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on.
how much you appreciate them. That consciousness of the planet. Those teacher had been doing the same thing positive vibes will always come back to every year with every one of her math you in ways you might not expect, from classes. So she had influenced literally sources known and unknown. thousands of kids, and through their So not just during November – make positive feelings about themselves, By doing that, you will be retaining your personal power, not EVERY daywill a day of thanksgiving. It’s power, not By doing that, you be retaining your personal she influenced literally everyone THEY giving it away to a rigid you person who isn’t willing to change in easy, it makes feel good and it takes giving it away to a rigid person who isn’t willing to change in came into contact with during the any way very and who won’t shut up. Everyup. morning when you any way and little who time. won’t shut following years. wake up, sit quietly for a few moments Learn to stand back and observe human behavior in every Learn toand stand back andthe observe Our society is so complex and we are all think of all thingshuman you’re behavior in every situation…at home, work or school. It’s often quite amusing, home, school. It’struly often quite amusing, so busy trying to keep up with what wesituation…at grateful for work – the or people who and as you stand back, away the emotional emotional storm, you’ll stand away from from the have to do, we forget that life will end and as you love you,back, the comfortable shelter you storm, you’ll realize you’re becoming stronger, more self-confident, self-confident,clearer clearer stronger, more one day. And we don’t know when thatrealize you’re enjoy,becoming dependable transportation, your about what you want, more empowered and more calm, cool you want,your moretraining, empowered more day will be. So about what intelligence, yourand ability tocalm, cool and collected in every way. If that person doesn’t even try and collected in every way. If that person doesn’t even try toto tell the people create value or income, your creativity, change given them enough chances, walkaway away changeafter after you’ve given themon enough chances, you love and youryou’ve stamina to keep keeping on, walk for Their manipulative behavior may be be too too deeply deeply forgood. good. Their manipulative behavior may care for that your health, your ability to function ingrained for them to ever change. By staying in proximity for them toin ever change. By staying in proximity they are ingrained successfully this complex culture, your totothat break morale, which would wouldonly only thatperson, person, they’ll break your your morale, which special and talentsthey’ll and opportunities and freedoms. lead used and manipulated by everyone everyoneelse. else. leadtotoyour your getting used manipulated by important, Andgetting so much more. Protect Protectyour yourHeart. Heart.You You Protectyour yourSpirit. Spirit.Protect Protect your Mind. Protect so they can By taking that short time to really feel are an Eternal Spiritual Being, living this temporary physical are an Eternal Spiritual Being, in this temporary physical know that from your heart, to appreciate whatever body experience. Be Bedetermined determined bodyfor forthe thedeliciousness deliciousness of this experience. Several NOW. The you are truly thankful for – this will have years later, knowledge makeit it as delicious as totomake as delicious as possible. a huge effect toward making you feel one of the that good all day, and as a result, influencing also. What “appropriate” past generation may herehere also. What waswas “appropriate” forfor thethe past generation may students was someone everyone and everything around you. not be desirable or workable today. Parents, and sometimes killed in combat not be desirable or workable today. Parents, and sometimes appreciates References: References: Appreciation can make a day, even spouses, have been trained what appropriate and may have been trained as as to to what is is appropriate and overseas and his spouses, you ismay powerful. change a life. Ph.D. Your willingness put it be expecting behavior from you, forty years afterthey they Forward, Susan, Emotional to Blackmail: When stillstill be expecting thatthat behavior from you, forty years teacher attended the Itafter gives you 1.1. Forward, Susan, Ph.D. Emotional Blackmail: When into words is all that’s necessary. There’s were programmed and conditioned to believe that only certain ThePeople People in in Your Your Life Life Use Use Fear, Fear, Obligation and Guilt toto were programmed and conditioned to believe thatenergy only certain funeral. Afterwards, to get The Obligation and Guilt a wise saying, “IfMorrow you never said another behaviors were “right.” manipulate you. William Publishing. 1998. behaviors were “right.” most of Mark’s former through hard times, manipulate you. William Morrow Publishing. 1998. prayer in your whole life, ‘thank you’ classmates went together it any gives you joy every If you truly want to stop being manipulated in relationship, would beK., enough.” 2. Simon, George Ph.D. In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding If you truly want to stop being manipulated in any relationship, to a luncheon. Mark’s you mother timetoyou of it and2. Simon, George K., Ph.D. In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding need to learn to take a stand. You need startthink tobelieve believe andDealing Dealing with info Manipulative People. Parkhurst you need to learn to take a stand. You need to start to and with Manipulative People. Parkhurst Brothers Brothers For more contact June Milligan and father were there, that andyou’re as theyworthy of the basic humanit rights increases your capacity to listed above and Publishers. 2010. that you’re worthy of the basic human rights listed above and at 775-786-9111 or visit online at Publishers. 2010. approached the teacher, his father love you yourself others. calmly speak your mind about what don’tand want to do. calmly speak your mind about what you don’t want to do. joyfulchanges.com said, “We want to show you something. Communication is vital. TalkThink to theofmanipulator andreally explain someone you is vital. Talk to the manipulator and explain They found this on Communication Mark after he was ad on page. how you feel. Sometimes appreciate, they may notand evenmake realize thatof they’re a list his/her For more info, contact June See Milligan at this (775) 786-9111, or you feel. Sometimes they may not even realize that they’re killed. We thoughthow youbeing might recognize more info, contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or manipulative. Confronting them will Then give you theitcourage best qualities. give to them For visit online at joyfulchanges.com. beinghe manipulative. Confronting them will give you the courage it.” Opening his wallet, carefully at joyfulchanges.com. to decline their requests when you feel manipulated. references so they’ll know how you Recognize feel. In fact visit online to decline their when you feelby manipulated. Recognize removed a worn piece of notebook attempts at requests emotional blackmail the to emotions you afeel. it’s a good idea also make list for 1. Hicks, Esther and Jerry. The Astonishing See ad on this page. attempts at those emotional blackmail by the emotions you anger, feel. paper that had obviously been taped, Identify emotions as to what theyneed are: to sadness, Power of Emotions – Let Your Feelings Be yourself. You be reminded, See ad on this page. folded and refoldedIdentify many times. those The emotions as Just to what are: anger, Your Guide. Hay House. 2008 frustration, or whatever. know that of thosequalities. negative often, of they youreach ownsadness, good teacher knew without looking the frustration, orare whatever. know each ofhormones those negative emotionsthat creatingJust toxic chemicals and in ityour Carry itthat in your wallet or tape to 2. Focus on the Good Stuff – The Power of paper was the one emotions on which she had are creating toxic chemicals and hormones init your own body if you stuff them don’t dosee something your down mirrorand so you can every Appreciation. Jossey-Bass. 2007 listed all the good things each Mark’s ownabout body ifofyou stuff them down and can don’t something them. day. So you bedo reminded of who Consulting Hypnotist classmates had saidabout aboutthem. him. Mark’s Consulting Hypnotist you really are – an eternal spiritual Teaches Self Acupressure Identify themfor to yourself, decide you’re not going to put up with mother said, “Thank you so much Teaches Self Acupressure being temporarily living in this body Learn How to Quickly Identify them yourself, decide you’re going to put with any oftomanipulation, speak yournot mind calmly andup directly, doing that; as you can see,kind he treasured for the deliciousness of the physical Learn How toRemove Quickly Negative Feelings LearnRemove How to Quickly Negative kindto ofgather manipulation, speak your mind calmly and directly, then remove yourself from any confrontive storm that may be it.” Other studentsany began experience. And it’s your job to make Remove Negative Feelings From Any Scene/Memory Feelings From Any Scene/Memory then remove yourself from any storm maywhat be brewing. Often repeating theconfrontive same phrase, nothat matter around and tell what they had done it as delicious as possible! What From Any THEN ADDScene/Memory SUGGESTIONS repeating the same“I’m phrase, no matterinwhat the manipulator says, is effective: not interested doing with their lists. Onebrewing. keeps it Often in the top does deliciousness feel like? It feels USING HYPNOSIS FOR THEN ADD SUGGESTIONS that.” To that the manipulator may say, “But that’s what we’ve the manipulator says, is effective: “I’m not interested in doing drawer at home, another put it in her GOOD. Mother Teresa said, “There NEW ATTITUDES/BEHAVIORS USING HYPNOSIS FOR always done.” “I’m not interested in doing that.” “But why? We wedding album, another in her journal, that.” To that the manipulator may say, “But that’s what we’ve is more hunger in this world for love NEW ATTITUDES/BEHAVIORS really need to donot that.” “I’m not in doing that,”We and so she can look at italways daily. One student WORKS FAST—ONE SESSION done.” “I’m interested ininterested doing that.” “But and appreciation than forwhy? bread.” so need on. same phrase until the other person accepts said, “I think we all really saved ourRepeat lists.” TAKE BACK YOUR POWER NOW! to do the that.” “I’m not interested in doing that,” and WORKS FAST—ONE SESSION So any way that you can feel good yourRepeat point of or phrase you realize that talking to a brick so on. theview same until the you’re other person accepts TAKE BACK YOUR POWER NOW! This is just one example of the power about yourself or make others feel Then leaveorthe room, the that house, the talking car, thetooffice, the the yourwall. point of view you realize you’re a brick and influence of letting others know good about themselves, you raise www.joyfulchanges.com situation. Calmly yourself from wall. Then leave the remove room, the house, the the car,emotional the office,storm. the www.joyfulchanges.com situation. Calmly remove yourself from the emotional storm.
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Healthy Beginnings • December 2015 February 2015
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Feed & Be Fed
by the Unconscious
Written by Andy Drymalski, EdD
arby is an 8 year-old girl from Seattle who at the age of 4 started leaving food for the crows in her backyard. When she was old enough to attend school she would break apart her sandwiches and leave a trail of crumbs behind her for the crows to gobble up. Naturally, she developed quite a following of the appreciative black birds. When she and her mother started placing food for the crows in a backyard tray, they were amazed by what happened next. The crows
began leaving small objects and shiny trinkets on the tray in return. They left a button, a paperclip, a Lego block, an earring, small pieces of sea glass, a variety of beads and a pearl-colored heart. One day one of the crows returned the lens cap to her mother’s camera which she had previously misplaced on a photography outing. The bird even rinsed the cap in the birdbath before setting it aside for later discovery. (For a video of Darby’s story, see: www.youtube.com/watch?v=n44g9fQYiXE)
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
In his book, A Dictionary of Symbols, J. E. Cirlot summarizes the symbolism of crows across different cultures: Because of its black colour, the crow is associated with the idea of beginning (as expressed in such symbols as the maternal night, primigenial [original] darkness, the fertilizing earth). Because it is also associated with the atmosphere, it is a symbol for creative, demiurgic [world forming] power and for spiritual strength. Because of its flight, it is considered a messenger. And, in sum, the crow has been invested by many primitive peoples with farreaching cosmic significance. Indeed, for the Red Indians of North America it is the great civilizer and the creator of the visible world. It has a similar meaning for the Celts and Germanic tribes, as well as in Siberia … In the classical cultures it no longer possesses such wide implications, but it does still contain certain mystic powers and in particular the ability to foresee the future … (p. 71)
primordial inhabitants were unconscious, moved solely by their bodily instincts and desires. The myth concludes with the idea that it is the task of every human being to mine and unearth Sophia’s scattered particles of light. In so doing, we will grow in consciousness and begin to reclaim and embody our deeper spiritual heritage and potential.
In the story of Darby — the girl who feeds crows — we find a sweet metaphor for a psychological process that is available to us all. The crows are autonomous, living beings like the psyche itself. The psyche is composed of both conscious and unconscious parts. At its center is the Self, the creative and healing core of the total personality. The Self is the source of wisdom that transcends (goes beyond) our conscious mind, or ego. When we feed the Self — that is, when we give it our attention and respect — we are fed in return; we unearth luminous particles of consciousness. These are the little In addition, crows are often fragments of Sophia’s wisdom associated with death — perhaps that reside at the core of your because they eat carrion — and being, and the universe as well. As with the trickster, as they are very daylight wanes with the advance clever animals. Taken as a whole, of winter, you may have more I especially like this dream for the way it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that we are morally accountable creatures, they represent a creature that opportunities to feed your “inner morallike autonomy dream was not created whether wecrow” want to bewe or not. This isthe theaccountable case becausecreatures, there is I especially this forpsyche. the wayThis it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that are morally serves as a go-between of dream theof the and compensate lost bydead, the man’s ego. Itpsyche. was notThis consciously chosen or devised. whether a moralwe structure tobe our psyche thatisthe transcends our conscious autonomy of the dream was not created want to or not. This the case because there is livingmoral and the the conscious light from without with light I especially like this dream for the way it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that we are morally accountable creatures, fact, this product thechosen unconscious carried a awhether mind and values, and is often disagreement with is by the In man’s ego.spontaneous It the waspsyche. not consciously or devised. moral structure to psyche that our conscious and the unconscious. that comes from within. moral autonomy of This of dream was not created weconscious want to our be or not. This istranscends thein case because there message the dreamer did not want to hear. It was the voice of them. We can run from this inner authority, but we cannot hide In fact, this spontaneous product of the unconscious carried a mind and conscious values, and is often in disagreement with by the man’s ego. It was not consciously chosen or devised. a moral structure to our psyche that transcends our conscious a higher moral authority within him, a manifestation of God from it. We can try to fool ourselves with concepts like moral the dreamer did not want to hear. It was the voice of them. We can run from this inner authority, but we cannot Theremessage is a Gnostic creation myth For more info, contact Dr. Andy In fact, this spontaneous product of the unconscious carried a mind and conscious values, and is often in disagreement hide with within theauthority psyche. the want dreamer the the directive given relativism, but dreams don’t lie, life doesn’t lie,cannot and they amessage higher moral him, aignored manifestation of God it.We Wecan can try to fool ourselves with concepts like moral whose basic storyline goes Drymalski, Reno andand Carson the dreamer didIfwithin not to hear. It was voice of from them. run from this inner authority, but we hide within thehim psyche. If the pursued dreamer ignored the directive dreams don’t lie, and life doesn’t lie,like and they to and instead his ego’s goals, the results would relativism, willit.always reflect back toourselves you moral code written upon something like this: Sophia, City psychologist atthe phone a higher moral authority within him, a manifestation ofgiven God from Webut can try to fool with concepts moral to him and instead pursued his ego’s goals, thedirective results always reflect back to786-3818, you code written within the psyche. If the ignored given relativism, dreams don’t lie,the andmoral life doesn’t lie, andupon they goddess of wisdom, wanted to dreamer number (775) or have been predictably negative. This isthe case forwould all of us will your soul.but have been This isagainst the case for allwould of us your to him andpredictably instead pursued the results will always back to you the moral code written upon soul. reflect possess a transcendent light she www.renocarsonpsychologist.com. when we pursue anegative. pathhis thatego’s goesgoals, that of our deepest have been predictably is the case for all of us when we pursue a path that goesThis against that of our deepest your soul. Enjoy his blog at Jungstop.com. saw refl ected upon the face ofnegative. self and destiny. when we pursue path self and destiny. the newly-formed earth.aShe leftthat goes against that of our deepest more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams ForFormore self and destiny. her heavenly realm, descended info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams just to one of fro them. If the dreamer ignored the guidance Carson to earth, andbeing traveled and For more info, contact at Dr.(775) Andy Drymalski, Reno and City psychologist 786-3818, or visit online The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams renocarsonpsychologist.com. Enjoy his blog at Jungstop.com. just one of them. If thehave dreamer ignored guidance of his dream, he might received morethe dreams of even renocarsonpsychologist.com. over being the unanimated land and seas Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online Enjoy his blog at Jungstop.com. being just onehe of might them. have If thereceived dreamer more ignored the guidance his dream, dreams of of even greater dreams of being chased, dying renocarsonpsychologist.com. Enjoy his blog at Jungstop.com. tryingof impart her warning: spirit andperhaps light. oftohis dream, he perhaps might have received more dreams ofdying even reference: greater warning: dreams of being chased, of But Sophia became weighed down children, or of being in a car crash. In his outer life, he might greater warning: perhaps dreams ofInbeing chased, of might dying 1. Cirlot, children, or of being in a car crash. his outer life, he See ad on this page.J. E. A Dictionary of Symbols. in thechildren, heavy actually muck ofexperience unconscious auto accident. He maylife, develop anxiety See or of being inauto aan car crash. InHe hismay outer he might Philosophical Library: New York, 1971. ad on this page. actually experience an accident. develop anxiety matter. Her light particles symptoms or became have panic attacks.He His relationships with his See ad on this page. actually experience an auto accident. may developwith anxiety symptoms or devoured have panic attacks. His relationships his scattered and were wife andhave children would become more disturbed. One of symptoms or panic attacks. His relationships with his wife and children would become more disturbed. One of by matter. all was lost, however. Human beingsdisturbed. wife Not and children would become more One of his children may get sick or become rebellious, mirroring his children may sick or become rebellious, mirroring eventually arose from theget spirit-plowed soil. These his children may get sick or become rebellious, mirroring hisattitude own attitude towards of these events would his own towards God.God. SomeSome of these events would his own attitude towards God. Some of these events would be causally related to his decision and actions. Others might be causally related to his decision and actions. Others might be causally related to his decision and is actions. Others might be synchronistic. What is certain that he will encounter be synchronistic. What is certain is that he will encounter be synchronistic. What is isevents that he will encounter a growing number of certain negative and frustrations if he aa growing number of negative events and frustrations growing number of negative events and frustrations if if he he ignores the moral directives ofdeeper his deeper self. Needless to say, ignores the moral directives of his self. Needless to say, ignores the moral directives of his deeper self. Needless to say, his relationship withwealthy the wealthy woman would be ill-fated. his woman his relationship relationship with with the the wealthy woman would would be be ill-fated. ill-fated.
Moral relativism the philosophical viewpoint moral Moral is philosophical viewpoint that all moral Moral relativism relativism is the theis philosophical viewpoint thatthat all all moral perspectives are equally valid or “true.” This position rests upon perspectives are equally valid or “true.” This position rests upon perspectives are equally valid or “true.” This position rests upon the that aa person’s morality flows from his/ the argument that because a person’s morality flows from his/ the argument argument that because because person’s morality flows from his/ her and people have different values, her system, value system, and because people different values, her value value system, and because because people havehave different values, all is with none any better than another. all morality morality is subjective subjective with with nonenone any any better than another. all morality is subjective better than another. While there no denying that different people may possess While While there is is no denying that different people may possess there is no denying that different people may possess different values, not are For example, different values, not all all values are equivalent. equivalent. ForFor example, different values, notvalues all values are equivalent. example, some values values promote lifea of of psychological andand spiritual some promote aa life and spiritual some values promote lifepsychological of psychological spiritual development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted life. Not Not all all values values are are of of equal equal worth, worth, and and neither are are the the moral moral life. life. Not all values are of equal worth, neither and neither are the moral perspectives that that flow flow from from them. them. perspectives Healthy Beginnings • December perspectives that flow2015 from them. But the the deeper deeper issue issue here, here, and and perhaps perhaps the the more more paradoxical, paradoxical, But theisdeeper here, and perhaps the more paradoxical, is that that But what right, issue or moral, moral, for one one person in aa particular particular is what is right, or for person in is that what is right, or moral, for one person in a particular situation is is not not necessarily necessarily right right for for another another person. person. This situation This situation not necessarily right another This difference is notis due to differences in for their valuesperson. systems,
Written By Michael Gerber, MD, HMD
SAD syndrome, seasonal affective disorder, is when we lose the light in winter and people experience an increased incidence of depression. There are a number of helpers to relieve this common problem.
i tamin D has shown positive benefits against the SAD syndrome1-2. We generally like to add K2 to D3, 5,000 iu per day. Some authors recommend taking it before bed to help sleep. Tryptophan 1,000 mg three times per day is also effective3-4. Adding tyrosine and cysteine to this therapy is even more helpful. Tryptophan increases the amount of serotonin produced in the brain and works like SSRI antidepressant drugs without the side effects. Melatonin, the pineal hormone, also has scientific support for improving seasonal depression5. The doses used for the study were quite small. Taking 3 to 5 mg of melatonin several hours before bed is usually very helpful. Light box therapy has also been used. I like beeswax candle gazing as described below to add extra light. DON’T FORGET THYROID, ADRENAL AND PROGESTERONE SUPPORT Light stimulates the pituitary gland in the head, our master gland. All of our hormones retreat in the winter when the light is diminished. Adding or increasing thyroid hormone support in the winter may be helpful as is more adrenal support with increasing the amounts of Vitamin C, B complex, B5, (pantothenic acid), DHEA and adrenal glandular capsules. We also increase cortisol support when needed and provide our old standby adrenal complex injections with B12 and folic acid used since the 1950s. Progesterone is a mother
hormone for the adrenal gland and improves stress tolerance, calmness and sleep. STAY ON YOUR GOOD DIET If your mood is off please don’t aggravate the situation by eating everything Grandma puts in front of you. Candy, cakes, pies, soda, lots of bread, too much alcohol and foods that you know are allergic for you may seriously aggravate a funky mood by killing your blood sugar levels. Some comfort food can make you really uncomfortable. Take your magnesium and sleeping amino acids with you when you travel. Insomnia can make everything worse. CANDLE MEDITATION With the seasons changing and our sun exposure decreasing it is great time to learn an old Indian tradition which has been used by yogis for over 10,000 years to fill us with light and keep our moods strong6. It is called Tratak and involves candle gazing to stimulate our 6th, or brow, chakra. Charkras are energy areas in the body identified by yogis millennia ago. In our modern translation of these energy areas, the sixth chakra corresponds to the pineal gland in the middle of the head. The pineal gland, the third eye, is sensitive to light and regulates all of our hormones by releasing melatonin at night which turns down our hormones to let us sleep. It also gives us
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
serotonin, the feel-good brain chemical, when exposed to light. BEESWAX CANDLES Beeswax candles have a similar light spectrum to sunlight, making them ideal for Tratak. Most candles are made from paraffin, petroleum by product, whose light spectrum is red colored and not for gazing. Morning is the best time for the mood enhancing effect of Tratak. It is good to first do your morning cleansing (BM) and wear some loose clothing before sitting down. The candle should be placed one outstretched hand-breadth in front of your eyes. Smiling is good, allowing you to image the light filling your heart. Gaze at the candle with little or no blinking for five minutes or until you tear and then close your eyes meditating on the afterimage of the flame for another five minutes. Look at something green, a plant or grass afterwards. When the eyes are open, serotonin, the happy brain chemical, is stimulated; when the eyes are closed melatonin is
secreted creating more calming. Imagining inspirational images and thoughts, saying prayers or mantra can also enhance the experience. For more info, contact Andy Drymalski, Reno and Carson City psychologist at 775-786-3818 or www.RenoCarsonCityPsychologist.com Enjoy his blog at Jungstop.com
references: 1-5. Nutritional Medicine, Alan Gaby, MD. 2011 Fritz Perlberg Publishing, Concord, NH 6. Dhanwantari by Harish Johari , Tantra Research Institute, Oakland California 1974, publisher Braun Brumfield
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References: 19
1. Gaby, Alan R., M.D. Nutritional Medicine. Fritz Perlberg Publishing. 2011. 2. Murphy, Robin, N.D. Homeopathic Remedy Guide.
Heavy Metals, Toxins and Thyroid Disease Written by Dr. William N. Clearfield, D.O.
n Part I, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” we reviewed two cases illustrating common clinical presentations of thyroid disease, the anatomy and physiology of the thyroid gland, symptoms of low thyroid output and common misunderstandings about the cause of thyroid disease.
1. Gastrointestinal or ‘Leaky Gut” Syndrome 2. Heavy Metals and Toxins 3. Infectious Diseases 4. Adrenal Insufficiency 5. Iodine Deficiency 6. Nutrient Deficiencies
In Part II, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” we reviewed diagnostic techniques and offered treatment modalities for a variety of thyroid maladies including medication, supplements and dietary advice.
The common thread connecting each root cause is “molecular mimicry.” Molecular mimics are abnormal, or “foreign” proteins that evolve when our body mistakenly incorporates similar but abnormal compounds into normal tissue.
In Part III, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” was an overview of the root causes, and suggested strategies to minimize symptoms and even reverse thyroid disease completely. In Part IV, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” we discussed the interaction between the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal system and brain. In this exciting episode of “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” we examine the role heavy metals play in thyroid dysfunction. As a reminder, hypothyroid symptoms include brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, a pale puffy face, feeling cold, joint and muscle pain, constipation, dry thinning hair, heavy menstrual flow or irregular periods, slowed heart rate, difficulty getting pregnant, and depression. 1 The root causes of thyroid disease are:
THE AUTOIMMUNE HEAVY METAL TOXIN THYROID CONNECTION By age 10, a child born in the millennial year 2000 is exposed to approximately 80,000 chemicals that did not exist in 1970. The “breakthrough” came about in 1974 with the development of glyphosate, a new potent herbicide that changed the face, in terms of toxicity, of agriculture. Those of us of a certain maturity remember well, via the magic of television advertising, the fate of side by side weeds growing through cracks in the driveway. An off-screen hand delivered a single spritz of glyphosate and 24 hours later, voila, no more weed. Accompanying these agricultural “miracles” is a tremendous spike in the incidence and prevalence of
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
“mistaken identity,” i.e. autoimmune disease, over the past thirty years. There is strong evidence that glyphosate affects the endocrine (hormonal) system, GI bacteria balance, DNA, and contributes to cancer mutations. (2) PCBs contribute to brain impairment. Triclosan, contained in soap, toothpaste, and bath towels, leads to limb deformities. Phthalates, contained in fragrances, directly attack the thyroid. Perfluorooctanoic acid is baked into non stick cookware, and microwave popcorn bags. All of the above interfere with many metabolic processes in both plants and animals. (3) Mercury, perchlorate and nitrates are chemically similar to iodine, the element necessary for T4 thyroid hormone production. When absorbed, these poisons are mistaken for iodine, leaving the body less real iodine to make thyroid hormone, leading to hypothyroidism. The cells of the thyroid gland (as well as other cells in your body) become inflamed and damaged to the extent that the immune system no longer recognizes them as “self.” Antibodies to our own thyroid molecules are created, resulting in hypothyroid autoimmune disease, described by Dr. Hakaru Hashimoto in 1912, and known as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Mercury is found in sushi, cosmetics, vaccines, pesticides, dental fillings, and even coal fired power plant residue. Perchlorate is present in fireworks, fertilizer and rocket fuel. Nitrates are used in fertilizer and processed or cured meats like hot dogs and bacon. Spinach and celery naturally contain nitrates. Avoiding these toxins is all but impossible, especially for those living near coal fired power plants. HEPA filters are readily available to clean the air and water quality improves with water filters. Consuming only organic, grass fed meats, fish with lower mercury levels (salmon versus tuna for instance), and avoiding processed and cured meats (or using nitrate-free cured products) reduces nitrate exposure. Skin care products, genetics and dental amalgams can also lead to heavy toxic exposure. Liver detoxification is the body’s way of ridding itself of these toxins. We have successfully used intravenous glutathione, the most abundant antioxidant in the body; Liposomal Glutathione in liquid form; NAcetylCysteine, its precursor in a tablet; along with milk thistle and Vitamin C in supplement form. In Part VI, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” we explore infectious disease states as a root cause of thyroid disease. Call us at 775-359-1222 to get started on the road to thyroid health.
references 1. Swanson, N, Leu, A., Abrahamson, J, et. al., Genetically Engineered Crops, Glyphosate and the Deterioration of Health in the United States of America; Journalof Organic Systems, http://www.organicsystems.org/journal/92/ abstracts/Swansonetal.html; Vol. 9 No.2(2014). 2. National Resources Defense Council, Position Paper, Neglect at Your Own Risk: YourThyroid and Environmental Toxins, http://www.nrdc.org/living/ healthreports/thyroid.asp accessed 9/6/2015. 3. The Birth of Modern Culture, Digital History, http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/ disp_textbook.cfm?smtID=2&psid=3313 , accessed September 7, 2015.
Healthy Beginnings • December 2015
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My hands and feet are always cold
I have trouble getting up in the morning yes
In the morning my face is puffy and my eyelids are swollen yes
I feel more tired at rest than when active yes
I am constipated
I put on weight easily yes
My joints are stiff in the morning
I have dry skin
I feel like I’m living in slow motion
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healthy recipe
Start the Day Healthy Written By: Kippy Spilker
y favorite part of any holiday is breakfast. I love waking up and knowing I’ve been given the gift of time (sometimes with a day off work) and no responsibilities but to cook and eat a homemade meal. To me it’s reminiscent of days long past when I used to wake up and drag a blanket and pillow into the living room to watch The Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner Show on Saturday mornings. Big breakfasts, to me, are nostalgic and comforting. What a great way to start the day! I feel like breakfast, due to busy lives and challenging work schedules, is the meal that gets regularly scrimped on the most, yet it’s the one we should be giving our utmost attention. One of my co-workers recently told me, “We have a saying in Russia: ‘Eat breakfast by yourself, share lunch with a friend and give your dinner to your enemy.’” The healthy breakfasts on these pages taste so good, you might be tempted to eat them all by yourself, but share them anyway and then bask in the compliments and raves that are sure to follow. As a bonus, many of these things can be prepped, at least in part, ahead of time. Therefore, you don’t have to wait for a holiday to enjoy these healthy, delicious breakfasts – you can take the time to treat yourselves and your families even when you’re on the go. Happy Holidays from all of us at Healthy Beginnings!
Coconut Flour Waffles Nut- & Sugar-Free
Adapted from http://meghanbirt.com/2014/01/fluffycoconut-flour-waffles/ My only complaint about this recipe was that my waffles didn’t turn out very crispy, no matter how long I cooked them (that could be my error – the recipe called for coconut milk and I only had skim on-hand) but they taste amazing and I think this recipe would also make wonderful pancakes. My guilty breakfast pleasure is maple syrup, so I prefer waffles because they have natural syrup-catchers built in. INGREDIENTS: • 8 free-range organic eggs • 1/2 cup melted grass-fed organic butter • 1/2 cup coconut flour • 1/2 tsp cinnamon • 1/2 tsp nutmeg • 1/4 tsp sea salt • 1/4 tsp baking soda • 1/4 cup skim milk (or canned coconut milk) • 2 teaspoons raw honey DIRECTIONS: 1. In a large bowl add the eggs and beat with an electric hand mixer for 30 seconds until the eggs are well beaten. 2. Add the melted butter slowly into the eggs while you are still mixing. 3. Add the coconut flour, salt, baking soda and milk. Mix with the hand mixer for 45 seconds on low until the batter becomes thicker. 4. Heat up your waffle maker and make the waffles according to your maker’s specifications. Ours ended up making 5 waffles out of this mix. Serve with butter, fresh fruit or maple syrup.
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
If the dreamer ignored the guidance Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online have received more dreams of even renocarsonpsychologist.com. Enjoy his blog at Jungstop.com. ps dreams of being chased, of dying DIRECTIONS: Crustless Quiche a car crash. In his outer life, he might Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Seechef, adeven on this1. page. This recipe makedevelop people thinkanxiety you’re an amazing uto accident. Hewill may if you’re not. It’s very easy to prep most of it the night before, so 2. Mix all dry ingredients together. Cut in the butter ‘til it’s a bunch c attacks.thatHis with in therelationships morning, you can wake up ashis gradually as you want. of dime-sized pieces. Whilemore I’m giving you our base recipe here,of you can customize ld become disturbed. One 3. Stir the lemon juice into the skim milk and let sit for 2 minutes this recipe to the tastes of your family, guests, or even as a way (you can replace this step with 1 cup of buttermilk). Then mix in ck or become rebellious, mirroring to use up leftovers in the fridge. We’ve even made this quiche the honey, if using, until completely combined. using takeout leftovers (Chinese and Indian are my favorites). s God. Some of these events would 4. Add to the dry ingredients and mix until the dough is mostly INGREDIENTS: moist, with only a little dryness left. You should still be able to see s decision and actions. Others might • 1 cup shredded chicken breast the butter. If you over-mix, your biscuits will likely be pretty flat. is certain that he will encounter • 8 is oz shredded pepperjack cheese 5. Lay a piece of parchment paper on your counter and dust it with • 2 tbsp grass-fed organic butter, melted egative events and frustrations if he cornstarch. Using the paper, flatten the dough a little and fold • 8 free-range organic eggs, beaten it on top of itself, lightly flattening to about an inch in-between ves of his•deeper to say, 2 tbsp hot self. pepperNeedless sauce folds. After folding 3-4 times, use a biscuit cutter that has at least • 1/2 cup finely chopped onion wealthy •woman would be ill-fated. a 2” diameter. You want the dough to come out kind of loosely 1/4 cup chopped mushrooms layered, to create flaky biscuit quality.
• 1/4 cup chopped broccoli • 1 cup baby spinach, chopped into strips • Salt and pepper to personal taste • 1/2 cup gluten-free flour • 3 cups skim milk
hilosophical viewpoint that all moral valid or “true.” This position rests upon se a person’s morality flows from his/ ecause people have different values, DIRECTIONS: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly e with none any better than another. grease a 9x12 casserole dish. If you halve the recipe, it fits nicely in a 9” pie pan, we just like leftovers around our house. ng that different people may possess Line equivalent. the bottom of the dish cheese and top with shredded values are Forwith example, chicken. Add onions, mushrooms, broccoli and spinach. Combine a life of psychological andflourspiritual eggs, butter, salt, hot sauce, and milk; whisk together until smooth. Pour gently into baking dish. The goal is to keep the e systemscheese leadontothea bottom, prettybecause muchit wasted will form your “crust.” equal worth, and neither are the moral Bake in the preheated oven for 45-50 minutes, or until set. You’ll know when it’s ready because it really puffs up higher than it was om them. when you first poured it into the dish. Serve hot or cooled.
Have fun with recipe!paradoxical, If you make a chili- or taco-meat-based e, and perhaps thethis more quiche, you can serve with a little sour cream and chopped green moral, foronion. oneIf you person in flair, a particular like a Greek you can add olives and feta, and serve with some Greek yogurt, hummus or tzatziki. However you arily right for another person. This make it, please share with us on Facebook or Instagram – we’d love toin see their your photos and know how you personalize this warm differences values systems, and wonderful vacation-day breakfast! the fact that what is required for one dividual may not be the same as what Better-For-You Breakfast Sandwiches For example, quitting your job because Make-ahead chickpea flour biscuits: h one of your co-workers be aflour • 3.5 cups chickpea (besan, could garbanzo bean) • 2 tsp xanthan gum ision if you are in the wrong line of • 2 tsp baking powder is just one prodding from life to • 1more tsp baking soda • 1 cup grass-fed organic butter lly love. Conversely, • 1 cup skim milk your decision to • 1 if tbsp lemon esponsible life is juice trying to teach you • 1 tsp sea salt and you Options: are just avoid this 2 tbsptrying honey forto slightly sweeter biscuits, replace half the
butter with 2 cups any grated cheese for cheesy biscuits, or a few teaspoons of your favorite dried herbs for savory biscuits that also go great as sides for soups or chili.
6. Stack your scraps and continue to lightly flatten and cut until all the dough is used. Put the biscuits on the baking sheet and put the whole thing in the freezer. Let the biscuits freeze, and then put them in an airtight container and keep until you need them. This recipe will make 12-14 biscuits. They are more dense and filling than regular flour biscuits, but delicious! When ready to prepare, brush the tops with milk, or sprinkle with cheese. Cook for 12-15 minutes at 425º F. Stack these incredible biscuits with your favorite breakfast combination. They tend to be a little crumbly, so my husband prefers to split the muffin in half and make two open-face stacks.
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Healthy Beginnings • December 2015
journey. Make it a healthy one.®
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e wine its length and cuvée de prestige is a proprietary blended wine, usually a own in two areas--the Champagne that is considered to be the top of a producer’s a Marne. These regions range. Famous examples include Louis Roederer’s Cristal, ghout healthy es that derive heat fromrecipe Laurent-Perrier’s Grand Siècle, Moët & Chandon’s Dom agne Submitted by is Marie-Claire Hermans, Blanc (“white Champagnes are made from 100 Femme The most common style today Brut, although throughout low. Chardonnay givesfrom white”) Pérignon, Duval-Leroy’s Cuvée and Pol Roger’s Cuvée Energy for20th Experts™ percent Chardonnay and Blanc de Noir (“white from black”) the 19th century and into Coach the early century Champagne or. Most Chardonnay Sirsolely Winston Churchill. Champagnesis are made from Pinot noir, Pinot Meunier was generally much sweeter is the today, age”, izza isthan oneitof standard cravings or a mix of the two. Four other grape varieties are permitted, the south of Épernay, ltiple almost everyone has, even after Most of thesuch Champagne produced today is “Non-vintage”, Champagne in trace as magnesium, mostly for historical reasons, as they areis rarerich in current usage. minerals successfully established diet ntage s the villages of Avize, meaning it is a blended product of grapes from sets multiple changes. As soon as autumn in The 2010 version of the appellation regulations lists seven rcent potassium, zinc and lithium. vintages. A 2007 study by the Mostjoint of the base will be from a single yeareating vintage and the cold becomes tangible, ifferences in climate varieties as allowed, Arbane, Chardonnay, Petit Meslier, Pinot es. A with producers blending anywhere from 10 to 15 percent University Reading and University of Cagliari noted thatyour thehealthy raw can continue habits. A Gris, Pinot Meunier andofPinot noir. ally a e differencesblanc, in Pinot grape (even as high as 40 percent) of wine from olderhave vintages. misunderstanding many people is that A amount theitsantioxidant wine ucer’ Pinot noir s and Pinothigh Meunier give theofwine length and polyphenols cuvée de prestigein is sparkling a proprietary blendedcold.” wine,But usually eating raw equals “eating when a fferent grape varieties ristal, backbone. They are can predominantly grown indeterioration two areas--the of Champagne that isyou considered to be top your of a meals producer’s eatto raw,oxidative you canthe warm up help prevent brain cells due as within Champagne, D o m to 108°F, include which isLouis higherRoederer’s than your Cristal, body Montagne de Reims and the Vallée de la Marne. These regions range. Famous examples stress. While the co-authors of the study maintain thatandit’s Cuvée cantoo be&very comfortingDom in are notable for north-facing chalky slopes that derive heat from Laurent-Perrier’s temperature Grand Siècle, Moët Chandon’s hampagne house. winter. Cuvée tovalleys conclusively say that champagne is beneficial the warm winds risingearly from the below. Chardonnay givesdrinking Pérignon, Duval-Leroy’s Femme and Pol Roger’s Cuvée the wine after its acidity and flavor. Most Chardonnay is Sir Winston Churchill. Withencouraging. this raw vegan, gluten- and lactosent of sugar added forbiscuit-like brain health, their preliminary findings are sium, grown in a north–south-running strip to the south of Épernay, free pizza you can mimic your favorite Italian y th e inout trace minerals such as magnesium, es and will affect the des Blanc. This includes the villages of Avize, Champagne is rich take meal and even improve the taste called the Côte at the potassium, zinc and lithium. A 2007 joint study the Pouring sparkling wine while tilting the glass at an angle and of it. Start making a full dehydrator of by pizza Oger and Le Mesnil-sur-Oger. The differences in climate mpagne when bottled wine University of Reading and University of Cagliari noted that the crusts and store them in your pantry – as around the vineyards accounts for the differences in grapealong the side will preserve the gently sliding in the liquid dative high amount of the antioxidant polyphenols in sparkling wine e finished wine. Wines animals store their winter supply so all you characteristics. Blending juice from different grape varieties most bubbles, as opposed to pouring directly ’ s too can help prevent deterioration ofColder brain cells due needdown. to do is grab a crust and toptoit oxidative off with sourced from multiple geographical areas within Champagne, ng smaller producers, stress. While the co-authors of the study maintain that it’s too sauce and vegetables. ficial bottle temperatures also result in reduced loss of bubbles. to get the desired style for each Champagne house. be very dry,helps with less early to conclusively say that drinking champagne is beneficial ging. TOOLS YOU NEED Additionally, the industry is developing Champagne glasses The ripeness of the grapes and the amount of sugar added after for brain health, their preliminary findings are encouraging. er in the finished wine. Food processor | Blender | Chef’s knife e and the second fermentation—dosage--varies and will affect the designed specifically to reduce the amount ofwine bubbles lost.the glass at an angle and Pouring sparkling while tilting e the e the sweetness amountof of the sugar remaining in the Champagne when bottled
MAKE THE CRUSTS A DAY AHEAD (OR LONGER) gently sliding in the liquid along the side will preserve the older for sale, and hence the sweetness of the finished wine. Wines most bbles. Mixlabeled by handBrut in a large - 1 smaller C soakedproducers, walnuts (optional butbubbles, warmingas opposed to pouring directly down. Colder Zero,bowl more common among bottle temperatures also result in reduced loss of bubbles. asses have no added sugar very dry, with less -1C of ground golden flax and seedswill usually be in winter) esidual sugar per liter) Additionally, the industry is developing Champagne glasses References: st. than three grams of residual sugar the finished MARINATE VEGETABLES (grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder or per liter - 1inclove of garlic wine. designed specifically toTHE reduce the amount of bubbles lost. The following terms are used to describe- 1TBSP the sweetness of the DAY BEFORE blender) of olive oil bottled wine: winemakermag.com/622-secrets-of-dom-perignon - Mince a red, orange, yellow bell - 2 TBSP of onion powder 1. - A handful of fresh basil
pepper and place in a bowl - Sea salt• Extra Brut (less than 6 grams of residual - Add the soft per batter to the References: dry ingredients sugar liter) - Add some olive oil and sea salt - Mix in food processor to2. achieveen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champagne a soft - in the bowl and mix with a spatula • Brut (less than 12 grams) winemakermag.com/622-secrets-of-dom-perignon to taste batter - Take scoops of batter and 1. spread them • Extra Dry (between 12 and 17 grams) - Let sit overnight in the fridge - 2 medium zucchinis into pizza shapes with a spoon 2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champagne - You can warm them up in a - ½ C soaked (20 minutes or overnight) • Sec (between 17 and 32 grams)- Dry for about 5 hours, turn on to the dehydrator or oven at 108°F sunflower seeds mesh screen Demi-sec 32 and 50 grams) (about one hour) - ½ C of • pumpkin seeds(between (un-soaked) - Dry another 2 hours or until ready - ½ C of • pumpkin (un-soaked) Douxseeds (50 grams)
24 February 2015
- They keep well for weeks, if totally dry
Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
Visit www. HBmag.com December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Tavern 6330’ will be donating 10% of all dessert sales on February 14th to Tahoe SAFE Alliance. They will also be offering a Valentine’s Day Menu on 2/14.
To be held 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. each day. Challenge your loved TIPS out TO HELP MARINATE MUSHROOMS Would you Northstar like to Time: Varies. Take advantage of the dark skies above on one to a head-to-head Valentine’s race and find who gets THE DAY BEFORE elevate your energy in a snowshoe tour and telescopic viewing with star guide and poet bragging rights for the next year! Skiers and -riders levels Once of youallmade the pizza, serve. The crust byatmaking - Slice up mushrooms or a Portobello and Tony Berendsen. The 2 to 2.5 hour guidedone tourweek begins the Cross are welcome to participate in this fun race at will oursoften EpicMix tooRace much when you wait one small change in Country Ski, Telemark & Snowshoe Center at 5pm. The group place inEpicMix a flat bowl Venue. Race fees will be $6. - Use your imagination and create toppings busy day? Joinsky will trek through the serene forest while your observing the starry - Add olive oil, lemon or lime juice and what you have in the fridge The first 150 racers each day will receive with a complimentary the experience at Each above, all while working your way to the Village at Northstar. Tamari to taste, some thyme www.ravishingraw.com Northstar Valentine’s Day pin. - Always fill up your dehydrator with crusts adventure will include a laser tour of the stars and constellations, - Let sit overnight and warm up the next day to have a nicetostack Marie-Claire Hermans a telescopic viewing using top-of-the-line Celestron telescopes, 50% of all race fees collected both days will be donated the at 108°F for about 1 hour Energya Coach and that a chance to relax around fire pitFor andExperts™ warm up with wine - To store crusts, make sure they are Tahoe SAFE Alliance. www.ravishingraw.com and hot cider. Dogs on leashes are welcome to join in the fun! very dry TOMATO SAUCE The mission of Tahoe SAFE Alliance is to end the incidence and - Store crisp crusts in baking paper in a dry - Blend following ingredients together trauma of domestic/intimate partner into violence, sexual violence, cupboard or pantry and child abuse a smooth sauce: in North Lake Tahoe and Truckee. - Play with the thicknesses and sizes of the - 1 C ofSAFE cherryAlliance tomatoesbelieves every person has the right to Tahoe crusts - ¼ Ca of sunfree dried in oil live life of tomatoes violence (soaked and abuse. The core of our beliefs is that violence or water) is a learned behavior and therefore it - 1 celery rib can be prevented. Through education, - 1 red bell pepper advocacy and engaging everyone in • non-toxic Hair Color - 1 carrot our cause, we can create violence-free • 100% Grey Coverage communities where healthy relationships - 1 clove of garlic • Rich in Nutrients thrive. For more information please visit - A handful of • Kim specializes in Color, tahoesafealliance.org. Cutting & Texturizing - ¼ tsp of sea salt
Organic Hair Color by Kim
For appointments call Kim at 775.843.7659 | 1539 S. Virginia St. - Blend into a smooth sauce: - 1 C of cashews - Juice of ½ lemon (taste if there is a nice sour/sweet balance) 7 February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® Visit www.HBmag.com th - 1 small shallot - About ¾ C water (keep the liquid right Readings, Healings , Santa Channeling 3pm at RPI under the cashews) Mystic Rose – Sales Event! Christmas Snacks for all!
Christmas Festival, December 12 10-5
ASSEMBLE YOUR PIZZA - Place a pizza crust on a flat plate - Spread a few scoops of tomato sauce on the crust - Continue with spreading the cheesy dressing on the sauce - Sprinkle some fluffy arugula on top - Now spread the marinated vegetables by hand - Flatter the marinated mushroom slices here and there on top - Sprinkle some more arugula and fresh basil leaves to finish - Cut and serve right away
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Healthy Beginnings • December 2015
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By John M. DiMuro, DO, MBA
he field of pain medicine has significantly evolved over the past 20 years. Not that long ago, the management of pain primarily involved narcotic painkillers or surgery. Today, due to significant technological advances in medicine, skilled interventional pain physicians can use minimally invasive techniques and advanced image-guidance technology to safely deliver medications to where they are needed most.
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
In general, nerves conduct pain arising from either an organ (e.g. skin, colon or pancreas) or the musculoskeletal system (e.g. sciatic nerve, knee joint or tendon). What most of us do not realize is that there are specific targeted, non-surgical treatments for most pain ailments. Common pain therapies generally recognized by patients include epidural steroid injections, nerve blocks and joint injections. However, some of the more advanced and lesser-known innovative treatment options include radiofrequency ablations for both joint pain and organ pain, regenerative treatments such as platelet-rich plasma (“P.R.P.”) and stem cell injections for tissue injury, Botox® treatment for migraine headaches, spinal cord stimulation for all types of chronic pain, and intravenous therapies for conditions such as migraine, depression and complex regional pain syndrome (“C.R.P.S.”). Given the multitude of pain procedures available, which one is best for you? This is the question that pain doctors have to answer every day. As usual, the most appropriate pain procedure will depend upon the pain diagnosis – not the medical diagnosis. For example, while the medical diagnosis may be “lumbar stenosis”, the pain diagnosis is “sciatica”. If the physician wants to try to make you feel better by easing the pain, an epidural steroid injection may be ordered. This is a therapeutic procedure. If the physician wants to assess if a specific nerve root is involved, then a selective nerve root block would be performed as a diagnostic procedure. Obtaining an evidence-based pain diagnosis is paramount. While x-rays and MRIs demonstrate pathological processes or disease-causing states, pain diagnoses are obtained by combining the medical history, imaging study results, proper physical examination and, in some cases, performing some type of diagnostic pain procedure. Most of my patients will ask the names of the medication to be injected. In most cases, it is a combination of a local anesthetic such as lidocaine paired with a cortisone or steroid-based antiinflammatory drug. The lidocaine usually gives at least some pain relief almost immediately while the cortisone can take up to two weeks to exert a pain-relieving effect. How each individual patient responds to an injection is highly variable. The percentage of pain relief and the duration of pain relief are two very distinct responses. Some patients will state that the pain
injection procedure they had “didn’t work”, yet they are sleeping better, being more active, and can sit or stand for greater duration when compared to their functional abilities prior to the injection. Other patients will relay that their pain is significantly reduced but they still can’t be as active as they once were. Obviously, no two people share the same pain tolerance. A stimulus that may be perceived as painful to one person may be felt as merely a nuisance to another. This is the primary reason why there is so much patient-to-patient variability in response to treatment whether it is physical rehabilitation, medications, pain injections or surgery. While of course there is no way to predict the duration of response to any type of medical treatment, most people are unaware of the innovative pain management options available as we head into 2016. Although the internet has allowed for easy access to information, I still find most patients to be naïve as to the many treatment options available to properly treat chronic pain. My experience has shown that people are more apt to purchase items from an infomercial such as a new bed, pillow, brace, shoe, compression garment or magic pill than to speak with their health care provider about a proper referral to a pain medicine specialist. If you have chronic pain, make sure you consult with a physician who is an experienced pain medicine provider. Combining optimal nutrition, hormonal balance, weight loss, and mental health in conjunction with directed pain therapies, you can achieve a decrease in pain and an increase in function. There are many physicians who promote their abilities to treat pain, but there are only few of us who are subspecialty trained and board-certified in managing pain. While the recent changes to our healthcare system have significantly impacted the delivery of healthcare, rapid technological advances have allowed for much more pain targeted and patient selective treatment options. Remember there really are ways to diagnose and treat your pain! Dr. John DiMuro is a board-certified and fellowship-trained pain management specialist at SpineNevada. To learn more about SpineNevada, please visit SpineNevada.com or call 775.348.8800 to schedule an appointment for an evaluation, physical therapy, injection therapy, pain management or a spine surgery consult. Please see ad on back cover page to learn more about SpineNevada.
Combining optimal nutrition, hormonal balance, weight loss, and mental health in conjunction with directed pain therapies, you can achieve a decrease in pain and an increase in function.
Healthy Beginnings • December 2015
Copyright Halyard. Used by permission.
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Dr. William Clearfield 9550 S. McCarran Blvd. Ste B., Reno, NV (775) 359-1222 Dr. Bill Clearfield comes to the Reno area from Northeast Pennsylvania after having practiced the art of medicine since 1982. He brings a unique holistic perspective from traditional medical backgrounds in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Practice, Medical Acupuncture and AntiAging Medicine. “Dr. Bill” is the author of Celestial Stem: A Five Element Approach to Diet and Exercise, has taught fellow physicians the art of acupuncture needling, pioneered the treatment for head, neck and neuropathic injuries with medical acupuncture, has twenty years experience and training with bio-identical hormone replacement, intravenous nutrition, weight loss and non surgical facial rejuvenation. Dr. B’s approach to health and wellness combines the best of Eastern and Western Medicine with a healthy dose of the latest Anti-Aging Medical philosophies.
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December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
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integrative medicine Gerber Medical Clinic Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900 www.GerberMedical.com Since 1975, Dr. Gerber has offered family-oriented medicine, addressing all health issues from infancy through advanced age. Areas of specialty include homeopathy, bioidentical hormones, nutritional therapy, natural pain relief, infectious disease, detoxification, autoimmune disease, mood disorders, allergies and environmental sensitivities. Celebrating our 40th year of medical practice!
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Smart Movement Solutions The Feldenkrais Method ÂŽ Carole Bucher, BA, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher 775-240-7882 Mindful, noninvasive movement classes and private lessons with Carole (RENO FELDENKRAIS) provide a simple, empowering path to improve vitality, reduce pain and functional limitations, and to regain quality of life after injury, surgery or illness. See Ongoing Events and visit RenoFeldenkrais.blogspot.com for weekly Class Schedule. The only continuous Feldenkrais classes in Nevada, since 2009.
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massage therapeutic Therapuetic Skin Care & Massage Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Ste E, Reno Office/Text (775) 722-9307 Since 1992, specializing in Medical and Relaxation massage and Brazilian full body waxing. 55+ 10% senior discount on all services: facials, peels, ear candling, and lash and brow tinting. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit www.therapeuticskincare.com Patricia Elliott RN, LMT Certified Medical Massage Practitioner NV License 5274 712 South Center St. Reno (775) 830-6284 Remove stress while relaxing in a cool, comfortable atmosphere. Enjoy Relaxation massage, Warm stone, Swedish or Therapeutic massage. Research shows massage is very healing. Do something for yourself and call today! Visit my website: www.Good4UTherapeuticmassage.com
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Healthy Beginnings • December 2015
pet care Sugarland Ranch (775) 970-5350 www.SugarlandRanch.com Sugarland Ranch is a community based, nonprofit organization housing several small animal rescue programs. Volunteers an donations are welcomed.
psychic Samantha Fe 775-233-8965 www.SamanthaFe.com My intention is centered around healing, reflecting and receiving. I am here to be a mirror for you so that you can see yourself more clearly. A reading will help you to uncover and reveal your own answers. This is where the healing takes place so you can begin to experience personal growth, as an individual and as a spirit. By raising your awareness to energy, you will begin to see how it influences your thoughts and can manifest in our tangible physical world. I can help you break down foreign energy (energy that is not yours) in your space to create fluidity in your energetic channels and aura to assist you in finding balance. Every reading experience is different and I look forward to learning something new from each and every spirit and person that I work with. After all, we are in this together!!
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spiritual centers Spiritualist Society Larry D. Johson Community Center 1200 12th St., Sparks, NV 89431 www.SpiritualistSocietyofReno.org Meetings every Sunday at 11a.m. Spiritual awakening is a personal path, but a community helps you find the way. The Spiritualist Society of Reno is a community of like-minded people seeking to help one another on their spiritual path. Meetings include talk, mediation, healing and message service.
calendar of events
12.01.15 - 12.29.15
12.25.15 – Christmas Virtual 1M, 5K, 10K 13.1
Moonlit Snowshoe Tour & Dinner
12.25.15 – Reindeer Racer Virtual 5K, 10K, 13.1
Every Tuesday, 5:30 pm Lasts about 45 minutes. Suggested donation $5. www.heart2heartschool.net for more information.
After the mountain closes and the winter moon rises, experience a snowshoe tour to the mid-mountain Chalet at Alpine Meadows. Enjoy an intimate seated dinner where you’ll be served an Alps-inspired menu with dishes like potato cheese soup, chicken cordon bleu and apple strudel. This unique experience is only available for 50 guests and available during select dates during the winter season. tahoetopia.com/event/moonlit-snowshoetour-dinner-0 for more information
12.26.15 – Pirate Virtual 10K (Blue Cannon) and Half Marathon (White Ship)
Meditation Group
12.01.15 - 12.29.15 Hatha Yoga Class
Every Tuesday, 6 - 7:30 pm in Reno Cost: $8 drop in or $28/month For info call Kathy at 775-544-1167 or email kstuartyoga@gmail.com
12.06.15 - 12.27.15 Conscious Practice
Every Sunday, 9:30 am 45 minute meditation followed by a twohour Conscious Dance. $15 each week. River School Farm www.riverschoolfarm.org
12.09.15 Reiki Sharing
6-8 pm, free of charge. www.heart2heartschool.net for more information.
Christmas Festival 10 am – 5 pm. Readings, healings, Santa Channeling (3 pm), Mystic Rose Gift Store sales event, Christmas snacks for all! Reno Psychic Institute/Mystic Rose, 20 Hillcrest Drive, Reno. (775) 324-2872.
Boar Head’s Feast The annual winter solstice celebration includes a medieval dinner and performances by Nevada Opera Madrigals and Around the Hearth, 6:30 p.m. Dec. 15. $25-$30. Piper’s Opera House, 12 N. B. St., Virginia City, 847-0433.
Moonlit Drum and Dance Circle As the full moon reflects on the river currents, join us in a drum and dance circle around a bonfire. Beginners to experienced drummers welcome! Discover new beats, tempos and techniques! Bring your own drum or music maker; we will have some extras on hand. Be ready to dance and watch fire dancers perform! Kids welcome! $5 donation to help us keep on keeping it on. www.riverschoolfarm.org for more information.
Reno Psychic Institute Healing Clinics Clinics held at 20 Hillcrest Drive in Reno, unless otherwise noted Energy Healing Every Tuesday 5 - 7 pm Cost: Free (donations accepted) Trancemedium Healing Every 2nd & 4th Thursday of the mo. 7:30 – 9 pm Cost $25
12.31.15 – Ten 10Ks (62 Miles) in 10 days Challenge 12.31.15 – Angry Gorilla 7 Day Challenge
December Advantage Lecture Series, Northern Nevada Medical Center Sparks Medical Building, 2385 E. Prater Way, Suite 201. All events are free to Advantage Members and just $5 for non-members. Registration is required. Wednesday, December 2 Time: 6 - 7 pm Topic: Hand Pain Presenter: Dr. Thomas Christensen, Orthopedic Surgeon, Reno Orthopedic Group RSVP: 775-356-6662
Men’s Energy Healing Every 2nd Thursday of the month 6 – 7 pm
Wednesday, December 16 Time: 6 – 7 pm Topic: Vericose Veins and Venous Insufficiency: Prevention and Treatment Presenter: Wynter Phoenix, MD, Northern Nevada Medical Group RSVP: 775-356-6662
Hands On Healing Every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month 10:30 am – 12 pm Cost: $25
Monday, December 21 Time: 12:30 – 1:30 pm Topic: Stroke Support Group RSVP: 775-356-6662
Women’s Energy Healing Every 3rd Thursday of the mo. 5:30 – 7 pm Cost: Free (donations accepted)
Energy Healing – Carson City location Every Saturday 12 – 2 pm 1800 E. Williams St. #207 Cost: Free (donations accepted) www.renopsychicinstitute.com for more information.
01.02.16 New Year’s Fair 10-5pm at Reno Psychic Institute www.renopsychicinstitute.com for more information.
December Virtual Races Want to participate, but can’t make it to a race location? No problem! Run or walk at any location you want! You can use the treadmill, run outside, your own course, another race, or get your running group together. You can run the event any day before the race end date. For more events go to USRoadRunning.com. 12.12.15 – Crazy Cow 5K Challenge 12.12.15 – Ninja Virtual 5K (Pink & White) 12.12.15 – Shoe House 2 Person Team Challenge 12.20.15 – Movie Madness Virtual 5K (Pink)
December 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
ongoing events Receive a Discount When You Buy Three Colonics Call Gerber Medical Clinic to set up your appointment. 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900.
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Smart Movement Classes RENO Feldenkrais Schedule • TUES 10 am at Cardio Kickfit, 600 So. Center St,. Reno. • THURS 5:30 pm at The Reno Buddhist Ctr., 820 Plumas St. • SAT 3 pm at Cardio Kickfit, 600 So. Center St,. Reno. All levels of fitness. You can start anytime by contacting: Carole Bucher, BA, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher RenoFeldenkrais.blogspot.com • 775-240-7882 RenoFeldenkrais@aol.com Meditation Tools Class & Energy Healing I Saturday 11:30am Each class is six weeks, two hours a week. The cost is $125 if paid first class or $25 a week. Classes start Saturday, May 23 *Each class includes an aura reading.
Visit Reno Psychic Institute’s new permanent location in Carson City! 1800 Hwy 50 #207 Energy Healing Clinic Every Saturday 2:00-3:00pm Better Health at Your Fingertips Zyto technologies, bio-communication lets your body tell you what it prefers in 25 minutes at RIMC. Schedule now, call (775) 829-9330. 7 Day Slim Down Whole foods cleanse to control cravings and boost metabolism. Sign up at www.shannonvigil.com/slimdown or call cellular (916) 718-2684. Ringing in Ears, Headaches, Heart Palpitations and Neurological Issues. These sudden symptoms can be caused by Smart Meters. Free Support Group. Call Gloria (775) 851-3322.
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Written By Karen Tenaglio | MTNV#1534
here’s almost nothing worse than experiencing ear pain, itching, loss of hearing, or a sinus headache.
Ear Candling is an ancient practice, dating back to biblical times in Egypt, the Orient, as well as European cultures. This simple, gentle treatment removes wax from the ear, improving your sense of well-being, physical, mental and even spiritual. The candle is a long hollow tube made from unbleached muslin immersed in an aromatic herbal solution. After it dries, the cone is then dipped into beeswax. The cone or candle is then placed into the ear opening and the top of the cone is lit; soft warm white smoke billows down the tube into the ear and softens the wax. The flame on top of the cone creates a vacuum that pulls out built up wax, toxins, bacteria, dirt and residue from past medications. Ear Candling may also help with a dry hacking cough (a result of a sinus infection), sinus headache, tinnitus, and itchy ear. Today more people are seeking alternatives to digging in the ear with Q-tips or using a hydrogen peroxide flush to clean a blocked ear canal. Ear Candling is a relaxing, natural, non-intrusive treatment.
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References: Tatum, Anne. Ear Candling. A.P. Enterprises. 1995.
Facials, peels, waxing, massage, 50+ 10% discount. Access to Health Network Provider. Call Karen at 775 722-9307 or go to therapeuticskincare.com for more info.
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507 Casazza Drive suite E Reno, NV 89502
Healthy Beginnings • December 2015
Visit www.HBmag.com
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